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API 571 RP: Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed

Equipment in the Refining Industry

2 nd Edition, APRIL 2011
Rev 01 09:A r.2017

Sr Damage Temperature Affected Resistant Affected Units Related

4 Sec. Mechanism Definition Defect °
F (CC) Materials Materials Critical Factors /Equipment Morphology Mitigation Inspection Mechanism Comments

General Damage Mechanism - All Industries

4.2 Mechanical and Metallurgical Failure Mechanisms
Carbide phases may Hot-wall piping and equipment in the
Loss in strength. ductility_ Some grad. of carbon steel Addition of 0_7% Chemistry. Stress, Temp. _ and U. Ch romium con.ining Alloys in
decompose into graphite 000 - 1100'F FCC,catalytic reforming and colter Change in microstructures.
Graphitization and/or creep resistance and 0.5Mo steels Chromium Tme of exposure N. visible Or readily apparent operation above 800 'T Metal lography Spheroidization
nodules (427 -593 ,C) units Spheroiclization tends to occur
preferentially above 10257 (551'Cli,
Carbide phases may Hot-wall piping and equipment in the while graphitization predominates
&Awning agglomerate from normal Loss in strength and/or Annealed steels, Metal chemistry, microstructure
550-1400'F FCC,catalytic reforrning and colter Min im izing long-term exposure to below this temperature
4.2,2 {Sphenoidixation) plate- creep resistance CS and Low Alloy Steel Coarse grained structure exposure time. and temperature Not visible Or readily apparent elevated tern peratur. M.allography Graphitization
(440 -760 ,C). units
like form to a spheroidal form

2.25Cr-1Mo low alloy steel, Existing Materiel: Use Pressureizing Installation of Test blocksfor periodic
Metallurgical changes Wider Alloy steel composition,
3Cr-I.Mo., and high-strength C-0.5Mo, 10-0.5Mo and Hydropraceming units, Ea. lyric Not visible or readily apparent. toughness measurement and process Upward shift in the ductile-to-brittle
long time exposure in the temp. 651,1070 7 thermal
Tent pet reforming units, FCC reactors, coker
Ern britti,r, r,it. Loss of toughness how alloy, 1,25Cr-0.5Mo alloy .eels history, temperature and catastrophic brittle fracture sequence N/A tr21551t1915 Sere peratu re
(343 - 577 "C} and visbreaking units
range Cr-Mo-V rotor steels exposure time New Material: Limit levels of Mn, Si, conditions monitoring

P. to
Sb,As in base BM 8.
Under the combined effects of Increase in hardness and PWHT repairs or Buttering.
Intermediate Older vintage carbon steels Steels made by BOF and Steel composition and Thick wall vessels manufactured from Damage not to he identified as Inspection and monitoring are not Dynamic strain aging, Blue
deformation and aging at an strength with a reduction in manufacturing process determine susceptible materials that have not careful pressurizing below brittle
strain Aging Temperature and C-0.5 Mu low alloy steel fully killed with aluminum strain aging until fracture used to control strain aging brittleness BIDE Basic Oxygen Furnace
intermediate temp_ ductility and toughness steel susceptibility been stress relieved fracture temp.

Metallurgical change that can 400 Series SS {e.g., 405, 409,

Alloy composition, particularly Not readily apparent with Use law ferrite or non-ferritic Damage is cumulative and results From
CCM' in alloys having ferrite 410, 4105, 430 and 446), Low ferrheor non-ferritic any unit where susceptible alloys
600-1D00 "F chromium content. amount of me.11ography, but can be alloys. the precipitation of an embrittling
8851 pas °C} phare as a result of exposure in Duplex stainless steels such as exposed to the embriotling
Loss in toughness [316- 540 'CI ferrite phase, and operating identified by an increase in Reversed by de-embrittling heat Impact or bend testing N/A in term.allic phase that occurs most
Ernblfittlarnnnt Alloys 2205, 2304 and alloys, temperature range
temperature hardness treatment at 1100 °F 9c higher readily at appr. 8857
the temp- range 2507

FCC Regenerator service, N. visible or readily apparent_

Formation of- a metallurgical Ferritic and Use alloys that are resistant to Precipitation of a hard, brittle
SS weld overlays and tube-to- appears in the form of cracking,
Sig ma Phase phase known as sigma phase as 1000-1700 'F martensitic SS, SSI,17%Crj, Alloy composition, time and skrna formation. to avoid Metallographic examination and intermetallic compound that can also
tubesheet Particularly at welds or in areas
J Ernbrittlement Loss of fracture toughness (538-927 'CI 300 SS IHK,HPI, Low Ferrite contents temperature exposing the material . the impacttesting NIA render the material more susceptible
attachment welds of
a result of high temp. exposure 400 SS embrittling range to intergranula r corrosion
SS heater tubes high restraint

Material with controlled Temper Embrittlement,

Fracture toughness, Brittle I rarture is an ewent" driven
Straight and non-branching Strain Aging
Sudden rapid fracture under Material exhibits Below ductile-to- chemical composition, Th ick wall equipment, alkylation unit, Co ntool ling theoperating conditions damage mechanism
Carbon steels and low Alloy, amount of stresses, flaw she, cracks. FreCeLlte surface will be embrittleme BSS'F
stress little or no evidence of brittle transition special heat Main CLIeCere is for brittle Fracture
.1.2.7 Brittle Fracture SS 400 Sell. ductile-to-brittle transition cD"D'ed
largely 'f
c'Ea'age. Check for pre-existing flaws/defects. nt
{residual or appliedl ductility or plastic temperature treatment a nd impact olefin units and polymer plants [pressure, temp.), Perform PWHT during startup, shutdown, or hydrotest
temperature with limited intergr a nu lac Embrittlement, Sigma
deformation test verified cracking /tightness testing

Increase of about 25'F

Time dependent deformation Deformation leads to Heater tubes in fired heaters, hot-wall Bulging talc re final A combination of techniques {UT. RT,
Creep and SUESS Avoiding stress concentrators_ (12-C) or an increase of 15% on stress
damage that may eventually catalytic reforming reactors and EC, dimensional measurements and
8 4.2_8 of stressed co mponen. High temperatures All metals and alloys N/A Material, load, and temperature fracture minimize temperatures Reheat cracking can Eutthe remaining life in half or
Rupture lead to a rupture furnace tubes replication)
more, depending on the alloy

Relative movement or
Temperature swings Magnitude of the temperature Corrosion fatigue, Thermal -fatigue cracks propagate
Cyclic stresses ca used by differential expansion is Mix points of hot and cold streams. 5111iBLE cracks Best prevented through design and
exceeds about 2007 wring and the freq uency .. Dagger-shaped -, operation to minimize thermal Dissimilar me.' weld transverse to the stress, Differntial
9 4.2_9 Thrftnal Fatigue variations in temperature constrained. particularly All materials of construction N/A coke drum skirts, Sirnma I examination, MT and PT, SWOT

(93-C) number of cyclesI trans granular, and oxide filled stresses and thermal cycling cracking expansion of bimetallic welds
under repeated thermal

