Consti 1 1st Exam TSN

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DAY 01 – JUNE 14, 2018 DECS v. San Diego (1989)

Transcribed by: Ramos Facts:

Now here, we have a student who was a graduate of
the UE, the course he graduated from is BS in zoology.
General Discussion He wanted to be a doctor and he took the NMAT,
because apparently it is a prerequisite before you can
What is academic freedom? Is that the right of the
enroll in a medical school that you pass this NMAT.
students to go to any school he or she desires? Is it Now there was a regulation during that time, an order
the right of the students to insist that,“I should of Ministry of Education saying that you can only take
graduate in this institution because I have the right to three times. If you failed the fourth time, then you can
academic freedom”? That is the wrong notion of no longer enter in medical schools. That’s what
academic freedom. We can find this concept of happen to the person here, he took the NMAT and
academic freedom in the last part of the syllabus but
failed as many times as he took it and so he wanted to
we are going to discuss this as the first part so that
take it again for the fourth time. The court said that
you would know what you are signing up for. It is in
he was not allowed because under this Ministry Order
Article 14, Section 5 of the Constitution, subparagraph he no longer take that after three successive failures.
2 of that section:
So, he went to the RTC and sought relief. He wanted
“2. Academic freedom shall be enjoyed in all to force this institution to allow him to take this exam
institutions of higher learning.”
and the court granted his petition and prayer. Thus,
So, should we all enjoy this academic freedom? What he was permitted to take the exam. And, the case
does this academic freedom mean? This right is given went to the SC.
to the institution of higher learning, not to the
student, under the Constitution—a school which is Issue:
considered an institution of higher learning. Not all Is a person who failed NMAT three times, during this
schools are considered an institutions of higher time (currently, there might be a different
learning. These institutions enjoy academic freedom rule),entitled to take exam again?
guaranteed by the Constitution; it is the right of the Ruling:
school or college to decide and adopt its aims and No. The purpose why we have the NMAT is to
objectives,and to determine how these objectives can regulate the practice of medicine on all its branches
be best attained free from outside coercion and because this is a field where it is needed that experts
interference, except when there an overriding public should be serving. In short, doctors should be
interest or welfare. qualified to be doctors. And so, if we have regulations
This right encompasses the following freedoms: that required those who wish to practice medicine
that they should take first this NMAT and succeed
1. It has the right to determine who may teach; that, that is considered as a valid regulation.
2. It has the right to determine who may be
taught; The purpose of the NMAT is to protect the public from
3. It has the right to determine how the lessons the potentially deadly effects of the incompetence
shall be taught or what to teach; and and ignorance of those who would undertake the
4. The freedom to determine who may be treatment our bodies and minds in diseases or
admitted to study or who may be taught. trauma. We have the NMAT so that we can screen
those who are not fit to be doctors and this regulation
So, it is the institution which determines that, and it is limiting the number of times one can take it is
the right of the institution to do so under this considered by the court as a valid form of regulation
academic freedom concept/right.

since it falls within the ambit of police power. The The Court said that she cannot do so because
court emphasize that no one has the constitutional institutions of higher learning are given ample
right to a profession. (You cannot claim that, “I should discretion to formulate its own rules and guidelines in
be a lawyer because I have academic freedom.”)This the granting of honors which is part of its academic
is true of any other calling in which the public interest freedom. This is part of the umbrella of the concept of
is involved; and the closer the link, the longer the academic freedom. This freedom gives the institution
bridge to one's ambition.A person cannot insist on the right to decide for itself its aims and objectives
being a physician if he will be a menace to his and how to best obtain them.
patients. If one who wants to be a lawyer may prove
Now is this right absolute? Is this freedom of the
better as a plumber,he should be so advised and
school absolute? Of course not. No right, as a general
adviced. Of course, he may not be forced to be a
rule, is absolute except the right to religion, if you
plumber but on the other hand he may not force his
contain it in the realm of thought (which we would
entry to the BAR.
discuss in Constitutional Law II). Likewise, institutions
Another right that the person invoked here is his right cannot abuse right to academic freedom.
to quality education. The SC said that this right is
Courts may not interfere withthe exercise schools of
qualified, not absolute, because the same provision of
its discretion unless there is a clear showing that the
the Constitution also provides that "every citizen has
school or university has arbitrarily or capriciously
the right to choose a profession or course of study,
exercised its judgment.
subject to fair, reasonable and equitable admission
and academic requirements.” This cannot be invoked Garcia v. Faculty of Admission (1975) – Landmark
in this case because there was a valid and reasonable Case
requirement here which was the NMAT. One is not
entitled to quality education by mere invocation of Facts:
the right. Garcia, a female, wanted to study in the seminary. She
wanted to enroll in that school but there was a
The person here even failed the NMAT five times. handwritten letter given to her, informing her the
While his persistence is noteworthy, to say the least, faculty’s decision to bar her from entering the school.
it is certainly misplaced. The court is not saying that She argued that the grounds in the letter do not call
he is stupid but that there may be a better profession for expulsion, she did not do violate the school rules
for him. He cannot insist on this profession if he is not and regulations,nor are they indicative or gross
competent enough to be part of such. misconduct. So she asked why she is being barred for
Academic freedom is not the right of the students, at enrolling. In the reply, the school said that, among
least in our jurisdiction, but of the institution. other things, when she was still on her undergraduate
studies, they felt that her frequent questions and
Morales v. Board of Regents (2004) difficulties were not always pertinent and had the
effect of slowing down the progress of the class. (So,
in short, she has an attitude problem also.) It would
Morales was a candidate for cum laude honors but
be in her best interest to work with a faculty that is
because of the different computation which has been
compatible with her orientation.
used by the school, she was not able to get that
honors. And so, he went to the Court to force the Issue:
school to vest the honor which, according to her, she Can this school be compelled by way of mandamus (a
deserves. remedy to compel someone to perform a duty) to
allow her to enroll in this school?

No, because of academic freedom. Domino Lux Fraternity. There wasscufflebetween

students of different fraternities and arrests were
When you seek relief via petition for mandamus, you
made. The students who were found to have injured
have to prove that there is a clear duty (duty-
James Yap were called by the school and subjected to
bound),with a legal basis, which is not being done by
disciplinary action. Eventually, after due proceedings
the institution or the person. The court said here that
they were expelled from the school. Among their
the school has no clear legal duty to admit her. Take
arguments when the case reached the SC was that
note that the Loyola School of Theology is a seminary
they should not be removedfrom the institution,
and so for the priesthood and she is not studying for
thatthey were denied of due process, and etc. On the
the priesthood because she is a layperson and a
other hand, the school invoked its right to academic
woman. Even if she is qualified to study for
priesthood, the school still has the discretion to turn
down even qualified applicants due to limitations in Issue:
space, facilities, professors, optimum classroom size Can the school here invoke its right to academic
and other component considerations. Again, freedom to bar these students who have been found
admission to the school, to any school, does not lie or to be administratively liable, disciplinarily-sanctioned?
rest on your sole and uncontrolled discretion. Can they invoke this freedom so that the students
may not be will allowed to re-enter the school?
Two aspects of academic freedom:
1. Academic freedom of an institution via Ruling:
learning – the right to decide its aims and The Court said that, yes. The DLSU is an institution of
objectives and how to best attain them. higher learning that possesses academic freedom
2. Academic freedom of a faculty member – “the which includes of determination of who to admit or
right of a faculty member to pursue his study.
studies in his particular specialty and
thereafter to make known or publish the Civil Service v. Sojor (2008)
result of his endeavors without fear that Facts:
retribution would be visited on him in the Here we have a former president of Negros Oriental
event that his conclusions are found State University(NORSU) who was charged with
distasteful or objectionable to the powers several cases before the CSC because he
that be, whether in the political, economic, or hadcommitted many anomalies while he was still the
academic establishments.” president. Now his defense was that, the CS has no
jurisdiction because it violates the right of the
Four essential freedoms under the academic freedom
University of its academic freedom. He insists that it is
of an institution via learning:
the University that has the right to remove him
1. Who may teach
because of this academic freedom. The school itself
2. What may be taught
can determine who may teach. So according to him,
3. How it shall be taught
because of this, the CS has no jurisdiction over him
4. Who may be admitted to study
and that he cannot be removed by the CS. Instead, it
Therefore, pursuant to these, Garcia cannot force her is the school that has the jurisdiction over him.
admission/entry to said institution.
DLSU vs CA (2007) Is the defense of the president correct?

Facts: Ruling:
Here, we have students who punched each other— The court said that, no.
James Yap and three other student members of the

His claim has nothing to do with academic freedom. who they can confer their honors and distinction on
The principle of academic freedom finds no being their graduates. The Court, as a general rule,
application to the facts of this case. Here, the cannot interfere with the exercise of this discretion
complaints filed against him involved violations of CS unless there is a clear showing of arbitrary or
rules. As we said yesterday, the CSC is the HR capricious exercise of judgment
department of the government so if you work in a
private or public institution, this “HR department” is General Discussion
tasked by the law, among others, the disciplinary rules Do students have academic freedom? In other
and regulations, and etc. The acts he had done while jurisdictions, there is a recognition of this
he was the president violates the rules and right.However, in our jurisdiction, we do not. We have
regulations of the CS rules—facing charges of yet to encounter a case where student academic
nepotism (appointing a relative within the fourth civil freedom exists. But we have an article by Henry
degree), dishonesty, falsification of official Wrightman. According to him,in the universities in the
documents. These are grave offenses that do not call US there is this recognition of student freedom,
for the application of the doctrine of academic although not explicit. This student freedom is a
freedom. So in other words, the court said that his traditional accompaniment to faculty freedom as an
arguments aretenuous. Plus, that is not his right but element of academic freedom in the larger sense.
that of the institution. It is the institution that can
So what does student academic freedom entail? It
invoke that right.
does not only entail the free expression of rights of
Calawag v. UP Visayas (2013) students, generally, but also it also speaks of the
freedom of the students in the classroom. (Note that
this is not applicable in the Philippines.)This student
Here we have students of Masters of Science and
academic freedom requires the professor encourage
Fisheries,Biology, at UP Visayas. This degree requires
free discussion, inquiry and expression, and to
a thesis, so the students enrolled in a thesis program,
evaluate students solely in the academic basis.
drafted a tentative thesis titles, and obtain the
Evaluation must not be capricious, whimsical, and not
consent of their thesis advisers as well as the other
on opinions or conducts in which is not related to
faculty members to constitute a thesis committee.
academic standards. Professor should be objective
Now when the proposals as well as the office titles
and must not resort to subjective standards. (Of
reach the office of the Dean, he rejected it, he
course, the same should not be practiced in our
dissolved the thesis committee, and rejected the
jurisdiction even though such concept of student
thesis titles. The students here were displeased by
academic freedom is not embedded in our
that action of the dean. They went to the court to
jurisprudence in the spirit of fairness and
enjoin him from his acts.
professionalism.) Also, not only rights within the
Issue: classroom, student academic freedom recognizes
Can that be done? rights outside the classroom. Students bring to the
campus a variety of interests previously acquired and
they may share this to the members of the academic
No, because of academic freedom again.
community. They are free to organize and join
Academic freedom of higher institutions via learning associations to protect the common interest. They
gives them the right to decide for themselves the aims should be able to participate in institutional
and objectives and how best to attain them and these governance.
institutions are given the exclusive discretion to
determine who can and cannot study in that as well as

THE PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION former sovereign, whether compatible or not with

those to the new sovereign, are automatically
Political law – the branch of public law which deals
abrogated unless they are expressly reenacted by
with organization and operations of the governmental
affirmative actof the new sovereignty. There is an
organs of the state and defines the relations of the
automatic abrogation, non-applicability of political
state with its inhabitants in its territory.
laws, if there is a change of sovereignty—that’s what
Macariola v. Asuncion (1982) so special about political laws, they change together
with the change of sovereignty—unlike municipal laws
Facts: which, as a rule,would not change.
We have here a judge. There was a conflict presented
before the judge, a legal dispute, and apparently he “By well-settled public law, upon the cession of
territory by one nation to another, either following
has an interest on that case because the party that
a conquest or otherwise, ... those laws which are
won was related to his wife. There was this verdict political in their nature and pertain to the
and the losing party here complained that the judge prerogatives of the former government
was biased because he violated among others Art. 14, immediately cease upon the transfer of
par. 1 and 5 of Code of Commerce which provides the
prohibition that “Justices and SC judges and officials The difference between municipal law and political
cannot engage in commerce,eitherin person or by law is that the former regulates other rights unlike the
proxy, while he holds office.” In the case before the latter that it regulates relationships of the
judge, the winner is related to the wife and the government and the people. Municipal laws of the
interest of that entity was owned by the wife so newly acquired territory which are not in conflict with
indirectly now the judge has an interest—a the laws of the new sovereignty will continue in force
commercial interest. This was why he was charged in even without the express assent or affirmative act of
the disciplinary committee of the SC during that time the conqueror. On the other hand, for political laws to
for the violation of this provision. be not abrogated, there has to be a positive act by the
new sovereignty.If there is none, then it is
automatically abrogated.
Is he liable?
The judge won this case because the Art. 14 of Code
of Commerce is a political law and therefore it was no
No, because that provision in the Code of Commerce
longer binding when the transaction here occurred, it
partakes of the nature of a political law as it regulates
has no longer legal binding effect and therefore
the relationship between the government and certain
cannot apply to the judge in this case.
public officers and employees, like justices and judges.
The type of political law invoked here by the The provision here involved was abrogated after the
complainant is in the form of an administrative law change of the sovereignty, from the US to the Phil. It
because it regulates the conduct of certain public was not adopted by the new sovereign expressly so it
officers and employees. Our Code of Commerce was is deemed abrogated.
taken from the Spanish Code of Commerce of 1885
General Discussion
with some modifications. Because of the change of
sovereignty, from the Spaniards to the US and then Divisions of political law:
from US to the Philippines, upon the transfer of that 1. Constitutional law – the study of the
sovereignty, Art. 14 of this Code of Commerce is maintenance of the proper balance between
considered as political law was deemed abrogated authority and represented by a State and the
because there was such change of sovereignty. If liberty guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.
there is a change of sovereignty, political laws of a

 A branch of public law of a State which type but is the accumulated product of
deals with the organization and operation gradual political and legal development.
of the governmental organs of the State, E.g., English Constitution
the powers of Sovereignty, the 2. According to amendment:
distribution of political and governmental a. Rigid – one that cannot be amended
authorities and functions, the except by way of a special process,
fundamental principles which are to distinct from the passage of laws. It is
regulate the relations of the government difficult to change and thereby acquires a
and subjects and also prescribes the plan greater degree of stability
and method according to which the public b. Flexible – can be changed in the same
affairs to the state are to be administered. manner to the same body that enacts
2. Administrative law – fixes the organizations, ordinary legislation. It is just like passing a
determines the competence of administrative law.
Characteristic of our own constitution?
3. Law on municipal corporations
It is written and rigid. There is a form. It is definite. It
4. Law on public corporations
is rigid because it can only be amended or revised by a
5. Law on public officers
procedure prescribed by the Constitution itself and
6. Election laws
not by way of legislation.
What is the Constitution?
What is the difference of a constitution and a law or a
It is the document which serves the fundamental law
common statue?
of the State, basic law, the body of rules and maxims
A constitution is a legislation direct from the people—
in accordance with which the powers of the
it is us through our representatives, constitutional
sovereignty are habitually exercised. This instrument
convention or the constitutional assembly. It is an
is enacted not by an individual but by direct action of
indirect action of the people through representation
the people by which the fundamental powers of the
by them. It states general principles, intended to not
government are established. It is the basic and
merely meet existing conditions but must be able to
paramount law to which all other laws must conform
foresee the future so that it may not become obsolete
and to which all persons, including the highest officials
or inapplicable. Of course, it is the fundamental law of
of the land, must defer. No act can be considered
the state.
valid, however noble it is,if it conflicts with the
Constitution because it must at all times remain A law is a legislation from our representatives, it
supreme. All must bow down to the mandate of this provides details in certain subject matters which it
law. treats and it is intended primarily to meet existing
conditions. It must always conform to the
Types of constitutions:
1. According to its adaptation:
a. Written – is a constitution whereby its Parts of the constitution:
provisions are reduced into writing and 1. Constitution of liberty (Bill of Rights)
embody in one instrument or set of 2. Constitution of government – which
instruments in a particular kind which is establishes the structure of government
also known as the conventional or 3. Constitution of sovereignty – which provides
enacted constitution because it has a that the Constitution may be change
definite form
How do we interpret the constitution?
b. Unwritten – one that has not been
1. Verba legis – whenever possible the words
committed into writing and in any specific
used by the constitution must be given

ordinary meaning except when technical Section 4. The plenary sessions of the Commission
terms are employed shall be public and fully recorded.
2. When there is ambiguity, Ratio Legis Est Section 5. The New Constitution shall be
Anima–a doubtful provision shall be examined presented by the Commission to the President who
in the light of the history of the times and shall fix the date for the holding of a plebiscite. It
shall become valid and effective upon ratification
conditions and circumstances under which
by a majority of the votes cast in such plebiscite
the Constitution must reign which shall be held within a period of sixty (60)
3. The Constitution has to be interpreted as a days following its submission to the President.
whole – You do not interpret it in isolated Is this consistent with the 1973 constitution?
parts. You have to read it as a whole. The 1973 Constitution required that before that
Background of the present constitution: before the Constitution can be revised or amended, it
We had the 1935 Constitution first, then the 1973 has to be by way of a Constitutional Assembly or
Constitution revising the former one and then we Constitutional Convention.
have the 1986 Constitution (or the Freedom Why did we follow the 1986 Constitution instead of
Constitution) and finally the 1987 Constitution. the 1973 Constitution?
How was the 1987 Constitution crafted? It is because in the meantime 1973 Constitution, there
The way with which we can revise or amend it is also was a supervening even that change the history of the
in in the Constitution itself.In the 1987, through Philippines and that is the EDSA Revolution (People
Constitutional Convention or Constitutional Assembly. Power).

Did the 1987 Constitution follow the procedure of the Lawyer’s League v. Aquino
1973 Constitution as to how it was created or
Lawyer’s League questioned the propriety, the
It did not. It was by way of the provisions of the 1986
validity, the legality of the Aquino administration
Provisional or Freedom Constitution of the Phil.,
because according to them, that administration was
Article 5, which provides:
not created by way that is allowed by the present
ARTICLE V. ADOPTION OF A NEW CONSTITUTION existing Constitution back then which was the 1973
Section 1. Within sixty (60) days from date of this
Proclamation, a Commission shall be appointed by Ruling:
the President to draft a New Constitution. The
The court said that they are wrong. The legitimacy of
Commission shall be composed of not less than
thirty (30) nor more than fifty (50) natural born the Aquino government is not a justiciable
citizens of the Philippines, of recognized probity, matter,which means the Court cannot resolve this
known for their independence, nationalism and matter because it is beyond its power to do so. It
patriotism. They shall be chosen by the President
belongs to the realm of politics where only the people
after consultation with various sectors of society.
of the Phil. are the judge and the people have made
Section 2. The Commission shall complete its work their judgment. They accepted the government of
within as short a period as may be consistent with
the need both to hasten the return of normal Pres. Cory Aquino which is in effective control of the
constitutional government and to draft a entire country. The Court did not resolve this issue on
document truly reflective of the ideals and its merits. It dismissed the case because it is not a
aspirations of the Filipino people. justiciable issue.
Section 3. The Commission shall conduct public
hearings to ensure that the people will have De jure government – is one that has rightful title.
adequate participation in the formulation of the
De facto government – is one that exercises power or
New Constitution.
control but without rightful title. This de facto

government controls or usurps, by force or by voice of Thus, when the EDSA revolution intervened, the 1973
the majority, a rightful legal government. constitution was, in effect, disregarded because this
act of revolution is, at the end of the day, the right of
Is the Aquino government a De jure or a De facto
the people to abolish, to reform, or to alter any
government?It is a de jure government, lawful and
existing form of government. They can do that since
the Constitution is made by the direct action of the
Letter of Associate Justice of Renato Puno (1992) people and so if the people want a revolution, they
want a new Constitution then that can be done
Facts: because they are the people. So, the existing legal
Puno before he became of Chief Justice, he was once order then was changed because of the occurrence of
a Justice of the CA. He was appointed on 1980. There EDSA revolution. The legal order then was overthrown
was a time when he stopped his duties as a Justice by the Aquino government. In fact, her rise to the
because he served as an Assistant SOLGEN and later presidency was not due to constitutional processes, it
on he went back to the CA. After that, there was this was achieved in violation to the provisions of the 1973
ranking as tothe seniority of the Justices. The ranking constitution but then again it was sanctioned by the
is important for them because the more senior you direct action of the people. That is why when you go
are, the more entitled you are to a higher position and to the provisions of the 1986 Freedom Constitution,
benefits. His ranking to the prior list was 11 but when when you read the “whereas” clauses—“whereas the
appointments were signed, his seniority in the ranking new government was installed to a direct exercise of
lowered to 26. Thus, he contested this, according to the power of the Filipino people assisted by the NPA,
him he was senior and that he was already a Justice whereas the heroic action of the people was done in
before and etc. The other Justices, on the other hand, defiance of the provisions of the 1973 constitution.”
contended that while that may be true,there was an The people here, they knew that what they are doing
event happened between his appointment and this were contrary to the legal order during that time but
appointment now, and that is the EDSA revolution. still they revolted and a new government was created,
Issue: whereas the direct mandate of the people is
What is the effects of that revolution? manifested by their extraordinary actions demands a
complete reorganization of the government,
Ruling: restoration of the democracy, protection of basic
The EDSA revolution, in effect, created a new set of rights and etc. There is a need now to have a new
courts. The present CA is a new entity which different constitution and therefore this Provisional
and distinct from the previous CA (Intermediate Constitution is adopted and one of its provision, Art.
Appellate Court, as it was known before), inthe wake 5, is the provision treating the creation the new
of the massive reorganization launched by the constitution by way of this Constitutional Commission.
revolutionary government of Aquino. So definitely the 1973 Constitution was not followed
Revolution – the complete overthrow of the in creation the 1987 Constitution. That is why those
established government in any country or state by who are loyalists of the Marcos’ regime, they insist
those who are previously subject to it or a sudden, that the present constitution is not constitutional,
radical, or fundamental change in the governmental that the present constitution did not conform its
political system usually effected with violence or at adoption to the method by which the constitution
least some acts of violence. could have been revised or amended. But we have
jurisprudence stating categorically that it was in the
The effects of a revolution: abolishes, reforms, and de jure government and that it was installed by way of
alters any existing form of government without regard a revolution.
to the existing Constitution.
How was the 1987 constitution come into effect?

Under Art. 18 of the Constitution, Sec. 27: Answer: The combined classes of the Navy and Air
Force 1 CL cadets had a lesson examination on
“This constitution shall take effect immediately
Operations Research.
upon its ratification by the majority of the votes
casts in the plebiscite count for the purpose”.
Sir: Where did he come from?
So the moment that it was ratified by the people, it
Answer: From a lesson examination on Operations
has to be presented to us, and we get to ratify it in a
Research (OR432) at the PMAFI Room.
plebiscitewhether or not we approve of this
constitution because, again, it is the direct act of the Sir: Who was the professor of that subject?
Answer: Dr. Maria Monica C. Costales
DAY 02 – JUNE 18, 2018
Sir: So, November 14, 2013, he was supposed to enter
Transcribed by: Sosoban this class, but what was the class before he entered
his 5th class?
Last meeting, we finished Academic Freedom and we
started our discussion - we started last last week on Answer: Operations Research (OR432).
the concept of The Philippine Constitution but we
Sir: What was the class where he originated? And who
continued. We defined what Political Law is, we
was the professor of that class? Why is it so important
defined what Constitution is. We left off with the
for us to know the identity of this professor?
question as to when the 1987 Constitution was –
when did it take effect, that was the question. Student: Operations Research (OR432)

ACADEMIC FREEDOM, CONTINUED Sir: And who was the professor of that class?

Before we [continue with The Philippine Constitution], Student: Dr. Maria Monica C. Costales
we have [this last] assigned case [under Academic
Sir: And what was the time?
Student: 1:30-3:00 P.M. (1330H-1500H)
Cudia v. PMA (2015)
Sir: So that was the period. And then, he went to the
So here, if you followed the news, this was very
next class, which is?
sensational. This cadet, the PMA has not allowed to
graduate because [he] committed administrative Student: English 412, sir. Which is, from 3:05-4:05
infraction in school, among other things. Here, this P.M. (1505H-1605H).
case details the acts that he committed, which the
Sir: And in that class, what happened to Cudia?
Supreme Court held to be … we’ll know how the
verdict of the Supreme Court went. Sudent: He was late for 2 minutes, sir.

In Cudia v. Superintendent of the PMA, this Cudia, just Sir: He was late for two minutes. And so, there was
like you are, he was a promising student of the PMA. this issuance of this Delinquency Report against him.
He was supposed to graduate class salutatorian and So he was asked to explain, and what was his
even received the Philippine Navy Saber because he explanation? What was his excuse?
was a top Navy cadet graduate. But, he did
something, which resulted to his... Student: He said that he came directly from his OR432
class; however, they were dismissed a bit late by their
Cudia vs PMA (2015) – Recitation instructor.
Sir: What happened on November 14, 2013 in this Sir: Okay, so, that was his excuse. In other words, “it’s
case? not my fault – it was the fault of Dr. Costales. She

dismissed us late that was why I was late”. So that Student: Dismissed.
was his excuse. And now, there was an investigation
Sir: He was dismissed. That was the recommendation
here because this ballooned. There was a penalty
– dismissal from the academy, which was approved by
imposed on him but there was this investigation on
this person here, Vice Admiral Abogado. And so,
the matter. What was the statement of Dr. Costales?
dismissed siya from the academy. Of course, he did
Was it true, that she dismissed the class late?
not take that sitting down. He went to all avenues to
Student: No, sir. Dr. Costales claimed that she never have that recommendation, as approved, reversed.
dismisses her classes late and that the protocol was to
He has a sister—nagpa-tabang siyasa Facebook, it
dismiss the class 10-15 minutes earlier than the
became a viral matter; it became a sensation in the
scheduled time.
media. He asked for help in the PAO. He even went to
Sir: And now, there is this contentious issue. Who is the Office of the President to help him. What was his
now telling the truth? Is it the student or is it the argument? His argument was that, he could not be
professor? This issue went to the Honor Committee expelled from the school because, among other
(HC) of the PMA. And what was the provision – what things, the school has a contract with him. And
was violated daw by Cudia? What did he violate? number two, expulsion is too much of a penalty for
lying – for that two minute excuse, too much. So, now
Student: He violated the Honor Code, sir.
we go to the issue, which is relevant to our topic on
Sir: The Honor Code of the PMA. They have this code Academic Freedom.
of honor that they have to follow. And so, what was
What was the argument of the PMA? Did it insist that
the verdict of this Honor Committee? Before we go
its recommendation was correct?
there, what was the provision that was violated?
What was the act? What did he do? Sir/Answer: The position of the PMA was that, among
other things, we have this Academic Freedom, “we
Student: He lied, sir.
can determine who can study in this institution; we
Sir: What is lying? can determine who can graduate; and in fact, that
contract between us, there are correlative obligations
Student: He did not tell the truth on his first
between the parties”. So therefore, tama tong
explanation, sir.
recommendation issued by the committee here, as
Sir: Lying, under their Honor Code, is the giving of a approved. It was consistent with the, among other
statement that perverts the truth. Here, he perverted things, academic freedom.
the truth daw in his written appeal. That time when
Sir: Cudia insists that that freedom cannot be abused.
he explained the reason why he was late was that it
Was there, therefore, an abuse of that freedom in this
was the fault of his professor. When in fact, it was
case? So now, we go to the issue. Who is correct? Is it
found out that it’s even a contentious issue–wala pa
Cudia or the PMA?
ta kabalo–it was even disowned by the professor. And
eventually, the Honor Committee laid down a verdict. Student: The PMA.
What was their verdict? Guilty or not guilty?
Sir: In other words, Cudia’s dismissal was upheld.
Student: Guilty, sir. Now, take note of the discussion here of the Supreme
Court vis-à-vis of the contractual relationship between
Sir: He was held guilty of violating the Honor Code.
the school and the student. So the pertinent
And what was the recommended penalty? Which was
discussion here – what is the relationship between
approved by the proper authority here. He was
the school and the student? Is it unilateral na ang
______ from the academy.
school lang mag sige impose? Or are there obligations

for both parties? The Court said here that this school Is the PMA an institution of higher learning?
and the student is contractual in nature (meaning, naa
Student: Yes.
moy agreement) which you have to respect and
follow. Sir: Now, what is this Honor Code? What is it about?
Why is it so important for cadets to observe this
Now, once admitted, a student’s enrollment is not
Honor Code? What does it contain?
only semestral in duration, but for the entire period
he or she is expected to complete it. And what is the Sir/Answer: The Honor Code is a set of basic and
obligation of the school once you’re enrolled? This fundamental, ethical, and moral principles. So there,
institution of higher learning has an obligation to we have this code where all the—dapat ma-inculcate
afford its student a fair opportunity to complete the nimo na fundamental principles as a cadet of the PMA
course they seek to pursue. So, we are given a fair is contained. And in fact, this Code sets the minimum
opportunity to complete the course. Kung ma-violate standard for cadet behavior and is the guiding spirit
na siya, then unfair and there could now be a basis for behind each cadet’s action. What is, now, the
the reversal. character of this Code, insofar as the students? What
is their relationship between the Code and the
But here, was Cudia given a fair opportunity to
student/cadet? Is he or is she not bound by this Honor
complete the course that he pursued? And the Court
emphasized that this relationship being contractual,
there are reciprocal obligations between the Student: He is bound by the Honor Code, sir, because
parties(dili pwede isa lang). The school, on the one he is part of the institution.
hand, undertakes to provide students with the
Sir: And when you are bound by the Code, what
education sufficient to enable them to higher
should you do?
education or profession. The student, on the other
hand, agrees in that contract to abide by the academic Student: To follow the Code.
requirements of the school and abide by their rules
and regulations. So, there is now this correlative Sir: To follow this Code, because this Code is so
obligation between those parties to observe: the important to the PMA, because they are going to be
student should abide by its academic standard, rules, the soldiers to defend us. The Code, here, ensures

and regulations; the school should give this student that these students would have these fundamental

the opportunity, give him the education that he characteristics that would make them effective in

deserves, consistent with the policy of the school’s whatever endeavors they’re supposed to achieve as

rules and regulation. So, when you read that part, cadets. They cannot be the seeds of rebellion or

mura jud kag maka, “hmm, I think the Supreme Court treason. By virtue of being a cadet, the student
is going to decide in Cudia’s favor”. But, later on, the becomes a subject of this Honor Code and the system

Court went on to discuss the concept of Academic of the PMA. Now, what was the provision in the

Freedom, which again nibalik na pud ang four Honor Code that was violated by Cudia? What act did

essential freedoms under that freedom: he do? What is the first tenet of the Honor Code?

(1) who may teach; Student: The first tenet of Honor Code – Lying

(2) what may be taught; pursuant to Section VII.12.b of the CCAFPR S-2008.

(3) how it shall be taught; Sir: Number 1 sa ilang Honor Code – we do not lie.
(4) who may be admitted or who may be taught. Cadets, therefore, violate this provision by lying, if
So, that fourth freedom—the school can determine they make an oral or written statement, which is

who may be admitted to study, who can graduate contrary to what is true. What else did he do here?
from this institution. Now, Cudia said that he was late because of his

professor, and that the class was dismissed late by Supreme Court, it went into the facts. The Court went
this professor. Now, when he was asked to explain, into the facts, read it, then determined that he was
iya pa jud gi-qualify iyang statements, e.g., he was late indeed lying and quibbling. “Therefore, the Court said
because of this, the word “class” means,and “we, 5 that the recommendation of the Honor Committee
students”. He made qualifications on his statements was correct and also the approved penalty. “
that was meant to what?
Now, another issue raised by Cudia here is that his
Student: Basically, he asserted those things so that he dismissal from the PMA was too severe and cruel, “for
would be excused. two minutes late, [he] would be dismissed from the
school. [He] did not even fail [his] subjects; [He] was
Sir: What is the term on the Honor Code on that act?
top of the class, salutatorian.”
Sir/Answer: He was quibbling.“A person can easily
Anyway, the Court said that that is not too unusual
create a false impression in the mind of his listener by
and cruel insofar as the Constitution is concerned. This
cleverly wording what he says, omitting relevant facts,
cruel and unusual punishment is a technical meaning
or telling a partial truth.”
which we will discuss in the Bill of Rights. But
Mao to iyang gi-himo with the intent to deceive or basically, it has something to do with the character of
mislead, he is quibbling. And this is a means of an the punishment; if it is unacceptable, for example,
intentional deception—a form of lying. That’s what he beheading.
did. Qualified the statement, confusing everyone;
But, dismissal from the institution is not considered
instead of directly and completely telling the cause of
cruel or unjust. And, in fact, it was found out that he
his being late.
indeed lied and he also accepted the correlative
The reason he was late was that na-dismiss sila early obligation imposed by the school on him to honor the
by their professor but they had conferred with their Honor Code and also the rules and regulations of this
professor for a certain matter and that is why they institution when he enrolled. It was this contract, he
were late for the second class. But it was false for him risked penalty when he entered the academy. So, his
to say that the professor dismissed them late because dismissal from the school was maintained. Siguro no,
it was their volition, their own action, that led them to it was reflective maybe of what his true character
being late in their other class, not the fault of the was.
And that act is magnified by his qualifications so it
We were discussing the Constitution, how it came
ballooned to something that became a disciplinary
about, the violation of the 1973 Constitution,
action resulting to his dismissal from the school. Now,
following the provisions of the Provisional
in order to violate the Honor Code, you have to
Constitution by way of a Constitutional Commission.
commit the two elements that must be present:
Now, the question next is, when did the 1987
1. the act itself; and Constitution take effect? So to answer that question
2. the intent to commit it. we have the case of…

In order to determine if there is a violation, you have De Leon v. Esguerra (1987)

to answer the questions: Did you intend to deceive?
Did you intend to take undue advantage? If you
Here, we have two conflicting parties fighting for the
answer yes to either question then you did not do the
same position. De Leon here was elected Barangay
honorable thing. If you answered no then you did the
Captain or Barangay Chairman, pursuant to B.P. 222.
honorable thing. And that, here, even if this is a
He was elected on May 19, 1982 and he was supposed
factual matter which is beyond the province of the

to serve for six years and so, his term is going to end Leon is validly made within the period pursuant to the
on May 19, 1988. 1986 Constitution. Was it validly made?

