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"Height": follows the GH rule, where GH represents the sound of "f" and is found after
"Neighbor": follows the -OR rule, where -OR represents the sound of "er" after a vowel.
"Colleague": follows the -AGUE rule, where -AGUE represents the sound of "ej" and is found
after vowels.
"Embarrass": follows the -AR rule, where -AR represents the sound of "er" and is found after
"Address": follows the -DDR- rule, where -DDR- represents the sound of "dres" after a
"Business": follows the -INESS rule, where -INESS represents the sound of "ines" after a
Keep in mind that these are just general guidelines, and there are many exceptions to these
spelling rules. The best way to improve your spelling is to practice regularly and consult a
dictionary when you are unsure of a word's spelling. MBSL Jalandhar
Section I
definitely (de-fi-ni-te-ly)
separate (se-pa-rate)
necessary (ne-ces-sa-ry)
receive (re-ce-ive)
achieve (a-chie-ve)
believe (be-lie-ve)
appearance (ap-pear-an-ce)
opportunity (op-por-tu-ni-ty)
advantage (ad-van-ta-ge)
environment (en-vi-ron-ment)
Note that the spelling structure breakdown is not always clear cut and some words may
have more than one possible breakdown. Additionally, it's important to note that there are
many other common english words with different spelling structure.
List of words commonly used in English Exams

• Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,

Saturday, Sunday, weekdays, weekend

• Months of the year: January, February, March, April, May, June, July August,

September, October, November, December

MBSL Jalandhar, 120 Feet Road Bhayia Mandi Chowk, Basti Guzan. 9814927250 7380097250

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