Short Term Permanent deformation All fired heater tube Localized deformation or bulging Tme to failure will increase as internal
Bulging and eventually Minimize localized temp.
materials All boiler and fired heater tubes,
0,mtheating — StreS4 occurring at relatively low on the order of 39‘to 10% or
Furnaces excursions, minimize hot spots and
10 4.2.10 failure by stress rupture. N/A and common materials of N/A Temperature, time and stress Visual observation, IR monitoring Creep/stress rupture
stress levels as a result of more, Ruptures are ChM-eine...Led pressures . loading decrease
Ruptu re localized overheating
localized overheating construction by open "fish mouth"

Open burst with the fracture

When the heat flow balance is The Pow of heat energy
edges drawn to a near knife-edge. Minimize flame impingement-
disturbed, individual bubbles Rupture can occur rapidly, All steam-generating units i.e. fired Burners should be properly Caustic corrosion (caustic through the wa II of the tube results in
Carbon steel and low alloy Proper BFW treatment,
join to form a steam blank., a as a result of short term boilers, waste heat exchangers, maintained gouging). the formation of discrete steam
it 4.2.11 Steam Sianketing N/A steels N/A Heat flux a ndfluid flow severe elongation of the grain Tubes should be visually inspected
condition known as Departure overheating superheaters and reheaters to prorentfla me impingement Short term overheating bubbles (nucleate boiling) on the ID
structure due to the plastic for bulging
From Nucleate Boiling (DNBJ surface. The mowing fluid sweeps the
bubbles away
Damage Temperature Affected Resistant Affected Units Related
, Sec. Definition Defect Critical Factors Morphology Mitigation Inspection Comments
* Mechanism
F (°C) Materials Materials /Equipment Mechanism

cracking of dissimilar metal Cracking can result from Carbon Steel and low alloy Cracking can occur due to different
DiSSIMI 10, Metal) Type of filler metal, heating and coefficients of thermal expansion
welds occurs in the fe mirk creep damage, from fatigue steel, material combinations Cracks form at the toe of the 100%E.T after tan-tering, 100% UT on Thermal fatigue corrosion
 cooling rate, metal temp.,time at Clad Aping , Hydroprocessing exchanger loin. of Nickel base filler metals
Weld I DMW). side of a weld between an cracking, from that have widely differing weld in the heat-affected zone of butter layer after PWHT, END% RT, fatigue, creep, and sulfide been ferritic and ouster itic which
High temperatures NM temp., weld geometry and inlet and outlet piping etc. and CS
Cracking austenitic and a ferritic material sulfide stress cracking or thermal expansion the ferritic material IOC% UT, PM! stress cracking differ by about 25 to 30% or
thermal cycling
operating at high temp. hydrogen disbonding coefficients more.

High and non-uniform thermal Prevent interruptions in the flow of

stresses develop ovens Magnitude of temperature high temp. lines, Install thermal Highly localized and difficult to locate, Thermal shock usually occurs when a
 A form of thermal fatigue FCC, cokers, catalytic reforming and Surface initiating cracks may also
relatively short time in a piece di ff erential and the coe ff icient of high sederity hydropnocessing units sleeves to prevent liquid PT and WI can be used to confirm colder liquid contacts a warmer metal
Thtr M d I ShOtk cracking High temperatures All metals Is and al lc, ,
NIA r f appear as "craze" cracks Thermal fatigue
of equipment duet° thermal expansion of the material impingement, Review hot/cold cracking surface
differential expansion or injection pain=

Erosion is the mechanical removal of surface material as a

Velocity and concentration of Susceptible locations: Bend, elbows,
result of relative movement between, or impact from solids,
impacting medium, the size and Localized loss inthickness in the tees and reducers, downstream of
liquid, vapor. Improvemen. in design involve Visual examination, UT checks or RT Cavitation , liquid
Er us iun/ErnSinn — Erosion-corrosion is a the damage that occurs when All metals, alloys and hardness of impacting particles, All types of equipment .posed to to nn of pits, grooves, gullies, letdown valves and block valves;
changes in shape, geometry and for metal loss, IR scans are used to impingement erosion,
.: 2 1: {,, r rogk i n NJA refractories Fr/A the hardness and corrosion mowing fluids waves, rounded holes and pumps; blowers; propellers; impeller,
corrosion contributes to erosion by removing protective films materials selection detect refractory loss fretting
resistance of material, a ndthe valleys agitators; agitated vessels; heat
or scales, or by exposing the metal surface to further
angle of impact exchanger tubing, etc.
corrosion under the combined action of erosion and
corms on

Inadequate NPSH, Temp. Pump casings, pump impellers [low 5,urp....tet:, pit ti ng but may .,,.. Avoid conditions that allow the
Copper and bra, cast iron,
Formation and instantaneous
Cavitation is a form of carbon steel. low alloy steel, approching to Boiling Point , pressure side) and in piping
haves gouged appearance in absolute pressure to fall below the Liquid impingement or Damage occurs only in localized low,
collapse of innumerable tiny
.; 2 2:, C dvitation Erosion NA 300 Series SS, 400 Series SS NIA presence of -solid or abrasive downstream of orifices or control vapor pressure of the liquid or by Acoustic monitoring. VI, UT. RT erosion pressure zones
vapor bubbles rotational components
particles valves changing the material properties
and nickel base alloys

Exposed to Stresses can arise from CS UT, The. materials

'Clam shell" type fingerprint that -Good design. generous radius along Ratio of endurance
cyclical stresses fo ran Either mechanical loading or exhibit an endurance Thermal Cycling: Coke drum, auxiliary PT. MT and SWLFT.
Geometry , stress level. number of has concentric rings edges and corners, good fitup , limit over UTS is typically between 0_4
extended period, often thermal cycling and are limit below which fatigue boiler. water washing systems VT of small diameter pipin.
Mucha n i cal Fatigue typically well below the yield
NIA All engineering alloys
cracking will not occur, cycl. and material properties Mechanical Loading:Pressure Swing called "Beach marks" emanating reomove defects like bursar lips.
Vibration monitoring
Vibration induced fatigue and f_i_S,
resulting in sudden, unexpected
Absorbers, steam reducing stations from the crack initiation site grinding marks etc Number of cycles 10E-107
failure strength of the material regardless of the number
of cycles

Design and the use of supports,

Cracks are produced as the Socket welds and small tore piping at
A lack of or excessive support or
result of dynamic loading due Crack initiating at a point of high Visible signs of vibration, pipe
Amplitude. Frequency of or near pump, Small bore bypass line, stiffening allows vibration and
Vibration-Induced stress o r discontinuity such as a I mull gussets or bLif____fellers on movement o r water Audible sounds of Mechanical fatigue. possible .
Fatigue to vibration, water hammer, or Form of mechanical fatigue N/A All engineering materials NM vibration, and fatigue resistance
Small branch connections. Safety relief
. cracking_ Heat exchanger to b. may Le
thread or weld joint Small vibration,PT. MT Refractory degradation
unstable fluid flow valves, failure of -the refractory and/or susceptible to vortex shedding
Bore Piping ISBP)
the anchoring system