Now, in the meantime, the OIC Governor, Benjamin Student: No, sir.
Esguerra, issued a memorandum on February 8,
Sir: Why? It was made within the period—until
1987—that was the date the memorandum was
February 25, 1987. Why was it not validly made?
signed—appointing another person to the position of
De Leon. Now, De Leon was challenging this,“Which is Student: Because the 1987 constitution was ratified
which, ako or this person?” He challenged the validity on February 2.
of that memorandum because according to him that is
Sir: So, what is the effect of that ratification?
not valid, there is no legal basis for that.
Student: The power of governor Esguerra is no longer
On the other hand, the governor insisted that the
in effect for the—
basis for this memorandum is the provision in the
Provisional Constitution, Article 3,Section 2, which Sir: Now, there are two dates again na nag-pop up
allows appointments: aside from this February 25, 1987. February 2, 1987
and February 11, 1987. What happened in February 2,
“Section 2. All elective and appointive officials and
employees under the 1973 Constitution shall 1987?
continue in office (dira sulok si De Leon ha,
because he was elected under the Constitution Student: It was the ratification of the 1987
during that time, it was 1973) until otherwise Constitution.
provided by proclamation or Executive Order or
upon the designation or appointment and Sir: And what happened on February 11, 1987?
qualification of their successors if that
appointment is made within the period of one Student: The declaration of the…
year from February 25, 1986”.
Sir: Who declared that this was the verdict of the
When was the appointment made here by the people?
Governor? February 8, 1987, so sulod siya within the
one year period from February 25, 1986. The Sir/Answer: So, there was this proclamation on
authority ends until February 25, 1987; the February 11, 1987 by the President that this was the
memorandum was issued February 8, 1987. So, this is verdict of the people.
now the basis of the Governor. Who is correct? Is De  February 2, 1987 – ratification
Leon correct? “Should I cling to this position because I  February 11, 1987 – declaration of the
was elected to this?” Or, should we sustain the President.
position of the OIC Governor because indeed,
consistent with the provision of the 1986 constitution, What happens if we reckon the effectivity of the
nag-issue siya’g appointment within proper period. Constitution on February 2, 1987 to the position of De
Leon? What if we follow February 2, what will happen
De Leon v. Esguerra (1987) - Recitation to him?
Sir: What is the issue here? Sir/Answer: He would stay in the position because?
Student: WON the designation of respondents to What would happen to the 1986 Constitution?
replace petitioner was validly made during the one Student: It was already abrogated.
year period which ended in February 25, 1987.
Sir: The memorandum issued by the Governor here
Sir: So your issue is that whether or not that was on February 8. If February 2, 1987 was the 1987
designation of this other person to the position of De Constitution would be reckoned that as the effectivity
date. What would happen to the basis of the

memorandum of February 8, 1987 based on the February 11, 1987 occurrence is merely the
Provisional Constitution? Ma-walaan sya ug? mathematical confirmation of what was already
decided by the people in February 2, 1987. It merely
Student: It would have no basis.
confirmed what the people approved already on
Sir: Yes. The memorandum now would be anchored February 2, 1987. So that’s what happened in the
on a non-existent constitution because the override case.
na siya by the February 2, 1987 ratification of the
1987 Constitution.
Last meeting we differentiated the Constitution from
What would happen if we follow the February 11,
an ordinary law or a statute. Among other things, we
1987 to De Leon? He would what?
also distinguished their effectivity. We learned in that
Student: He would desist proceeding. case that the Constitution is effective upon its
ratification. What about laws? When do they take
Sir: Because by the time, February 11 atuang
reckoning period, the 1986 Constitution would still be
in effect therefore the memorandum of the Governor We have the twin cases of Tanada v. Tuvera (1985 &
would still have legal basis. 1986) principally dealing with that issue.

So the Court said here what was the date of the Tanada v. Tuvera (1985 & 1986)
effectivity of the 1987 constitution? February 2, 1987.
Why is it on February 2, 1987? What happened on
Now,we have several Presidential issuances with the
that date? The ratification. So what? So what of the
force and effects of law. They were enforced all
ratification? What did it do?
throughout the country. And now, we have people
Sir: It is the act by which the people themselves, nag here who want to have those laws declared null and
yes sila, “we approve this Constitution”. That was the void for lack of publication. They are not published,
point where we accepted, ratified the 1987 according to them, consistent with the requirement of
Constitution. Not on February 11 na nag-tally lang, publication under the Civil Code particularly Article 2:
nag declare sa votes. It happened on February 2,
“Laws shall take effect after 15 days following the
1987. That was the date where the plebiscite was completion of their publication in the Official
held, where we cast our votes to approve of this Gazette, unless it is otherwise provided”.
Constitution and that was the date that it was ratified
Now the contention of those against the laws is that
and therefore, it was February 2, 1987 that the 1987
publication is always indispensable.
Constitution took effect.
On the other hand, those who would want to have
And so, at the end of the day, was De Leon able to
these laws considered as valid is that if the law
maintain his Barangay Chairmanship? Yes.
already provides kung when siya maging effective
From the barangay level, you think the issue, the facts then there is no need for publication. If those
are very minimal but it went to the Supreme Court issuances are already saying that effective
and there is this discussion now of when the immediately, then there is no need for publication
Constitution took effect. And this was clarified in the because that is what Article 2 of the Civil Code
concurring opinion of Justice Teehankee; in the same provides. Laws shall take effect after 15 days unless it
case that the 1987 Constitution took effect on is otherwise provided. There is no need now to
February 2, 1987, which was the date of its ratification publish that because the law already says that it is
in the plebiscite held on that same date. The act of immediately effective.
ratification is the act of voting by the people. The

The Court said that publication is indispensable. It is Code, to this decision, to the requirements of due
necessary in those cases wherethe legislation itself process. Again, publication is at all times,
does not provide for the effectivity date (so kailangan indispensable.
nimo i-publish so that we reckon the 15 day period
It is not correct to say that under theArticle 2 of the
after 15 days maging effective ang law) But even if
Civil Code that publication may be dispensed with if
that is the rule, Article 2 does not preclude the
the law already says that it is effective immediately.
requirement of publication in the Official Gazette
even if the law itself provides for the date of it Do all laws have to be published? The court said here
effectivity. In other words publication is always that all statues including those of local application and
required. private law shall be published as a condition for their
effectivity but there are certain issuances that may
Why? Consistent with the requirement of due
not be published: interpretative regulations and those
process, we have to be notified of the laws that would
merely internal in nature may not be published
govern us. We have the legal maxims which is binding
because they only regulate the personnel of an
on us all, “Ignorance of the law excuses no one from
administrative agency and not the public.
compliance therewith”. But, that maxim will only
apply if in the first place we are notified of the law, Now, what is the manner by which the publication
because if we are not notified of the law by way of shall be done? Is it enough that you publish the title
publication then how would you know that this law or the caption of this law? The publication must be in
exists. So, this is a fundamental requirement of due full otherwise it is not considered as publication. So
process—publication is indispensable. It is a that is why the Official Gazette or in the newspaper
requirement of due process. makita nimo ang tibuok contents of the law. Now
where should the law be published? Is it always in the
The Court however, be that as it may, applied the
Official Gazette? In this decision, the Courtsaid that it
Operative Fact Doctrine to discuss its subsequent
may not even be made in the Official Gazette,
meetings in a nutshell. This Doctrine recognizes that
recognizing its limited readership. So the court
laws that have been considered as unconstitutional,
allowed the publication in newspapers of general
they are still—kadtung time na gi-consider na
circulation and this was sanctioned by the issuance of
effective sila, their effects are considered. It does not
Executive Order 200, dating June 7, 1987, amending
mean that the law did not exist at all. Effects have to
the provision of the Civil Code. “Either in the Official
be recognized. The Court applied that, but they
Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation in the
focused on the publication requirement. So the court
Philippines.” So, that’s the difference between the
said that publication is indispensable. In the 1986
[date of effectivity] oftwo:
decision clarifying the 1985 decision, the Court said, in
some, that the law may provide for its immediate  Constitution – ratification
effectivity but only until it has been published. In all  Laws –complete publication
cases, publication is indispensable.
Now we go to this, we discussed in the first day of
So what happens if we have a law which is silent as to class the concept of Constitutional Supremacy. No act
its effectivity? When does it take effect? 15 days after or law is considered above the Constitution. It must
publication. What if we have a law here that says always be consistent with the Constitution. Does that
“effective immediately”, when does it take effect? mean that the mere invocation or claim that the law
After publication. That is the correct interpretation of or act is unconstitutional enough to make that law or
that provision. You need to have that law published. act unconstitutional? It is not, because we have here
The moment that it is published, that law is already the concept of Presumption of Constitutionality. All
effective. In no case can you not have that law acts of the government are presumed to be done
published, otherwise it would run contrary to Civil consistent with the Constitution. (Kung baliktad,

presumption of unconstitutionality, everything would Sir: What does that mean, restituted? In simple
be chaotic. You would not follow the law anymore words.
because it is presumed unconstitutional. President or
Sir/ Answer: Bayad. He paid. Gi-balik niya ang Php
Congress, you prove that this is constitutional. That’s
72,000. Feeling na ma file-an siya ug case, he
not the way things are.)
restituted the amount. Still, it did not stop the COA
There is this presumption of constitutionality that was from rendering this report and filing it to the
discussed in the case of… appropriate agency or the filing of criminal charges.
And in fact, he was criminally charged before the
Case: Perez v. People (2008) Sandiganbayan. The Sandiganbayan is an anti-graft
Here, we have Perez, a municipal treasurer court. So, gi file-an siya and the Sandiganbayan found
somewhere in Tubigon, Bohol. And, in the course of him guilty of malveration and he was penalized with
his duties, he is supposed to be accountable for what? What was the penalty?
money because that’s not his own money. Now, it was
Answer: 10 years and 1 day of Prision Mayor as the
found out by the COA audit that he incurred a
minimum to 14 years and 8 months of Reclusion
shortage in the amount of Php 72,784.57. And
Temporal as the maximum.
because of that, COA notified him.Feeling or sensing
na ma file-an siya ug case, what did he do? Sir: Was he imprisoned?

Perez v. People (2008) - Recitation Sir/Answer: Anyway, imprisonment of 14 years for an

amount of Php 72,000. This is your tuition fee for one
Sir: What did he do to the Php 72,000? Nagka-
year; and then, makulong ka for 14 years diba. Pag
shortage si treasurer. Nakita ni COA na naa siya’y
gawas nimo imong anak teenager na. So, that was the
shortage, “This is the amount that you’re supposed to
penalty imposed by the Sandiganbayan. Now, the
produce based on the records, and this only the
case went to the Supreme Court assailing that penalty
amount that you were able to produce. Naa’y
to be cruel and unusual, which is against the provision
balance, asa na man ni?” What did he do when there
of the Bill of Rights against cruel and unusual
was this Php 72,000 shortage?
punishments. Is the penalty unconstitutional?
Student: He verbally explained that part of the money
We have a provision on the Constitution, Article 3,
was used to pay for the loan.
against the imposition of cruel and unusual
Sir: He admitted na gi-gamit niya ang money for? punishments. Is the penalty here of imprisonment of
14 years cruel and unusual and therefore,
Student: For the loan of his brother.
Sir/Answer: For his own personal use.And, so sensing
Answer: No.
na, “Uy, naa man diay koy shortage. Ma file-an ko
ani—I could be subject to a criminal action.” Sir: When is a penalty cruel and unusual?
What did he do to the amount?
Student: If it involves torture or a lingering death.
Student: He used it for his—
Sir: Does the penalty of imprisonment involve torture
Sir: No, no after it was already discovered and he or a lingering death?
admitted it that he personally used it for personal
Student: No, sir.
uses. What did he do?
Sir: And so? The penalty is? Is it cruel or unusual? Or
Student: He restituted his shortage.

Sir/Answer: It is not. It is not cruel or unusual and amendments. Section 2 does not allow revisions
therefore, it is not unconstitutional. Now, Mr. Perez under this vehicle. Section 2 provides for
here, in assailing that decision is – where is the Amendments to the Constitution by way of an
penalty based anyway? What law? Where can we find initiative by the people; because as we learned
malversation, as a felony? Where can we find before, sovereignty resides in the people. We can
felonies? Revised Penal Code. So, in effect, he is change the Constitution if we want to, under this
saying that the penalties in that law are cruel and provision.
unusual and therefore, the RPC is unconstitutional, at
Amendments to this Constitution may likewise be
least that provision.
proposed by the people. How? Through an initiative.
The Court said that no. Again, we this presumption – How? Through a petition of at least 12 percent of the
laws are presumed to be constitutional.There is a total number of registered voters. So, dapat in this
strong presumption of constitutionality accorded to petition, tama na siya with all the content, check na
statutes (included dira ang Revised Penal Code). If you siya, mao ni atong gusto ma-amend. And then, we
want to challenge the constitutionality—the have this amendment approved by at least 12 percent
presumption of constitutionality of that law then, by of the total number of registered voters in the
all means, you prove that; but in this case, it was not country. So, dapat at least 12 percent mu agree to the
proved. He who attacks the constitutionality of the proposed amendments. And not only that, within that
law has the burden of proof, has the burden to show 12 percent, it must be represented by at least 3
why such law is repugnant to the Constitution. So, it is percent for every legislative district.
your burden because there is a presumption of
“Every legislative district must be represented by
at least 3 percent of the registered voters therein.”
THE PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION: AMENDMENTS So, 12 percent of the total voters in the country and
AND REVISIONS within that 12 percent, dapat each legislative district
dapat ma represent ang 3 percent of its registered
Let’s go to the next topic in your syllabus which is the
voters before that petition or legislative can be acted
Amendment or Revision of the Constitution, under
upon and considered. So, that is the second way by
Article XVII thereof. So, let’s just go to the provisions
which the Constitution may be, at least in this section
first. Section 1 provides for the amendment or
– amendments to the Constitution may be proposed.
revision of the Constitution and how it is to be
First one, provides for Con-Ass/Con-Con, and the
proposed at least in the manner in Section 1. It states:
second provides for initiative by the people but only
“Any amendment (so pwede ka mag amend) to, or limited to amendments.
revision of (so pwede pud ka mag revise), this
Constitution may be proposed by (so these are the Now, amendments to the Constitution under Section
ways by which you can propose amendments to or 2, kadtung initiative, have limitations; it cannot be
revisions of the Constitution): done within 5 years from the ratification of the 1987
(1) via Con-Ass (Constitutional Assembly) or the Constitution. So, it’s no longer applicable to us
Congress upon a vote of three-fourths of all its because 5 years has passed. But, we are limited to
Members (this is voting separately); or amending the Constitution once every 5 years only.
(2) A constitutional convention (a Con-Con)”. It’s also provided in Section 2 under Article XVII.

So, in Section 1 dira nato makita ang Con-Ass and Con- Section 1. Any amendment to, or revision of, this
Con, the means by which the amendments or Constitution may be proposed by:
revisions to the Constitution may be proposed. The Congress, upon a vote of three-fourths of all
its Members; or
In Section 2, it also provides for a means by which the
Constitution may be altered but only limited to A constitutional convention

Section 2. Amendments to this Constitution may pertains to Con-Ass or Con-Con shall be valid when
likewise be directly proposed by the people ratified by a majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite.
through initiative upon a petition of at least
So there’s a specific plebiscite for that purpose and
twelve per centum of the total number of
registered voters, of which every legislative district the period there in the plebiscite shall not be held
must be represented by at least three per centum earlier than 60 days or later than 90 days after the
of the registered voters therein. No amendment approval of the amendments or revisions. So what is
under this section shall be authorized within five
the purpose of the period? So that the people will be
years following the ratification of this Constitution
nor oftener than once every five years thereafter. able to study the contents of the amendments or the
revisions. The people will be able to intelligently
The Congress shall provide for the implementation
decide whether or not they will agree to the
of the exercise of this right.
amendments or revisions.
DAY 03 – JUNE 22, 2018
Section 2 which is amendment via the petition for the
Transcribed by: Flauta initiative by the people. Any amendment under
section 2 shall be valid when ratified by the majority
of the vote cast by plebiscite again. It should not be
held earlier than 60 days or later than 90 days after
We’re still on amendments and revisions of the the certification of the COMELEC of the sufficiency of
Constitution, Article XVII. the petition. This is the difference between the first
paragraph. So here we can read that it is the
Under Section 1 of this Article, the Constitution may
COMELEC that determines whether or not the
be amended or revised. Proposed amendments may
petition for the initiative is valid or not. The COMELEC
be made or revisions may be made via Constituent
will then, after it certifies the validity of the petition,
Assembly (Con-Ass) or a Constitutional Convention
siya na ang maglihok to give this plebiscite into effect.
So we learned under Section 1 of Article 17 that
When we say Con-Ass, this is the Congress voting by ¾
amendments or revisions to the Constitution may be
of its members, and they are voting separately. You
made by Congress through the Con-Ass or through
will know that by their voting, are they exercising
legislative powers? Or are they exercising another
form of power? Difference between an amendment and revision
 Amendment –a piecemeal or isolated change
In Section 2, amendments not revisions may be done
in the Constitution. It does not rewrite any
to the Constitution proposed by the initiative by the
basic principle in the Constitution. There is
just a specific detail or provision which does
In Section 3, this provision deals with how the Con- not alter the fundamental principles in the
Con may be given effect. It would be by the forming of Constitution.
the Constitutional Convention by a vote of 2/3 of the  Revision – revamping or rewriting of the
members of Congress with all its members; or if they entire Constitution, overhauling the entire
can’t decide that, a majority vote of its members can government.
call for an election to submit the matter to the
Two stages of the amendment
electorate if they want a convention or not. So that is
1. Proposal – Con-Ass, Con-Con, or Petition for
how the Con-Con can be formed.
Section 4 provides for the manner or when are the 2. Ratification – this is when the people approve
amendments or revisions effective. Any amendment the amendments or the revisions to the
or revision of the Constitution under Section 1 which Constitution. There has to be a vote to subject

the people to this exercise and determine Now, several parties seek to have this law declared to
whether or not they approve the changes, be unconstitutional and void for many reasons.
amendments, or revisions. Among others things, “dili pwede na sabay that we
will like to introduce amendments and then at the
When we talk about initiative, the third way by which
same time form a convention to propose
amendments of the Constitution may be done, this
amendments and revisions to the Constitution.”
way is not self-executing. There has to be a law which
implements this provision in the Constitution. The They alleged that Congress may only adopt either one
provision itself states that there has to be legislation of the two alternatives to propose amendments to
for this to be effective. the Constitution:

Limitations by which the people can amend or 1. By calling a convention – However, you can’t
propose amendments to the Constitution at the same time create and introduce in the
1. The petition for initiative can only introduce same law amendments to the Constitution
or propose amendments to the Constitution itself. You can only cause the amendment or
not revisions; call a convention, but not at the same time.
2. Only once every five years; and 2. Ratification of amendment via special election
3. There must be an enabling law. (and not a general election).

The case on that matter is Santiago v.COMELEC, which Ruling:

we will discuss later. So the Court here decided the matter, disagreed with
the positions challenging the validity of the law here
Gonzales V. COMELEC (1967) and dismissed it.
The Court said here that the alternatives available for
Here we’re talking about an amendment. We’re
Congress are not exclusive with each other.
talking here about the 1935 Constitution. Thus, on
Admittedly, the word used in the constitution is “or”.
March 16, 1967, there were three resolutions issued
Proposed amendments using the disjunctive term
by the house. We have the following Resolution of
“or”. The court said that it is a weak argument
Both Houses (RBH):
because according to it, that could be construed as
 (RBH 1)introduces an amendment to the “and”. Moreover, the Court noted that subject matter
Constitution by increasing the membership of RBH no. 2 is different from that of no. 1 and no. 3. 1
the House of Representatives; and 3 again seek to propose amendments to the
 (RBH 2) calls for the calling of a Convention to Constitution while no. 2 proposes the creation of the
propose amendments to the Constitutional Convention. Moreover, the
Constitution(maghimo daw ug Constitutional amendments proposed in 1 and 3 will be submitted
Convention pursuant to this); and for ratification several years before the proposed
 (RBH 3) proposes that a provision in the Constitutional Convention in RBH no. 2 but that
Constitution should also be amended in order doesn’t mean that the resolution coming from these
to authorize senators and members of the three matters cannot be decided in one law. There is
House of Representatives to become nothing in the Constitution that negates the authority
delegates to the Constitutional Convention. of different Congresses to approve the contested
resolutions or the same Congress can pass the same in
So we can now discern that RBH 1 and 3 talk about different sessions.
amendments to the Constitution, whereas RBH 2 talks
about the formation of a Constitutional Convention. May the Constitutional amendments be submitted for
These Resolutions became law via R.A. No. 4913. ratification in general election? Should it always be
special? The Court said that in the 1935 Constitution,

there is nothing there that indicates that the election 1. Senator Defensor-Santiago – questioned that
should be special and not general. So in other words, the provision on the people’s initiative to
it can be done via a general election. Take note that amend the Constitution can only be done via
this talks about the 1935 Constitution in the 1987 legislation and she submits that there has yet
Constitution. Basically, when we talk about ratifying to be a law that can implement this provision.
the amendments and revisions, there has to be a Although, it has been recognized that there is
plebiscite for that purpose. this R.A. 6713, she argues that this law failed
to provide any subtype. The law, in other
Santiago V. COMELEC (1997) words, is deficient in the matter of the
Now, the 3rd way by which amendments can be petition for initiative on the Constitution.
introduced in the Constitution is via a petition for 2. Sen. Roco, on the other hand, challenged also
initiative by the people and the law that purportedly the COMELEC’s actions because according to
provides for the manner by which these amendments him, the petition itself is not the petition that
may be introduced to the Constitution is R.A. No. the COMELEC should act on. Dapat daw,
6735. But the Court has held that—does this law before the COMELEC can act on it, it should
really provides for the way by which amendments to already have the 12% and 3% vote. Here, Atty.
the Constitution may be done? Is it complete in itself? Delfin wanted the COMELEC to gather the
Does it really provide for the proper mechanism or 12% and 3% vote.
does it not?
Facts: Is R.A. No. 6713 adequate to provide for the system of
So here, we have a petition filed by Atty. Delfin before an initiative on the Constitution?
the COMELEC. A petition to amend the Constitution.
And what is the tenor of the amendment? Lift the
In deciding this case, the court said: 1) the provision in
term limits of elective official. So in other words our
the Constitution Section 2, Article 17 on this matter is
representatives will be holding their offices in
not self-executory. Yes, there has to be a law in order
perpetuity. And so, the petition started. He went to
to execute this provision and the limitation is that it
the COMELEC with this petition and he wanted the
can only propose amendments on the Constitution
COMELEC to conduct a signature campaign in order to
and not revise it. Has Congress provided for the
gather the 12% and 3% required votes. (Remember,
proper law for this? The court said that NO. While R.A.
before the petition or initiative can be valid it has to
No. 6735 intended—there is intent, because the word
be supported by the 12% of the total number of
Constitution appears in the law. It, however, does not
registered voters in the country. And within that 12%,
fully comply and does not fully give the proper
every legislative district must be represented by 3% of
mechanism by which the petition for the initiative to
its registered voters.) Atty. Delfin wanted the
the Constitution may be validly done. The
COMELEC to do the gathering of 12% and 3%.
Constitution pointed out several provisions in this law
The petition says, “Do you approve of lifting the term that is not consistent with the Constitution itself. The
limits of elective government officials?” He wanted to court noted the inclusion of the word Constitution in
submit this petition to the people and after it is signed the law was only a delayed afterthought. The law talks
by the 12% and 3% it will be formally filed in the about amendments and revisions but it included the
COMELEC. So, COMELEC will gather and COMELEC initiative of the Constitution. Not knowing that the
after gathering that will consider it formally filed. Constitution through a petition for initiative, all you
Now, COMELEC was poised to do what Atty. Delfin can do with it is to amend the Constitution and not
wanted it to do. And so, there are people who revise, but the provision says, “…to amend or revise
questioned COMELEC in doing so:

the Constitution via,” nakabutang didto etc. So the Tolentino v. COMELEC (1971)
Court said, that cannot be done.
(Note: Sir kept on saying Gonzales v. Comelec, but the
Moreover, the law does not provide for the contents case referred here is Tolentino v. Comelec)
of the petition for an initiative. No subtitle is provided
Let’s talk about the theories discussed by the
for the initiative of the Constitution in the same law.
Supreme Court.
There are also no details on the implementation of
the initiative on the Constitution. Take note that the What happened in this case? There was a
Court noted that the law provides for the mechanism Constitutional Convention that was gathered in order
by which local legislation as well as national legislation to propose amendments or revisions to the 1935
may be amended via initiative. But in the matter of Constitution. Now, one of the changes sought to be
amending the Constitution via a petition for initiative, introduced by this convention was to amend Article 5
the law is lacking. So the Court concluded that, this of the Constitution as to the voting age—to lower
law is incomplete, inadequate, or wanting in essential voting age from 21 to 18. And so in order to effect
terms and conditions insofar as the initiative on the that, it was approved by the Convention and now they
amendments in the Constitution is concerned. want to hold a plebiscite to have that amendment
ratified by the people. And now, several parties
So, since there is no valid law to effect this petition to
contested as to the action of the Convention. They
amend the Constitution, what the COMELEC did here
blame, among others, this piecemeal ratification of an
is that it does not have any basis and it does not have
amendment to the Constitution cannot be done
any power under this law to do what it started to do
because there is a limitation on the Article 15 of the
vis-à-vis the Atty. Delfin petition. Also, the court noted
Constitution that you can only do this ratification in a
that the Delfin petition does not contain the signature
single election. In other words, all the amendments
of the required number of voters. Without the
and revisions must already be presented to the
required signatures, the petition cannot be deemed
people in that one plebiscite for ratification.
validly initiated. The COMELEC acquires jurisdiction on
Piecemeal or one-by-one presentation is not allowed.
the power of this petition only after its filing.
Before going to the many issues of the case, the Court
When is it considered filed? If it already have the 12% discussed the nature of the Constitutional
and 3% votes, and only then can COMELEC consider Convention.
that as initiatory pleading.
What is the nature of this Constitutional Convention?
We already discussed how the amendments or According to the court, within the domain of its
revisions can be ratified—through plebiscite. legitimate authority, this convention, as with all
departments of the government, is supreme.
Transition Constitutional conventions, not called by the people
Now let’s go into the cases that talk about the directly via a revolution, are completely without
Constitutional Convention. restraint and are, as a rule, omnipotent and all-wise.

What is this Constitutional Convention? Is it a How was this convention formed? Was it formed via
separate department of the government? So in the revolution just like in the 1986 Provisional
syllabus, there is a topic there about the theories Constitution? This Convention was created pursuant
regarding the position of a Constitutional Convention to Article 15 of the 1935 Constitution which allowed
in our system of government. during that time to create a constitutional convention,
just like the 1987 Constitution.

So what are the powers of constitutional


 General rule: Once convened, this convention amendment. So it was questioned before the
will become endowed with extraordinary Supreme Court. Now, one of the arguments here
powers generally, as a rule, beyond the against that challenge is that the Supreme Court does
control of any department of the existing not have the jurisdiction on that issue—it is a political
government issue and non-justiciable matter. Is it justiciable?
 Exception to the general rule:This When we say political issue, the court cannot resolve
Constitutional Convention cannot be that. It deals with the wisdom only the people in their
unrestrained in all respects. It has limitations. sovereign capacity can resolve the issue. That is why if
But the compass of the powers of this it’s political, the court do not touch that. On the other
convention can only be co-extensive with the hand, if we’re talking about a justiciable issue, we are
purpose for which it was called or created, talking about legal issues, whether or not this Act is
which is to propose amendments to the illegal or inconsistent with the Constitution. And in
Constitution. In other words, it is not immune those matters, the courts have the power to decide.
from attack on constitutional ground if it is
On this matter, amending this provision in the
found out that what it creates or what it does
Constitution which is not consistent daw; the manner
beyond the power or authority that is granted
by which the same is done is not consistent daw with
under the Constitution. It should not exceed
the 1935 Constitution. Is that a justiciable matter? The
in the authority given to it. In its internal
Court said that it is.
operation and the performance of its tasks, it
is not subject to any degree of restraint or Let’s talk about the manner or the nature by which
control but the convention or any of its Congress,in introducing amendment or revisions in
officers cannot violate the Constitution the Constitution, how is it acting or in what capacity?
because it’s created via the Constitution. It The power to amend the Constitution or to propose
cannot go beyond the Constitution and it amendments thereto is not included in the general
cannot violate the Bill of Rights, among other grant of legislative powers of Congress. In other
things. words, when the Congress, acting as a Constituent
Assembly introduces amendments or revisions to the
So again the powers of this convention are not
Constitution, they are not acting like they are passing
unlimited. They cannot be restrained. Who can
a law. It is part of the inherent powers of the people
determine if the acts of this convention are
through our representatives or the Congressmen—the
inconsistent with the Constitution? It is the Supreme
powers of the people as the repository of sovereignty
Court. His power to do so must be lodged on some
in the public and the State. So again, when Congress
authority otherwise nothing can check this
acts as the Constituent Assembly, they are not acting
as legislators but as the people themselves exercising
And so continuing with this case, can proposals or the their sovereign powers. Hence, when exercising the
amendments in the Constitution or the way by which same, the Senators and Members of the House act
these proposals or amendments are done—can this not as members of Congress but as component
be subject to Judicial Review? Can Supreme Court elements of the Constituent Assembly. When acting
review this matter? Again, in the same case of as such, the members derive the authority from the
Tolentino v. COMELEC, remember the issue, this Constitution; unlike the people in performing the
Convention wanted to amend this provision in the same function, for their authority does not emanate
Constitution to lower the voting age under Article 5 of from the Constitution. The people themselves are the
the 1935 Constitution but it did not follow the very source of all powers in the government including
procedure under Article 15 of the 1935 Constitution the Constitution itself.
because it was a single election for a single

And even so, when we propose it as constituent ARTICLE XV: AMENDMENTS

assembly, amendments in the constitutions, the
Section 1. The Congress in joint session
members of the Congress derive their authority from assembled, by a vote of three-fourths of all the
the fundamental law. It follows that they do not have Members of the Senate and of the House of
the final say on whether or not their acts are within or Representatives voting separately, may propose
amendments to this Constitution or call a
beyond the ambit of the constitutional limitations.
convention for that purpose. Such amendments
Acting as a Constituent Assembly, this Con-Ass, is not shall be valid as part of this Constitution when
considered beyond the powers of the Supreme Court. approved by a majority of the votes cast at an
The Supreme Court can still check whether or not this election at which the amendments are submitted
to the people for their ratification.
assembly is following the provisions of the
Constitution in the manner on which they are Clearly, there is only a single election or plebiscite on
proposing amendments or revisions to the that matter. In other words, the Court did not allow
Constitution. And so, the Court said that is a here the piecemeal ratification of each amendments
justiciable issue; the Court can resolve that whether of the constitution. The Court explained the reason
or not they are following the manner on which the why. First, what is the limit? The amendments must
Constitution provides amendments or revisions in the be approved in a single election. Why should there
Constitution. only be one election? What is the reason? So that the
amendment will not be ratified in a piecemeal
Gonzales v.COMELEC deals with RBH1, 2, and 3, but
fraction. What does that mean? Any amendments in
that issue is still present in Tolentino v.COMELEC.
the Constitution is as important as a whole of it, if
RBH1, 2, and 3 were questioned if constitutional ang
only because the Constitution has to be an integrated
pag-amend sa Constitution at the same time calling
and harmonious instrument. There is a discussion by
for a Constitutional Convention. Is that a justiciable
the Court here—to simplify it—in order for the voter
issue? The Court said yes, because the Supreme Court
to intelligently decide whether or not he approves this
can still check. In the Tolentino v. COMELEC case, this
amendment, he has to be able to check what is the
is the case talking about the 18 year old—lowering
effect of this amendment as to the entire instrument.
the voting age. Another argument as to that is
Dili pwede na this provision muna for today and then
whether or not that can be done as done by the
tomorrow another provision, because how will he
Constitutional Convention here, if one plebiscite or
know that this provision sought to be amended, what
that one specific amendment, the court said that
it’s effect would be on the Constitution, and the
again that is a justiciable issue. The same discussion,
subsequent amendments on the Constitution as well.
the power to amend the Constitution is not included
It has to be viewed by the voter as whole.
in the general grant of legislative powers, but it is an
exercise of sovereign powers. Nevertheless, it does The Constitution is worked by the drafters assembled
not mean that this is beyond judicial review. Does the for that purpose.Once the original is approved, the
court have jurisdiction over the case? Of course. part of the people on its amendments is harder for
when the Constitution is submitted to them, they
Now, Let us resolve the main issue in Tolentino
have assumed its harmony as an integrated whole and
v.COMELEC. In Gonzales v. COMELEC, the Court
they can either accept it or reject it on its entirety. So,
upheld the validity of the Law adopting the three
as the Constitution is originally presented to the
RBHs; so the petition was dismissed, valid ang law.
people for ratification, it’s an entire instrument, and
Now in Tolentino vs COMELEC, is the method by
when you want to amend that, it must also be
which the amendment proposed here can be ratified,
presented to the people in one instrument.
is it consistent with the provisions of the 1935
Constitution? The Court said that it is not. Why? In the The Court said that this cannot happen in this case, in
1935 Constitution, the wording is that: the amendment in question. How can the voters in

the proposed plebiscite here, the lowering of the result shows that more 95% of the members of these
voting age, intelligently determine effect the assemblies are in favor of the new Constitution.
reduction of the voting age upon the different Where did the President get this data? That is why it is
institution which the Convention may established in being challenged. Where did these citizen assemblies
the future and which presently is not given any idea. come from? Is the formation of these assemblies
Again, for the voters, for the people to validly cast a consistent with the way by which this Constitution
vote they must have ample basis or an intelligent should be ratified? Was this made in the manner
appraisal of the nature of the amendment. How can allowed by the 1935 Constitution? And because of this
they do that? You need to have the instrument before proclamation, the President himself certified and
you as a whole with amendments already. The Court proclaimed that the new Constitution has been
said that the resolution adopted by the Constitutional ratified by an overwhelming majority of all votes cast
Convention here to effect that ratification of a single by the members of the citizen assembliesthroughout
amendment on the Constitution is null and void, the Philippines. Of course, the parties seeking to have
because it unconstitutional. this nullified, challenged that before the Supreme
Court. Javellana, among others, argued that the
Javallana v. Executive Secretary (1972) president announced the immediate implementation
This is the case which practically validated the of the new Constitution through his cabinet, and not
effectivity of the 1973 Constitution. What did the to the people. And therefore, by doing so, he acted in
Supreme Court do here? Did it do anything? excess of jurisdiction in implementing the new
So here, on March 16, 1967, the congress passed a Now, there are many issues in this case.
resolution calling for a constitutional convention. Now
The first issue is that—should this be recognized by
we have a Con-Con to propose amendments on the
the Supreme Court? And in that issue (na mali si sir)—
Constitution and it began to perform its functions on
ah let’s go back first to the first issue, as voted by the
June 19, 1971. When the Convention was in session
on September 19, 1972, the President issued
Proclamation No. 1081, placing the entire Philippines Issue:
under martial law. On November 1972, the Is the validity of P.D. 1102, declaration of the
Convention approvedof its supposed amendment on president that the Constitution is already ratified by
the Constitution. So human na, na-studyhan na by the the people, is it a justiciable or a political issue?
Convention, “These are our proposed
amendments.”What is the next step after the
The Court said that this issue is a justiciable issue, and
proposal? It has to be presented to the people for
therefore can be entertained by the Supreme Court.
ratification, so dapat i-force through siya in the
COMELEC by a plebiscite. Because probably, the Issue:
Executive Department here thought this Constitution On the second issue, has the Constitution proposed by
would not pass the plebiscite, the President issued the 1971 Con-Con been validly ratified by the people?
first PD No. 73, an order for the setting/appropriating
funds for the plebiscite for ratification or rejection of
Now, 6 members of the Court here held that it was
the Constitution. Now this was challenged for many
not validly ratified in accordance with the provisions
issues. While the case was being heard, the President
of the 1935 Constitution because the provision here
issued Proclamation 1102. What does this
talks about an election or plebiscite held in
proclamation say? It declares that citizen assemblies
accordance with law and to be voted on only by duly
have already been formed, and the referendum was
qualified by registered voters. How was the
conducted on these citizen assemblies, and that the

Constitution ratified here? Citizens’ assemblies. So, 6 constitution was enforced by the Supreme Court. So
of the justices here said that there was no sa sugod palang, sa pag-file palang sa petition, while
compliance. the Court said that it has jurisdiction and it’s a
justiciable issue, gi-dismiss ang petition. But why is
there a decision here? The decision was written by
Issue: Chief Justice Concepcion and he was a dissenter in
However, on the third issue, has the new constitution this case, so he explained this opinion. We’re talking
acquiesced (nisugot ba ang mga tao sa pag-implement about the issue of jurisdiction, whether or not the way
ani)? Did the people accept the implementation of by which Constitution may be amended or revise, is
this Constitution? that a subject to judicial review? The Court said that
yes that is inherently and essentially justiciable
matter. Again, why is it a justiciable matter? Because
The Court said that no majority vote has been reached
all of the Supreme Court has to do is to check—these
by the Court. 4 members of the Supreme Court held
are the proposed amendments and provisions, how
that people have already accepted the Constitution, 2
they are supposed to be ratified, and now gi-compare
members said that there can be no free expression in
niya if under the Constitution sought to be amended
this case—in the supposed voting because they are
or revised, are these consistent with the provision of
under martial law so whatever vote they casted it was
the Constitution. That is why the Supreme Court can
made under duress. 3 members of the Supreme Court
decide on the matter. It has the power to do so
said that they do not have the knowledge or
because it interprets the constitution. And it can
competence to rule on the question. So, there was no
declare whether or not acts pursuant to the
majority vote on this matter.
Constitution, consistent or inconsistent with it.
Now was the 1973 Constitution validly ratified?
Continuing the issue, are the petitioners challenging
According to Chief Justice Concepcion (he dissented in
P.D. No. 1106 entitled to relief?
this case; it is his decision; it’s just that the voting of
Ruling: the Court still resulted in the effectivity of 1973
This is the way the court decided it. 6 members voted Constitution, but it did not prevent from saying his
to dismiss this petition so, in other words, dapat at opinion), the citizens’ assemblies, barrio assemblies,
the outset, even if the Court said that it is a justiciable were held to place the intervention of the COMELEC.
issue, na-dismiss na siya by the Supreme Court. Why? It was the Executive department that conducted these
Because 6 members voted that it should be dismissed. elections. So under the 1935 Constitution, it is the
Why? What is the reason of the 6 members? They COMELEC who has the authority to conduct plebiscite
said that the effectivity of the Constitution, in the final but it was not done in this case so clearly there was
analysis, is the basic and ultimate question imposed in already a violation in the 1935 Constitution vis-à-vis
these cases. Since the Constitution is already the ratification of the 1973 Constitution. Because it is
effective, the issues presented in this case are already the Executive department that conducted the
moot. election, there is no way for checking the accuracy of
the returns in the elections.
And finally, is the Constitution here enforced? Has the proposed constitution be approved been a
majority of the people in the citizens’ assembly? Chief
Ruling: Justice Concepcion said that no. Inasmuch as under
The Court, in its voting, held that there are not the 1935 Constitution, the COMELEC has the power to
enough votes to declare that the new Constitution is determine that. It was not done so because it was not
not enforced. And so in other words, the 1973 the COMELEC that conducted the election.

