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Appeal forms: Ethos, Pathos and Logos

Ethos: appeal of the sender

How does the speaker strike a positive note with the receiver, so they are certain to trust
him / her?
 By making an initial joke? > establish a positive mood/ atmosphere around speaker
 By suggesting he / she is competent and experienced? Has empathy? Is famous? An
expert? An acknowledged authority in the field?
 By referring to parallel situations? > Using something familiar to establish connection
with a new/ unfamiliar situation

Pathos: the sender’s appeal to feelings; > the attempt to raise an emotional response

What feelings does the speaker create in the audience?

 Compassion, pity, sympathy, concern, indignation, anger, patriotism?

How are the feelings evoked?

 Through examples of e.g. heroic action or success at conquering a crisis? By conjuring
up images of the enemy? Or a hero? Or a victim?
 General use of the personal story/ creating image of an individual to whom the
audience needs to respond emotionally.
Logos: referring to examples of reality

How does the speaker convince the receivers that the information can be relied on?
 By referring to statistics and similar documentation?
 By referring to established experts? Research?
 By referring to similar incidents in history?
 By using professional vocabulary?

Consider using aspects of Toulmin’s model:

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