Thermal insulating and erosion resistant refractories are FCC reactor regenerator vessels, piping, Signs of exceaive cracking,
Insulating ceram is fibers, Proper selection of refractory, Oxidation,
Refractory susceptible to various forms of mechanical Refractory selection, design and cyclone, slide valves and internals; in spelling or lift-off from the Visual inspection during shutdowns, IR Refractory type and density mu. be
tastable, refractory brick ancho rs and fillers and their proper Suifidation,
damage (cracking, spelling and erosion) as well as corrosion installation to monitor for hot spots selected to resist abrasion and erosion
.: 2 I,: Degradation NIA
and plastic refractories
NIA fluid tokens; cold shell catalytic substrate, washed away or
design and installation Flue gas dew point
due to oxidation, mil idation and other high temperature reformim reactors; waste heat boilers thinned

Composition of Material, grain

Intergranular and can be surface
Cracking of a metal due to stress relaxation during Post Weld Low a Hoy steels, 300 Seri. SS size, residual stresses from Heavy wall vessels in areas of high UT & MT1 or CS, Stress relief cracking and More likely to occur in
Above breaking or embedded depending Minimize restraint during welding
Heat Treatment {PWHT) or in service at elevated and nickel base alloys such as fabrication, section thickness, restraint including noule welds and UT & PT for IS stress relaxation thicker sections and higher strength
19 4.2.19 Reheat Cracking temperatures.
750-F [399 -C)
Alloy 80CH
notches and stress concentrators, heavy wall piping HSU ,. steels are very
on the state of Area and and PWHT
cracking materials
Embedded cracks: UT
metal strengthsetc. susceptible to reheat cracking

Valves, regulators, and other

Gwen. OXygen- The spontaneous ignition or combustion of mMallic and CS, Titanium alloys r Pressure, Oxygen content, line Keep systems clean, Telltale signs of a minor fire such as Avoid velocities that are nominally
SS. Copper alloys Ivrith impingement areas are potentially External heat damage [glowing
no nm etall iccomponentsca n result in fires and explosions in velocity. component thickness. Maintain velocity within damage, above 100 feet/second 00 rn/sec1 in
Enhanced ignition Plastics rubbers, and
pipe or heat tint[ is a thong
external heat or signs of
20 4.220 NJA ,SS4I.Cu & 'SO% Ni1
temperature. design and piping
vulnerable_ Non-rnMa Is such as those recommended I im... use o N/A
and Combustion certain oxygen-enriched gaseous environments hydrocarbon lubrican.
indication of an internal fire my .. u comp..tihi... iubri.ut
malfunctioning valves gaseous oxygen
used for seats and seals. are easier to
configuration. cleanliness
ign ite than metals

4.3 Uniform or Localized Loss of Thickness

Any un it where there is a conductive Generalized lea in thickness or
Occurs at the junction of dissimilar metals when they are Three conditions must be met; Good design The farther the alloys are apart in the
All metals with the exception Less difference in flu id and alloys are coupled, Heat may have the appearance of a Visual inspection and UT thickness
joined together in a suitable electrolyte, such as a moist or E lectrolyte, Two different Coatings can be helpful r but the table, the highert he driving force for
21 4.1_1 Galvanic C orrosion NYA of most noble metals Galvanic series exchangers, Buried pipelines, electrical crevice, groove or pitting gauging Soil corrosion
aqueous environment, or soils containing moisture materials, An electrical more noble material should be corrosion
transmission su pport towers and ship corrosion, depending on the
connection coated
hulls driving force, conductivity

Occurs from moisture amociated with atmospheric Corrosion rates Physical location [industrial.
Carbon steel. Low alloy steels Equipment with low temp_ to allow
Atmospheric conditions. Marine environments and mobt polluted increase with temp_ marine. rural',, General or localized los in Surface preparation and proper Dry rural environments cause very little
and Copper Alloyed moisture, poor condition '''' P'"L

c.pyr,,,,Ipy, industrial environments with airborne contaminants are most up to about 250'F N/A designs:temperature; presence of thickness. Iron oxide fled rust) coating application Viand UT Corrosion under insulation corrosion
aluminum bimetallic connections
severe (121 -C salts, 1... Sulfur. dirt

C orrosion Under 101-22) to 350{1751 Appropriate pain.}coatings and VT, UT: thickness, Profile RT: Small
Corrosion of piping pr.sure vessels andthuctural
to r CS & LAS Carbon steel, low a roysteels. Design of insulation system, Vapor barriers, weatherproofing or Corrosion been mes more severe.
Localized pitting Or thickness loss, maintaining the BOFE piping, Neutron backscatter. wet Atmospheric corrosion,
I nsulation K ull components resulting from water trapped under 300 Seri. SS, and duplex insulation type, temperature and mastic, at insulation termination points metal temp. between the boiling point
1401601 to 400{2051 N/A Carbuncle type pitting insulation/sealing/vapor barriers to insulation, Deep penetrating eddy- oxidation and chloride SCC
insulation or fireproofing stainless steels environment such as flanges, Deadlegs, supports 2127 i 100"C) and 3501{121"C}
for SS iAus., Dup.) prevent moisture ingress current, IR thermography
Guided wave UT
Sr Damage Temperature Affected Resistant Affected Units Related
# Sec. Mechanism Definition Defect °
F (CC) Materials Materials Critical Factors /Equipment Morphology Mitigation Inspection Mechanism Comments

C ooling Watur Fresh water : ,6".... .:: Carbon steel, all .a;ades oh Temperature, type of water Water-cooled heat exchangers and General corrosion,
nausea by dissolved salts. gases. Proper design, operation and Fermat calculation of 1.1-factors, MIC, CSCC,
Brakish 8. r:Saltwate stainless steel, copper, cool ing towers in all applications across pitting corrosion, NI IC, stress
C orrosion
organic compounds or microbiological activity h iA [fresh, brackish, salt water! and chemical treatment Ultrasonic flow meter, Galvanic corrosion
aluminum, titanium and all industries corrosion cracking and fouling Velocities below about 3 fps (1 m/sli
.46 "C scaling the type of cooling system, EC or IRIS inspection of tubes
are likely to result in fouling
potential exists nickel base alloys oxygen content, and velocities

external treatment system, detesting 0, corrosion(closed heaters and

Dissolved gas (oxygen and or Dissolved gases, oxygen and carbon
Carbon steel, some low alloy equipment. feedwater line, pumps, elm nom izers)tencis to he a 0,scavenging treatments: sodium
Boiler Water General corrosion and pining in the bo iler system and carbon dioxide!, pH,temp., Water analysis : pHs CO nd ucti✓ity, CO, corrosion. dioxide, which lead to oxygen pitting
steel, some300 Series 55 and stage heaters and economizers as well pitting, sulfite or hydrazine
COndenia It condensate return piping NM N/A quality of the feedwater„ and the chlorine or residual biocide. IDS Corrosion fatigue corrosion and carbonic acid corrosion
copper based alloys as the steam generation system on CO, corrosion Icondensate CO,: Fe,CI, or amine inhibitor '
specific feedwater treating system Erosion/erosion.cortosion respectively
corro sio n both the water and fire sidesand the Few my tends to be a "smooth
grooving -
condensate return system

When CO, di.olves in water to form carbonic acid 01,00 t .