Had the people acquiesced to the proposed Manila Prince Hotel v. GSIS (1997) - Recitation
Constitution and they accept this? According to Chief
Here, the Court talked about the provision on the
Justice Concepcion, no, I am not prepared to concede
Filipino First Policy. Is that a self-executing provision
that the acts of the officers and offices of the
or not?
Executive department connote the recognition or
acquiescence of the 1973 Constitution because— Sir: Now here, GSIS, pursuant to its privatization
whether they recognized the proposed constitution or program, wanted to sell its shares of what hotel?
not, is not something they cannot legally do, because
Answer: Manila Prince Hotel.
they are bound to obey and act in conformity with the
orders of the President. It was really the President Sir: What happened after that? Who are the two
that railroaded the validity of this 1973 Constitution. Bidders? How much was their bid?
Did the Executive department agreed? They have no
 Manila Prince Hotel Corporation, a Filipino
choice but to agree they are under the Executive
corporation, which offered to buy 51% of the
department. What about the Legislative department?
MHC or 15,300,000 shares at P41.58 per
The failure to meet of the members of the Congress
was not due to their recognition of the Constitution
 Renong Berhad a Malaysian firm, with ITT-
but it was out of fear that those that would not
Sheraton as its hotel operator, which bid for
recognize the Constitution would invite the risk of the
the same number of shares at P44.00 per
application of the martial law to him. What about the
share, or P2.42 more than the bid of
inaction of the people? Is that supposed to be
acquiescence? The CJ Conception said that, no.
Martial law connotes the power of the gun, meaning Sir: Whose bid should be selected?
coercion, compulsion, and intimidation of the military.
So the reason why the people are silent was because Student/Answer: Renong Berhad, because it was
they are afraid. So, even if he dissented, he could not higher.
deviate from the result of the voting, because the Sir: The GSIS owns a substantial share in this Manila
majority voted—there was not enough votes to Prince Hotel, so they wanted to dispose of this shares,
declare that the new Constitution is not enforced. By and these two corporations/bidders wanted to buy
virtue of the majority of the votes of the 6 justices their shares. So in the first bidding, this Renong
here against the 4 dissenting votes of the Chief Justice Berhad, a Malaysian firm bid for a higher amount, so
and three other justices, the cases challenging the definitely dapat siya ang madaog because the
validity of the 1973 constitution are hereby dismissed. Government would be able to get more money. This
So, this being the vote of the majority, there is no Manila Prince Hotel Corporation wrote to GSIS that it
judicial obstacle for the Constitution to be considered wanted to match the bid of Renong Berhad. So form
enforced and in effect. P41.58, gitaasan niya uto P44.00. Since it matched the

THE PHILIPPINED CONSTITUTION: SELF-EXECUTING bid, it argued that it should be the winner.

AND NON-SELF-EXECUTING PROVISIONS Sir: What are the arguments of Manila Prince Hotel?
The GSIS was poised to reward these shares to the
Now let’s go to the topic—how do you interpret the
foreign corporation. But here Manila Prince hotel
provision of the constitution? Are they automatic self-
argued that it must be prioritized because?
executing? Are they considered non-self-executing?
Answer: It was argued by the Manila Prince Hotel, I
am a Filipino corporation and should be prioritized for
shares in Manila Hotel and according to it, this hotel
has become part of the national patrimony.

Sir: What provision did the petitioner invoked? supreme law of the nation, it is deemed written in
every statute and contract.
Answer: Petitioner invokes Sec. 10, 2nd par., Art. XII, of
the 1987 Constitution and submits that the Manila Now in interpreting the provisions of the Constitution,
Hotel has been identified with the Filipino nation and we have to reckon or distinguish between
has practically become a historical monument which declarations of policy whichare considered, as a rule,
reflects the vibrancy of Philippine heritage and not self-executing versus self-executing provisions. In
culture. It is a proud legacy of an earlier generation of provisions which lays down general principles, such as
Filipinos who believed in the nobility and sacredness those found in Art. II, are usually not self-executing.
of independence and its power and capacity to But, provisions which are complete and which also
release the full potential of the Filipino people. To all supplies sufficient rules by means of which the rights
intents and purposes, it has become a part of the it grants may be enjoyed, they are considered self-
national patrimony. executing. Now if there is a confusion whether or not
this provision is self-executing or not, the Court would
Petitioner also argues that since 51% of the shares of
prefer the provision be interpreted as self-executing.
the MHC carries with it the ownership of the business
That is if there is a confusion.
of the hotel which is owned by respondent GSIS, a
government-owned and controlled corporation, the Issue:
hotel business of respondent GSIS being a part of the Now, let’s go to the provision invoked here, Article
tourism industry is unquestionably a part of the XIII, Section 10(2), the Filipino First Policy. Is that self-
national economy. Thus, any transaction involving executing or not self-executing?
51% of the shares of stock of the MHC is clearly
covered by the term national economy, to which Sec.
It is self-executing. The Court said that:
10, second par., Art. XII, 1987 Constitution, applies.
“Quite apparently, Sec. 10, second par., of Art XII is
In the grant under the Constitution, the grant of
couched in such a way as not to make it appear that it
rights, privileges, and concessions covering the is non-self-executing but simply for purposes of style.
national economy and patrimony, the State shall give But, certainly, the legislature is not precluded from
preference to qualified Filipinos, in other words, it enacting further laws to enforce the Constitutional
provision so long as the contemplated statute squares
should prioritize Manila Prince Hotel as the winning
with the Constitution. Minor details may be left to the
bidder for this matter. legislature without impairing the self-executing nature
of constitutional provisions.
On the Hand, GSIS argued that, that provision is not
self-executing and requires implementing legislation “On the other hand, Sec. 10, second par., Art. XII of the
1987 Constitution is a mandatory, positive command
because this provision is under general principles of
which is complete in itself and which needs no further
the Constitution and therefore not self-executing. guidelines or implementing laws or rules for its
enforcement. From its very words the provision does
So let’s discuss the principles discussed by the not require any legislation to put it in operation. It is
Supreme Court here. We talked about the doctrine of per se judicially enforceable. When our Constitution
constitutional supremacy. mandates that [i]n the grant of rights, privileges, and
concessions covering national economy and
Under the doctrine of constitutional supremacy, if a patrimony, the State shall give preference to qualified
Filipinos, it means just that - qualified Filipinos shall be
law or contract violates any norm of the constitution
that law or contract whether promulgated by the
legislative or by the executive branch or entered into “And when our Constitution declares that a right exists
in certain specified circumstances an action may be
by private persons for private purposes is null and
maintained to enforce such right notwithstanding the
void and without any force and effect. Thus, since the absence of any legislation on the subject;
Constitution is the fundamental, paramount and consequently, if there is no statute especially enacted

to enforce such constitutional right, such right THE PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION: THE SELF-
enforces itself by its own inherent potency and
puissance, and from which all legislations must take
their bearings. Where there is a right, there is a PROVISIONS, CONT’D
remedy. Ubi jus ibi remedium.”
Domino v. COMELEC (1999)
Now if we have here a self-executing provision,
pwede ba na it can no longer be supplemented by an The Court discussed here the plain meaning rule
implementing law? The Court said that even if it is (verba legis) and the meaning of the word “residence”
self-executing, it does not preclude laws which in Article VI. How do you interpret this word
supplements to facilitate the implementation. And so “resident?” Where would you find this term? It’s in
the Court said here that the Filipino First Policy is s Article VI, Section 6, on the requirements before a
self-implementing provision, it does not need a person can be a member of the House of
legislation for it be effective. Representatives. Before you can be a member of that
house, among others, you have to be a resident of the
As to the question whether or not this gives the State district where you shall be elected for a period of not
a carte blanche authority to always give preference to less than one year immediately preceding the date of
Filipinos, the Court here qualified that the phrase says the election. And so what is contested here is the
“qualified Filipinos”, not only Filipinos but they have term “resident”. When are you considered as a
to be qualified in the first place. resident? How did this issue come about? Domino
So going back to the facts of the case, since the court filed a COC to represent the province in Saranggani in
found out that the bidder here was a qualified Filipino the House of Representatives. He claims in his COC
and applying the self-executing provision in this that he has resided in that locality for 1 year and 2
Article, preference should be given to Manila Prince months. When he won the election, his kalaban
Hotel. challenged that victory by, among others, claiming
that he falsified his COC because, in fact, he was not a
DAY 04 – JUNE 25, 2018 resident of Saranggani. His presence there was merely
temporary. Wala jud siya’y intention to reside in that
Transcribed by: Casia
locality. What were the documents that he
Last meeting, we finished our discussion on presented? Lease contractlang daw sya, etc. Of couse,
amendments and revisions, and we started our on the other hand, Domino argued that “I am a
discussion on the interpretation of the Constitution, resident of this locality.”
particularly, on the matter on whether or not, in case
Is Domino here a resident of the province of
of doubt, in case of conflict, in the interpretation of a
Saranggani for at least 1 year?
provision, whether it is self-executing or non-self-
The court in this case said he is NOT. Now, this matter
executing. How do you interpret this? The general
which is important to our subject, to our topic, is the
rule is that we interpret the provision as self-
interpretation of the word “residence.” According to
executing. The Court explained the reason for such
the Court, the term “residence” in its common
interpretation in many cases. That is what we learned
sentence or meaning is used in the law among others
in Manila Prince Hotel v. GSIS pertaining to the
as a requirement for qualification for elective office.
Filipino First Policy where the Court said that that
This term “residence” is synonymous or means the
provision, while it may be found in an Article in the
same thing as “domicile” which requires therefore
Constitution that will provide for policies, the Court
that if you are going to interpret that word
said that reading that provision already provides for
“residence” with domicile it means that not only
an enforceable right. It can by itself be a basis for a
should you intend to reside in this place. (Dili lang siya
legal right or claim. Therefore, it is self-executing.
kutob intention. Dapat naa pud kay act.) Also,

personal presence in that place coupled with conduct pleasure, or some other reasons, one intends to
indicative of your intention to stay in that place. How return. Domicile is a question of intention and
can you change the domicile? Because according to circumstances. In the consideration of circumstances,
the kalaban of Domino, he resided in another locality three rules must be borne in mind, namely: (1) that a
and then he just transferred to this Saranggani man must have a residence or domicile somewhere;
because dili naman daw siya ma-elect didto sa iyang (2) when once established it remains until a new one
laing lugar because probably he exceed the three-term is acquired; and (3) a man can have but one residence
limit so nibalhin na daw siya for purposes of being or domicile at a time.
able to run again as a representative. The Court said
that before you can successfully effect the change of
“Article 6, Section 6 - No person shall be a
domicile, you must demonstrate actual change of
Member of the House of Representatives unless he
domicile (dapat muhawa naka, alis ka na) from your is a natural-born citizen of the Philippines and, on
previous domicile, with the bona fide intention of the day of the election, is at least twenty-five
abandoning the former place of residence and years of age, able to read and write, and, except
the party-list representatives, a registered voter in
establishing a new one, and acts which correspond to
the district in which he shall be elected, and a
that purpose. What was the contract presented by resident thereof for a period of not less than one
Domino proving that he changed his domicile? Lease year immediately preceding the day of the
contract. “Nag lease nako diri.” But in this case—well election.”
this is an old case, in subsequent cases, the court said Pamatong v. COMELEC (2004)
that you cannot use subjective grounds to determine
Here, we have Ely Pamatong who is a candidate who
whether or not there is a spot for qualification.
filed his COC to run for president but the COMELEC
Anyway, in this case, the Court said that that lease
declared him and 35 other people as nuisance
contract purports impermanence, transiency, it does
candidatesbecause among others, he could not wage
not engender the kind of permanency required to
daw a nationwide campaign. And so Pamatong went
prove abandonment of one’s original domicile. But in
to the SC challenging the resolution of the COMELEC
subsequent cases, lenient na ang supreme court.
because according to him under Article II, Section 26
Because if you require him to have a house in this
of the Constitution, he has the right to run for public
locality, you would be adding to the requirements of
the constitution (nag-add ka ug property requirement
which should not be allowed). But in this case the Was Pamatong’s right to equal access to opportunities
Court said that interpreting the word domicile is for public office was violated?
synonymous with residence, he was not able to prove The Court said that he is WRONG. This provision is not
that he is now a resident of this locality. Therefore, he self-executing. You can find this provision under Article
is disqualified from representing the district in the II which enumerates declarations of principles and
House of Representatives. state policies, and therefore these are guidelines, not
enforceable rights. The court emphasized here that
Residence – It is doctrinally settled that the term
there is no such thing as a constitutional right to run
residence, as used in the law prescribing the
for or hold public office. You hold it because of public
qualifications for suffrage and for elective office,
trust; you may hold it as a privilege. Nothing in the
means the same thing as domicile, which imports not
plain language of the provision invoked by Pamatong
only an intention to reside in a fixed place but also
here justifies an interpretation of the sort (na naa daw
personal presence in that place, coupled with conduct
siya’y right to run for public office).
indicative of such intention.
Nature of Article II
Domicile – Domicile denotes a fixed permanent
This Article declares merely general principles which
residence to which, whenever absent for business,
are, as a rule, not self-executing. When you say that a

provision is not self-executing, there will be a need for basis, Tondo Medical, in claiming that this agenda is
an implementing legislation before this can be a unconstitutional?” Nag enumerate siya: Article II
source of enforceable rights. Since makita man nimo Sections 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 18, among the other
ni si equal access clause in Section 26 of Article II, the provisions na iyahang gi-enumerate as having been
Court said that just like the rest of the policies violated by this reform. Ang point daw aning mga
enumerated therein, this provision does not contain articles nagi-invoke ni Tondo Medical is that dapat
any judicially enforceable constitutional right but a tagaan ug access ang poor and indigent to hospitals. If
mere guideline for legislative or executive action. That you charge fees then you would limit their access to
is the purpose nganong naay mga enumeration diri of medicine as well as to medical services. Tondo
policies and state principles. These are not supposed Medical filed a case before the CA and the CA
to give you an enforceable right but these are disagreed with Tondo Medical because according to
guidelines not only for the executive and legislature the CA, this agenda cannot be considered to have
for promulgation of laws, to guide them in their policy- violated these provisions in the Constitution because
making but also for the judiciary, to guide it in its in the first place, they are not self-executing
decision-making. So, no enforceable right, Pamatong provisions. Who is correct, the CA or this Tondo
cannot claim therefore that there is a violation Medical?
Whether the CA is correct?
Provisions: The Court said that the CA is correct.
Article II, Section 26, 1987 Constitution – “The
As a general rule, we follow that rule that a provision
State shall guarantee equal access to
opportunities for public service and prohibit is self-executing. The provisions of the Constitution is
political dynasties as may be defined by law.“ considered self-executing as a rule and therefore do
not require future legislation. What is the reason?
Tondo Medical v. CA (2007)
Nganong dapat self-executing instead of non-self-
In 1999, the DOH launched this HSRA (Health Sector executing? If they are not treated as self-executing, if
Reform Agenda) which provides for five general areas that’s not the general rule, the mandate of the
of reform. The first is to provide fiscal autonomy to Constitution can be easily nullified by the inaction of
government hospitals. What do you mean by fiscal Congress(wala man sila’y himuon, maong wala’y laws
autonomy? Autonomy insofar as the management of ma-enact). So the Court said that in order to notlet
your finances or concerns, pwede ka maka-impose ug that happen, we interpret provisions as a general rule
fees, etc., so that dili ka maging dependent sa subsidy to be self-executing para dili dependent ang effectivity
or support from the government. That is one of the sa constitution and its provisions sa legislature.
agenda of this HSRA, isa didto. Now, this was
Now, what is the legal value again of these principles
challenged, this first agendum of this HSRA, it was
in Article II? They are not self-executing and therefore
challenged by Tondo Medical here because what was
they are only used by the executive and the legislative
the reason? According to it, if you grant this entity
in formulation of policy as well as the judiciary as aids
with fiscal autonomy, you will grant this public
or guides in the exercise of its judicial review but they
government hospital the power to impose fees on its
cannot give rise to a cause of action in courts because
clientele—when we’re talking about government
they do not embody judicially enforceable
hospitals, we’re talking about indigents, mga people
constitutional rights.
who are not so financially well off. They go there
because pobre man siya—and if you impose this fiscal Why is this the rule for general principles and policies?
autonomy, masingil na hinuon ni sila. Why can’t these policies be sources of enforceable
rights? The court said that to declare that these
What was the argument of those who seek to uphold
provisions are enough to guarantee the full exercise of
this agenda? Their argument was that: “What is your

the rights therein would be impractical if not The court said that NO. Article II, again, is not a source
unrealistic because the provisions, the concepts of enforceable rights. Article II provides for the
espoused within these provisions are very broad. “The declaration of principles and state policies. General
State shall promote social justice in all phases of ideological principles are not a source of enforceable
national development.” Social justice, how do you rights. These principles are not self-executing.
interpret that? Is that your own interpretation? So Therefore, you cannot claim that you have any right
there has to be a valid or acceptable parameter. Dili under these principles.
nimo pwede na you take this provision as is and use it
as a source of remedy because it is overly broad,
Article II, Section 5, of the 1987 Constitution– “The
impractical, unrealistic. So, the HSRA is not
maintenance of peace and order, the protection of
unconstitutional. life, liberty, and property, and promotion of the
general welfare are essential for the enjoyment by
BCDA v. COA (2009) all the people of the blessings of democracy.”
In 1992, you have the passage of R.A. 7227, creating Article II, Section 18, of the 1987 Constitution –
“The State affirms labor as a primary social
this BCDA, Bases Conversion and Development
economic force. It shall protect the rights of
Authority. In this law, R.A. 7227, the Board of workers and promote their welfare.”
Directors of this BCDA has the power to determine its
own organizational structure and in the course DatuMichaelAbasKida v. Senate (2011) – Recitation
thereof, adopt a compensation and benefit scheme Let’s continue with the concept in the case of Kida v.
which is equivalent to the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. Senate. The Court emphasized here the principle of
That’s a very generous compensation package scheme constitutional supremacy. You cannot deviate as, we
if you follow that. Using that authority under the law, learned from the first meeting, the Constitution is
nag-issue si BCDA ug issuance which granted this supreme over all.
year-end benefits to contractual employees as well as
Sir: What happened in Kida v. Senate?
regular employees and board members. That started
in 1996 but it was disallowed sometime in 2003 by the Student/Answer: What happened in this case sir was
Commission on Audit (COA) because it violated daw a R.A. 9054 was passed that amended the ARMM
circular by the DBM. BCDA claims that the COA cannot charter and reset the regular elections to the second
do this because, otherwise, it would violate several Monday of May 2013.
provisions of the Constitution, particularly Article II, Sir: Let’s start with the history before we go to the
Sections 5 and 18. What do these provide? “The issue. After the effectivity of the 1987 constitution,
maintenance of peace and order, the protection of life, what was enacted 2 years on august 1, 1989?
liberty, and property, and the promotion of the
Student/Answer: R.A. 6734
general welfare are essential for the enjoyment by all
people of the blessings of democracy.” “The State Sir: Which is?
affirms labor as a primary social economic force. It Student/Answer: The organic act which establishes
shall protect the rights of workers and promote their ARMM and scheduled the first regular elections for
welfare.” the regional officials.

Sir: Okay, so this law was passed which created this

If tanggalon daw nimo ang P10,000.00 na year-end ARMM, this autonomous region in Muslim Mindanao.
benefit, you would violate—there would no longer be Then purportedly, there were laws that succeeded
peace and order, protection of life, liberty, etc. Is the this R.A. 6734 which daw amended it. What are these
BCDA correct? laws?

Student/Answer: R.A. 9054 that reset the regular well as the organic act, Congress has to meet this
elections for the ARMM regional officials to the supermajority requirement. What is the supermajority
second Monday of September 2001; No. 9140- requirement? How many votes?
on June 22, 2001. This law reset the first regular
Student/Answer: 2/3, sir.
elections originally scheduled under RA No. 9054,
to November 26, 2001; RA No. 9333that reset the Sir: 2/3 votes of?
ARMM regional elections to the 2nd Monday of August Student/Answer: Those votes of members of the
2005; and RA No. 10153 originated in the House of congress sir.
Representatives as House Bill (HB) No. 4146, seeking
Sir: Voting…?
the postponement of the ARMM elections scheduled
on August 8, 2011. Student/Answer: Voting separately.

Sir: So these laws daw, purportedly, allegedly, Sir: Yes, that is the requirement of the supermajority.
amended R.A. 6734, this organic act. Now, why were Before you can amend this law, 2/3 dapat imong ma
these laws challenged? What was the problem with achieve na votes from both houses, voting separately.
these laws? What else? Supermajority requirement and another
requirement before you effect an amendment that is
Student/Answer: (wrong answer)
the _____ requirement?
Sir: The issue on synchronization. But what about the
Student/Answer: Plebiscite, sir.
requirement under R.A. 9054 that before you can
amend the law, there is this requirement of blank and Sir: Yes, kailangan daw naay plebiscite. Kung gi-
blank? What does R.A. 9054 impose? subject ba ninyo ni sa mga inhabitants aning locality,
ma appove ba mo to effect and the amendment
Student/Answer: Requirement for supermajority, sir.
thereof? So let’s go now to the ruling of the Supreme
Sir: Supermajority what? Court. Now, insofar as the issue in synchronization is
Student/Answer: Supermajority requirement for concerned, there is a discussion here by the Supreme
amendment sir. Court on the verba legis or plain meaning rule. Now,
what was the provision or Article which requires the
Sir: What does that mean? What does supermajority
synchronization of the local elections?
Student/Answer: Article XVIII, Section 1, sir.
Student/Answer: That would mean more than the
majority that is mandated by the Constitution, sir. Sir: And what was the word that was zero-in by the
Supreme Court here to be at issue?
Sir: For? Majority of what, what body?
Student/Answer: (no answer)
Student/Answer: For the House of Representatives,
sir. Sir: There was an issue here that the election daw in
the ARMM should not be synchronized because it is
Sir: House of Representatives lang?
not in the Constitution, it is not _____ election
Student/Answer: and the senate, sir. Congress because what is held in the ARMM is the regional
election not a _____ election therefore there is no
Sir: Congress. What law requires the supermajority
need for synchronization. What is the word?
requirement? Katong mga laws na imong gipang
enumerate. One of them imposed this supermajority Student/Answer: Local election, sir.
requirement. What law is that?
Sir: Is regional inside or within the definition of local?
Student/Answer: R.A. 9054 (9034?), sir.
Student/Answer: Yes, sir.
Sir: Yes, this law imposed the supermajority
Sir: The court here said that although called regional
requirement. Before you can amend daw R.A. 9054 as
elections, the ARMM elections should be included

among the elections to be synchronized because it is a Congress cannot bind or limit the powers of future
local election based on the wording and structure of congresses by enacting irrepealable laws. The Court
the Constitution. said that this supermajority requirement gives that
kind of law a resemblance of being an irrepealable law
A basic rule in constitutional construction is that the
(lisod na siya i-repeal).
words used should be understood in the sense that
they have in common use and given their ordinary Now, let’s go the plebiscite requirement. Is it required
meaning, except when technical terms are employed, in the supposed amendments here?
in which case the significance thus attached to them
Student/Answer: No, sir.
Sir: Why?
Okay so that is how the Supreme Court interpreted
that—local includes regional. The reason why there is Student/Answer: Article X, Section 18, paragraph 2
this plain meaning rule is because the Constitution is states that only amendments to, or revisions of, the
not a lawyer’s document, its language should be Organic Act constitutionally-essential to the creation
understood (by all) in the sense that it may have in of autonomous regions i.e., those aspects specifically
common. Its words should be given their ordinary mentioned in the Constitution which Congress must
meaning except where technical terms are employed. provide for in the Organic Act require ratification
through a plebiscite.
Now let’s go to the supermajority requirement issue.
Why is this a constitutional issue? What provision in Sir: The constitution only requires in Article X, Section
the Constitution is this inconsistent with? 18, that you can impose a plebiscite requirement if
you have the following amendments: creation of
Student/Answer: Section 16(2), Article VI, sir.
autonomous regions and for determining which
Sir: Yes, now what does this Article provide? provinces, cities and geographic areas will be included
in the autonomous regions. Unsa pa? (a) the basic
Student/Answer: A majority of each House shall
structure of the regional government; (b) the regions
constitute a quorum to do business.
judicial system i.e., the special courts with personal,
Sir: so? family, and property law jurisdiction; and, (c) the
Student/Answer: So a supermajority is clearly in grant and extent of the legislative powers
excess of what the Constitution requires. constitutionally conceded to the regional government
under Section 20, Article X of the Constitution.
Sir: As a general rule, before Congress can pass,
repeal, amend laws, what is the required number or If your amendments touched this matter, then a
voting? plebiscite is required which means that the
Constitution does not really proscribe or prohibit
Student/Answer: Majority, sir.
totally plebiscites as long as mahulog ka diri, you fall
Sir: Majority vote lang ang required. So this is the within the instances wherein a plebiscite may be
provision that clashes with the requirement of R.A. required. Now, are the supposed laws here, do they
9054 which requires a 2/3 votes plus it will be more fall under the instances that would require a
difficult daw for future Congresses to amend these plebiscite?
laws because we have to contend with this 2/3 voting
Student/Answer: No, si.r
requirement. The Court said that that requirement
gives this law what kind of nature or characteristic? Sir: Thank you.

Student/Answer:Irrepealably. Now, in 2012, the Court resolved the Motion for

Reconsideration of this case where the Court denied it
Sir: It becomes an irrepealable law which is repugnant
with finality. The Court emphasized that
to this system of government. Why is that? Because
Congress is supposed to be plenary and the current

synchronization is mandated in the Constitution and it Court, and a representative of the private sector. So 7
includes the ARMM elections. members in all.

Also, the Court ruled that the laws challenged here In 1997, however, this composition was changed by
really do not amend R.A. 9054 or the organic act the JBC. Instead of having only 7 members, an 8th
because these laws do not change anything in the member was added to the JBC because 2
import of the law but just set the definite schedule by representatives from Congress began sitting in the JBC
which the elections are to be held. Those changes, and they had ½ vote each. (So, nagka-yagaw na.) This
according to the Court, are not considered was challenged by Chavez, former Solicitor General
amendments. Nevertheless, the requirement in R.A. because according to him, this JBC was not following
9054, even if they are considered amendments, they the provision in the constitution insofar as its
cannot be applied because the requirement of the composition is concerned.
supermajority vote as well as the plebiscite are
inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution.
They are unconstitutional. Therefore, they have no They have 8 members when the Constitution only
force and effect. There is no need, therefore, for a allows 7, so who is correct here?
supermajority vote and a plebiscite before these Now, what we need to discuss here is the unambiguity
supposed amendments can take effect. of the provision. When you say unambiguous, it is not
confusing, it is clear. There is no need for other
Chavez v. JBC (2013)
interpretation and the phrase involved here is “a
We have here the case involving the composition of representative of Congress.” Do you need to use a
the JBC and the interpretation of the phrase “a calculator to compute how many representatives are
representative of Congress.” needed for Congress? The Court said that the JBC must

When you say a plebiscite, an election, a be composed only of 7 members because of the word

representative, how many objects are you referring used of the singular letter “a” preceding
“representative of Congress” is unequivocal, clear, and
to? Are you referring to 50 elections? You’re only
needs no room for any Construction. When the
talking about ONE. “A representative.” That is under
the Constitution, Section 8, Article VIII, this provides provisions are clear, there is no room, there is no need

for the composition of the JBC. What is the JBC, for Construction. When the words of the statute or the

anyway? This is the body, the Judicial and Bar Council Constitution are clear and free from ambiguity or

which “sala” or sifts the applicants in the Judiciary as confusion, they must be given their literal meaning,

well as in the Office of the Ombudsman, among other free from any attempted interpretation. That’s what

government positions. So this is the strainer which the Court said here.

determines who are qualified. This JBC is composed of Also, there’s this maxim: “Noscitur a sociis” which
how many members? Only 7 members as enumerated means that a meaning of a word is or may be known
in this Article. Who are these? The Chief Justice as ex from accompanying words. Under the doctrine, the
officio Chairman, the Secretary of Justice, and a meaning of questionable words or phrases in a statute
representative of the Congress as ex officio Members. may be ascertained by reference to the meaning of
When you say ex officio, they hold membership in the words or phrases associated with it. What’s the point?
JBC because they are the chief justice, secretary of The point here is that do not read provisions of the law
justice, and representative of Congress. There is no or the Constitution in isolation. You read it as an entire
need na i-appoint sila to that; holding those ex officio document. That’s how you interpret it. That’s the
positions is part of their duty. Those are the 3. Who concept of “Noscitur a sociis.”
are the rest? A representative of the Integrated Bar, a
professor of law, a retired Member of the Supreme Now, here, the Court applied the doctrine instead that
the word Congress as used in this provision is used in

its generic sense and what are the words na kauban Article 8, Section 8 – “(1) A Judicial and Bar
niya? “a representative of congress, chief justice, Council is hereby created under the supervision of
the Supreme Court composed of the Chief Justice
secretary of justice, a representative of the integrated
as ex officio Chairman, the Secretary of Justice,
bar, a professor of law,” aside sa fact that they note and a representative of the Congress as ex
singularity, there is also this use of the word Congress. officio Members, a representative of the
Congress was not emphasized here by the provision to Integrated Bar, a professor of law, a retired
Member of the Supreme Court, and a
represent or to mean both houses because ang point
representative of the private sector.
sa provision is that the 3 great departments of the
government are represented in the JBC: the Executive, (2) The regular members of the Council shall be
appointed by the President for a term of four
the Judiciary, and the Congress or the Legislature; one
years with the consent of the Commission on
representative each. So that’s “Noscitur a sociis.” Appointments. Of the Members first appointed,
the representative of the Integrated Bar shall
In the MR, the Courts have held their own decision and serve for four years, the professor of law for three
emphasized that—there was an argument here raised years, the retired Justice for two years, and the
in the MR that there was just an oversight because representative of the private sector for one year.
there was just a failure daw of the framers of the (3) The Clerk of the Supreme Court shall be the
Constitution to make the proper adjustment. When Secretary ex officio of the Council and shall keep a
there was a shift from unicameral/unilateralism to record of its proceedings.
bicameralism. Because of that oversight daw—sa una (4) The regular Members of the Council shall
unicameral but because they wanted it to be receive such emoluments as may be determined
by the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court shall
bicameral, two houses of Congress—nalimtan daw,
provide in its annual budget the appropriations for
congress ang gigamit. By oversight, congress gihapon the Council.
ang gigamit even if bicameral na ang character sa
(5) The Council shall have the principal function of
recommending appointees to the Judiciary. It may
Is that argument correct? exercise such other functions and duties as the
Supreme Court may assign to it.”
The court said that NO. The Framers reposed their
wisdom and vision on one suprema lex to be the General Discussion
ultimate expression of the principles and the Okay. So we’re done with those concepts. In your
framework upon which government and society were syllabus—that’s the syllabus of the bar exams—we
to operate. Therefore, when we interpret have to discuss the general principles in the
constitutional provisions, the court relies on the basic constitution, Article XVI. So let’s just discuss some of
postulate that the framers meant what they said them. Some of them we’ll just discuss in more detail
when used the words in the Constitution. The in the future.
language used in the Constitution must be taken to
have been deliberately chosen for a deliberate Section 1 on the flag of the Philippines. Do not take
purpose. (Wala lang na gipatak-an diha.) Every word that for granted because we have a law that requires
there was selected with precision because they are us to sing with fervor whenever there is a flag
supposed to mean this way. Every word must be ceremony. Is it required na naay flag sa imong
interpreted to exude its deliberate intent which must atubangan before ka mutindog? No. We’ll discuss that
be maintained inviolate against disobedience and law sometime in the future. So in the cinema, you
defiance. So, the Court cannot accept that this was a accost or you reprimand those who do not stand up
mere error of the framers. You have to prove that this because you are a law student. You’re supposed to be
was an error. superior over these pedestrian. I can arrest you—
citizen’s arrest.