Cr 2 11%. Boiler feedwater and condensate Localized thinning and/or pitting, Corrosion inhibitors, pH above 6, General or local loss: VT, UT and RT, Boiler water condensate Increasing partial pressures of CO,
The acid may lower the pH and sufficient quantiti. may a Carbon steel and low alloy Partial pressure of CO, pH and
[he lricirl'u'i diQplin'a seu, 300 Series SS, 400 Series systems, Overhead systems of Deep pitting and grooving in Operating coditions to be Weld seams: Angle probe IJT or RT, corrosion and Carbonate result in low. pH condensate and
.2(3 .1.3. C. C O, C orrosion promote general conosion and/or pitting corrosion of carbon steels temperature
r SS and dupl. SS regenerators in CU, removal plants areas of turbulence maintained Water analyses IpH,Fe,.c.I cracking higher rates of corrosion.
steel openfi"
at locations where CO,
condensesfrom the
Dewpo int:
SO, 50y, NCI g ases and the water vapor in the Rue swillwill All fired process heaters and boilers I-1,504 LOCCO5i0, HCL corrosion,
Flue-Gas Dew-Paint Carbon steel. low alloy steels Concentration of sulfur and nta in Temp. above d ewp pint Wall-thickness by UT. 11,50, 2807 (138-Cli
condense to form sulfurous acid , sulfuric acid and that burn fuels coma fining sully, Heat- Broad shallow pit s, Chloride stre. co rrosion
27 4.3.j COft.i86 Low temperatures and 300 Series 55 NM chlorid. a per ating temper., re of H,S0, SCC of 300 Series SS .ing VT 8. PT
HCI130'F (54"C)
hydrochloric acid which can lead to severe corrosion Recovery Steam Generaton (HRISEs) SSC will have surface
breaking cracks like crazed

Lomlized pitting under deposits

Carbon and low alloy steels, MIC is most often found in beat Biocid. such as chlorine, bromine,
caused by living organisms such as bacteria, algae o r fungi_ It Stagnant water Or low-fl ow, Of tubercles, 0.1p-shaped pits Measuring biocide residual, microbe All organ i 5M 5 require 5i source c4
Microbial oglealty is often associated with the presence of tubercles or slimy
0- 235'F 300 Seri. SS and 400 Series exchangers, bottom water of SIDCEIge ozone, UV light.
oxygen. light or da rkr high sal inityr within pits in carbon steel or coun. and visual appearance, loss of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous for
28 4.18 Induced Cent 1-17 to 113 "0 SS. aluminum. copper and NIA Minimize low flow or stagnant Cooling water corrosion
organs[ substances pH range of 0. la. temperature tanks, piping with stagnant or low Row. subsurface cavities in stainless dirty of a heat exchanger, Foul smelling growth
Mel some nickel base alloys zones
and piping in contact wnth some soil, Ae water
FIFE water systems

Temp., moisture and oxygen The structure to soil potential, inline

Underground piping and equipment as The most effective protection is a
Deterioration Of metals .posecl to soils is referred to as 53i1 Carlo. Aeel, cast iron and availability, soil resistNity, soil External thinning with localized Use of special backfill, coatings and inspection devices, guided UT tools,
well as buried tanks and the bottoms of combination of a corrosion resistant
29 4.3.9 Soil Corrosion corrosion NM ductile iron NIA type, cathodic protection, stray losses due to pining cathodic protection indirectly by pressure testag, Dr Galvanic corrosion
aboveground storage tanks, Ground coating and a cathodic protection
current drainage, coating type, visually by evaluation
supported metal structures system

Boilers and steam generating UT Thickness gauging,

Lomlized corrosion due to the concentration of caustic or localized metal loss as grooves or Proper design, Reducing the amount
Above Carbon steel, low alloy steels 400 and some Nickel equipment including heat exchangers r UT sca ns and radiography, Also referred to as mustic Very high corrosion rates above 200'F
alkaline sa I. that us ally occurs under locally thinned areas under of free caustic s Adequate water
1.3.10 Caustic Corrosion 1S0 'FIG6 'C ) and 300 Series SS base Alloys Caustic (Nee H or KOH) preheat exchanger, furnace tub. and Injection points inpection gouging or ductilegouging (93' CI
evaporative or high heat transfer conditions insulating deposits flooding
transfer lines visual inspection vvith the urea

One or more constituents of an Composition of the alloy and Underground cast iron piping Color change or a deep etched Addition of [ECU in alloying Color change, Meta llograpiry, Acoustic
alloy are preferentially attacked Mechanical properties oftie cop, alloys (brass, bronze,
exposure conditions Heat exchanger tubing (brass, Al brass), (corroded) appearance, Uniform elemenuto resist deal laying. techniques Ile. of "menhir ring - I and
Destannification, Des lloying in brass. is visually evident
Denickelification, by a reddish, copper color instead of
leaving a lower density tinI as well as Alloy 400 and
Dealla %ring d.11oyecl material are N/A NM including tem p.atu re, degree of Boiler feedwater piping systems and through the cross-section !payer. Altering the exposure ultrasonic attenuation, Fitness-For-
Deal uminificatioo the yellow brass color
(dealloyed) often porous significantly degraded cast iron al -red:oiler components
aeration, pH and exposure time typei or it can be localized (plug. conditions Service I FFS3
Graphitic corrosion,
structure tYlx.) Selective leaching

Widespread or localized.
Des Iloying in which the iron soft water, salt water, m ine waters, may n. be noticeable VT. Internal GC: coatings and/or cement Acoustic techniques (ic...f„rnetdiic Cast iro ns are comprised of graphite
White iron is not subject Temperature. moisure. degree of
matrix is corroded, leaving Lo. of strength, ductility Below Gray cast iron, nodular and dilute acids and in underground Damaged areas will he soft and linings ring-) and ultrasonic attenuation, Selective leaching, partici. embedded in an iron matrix,
to this da magi because aeration, low pH and exposure
32 4.112 Graphitic COI. I-n.51.1 corrosion products and porous and density 200'F (93 'C) malleable cast irons piping, as well as in boiler feedwater easily gouged with a knife or External GC: external coatings or
Hardness test
Deal loying Graphitic corrosion may affect
there is no free graphite time
graphite equipment, Fire water system hand tools cathodic protection adjacent cornponents by musing
galvanic corrosion

4.4 High Temperature Corrosion [>400°F (Z04°C)]

Fired heaters and boilers, combustion CS and Alloy, General thinning
carbon steel and low alloy Upgrading. a more resistant alloy, Operating conditions monitoring,
equipment, piping and 300 Series SS and nickel alloys_
Oxygen reacts with ca Mon steel and other alloys at high Significant at 1000'F steel, 300 Series SS, 400 Chromium content of Metal temperature and alloy Chromium is the prima Ty alloying tub.kin thermoco toles and/or
equipment that operates in high General ly have 3 very thin dark
Rates of metal loss increase with
13 4.43 Oxidation tent erasure converting the metal to oxide scale (538 "IC) Series SS and nickel base the material COM position element that affects resistance to infrared thermography, External WA increasing temperature
temperature erviron mean when metal scale
alloys oxidation ultrasonic thickne.
temperatures exceed about
1000'F (538"C]
Operating conditions monitoring for
Corrosion of mrhon steel and other alloys resulting from their Crude, FCC, coke, vacuum , vistireaker Sulfide scale on the surface of the
Uniform thinning but C3 n also
Composition, temperature and Upgrading to a higher chromium sulfur level, tubeskin thermocouples
reaction with sulfur compounds in high Begins at metal and hydroproc.sing
Carbon steel and low alloy Chromium content of occur as localized corrosion or
. „,..,
component offers varying degrees of
temperatures above SS concentration of corrosive alloy, solid or clad 300 or 400 Series and/or infrared thermograpthy, s u c o r r .

31 Sulfidation
tent nature environments. The pn.ence of 'eel' 3 00 Series '''' "I° units Heaters fired with oil, gas, ED ke, high velocky erosion-corrosion protection depending on the alloy and
the material
Seri. SS, Nickel base alloys, sulfur compounds. SS
hydrogen 500 'F psa -C) Copper base alloys
Boilers and high temperature damage, A sulfide scale will
External ultrasonic thickness
the severity Of the process stream
accelerates COM:MOM This mechanisms 15 also equipment 11122.1.21712m5., Proactive and
cover the surface of
known. 5.1.1111151k corrosion retroactive PM!
Loss of high temp. creep
Carbon is absorbed into a Carbon steel and low alloy Carburizing environment, High Substantial increases in hardness Selectalloys strong surface oxide or Hardnesstesting 3 nisi field Sulfur inhibits carburization and is
ductility, loss of ambient Fired heater tubes, Coke cleposim r A severe form of
material at elevated temp. Above 1100'F steel, 3010 8. 400 Seri. SS, Chromium content of temp., Susceptible material, High and loss in ductility, Volumetric sulfide film formers,Reduce the metallography, often added in the process stream in
temp. mechaniml Ethylene pyrolysis and steam reformer carburization known as
Carburization while in contact with a (533"C) cast stainless steel, nickel the material gas phase carbon activity and low increase, Increase in level of Cracking: RT, UT and some magnetic small amounts in steamjgas cracking in
properties, lo. of furnaces metal dusting
carbonaceous material or base alloys le.g...Alloys 600 oxygen potential ferromagnetism carbon activity through lower techniques olefin and thermal hydrodealkylation
weldability, and corrosion
CBCDLInz ing env. nm ED, and 800) and HK/HP alloys. temp_ units
and . 3 , „ / sulfur partial
Damage occurs on the surface By controlling the chemistry of the Field Metallography and Replication Shallow dem rhu rization an slightly
The removal of mMon and Chromium and
Lose of room temp. tensile Carbon steels and low alloy lime, temperature and low Hydro processing or catalytic reforming imposed. the gas environment, gas phase and alloy selection, Alloy (FMR ) , D.arburization results in,a High Temperature decrease the strength of the materials
mrhides leaving o nly an iron Mol yb d enum contents The decarburized layer will he
Demrburl2ation strength and creep strength NJA steels carbon activity unit, well. fired heater tubes, steels with Cr and Mo are more softening that can he confirmed by Hydrogen Attack (HTHA)
but has no detrimental e ffect on the
matrix of t he material free of carbide phases_ Carbon resistant hardness testing overall performance of the component
steel will he pure iron
Damage Temperature Affected Resistant Affected Units Related
, Sec. Definition Defect Critical Factors Morphology Mitigation Inspection Comments
* Mechanism °
F VIC) Materials Materials /Equipment Mechanism

fired heater tube, thermowells and reforming it outlet piping

Farm of carburization resulting i accelerated localized pitting There is currently no Compression wave ultramnic.sting
Low alloy steels, 300 Seri. Pomace components, Ea. lytic Addition of Sulfur to form
which occurs ince rbu fi xing gases and/or process streams known metal alloy that is Process stream composition,
900 to 1500' F RT techniques ran be employed to look
SS, nickel base alloysand operating temperature and alloy reforming unit heanr tubes, coke. protective sulfide layer, Aluminum
Metal Ousting tannin ing carbon and hydrogen. Pi. usually form en the ( 482 to 1116 -C) immune to men I dusting LAS, small pits filled with a for pitting and wall th inning, Vi if Catastrophic carburization
heat resisting alloys composition heaters, gas turbines, methanol diffusion treatment
surface and may contain snot or graphite dust under all conditions crumbly residue of metal oxides accessa Isle, Filtering cooled furnace
and carbides effluent
SS &HAS: local, appearing as
High tem perature wastage of materials that occurs when Visual inspection, Tub. need m begat
Concemmtion of molten salt Blendirg or changing fuel sources r Hot corrosion, hot ash
contaminants in the fuel form deposits and melt on the metal Fired heater urges turbine utilizing fuels Severe me.I loss associated with blasted in order to remove the Corrosion typically occurs with fuel oil
Below the Melting forming connmina rt., mmal Proper burner design and burner corrosion, molten salt
surfaces of fired heaters, boilers and gas to thine, The All co mrrentio nal all used All of the 50Cr-S0Ni with the aforementioned slagging, " al ligator.hide tenacious glasslike ash deposit. UT or coal that is contaminated with a
35 4.4_B Fuel Ash Corrosion Point of coma miant temperature and alloy management, injecting special corrosion, oil ash
resulting molten sal. Islagsj dissolve the surface oxide and For process heater and boiler family contaminants. appearance" examination may be useful to measure
corrosion and coal ash combination of sulfur, sodium,
enhance the transport of oxygen to the surface to re-form the composition additives into the fuel
loss of thickness. potassium and/or vanadium
iron oxide at the expense of the tube wall or component corrosion are used to
describe this mechanism

A hard, brittle surface layer will

Alass of high temperature
develop on some alloys due to
creep strength, ambient
exposure. high .m p- process Above 600 -F 11316 'ICJ Carbon steel, low alloy Temperature, time. partial Dull, dark gray appearance. Very A change in surface color. Hardness
temperature mechanical Nickel ba. alloys are Methane-reformers - steam gas . - Carburization and
Mea ms containing high levels .eel, 300 Series SS and 400 pressure of nitrogen and metal high surface hardness. ne e dl e -l i ke Changing. more resistant alloys t.ting , Metallography. EC.sting
and becomes severe cracking (olefin plan.) and ammonia
39 'l.:: Ndri ding properties (specifically more resistant - . .. w i th 30%. 80% ni c kel , metal dusting Nitrided layers are magnetic
of nitrogen compounds such as above 900 - F I482 "F). Series SS composition_ synthesi s pl an. particles of iron nitrides IFe, N or PT. RT and LIT for cracking
ammonia or cyanides. toughness/ductility),
Fe, N )
particularly under reducing welds bility and corrosion
conditions resistance may result