The pertinent provisions, among others, is Section 3. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS: CONDITIONS FOR THE
State immunity from suit. The State may not be sued EXERCISE OF JUDICIAL REVIEW
without its consent. There’s a discussion here, very
lengthy, in the future. Now, let’s go to some of the general considerations
before we continue with our study of the
Section 4 and 5 on the armed forces. The Armed
Constitution. The most important of which is the
Forces of the Philippines shall be composed of a
requirements or conditions for the exercise of judicial
citizen armed force which shall undergo military
review. You need to memorize and understand these
training and serve as may be provided by law. It shall
requirements if you want to pass this subject. (At
keep a regular force necessary for the security of the
least, kani man langma-carry ninyo to your grave.)
State. And, all members of the armed forces shall take
an oath or affirmation to uphold and defend this Funa v. Agra (2013) – Recitation
Constitution. Yes, because they are the first line of Here, there’s an issue of the holding of the multiple
defense against invaders, against China. So, we have offices of this Agra. Agra is so smart that he held the
to have a loyal compliment as emphasized in the case office of the Secretary of Justice and the Solicitor
of Cudia v. PMA. What about the police? Is it under General all at once, concurrently. But, under the
the armed forces of the Philippines? Learning from Constitution, particularly under Article VII, Section 13,
the Marcos regime where the police was under the cabinet members, among the other officials
AFP, now, under Section 6 of Article XVI: The State enumerated in that article, cannot hold any other
shall establish and maintain one police force, which position—members of the cabinet, etc.,[are
shall be national in scope and civilian in character. At prohibited] from holding any other office or
all times, civilian authority is supreme or superior to employment during their tenure unless otherwise
military employee. So civilian lang atong police. provided in the constitution. Now, Agra was
What else? Section 11 on ownership of mass media appointed as the acting Secretary of Justice. So he is
and the advertising industry. This is one of so many the SOJ and therefore, a cabinet member. But, he was
fake news because the mass media is owned fully by appointed also as acting SolGen so he is now holding 2
Filipinos. This provision provides that: The ownership offices in violation of this provision.
and management of mass media shall be limited to
Agra admitted that he held the 2 offices concurrently
citizens of the Philippines, or to corporations,
and so the case went to the Supreme Court. One of
cooperatives or associations, wholly-owned and
the many issues here which was discussed by the
managed by such citizens. 100% ang ownership sa
Supreme Court is what are the requirements before
corporation before you can engage in mass media
any court can entertain a case challenging an act or
outlet. Dapat! That is why—what happened to
law to be unconstitutional? We have the
Rappler? Was that foreign intervention violative of
requirements for judicial review of the
this provision? What about the advertising industry? It
constitutionality of a certain act or law. What is the
was impressed with merit which shall be regulated by
purpose? Nganong kailangan man ning mga
law. What is the required ownership? It should be
requirement? So that the Supreme Court will not be
owned by Filipino citizens or corporations or
swamped with so many cases left and right. Dapat
associations at least 70% of the capital of which is
naay parameters before the Court can rule or even
owned by such citizens or 70% ownership threshold
accept these cases challenging the constitutionality of
insofar as the advertising industry is concerned.
an act or law.

Sir: What are these 4 requisites?

Student/Answer: The 4 essential requisites for judicial

review are: (1) there must be an actual case or

controversy calling for the exercise of judicial power; Sir: So, this locus standi or legal standing requirement.
(2) locus standi; How is it interpreted by the Supreme Court? Is it
strictly or verily construed? Did the Court dismiss the
Sir: What does that mean?
case outright pakita niya? “Ah walay standing,
Student/Answer: The must have a personal and dismissed.”Strict ba ang interpretation by the Court or
substantial interest in the case such that he has how is it interpreted?
sustained, or will sustain, direct injury as a result of its
Sir/Answer: Anyway, the Court here, to have legal
standing, you have to show, as the suitor/petitioner,
Sir: Okay. The third? you will sustain a "direct injury." However, the Court
has time and again acted liberally on the concept of
Student/Answer: (3) the question of constitutionality
this locus standi requirement. What is as a rule the
must be raised at the earliest opportunity; and (4) the
exception that is usually invoked, when the party has
issue of constitutionality must be the very lis mota of
no legal standing? What doctrine? That the case is of
the case.
what quality or importance? What do you mean the
Sir: Yes. So, those are the 4 requisites. Remember act of exceeding, nag-kuan ka, nag—? You transcend.
first, there must be an actual case or controversy What kind of importance? Transcendental
calling for the exercise of judicial power. The case is importance. The Court has treated this requirement
not hypothetical. “Supreme Court, i-kuan lang gud as technicality that can be brushed aside if the party
para naa mi guidance. I-lecture lang gud mi.” No, challenging this specific act or law can show that the
there has to be—for the parties, there has to be rights case is of transcendental importance. Meaning, far-
involved, etc. There has to be an actual case not reaching in effect and the Court has discussed when
contrary to the concept—that case must not be moot the case is of transcendental importance.
and academic, meaning “Human na ang issue. There’s
Anyway, going back to the issue of locus standi, the
no need to resolve anything anymore.” There must be
court enumerated here the instances before you can
an actual case or controversy.
have standing.
Second, the person must have locus standi/legal
1. For taxpayers, there must be a claim of illegal
standing so that there is a point para naay ma victor
disbursement of public funds or that the tax
jud sa case. Kay kung wala’y locus standi, again,
measure is unconstitutional;
what’s the point? Why would the Court even grant
2. For voters, there must be a showing of
you any relied when you’re not entitled to that relief.
obvious interest in the validity of the election
It’s part of the requirement of the cause of action, to
law in question.
have personality.
Now, transcendental importance meaning the case
The third is that the constitutionality question thereof
has far-reaching implications and there is a need now
must be raised at the earliest opportunity. Dapat dili
to promulgate rules that will guide the bench, bar,
belated or mere afterthought. So dapat at the earliest
and the public in futureanalogous cases. So
opportunity you raised it already.
sometimes gina set aside na [and locus standi].
Finally, the requirement of lis mota. Meaning, the
Now, going back also to the issue on actual case or
resolution of the constitutionality of this act or law
controversy, the case must not be moot and
resolves the case. Dili siya in passing lang. Dapat ma-
academic. When is a case moot and academic? It is
resolve kung whether or not this act or law is
one that ceases to present a justiciable controversy by
unconstitutional so that the case is fully resolved.
virtue of supervening events, so that a declaration
thereon would be of no practical use or value.

This requirement, however, (na dili dapat moot and So, still, if wala ang flag, you stand up at the first note
academic) even if the case is already moot and while the person shall execute by placing their right
academic, the Court can still resolve that case if the palm on their left chests even if there’s no flag.
following requisites are present:
What is the penalty (Sec. 48 of R.A. 8491)? Failure or
1. there was a grave violation of the refusal to observe the provisions of this Act, shall be
Constitution; penalized by public censure. Any person who violates
2. the case involved a situation of exceptional can be imprisoned for not more than one (1) year, so
character and was of paramount public take note of that.
Last meeting,we continued our discussion on the
3. the constitutional issue raised required the
Philippine Constitution and we started our study on
formulation of controlling principles to guide
theconditions for the exercise of judicial review. I’m
the Bench, the Bar and the public; and
sure if you've read your cases, you are now familiar
4. the case was capable of repetition, yet
with that requirements before the court may rule on
evading review.
the constitutionality of an act or law, you know the
Every requirement, we have to discuss every four (4), you reduce that to an acronym, e.g. ELLA:
requirement has an exception, and there’s an "Earliest Opportunity; Legal Standing; Lis Mota; Actual
exception to the exception. Now, in ruling in this case, Case or Controversy". So be familiar with that.
the Court said that i-brush aside niya ang technicality
on legal standing as well as the fact that it is already
moot because ni-resign na si Agra and sa iyang EXERCISE OF JUDICIAL REVIEW, CONT’D
position as SolGen nag leave so there is no more Now we go back to the cases, we discussed Funa v.
issue. The Court still resolved it. Ruling on the merits, Agra last meeting where we learned that the standing
the Court said that Agra cannot validly hold any office requirement is sometimes brushed aside by the
while he is the SolGen or if he is the Secretary of Supreme Court as a technicality if the matter involved
Justice because he will be member of the cabinet and in the case is of transcendental importance. But of
is proscribed under the Constitution unless the course, the Court here enumerated some instances
constitution itself allows it. where the litigant has standing, if you're a taxpayer
and there's an illegal disbursement of public funds as
DAY 05 – JUNE 28, 2018
we'll learn that on the next case of Belgica v. Ochoa. If
Transcribed by: Leonardo you're a voter, you can file a case if your interest is in
the validity of the election; Legislators, if the act
Remember that we talked before about the flag. The
complained of infringes their prerogatives as
pertinent law here is R.A. 8491, and the prohibitions
legislators. The Court also discussed the application of
here, then again take note of Sec. 38 of this law:
the moot and academic because as a rule, the Court
"When the National Anthem is played at a public will only entertain cases that present actual
gathering, whether by a band or by singing or controversies and not hypothetical situations that will
both, or reproduced by any means, the attending
only call for an academic discussion. But, that rule has
public shall sing the anthem. The singing must be
done with fervor. an exception as well and that is if the following
circumstances are present (exceptions to the moot
As a sign of respect, all persons shall stand at
attention and face the Philippine flag, if there is and academic doctrine):
one displayed, and if there is none, they shall face
1. There must be a grave violation of the
the band or the conductor."

2. The case involves a situation of exceptional Appropriations Act of 2013 allowed because this was
character and is of paramount public interest; the practice before. Si senator tagaan siya ug I believe
3. The constitutional issue raised requires the 200M every year, Congressmen kay 70M every year,
formulation of controlling principles to guide and they have a free hand kung asa nila ihatag or
the bench, the bar, and the public; what agency that is why corruption is so rampant and
4. The case is capable of repetition yet can suddenly, the Supreme Court, when it validated this
evade review. practice was privy to that practice. That was why it
was questioned. Now the procedural issues discussed
Even if the case has been rendered moot and
by the Supreme Court in this case—again we
academic, the Court may still recommend if all of the
enumerate what are the requisites before the Court
aforementioned requirements are present. As the
can examine or rule upon the matter here which
Court said in the case of Funa v. Agra: Yes, Agra has
involves the constitutionality of a law which is the
relinquished one of his prohibited positions but the
General Appropriations Act. Again, the four
Court nonetheless decided to determine or to rule on
the matter.
Here, is there an actual case or controversy? When is
Belgica v. Ochoa (2013) there an actual case or controversy? If it involves the
This is the case that rendered as unconstitutional the matter or controversies on which involves a conflict of
“Pork Barrel” otherwise previously known as the legal rights, an assertion of opposite legal claims
Countrywide Development Fund. In the previous susceptible of judicial resolution as distinguished from
cases, the Court has held that this Countrywise a hypothetical abstract difference of this view.
Development Fund aka Pork Barrel is allowed or
Now, take not also the requisite of "ripeness", which
constitutional but when Belgica v. Ochoa was
is a requirement of the actual case or controversy
promulgated, the Court reversed its ruling in those
requisite. So the case must be ripe for
cases and now it is unconstitutional for many reasons;
adjudication.When is it ripe of adjudication?
we will discuss more on this matter on the Legislative
(Meaning, ready na na ma-rule upon siya.) It is when
Department. For now, we'll be discussing the
the act being challenged has had a direct adverse
requisites for Judicial Review because gi-explain siya
effect on the individual challenging it (so na
diri by the Supreme Court. Remember Pork Barrel,
apektuhan siya).It is a prerequisite to something that
this is alump-sum allocation given to a legislator. In
had then been accomplished or performed by either
the provisions of the GAA of 2013 (General
branch, before a court may come to the picture and
Appropriations Act), gave the legislators a hand as to
the petitioner must allege the existence of an
how the money will be spent, and so this was
immediate and effective injury to itself as a result of
challenged because according to the challengers, once
the challenged action. And only then can you say that
the law passes after it goes through the legislature
the case is riped for adjudication and also you can say
and becomes a law and after it is signed by the
that there is now an actual case or controversy.
President, the Congress cannot anymore touch that
law except for limited instances when it calls for the Is there an actual case or controversy in this case?
question hour to determine if the law has been The Court said YES, there is an actual case or
properly implemented but, as a rule, once it's already controversy because we are talking here of the
a law, Congress cannot touch it anymore. After that implementation of the GAA or General Appropriations
law becomes a law, all that happens to that law is Act. Why is there an actual case? Because of the
execution, and so once it leaves the legislature it is antagonistic positions of the parties on the
then passed to the executive department—no more constitutionality of the Pork Barrel system. And why is
na makialam pa si legislature ana because that's not the issue ripe here? Because the challenged funds and
its job anymore. But, that is what the General the provisions allowing for their utilization are

currently existing and operational. Thus, there is an that). Previously, the practice was that the 20%
immediate and effective injury to the petitioners discount is a direct deduction to the tax, but it was
herein, taxpayers, as a result of the unconstitutional changed and this 20% discount was now an
use of these funds. expendable deduction—is now a deduction on your
revenue, so it is no longer a deduction on the taxable
Is the case here moot and academic?
income but on the revenue. So this was challenged
That's one of the grounds raised by those who seek to
proprietors of this establishment because their
maintain the validity of this practice. When is the case
claiming that naga-gamay ilahang deduction,
moot? When there is no more actual controversy
therefore, this is already an embargo or a taking of
between the parties or no useful purpose can be
private property which should be reimbursed by the
served in passing upon the merits. If it’s just an
State under the exercise of its power of eminent
academic discussion, no one would really be harmed
or be benefitted by the decision. Is the case here
moot and academic because gi-reform daw sa In this case the Court said that, the substantive issue,
Congress ang ilahang scheme by which they would this practice is not unconstitutional. It is valid because
spend the money? It will not terminate that this 20% deduction discount is not an exercise of
controversy because the reform is geared towards the eminent domain but an exercise of police power.
2014 budget and not the 2013 PDAF Article which What about the matter which is relevant to our
remains legally effective and existing. They cannot discussion?
touch anymore that 2013 law because it’s already a
Is there an actual case or controversy?
law unless they would want to amend that. They are
Remember the four exceptions? Here, pertaining tp
saying,“We’re going to change this in 2014, but the
those who challenge the constitutionality of the law,
issue here enrolls the 2013 GAA, so therefore it’s not
there’s an opposition that there’s no actual case or
yet moot.” What about the precedence of the
controversy. The Court said that there is, if there’s a
provision that can abolish the PDAF? The Court said
conflict of legal rights and assertion of opposite legal
that it does not affect the PDAF because the executive
claims susceptible of judicial resolution, and that is
branch has no power to nullify or annul its legal
present here. In this case, the tax deduction scheme
existence because this is a law, so the case is not
has a direct adverse effect on the petitioner. Thus, it
moot. At any rate Court said that all fourexceptions to
cannot be denied that there exists an actual case or
the mootness doctrine are present here.
controversy on the 20% discount now treated as a
What about the standing? Obviously, it exists because deductible expense. The Court said that, again, this is
the challengers here are, among others, citizens of the a legitimate exercise of police power.
Philippines (taxpayers) therefore they would be
What is the difference between an exercise of police
affected by the illegal disbursement of funds.
power and an exercise of eminent domain?
So those are the procedural challenges in Belgica v. While both powers may involve the taking of private
Ochoa which was ruled upon by the Supreme Court as property, the difference between them is when you
unmeritorious ang ilahang mga grounds and talk about Eminent Domain, it is where the private
dismissed the case on those procedural grounds. property is taken for public use, while in Police Power,
it could be for the public welfare but not necessarily
Manila Memorial v. DSWD (1997) for public use (not necessarily na i-distribute sa mga
Now we have Manila Memorial challenging the tao but to protect and for the safety of everyone,
propriety of this 20% discount as a deduction. This RA etc.). And, another difference between the two is
7432, granted senior citizens several privileges which when you exercise Eminent Domain there must
includes a 20% discount on several transactions (you always be just compensation, but when there's an
know that, you're senior citizen relatives are enjoying exercise of Police Power and there's taking of private

property, there need not be just compensation. But, Of course, even if the file na nimo na ang case dira,
the State cannot, in the guise of taking private unya karon naay supervening event, it becomes moot
property for public use, say that it is exercising police then the Court may stop dealing with the matter
power. Dapat ma-justify sa State why it is exercising because to proceed further would only be academic.
police power because this involves the taking of
Again, take note however for the exception of the
private property. Sometimes the State would just say,
mootness doctrine even if moot and academic na siya,
"We're not going to pay for this property because we
take note of the four (must all be present in this case):
are exercising police power and there’s no need" but
the Court said that if the requisites of Eminent 1. Grave violation of the Constitution;
Domain are present, you cannot say that this is an 2. The exceptional character of the situation and
exercise of Police Power because that can be done the paramount public interest is involved;
easily by the State to the detriment of the private 3. When the constitutional issue raised requires
individual. Take note of the distinction. formulation of controlling principles to guide
the bench, the bar, and the public;
Here, the Court said that this 20% discount is a valid
4. The case is capable of repetition yet evading
exercise of Police Power and therefore there's no
need for the State to reimburse these proprietors.
Does the issuance of the office order here render the
Funa v. Manila Economic and Cultural Office (2015)
case moot?
This involves the nature of the MECO. This MECO is Yes, the Court said, it mooted the case. The case was
situated in—it is tasked to keep the relations of our for mandamus, meaning you compel the COA to audit
country with Taiwan. Now this MECO was, at first, not or you compel this agency to do its legal duty. Yes, the
audited by the COA, but later on this Funa, he sent the Court said it has become moot and academic but, it
the COA a letter requesting for a copy of the latest still resolved the case to determine what the nature of
financial report of this MECO. In other words he is this MECO really is. Is this a government agency or is it
saying "COA, are you auditing MECO? If you are, give a private entity? Because the COA is only tasked to
me the audited financial report" and so, the COA audit GOCCs or government institutions. It cannot
replied and said that the MECO was not among the audit private entities.
agencies audited by any of the three cluster—it was
The Court enumerated the four exceptions to the
not being audited by the COA. It had never audited
mootness doctrine: first, they are all contested—there
and examined the amounts of this MECO. And so,
is a serious allegation here that the COA has been
because of this Funa went to the Supreme Court
released in its constitutional legal duty; second, there
challenging this act of the COA because according to
is a paramount public interest in the issue here
him it is neglecting its duty under the Constitution to
because this involves failure of the COA to audit the
audit the accounts of a bona fide GOCC or a
MECO; third, this is case is a novelty, insofar as
government instrumentality. While the case was
jurisprudence concerned; and fourth, it would result
pending, the COA claimed that it already issued the
in the issuance of the proper guidelines, principles for
office order 2011-298 where it conceded its
the education of the bench, bar and the public.
jurisdiction over the accounts of MECO and therefore,
realizing na murag tama siguro ni si Funa. It is now What about the standing of Funa?
auditing the MECO. So now, COA is saying na there's The Court said that he has standing, as a concerned
no more need for the SC to resolve this case because citizen, because this involves public funds used by this
it has become moot and academic. MECO—it has to be audited by the COA. The Court
here, in relation to the substantive issue, declared the
May a case be dismissed by the happening of a
MECO is a non-governmental entity but there are
supervening event?
moneys that are collected by MECO pertaining to

"verification fees" which it collects in behalf of the involving the exercise of a constitutionally protected
Department of Labor and Employment, and insofar as conduct or activity.
these verification fees are concernedand other public
So what are the requisites?
funds that it would receive, they are subject to the
An anticipatory petition assailing the constitutionality
audit and jurisdiction of the COA. But, as to the rest of
of the criminal law that is yet to be enforced (so wala
these moneys, the MECO is not under the audit
pa), may be, as an exception, given due force by the
jurisdiction of the COA.
SC when the succeeding circumstances are shown.
Disini v. Secretary of Justice (2014)
Requisites for exercise pre-enforcement judicial
This case questions the constitutionality of several review powers:
provisions of RA 10175 or the Cybercrime prevention 1. The challenged law or provision forbids a
act of 2012. The discussion on the matter which is constitutionally protected conduct or activity
pertinent to our topic is in the separate opinion of that the petitioner seeks to do;
Justice Sereno. What is so important about this 2. There must be a realistic, eminent and
separate opinion? She discusses here this concept of a credible threat or danger of sustaining a direct
pre-enforcement judicial review of this cybercrime injury or facing prosecution which awaits the
prevention act (before pa i-enforce ang law or act, petitioner should the prohibited conduct or
pwede na daw, according to her, ang judicial review). activity may carried out;
Remember, the concept that there must be an actual 3. The factual circumstances surrounding the
case or controversy—does this not negate the prohibited conduct or activity sought to be
requirement that the casemust be ripe for carried out are real, not hypothetical and
adjudication and then there’s been an actual case, speculative and are sufficiently alleged and
when the Act here has yet to be enforced? She proven.
discussed, among others, the concept of judicial
It is only when the foregoing minimum conditions are
review that it is the power of the Court to determine
present that there could be a finding of a justiciable
whether or not there's a justiciable issue or grave
case or controversy worthy of this Court's attention
abuse of discretion.
and the exercise of its pre-enforcement judicial
She started her discussion that, again, before the review.
Court may rule on the constitutionality of an act or
(Substantial issues are discussed more in
law before issues must be present and focus her
Constitutional Law II because they deal with
discussion on this actual case or controversy
constitutionally protected rights.)
requirement. So again, the acronym here is ELLA
(Earliest Opp; Leg Stan; Lis Mota; Actual case). She is The Court here did not invalidate or render as
discussing here the fourth requirement which is that unconstitutional the cyber libel provisions. The
there must be an existing case as a rule, there must be provisions are valid and constitutional except when
a definite and complete issue concerning real parties the post is original or you are the one who created it,
with conflicting legal rights. But what if, wala pa that can be subject to cyber libel but if you only liked
nahitabo tong, wala pa na enforce, the law was not the post, you only had a "knee-jerked" reaction, the
yet enforced? Can there be judicial review? It is her Court said that is not punishable. If you are the
opinion that yes, it is possible. She cited the case of original author then you can be subject to libel. If you
Southern Hemisphere v. Anti-Terrorism Council, only comment or react, the Court said that you cannot
where the Court conceded the possibility of a pre- be penalized. What if your comment is also libelous?
enforcement judicial review of a penal statute as long Of course, that will considered as an original content
as there is a real and credible threat of prosecution which may subject you to cyber libel. Also, the Court
held here as unconstitutional the provision of spam—

gina-bawal under this law ang pag distribute ug spam providers are in danger of being criminally prosecuted
sa mail but Court said that cannot be done because under this law.
this is the prohibition of valid constitutional right.
Locus standi?
Unsolicited commercial communications, although are
The Court said, the petitioners in this case have a legal
of a lesser form of communication therefore its
standing. Even if they do not, the case is of
protection is limited, the Court said nonetheless it is
transcendental importance.
protected speech so you cannot prohibit that.
Unsolicited advertisement such as spam are Again, the substance of this case is more discussed on
legitimate forms of expression and if the State cannot Constitutional Law II (like the Disini case). It involves
present the valid reason to prohibit that, then that freedom of religion. There is a requirement in the RH
act, as an exercise of constitutional right, cannot be Law that if you are not willing to render medical
proscribed. services to this person (for example abortion), you
must refer this person to another health institution
Imbong v. Ochoa (2014)
that would provide that service. What if that is
The challenge of the constitutionality of the RH Law. contrary to one’s religious beliefs? The Court said that
There's a discussion here of the four requisites. the law cannot force these people to decide to violate
their religion only to comply with the provisions of the
Is there an actual case or controversy in this case?
law. So, they may not refer therefore the patients as a
The Court said that yes, the case is ripe of
general rule if it violates their religion. The exception
adjudication as well. Also, bolstering the discussion of
only if the case involves an emergency, e.g., what if
the Court in Disini v SOJ, there was a question here,
hapit na mamatay na ang child or person, in that
does the fact that the law or act in question is not yet
situation it cannot be an exemption to the rule. So the
effective, does it negate the requisite of ripeness?
Court invalidated that provision because it violates
Here the Court in the ponencia (the majority opinion)
freedom of religion.
said that it does not. Even if the law or act in question
is not yet effective, it does not negate the requisite of Corpuz v. People (2014)
Here, we have an estafador, totalling 98 thousand.
Citing precedents, the Court ruled that the fact of the Corpuz, the accused here, loiters in casinos and then
law or act in question being not yet effective does not looks at the people na lugi na or kapildihon and then
negate ripeness. Concrete acts under a law are not
he would offer to buy their jewelry—so tig sanla siya
necessary to render the controversy ripe. Even a
singular violation of the Constitution and/or the law is or mobile pawnshop. So, some of these losers they
enough to awaken judicial duty. went to this person, sanla ilang jewelry but he was not
able to pay them. Here, the amount involves 98
Again, take note of the discussion of Justice Sereno in
thousand pesos. He was supposed to be the
the Disini case for a more extensive opinion the
middleman, he would sell the jewelry, he would
return the proceeds to the nag sanla but was not able
Is there an actual case or controversy here? to do that so then he was accused and charged to the
The Court said YES. The enforcement of the RH bill, it felony of estafa. He was convicted by the RTC of
prohibits some form of conduct. imprisonment up to 14 years and there is a discussion
here on the incremental penalty rule because the
Is this case of the constitutionality of this law ripe for
amount—there is this provision in the RPC that if the
amount exceeds 22 thousand pesos, there is this
Court said YES. Why? In this case the RH Law and its
incremental penalty. One (1) year from each
IRR have already taken effect, and there are penal
additional 10 thousand pesos. But the total of the
sanctions under this law. So, there are now issues that
penalty which shall be imposed shall not exceed 20
can be resolved. Medical practitioners or medical

years, so applying that incremental penalty rule, for the purpose. When you talk about savings, i-spend
naabot ug 14 years ang iyahang imprisonment. So, nimo siya then you get the net amount, that is what
now he challenges that verdict against him, the guilty you use for re-alignment.
ruling and the penalty imposed for being too harsh.
At the core of the controversy is Section 29(1) of
While there is no discussion really on the four Article VI of the 1987 Constitution, a provision of the
fundamental law that firmly ordains that "[n]o money
requisites, but the Court dismissed that argument
shall be paid out of the Treasury except in pursuance
because according to the Court, your remedy is not of an appropriation made by law." The tenor and
with us but your remedy is to go to Congress because context of the challenges posed by the petitioners
if you want this law amended then you go to against the DAP indicate that the DAP contravened
this provision by allowing the Executive to allocate
Congress, and indeed the law has been amended. I’m
public money pooled from programmed and
sure you’re already aware of the increased amounts in unprogrammed funds of its various agencies in the
the amended RPC. guise of the President exercising his constitutional
authority x x x to transfer funds out of savings to
The Court cannot uphold his contention, nabawasan augment the appropriations of offices within the
ang iyahang penalty because the Court would now be Executive Branch of the Government. But the
challenges are further complicated by the interjection
engaging in judicial legislation. There is this law, this is
of allegations of transfer of funds to agencies or
the penalty, this is what he committed and applying offices outside of the Executive.
the felony to the requisite provision which is the
Are the requisites for the exercise of judicial
amount of the penalty the Court cannot change that
reviewbeen all complied with in this case, particularly
because it would be violating the law if you could
on the requirement of actual case?
change that which is judicial legislation which the
The answer is YES there is an actual case here because
court cannot do. Your remedy now is to go to
there is this incompatibility of the perspective of the
parties of the constitutionality of this DAP and its
Araullo v. Aquino (2014) relevant issuances. Therefore, this gives rise to a
conflict of legal rights, and the issues are ripe for
Deals with the constitutionality of the disbursement
adjudication because public funds have been
acceleration program—the DAP. What is this DAP?
allocated, disbursed and have been utilized already.
Some of the moneys already appropriated or already
What about the termination of the DAP? Humana,
allotted, gipang re-align by the president. Included
seeing that there’s already this problem, gi-terminate
diri, as alleged, the 50 million reward to the senators
na sa President.
who voted for the ouster of former Chief Justice
Corona using funds in the executive department. The Does the termination of DAP by the President render
challenge against this practice was that, this DAP this case moot?
contravened the provision of the Constitution that no Court said NO, because the Court applied here the
money shall be paid out of the treasury except in exceptions.
pursuance of an appropriation made by law. Before
Do they have legal standing, the petitioners?
you can spend the money, you have to have this GAA.
Court said YES, taxpayers, this case involves
And this GAA already designates kung asa ma-adto
disbursement of public funds and therefore they have
ang money. However, that money can be saved but
standing. Also, this is of transcendental importance.
there are requisites before you can spend those
More on the substance of this case on our discussion
savings. The executive department did not do that
on Article 6.
here. Wala nagasto ang money—they used it to pay
some other project just like the payment of the
senators here. It was challenged na that could not be
considered as savings because it was not even spent

Kalipunan v. Robredo (2014) others, the lis mota. This requirement is rooted in the
principle of separation of powers, and an offshoot of
Here, we have a challenge against the
the presumption of validity accorded with legislative
constitutionality of RA 7279, otherwise known as
and executive acts that are co-equal branches of
Urban Development Housing Act, which authorizes
government. So dili basta basta, and if you've claim
evictions and demolitions under certain circumstances
that this act or law is unconstitutional, you have now
without any court order. And they argued here that
the burden of the showing first that the case cannot
these are informal settlers. That some of these
be resolved unless the disposition of the
provisions allowing that to happen offend the
constitutional question raised is unavoidable.
constitutional right to due process because this
provisions allow eviction and demolitions without any United Overseas v. BOC (2015)
court order, (dapat daw muagi ug due process even if
Just take not here of another instance or ground by
I am an informal settler). Dapat, there has to be due
which the Court may not hear a case. We have the
process, dili pwede na you will take the law into your
doctrine of the exhaustion of administrative
own hands.
remedies. Before it can go to any Court, you have to
The Court did not rule on this case insofar as on the have exhausted all your administrative remedies. Dili
matter of the constitutionality of the provisions pwede as, a general rule, na mu-diretso ka, especially
challenged is concerned because the case has become if the matter can still be resolved by the agency
moot and the resolution of the constitutionality of the concerned. It is only an exceptional circumstances as
provisions here is not the lis mota of the case. The enumerated by the Court in this case. So we have
petition fails because it fails to show the essential here a dispute as to transfer of this condominium unit
requisites that would warrant the Court's exercise of mortgage, there was this agreement between the two
judicial review. Again, what are the four requisites? parties that after full payment you would transfer,
ELLA. later on this seller would not transfer the property to
the buyer now because iyaha na diay gi mortage. The
The case here no longer presents a justiciable
seller already mortgaged it to another entity, and this
controversy with respect to the Mayors of Navotas
entity does not approve of the transfer of the
and San Juan because they have already evicted the
property to the original buyer and so they went to the
petitioners at the time of the filing of the petition.
HLURB to settle this matter. This HLURB ruled in favor
What about the lis mota requirement? of the buyer and declared that the mortgage between
The Court said the resolution to the constitutionality the seller and the creditor, it was null and void and
of this provision, it’s not the lis mota of this case. therefore dapat daw, according to HLURB you have to
When we talk about lis mota, it means that the cause transfer this property to the buyer because you
of the suit or action. Why is there requirement of lis already paid the amount. So, the party here who was
mota? You, as the challenger of this specific act, in defeated, filed a petition for review again with the
claiming that it is unconstitutional, why do you have HLURB and the board of commissioners affirmed the
to prove that this is the lis mota? It is because the HLURB arbiter’s decision. And so, the bank here,
Court is not, dili siya automatic. If there is an issue katong nag mortgage sa property, dili niya gusto i-
presented before it, unconstitutional ang law, dili siya transfer to this buyer filed a petition for review under
authorized to automatically hold that act or law the CA, and the CA dismissed the case because
unconstitutional because the Court respects its co- according to it the bank here did not exhaust the
equal branches: the Legislature and the Executive. administrative remedies available to it, because he
Therefore, it is the burden of the person challenging, failed to appeal the decision of the HLURB board of
the act of the executive or legislative to be commissioners to the office of the President. In other
unconstitutional to prove, the requirements, among words, there is still another administrative remedy

available to this party for a failure to exhaust that Has the case become moot and academic?
administrative remedy, the case should not be taken The Court said YES, the case is academic/moot if it
cognizance by the Court. ceases to present a justiciable controversy. In this
case, it happened with the amendment restoring term
Is the CA correct here in dismissing the case on the
of the board to one year, there is no more illegal
ground of failure to exhaust the administrative
provision to speak of, there is no more actual
controversy that warrants the exercise of judicial
The Court said that the CA is WRONG. As a general
rule, yes, we have this doctrine of exhaustion of
administrative remedies This is another way to DAY06 – JULY 02, 2018
dismiss the case outright. But, the Court enumerated
Transcribed by: Laguting
here the exceptions where even if there is no
exhaustion of administrative remedies, pwede Last meeting, we started some of the many assigned
gihapon, the Court may still resolve the matter. cases under the concept, topic and conditions under
Particularly, letter (e) if the question involved is purely the exercise of judicial review judicial review. “Sir
legal and will have to be decided by the courts of ngano daghan kaau cases?”So that you would be
justice, the Court said that it is the applicable familiar already with this requirement, only to
exception in this case. The issue here is purely legal emphasize the importance of the matter, you can
which have to be decided by court of law, so, the CA already enumerate what the requirements before the
was wrong. courts may entertain questions as to the
constitutionality of act of the executive or a law, what
SEC v. Baguio Country Club (20150
the exceptions are, how some requirement are
Here we have the dispute of several stockholders of treated, lis mota, locus standi, what are the
this BCCC, an exclusive club. Because there was a exceptions to that rule, mootness—this relates to
provision in their amended by-laws extending the actual case and controversy, can the courts still
term of the BOD or the Board of Directors of this resolve that even if the case has been rendered moot
corporation to two years, according to some of the and academic by subsequent events? All the cases
stockholders, that, that is prohibited under the assigned answer those question so that you will be
Corporation Code which only limits the term of office familiar.
of the board of directors to only one year and so the
case went to the Securities and Exchange Commission GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS: CONDITIONS FOR THE
to resolve who’s correct. And, the SEC ruled in favor EXERCISE OF JUDICIAL REVIEW, CONT’D
of the challengers of this provision of the amended
We stopped at SEC v. Baguio Country Club where the
by-laws. Male daw--this is not consistent with the
Court said that there is no need for it to resolve the
Corporation Code and therefore that is null and void.
matter because of a supervening event, whichis the
But this matter was raised still by the corporation, this
amendment of the by-laws, rendered the case moot
BCCC, and it went to the SC on the same issue. While
before the SC. So they failed the actual controversy
it the case was pending, the corporation here filed a
motion for relief to admit a manifestation. It
manifested that in a meeting held sometime in 2005, Republic v. Cortez (2015)
the BOD already approved the amendment of its by-
We have here reverent Claudio Cortez who claims to
laws to remove the two-year term and now one year
be a missionary engage in humanitarian and
nalang. So in other words, there is no more reason for
charitable activities. He established an orphanage and
the Court daw to continur hearing the matter because
school in Punta Verde Palaui Island somewhere in
the issue is already moot and academic.There's no
Cagayan. In 1962 and ever since, he was in peaceful
need na.

possession of 50 hectares of land located in the Insofar as the substantive issue is concerned,
locality. Now in 1967, former president Marcos issued theCourt reversed the ruling of CA and held that
a proclamation reserving for military purposes a reverentCortez could not possess even the 5 hectares
parcel of public domain somewhere in Palaui Island. of property he claimed to own through possession
2,000 hectares of the southern half portion of the thereof because it wasn’t proved that that property
Palaui Island were withdrawn from sale or settlement from the outset was alienable public land. Before you
and reserved for the use of the Philippine Navy, can take ownership over a property through
subject, however, to private rights if there be any. acquisitive prescription, the property must first be
alienable property or is capable of appropriation. That
More than two decades later, a new president issed
was the reason why the Supreme Court reversed the
Proclamation No. 447 declaring Palaui Island and the
ruling of the RTC.
surrounding waters as marine reserve. Again subject
to any private rights, the entire Palaui Island was Regalian Doctrine
accordingly reserved as a marine protected area All lands of the public domain belong to the State. All
lands not appearing to be clearly under private
Now, pursuant to this issuances, the navy encroached
ownership are presumed to belong to the State. All
daw on the property claimed to be owned by this
public lands remain part of the inalienable land of the
reverent Cortez. So, because of this encroachment, he
public domain unless the State is shown to have
filed for a petition for injunction to enjoin or stop this
reclassified or alienated them to private persons.
people from intruding into his 50 hectare land before
(There has to be proof that the State allowed the
the trial court. RTC agreed with him that only insofar
property to be alienated.)
as to 5 hectares which he proved that he actually
possessed and by possession acquired ownership Rev. Cortez was not able to prove that this property
over. he possesses has been classified as alienable property.