4.5 Environment — Assisted Cracking

Ail 300 Seri. SS piping and pressure Surface breaking cracks prate. Visually. PT or phase analysis EC Increasing temperatures increase the
All 300 Seri. SS highly
Chloride String Nickel base alloy, Chia ride content, pH, temp., vessel components, Cracking in water- side or externally under .chniques are the preferred methods., susceptibil it., to cracking. 5CC usually
Surface initiated cracks caused by environmental cracking susceptible, resistant m rialsof co nstructian,
cooled condensers and in crude tower Caustic SCC and
C o r r o s i o n Cracking under the combined action of tensile stress, temperature and Carton steels, low alloy stirs, presence of oxygen and insulation, branch. and craze- UT, RT is not sufficiently sensitive to occurs at pH . 2.
4U 4.S.1 . . . Above 140 "F KO - C) Dupl. stainless steels more use low chloride content waterfor
overhead condensers, Drains in
CCISCC) an aqueous chloride environment. The presence of dissolved steels and 400 Series 55 alloy composition cracked, branched transgranular h y d r o t e s t o.iEid stag na tion c o detect cracks except in advanced poly thionic acid SCC External CI-SCC hese.° been a
oxygen increases propensity for cracking. resMant hydraproc.sing units, Bellows and chloride, PWHT
crack, brittle appearance Eng. r o problem on insulated surfaces when
instrument tubing, Cracking in boiler
drain ines insulation gets wet

Form of fatigue cracking in which cracks develop under the i.Rotating Equipment Mechanical
Material, corrosive environment, Fracture is brittle and the cracks Mare corrosion resistant materials, Cracks: UT,MT,WFMT, EIV. , - : Crack initiation sites include
combined effects of cyclic loading and corrosion_ Cracking ii.Deaerato-rs fatiguevibration induced
. . are most often PWHT, grinding weld centaurs concentrators such as pi., notches,
Corrosion Fatigue . N/A All metals and alloys NIA cyclic stresses and stress raisers techniques
o ft en initiates at a sue. concentration such as a it in the iii. Cycling Boilers . nsgranular,multiple parallel smooth, minimize the differential fatigue surface defects, changes in section
surface. Cracking ca n initiate at multiple sites cracks expansion strains or fillet welds

Propaga.s parallel to the weld in Cracks: WFMT, EC, RT or ACFM

Caustic Stress PM/Hid 1:3: Increasing caustic conc. and increasing
Piping and equipment that handles techniques
tarn:11E3n Crackling surface-initiated cracks that occur in piping and equipment Carbon steel, low alloy steels Caustic strength. metal adjacent be. metal. spider web 1150'F 1 6 2 1 , 4 l o w - pressure steam Amine cracking and temp_ increase the likelihood and
caustic, including I-1,S and mercaptan Crack depth: UT, external SWOT
42 4.5_3 'Caustic exposed to caustic, primariN adjacent to non-PWHTA welds hliA 211d 300 Series 55 Nickel base allays temperature and .ress levels o f s m a l l c r a c k s . Crac ki ng i n 300 for steam out. Proper design and carbonate cracking severity of cracking. caustic conc. of SO
removal Lin. Crack growth: AET
Embrittlementl 55 is transgranular operation of the injection system to 100 ppm are sufficient to cause
PT and BY for suitable for finding tight
cracks cracking

Copper alloys in aqueous Copper: Residual stress, chemical Monitor pH and ammonia of water
90-10Cu N i and 70- Copper_ Surface breaking cracks
Aqueous streams containing ammonia may cause Stress ammonia and/or ammonium compound, pH 8.5. oxygen. Zinc Capper-zinc alloy tubes in heat Zinc count <15%, preventing the draw samples, tubes for cracking using
30C uNi„ 300 Series SS with bluish corrosion product, EC or visual inspection. Rolled area .
Corrosion Cracking 'PC() in some copper all Any temperature compounds exchanger, ingress of air
and nickel base alloys are cracks are either transgranular or highly
Ammonia Stress content 2.15%
immune intergranular susceptible.
43 4.5_4 COMAE+ n Cracking N/A
In Steel Cracking has Steel: An am mania with Ammonia storage tanks, piping and Cracking will occur at exposed Add water to the NH,10_2% min.), bow levels of oxygen (< 10 ppm) have
Carbon steel in anhydrous WFMT welds inside tank,external UT
been reported as low r0.2% ovate r, air or oxygen, High equipment in ammonia refrigeration non-PWFIT welds and effective PWHT, U. LS steels (<70 been reported to lead to- cracking
Carton steel is su.eptible to SCC in anhydrous am mania ammonia N/A shear wave inspectian using TO FD,AET
as -27 " FI-33"C) in resi dual stress. un. as wel I as some lobe oil refining heat- „fend, zones, ksi), Weld hardness < 225 BHN under some conditions
laboratory t.Iing processes Cracking is primarily