The Solicitor General, in behalf of the officers of the SM Land v. BCDA (2015)
navy, filed an appeal before the CA. The CA upheld
the RTC’s issuance of this injunction to stop this We have this BCDA law under RA 7227. There was this
encroachment. So the case went to the SC. authority, this entity which was created. This BCDA
opened for disposition properties somewhere in
Reverent Cortez wants to dismiss this case on the Taguig. These properties formerly used for defense
ground that the Republic, as a party, has no purposes now converted to alienable property.
personality to bring the matter before the Supreme Because of that, SM Land Inc. (SMLI) wanted to get
Court because the Republic was not a party before hold of that property so it submitted to BCDA an
the Court of Appeals. unsolicited proposal for the development of this land
through a public-private joint venture agreement.
The Court said that even so, the standing requirement
Because of that BCDA created a joint venture
as a rule can be relaxed by the Court under specific
selection committee. This committee negotiated with
circumstances. They can set aside this procedural
SMLI. They agreed to pursue this competitive
barrier in this case because it is a mere procedural
challenge procedure as laid down by the Neda JV
technicality which can be set aside by the courts in
guidelines in developing properties or infrastructures
view of the importance of the issues raise. The issue
of such sort and so they embarked on detailed
raised here involved a massive track of land which is
negotiations until a certification of successful
part of the public property so this is important for
negotiation was reached. In this certification the
Court to resolve and the same did set aside the
BCDA undertook to subject the original proposal of
procedural defect on standing.
SMLI to a competitive challenge. (This is a mode
where other prospective bidders can compete with

SMLI). However, instead of proceeding with this other party by cleverly concocting grounds to reverse
competitive challenge, the BCDA wrote a letter to the ruling. There has to be an attainment of finality of
SMLI stating that it will welcome any voluntary judgement so that there would be order. If we allow,
conditional proposal, etc. but eventually the BCDA according to the SC, the careless recognition of
itself categorically recommended to the Office of the subsequentMRs ad infinitum, this would affect the
President the cancellation and termination of this finality of judgement. The judgement, in its finality,
competitive challenge. So na-shock si SMLI, stating maybe staved off indefinitely, depending on the
that they had an agreement, “Why did BCDA not party’s ingeniousness or cleverness in conceiving or
follow that agreement?” SMLI urged BCDA to proceed formulating additional flaws. In fact if the grounds on
with the competitive challenge. Eventually, your 2nd motions were not in the stated in your 1st
Supplemental Notice No. 5 was issued informing that MR, they are deemed waived as a rule. All cases must
the BCDA shall no longer dispose this property reach a binding conclusion and must not remain
through competitive challenge. In other words, the indefinitely afloat in limbo, otherwise, the exercise of
agreement was not followed which caused SMLI to judicial power will be for naught/futile if court
sue BCDA before the courts. decisions can be effectively thwarted at every turn by
dilatory tactics to prevent the ruling from attaining
Did the BCDA abused its discretion in issuing the
Supplemental Notice No. 5, cancelling the competitive
challenge? There is only one exception: if your 2nd MR is
YES, they already have an agreement. meritorious in the higher interest of the State, which
is not present in this case—that there was no proof
You already have an agreement to that certification
that the 2nd MR filed by BCDA was in the nature or
and therefore you comply with your obligations so
involved the higher interest of the State. The 2nd MR
cannot unilaterally reneged your obligation and return
here merely reiterated the same arguments filed
the money. SMLI here has the right to the completed
during the original MR. “
competitive challenge pursuant to the Neda JV
guidelines and the certification issued by the BCDA. Effects of finality of judgement:
There was a completed contract between the parties 1. This judgement has to be executed;
and must be respected and followed. In 2015, the 2. It can no longer be change (rule on
BCDA move for the reconsideration of that decision immutability of judgement)
and the Court denied the motion for reconsideration
This is for the purpose of orderly administration of
(MR) still on the ground that there was a valid
justice, the noble role of this immutability is to write
agreement between the SMLI and BCDA. There is a
finis the dispute once and for all. Without this rule,
contract that must be followed. And take note, all
there would no end to litigations.
cases covered by this decision are decided in a
division, not en banc, which is material to our Exceptions to this rule of immutability:
discussion later. The Court said, the subsequent MR is 1. Correction of clerical errors;
prohibited pleading in the Rules of Court. 2. The so called nunc pro tunc entries which
cause no prejudice to any party;
Why are subsequentMRs look upon with disfavor by
3. Void judgements.
the courts?
Because, there has to be this attainment of finality of As we mentioned earlier, all three cases were
judgement because you are in a suit so there has to resolved by the SC in a division. Now, BCDA now
be a winner. It does not stop at you winning the case, argues that the case should be decided by the Court
there has to be an execution of the favorable en banc as provided in Section 4, Paragraph 2, Article
decision. The winner should be able to enjoy/reap the VIII of the Constitution (this enumerate the instances
benefits of his victory. It cannot be thwarted by the where the SC en banc will decide the case.) They

argues that this case falls under “Presidential order or Does Osmena have standing?
instruction” because the Supplement Notice No. 5 The Court said that HE DOES NOT, but it did not
was an act of the Executive, making it a presidential dismiss the case because of this procedural infirmity.
order and the matter should be decided by the
When do legislators have standing?
Supreme Court en banc.
When there is encroachment, limitation on their
The Court said NO, this is not applicable to case cited prerogatives powers and privileges as granted in the
by the BCDA because it involves an appointment. In Constitution. Here, there is no allegation of
any matter, the President did not issue an order or usurpation of legislative functions but only a matter of
Presidential issuance in intimating to the BCDA that the sale of this power plant owned by the government
he wishes the competitive challenge to be cancelled. to a private entity.
There is no basis to invoke that provision in Art. VIII.
What was the basis by which Osmena filed this case?
There was no document authored or signed by the
He is the chairperson of the congressional power
President, therefore, it does not involve a presidential
committee. However, the Court said that his position
order or instruction calling for an en banc hearing.
as chairman by itself does not vest in him the standing
Now, there are also parties here that want to to institute the present suit.
intervene (Department of National Defense and AFP).
Nevertheless, this rule on standing is a matter of
Why? These two entities claim that they are the
procedure and may be relaxed when there is a matter
statutory beneficiaries of the proceeds if the property
is sold there they can intervene.
1. transcendental importance
Does the national defense and the AFP have legal
2. overreaching significance to society
standing or interest in order to intervene?
3. paramount public interest.
Court said NO.To have a legal interest, it must be
direct and immediate, not contingent, indirect, Why is this present in this case?This involves the
remote, or conjectural. In this case, the right of the privatization of power plants in a manner that ensures
AFP are merely inchoate (meaning dependent upon the reliability and affordability of electricity in our
the happening of a condition) because right to the country.
proceeds is not yet actual because it rests on the Public suit – if the proceeding involves an assertion of
success of the bidding process. Since there was still no public right, the mere fact that petitioner is a citizen
winner, there is no right to speak of over the satisfies the requirement for personal interest.
Osmena v. Abaya (2016)
Osmena v. PSALM (2015)
Osmena challenges the awarding of the contract for
Senator Osmena was the chairman of the joint the Mactan Cebu International Airport (MCIA)
national power committee created by law. He wants project—restrained the DOTC(in charge with the
to stop the sale of Naga power plant to SPC power project) from awarding the contract to this two
corporation (SPC). According to SPC, it has the power, contractors (GMR infrastructure limited and
the right to top—there is this procedure in the bidding Megawide Construction Corporation).
process. Osmena wants to enjoin that. SPC argues
that Osmena does not have the standing to file this Anyway, going back to the project—this Mactan-Cebu
case before the Supreme Court. Why? “This does not International Airport (MCIA) Project consists of the
involve a law nor does it involve a taxpayer, why do construction of a new passenger terminal with all
you have standing? What is your interest? You will not associated infrastructure facilities in the airport. So
suffer any personal injury. Why would you sue me?” iimprove nila under the BOT (Built-Operatie-and-

Transfer) law. Pursuant to that, this DOTC created a There is, however, a limitation. It does not mean that
Pre-qualification, Bids and Awards Committee (PBAC). you alleged that you are a citizen and there is a
This is the committee that screens the bidders, check violation of public right, or you’re a taxpayer that at
nila if they are qualified and they rank them kung once the Court would check that requirement that
kinsa ang highest bidder so that they will be the one you have a standing because there is a limitation to
awarded with the contract. After the submission of prevent just about any person from seeking judicial
the bids, the financial bids were ranked in terms of interference in any official act or police of the
premium to the government. Usually, the standard government. If wala ning limitation, each one of us
used by this PBAC is they would look for this lowest could file a case against the government left and right.
bidder. They will build this infrastructure for this much So, the Court devised/adopted this direct injury test.
cost. But here, they ranked the bids in terms of
Direct injury test– for a public individual to invoke
premium to the government such that all bids
judicial power to determine the validity of an action
received by the DOTC were premium offers meaning
whether executive or legislative, he has a must show
the money will go directly to the government and
that he has sustained a direct injury as a result of the
would come on top of the cost to develop the airport.
action. It is not sufficient that he has general interest
They were bidding the amounts that they guaranty na
common to all members of the public, even he is
ma-recieve sa government after they build the project
representing the public there must be a showing of
or the BOT transaction. This is the amount of revenue
direct interest/direct effect or injury on him.
na makuha sa gobyerno. There is this winning bidder
GMR Infrastructure & Megawide Consortium but was Take note of the many instances where the Court
challenge by Osmena, contending that this contractor enumerated. When you are a citizen, what do you
should have been disqualified from the bidding due to want to show? A taxpayer? If you are a legislator? If
lack of financial and technical capability. Also, because you are an organization purportedly representing the
of unsavory record involving the construction of other entire public or rights of all of its members? There is a
international airports. enumeration here that you have to allege that you are
representing this and also that you have to show
This case went to the Supreme Court, and one of the
direct injury.
arguments to dismiss the case is the question of legal
standing. Another one of the petitioners here, BPM, alleges
direct personal injury from the increase of fees from
Public Suit
The Court discussed concept of a public suit here. In a
public suit, the plaintiff, who asserts a public right in Does the two, Osmena and BPM have legal standing?
assailing an alleged illegal act, does so as a The Court said that Osmena and BPM have standing
representative of the general public. You represent because the requirement is relaxed because the issue
the public, which is why it is called a public suit. In our involves a matter of transcendental importance.
jurisdiction,this could be considered as a citizen suit
Was the case moot?
or a taxpayer’s suit. These two suits are not similar.
Court said NO.
 Citizen suit – you argue or allege a violation of
The fact that the contract was awarded to the GMC
a public right.
does not end the issue of whether or not it was
 Taxpayer’s suit – you allege that there is
qualified in the first place. The subsequent issuance of
illegal disbursement of public fund.
the notice of award did not remove the issue of this
Who may institute public suits? contractors qualifications.
In our jurisdiction, citizens and taxpayers.

Unduran v. Aberasturi (2015) investigation, an information was filed for murder.

During the pendency of the case, laude filed a motion
Unduran et. al are members of Talaandig tribe living in
to compel the AFP to surrender the custody of
the land located in brg. Miarayon, Talakag, Bukidnon
Pemberton to the Olongapo city jail.
which they inherited from their forefathers. They
came to be IPs (Indigenous Peoples). Abelasturi claim Judge Ginez-Jabalde denied this urgent motion so the
that the property that is inside the ancestral domain case went to the SC. Pemberton, before the SC,
of this Unduran et al belonged to them, that they are argues that laude is only a private complainant and
the lawful owners and possessors of this parcel of therefore lacks the legal personality to file the
land (105 hect.). Because they could not reconcile so, motion.
Aberasturi filed an action reinvidicatoria before the
Why is that?
RTC to recover possession. The IPs here filed a motion
For you to be able to file that motion before the
to dismiss on the ground that the RTC has no
court, it has to have the conformity the public
jurisdiction on the matter but it is the National
prosecutor, it is now that State. When you file the
Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP). That was
case before the CPO, you are still the complainant.
denied by the RTC which means the RTC held that it
However, upon the finding of probable cause to file
has jurisdiction. The CA affirmed the decision to deny
the case before the courts, the complainant now
the motion to dismiss.
would be People as the real party-in-interest
Does the RTC have jurisdiction (not the main issue)? represented by the prosecutors.
Court said YES, because the complainants before the
Since she was not able to get the conformity of the
RTC validly made the case for action reinvidicatoria.
public prosecutor, according to Pemberton she does
Do the IPs have standing to file the case before the not have legal standing.
Does Laude have standing?
Court said YES. The fact that they are party of interest
Court said NO.
can be gleamed from their entry of appearance. They
alleged in there documents/pleadings that they are In all criminal cases, it is the people that is the real
beneficiaries of this Certificate of Ancestral Domain party-in-interest which means that allowing a private
Title (CADT) issued by the NCIP in the name of the complainant (e.g., rape case) to pursue a criminal
Talaading IPs. They were also able to present a action is only a rare exception. If you want any relief,
certification that the disputed land is within the area you course that through the prosecutor. You have to
covered by the CADT and that the beneficiaries get his/her conformity.
involves the tribes in that locality. In this case, Laude wasn't able to prove that the judge
These are the ancestral domains daw of the Miarayon acted with grave abuse of discretion in denying her
etc. (mga tribes there). Faced with this documents, it motion. She wasn't also able to prove that the
moved to the party assailing the standing of exception applies to this case.
complainants to prove that they do not have standing, What is the exception allowed in the rules where a
bur was not proved by the other party. Therefore the private complainant will be able to pursue a criminal
complainants here, IPs, have standing. action in your own behalf?
Only when there is denial of Due Process.
Laude v. Ginez-Jabalde (2015)
This the case of Jennifer laude who was murdered by Laude wasn't able to prove that her right to due
a 19-year old marine, Scott Pemberton. The sister of process was denied and that the non-conformity of
Jennifer filed a complaint for murder before the City the public prosecutor (PP) on her motion was not
Prosecutor’s Office (CPO). After preliminary

given by this PP due the fact that she exercised her commenced and eventually concluded. They were not
discretion gravely. able to continue after the field testing because
Greenpeace et al filed a petition for a Writ Kalikasan
Side issue: Constitutionality of the Visiting forces
etc, Writ of Continuing Mandamus, and a Writ of
Agreement (VFA)
Temporary Protection Order because these bt talong
The constitutionality of the VFA is not the lis mota of
failed trials, which has been concluded, violate their
this case. The resolution of whether or not the VFA is
constitutional right to health and balance ecology.
constitutional or otherwise will not resolve whether
or not the judge acted with grave abuse of discretion Why?The BT Talong was presumed harmful to human
in denying her motion. Also the constitutionality of an health and environment among other things.
official act can be only the subject of judicial review if
One of the issues is the standing of Greenpeace
it is raised as a direct or the matter at hand. It must be
The Court again had a lenient stance on this
the main issue, not mere a collateral matter, because
procedural requirement. The standing requirement is
of the lis mota requirement.
a matter of procedure which can be relaxed if the
International Service v. Greenpeace (2016) matter is of transcendental importance.

We have the BT Talong, GMO. Because of the Also on take note of the case Oposa v. Factoran where
experiments done on the BT Talong, the parties of the Court, a landmark case, allowed present
Greenpeace are concerned that the introduction of generations to represent generations yet unborn as
these products will probably infect or affect other long as involves the right to a balance and healthful
talongs in the market. ecology.

As early as 1990, Pres. Aquino signed an EO which Concept of inter-generational responsibility – ordinary
created the National Committee on Biosafety of the citizens not only have legal standing of the
Philippines (NCBP). It was tasked to evaluate potential enforcement of their own environmental rights, but
hazard involving genetic engineering experiments. they could do so as well of their generation and of
And there was this formulation by the NCBP of their future generation.
Philippine Biosafety Guidelines. In 2001, Pres. GMA
How about to the argument that the case has
issued a policy statement, Policy of Promoting Safe
rendered moot by the termination of all the field
and Responsible Use Modern Biotechnology. Pursuant
to that, the Department of Agriculture issued an
The Court said that this mootness argument has many
administrative order no. 8 providing for the rules and
exceptions: capable of repetition yet evading review
regulations for the importation and release to the
etc. The court said that this does not only fall under
environment of plants and plants products derived
capable repetition yet evading review exception, but
from the use of modern technology. Because of these
also there are human and environmental health
rules and regulations, there was this memorandum of
standards exposed by the introduction of this
undertaking thinking that these guidelines already
talong(which is a staple vegetable among Filipinos)
provides for the safeguards and a memorandum of
thus making it an issue of paramount public interest.
undertaking was executive with several parties in
pursuance to the collaborative research to NOTE: In 2016, the Court reversed its ruling. The Court
development project on eggplants that are resistant reversed itself on technicality based on the mootness
to the fruit and shoot borer. So experiments where principle.
conducted and there was a proposal to conduct a field
Exception to the mootness:
study. There was a proposal to conduct a field study
1. grave violation of the constitution
and an experiment was committed and completed
sometime in 2009 and field testing of BT talong was

2. exceptional character of the situation and the not have biometrics or incomplete biometrics data are
paramount public interest is involved considered as deactivated voters and shall not be
3. constitutional issue raised requires allowed to vote. The period by which these people
formulation of controlling principles to guide can enroll has been extended several times, among
the bench, the bar, and the public other things. Then, after the required period by which
4. the case is capable of repetition yet evading you can register, you can no longer vote in the May
review. 2016 elections; this was the recent presidential
elections. This was challenged by Kabataan Party et.
This case falls under 2 and 4 based on the first
al. because according to them this disenfranchises
decision. In reviewing, the court said that they made a
voters. It gives a substantial qualification where there
mistake because there is no paramount public interest
is a penalty of deactivation. So ma-defeat daw ang
exception that could be applied in this case because
right to vote sa mga tao therefore it is
the issue was mooted by the expiration of the bio
unconstitutional as well as the COMELEC issuances
safety permits and the completion/termination of the
pursuant to this law.
BT Talong field trials. Therefore, these events negated
the necessity sought for by the respondent. There was Issue
no longer any field tests to enjoin. Is the law as well as the COMELEC resolutions
Since the matter did not go further than the field
testing phase, it cannot be commercially distributed. Ruling
It stopped in the field testing because of these issues, The Court said that they are not. They are all
and it no longer continued therefore there were no constitutional; they are not unconstitutional.
paramount interest to speak of. The case was not also
Now, procedural objections were raised in order to
capable repetition yet evading review because the
dismiss this petition and the Court brushed them all
administrative order relied on was already
aside as mere rules of procedure, technicalities that
superseded by another issuance by JDC which
should not cause the dismissal of the complaint
provided a new regulatory framework for the conduct
because, among other things, the petition is hinged
of field testing. So reversed.
on an important constitutional issues pertaining to
DAY 07 – JULY05, 2018 right of suffrage and therefore the matter is one of
transcendental public importance and compelling
Transcribed by: Alamares
significance. And even if the petition has several
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS: CONDITIONS FOR THE procedural defects that Court deemed it proper to
EXERCISE OF JUDICIAL REVIEW, CONT’D brush these aside and instead resolve the case on the
merits. In fact, this case demands immediate
Kabataan Party v.COMELEC (2015) adjudication in view of the critical preparatory
activities that are currently being undertaken by the
COMELEC with regard to the May 2016 elections. So
Kabataan Party questioning the constitutionality of RA
transcendental importance as well as imperative to
10367, particularly on the mandatory biometrics
resolve this case as soon as possible because of the
registration system. This law requires the registration
event which is the May 2016 elections. Anyway, what
of biometrics of the voter. Before you can vote you
is the purpose of these rules of procedure? These are
have to enroll in the biometrics registration and the
merely tools designed to facilitate the attainment of
purpose of which is to establish a clean, complete,
justice so cannot use them to defeat attainment of
permanent and updated list of voters.
Pursuant to this law, COMELEC issued resolutions
requiring the registration of voters and those who do

On the matter of the substantive issues, as we already If you want to expand the limitations, before one can
said earlier, the law is not unconstitutional as well as exercise the right to suffrage, it must not involve
the issuances of the COMELEC on the same law. literacy, property or other substantive requirement.
But in other limitations imposed by law that do not
Now, what about your right to vote? This right of
touch on those three, then they can be validly
suffrage, particularly Article V of the Constitution, is
imposed and that is what happened in this case. So
our right to vote. Is it a natural right? Is it a basic,
the right to suffrage may limited by law, you can be
unqualified, absolute right? No. The right to vote is a
disqualified by law.
right created by law. It is a privilege granted by the
State to us who are most likely to exercise for the The Omnibus Election Code, in fact, provides for
public good and therefore it can be regulated. several disqualifications under Section 118.

Under the 1987 Constitution, Article V, Section 1, it Is this biometric requirement even a qualification to
prescribes the qualifications before one can exercise vote?
the right to vote: The Court said that it is NOT a qualification, but just a
form of registration. There is a difference a
a) It may be exercised by all citizens of the
qualification and a registration. The act of registering
Philippines not otherwise disqualified by
law; is only one step towards voting and it is not one of the
elements that makes a citizen a qualified voter
b) At least 18 years of age;
because one may be a qualified voter without
c) Shall have resided in the Philippines for at exercising without exercising the right to vote. The
least 1 year; and
registration here is a form of regulation, it is not a
d) Resided at least 6 months in the place qualification on the right of suffrage.
wherein they proposed to vote
immediately preceding the elections. Now, according to the Kabataan Party, let us use this
strict scrutiny test because we are talking about a
In other words, your right to vote is not automatic; it's
right in the Constitution which is being restricted
not something that is absolute, there are still
because of this regulation. The Court said that even if
qualifications. And what is the contentious
using the strict scrutiny test, which is used where
requirement here is that you must not be disqualified
there is encroachment of fundamental rights, this
by law. In other words, the law can disqualify you
regulation passes the test. This biometrics
from voting. This qualification reflects the franchised
requirement advances a compelling State interest and
nature of the right of suffrage; it is subject to
it is designed to facilitate the conduct of orderly,
regulation. The State may therefore regulate this right
honest and credible elections if not eliminating the
imposing statutory legal disqualifications with the
perennial problem of flying voters as well as dead
restriction, however, that these disqualification
registrants. Plus it is also the least restrictive means in
should not amount to literacy, property or other
achieving that interest. It is not so cumbersome to
substantive requirement.
have yourself registered in the biometrics system.
In the same provision, Section 1, Article V:
So the Court said that this requirement is not
Section 1. Suffrage may be exercised by all citizens unconstitutional.
of the Philippines, not otherwise disqualified by
law, who areat least eighteen years of age, and De Leon v. Esperon (2015)
who shall have resided in the Philippines for at
least one year and in theplace wherein they Facts:
propose to vote, for at least six months This we have a case against the units of the Philippine
immediately preceding the election. No literacy,
property, or other substantive requirement shall Marine Corps and PNP-SAF because they joined the
be imposed on the exercise of suffrage. protest march of militant groups, etc. calling for the

resignation of the former president GMA. And so significant reduction in the catch. In other words, the
because of this, there was an investigation conducted water has been contaminated.
and several officers of the PMC and the PNP-SAF were
recommended to be charged before a general court-
1. So they filed a case to stop this because this
martial for violations of the applicable articles of war.
contract, aside from violating the
Eventually, after investigation they were charged with
constitutional right to balanced ecology, also
violations of several articles in the articles of war.
does not meet some constitutional
Issue: requirements for entering to such contract. As
Now they went to the SC because they argue that the a procedural matter, the respondents in this
creation of this special general court-martial no. 2, the case, the Government, challenged the
court that is supposed to hear the cases, among standing of the stewards.
others, violates the right to due process of the 2. Also, no. 2, procedural issue is that the case
Constitution etc. has already became moot.

Ruling: Ruling:
The Court said that this case is already dismissible on The Court said, on the mootness, it is indeed moot
the ground of mootness because prior any resolution because the contract has already been done. But even
to annul this memorandums as well as the creation of if the case is already moot, we already know the
this court-martial would no longer serve any purpose, exception to the general rule, if:
no practical value, because prior to the resolution of
1. there is a grave violation of the Constitution,
this case, their cases before these courts have been
2. the exceptional character of the situation and
dismissed. In other words, the case has become moot
the paramount public interest is involved,
and academic. In fact, the special general court-
3. when the constitutional issue raised requires
martial have long been dissolved and the petitioners
formulation of controlling principles to guide
here are already released from confinement.
the bench, the bar and the public, and
Resident Marine Mammals v. Reyes (2015) 4. the case is capable of repetition yet evading
In this case, we have a question on standing. Why? The Court said that it is necessary because almost all
There are whales, dolphins, tortoises, and other of the foregoing exceptions are present in this case.
cetacean species which inhibit the tanon strait and So take note that in this case, the Court said that it is
they also have their stewards/caretakers. So what is not required that all must be present because almost
the issue about? There was this contract between this all is allowed.
JAPEX, a firm, suggesting to conduct a geophysical
Now, on the important matter of standing, these
survey and exploration of this tanon strait. The
resident mammals through their stewards, claim that
Government and this JAPEX entered into an
they have the legal standing to file the action because
agreement, which became G-SEC 102 and later on SC-
they are these creatures thatstand to be benefitted or
46. The purpose of this contract was to explore,
injured by the judgement in this case citing, Oposa v.
develop, produce petroleum resources in the tanon
Factoran, the right to sue for the faithful performance
strait and so these creatures, through their
of intentional and municipal environmental laws are
representatives or stewards filed a case to enjoin the
created for their favor and their benefit. Therefore,
operation of SC-46. In the meantime, JAPEX already
they have the right the demand their rights, benefits
began to drill and explore and it is argued by their
under those agreements and laws. Plus, they floated
stewards that there has been fishkill; there have been
this concept of epistolary jurisdiction. The Court has
epistolary jurisdiction.

What is theepistolary jurisdiction of the SC? In Who has standing here? The stewards. What about
another jurisdiction in India—it is that which has the substance, is the SC-46 valid? The Court nullified
something to do with public interest litigation. this; SC-46 is null and void. Why? It violates several
Meaning if it involves the public, the requirement on provisions of the Constitution and also the law. Under
standing should be liberally construed. Article XII, Section 2, there are requirements that this
will be construed as a technical agreement between
What is the purpose of this public interest litigation,
our country and another entity. The President, before
epistolary jurisdiction? Procedure tend be relaxed to
he can enter into this contract, shall notify the
meet the ends of justice. The purpose of this public
Congress of any contract entered into in accordance
interest litigation, is to promote the public interest
with the provision under Article XII, Section 2. In this
which mandates the violation of the legal or
case, there was no notification to the congress on this
constitutional rights of the poor, downtrodden,
kind of contract.
socially and economically disadvantaged should not
go unredressed just because there is no proper party This service contract should also be crafted in
to the suit. So that is the concept of epistolary accordance with a general law that will set a standard
jurisdiction. (Pwede daw irecognize ang case sa or uniform terms, etc. The Court said here that indeed
Supreme Court, even daw if walay standing ang there is a law that could fall under this requirement:
parties or the requirement of standing should be PD 87, but there is still other requirements. While this
relaxed.) law is sufficient to satisfy the requirement of a general
law, there is absence of two other conditions: (1) that
Did the SC, in this case, give legal standing to the
the president should be a signatory to SC-46 and (2)
resident marine mammals?
that the congress should be notified of the contract.
The Court did not rule on that issue. It did not
And these requirements are required by the
categorically said that they have standing but it
Constitution. Out of three, only one is satisfied.
invoked the provisions of the rules of procedure for
environmental cases and these rules eliminated the Rappler v.. Bautista (2016)
requirement of legal standing for these resident
marine mammals. Locus Standi in environmental
Here we have an agreement between the COMELEC
cases have been given a more liberalized approach. In
and Rappler. They have this Memorandum of
fact, the rules of procedure for environmental cases
Agreement (MOA) on the broadcast of this Pilipinas
allow for a citizen suit and permit any Filipino citizen
Debates for this presidential and vice presidential
to file an action before a court for violation of our
candidates which the COMELEC was organizing. And
environmental laws. So any Filipino citizen, in the
the Rappler and Google were tasked to do the online
guise of a citizen suit that can sue before the court, in
coverage. However, there was a provision in the MOA
representation of others including minors or
which limits the online streaming: the imposition of
generations yet unborn. So this is the pervasive
maximum of two minutes of debate excerpts for news
approach provided by the rules of procedure for
environmental cases.
So it is argued by Rappler that this provision should
And more on the discussion of locus standi, the court
not be imposed because this was not agreed by them.
emphasized in ruling in Oposa v. Factoran, the
And as a procedural issue on the matter, the case
concept of intergenerational responsibility insofar as
went to the SC.
the right to a balanced and healthful ecology
concerns. (So very lenient ang standing requirement if Issue:
it involves the invocation of this right to a balance and Does it suffer from procedural defects?
healthful ecology).

Probably, but the Court said that it should not be be considered as capital expenditure but should be
dismissed solely because it has procedural defects considered instead patronage capital, which is an
because it can liberally set aside procedural lapses in investment that must be accounted for and could be
cases involving issues of transcendental importance. withdrawn by the member-consumers. If that is not
the treatment, it could constitute as deprivation of
This matter is of transcendental importance as it
private property without payment of just
illuminates the public as to the platform, propaganda
of candidates to the president and vice president
positions. What did the court do in this case here? It dismissed
the case for several procedural defects. And the
As to the issue on substance, can the COMELEC
defects that we'll be discussing are the defects that
impose these limitations? The Court said that it
are pertinent to our topic. Standing, many of the
should not impose these limitations. Under the MOA,
petitioners here do not have standing but some of
the networks involved are mandated to promote the
them qualified: Ping-ay and Ramirez. What about the
dates for a maximum audience, and the function of
other petitioners? What about the NACEEC (National
this debate is to give the widest dissemination of the
Alliance for Consumer Empowerment of Electric
debates to the public. The MOA has not reserved or
Cooperatives)? It was not shown that the respondent
withheld the reproduction of the debates to the
electric cooperatives are members of NACEEC. Also,
public but has, in fact, expressly allow the
there are other qualified electric cooperatives who
reproduction of the debates subject to the copyright
are not impleaded in this petition. What about
conditions. The only limitations, therefore in the
standing for our legislators? (This should be a
distribution of broadcast, streaming, is copyright
legislator's suit) The Court said that there was no
conditions. Once met, there is no need to impose the
specific allegation of a usurpation of the legislative
2-minute restriction.
function and so it cannot be considered as legislator's
After those requirements are fulfilled, then the suit.
broadcast should proceed with the streaming. The
purpose of the debates here, the Court emphasized,
Is the issue here of transcendental importance that
for the benefit of the electorate to assist us in making
would allow for the relaxation of the rules?
informed decisions during the Election Day. It gives us
the opportunity to be informed of our candidates' Ruling:
qualifications and track record, platforms and The Court said that it is not of transcendental
programs to answer the significant issues of national importance.
concern. Therefore, the debates should be allowed to
Requisites of transcendental importance:
be livestreamed on other websites including
Rappler's. 1. Public character of the assets involved,
2. Presence of a clear disregard of the
Rosales v. ERC (2016)
Constitution or statutory prohibition,
Facts: 3. Lack of any other party of a more distinct,
On the matter of this MCC (Member's Contributions direct, and specific interest.
for Capital Expenditures), later renamed as RFSC
The requirements no. 2 & 3 are lacking in this case. In
(Reinvestment Fund for Sustainable Capital
relation with the No. 2 requirement, the Court said
Expenditures). The electric cooperatives here are
that there is no disregard of the Constitution or
challenging the imposition of the ERC (Energy
statutory prohibition. There is no such disregard and,
Regulation Commission) of these expenditures or fees
in fact, the ERC is empowered under the law to issue
because according to them, this imposition should not
these costs, to impose these costs on these electric

cooperatives. Anent to the No. 3 requirement, the To emphasize that, The Court, again, quoted the
standing requirement, the Court said that most of requirements before it can exercise its power of
those who petitioned in this case has no locus standi judicial review questioning the constitutionality,
and also there were parties who were not impleaded among others, executive and legislative acts.
and their not being impleaded would not resolve the
Do the petitioners in this case show the presence of
case in its entirety. Ping-ay and Ramirez and some of
an actual case or controversy? The Court said that
the petitioners have standing; they are real parties-in-
there is an actual case at controversy. The senate has
interest. As the Court said here, Ping-ay is a member-
already expressed its opinion through a resolution
consumer of this electric cooperative and Ramirez is a
that this EDCA should be contained in a treaty
spouse of a cooperative member. So they have
because it involves the agreement on the matter of
standing; they stand to be benefited or injured by the
foreign military bases. On the other hand, the Office
of the Solicitor General claims otherwise. Therefore
There is absence of the requirement that it lacks any because of these conflicting legal positions, there is an
other party with a more direct and specific interests. actual controversy. There is an infringement,
There are parties with a more direct and specific supposedly, of a legislative prerogative.
interest but they were not impleaded.
Is this case ripe for adjudication? The Court said that it
Saguisag v. Ochoa (2016) is because there is already a performance of an
official act by the executive department that has led
to the entry of the—enforcement of this executed
Questioning the constitutionality of the EDCA
agreement. Since nagging effective na ang EDCA,
(Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement), an
therefore, the issue at hand has become ripe for
executive agreement entered into by our country and
the US. More on this on the powers of the chief
executive in Article VII. We well just tackle the The petitioners here, Saguisag, et. al, do they have
procedural issues for now. legal standing? The Court said that they do not but
still since the matter raises issues of transcendental
importance, then they will hear this case. The Court
Who questioned the validity of this EDCA? What is the
emphasized that the petitioners here do not qualify as
defect in the EDCA? Primarily, they are arguing that
suitors in the citizen, taxpayers, legislator capacity.
this EDCA should be contained in a treaty and not a
Therefore, they suffer from lack of standing.
mere executive agreement. But procedure—are the
essential requisites of judicial review present in this Not a citizen suit because there is no, aside from their
case? Should the Court even take cognizance of this general statements that they are involved the
case? protection of a public right and assert constitutional
rights, they failed to make any specific assertions the
particular public right that could be violated by this
The Court said that YES.
EDCA; so not a citizen's suit.
The Court emphasized here its power to resolve cases
Not a taxpayer's suit because this suit contemplates a
and declare whether or not an act or law is
situation where there is already an appropriation or
unconstitutional. But this power should always be
disbursement of public funds. Here there is no such
exercised by the SC with restraint. Only it cannot be
completely avoided. Why? Because you are going to
rule on action of a co-equal branch of the government Not a legislator's suit, particularly that of the
and therefore you have to tread carefully which is not members of the House of Representatives. Here the
something that you can just do arbitrarily. petitioners are representatives of Bayan Partylist.

The Court said that these are not the legislators that ordered for the questioned canvass on the election
should file this case. It should be the Senate returns.
themselves that should be the petitioners because
G: So there are two candidates here for the position
they will be the one who will be prejudiced by the
as the member of the Batasang Pambansa
non-containment of this EDCA in a treaty since they
representing Antique; we have Javier and Pacificador.
are the ones that concurs with treaties and not
We have an election etc. Who was the winner of the
members by the house of representatives. In other
words, none of the petitioners here have standing.
Again, we apply the doctrine of transcendental S: Pacificador
importance. The petitioners here have presented
G: And then, what did Javier do?
serious constitutional issues. Why? There is a
requirement in the Constitution that before you can S: He questioned the canvas of the election returns
enter into an agreement involving foreign military before the COMELEC.
cases, it has to be in a treaty and duly concurred in by
the Senate; the EDCA here is contained in an G: And then, what did the COMELEC do? Did it uphold

executive agreement. So there is seeming the protest?

noncompliance to the requirement of the S: Dismissed.

G: What body of the COMELEC dismissed the
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS: FUNCTIONS OF complaint? Is it en banc or division? What number of
S: 2nd division of the COMELEC
Why does the Court exercise its powers of judicial
G: So he filed for a case before the COMELEC because
review? There are several functions:
there was a question on the canvass of the votes. But
1. Checking – The Court negates the act and the COMELEC dismissed the case and in fact it
declares it unconstitutional. Checks whether proclaimed Pacificador as the winner. And so, Javier
or not this law is inconsistent with went to the SC to challenge the decision of the
Constitution. COMELEC. In the meantime, what happened to
2. Legitimizing – it declares an act as not Javier?
unconstitutional if it is not unconstitutional.
S: Javier died; he was gunned down.
3. Symbolic – this is exercised by the Court even
if the conditions for Judicial Review because G: Yes, he was shot dead, in cold blood and broad
there is a need for the Court to lay down rules daylight. (Just like what was happening now.) So while
and principles which would serve as the guide the case was pending, he died and then the EDSA
for the bench, the bar and the public for revolution happened. Because of this EDSA revolution
future cases of similar character. as well as the death of Javier, is there a need for the
So those are the three functions of judicial review. Court to resolve the case? What did the EDSA
revolution do? Diba you said earlier, it was a
Javier v. COMELEC (1986) - Recitation revolution. So it changed the government; the overall
Sir Gil (G): What happened in this case? of the existing legal structure, governmental
structure. It was overhauled by this revolutionary
Student (S): In this case, the contenders Paficador and
government. The Batasang Pambansa was gone and
Javier wanted to win as members of the Batasang
additionally Javier died. Is there still reason for the
Pambansa and Pacificador was the winner. However,
Javier was not satisfied that Pacificador won. He

Court to hear the matter and to resolve it? What is “Even if they cannot anymore declare, let it be spread
the function of the SC? in the records of this case were it not for the
supervening events that have legally rendered moot
S: The Court said that they should resolve it so that
and academic, this petition would have been granted
there will be proper pronouncement of merit.
and the decision of the COMELEC set aside as being
G: What else? What is the character of the SC? What violative of the Constitution.” So even if this no longer
is its nature? had a practical purpose, the Court still resolved it for
future guidance particularly on the matter of
S: There will be guidelines for the subsequent issues
of the same character.
G: The Court emphasized its role in the scheme of
things. It is not only the highest arbiter of legal G: What is an exit survey?
questions but also the conscience of the government.
S: It is a species of electoral survey conducted by
The citizen comes to the SC in quest of law but it also
qualified individuals or groups of individuals for the
give him justice, even if the two are not always the
purpose of determining the probable result of an
same. But there are times when although the
election by confidentially asking randomly selected
disputed had disappeared, just like this case na
voters whom they have voted for, immediately after
namatay si Javier, there is no need to declare the
they have officially cast their ballots.
winner but it can nevertheless—that matter cries out
to be resolved just like this case. Justice demands G: Why was this exit survey at issue in this case? What
therefore that the SC must act not only for the did the COMELEC do in this exit survey?
vindication of the outraged right though gone but also
S: There was this restraining order to stop ABS-CBN
for the guidance of and as a restraint upon the future.
from conducting exit surveys.
So what kind of function is this? Checking, legitimating
or symbolic? Symbolic. Because admitted here that G: Who issued this restraining order?
the case has become moot and academic because of
the abolition of the Batasang Pambansa,
disappearance of the office in issue as well as the G: Yes, the COMELEC the issued a resolution which
death of one of the parties. Still the Court proceeded approved the issuance a restraining order to stop ABS-
to hear or to resolve the matter if only to give justice CBN or other media groups from conducting exit
to Javier. And the Court indeed—did it affirm the surveys. And then, ABS-CBN went to the SC
decision of the COMELEC? Is the COMELEC correct challenging the action of the COMELEC and while the
when it declared Pacificador as the winner? case while pending with the SC, what happened to the
S: No.
S: It was done.
G: So the COMELEC was not sustained by the SC
because the matter should have been heard by the G: Yes, the elections lapsed. Therefore it is argued
COMELEC en banc because this involves the members now by the COMELEC that the case is moot. Is the
of the Batasang Pambansa. And under the laws issue here moot?
involved here, the matters, all contests involving the
S: Not totally moot, sir. Because it is still subject to
members of the Batasang Pambansa should come
under the jurisdiction of the COMELEC en banc and as
we said earlier this case was decided by the COMELEC G: Why is it subject to repetition?
2nd division.
S: Because the elections are being done periodically.

G: This matter should not be dismissed on the ground be applicable to you but for those SG 19 and below,
mootness because in the next elections pwede na pud you are not covered by that. Lesser imong benefits,
mag conduct ug exit survey. So in order to finally among others, because the law that will govern is RA
settle this issue, the Court said that “we should 6758. And that was being challenged by some of the
resolve this matter even if the 1998 elections has employees of the Central Bank. In fact, majority or
already passed.” Also, the exception to the mootness many of them, because it is? What does it do?
doctrine. So the Court still, even if the elections here
As you said earlier, because? If you create an
has already lapsed and happened, the case or the
unreasonable classification between two seemingly
matter is still capable of repetition.
similar sets of people, you divide them and not treat

Central Bank Employees v. BSP (2004) them equally, it’s a violation of equal protection
clause. Because of that, the specific provision is
G: What happened here? unconstitutional. Now, one of the arguments here is
S: In this case there was a Housh Bill 1,2, and 3, that this should not be before the SC, this should be
seeking to exempt— presented before Congress? This should require an
amendment not judicial legislation. Is that correct?
G: Let's move forward, nahimo na ug law ang bill.
What was the issue here? S: It should be heard in the SC.

S: The issue in this case—the question posed by the G: Why? It is because involves an allegation that there
SC on a provision of law which was initially valid and is a denial of a fundamental right which is the equal
subsequently became unconstitutional? protection. Since there is a violation of a
constitutional right, then the SC can resolve this
G: A valid provision of law, later on, can become
matter because it determines if there is such
unconstitutional because?
violation. And the main function of the courts of
S: Because its continued operation is discriminatory justice, more than the present governmental
against the BSP employees. structure is to settle the issues presented before it. It
G: It would violate the equal protection of the law does not have authority or the discretion to decline
clause. So here we have this law, RA 7653, this is the passing upon an issue which is justiciable. But it is in
new Central Bank Act, and this law provides authority fact obliged to resolve it as part of their oath; as
on the part of the BSP to, what? What it can do, justices of highest court of the land. The duty of the
particularly Art. 2, Section 15, Paragraph C? SC is to determine whether or not another branch of
the government has kept within its constitutional
S: The said paragraph is unreasonable and oppressive
limits, among its other duties. Here, we have an act by
on the BSP employees because the Court said the
Congress which is now being challenged for being
violative of the Constitution as it disregards the equal
G: No, no, no (cutting off the answer) what did the protection clause. In other words, the SC can resolve
provision do? Particularly on the compensation of the this case. Is there a violation of the equal protection
employees of the BSP. clause here? Yes. Why would you distinguish between
This provision that is being challenged divides the these two?
employees that are salary grade (SG) 19 and below GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS: ALL COURTS CAN
and those above SG 19. If you fall to the former, you EXERCISE JUDICIAL REVIEW
are governed by the RA 6758, this Compensation Act,
meaning there are limitations we follow the general Can all courts exercise judicial review? Should it
rule on the matter. Otherwise, you are not covered by always be the SC that hears the constitutional issue if
this Salary Standardization Act. Therefore,kung unsa there is a challenge on a law or act to be
ang benefit scheme that was adopted by BSP would

unconstitutional? Is it only the SC that can hear the the SC. But of course, it’s not something that the
matter? courts do as a matter of courts, it exercise its power
with restraints. It threads lightly on this issues
S: No.
becausethe matters involves act of co-equal
G: Why? What is the basis of your answer? In other department.
words lower courts can declare laws or acts
Ynot v. IAC (1987)
unconstitutional. Why?
Concerning Executive Order No. 626-A on the
S: It is provided in Article VIII.
prohibition of the transportation of the carabaos from
G: What particular provision? Particularly what one province to another. What is the effect if you
power? violate this EO 626? The carabao would be
confiscated, there is no hearing, etc. That’s what
1987 Constitution, Article VIII, Section 5. The
happened here. The owner of the carabao
Supreme Court shall have the following powers:
purportedly violated this EO 626, it was confiscated
xxx from him. He went to Court to recover the carabao
2. Review, revise, reverse, modify, or affirm on and he also put as an issue before the Court the
appeal or certiorari, as the law or the Rules of constitutionality of this EO 626 which, during the time
Court may provide, final judgments and orders of of the force and effect of law, he argued that it
lower courts in:
violates the right to due process. The Court however,
a. All cases in which the constitutionality or lower court, declined to rule on the issue of the
validity of any treaty, international or
constitutionality of this EO because according to him,
executive agreement, law, presidential decree,
proclamation, order, instruction, ordinance, or the court lacks authority and also the EO here is
regulation is in question. presumed to be valid.

G: In other words, the lower courts already made a Can lower courts rule on the constitutionality of a
decision insofar as the constitutionality of this matter statute?
is concerned and the SC can review that. This means Of course, while lower courts should observe a
that, in the first place, the lower courts can rule on becoming modesty in examining constitutional
those matters involving the constitutionality of these questions—precisely because you are a lower court
items which can be review by the SC. And this is the and you do not just entertain constitutional questions
basis why the lower courts have the power to rule. So right then and there—you are nonetheless
it is not only limited to the SC but also to the lower empowered. You have the power to do so, they are
courts pursuant to Article VIII, Section 5, Paragraph 2, not nonetheless not prevented from resolving the
Subparagraph A. same whenever warranted, subject only to the review
by the Supreme Court.
DAY 08 – JUNE06, 2018
Remember the provision in Article 8, Section 5
The three-fold functions of judicial review: checking,
subparagraph 2(a) where the Supreme Court can
legitimating, and symbolic.
review final orders and resolutions of lower courts
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS: ALL COURTS CAN involving the constitutionality of: katong gipang
EXERCISE JUDICIAL REVIEW, CONT’D enumerate under that provision. So meaning, there
must have been a prior ruling by the lower court which
Now, we proceed to the topic of which entity can is subject to review by the Supreme Court. In other
render or rule that an act or law is unconstitutional. Is words, the lower court ruled at the outset on the issue.
it only the SC? No, even lower courts can declare laws
to be unconstitutional subject to the review power of What about the presumption of the constitutionality
of laws?

Here, EO 626, the Court said that this presumption is because he belongs to what Department? What
rebuttable. It is not conclusive and therefore proof can Department is the NLRC? Executive and not the
be presented that this law is unconstitutional. So, the Judiciary. His duty therefore as Regional Director, as
Court here should not have reneged from, and should well as NLRC, his duty is to enforce the law which
have exercise, its duty to rule on the issues presented stands valid. He cannot, as enforcer of the law, say
before it. that I will not execute this law because it is
unconstitutional. He has no power to do that because
Is the issuance unconstitutional?
only the courts can settle that issue. So, the wage
The court said that it is. It is an Invalid exercise of
orders here are nonetheless declared by the SC to be
police power because the method employed
valid and not unconstitutional.
concerning the carabao is not reasonably necessary to
achieve the purpose of the law. Plus, it deprives the Ongsuco v. Malones (2009)
owner his right to due process because his property
Courts, again, can declare not only laws or acts of the
was automatically confiscated. He is, right then and
Executive, but also ordinances and they can declare
there, immediately condemned and punished.
these ordinances either illegal—because the
Brokenshire v. Minister (1990) ordinance cannot go beyond the law—or
unconstitutional. That’s what happened here.
The case here [was] filed by the employees of
Brokenshire. Nagfile sila ug labor complaint against There was this Municipal Ordinance No. 98-01 issued
the Hospital. It was lodged before the Regional Office by the Sangguniang Bayan of Maasin. Among others,
of the Ministry of Labor in Region, XI Davao City, it raised or imposed goodwill fees and of course, the
because according to this employees, Brokenshire did people who are affected by the imposition of these
not comply with the Wage Order No. 5. Apparently fees challenge the legality of this issuance—Municipal
they are being underpaid their wages. And so, after Ordinance—because according to them this was not
due hearing, the Regional Director of this Ministry, subjected to a public hearing which is inconsistent
Region XI, rendered a decision in favor of the with the provisions of the Local Government Code
employees and this judgment became final and (LGC).
executory. So, the hospital is supposed to pay these
Here, we have an ordinance which is challenged to be
employees. After making the payment, the hospital
illegal because it is not consistent with the LGC. It did
failed to continue to comply again with Wage Order
not go through with the prescribed procedure before
No. 5 and also with the new Wage Order No. 6
the ordinance can be given any effect. There was this
prompting the employees to file another case again
public hearing requirement, what was mandatory,
against Brokenshire. Brokenshire alleges that these
under the LGC precisely because it involves the
Wage Order No. 5 and 6 should be declared by NLRC,
imposition of fees. They were all dismissed however
this tribunal kung asa siya no, at this time naa siya sa
when the case went to the court—dismissed by the
Regional Office, but the NLRC daw has the power to
rule on the constitutionality of these Wage Orders.
Can this issue be resolved by the trial courts?
Can the NLRC do that? Does it have the power to rule
Of course. This involves, undoubtedly, a pure question
on the constitutionality of these Wage Orders?
of law which is within the competence and jurisdiction
NO, it is only the courts. The Supreme Court is vested
of RTC to resolve. The court cited here the provision
by the Constitution with the power to ultimately
[Paragraph 2(a) of Section 5, Article VIII of the
declare a law unconstitutional without the declaration
Constitution, expressly establishes the appellate
that law becomes operative.
jurisdiction of this Court, and impliedly recognizes the
Here, the Regional Director of the NLRC is without any original jurisdiction of lower courts over cases
authority to declare any order or law unconstitutional

involving the constitutionality or validity of an Even if it was declared in the future, in the meantime
ordinance.] nag rely ta sa law, later on naging unconstitutional
siya, you who relied on the validity of this law, are you
But, here, we are not talking about the
not protected at the time you relied on good faith on
constitutionality of the ordinance but its consistency of
this law before it was declared unconstitutional?
with the LGC. In the same provision, the courts can
rule on the validity of, among others, ordinances. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS: OPERATIVE FACT
Courts have the power to rule whether or not this DOCTRINE
ordinance is illegal, valid or otherwise.
Serrano de Agbayani v. PNB (1971)—Landmark
As to the substance, the Court said that this Municipal
Ordinance is null and void because it did not undergo
the required public hearing requirement under the Serrano loaned from PNB and this loan was secured
LGC. It was not cured even if there was a subsequent by a mortgage, so naa siya’y property. It happened
hearing on the same ordinance because at the outset thatwala niya nabayran ang iyahang property for a
it was already void. long time. So the bank, using his security, gi-foreclose,
sold the property to pay for the loan. Apparently it
What we have to remember is that, again, courts have was the bank who won in the foreclosure
the power, even lower courts, to declare laws [and] proceedings, so naadto sa bank ang property.
acts unconstitutional.
Now nagfile ug case si Serrano because according to
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS: EFFECTS OF him, the mortgage sought to be foreclose had already
DECLARATION OF UNCONSTITUTIONALITY long prescribed. What do you mean by “prescribed”?
Nag expire na siya. You can no longer effect or cause
What are the effects, now that you have an
the foreclosure of this mortgage because you no
unconstitutional act or law? What happens to that
longer have that right, that right having prescribed or
law? What happens to the acts done upon reliance of
expired. Under the Civil Code, a mortgage action
the validity of that law? What happens to the acts
prescribes after 10 years. That is the argument of the
that occur after that law has been declared to be
owner of the property here, in fact she was able to
secure an injunction from this court made permanent
Two SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT in so far as the effects of by the same court because according to the Court,
the unconstitutional law is concerned: “Prescribed na PNB, you were too late before you
instituted the mortgage proceedings.”
1. Orthodox View or Old View
2. New View or the Operative Fact Doctrine The case went to the SC.On the other hand, the
argument of PNB was that it has not prescribed
Orthodox/Old View (Art. 7, Civil Code)
because there was a time when Executive Order No.
“Laws are repealed only by subsequent ones x x x
32 was issued, and during that time, gi-suspend ang
When courts declare a law to be inconsistent to
the Constitution (meaning unconstitutional), the power to—orit extended the period of moratorium.
former shall be void and the latter shall govern.” What does that mean? When there was this period of
So the law is VOID—it produces supposedly no effect. time when EO 32 was valid, that you could not
It is as if the contract, for example: declared to be null foreclose mortgages, you could not collect your debts.
and void, it was not existent in the first place. So kani nga time, should have been excluded in the
computation of the prescriptive period. E.g., it was
Is that principle applicable to laws that are declared to valid for 8 years or some number of years, then that
be unconstitutional? Wala ba jud effect ang law? should have been excluded from the computation of
the prescriptive period.

The lower court, however, did not believe that be the during that time—for example, there is this law that
case because according to the lower court, that EO 32 allows you to marry your dog. Then in good faith, you
was declared to be unconstitutional and so, that EO married your dog and later on declared
32 has no effect whatsoever. Therefore, you do not unconstitutional. So, what happens to your marriage?
consider any effect arising from EO 32 because it had That’s just an example. You relied in good faith in that
been declared unconstitutional and therefore void. law, pwede ba i-take ang effect ana by using this
So, prescribed—ruling of the trial court. orthodox—the old view?

Is the Trial Court correct? Has the remedy of The Court said that you have to contend with the
foreclosure had prescribed? reality that people during that time, they relied on
The Court said NO.The period to foreclose the good faith that the law was valid. Wala man kay
mortgage was or the expiration of this--a pre- foresight that in the future ma-unconstitutional ning
consider, this EO 32—If we do not say that it has no mga law. So dapat i-follow mo nimo siya. It does not
effect whatsoever, naa pay six days ang bank to admit the doubt that prior to the declaration of nullity,
foreclose it. So karon maghinge na ang question the challenged legislative act or executive act must
whether or not the bank may foreclose or not if we have been enforced and had to be complied with.
give any effect to this EO 32 which was declared Therefore, parties had to act under this law and may
unconstitutional in a case by the SC: Rutter v. Esteban. have done acts pursuant to it.
If we give any effect to this, maka-foreclose ang bank.
Here, the bank could not foreclose the mortgage
If we do not give effect to this EO 32, prescribed na
during the time that EO 32 was effective because dili
ang right sa bank to foreclose.
man siya allowed to do so. It would be unfair to
Gitagaan ba effect? penalize the bank for not foreclosing the mortgage
The court said that YES, EO No. 32 had effects when it during the period that EO 32 was valid precisely
was, prior to its unconstitutionality, it was effective. because it was not allowed to do so.
The Court described here the orthodox view as well as
Therefore, the Court laid down that it is not accepted
operative fact doctrine.
as a doctrine. That prior to its being nullified, the
What is the ORTHODOX VIEW of an unconstitutional existence of this law or act as a fact, it was an
act? operative fact. It operated as a fact—must be
Here EO 32, declared unconstitutional in a separate reckoned with, must be recognized. So, this is where
case, the plaintiff—owner of the property—says void the operative fact doctrine was born. The actual
man diay ni, wala na, wala ning period. Walay benefit existence of a statute prior to the determination of its
na makuha ang bank sa period na ginahatag aning EO unconstitutionality is an operative fact that may have
32. consequences which cannot be ignored. The past
cannot always be erased by a new judicial declaration.
What is the effect under the orthodox view if a law is
declared unconstitutional? Since the Court recognized that this EO 32, even if that
An Unconstitutional Act or an Executive Order, etc. was already unconstitutional, had effects. So allowed
suffering from unconstitutionality cannot be a source gyapon ang bank because gi-consider tong period that
of any legal rights or duties. It cannot justify any EO 32 was valid as an operative fact, giving the bank
official act taken under it and it becomes to all intent the benefit of the period and gi-exclude tong period
and purposes a mere scrap of paper. That’s what from the computation of the prescriptive period.
happens—no effect whatsoever.
Floresv.Drilon (1993)
What is the weakness however of this view?
Here we have the issue on the appointment of an
The court said that this view is sometimes, well
elective official as the chairman of this SBMA. We
sufficiently unrealistic because there are people who,

have this law RA 7227 or “Bases Conversion and purposes of equity(dapat on equitable
Development Act of 1992”. Under this law, Gordon, considerations).
then Mayor of Olongapo, was appointed as the
This involves several employees of the Department of
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the SBMA
Tourism (DOT). There was an issuance, Executive
(Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority). He was appointed
Order No. 120, which declared all the positions of the
and he executed his duties pursuant to his
DOT as vacant. Tangal tanan empleyado sa DOT from
appointment. Gi-recognize niya, he was an appointee
their jobs. Many employees of course went to the
therefore kung unsa iyang trabaho under the law,
appropriate forum to question the validity of this
what he had to do, he had to do. Later on na
issuance. In separate cases before the SC, the court
discovered na unconstitutional or illegal diay iyang
declared that this issuance—nagtangal sa ilang
appointment. Why? Under the Constitution, Article IX-
tanan—were all null and void. Therefore, when the
B, Sec. 7:
decision by the SC became final and executory, they
"[n]o elective official (he is a mayor) shall be should have returned to their posts—since nawala
eligible for appointment or designation in any naman tong issuance—but they could not because
capacity to any public officer or position during his
they were not informed of this decision.

Since Gordon was a City Mayor of Olongapo at the Now, separate case napud filed here because they
time he was appointed to the Chairmanship of SBMA, want to recover their back wages. “Pay us because
his appointment therefore violates that provision in null and void man diay tong issuance which cleared us
the Constitution. Therefore, the appointment is all from the office.”
It is the argument, however, of the State that we have
So, unsa mana? Ibalik ang iyang mga sweldo? Tanang to apply the operative fact doctrine. At the time that
iyang acts i-reverse because of the orthodox view? this issuance was issued and at the time it was
The Courts recognized here again that yes this declared unconstitutional, it was valid. Therefore, kani
appointment is unconstitutional, it runs counter to nga period wala moy sweldo because valid man siya
the provision of the Constitution proscribing elective and you are not rendering any service, etc. So, apply
officials from holding office during their tenure. nato ang operative fact. Wala moy makuha from the
Nonetheless, we have this operative fact doctrine. His government because you did not work prior to the
acts as the SBMA Chairman or official are not declaration of unconstitutionality of this issuance.
necessarily all rendered null and void. He may be
Do we apply the doctrine operative fact in this case?
considered as a de facto officer. At the time when he
The Court did not apply the operative fact, it applied
relied on good faith that his appointment was valid,
the general rule that “an unconstitutional act is not a
then, kung unsa tong acts he committed prior to the
law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it
declaration of unconstitutionality of his appointment,
affords no protection; it creates no office; it is, in legal
they are all valid under this operative fact doctrine. In
contemplation, inoperative, as if it had not been
fact, he is considered as a de facto officer—an officer
passed. It is therefore stricken from the statute books
who exercises his function under the colorable title
and considered never to have existed at all. Not only
believing in good faith that he can exercise acts as
the parties but all persons are bound by the
such officer. Ibalik ba niya iyang mga sweldo? No.
declaration of unconstitutionality which means that
no one may thereafter invoke it nor may the courts be
Aldovino v. Alunan (1994)
permitted to apply it in subsequent cases. It is, in other
This doctrine of operative fact is not talismanic words, a total nullity.”
incantation or magic. This doctrine only applies in
instances where there is a need to apply the same for So since null and void man, do we apply this doctrine
of operative fact?

No, because this operative fact cannot be applied if it Under the law, it is the PARC that has the power to
results to injustice. We apply it if it results to justice approve the stock distribution plans and it did so when
and equity. it issued Resolution 89-12-2 and it revoked it under
DAO 10. So, it has the power to do that.
The fact that the employees here were not able to
assume their duties is attributable to the continuing The Court said that the issue here is unsa man ang
refusal of the respondents here, the State, to take effect now that the stock distribution plan has become
them in. They were not even informed of the ineffective because of this subsequent issuance. The
nullification of their termination orders. Court apply the application of the operative fact
doctrine. The revocation of the stock distribution plan
If there are no rights violated; there is no inequity that
was challenge before the SC and it upheld the act of
would result, we apply the old view. If it would be
the PARC to do so because it had the power under the
unfair to apply the operative fact doctrine, we apply
law. Of course, even if it was valid, the Court
the old view or the unorthodox view. In this case, the
recognized the time this stock distribution plan was
Court did not apply the operative fact doctrine
valid, parties would rely in good faith on the validity of
because it would be unfair to these employees. Had
this Stock Distribution Plan and had in fact done acts
they been informed that the orders have been
pursuant to that stock distribution plan.
declared unconstitutional, then they could have
returned to their offices to assume their duties. It Therefore, the actual existence of this act is, prior to
would be inequitable to apply the operative fact such determination of its nullity, is that operative fact,
doctrine here because they could not retain their and may have consequences which cannot be ignored.
salaries due to their illegal removal from their office.
We have here the revocation of a Resolution issued by
Now we focus on the concept of operative fact a body created by law, the PARC, and gina-apply nato
doctrine. karun ang operative fact doctrine.

Hacienda Luisita v. PARC (2011) Is the Operative Fact Doctrine only applicable to laws
which are declared to be unconstitutional? Should it
There was this Executive Order No. 229 providing for
be applied to the acts of the PARC when it issued
the machinations for the implementation of the
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program. This CARP Resolution 89-12-2? Is the Operative Fact Doctrine

created the PARC or the Presidential Agrarian Reform limited to laws?

Council. It is the highest policy making body that The Court said that it is not limited to laws.

formulates all policies, rules, and regulations It applies to Executive acts such as in this case which
necessary to implement the CARP. And this PARC, involves the approval by the PARC of this Stock
under then Sec. Defensor-Santiago, issued a Distribution Plan. So, operative fact doctrine can apply
Resolution 89-12-2 which approved the stock to presidential issuances, executive acts. So it’s not
distribution plan consistent with the provisions of the limited to laws.
CARL (Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law)
approving the stock distribution plan of TADECO and In the motion for reconsideration for this case, the
Hacienda Luisita Inc. PARC, however, revoked the Court upheld its ruling and emphasize that this
stock distribution plan under Resolution 89-12-2 Operative Fact Doctrine is, in fact, not limited to
pursuant to another Department of Agrarian Reform, invalid or unconstitutional laws. It applies to executive
Administrative Order No. 10 (DAO 10). So because of acts subsequently declared as invalid.
this, nawala si Resolution 89-12-2. It was revoked. What is the difference?
Do we recognized the effect of Resolution 89-12-2 Law is created by Congress while Executive Acts are
prior to its nullification by the PARC? created by the executive to execute a law. Still, the

Operative Fact applies to both of them—laws and Sir: Where was this case, to recover this coco levy
executive acts. funds, filed? What court found that this was ill-gotten
wealth and therefore should be returned to the
What does the term executive act encompass?
It is broad enough to encompass decisions of
administrative bodies and agencies under the Student: Sandiganbayan.
Executive Department which are eventually revoked.
Sir: Sandiganbayan is an anti-graft court, not part of
That is the scope of this executive act.
the Executive Department but part of the Judiciary. So
Examples: there was this case filed against the cronies of Marcos
Appointments declared to be unconstitutional or and also Marcos to recover the properties that are ill-
illegal. Remember the case of Gordon, gotten. The Sandiganbayan indeed made a ruling that,
unconstitutional ang appointment but still gi- among others, this block of San Miguel Corporation
recognize ang effect and that appointment is not a shares of stock, totaling P33 million shares, are
law but that is an executive act. You are appointed by declared owned by the government in trust of the
an appointing authority. So appointments that are coconut farmers. COCOFED went to the SC challenging
nullified are covered by the operative fact doctrine, this decision of the Sandiganbayan.
among other things.
Sir: What did it raised, among others, as argument
Tan vs. Barrios involving a general order issued by the which is related to our topic?
President. Still that is an executive act which the court
Student: Contended that the decision of the
applied the operative fact doctrine even after the
Sandiganbayan violated the due process.
same was declared to be unconstitutional. Again, this
doctrine is not confined to statutes and rules and Sir: What about the operative fact doctrine? When did
regulations issued by the executive department that it come in?
are accorded the same status, it also applies to
Student: They said sir that there would be inequity. It
executive acts. This doctrine however can only be
was not applied.
applied if there is a need to do so in the interest of
justice and equity. Sir: How is the operative fact doctrine applicable in
this case? When did the operative apply/ pop up?
Why is it that the operative fact doctrine can apply to
executive acts? Student: Public funds sir, which were supposedly
It’s because this executive acts, you cannot deny it, if given utmost safeguard, were haphazardly distributed
the President issues this issuances, they have the to private individuals.
force and effect of law. Having the force and effect of
law, you are oblige to comply with them. Therefore, in Sir: Pursuant to what? Or the authority to distribute

the event na maging unconstitutional siya, dili ma- this shares to people who are not qualified to own
erase ang fact that at the time that it was valid, you this shares? What authority? What law—that was

have to comply with the provisions thereof. declared unconstitutional?

Student: PD 755.
COCOFED v. Republic (2012) – Recitation
Student: This involves the coco levy funds which the Sir: What does this PD 755 allow or do?
republic, which were found out to be ill-gotten wealth Anyway, this law allowed for the distribution of this
from President Marcos. There’s insinuation that those stocks to entities and persons who are not supposed
were owned by the Government and they were just in to be recipients of this funds, dapat coco farmers but
trust for farmers. naay mga middlemen who are able to take hold of this
shares and are able to distribute, sell this to other

individuals pursuant to PD 755. This Presidential Even if this law was declared unconstitutional, it
Decree was declared to be unconstitutional. cannot be given operative fact. This unauthorized
grant given to the claimants constitutes an illegal
So now it is declared to be unconstitutional, what is
deprivation of property without due process of law to
the effect? Diba nag gamit ka ani nga law so that
those who are supposed to receive these shares.
mabaligya nimo tong mga shares that were not
supposed to be yours. So, ikaw nagpurchase ka ato Again, it would result to inequity and injustice and
and now nagdeclare na unconstitutional ang law, that is why the Court applied the orthodox view. It
meaning wala na basis ang paghold nimo ug would be inappropriate to apply the operative fact
properties. doctrine because this involves public funds which were
carelessly distributed to private individuals based on
What is the effect? COCOFED wants to apply the
statutory provisions that are found to be
doctrine of operative fact because? Why, gusto niya
unconstitutional. Plus, the recipients of these shares
na at the time that… what?
may not actually the intended beneficiaries of the
Anyway, the COCOFED wanted the application of benefit if we apply the operative fact doctrine.
operative fact doctrine so that at the time daw that
Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR) v. San
this PD 755 was valid, it had effects. Therefore, those
people who relied on good faith on this law—buying, Roque (2013)
selling of shares of stock—should be protected at the We have the question of whether or not an
time prior to the declaration of unconstitutionality of Administrative practice, before it became formally
PD 755. So, operative fact doctrine come in. This issue recognized by the Executive or before it became an
went to the SC as the Sandiganbayan did not apply executive act, can it be recognized after it has been
the operative fact doctrine. declared as unconstitutional? Does the operative fact
apply to administrative practices?
Does the Operative Fact Doctrine apply?
No, it did not apply the doctrine because to do so It started in the issuance of this BIR Ruling No. DA-
would result to inequity. The Court enumerated 489-03. The issuance of BIR Ruling No. DA-489-03 on
several reasons that would happen if we give effect to 10 December 2003 pwede ka maka-ask administrative
the law using the operative fact doctrine. Again, can claim for a refund for VAT before the CIR. You can
apply to cases as long as it would result to equity and claim for a refund because you paid more input VAT
justice. than output VAT. Pwede ka maka-ask for a refund.
You have a specific or limited period by which you can
It will not result in equity and justice in this case
present that claim, 120 days, before the CIR. The CIR
because the claimants here do not have any legal right
has also a period of time by which he/she should act
to the UCPB shares distributed to them. They were not
on your claim and that is the 120-day period.
the farmers contemplated by the law to be
beneficiaries of this funds. If you allow the operative If dili siya mag act within that period, what should you
fact doctrine, you would be sanctioning the illegal do? What if mag-act siya and i-negate niya imo claim
practice, magclaim ng ownership ang mga people who or i-disallow niya, what would you do? The practice
are not qualified to be holders of this shares. before, as sanctioned by this BIR Ruling No. DA-489-
Therefore, to grant all the UCPB shares to the 03, was that at the time na magfile ka ug imohang
claimants here would be iniquitous and prejudicial to administrative claim, you could, at the same time, file
the remaining 4.6 million farmers who have not a judicial claim before the Court of Tax Appeal. You
received any UCPB shares when in fact they were the can file these claims simultaneously as sanctioned by
ones who made the payments to the fund but they did this BIR Ruling.
not receive any receipts or were not able to register
their receipts.

However, this BIR Ruling was nullified or declared to The Tax Code and National Internal Revenue Code
be unconstitutional by the SC in CIR vs. San Roque. (NIRC) also provides for this operative fact doctrine. It
Therefore, the effect was: the 120-day period, you is embedded in the tax code. The tax payers may rely
have to exhaust that, humanon sa nimo and then later on the ruling issued by the Commissioner from the
on dira naka maka-file ug judicial claim. Dili pwede time it is issued. So if there is this ruling, apply with
siya simultaneous. Or if during the 120-day period, gi- that. Pag wala siya ruling, what do you comply,
deny na ang imong claim, then you can go to the meaning wala kay formal recognition on that practice.
judicial round. You cannot, however, simultaneously So dili ka maka-appply; you do not apply the operative
institute these claims while the 120-day period has fact doctrine until that practice had been
not yet lapse or the CIR has not acted on the claim. formalized/recognized by the Executive.