Carbon steel, low alloy steels, intergranular

Metals in contact with low Melted Protecting metal substrates from MT examination for terrific steel and
Cracking that resultts when high strength steels, 300 Once cracking from LME has initiated
Cracking can be very sudden m el ti ng po i nt m etal s suc h as zinc galvanizing, cadmium electrical coming into contact with the low PT examination for 3005eries 55 and Also know as Liquid Men!
Liquid Metal certain molten metals come in Seri. SS, nickel base alloys grinding out the affected area is not an
44 4.5.5 Embrittlement ILME) and brittle in nature N/A N/A zinc, mercury, cadmium, lead, housings, tin or lead from solders. Brittle cracks melting metal, e.g, galvanized .eel nickel base alloys. Cracking ILNIC)
contact with specific alloys and the copper alloys, accepts Isle fix
capper and tin. High tensile stress Alloy 400, titanium or alum in um co mponerrns should not be welded ftT for exchanger pipes clue. high
aluminum allaysand titanium
density at Mercury
alloys exchanger components. to 300 Series SS
Piping and vessels in wet H 2 S .rvicesin Use LS steels and PWITT to temper
Carbon steel and low alloy Also know as Hydrogen
Ambient m about Surface cracking inspection use PT, MT It can also occur or from services that
Penetration of atomic steels, 400 Seri. SS, As strength increases, Hydrogen conc. within the steel, FCC, hydroprocessing, amine, sour the microstructure, improve
flaking, u nclethead
Hydrogen hydrogen can lead to brittle A loss in ductility of high 300'F 1149 - C), or WFMT. UT may also be useful in can charge hydrogen into the steel in
Precipitation Hardenable (PH] susceptibility to HE strenght and micro structure of water service, Storage spheres, Bolts Initiate sub-surface cracking. ductility a. reduce cracking,
Embrittlement (Hf) cracking. It can occur during strength Effect 5 decrease with cracking is often intergranular finding HE cracks. RT often is not an aqueous, corrosive, or a gaseous
increases. steel. Mess above the threshold a springs made of H5 steel, Cr-Mo residual stresses and hardness. .. c acking. delayed cracking,
increasing temp. SS and some high sufficiently .nutive to detect HE
manufacturing welding environment
strength nickel base alloys reactors, drums and exchanger shells Apply a protective lining SS cladding hydrogen assisted cracking
in or weld overlay
High Stress, dissolved oxygen Cracks parallel to the PWHT or by applying coatings, Methods for ethanol SCC inspection Ethanol SCC is assumed to
Ethanol Stress Surface-initiated cracks ca used by environmental cracking of All grades of carbon steel Carbon steel .0 rage tanks, rack pipin g, Dissolved oxygen and the presence of
Other th an Carbon Steel content, water content between weld or transverse to the weld. Avoid the usage of .p seam welds. are similar as for other types of 5CC he similar to other
Corrosion Cracking carbon steel under the combined action of Alloys of alum inurr, copper and associated equipment. pipeline variable stresses such as cyclic stress or
46 4.5.7 NM and Al, Cu, Pb, Zn Alloys 0.1 and 4.5 vol%. FGE and Cracks are branched and Nlinimue cold working during e.g. WHYIT, SWUT, AC FM. reported in methanol and
(SCC) .nsileMess and a fuel grade ethanol [FOE, ASTM D 4806) or and copper alloys. lead and used to transport FGE, fabricatio n. Avoid designs with component flexing,
gasoline containing as little as 20 intergr an der, but also EC is unproven as a method for various alka line aqueous
FGE }gasoline blend environment 2 inc highly localized tensile stresses increase the propensity for cracking
val% FOE transgranular detection of ethanol SCC solutions
The 90/10 and 70/30
Tubes show single or highly Cracking usually occurs over a period
Periodic cleaning once every five Heat exchanger tubes fa .cracking
copper nickel alloys are Stress level, Sulfate Tubes in heat exchanger bundles in
Sulfate Stress Surface initiated cracks caused by environmental cracking of branchedcracks on the surface. of many yea, sometimes taking as
years, U. 90-10CuNi and 70- using EC or visual inspection.
47 4.5.8 _ . C r a c k i n g ,. N/A Some copper alloys more resistant. chemical compound, overhead distillation systems, Transgranular cracks . N/A
copper alloys in sulfate solutions over many years. long as 10 to LS years to
tOttetrif n kMafing 30CuNi alloys Physical bending of sample tubes
Non-copper based alloys Slow leaks as opposed to tube leaks.
are immune rupture

Refining Industry Damage Mechanism

Damage Temperature Affected Resistant Affected Units Related
, Sec. Definition Defect Critical Factors Morphology Mitigation inspection Comments
* Mechanism F (°C)
Materials Materials /Equipment Mechanism

11 'fliform or Localized Loss in Thickness Phenomena

°curs principally on carbon steel in amine treating Crude, coke, FCC, hydrogen
Temperatures above Design and operating. practices, Proper operatic n, u pgrad ing to 300 Visual examination and UT thicknE . Aggressiveness from most to least .
processes. artosion is not caused by the amine /self, but reforming, Carbon steel and low alloy steels
about 220-F (104-C1 the type of amine. amine measurement, UT scans or profile Are ine stress corrosion follows: WEAL (06A), 'DIAN, IDEA},
cowls from dissolved acid gases {co, and H2S), amine hydroprocessing.. and tail gas units, uniform thinning, localized
4$ Amine Corrosion can result in acid gas Carbon steel 300 Seri. SS concentration. Seri. SS or other corrosion radiography are used for external cracking (',IDEA). Fp r CS, velocity limits are
degradation products, Heat Stable Am ire Salts (1-1SASI and corrosion or localized
flashing regenerator reboil. a nd t he resistant alloys inspection. Corrosion monitoring
other Dontamina nts. Corrosion ratms increase with contaminants, temperature and Ilmited to 3 to 6 fps for rich amine
regenerator, lean/rich exchangers underlie.. attack
increasing velocity_ and
NI-IcHS concentration, FI,S partial Good design practices, Maintain
Sampling and calculation bisulfide UT
300 Series 55, dupl. SS, pressure. velea,/ and/or velocities within industry guidelines
Ammonium Situlfide Hydroprocessing Lin., FCC Units. Sour
120 -150"F aluminum alloys and localized scanning and/or RT profile thickness Al core 2 tart % P11-05, solutions are
Cur resinn (Alkaline Aggressive corrosion occurring in hydroprocessing reactor Water Strippers (SW51. Am ine Units_ General loss in thickness.
45 5.1.1_2 . (49 - 615T1 Carbon steel is less resistant nickel base allays are turbulence. pH, tent perature of 10tH 20 fps for carbon steel. Erosion/erosion corrosion increasingly corrosive
localized und. „ „ as , co rrai ri n of
Sour Water) effluent .reams and in units handling alkaline sour water Delayed Coker
more resistant Alloy composition and flow RFEC and flux I. kage steel air Use high and low velocity areas, UT
distribution cooler Alloy e.g 825, duplex SS downstream of control valves. IRIS.
above 20 fps
Increasing Resistance: Ca bon ..I . low alloy
Well above the water Concentration (NH,. HCI. FI,0 or Crude Tovrer Overheads, Sal. have a whitish. greenish or RT or UT th ickness monitoring,
steels, 300 Series SS, Alloys 400, duplex SS. SOO.. and Use of Filming amine inhibitors. HCI corrosion.
Ammonium Chloride Normally occurring under ammonium chloride or amine .It Hydroprocessing, Catalytic Reforming,
dewpoint amine salts)..mperature and brownish appearance, very Limit wash may be Corrosion probes or coupons can he
50 S.1.13 ConOtiOn deposits, often in the absence of a free water phase FCCU and co ken fractionato r Chloride SCC
[x-30-FF [1.49,C11 water availability localized and resu ha in pitting required useful
825 •tikl lays 62S, {276 . titanium overheads

Aqueous HCI causes both general and localized corrosion and

Carbon steel and low alloy steels are
Hvd...5,hi.6, Add
Alloy 400, titanium and HCI acid concentration, CS Pc. LAS: uniform thinning. Reduce chloride in the feed,
All common materials of temperature and alloy subject to .cessive corrosion when
is very aggressive to most common materials of some other nickel base localized corrosion or U. nickel ba. alloys or titanium, General thinning but may be highly Ammonium chloride
/Ha) Corrosion CO natruntion used in Crude Unit, Hydroprocessing Units, exposed to arty concentration of HCI
alloys have good compositio n. The severity of underdeposit attack.
51 S.1.1A construction N/A Catalytic Reforming Units Minimize carryover of water and localized. corrosion _ Chloride SCC
refineries corrosion increases with acid that produces at pH below about
across a wide range of concentrations. The fir. water resistance. dilute HCI 300 SS & 400 SS: pitting chloride salt,
increasing Ht0 Concentration and 4.5
dropletrth. condense can be hkghly acidic (low pH) and acid in many refinery 300 SS: may experience
application increasing temperature chloride SSC
promote high corrosion rates.