Prior to this DA-489-03, issued in 2003, naga prevail There must be a ruling issued by the Commissioner is
na diay siya nga practice by the taxpayers that they relied upon by the tax payer in good faith. Here, there
can file a claim administratively and also judicially at was none because it was not formally recognized until
the same time. So this is the issue here. That was the BIR’s ruling in 2003 under DA-489-03.
considered to be an administrative practice.
DAY 09 – JULY 09, 2018
Now that the Court has declared this practice, as
Transcribed by: dela Cerna
formalized by this DA-489-03, to be unconstitutional,
what happens to the practice before na wala pa siya Previous decision on this case, they are now bound to
nagging formal or recognized by the BIR? Can we prove that they did not act with bad faith, so the
apply the operative fact doctrine to that? Court said that it did not remove that decision. Good
The Court in this case applied the operative fact faith still exists. And the Court emphasized that if this
doctrine to the period na operative tong BIR Ruling— doctrine would result to inequity and injustice, it will
katong nagging formal siya tong 2003—but the Court not apply. It will not be applied.
did not apply the operative fact doctrine during the
time wala pa siya nagging formal issuance—katong CIR v. Puregold (2015)
administrative practice pa lang siya. That is not CIR vs. Puregold (2015), here we have Puregold which
covered by the operative fact doctrine. is an entity engaged in the sale of consumer goods in
various areas of the Philippines and it also sold goods
For the operative fact doctrine to apply, there must be
in the Clark Special Economic Zone [CSEZ]. Now during
a legislative or executive measure—meaning there is a
law or executive issuance—which is invalidated by the the time, there was a specific period, under Executive

court. In this case, what was invalidated was DA-489- Order (EO) No. 80, where it was extended in tax

03 as well as katong continuing practice prior to this exemption from imports. The certificates given to

issuance. Puregold, these exemption certificates, were issued

pursuant to EO 80 which extended to these
Is this administrative practice, prior to this BIR Ruling enterprises operating within the CSEZ all the
No. DA-489-03, covered ba siya ng saklaw ng incentives granted to enterprises within the Subic
executive act (as we discussed earlier, executive acts Special Economic Zone, same benefits, among others,
are covered by the operative fact doctrine)? except tax exemptions. However, in 2005, this EO 80
NO. This is not an executive act. It was not formalized, was annulled by the Supreme Court and this had the
not formally recognized by the BIR until 2003. So, prior effect of withdrawing the preferential tax treatments
to that it was still a practice that would not be enjoyed by businesses within the CSEZ including
affected by this operative fact doctrine. An Puregold. Because of this ruling, now the BIR is (?) to
administrative practice is neither a law nor an make an assessment of the taxes importations not on
executive issuance. the date that the decision removing this, katong July

2005 where EO 80 was annulled, but including the was it a de facto government or was it a de jure
period prior to that. The assessment ranged from government? That is a question that was not resolved
January 1998 to May 2004. In other words, the BIR did by the Supreme Court because it held that that is a
not recognize that this EO 80 was an Operative Fact. political question. Only the people can answer that
Ni retroact ang iyang assessment. And so, how much question and indeed they answered in the affirmative
was the tax liability? 2.7 billion. This caused Puregold when they recognized the (?) government as
to protest this assessment and in the meantime a law legitimate. Or it is also a political question if there is
was passed granting tax amnesty to businesses full discretionary authority given by the Constitution
affected by the ruling of the Court katong pagtanggal to the executive or legislative branch in the
sa EO 80 which Puregold availed of. What is a tax government. This discretion can only be exercised by
amnesty? A pardon or the intentional overlooking by this legislative or executive branch as presented or
the State of its authority to impose penalties, just pay given to the Constitution and it concerns the exercise
this amount of tax, you do not pay the 2.7 billion but thereof as well as its wisdom and not legality. So that
this amount lang pursuant to this tax amnesty. Still, is the distinction between the two. If there is a
the assessment of the BIR remained. The CIR, the political question, dismissed na siya by the Court as a
Commissioner was (?) in its assessment of Puregold rule. What about a justiciable question? Meaning
ranging from 1998 to 2004 and the case reached the there is an issue before the court which can be
Supreme Court, the Court said that you apply the resolved by the court, there is violation of rights,
Operative Fact Doctrine CIR, you recognize that EO 80 there is a non-observance of obligations or duties,
prior to its nullity, existed and within that period, there is an interpretation of the Constitution, these
Puregold here enjoyed preferential tax treatment. questions are justiciable. There is no need for the
Again, this calls for the application of the operative people in their sovereign capacity to rule on these
fact doctrine in this case. So basically, that’s that. questions because courts can do so.
Anyway, we’re done with the operative fact doctrine.
Oposa v. Factoran (1993)
Now we go to another concept in Constitutional Law
Remember this case which will be repeated time and
and that is what is the difference between a political
time again. Remember the concept of Inter-
question and a justiciable question? Before, this
generational Responsibility well in this case, this is
political question doctrine was used as a defense by a
what gave birth to that. What is up with this case?
party in order to have a case dismissed. Why? What is
There is a complaint filed by Oposa et al. here,
a political question anyway? Political question is a
according to them it is a class suit representing all the
question that does not involve justiciable rights, no
citizens of the Republic of the Philippines for the full
violation of rights, no enforcement of legal duties but
benefit, use and enjoyment of the natural resources.
it involves wisdom. Political questions involve 1) acts
They also represent the minors in this case, they are
which are given to the sole discretion of a specific
not yet capacitated. Even if they are minors, they
department whether it is the executive or legislative,
claimed to have standing and number two they also
sole discretion is given to these departments, a
represent generations yet unborn so inter-
question on that exercise of discretion mainly concern
generational responsibility. What was their issue?
political in character; 2) questions which can only be
They went to trial court to sue the DENR. They want
resolved by presenting the same to the citizenry in the
to (1) Cancel all existing timber license agreements in
exercise of their sovereign powers. So firstly, the
the country; (2) Cease and desist from receiving,
Court defines political questions as questions under
accepting, processing, renewing or approving new
which that the Constitution are to be decided by the
timber license agreements because inimical daw to
people in their sovereign capacity that’s number one,
our country, that is their case. Now one of the
unsay example ana? Katong determination of whether
defenses raised by the state against the petition is
or not the regime administration (?) rule that time

that it presents a political question therefore beyond because of the expansion of the powers of judicial
the power of the courts to rule upon. And the trial review by the courts under the 1987 Constitution.
court agreed with that position and dismissed the
case. So the case went to the Supreme Court, does Velarde v. SJS (2004)
this matter present a justiciable or a political In Velarde vs. SJS, there’s no political question here
question? The Court said this case does not present a but more on the emphasis on what a justiciable
political question. Why? What is involved here is an controversy is. Remember the 4 requisites before the
enforcement of a right. Rights under our laws, rights courts can tackle question depending whether or not
under the Constitution to a balanced and healthful the same is the act involved is unconstitutional or
ecology vis-a-vis policies already formulated and otherwise. Remember one of which is there must be
expressed in legislation. Is there a violation of a an actual case which is right for adjudication. Here in
Constitutional right? Is there a violation of a statutory Velarde vs. SJS, there’s a Petition for Declaratory
right? That is what is going to be determined in this Relief filed before the trial court against religious
case. Those questions do not fall under the political leaders because they sought the separation of the
question category, so the Court said there is no church and state. They claimed under this petition
political question here, wrong ang trial court. Take meaning wala pay nahitabo na act gyud because they
note of the discourse here, of the Supreme Court want to declare these acts to be invalid. What were
insofar as the invocation of this political question the acts being done by these religious leaders? They
defense. Is it as strong as before? The Court had time were endorsing candidates for elective office and also
to discuss that this defense has been tempered required their members to vote for a specific
because of the expanded power of the Supreme candidate. So they would want the Court to stop that
Court, expanded judicial review powers under Article from happening. Wala pa siya nahitabo, it was not yet
8 Section 1. The first sentence provides for the duty of happening, but they want a ruling to stop that. One of
the courts to settle actual controversies involving legal the defenses raised by these religious leaders is that
rights which are legally demandable, but it is this is it presents a justiciable issue what is being
expanded by adding the second phrase and courts can violated here? Are we doing anything? In order to
determine whether or not there has been a grave resolve that, the Court did define what a justiciable
abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of controversy is in the first place. A justiciable
jurisdiction on the part of any branch or controversy refers to an existing case or controversy
instrumentality of the Government. So now the courts that is appropriate or ripe for judicial determination,
have the power even to rule on the validity of the not one that is conjectural or merely anticipatory. And
exercise of discretion of this person, if it is exercised the petition filed in the trial court here fell short of
with grave abuse. Mao na siya expanded na siya. And this test. It was merely a hypothetical question
therefore, the Court quoting Associate Justice Cruz, because none of the acts were proven to have been
this second power broadens the judicial power to committed. The petition before the trial court alleged
enable the courts of justice to review what was before nothing but speculations. This SJS merely speculated
forbidden territory, which involves the discretion of and anticipated the impact meaning wala niya na
the political departments of the government. With prove that as religious leaders that Velarde et al.,
this new provision, the power to rule upon even the Villanueva, Cardinal Sin had endorsed or threatened
wisdom of the decisions of the executive and the to endorse a candidate or candidates for elective
legislature and to declare their acts to be office, and it does not happen and therefore these
unconstitutional because they are tainted with grave premises, these allegations remain to be highly
abuse of discretion has been vested in the courts. So, speculative and theoretical therefore there is no
this political question defense has been weakened reason for the courts to exercise the power of judicial
review considering that there is no justiciable issue

before here. There has to be, before the court can political question, there is a constitutional
exercise its power of judicial review, at least katong commitment of the issue to a coordinate political
first phrase, there has to be an actual controversy department so there is this responsibility or obligation
involving rights that are legally demandable and which the Constitution tasks to a specific department
enforceable. Here, wala. which only or a lack of judicially discoverable and
manageable standards for resolving the case or
Vinuya v. Romulo (2010) question or it is impossible to decide on it without an
As I said earlier, political question defense or doctrine initial policy determination of a kind clearly for non-
has been tempered but has it been removed? judicial discretion, etc. So there’s an enumeration
Altogether totally from our jurisdiction? Wala na ba here of what a political question is. In our jurisdiction,
gyud ni siya can you not invoke this anymore? Here the Court has synthesized it to “questions which,
we have the case of Vinuya vs. Romulo involving the under the Constitution, are to be decided by the
exercise, the discretion of the executive to present a people in their sovereign capacity, or in regard to
claim by these comfort women who suffered which full discretionary authority has been delegated
injustices abuses from the Japanese military during to the legislative or executive branch of the
the time of war. They want to be compensated for government.” What is an example of a case which
damages and they want their claims to be presented presents a political question? Questions which involve
by through the executive department before Japan. foreign relations as in this case. The conduct of the
So, these women are members of the Malaya Lolas, foreign relations is committed by the Constitution to
they wanted to be given compensation because they the executive and legislative--'the political'--
were victims of rape by the Japanese military forces departments of the government, and the propriety of
during the second world war. They went to the what may be done in the exercise of their political
executive department particularly the DOJ, the DFA power is not subject to judicial inquiry or decision as a
and the Solicitor General to assist them in the filing of general rule. That is the general rule. Now what is the
their claims against the Japanese officials. However exception? The rule is not absolute. Not all cases
the executive did not favorably act, declined to implicating foreign relations present political
endorse and present the claim before Japan. Why? questions because courts had the power to construe
What was their reason? Because it would be inimical or invalidate treaties and executive agreements. So
daw to our relations with Japan if we present this when matters involve these treaties and executive
claim before this country also the comfort women agreements, they are beyond this political question
here have been fully compensated by Japan’s doctrine. They can be resolved by the courts. So the
compliance with a peace treaty between our country rule is not absolute. Now in this case, is the question
and Japan so therefore there is no need na to present of whether or not the government should espouse
their claim. And so the case went to the Supreme claims of our nationals against a foreign national a
Court arguing these Malaya Lolas argued that the political question? The Court said that it is. It is a
Executive department, DOJ, DFA and OSG gravely foreign relations matter the authority for which is
abused its discretion when they did not favorably act committed by our Constitution not to the courts but
or declined to act on their complaint. Was there a to the political branches, particularly the executive.
grave abuse of discretion? Or is this question even And since here, the executive department to the DOJ,
justiciable, is this political in character? Now, before DFA and Sol Gen had already decided that it is to the
going to the meat of the discussion the Court again best interest of the country to waive all claims against
discussed what a political question is. When is a Japan. The wisdom of such decision is not for our
question political in character? So citing US courts to question. This case is controversial. This
jurisprudence here naay mga instances where a plagiarism issue. Anyway. So the Court here rejected
question presented before the court appear to be a the petition because it presents a political question.

The exercise of discretion is solely lodged before the as the executive department is concerned and so that
executive and legislative department that an inquiry requirement of an unmistakable right is already
on the exercise thereof would result to the missing. And again the Court emphasized here that
examination of policy. Now this is a recognition the Constitution has entrusted to the executive
therefore that it is not within the power or department the conduct of foreign relations and again
competence of the judiciary to determine the wisdom that’s something the espousal of their claim therefore
of these acts. The Court recognizes the conduct of is left to the executive’s exclusive determination and
foreign relations full of complexities and judgment of the executive department to which the
consequences. And who is the person with the most wisdom of the exercise thereof cannot be reviewed by
power or information to make decisions vis-à-vis the courts. And therefore it cannot direct the
insofar as foreign relations are concerned? It is our executive department by injunction to conduct
President, the sole organ because he possesses the foreign relations with Japan in a certain
most comprehensive and the most confidential
information about foreign countries for our Saguisag v. Ochoa (2016)
diplomatic and consular officials and in the exercise The EDCA Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement,
thereof the President is traditionally given a wider the question here is can this agreement, should it be
degree of discretion particularly the conduct of contained in a treaty or is it enough that it is in an
foreign affairs so much so that the courts had to when executive agreement because in this case, it was done
there’s a question involving this kind of conduct. For by the UN Executive Agreement. There was no
the Court to overturn the executive department’s concurrence by the senate even if it involves foreign
determination would mean an assessment of the military bases. So there is now a discord between the
foreign policy judgments by a coordinate political act and what is required to the Constitution Art 17
branch to which authority to make that judgment has Sec. 25 there are requisites if foreign military bases
been constitutionally committed. So political question are concerned, the entry thereof in our country. It is
na siya. not a political question because it involves violation,
purported violation, of the Constitution not being
Vinuya v. Romulo (2014) faithful to what is required by the Constitution insofar
In the MR of this case in 2014 resolution of the Court, as foreign military bases is concerned. So there is a
the petitioners Malaya Lolas and Vinuya et al. claim comparison here. The act versus its compliance with
for, among others, the reversal of the previous the Constitution, nothing to do with a political
decision and assert that an injunction on mandatory question. Now the Court emphasized here that indeed
injunction should be issued in their favor. What is the has the power of judicial review and this power has
difference between a mandatory injunction and been expanded in the 1987 Constitution. The purpose
injunction? If we talk about an injunction lang, that is, of this power is it is a checks and balances mechanism
in its sense prohibitive injunction, you prohibit installed by the Constitution to check abuses done by
someone from doing something whereas in co equal branches. Why? Because it is only the
mandatory injunction, you direct someone to do Supreme Court that has the power to interpret the
something. Here, they want a mandatory injunction, Constitution whether or not there has been departure
compel the DFA, DOJ and Sol Gen to espouse their from its provisions. Here, the Court also discussed
claims before Japan. The Court said that before this judicial supremacy. Does this mean that the Supreme
injunction can issue there has to be proof of a clear Court is above the legislative and executive? The
and unmistakable right. You have to prove this right Court said no. when we talk about judicial supremacy
but do these Malaya Lolas have the right to force the it only means that the Supreme Court has the power
executive department to present their claims before to interpret the Constitution whether or not there be
Japan? This requires an exercise of discretion insofar a violation thereof because above these 3

departments is the Constitution that is why what Filipino who died with properties in Tangier and
makes it supreme is its power to interpret that, it because it’s part of her estate, gi tax siya as a rule, by
does not mean that the Supreme Court is supreme our country. Now the administrator of the estate
from the executive and legislative because they are all claims na there is a reciprocity clause daw between
co-equal. Caution, therefore, must be exercised when Tangier and the Philippines. That is if a resident of
there is a question on the exercise of the powers of a Tangier dies and has properties in the Philippines, dili
co-equal branch of the government. So going back to taxed iyang properties. And also, if a resident of the
our topic, does this case involve a political question? Philippines who has properties in Tangier dies, dili pud
Again, we said earlier, no. so we are done with itax iyang properties. So the assessment laid down by
political questions versus justiciable questions. the BIR here is a for not recognizing the reciprocity
rule. One of the defenses of the BIR is that Tangier is
Now we go to the provisions of the Constitution. We
not a state, it’s just a principality. Is it considered as a
start with Article 1 on the national territory of the
state? Well for purposes of interpreting the provisions
Philippines. What is the extent of the territory of the
of the National Revenue Tax Code, the Court said that
Philippines? So if that is the question, then your
yes, it is a state. There are many definitions of a state:
answer is Article 1. The national territory comprises
it is a politically organized sovereign community
the Philippine archipelago, with all the islands and
independent of outside control bound by penalties of
waters embraced therein, and all other territories
nationhood, legally supreme within its territory,
over which the Philippines has sovereignty or
acting through a government functioning under a
jurisdiction, consisting of its terrestrial, fluvial and
regime of law, among other definitions. Take note of
aerial domains, including its territorial sea, the
that definition. The Court said that Tangier may be
seabed, the subsoil, the insular shelves, and other
considered as a state insofar as recognizing the
submarine areas. The waters around, between, and
reciprocity of the provisions of the tax code are
connecting the islands of the archipelago, regardless
of their breadth and dimensions, form part of the
internal waters of the Philippines. And that is called Nicolas v. Romulo (2009)
the Archipelagic Doctrine. There is a recognition that
We have here the discussion on whether or not the
our country is an archipelago studded with islands,
VFA is unconstitutional. It had been previously ruled
but these islands do not represent separate states,
by the Court in Bayan vs Zamora but this issue came
they are considered as one whole state. Therefore the
up again in Nicolas vs Romulo. Why? This Daniel Smith
waters within these area form part of the territory.
raped Nicolas some time in 2005. He was charged
They form part of the internal waters of the
accordingly. While the proceedings before the Court
Philippines. We learned that there are 4 elements of
were pending, he was under the custody of the US.
the State: 1) Territory, 2) People, 3) Sovereignty as
Eventually he was convicted so he was ordered to be
well as 4) Government. Talking about here, territory,
incarcerated in the Philippines, Makati City Jail.
this affixed portion at the surface of the earth, yuta,
However there were agreements done between our
inherited by the people of the state must be sufficient
country and the US, the Romulo-Kenney Agreement,
enough to provide inhabitants with resources and the
taking Smith out of our jurisdiction transferred to US
power of these inhabitants to protect it.
custody. Now it is being questioned kung tama ba
Now before we go to the concept of territory, we tong gihimo nila. And in the course of discussing these
have to define what a state is. issues the Court had the time to discuss Philippine
territory, the validity of the VFA, what is the extent of
Collectorv. Campos Rueda (1971) the Philippine territory? It will be recalled that under
We have here an issue on whether or not Tangier is the Philippine Bill of 1902, remember the Philippines
considered as a state. We have here a decedent, a was under the Spanish regime, gi colonize ta nila then

later on there was war between the US and Spain, the strengthened their foothold in our country. Then,
latter lost so they ceded territory to the US. And so there were talks of independence which lead to the
kita, thinking we are already powerful, fought against passage of Tydings-McDuffie Act. Just read all of this
the US and lost. So, naging strong ang hold sa atoa sa history lesson. Now even if gi-cede na sa atoa atong
US for a particular time until movements for sovereignty, it did not stop the US and the Philippines
independence from the US came about and from entering into agreements insofar as military
eventually the US ceded its sovereignty over us except bases are concerned: Military Bases Agreement (MBA)
for several military bases and eventually that of 1947, the Military Assistance Agreement of 1947,
reservation was also lifted upon the expiration of this and the Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) of 1951. So
agreement. And now, wala najuy hold ang US sa atoa. there is this recognition. Now nag expire na tong mga
All of our territory belongs to us. So that is the extent agreements, we have now the full control. But in
of our territory. There were areas previously order to safeguard the entry of military bases in our
considered as Philippine territory, katong military country, the Constitution provides for a provision in
bases, Clark, Subic because these bases were covered Sec 25 Art 17 before these foreigners can establish
under RP -US Military Bases of 1947. Our country military bases in the Philippines, there has to be a
agreed that for a particular time even if the US is treaty to that effect and it must duly be concurred in
already out we will still remain control and after the by the senate. That is the safeguard. And reading the
expiration of this agreement, there was already a Constitutional Commission’s discussion, deliberations
cession of these bases to our country. Subsequently, on the matter, they established 3 standards before
the United States agreed to turn over these bases to military bases can enter the Philippines: 1) there must
the Philippines; and with the expiration of the RP-US be independence from foreign control; 2) the
Military Bases Agreement in 1991, the territory Philippines must retain sovereignty and jurisdiction
covered by these bases were finally ceded to the over its territory, even if nay mga military bases diha,
Philippines. Is the VFA valid? Yes. As already held in we retain our sovereignty and jurisdiction over these
Bayan vs Zamora, it was duly concurred in a treaty, parcels of land, what if there are structures built or
concurred in by the Philippine senate and therefore created by these military forces? We own those
binding. What provision of the VFA was sought to be structures. By withholding ownership of these areas
clarified here, because the VFA as we already learned and retaining unrestricted access to them, the
is valid and is therefore binding upon the 2 countries. government asserts sovereignty over its territory and;
There’s a difference in the treatment, particularly in 3) there must be respect of national security and
the confinement or detention of military personnel territorial integrity. So dili na ta nila pwede kalit rag
who commit illegal acts in our country? Under Article sakop by any foreign force there.
5. During the pendency of judicial proceedings, pwede
Now let’s go back our discussion on the national
na ang countries kung asa ma detain and upon
territory, which we defined in Article 1, the territory is
conviction there is a different rule and this rule was
a fixed portion of the surface of the earth so meaning
violated by this Romulo-Kenney Agreement.
di siya dagat, inhabited by the people of the state, so
Saguisag v. Ochoa (2016) there are people living there, it must be permanent
not temporary and indicated with precision because
On the EDCA where there is a history lesson which
jurisdiction is determined on the basis on such. It
would benefit us. There is battle of Manila Bay in 1898
must also be big enough to provide for the needs of
between Spanish and Americans. Spain relinquished
the population but must not be so extensive as to be
its sovereignty before us in favor of the US upon its
difficult to administer and defend from external
surrender. 1899 there was this military
aggression. What are the components of a territory?
administration, that was fought against by our Filipino
there must be a terrestrial domain, land or
men and lost that war, and so the Americans
dismembered which may be integrated or separated

or partly bounded by water; the maritime and fluvial While the EEZ is 200 nautical miles from the baseline.
domains, bodies of water within the land mass What is so important in delineating all of these lines?
including internal waters, including the territorial sea There are different acts that can be prohibited or can
measured from the base line. Now in determining the be done within these zones. Our territorial sea is part
extent of the territorial sea, there has to be a of the territory of this archipelagic state therefore you
determination of what base lines are, because we are cannot just invade there because it would constitute
an archipelago, daghan ug islands we don’t know acts of invasion among other things. Take note of
where to measure. So we establish first base lines by those zones, basig i-multiple choice na siya.
with where we start our computation. Now there are
So terrestrial, fluvial and aerial domain. Those
2 base line methods, the first is the normal base line
comprise the territory. Territory can be acquired by
method by which territorial sea is drawn from the low
discovery and occupation, prescription, cession,
watermark of the coast to the breadth, following its
subjugation., accretion These are concepts in public
sinuosities and curvatures meaning when we
international law. Im just introducing to you some of
determine the territorial sea mag curve curve pud ang
them in the course of our discussion. Territory is lost
atong uppermost points so the measurement would
through abandonment or dereliction, cession,
be curved. The second method is the straight base
subjugation, prescription, erosion, revolution and
line method where straight lines are made to connect
natural causes. So we’re done with territory.
appropriate points from the coast departing radically
from its general direction. So in this method naa ning Now let’s go to baselines. The method for
mga other points on the base outer points or determining our baselines was established in RA 3046.
outermost points and then you connect them with This law defines the baselines of the territorial sea of
lines, not curves. Connect the dots. That’s the the Philippines. It was promulgated in 1961 and is
difference between the two. What method is provided for the straight baseline method because it
followed by the Philippines? The Straight baseline comprises the establishment growing of straight lines
method. As we stated earlier the Archipelagic doctrine joining appropriate points of the outermost islands of
recognizes that the internal waters are part of the the archipelago. So in this law, there are coordinates
Philippine territory. This doctrine consoled the view there pointing na kani ang point, the outermost points
that all of the 7,100 islands should be considered as and then you connect the dots from those points in
one integrated whole instead of being fragmented order to determine what the internal waters are and
into separate units each with its own territorial sea. It we would also learn the baseline upon which you
defined the internal waters of the archipelago compute your territorial sea, contiguous zone and
baseline should be drawn to connect appropriate EEZ. This law was amended in 1968 by RA 5446 and
points of the outermost islands, without departing further amended in RA 9522 sometime in March 10,
radically from the general direction of the coast and 2009 to be consistent with the UNCLOS. There is a
waters inside these base lines shall be considered recognition that we have sovereign jurisdiction over
internal and thus not subject to entry reform unless the Scarborough Shoal under PD 1596. These islands,
there is a consent of the local state. So now kabalo by reason of their proximity, are vital to the security
nata that there is this baseline. The waters within the and economic survival of the Philippines. Much of the
baseline are considered as internal waters, the waters area is part of the continental margin of the
outside may be considered as territorial sea, Philippines while they do not legally belong to any
contiguous zone and the exclusive economic zone. state or nation but, by reason of history,
When we talk about territorial sea, it’s 12 nautical indispensable need, and effective occupation and
miles from the baseline. When we talk about control, such areas must now deemed to belong and
contiguous zone, it’s 24 nautical miles from the subject to the sovereignty of the Philippines. So
baseline or 12 nautical miles from the territorial sea. they’re establishing that we have jurisdiction. We

have sovereignty over the Scarborough Shoal under (i) establishment and use of artificial islands
this law. installations and structures; (ii) marine scientific
research; (iii) the protection and preservation of the
Now let’s go to the Exclusive Economic Zone. This was
marine environment; (c) other rights and duties
recognized by our country as early as 1978 in PD 1599
provided for in the UNCLOS. Now a question is
where we established and EEZ with the distance of
frequently asked: Is China violating the UNCLOS
200 nautical miles from the baseline from which the
because of its acts? Yes! We already have a ruling
territorial sea is measured. The rights that can be
before the arbitral tribunal, the difference between a
exercised within the EEZ is provided for in PD 1599.
victory there is one difference between a winning
Sovereignty rights for the purpose of exploration and
decision and it enforcing that winning decision the
exploitation, conservation and management of the
decision cannot be enforced because we have no
natural resources, but they have to contend with the
international police that can enforce that decisions,
provisions of the UNCLOS as well because it has its
we cannot go to war against China. That decision
own enumeration of what rights can be exercised
remains to be in paper. What can be done is to
within the EEZ and since we are signatories to the
enforce that decision through diplomatic channels so
UNCLOS then we have to be compliant with its
that China will comply.
provisions. So this UN Convention of the Law of the
Sea provides for certain rights not only in the EEZ but Magallona v. Ermita (2011)
also in the territorial sea and the contiguous zone as
Now we have RA 9522, the amendment to the
well. So, in the territorial sea, what can you do? There
Straight baseline, this was challenged in Magallona vs.
are rights insofar as ships are observed. There’s this
Ermita. What were the grounds for the challenge?
innocent passage. You pass through the territorial sea
This opens daw the country’s waters land war to
innocently meaning, you traverse the sea without
maritime passage for all vessels and aircrafts
entering the internal waters or proceeding, etc. When
undermines Philippine sovereignty and national
does this passage no longer innocent? Meaning nay
security, damaging marine resources, violates
violation. The passage is innocent so long as it is not
constitutional provisions the law also divests us in our
prejudicial to the peace, good order or security of the
claim over the Kalayaan Island Groups, Scarborough
coastal State, and there’s an enumeration here of the
Shoal, etc. So this law is unconstitutional because it
activities that constitute prejudicial acts, prejudicial to
reduces our national territory. Is the law
the peace, good order or security of the coastal State,
unconstitutional? The Court said that no. it is a mere
among others: any threat or use of force against the
statutory tool to demarcate the country’s maritime
sovereignty; fishing activities, that’s considered
zones and continental shelf under the UNCLOS. It
prejudicial if done within the territorial sea under the
does not delineate Philippine territory. So the Court
UNCLOS. What about the rights in the contiguous
emphasized here that there are only limited state
zone? The coastal state within this zone has the
territory can be lost. It does not include the
power to a) prevent infringement of its customs,
delineation made by the same state insofar as its
fiscal, immigration or sanitary laws and regulations
baselines are concerned. UNCLOS has nothing to do
within its territory or territorial sea; b) punish
with acquisition or loss of territory, this is a treaty
infringement thereof. And finally the EEZ, what are
regulating sea use rights over maritime zone and the
the rights that can be exercised within this zone, are
adoption of the UNCLOS through RA 9522 does not
any a) sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring
result in the loss or acquisition of territory. What
and exploiting, conserving and managing the natural
baseline laws do instead of losing or ceding territory is
resources, whether living or non-living, of the waters
to mark out only specific base points along the coast
superjacent to the seabed etc. Just read these
from which baselines are drawn, observe geographic
provisions: (b) jurisdiction as provided for in the
starting points, to measure breadth of the maritime
relevant provisions of this Convention with regard to:

zones and continental shelf. Again, this drawing of the Outermost points of the
lines is not one of the means by which territory is lost. archipelago are connected by
straight lines
It can only be lost through occupation, accretion,
 Amendment of RA 3046
cession and prescription, not by executive or bilateral o We now have RA 9522
treaties or the regulation of sea use rights or enacting
statues to comply with the treaties to delimit our 2nd ELEMENT OF THE STATE – PEOPLE
maritime zones. Did we divest ourselves in our claim
People – may be construed to include inhabitants of
in the Kalayaan Island Group and the Scarborough this country
Shoal when we adopted this RA 9522? The Court said  Regardless of nationality, is considered as
no. the law recognizes under Section 2 thereof that people, in the context of a state
our country exercises sovereignty and jurisdiction  Art. 2, Sec. 15 and 16 – talks about natural
over Kalayaan Island Group as well as the
 Art. 3, Sec. 2 (Bill of Rights) – provides two
Scarborough Shoal. The law itself recognizes our types of people:
sovereignty and jurisdiction. It does not divest us even o Natural people
if dili sila musulod sa atong baseline because the o Juridical people
-> We are accorded protection under this
Court said if we include these islands in the baseline
then we will be departing from the provisions of the  Right to be Secure
UNCLOS and that would be more troublesome. Still  Right against Warrantless
the law recognizes our claim, exercise of sovereignty Searches and Seizures
not by including them within the baseline but by a -> Does not distinguish between juridical
and natural person
separate provision in RA 9522. In fact this law  Art. 13, Sec. 1 – priority given by the
expanded the measurement of our territorial sea to a Constitution to the enactment of measures to
certain extent. And so this law is not considered to be protect the people (human dignity, social
unconstitutional. We will continue next meeting. justice, etc.)

DAY 10 – JULY 12, 2018 Art. 3, Sec 2 – The right against unlawful searches and
Transcribed by: Gador  Rule: Your premises can’t be searched if there
is no valid search warrant, unless if under the
Discussion on the National Territory in the course of exceptions
discussing the four (4) elements of the state.  Rule: Cannot be arrested, unless the arresting
 Archipelagic doctrine – all the internal waters officer had a warrant, unless under the
and those by the baseline, they form part of exceptions (e.g. warrantless arrest)
our territory
o Use the straight-base line method to Question: Does it distinguish aliens from Filipinos?
determine the measurements of our  Does the right only apply to Filipino citizens
territorial sea and not aliens?
 Inside = part of our internal o Are they not given the same right
waters under the law?
 Outside = 12-nautical mile
territorial sea Answer: Qua Chee Gan v. Deportation Board
 24-nautical mile
contiguous zone and Facts: Qua Chee Gan was charged before the
200-nautical mile EEZ Deportation Board for having purchased US dollars
 Two (2) types of methods by which baselines worth $230,000 without the necessary license from
are measured the Central Bank. He clandestinely remitted the same
o Normal to Hong Kong together with some of the petitioners.
o Straight line They were also found to have used bribery.
 They are using this method
These aliens were served with warrant of arrest after
they were charged before this Deportation Board

issued by its presiding member. This warrant includes People can also pertain to electors, capable of
a surety bond. They were arrested. exercising their right to suffrage under Art. 5.

Petitioners’ contention 3rd ELEMENT OF THE STATE – SOVEREIGNTY

They were challenging the validity of the warrant.
According to them, the warrant is void because it was Is it true that the State is supreme by itself – power to
not issued by a judge Under the Constitution, only limit itself.
judges can determine probable cause as to whether a
warrant of arrest should be issued. Here, it was issued Doctrine of Auto-limitation
by the Deportation Board. Doctrine where the Philippines adhere to
international law, and the adoption of the principles
State argument of international law become limitations to our
The petitioners cannot raise such defense because exercise of sovereignty.
they were aliens, and as such, are not covered by the
rights of the country. Why limit or restrict our own sovereignty?
It is because we have to acknowledge that in this
Issue world, we are all sovereigns; we are operating in a
Whether or not aliens cannot avail of such right. Yes. network of sovereigns. You cannot impose your right
over a certain country as it would also insist that it is a
Held: The Court cannot hold the argument of the sovereign. So, in order to have this harmony between
State as meritorious. It cited a provision of the 1935 all nations, there has to be a common ground – a self-
Constitution – the right of the people to be secure in limitation, a recognition of international principles
their persons, houses, and effects; right against that are applicable to all - and as such, these
unlawful searches and seizure under the Bill of Rights sovereigns recognize that they could limit themselves
at that time (also present in the 1987 Constitution). insofar as the application of these principles are
This is a popular right of the people, and of course,
equally applies to all citizens and foreigners in this This is recognized by our jurisprudence.
country. It does not distinguish whether or not you
are an alien as long as you are sojourning in this Tanada v. Angara – the sovereignty of the Philippines
country. is subject to restriction by its membership in the
family of nations and the limitations imposed by
Furthermore, this guarantee in the Constitution treaties.
provides this requirement of probable cause may only
be issued by a judge after examination under oath of Principle of Incorporation (Art. 2, Sec. 2)
the complainant and the witnesses that may be The generally accepted principles of international law
produced. form part of the laws of our land.
 Pacta sunt servanda – obedience or
As such, it is wrong for the State to make a distinction compliance with our obligations in good
between a Filipino citizen and an alien. This right faith
applies to all.
People v. Gozo
Facts: Gozo bought a house and lot and located inside
The Constitution also speaks of citizens. How can you a US Naval Reservation in Olongapo City. House was
be considered as a Filipino citizen? demolished and a new one was built. However, a
building permit was not secured from the city mayor.
Two modes:
 Jus soli She was charged with the violation of a city ordinance
 Jus sanguinis and was sentenced to imprisonment of 1 month.

But that was before. Now, it is only jus sanguinis. Respondent argument
This ordinance is invalid and not applicable to her or
Pertinent provisions: Art. 4 (Citizenship), Art. 2 and 3, to her property which is inside the Naval Base. She
Art. 6 Sec. 2, Art. 7, Art. 15. claimed that the city has no jurisdiction insofar as the
naval base is concerned because it is not part of the
Philippine territory.

there is exclusive capacity of legal self-determination

Issue and self-restriction. So, if it chooses, it may refrain
WoN the city has no jurisdiction over her property from the exercise of that, otherwise, it would be an
which is inside the naval base. It has jurisdiction. illimitable competence.

Held: On the discussions regarding military bases,

after the expiration of the agreement, the US seceded In conclusion, there is that modes when the State
to us the territory which belong to them after the exercises its auto-limitation in diminution of
expiration. But, we still have agreements with them jurisdictional rights, but it does not disappear entirely.
insofar as exercises are concerned, but we did not Nor does it not precluded from allowing another
return to US the control of these territories. Now, no power, another State to participate in the exercise of
part of the Philippines is under US territory. jurisdictional rights over certain portions of the
This has been recognized by the Court in several
cases- because of this agreement between the US and If it does so (i.e. giving to US the power to hear cases
the Philippines, the Philippine government merely insofar as these people are concerned, those residing
consented that the US exercise jurisdiction in certain in the naval base), it does not mean that those areas
cases, not all the time. This consent was given as a already become impressed with an alien character.
matter comity and expediency. But, the Philippines They maintain their status as native soil still subject to
has not abnegated its sovereignty over these bases as our authority.
part of the Philippine territory or divested itself
completely of jurisdiction over offenses committed Jurisdiction will be limited or diminished, but it does
therein. not disappear. So, within our territory, whatever
statutory powers that we can exercise, we can validly
Under the terms of the treaty, the US government has exercise. That is the Doctrine of Auto-limitation.
prior or preferential, but not exclusive jurisdiction
over such offenses. As a sovereign, the Philippines can
limit, by this agreement, the extent that we could
exercise our jurisdiction precisely because we are Two ways by which international law may be part of
sovereign. We can limit our sovereignty in an municipal law:
agreement with another sovereign. But, that does not 1) Incorporation (Art. 2, Sec. 2)
mean that we are relinquishing altogether our If the principle of international law is
sovereignty in that area. The Philippine government generally accepted, the Philippines adopts the
not only retains its jurisdictional rights not granted, generally accepted principles of the
but also other rights ceded by the US for the purposes international law as part of the law of the
of holding to make use thereof. land.
2) Transformation
The case has been reiterated in other cases. Transform the agreement or international
 The Philippines be independent and principle into a law, among other things.
sovereign; its authority may be exercised
over its entire domain. There is no portion Doctrine of Incorporation and its relationship with
thereof that is beyond its power; its treaties and agreements
commands is paramount.
Tanada v. Angara
As such, the argument of Gozo to escape liability is Facts: Deals with the agreement signed by Philippines
wrong because the Philippines has jurisdiction even if to the World Trade Organization. It is one of the
that is a naval base. founding members of this WTO. Being a member of
the organization entails obligation.
The Court recognized here the concept of auto-
limitation – a state may, with its consent, expressed It is argued that these WTO agreements are
or implied, submit itself to a restriction of its unconstitutional in that these require the Philippines
sovereign rights. Thus, there may be a curtailment of to place the products of other countries in the same
what otherwise would be power plenary in character. footing as Filipinos and local products. This therefore
would “invalidate” the Filipino-first policy – local
This is the concept of sovereignty as auto-limitation. products will not be consumed by the people as entry
This is the property of the State force due to which of these foreign products would be easier.

our country. Even if the Constitution mandates a bias

They also claim that the WTO intrudes and limits the in favor of Filipino goods, it would still recognize the
powers of the SC and Congress, among other things. need for business exchange with the rest of the world.
These are the arguments against WTO.
Note: The Court recognized here that these treaties
Issue and international laws, they limit our sovereignty.
Do the provisions of WTO violate the constitution?No,
they do not. While sovereignty is traditionally been deemed as
absolute and all encompassing on the domestic level,
Discussion: The case was dismissed by the SC. it is subject to restrictions and limitations voluntarily
agreed to by the Filipinos, expressly or impliedly, as a
Provisions raised by the contending party in the case member of a family of nations.
Art. 2, Sec. 19 – The State shall develop a self-reliant
and independent national economy effectively The Constitution did not envision a hermit-type of
controlled by Filipinos. isolation of our country from the rest of the world.
And so, what is this Doctrine of Incorporation again?
National economy and patrimony [Filipino First
Policy] – In rights, privileges, and concessions Review: We adopt generally accepted principles of
governing the economy, qualified Filipinos shall be international law as part of the law of the land.
preferred. Therefore, we are bound by these generally accepted
international law as they form part of our national
Art. 12, Sec. 12 – There should be preferential use of laws as well. And one of these principles of
Philippine labor, materials, etc. international law generally accepted is pacta sunt
Court answer
Some of these principles are not self-executing. Also, Pacta sunt servanda
reading through the others which may be self- We, by signing in an agreement, we have to perform
executing, they should not be read in isolation. They whatever it is in our obligation in good faith. By doing
should be read with the entire document and the that, we recognize the existence of this agreement
Constitution. and the application to that.

As such, they should be read, these economic- The Court also emphasized here that treaties are not
nationalist concepts, with other constitutional mere moral obligations, but they really create a
mandates in order to build a balanced development of legally-binding obligation between the parties.
the economy.
What are the effects of treaties?
If we read these provisions in isolation, how can we Aside from the international laws which involve
compete with the rest of the world? We would be general principles which we adopt under this doctrine
isolating ourselves, restricting entry. We would not of incorporation, we also have the power to enter into
get the development that we have today if we won’t treaties. In the same way, by entering into a treaty,
open ourselves to the evolution of trade, among other we also limit ourselves, our sovereignty. Treaties limit
things. or restrict the absoluteness of sovereignty because
we recognize that we have obligations that we have
Question: Is this not inconsistent with the ruling of to comply with.
Manila Prince Hotel v. GSIS? NO!
Nations may surrender in fact in that treaty some
This is because the principle invoked there – the aspects of their state power in exchange for greater
Filipino First Policy – only apply to rights, privileges, benefits derived from a convention. After all, states,
and concessions which cover the national economy like individuals, live with co-equals. In pursuit of
and patrimony and not to every aspect of trade and mutual benefits, they can commonly agree to limit
commerce. The Manila Prince case is in fact the their exercise of their otherwise absolute rights.
exception rather than the general rule HELD: In conclusion, this sovereignty cannot in fact
and in reality, be considered as absolute because
The Court also determined that there are enough certain restrictions come into the picture -
balancing provisions that allow the operation of the membership in that group of nations and limitations
WTO agreement so that it would not be inimical to imposed by treaty stipulations.

And that’s where the SC connected it.

Bayan v. Zamora Based on those requirements under Art. 18, Sec. 25,
how can you allow foreign military troops in the
Facts: This is the case which was mentioned in the country?
Laude and Nicolas case on the VFA. 1. It must be in a treaty.
2. The treaty must be duly concurred in by the
We entered into this VFA after the expiration of the Senate.
Military Bases Agreement – Mutual Defense Treaty. 3. It must be recognized as a treaty by the other
This VFA was ratified by the Senate through the 2/3 contracting State.
vote of its members.
In the case, the first two requirements are already
Thereafter, there was an exchange of notes between present – there is a treaty, and it was already
our representative and the representative of the US. concurred to by the Senate.
The VFA then came into full force. This was then
challenged. Question: Where do you multiply the 2/3
requirement? To the number of the present Senators,
Issue or the absolute number?
WoN the VFA was unconstitutional.
The Court said the 2/3 requirement should be
Discussion: The Visiting Forces Agreement is an multiplied with the absolute number, 24. As such, to
agreement which determines the treatment of US validly effect a treaty of this character, there must be
troops and personnel visiting in the Philippines and at least a total of 16 votes, which was done in the
guidelines which govern such visit. present case.

Provisions involved in the case

There are limitations in our Constitution insofar as the Contending party claim
entry of the military bases are concerned. They can The 3rd requirement is what is being contested
only enter if we permit them, and also if we follow the because allegedly, it was not recognized by the US. It
restrictions. was said that the treaty was not submitted to the US
Senate. The contending party said that the US Senate
Art. 7, Sec. 21 – No treaty, or international should have also agreed insofar as the treaty is
agreement, shall be valid and effective unless concerned.
concurred in by at least 2/3 of all the members of the
Senate. Court answer
The Court said there is no need for that. The fact that
Art. 18, Sec. 25 – Entry of these foreign military forces it has been recognized by a valid representative of the
can only be done in our country by way of a treaty US (ambassador), the US government has committed
and the formalities of a treaty. itself to the VFA

After the expiration of the agreement, foreign military Note: Take not of the nature of ratification.
bases, troops, or facilities shall not be allowed in the
Philippines, EXCEPT: Who ratifies the treaty? Who concurs with the
 Under a treaty duly concurred to by the ratification?
Senate, and
 The Congress so requires ratify the majority Ratification is an executive act
of the votes cast Ratification is an executive act; thus, it can only be
done by the President. What the Senate does is to
Art. 18, Sec. 25 did not say how much is the voting concur with the treaty under the Constitution.
requirement of the Senators. There’s a reference,
however, to Art. 7, Sec. 21:
Bayan v. Romulo
No treaty or international agreement shall be
valid and effective unless concurred in by at least Facts: The case deals with the Non-Surrender
2/3 of all the Members of the Senate. Agreement.

If there is an issue, insofar as citizens, or people, What is important to us it the discussion of what these
persons between the US and the Philippines is instruments are.
concerned, there is this Non-Surrender Agreement.
The Court said that challengers of this agreement are
This agreement was concluded sometime in 2003. By not aware of the concept of incorporation.
the US and the Philippines, by way of exchange of
notes. The representative of our country and the US Incorporation
put the agreement into this document – exchange of This illustrate that generally accepted principles of
notes only, not a treaty. international law form part of the laws of the land.
Among those are instruments that used by these
Objective of the Agreement States in forging agreements.
It protects what it refers to as persons of the
Philippines and the US from frivolous and harassment Exchanging of notes is one of the instruments for
suits brought against them in international tribunals. forging agreements
Meaning, if there are US citizens here and they are One of such instruments is the exchange of notes. This
being hailed by the ICC, because of this agreement, we is a formal, technical term insofar as international law
can choose not to give this person to the ICC. is concerned. This is an intergovernmental agreement
which is accepted as a form internationally. It is a
Who are the persons in this agreement? record of a routine agreement that has many
 Current or former government officials similarities with the contract. It consists of the
 Employees or military personnel of the US and exchange of documents, each of the parties in the
the Philippines possession of one side, and the representative of the
other. So literally, there is an exchange of notes. The
These persons present in the territory of the other Court also mentioned that “exchange of notes” and
shall not, without the express consent of the other “executive agreements” have been used
State, be surrendered and transferred to any interchangeably.
international tribunal for any purpose, unless that
tribunal has been established by the UN Security Difference between “exchange of notes”/executive
Council. May also not be surrendered or expelled to a agreements, and treaty
3rd country for the purpose of surrender to any The two do not differ as to their binding force; they
international tribunal. only differ in the way the treaty is ratified and
concurred in. There is still this concurrence
If there are any extradition of a person of the US to a requirement from the Senate. Meanwhile an executive
3rd country, our country will not agree to the surrender agreement/”exchange of notes” does not require
or transfer of that person to any international tribunal, concurrence of the Senate.
unless that tribunal was established by the UN Security
Council. In the case: So here, this non-surrender agreement
was embodied in an exchange of notes, there is
There is this mutual agreement insofar as these therefore no need for the Senate to concur with the
persons are concerned. This agreement is now being same.
challenged, because according to those challenging it,
this agreement should be contained in a treaty and 2. Should this agreement be in a treaty?NO, there are
not a mere exchange of notes. Furthermore, the no hard and fast rules in the propriety of entering
Philippines is also a signatory to the Rome Statute into an executive agreement as an instrument of
establishing the International Criminal Court. And so, international relation.
this Agreement run counter to our agreement with
that Court. In fact, the Constitution, EXCEPT for the entry of
foreign bases, there is not other mention as to how
Issues international agreements may be entered into by us
1. Is the agreement valid? and foreign states.
2. Should this agreement be in a treaty?
The primary consideration in the choice of an
Discussion: agreement is the parties’ intent and the desire to cast
1. Is the agreement valid? YES, this agreement is valid an international agreement to further their respective
even though it is not in a treaty. interests.

It is the only thing that must be contained in a treaty, The jurisdiction of the ICC as well as ours is not
insofar as the Constitution is concerned, is what is exclusive – one may select where the case is to be
stipulated in Art. 18, Sec. 25 (entry of foreign military presented.

Corollary Issue: Does this agreement contravene the Question: Why would states limit themselves to other
Rome statute which the Philippines is a signatory? NO, states?
this Rome statute operates under the concept of  By doing so, there may be greater benefits
complementarity. that can be derived

If we take cognizance of this case over this person of Deutsche Bank

which would be subject to the jurisdiction of the ICC,
we do so to the exclusion of the ICC. Facts: Under the Tax Code, there is this requirement
for foreign banks that their taxes payable in our
Jurisdiction of the ICC is to be complementary; it is not country are withheld at this 15% rate.
exclusive – national, criminal jurisdiction. It doesn’t
mean that just because we’re signatories, and there Now, we have this Deutsche Bank which paid this 15%
are those crimes enumerated within the ICC, that pursuant to such law. Later on, it claimed a refund,
automatically they take cognizance. This is because the because according to this bank, there is an agreement
state, can, in fact, exercise jurisdiction over the offense between our country and Germany.
and over that person precisely because that person is
an inhabitant of that state. We have a tax treaty provision instead of withholding
15% tax, it will be only 10%. So, there’s this excess of
It is the duty of every state to exercise its criminal 5% which amounts to P22.5M. So, it asked for a refund
jurisdiction over those responsible for international from the Commissioner.
The Commissioner, however, denied the claim because
So, what does this agreement do? This agreement, we there is this RMO 1-2000 which requires: you violated
can not send these people from the US to the ICC the order when you did not present your claim 15
pursuant to the same. And it illustrates the concept of days prior to the occurrence of the transaction.
complementarity because the other state must Because of that, the reclaim for refund will not be
consent before this person can be sent to the ICC. granted.

The Court underscored that sovereignty can be limited Issue

by international agreement just like what we entered The case went to the SC, arguing which is stronger –
into here. The agreement was recognized by the US via the RMO or the treaty?
publications, among other things.
Discussion: The Court upheld the force of the treaty.
Note: Remember the concept of complementarity Why?
here of the Rome statute. Due to pacta sunt servanda
The treaty of our country and Germany has to
National Criminal Jurisdiction be complied with in good faith. Demands of
It is always the responsibility of our country to performance in good faith of the treaty will be
prosecute a criminal for offenses covered by the Rome forgiven in this treaty, among others,
statute, or we could accede/give jurisdiction over this obligations as well as privileges.
person to the ICC. Thus, the Philippines may decide to
try person of the US, because the person violated our One of the obligations was that we could only
laws here, as clearly understood in the agreement tax this bank with 10% instead of 15%
under our national criminal justice system.
Question: Why do our country enter into tax treaties?
We may also opt not to exercise this general It is to reconcile national fiscal administrations of the
jurisdiction over the crimes committed and defer the contracting parties, otherwise, it would be very
same to the jurisdiction of the ICC. cumbersome. There should be a tax relief, and we
could do that by entering into treaties.

Question: What about the RMO, which requires the

15-day period? Facts: How was the Balikatan Exercises created?

The Court said that this memorandum order: Because of the expiration of the mutual defense
Does not even provide that “if you fail to comply with agreement, the Philippines entered into the VFA.
it, your claim would be denied” and if you follow this Joint exercises were then conducted with our own
RMO, you would defeat the purpose of this treaty. forces. The Balikatan Exercises were made on a
This order should not operate to divest entitlement to “terms of reference” entered into by the Secretary of
the belief of the bank here as it would constitute a Foreign Affairs and the representative of the US.
violation of our duty required by good faith in
complying with a tax treaty. If we insist on the Issue
applicability of this RMO, we would impair the value Is the Balikatan Exercise unconstitutional? NO
of this tax treaty – Germany would withhold it. It must
be faithfully observed Discussion: This is because the Balikatan Exercise is
covered by our obligations in the VFA.
Question: Is it also logical to require in so far as refund
cases is concerned to observe this 15-day period. In the VFA, it permits US personnel to engage in
impermanent basis in activities, so that is what is
The Court said, when we talk about refund, you have allowed. The definition of “activities” is very vague.
already committed the transaction, you have already What constitutes “activities”?
paid tax. It is illogical for you to impose a 15-day
period prior to the transaction because you’re taking In order to construe that provision, the Court went to
a refund precisely because the transaction has the Vienna convention insofar in interpreting the
transpired. There is no reason that they are claiming provisions are concerned. Going over the provisions,
for a refund to apply this 15-day period. So, the treaty the cardinal rule in the interpretation of ambiguous
was upheld. terms in treaties must involve an examination of the
text which is presumed to verbalize the parties’
intentions. The Vienna convention may allow the use
CDK Power v. CIR of aids to deduce the meaning of its terms.

Facts: There are treaties involved here, not only in Now, using those aids, the Court concluded that the
Germany but in other countries, which provides for “terms of reference”/ToR which involves the
preferential tax rates. There was also a claim for Balikatan, rightly falls within the context/terms of the
refund, which was denied by the CIR due to the RMO. VFA.

The Supreme Court held that the treaties should be The word “activities” was deliberately used by the
given effect, citing the previous case. parties to that agreement in order to give leeway to
them to negotiate. The purpose of the joint exercises
The compliance or the obligation to comply to the tax is to introduce techniques on patrol, to enhance our
treaty must take precedence over the objective of this combat capability.
RMO. Logically, the compliance with tax treaties has
negative implications on international relations and Question: Can, under this Balikatan exercises, the
duly discourages foreign investors. American troops actually engage in combat in the
Philippines? Does the word “activities” include the
While the consequences prevented by this RMO meaning combat?
involve administrative procedure, applying the
remedy to other processes, but not the imposition of The Court said yes, they can engage in combat as long
the penalty. as it is not offensive. Meaning, it is done so only in
self-defense. Reading the provisions of the VFA vis-à-
vis the ToR vis-à-vis the mutual defense treaty,
Question: What if there is a conflict between an together with the provisions of the Constitution
international law and a municipal law? What if there where we renounce war as an instrument of national
is a conflict between a treaty and local law? Which policy, we cannot engage in offensive combat.
should govern?

Lim v. Executive Secretary


Difference of treatment of treaties insofar as Invoking the Paris convention- on intellectual property.
international law is concerned and insofar as our
jurisdiction is concerned Trial court:
Before the trial court held that there was infringement of
For the perspective of international law, if there is a
BGCI's rights, so liable si Shangri-la for it use of the logo
conflict between a treaty and a municipal law, the
treaty would govern under the principle of pacta sunt Court of Appeals:
servanta because you have to comply with the Affirmed the Trial Court's ruling. Court apply the RA 166 and
obligation. not the Paris convention. Shangri-la is not using this logo in
the Philippines and because of that the Court of Appeals
But, under our jurisdiction, it be recognized that these rejected the application of the Paris convention and applied
two, none of them is better or higher than the other – the RA 166
they are treated equally. In fact, the Supreme Court
Paris convention RA 166
can nullify, review the validity of treaties entered by
Does not require actual you have to prove actual
us and other states. use use in this country

Remember: In our jurisdiction, when there is a Supreme Court Ruling:

conflict between the treaty and municipal law, you do Paris Convention not applicable, upheld the ruling of the CA
not treat the treaty as superior to municipal law – in the Paris ruling but reversed the ruling infringement is
you treat them equally. How to treat the difference? concerned.
Apply the provisions of Conflicts of Law.
No infringement.

DAY 11 – JULY 13, 2018 New intellectual property code: RA8293

significant adoption of the agreements of the paris
Transcribed by: Enano convention and the rule that if incorporated from the paris
agreement is that persons who may question a trade mark
Doctrine of Incorporation: includes person whose internationally well known mark.
whether or not registered is identical with using of the similar
(dili masabtan)
International law in municipal law

These two under our jurisdiction are supposed to be treated there is this protection of whether or not this mark is
registered or not.
equally. International should not be treated superior to a
municipal law
However, While the Philippines is already a signatory to this
Shangri-la v Developers 2006 Paris convention, this intellectual property took effect
This involves trade mark. the Shangri-la mark and the sometime in 1988 and therefore the Intellectual Property
developers logo. It is claimed by this GCI that it was the first code does not apply here.
to register the trade mark of Shangri-la as logo with the
Bureau of patents and trademarks sometime in 1982 and What would apply?
started using this logo in their restaurant business. Trade mark law or the Paris agreement

On the other hand the other family which own a chains of Between the trademark law and the Paris convention - if
hotels and uses the name shangri-la and claims that as far as there is a conflict between the International and municipal
1962 they have been using this shangri-la name in all of its law, they apply equally. We test them and one of them is not
hotels and hotel establishments around the world and when superior than the other
they discovered that DGCI is using this Shangri-la and
wanted to operate here in the Philippines, they filed a case Paris Convention Trademark law
for cancelation of registration of DGCI's registration of its mandates that the Requires actual use or
logo protection should be commerce in the
afforded to philippines
Reason: internationally known
they were the first, and that DGCI was just copying the logo, marks whether or not the
it would be confusing to the patrons if similar ilang logo same is registered license
or doing business in the
BGCI reply: Philippines
Filed a case in retaliation for infringement and damages
against Shangri-la. because they were the one to first register Our municipal law on trade mark regarding the actual use in
the logo in the Philippines and in fact it was Shangri-la that is the Philippines must subordinate an international agreement
using its logo illegally because the apparent clash is being decided by a municipal
Defense of Shangri-la

Affirmed the ruling of the Court of Appeals- trademark law. SOFT LAW
If there is a soft law, is there a hard law?
the fact that an international law is made part of the law of yes,
the land does not by any means imply it's primacy over
national or municipal law under the doctrine of incorporation Pharmaceutical v DOH 2007
rules of international law are given an equal standing not EO 51 known as the milk code, issued by president Corazon
superior to a national legislative. Aquino. One of the clauses of this milk code seeks to effect
this article in the international code of breast milk substitutes
Philip Morris v Fortune Tabacco 2006 uphold and adopted by the world and health assembly.
Again, Intellectual property case on the use of a trademark
Mark seven to Mark ten. It is argued here that Philip Morris is This world and Health Assembly has adopted several
the registered owner of the trademark. Fortune tabcco resolution pursuant to the International Code of Breast Milk
without consent from Philip Morris has been using this trade among others.
mark and invoking the provision of the Paris convention
Later on the Department of Health adopted this IRR of this
Philip Morris points out that it can sue in this country when new code. but there was a question i so far as the
there is trademark violation and that under the trademark applicability of this IRR is concerned, because according
law they are entitled for damages. those challenging the same it is going beyond the provision
of the MIlk code and the expanded law.
Trial Court:
Dismissed the complaint against Philip Morris after finding Defense of the DOH
that there was no commission of a trademark infringement This IRR implements not only the milk code but also various
international instruments regarding the infant and young
Court of Appeals child nutrition
Upheld the ruling of the trial court
these international instruments do not however have a
Supreme Court: specific provision regarding breast milk but in support still
The protection of the trademarks in this country is not they used this World health Organization resolution
automatic, the fact the respective home countries involve
here are together with the Philippines are members of the Court ruling:
Paris union does not automatically entitled Philip Morris the Only some of the provision are unconstitutional
protection of Trade Mark in this country If there was no
actual use of the use of the marks in local commerce and
trade ways of by which an international law can form part of t
he law of the land
in conflict against international convention vs the local or the transformation and incorporation
municipal law of this trademark law was at issue.

It is true that the Philippines adheres to the Paris Convention Transformation

and effectively obligates the country to honor and enforce its requires an international law to be transformed into a
provisions as regards to the protection between the domestic law through a constitutional mechanism such as
industrial property of foreign nationals in this country, -local legislation
however any protection afforded has to be subject to the
limitation of the Philippine laws . Incorporation
BY mere constitutional declaration, international law is
Hence , Despite the article in the Paris convention which already given the force of a domestic law ,the generally
provides that member countries of this convention have accepted principles of international law forms part of the law
rights and enjoy privileges i the Philippines among other of the land
requirements, foreign nationals must still observe and
comply with the conditions imposed by Philippine law on its What about this MCIBS?
nationals. And considering here that the trademark law has MCIBS is not a treaty they have not been concurred with the
amended, mandates the actual use of the marks and senate. is it still binding in the Philippines?
emblems in local commerce before they may be registered
and ownership therefore is acquired. Philip Morris cannot IT IS! because it had been transformed as a local law
dispense with this element of actual use. So dili automatic, so through the milk code. It is the milk code that have a force
there is this requirement of the actual use using the trade and effect of law and jurisdiction and not the MCIBS per
mark law. se.

under the doctrine of incorporation rules of international law Concept of Incorporation:

while incorporated, even if they are adopted they are not only general accepted principles of international law are
even superior treatment vis-a vi local or municipal laws. incorporated in our law.

What are these?


These referred to norms of general or customary

international law which are binding to all states. WHY?
Because all rights come from the state and the state can do
Example: anything, it can be dishonest. It has the prerogative to be
-Renunciation of war dishonest.
-Principles of sovereign immunity
-Right to due process
-Pacta sunt servanda Does this Doctrine of royal Prerogative of Dishonesty
apply to foreign states?
They have the character of used rational and therefore valid Yes! because they are also considered as states because of
through all kinds of societies, acceptable to all. this sovereign equality of the states, immunity is likewise
enjoyed by other states consonant with the international
And because of their acceptability they acquire this principle of pare in pari et padent imperium
obligatory force. Therefore this generally accepted principles
of international law can be adopted in our country trough Republic v Villasor 1973
incorporation there was case granting in favor of the plaintiff here against
the state confirming an arbitration award- pabayron ang
What about the WOH resolution? state here as so far as the arbitration award is concerned. The
are these resolutions binding in the Philippines? court ordered the execution of payment
these resolutions are not, they have not attained the status of
customary law or general principle of international law and What is the entity involved here?
therefore they arr not deemed form part of the law of the Armed Forces of the Philippines
gipang levy ang funds sa AFP sa banks- gipang garnish ug
How to treat them? gireserve para sa mga nadagod sa suit
norms and principles and practices that only influence state Can that be Done by the court?
behaviors. VOID! the general rule is that the state is except from the
suit except if it consents
they only express these non binding norms that guide state
behavior as well as its policy formulation Why?
Because there can be no legal right against the authority
Soft law Hard law which makes the law on which the right depend.
Non binding norms, Binding international law
principles and behavior the court also noted the practical sense- because if you can
sue the state anytime you want, the state swamped with so
Let us review the topics of sovereignty: many cases and therefore cannot do its job because it will be
Sovereignty defending it's self left and right
is the supreme uncontrollable power inherent in a state
Now if the state consent to be sued and win in that suit,
Limitation of sovereignty: does that mean that judgment can be executed against
We can apply international laws by way of incorporation and the state?
transformation Another step that you have to overcome, just because you
win, does not mean you can already take the public property
Sovereign Immunity: The royal Prerogative of dishonesty of the state in order to satisfy your ruling.
state immunity from suits
The rule:
Where do you find this state immunity from suits? Public funds cannot be the object for garnishment

Article XVI section 3 1987 constitution In this case:

The State may not be used without its consent. public funds belonging to the AFP cannot the object of
garnishment even if the state had consented to be sued and
you can sue the state as long as it consent to be sued. Under its liability adjudged
the general rule you cannot sue it.

How can this consent be expressed?

Express or implied?

Based on the very essence of sovereignty, it grants the state Why is it these public funds cannot be garnished?
the prerogative to defeat any legitimate claim against it by  These public funds cannot be released unless there
simply invoking its unsuability is an appropriation for that purpose

These Public funds and their disbursement thereof must be

 If you can just get money from the state, mawala covered by corresponding appropriation as required by law.
ang purpose to which the public funds are allocated
But if the appropriation is for that purpose then PWEDE.
When can we consider a suit is against the state?
In this case:
Professional Video v TESDA There was no approprition. walay fund na mappropriate to
TESDA is an instrumentality of the government created by pay these breaches in the contract
RA 7796 attached to the DOLE and here TESDA entered into
a contract with a contractor for the creation of these PVC Heirs of Pidacan v ATO 2010
cards, TESDA cannot pay the full amount. This prompted this involves expropriation proceedings. If the state exercises
ProVi to sue in the court for payment for the account its power of eminent domain- how is it exercised, through
appropriation proceedings, and if there is an exercised of this
Court Ruling: power there should be payment of just compensation
VOID in approving the writ of attachment
Air transportation office used the property of Pidacan so they
the nature of TESDA as an instrumentality of the government, demanded the payment of the value of the property
it can invoke the state immunity from suit. It is an
unincorporated instrumentality of the government directly ATO did not want to pay
attached to the DOLE thereofre it is part of the general
machinery which we call the state. Heirs filed case against ATO

When is a suit considered one against the state? Trial court ruling:
 If t is a sue against the republic by name. In favor of the heirs and held that conversio of the property
 if it is a suit against the unincorporated government came within the purview of the concept of eminent domain-
agency payment of just compensation should be given and pursuant
 if it is a suit against a government agency with a to that there was an order to execute this judgment
charter with respect to the agency's performance in
the governmental functions and so the properties of ATO were garnished pursuant to this
 The suit on its face is a suit against a government purpose
officer but the ultimate falls within the government
If you can determine that this s suit against the state can now
invoke the doctrine of state immunity. the heirs claimed their claim pursuant to the appropriate law
PD 1445 they went through the proper process in order to
Did TESDA waived its immunity in Aquiring these cards? have their claim. dili automatic na gi garnish ang property sa
NO! the TESDA did not enter into this contract for a ATO
commercial purpose
Supreme court ruling:
If the government entity enter into contract, you determine
if the contract is commercial in character or pursuant to its State immunity from suit cannot be invoked.
government purposes. if it results to the perpetration of injustice on the citizens, it
cannot be used as an instrument in perpetrating injustice
If it is pursuant to its commercial character then there may
be waiver to its immunity Can the order be executed?
Yes! there was already a funding set aside for that purpose,
already ear marked in the general appropriation for the
In this case: specific purpose- payment for the payment n the execution
It was pursuant to its governmental function and the TESDA of power of eminent domain
here may be covered by the concept of state immunity from
suit, Claim must be presented before the Commission on
So, TESDA is immune from suit- can defeat the suit if it can para mahimuna ug funds to be included in the general
be proved that the suit is without its consent appropriation actpara mabayran siya.

Granting that the TESDA here can be validly sued can the ATO v Ramos 2011
funds of TESDA be subject of garnishment? Can the ATO be sued without its consent?
NOI the funds of TESDA are public in character and are yes, why is that?
except from attachment and garnishment. As a rule public
funds cannot be object of garnishment proceeding even if There is a need to distinguished between the incorporated
consent to be sued have previously granted and the states government agency to which ATO belong to if it performs
liability is adjudged governmental functions or proprietary or commercial

Immunity can be invoked in the performance of

governmental function because its function is incidental to pass,to be discussed later
its creation

Immunity cannot be invoke in the performance of a

commercial function because that function involves an
exercise of a business DOH v Phil Pharma 2013
Court emphasized that public officials cannot be sued for
should the doctrine of state immunity apply to ATO? acts done in the performance of their official functions and if
NO! ATO is an agency not performing a purely governmental these act are done within the scope of authority because if
or sovereign function it is instead involves the management they are sued within that capacity they can invoke state
and among others and maintenance of the airport. immunity from suit.
That is not an exclusive prerogative of the state in its
sovereign capacity therefore it cannot claim state there is this administrative order setting the guidelines for
immunity the accreditation of government suppliers and that
accreditation will be given to you valid for 3 years subject to
an annual review after that the DOH issued a memorandum
which provided for the list of category of sanctions to
An Action for just compensation accredited government suppliers if there is a finding there
the state immunity from suit rule does not apply, because it products are substandard or misbarnding
will result in an injustice
Phil Pharma is liable
China National v SantaMaria
this involves the North rail project. The China National Court ruling
entered into a memorandum for the creation of the north rail Applying the doctrine of non suability, it can be sued as long
with the Philippines, to effect this contract nag utang. Now as the state consent, how does the state consent? if it
there was suit against this contract expressly give its consent now there is a passage of law

Defense of the state implied or express

you cannot sue us because we are immune from suit
DoH is an incorporated agency which performs a
Court ruling: governmental functions
It is not immune from suit
solidary damaged: DOH and its officers doctrine can be
Classical-Absolute newer or the restrictive applied
Theory theory
A sovereign cannot Immunity of the mantle of non suability extends to complaints filed against
without its consent be sovereign is recognize public officials done in the performance of their official
respondent in the courts only with regard to public functions
of another sovereign acts of the state.
if you invoke that you must prove that you did that pursuant
not with regard to a to your official functions and if you can prove that then you
private acts or can rest easy because the doctrine of state immunity extend
commercial act to you

Commercial acts if you cannot prove that the act was pursuant to your official
Remotely connected with the discharge of the governmental functions, you did them with beyond your jurisdictional
functions capacity then you cannot claim state immunity

Philippines adheres to the restrictive theory when can you be validly sued even if you are a
when there is a suit against the state and it involves a contact government official?
now there has to be a determination whether or not the If your acts are not in the performance of your official duties,
contract is entered into by these entity pursuant to its acts are ultra vires-showing of bad faith, you can be
governmental functions or proprietary functions personally held accountable for those acts

In this case: Are the acts imputed against the undersecretary, do they
China National is not engaged in a governmental function involve the personal act of the secretary?
but in a proprietary activity No, she did her investigation in pusruant to her official
When there is an invocation of this restrictive theory the
legal nature of the act must be ascertained.

Heirs of Gamboa v Teves 2012


Arigo v Swift 2011

This case involves the Tubataha reef, why what happened
here? the USS Guardian a mined counter ship of he US navy
nabanagaan ang tubataha reef the ship have to be scrapped
and remove piece by piece. Because of that the people here
filed a case against the US navy as well as the government
official of the Philippines, a petiton of Kalikasan

Can a foreign state be included in a local jurisdiction?

Pusruant to a general rule, you cannot do that because of the
concept of the state immunity rule, it does not limit to the
local or the state you are living but also to foreign states. The
doctrine of state immunity does not only apply to the state
but also to complaints filed against the official of the state
and the officials of the other states that you are suing.

even so, we distinguished if the acts involved here of an

official is done on his official capacity then pwede invoke ang
immunity but if the act does not deal with his official
functions then that official can be sued.

Again the concept of juri beri and juri de juris

In this case:
In so far as the personnel are concerned they are the
commanding officers of the US navy and have the
supervision over this ship and the act that resulted to the
grounding they were performing their official duties, they
cannot be sued unless they give their consent to be sued

Did the VFA here waived all the rights over the US troops
visiting here in the Philippines?
waiver of state immunity only pertains to the criminal
jurisdiction and not to special civil actions such as writ of
kalikasan-no waiver.

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