Uniform loss in thickness from Scale is about 5 times the volume of

Hydroprocessing un its such
High Temp H,/ii2S nboode abom 5007 Increasing resistance: Carbon steel . low alloy steels , Hydrogen, the concentration of U. alloys with high chromium High temperature lost metal and may he in multiple
Presence 04 hydrogen in 1-1,5_mnrain in hydrocarbon
streams desulfurizer, hydrotr.ters and the process side and is
52 S.1.15 Corrosion (260•e) 400 Seri. SS . 300 Series SS FI,5 and the alloy composition accompanied by the Formation content UT, VT and RT thickness readings mlfidation layers.Tightly adherent shiny gray
increases the severity of high temperature sulfide corrosion hycinocrecking units of
an iron ide scale scale attached to the surface may he
sulfide mistaken for unaffected metal

Alloy C276 has been Careful operation of the unit W

Co mosion by HF acid can result in high ratesof general HF 34 iii concentration (water Low alloy steels, 300 Series 55 and the
used minimize water, oxygen, su hfu r.
Hydrefluorit (HF) or Carbon steel, copper-nickel content), temperature, alloy HF alkyl.ion unit, Aare piping and Localized general or sezere Environmental cracking,
where there have been Alloy 400 {solid or clad) can be used 408 Series SS are susceptible to
CO mposition and the presence of downstream units, I.stripper and Hydrogen stress
L:.1.1.6 At id Corrosion localized corrosion and may be accompanied Above 150 "F166 "CI alloys, Alloy 408 thinning of CS UT and RT for thickness monitoring corrosion and/or cracking
cracking pro blemswith contaminants including Demo. nicer itinWer5. cracking in HF
by hydrOgen Main blistering and or HIC/SOHIC and are generally not su im ble for HF
Alloy 400 oxygen to eliminate the problems

and sulfur compounds associated with blistering and service

naphthenic add content HICAOHIC UT and RT are used for thickness,

A form et high temperature corrosion that occurs primarily Alloys containing
Carbon steel, low a lloysteels. It is most severe in two phase {liquid
(neutralization number), TAN's U. alloys With higher molybdenum Monitor TAN and sulfur content,
in increasing amounts of Crude and vacuum heater tubes, crude Localized corrosion, pitting content for improved resistance. In cas. where thinning is
Pie ohthenic Acid NAC can be reduced by blending Hydrogen probes, Electrical resistance and vapor) flow, in areas of high
as crude to reduce the TAN allidAlar occurring, it is difficult
crude and vacuum units, and downstream units that process molybdenum show corrosion, or flow induced increase the sulfrar content
54 Co rrusiOn (MCI N/A 300 Series 55, 40.0 Series SS l o w to . . . ye oaty Or turbulence, and in
I as0.10, temperature, a nd v a cuum tr a nsfer l i nes;
improved grooving distinguish between NAC
and nickel base alloys bottoms piping, AGO circuits; HVGO distillation tourers where hot vapors
sulfur corrosion prob. and corrosion and sulficlation.
cocain fractions or cuts that [amain naphthenic acids. resistance
content, velocity and alloy coupon racks condense to form liquid
Proper materials selection and
control of phenol solvent UT and RTto monitor for loss in
General or localized corrosion of . Maximum velocity of 30 fps in the
Corrosion of carbon steel can occur in plants using phenol
Phenol 'Carbolic 35 , Increasing resistance: Carbon steel, 304L . 316L. Temperature, water Lenient. Phenol extraction facilities in I ub. chemistry. Type 316E 55 to be used, thickness. recovery section. Temp. should be
a solvent to remove aromatic compounds from lubricating Alloy Alloy 0276 has been used in
SS S.1.1.8 Acid) Corrosion oil
Above 2507 (121°C] alloy Chemistry and velocity plant ER corrosion probes and corrosion N/A mainMined to at least 31ftt F {1.7-C)
C276 carbon steel areas..
feedstocks. coupons have been used for corrosion above the dewpai.
high velocity

304E is satisfactory for up to about Most corrosion probably occurs during

Phosphoric acid is most often used as a catalyst in UT and RT for loss of thickness.
Piping and etcw ipment in the
polymerization unit, It can cause both pitting corrosion and Sample iron in water from first column
Increasing resistance_ Carbon steel, 3041. 316 L . Acid concentration, temperature polymerization unit Whar2 Watar mixes -General or localized thinning of 1207149'4 water washing operations 3t
Phosphoric Acld C
'''' '''
i°n r

increa. with Alloy with camlyst. Low velocity areas like shindovues. Conmmina nu, such as
SS 5.1.1_9 and contaminants Carbon steel Type 316.L SS is required from N/A
Corrosion localized corrosion of carbon steels depend ing an water 20 overhead reoeiver.
increasing temp. piping manifold, the bottom of kettle- 1207 chlorides, can increase phosphoric acid
content to 225"F {49-C to lOrC}. 316155 ER probes and/or corrosion coupons.
type rialmil21.5, partial penetration corrosion
Welds, and .changers a nd AI loy 20 are effective at
concentrations up to 8S% at boiling
Car rosinin Of 50E21 due to acidic 501.11- Water Containing H2S at General thinning. However, Copper alloys and nickel 2110r5 ME Scanni, ultrasonic thickness methods
Acid sour water corrosion is a concern H,5 concentration in the sour water
a Stainless steels, copper FI,S content, pH, temperature, localized corrosion or localff el generally not susceptible to acid or profile radiography.
Sour Water in overhead systems of FCC and coker Wet FI,S damage, decreases as temp. increases.
pH between 45 and 7.0. Carbon dioxide (CO,) may also be alloys and nickel .. velocity and oxygen underdeps. attack can occur, sour water corrosion. However, Periodic measurement of pH.
57 S.1.1_113 Corrosion 'Acidic) N/A Carbon S.. gat fractionation plants With high 5,5 Carbonate SCC Above a pH of 4.6 a protective, thin
alloys concentration especially if oxygen is dapper 2110r5 ME vulnerable to Pro petty placed corrosion probes and
levels and low NH3 levels. Iron sulfide layer I .1I5 the corrosion
present. present. corrosion in environments with corrosion coupons

General in nature, but attacks

Acid concentration, temperature, Carbon steel corrosion rates increase
„ carbon .eel weld heat affected Lifer RT inspection . turbulent zones
Sulfuric acid promot. general and lore limd corrosion of Increasing resistance: Carbon Steel c 316L . Alloy Materials selection and proper significantly ir the Cow velocity exc.ds
SU Ifurli Acid Sulfuric auid alkyla non uni. and Waste zones, Hydrogen grooving may and hottest areas. Corrosion
carbon steel and other alloys. Carbon steel heat zu alloy content, velocity, operation within design velocities, about 2 to 3 fps (0_6 to 0:9 m/s)
SS 5.1.111 Corrosion NIA Water treatment Ala nu monitoring with coupons and ER N/A
affected zones may experience 52YiereirOirrialan high silicon cast iron, high nickel cast contamination a. presence of occur, Sulfuric acid attacks slag Caustic to neutralize the acid Drat acid concentrations below
iron. Alloy 8.2, Alloy C276 oxidizers left from welding 66%.

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