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MAT NO: FOE/AGR/20/21/274066






1. Explain the role of politics and religion towards the development

of our nation Nigeria
2. What are the functions of orthodox medicine to the general
1. Explain the role of politics and religion towards the development of our nation Nigeria
Religion is a concept which naturally evokes positive sentiment of goodness,
kindness, love rectitude, peace with God, with oneself, and fellow-men. This serves as a
potent tool that can create integrity in our society. Politics is the activities involved in
getting and using power in public life and being able to influence decision that affects a
society. The fact is that the relationship between religion and politics in development is
likely to be complementary as long as religions beliefs and practices promotes integrity in
all sphere of life. Therefore, development and integrity is impossible without religious
values and political sanctity.
Nigeria, in every ramification is a pluralistic society. There is a high level of religious
and ethnic pluralism in the nation. There are Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa and several others, all of
which belong to a common nationality. Each of these tribes has its own culture. All these
differences make life challenging to each of the religious groups. Therefore, with all these
differences in order to attain development, and retain the integrity of Nigeria, the people
generally have to bury all their differences and work together as a team in order to
achieve our aims.
Religion is a source not only of intolerance, human rights violation and extremist
violence, but also of non-violent conflict transformation, the defense of human rights,
integrity in government, and reconciliation and stability in divided societies.
It can be deduced that the recognition of social justice is the recognition of God in
the scheme of things and this can equally lead to progress and development. After all,
God is the maker of man and the source of all that is good, prosperity, peace, justice,
equality and all these presupposes social justice. Religion teaches man that he is a
creature of an all powerful father of whom he depends his life and well-being which will
give account. Man cannot develop without religion.
According to Ezeanya, to attempt to build a nation without God is to construct to
massive structure upon the foundation of sand, such building will collapse at the slightest
gust of wind and the fall will be great so the impact of religion and politics in development
is to tall the people that, social justice, egalitarianism and building of a nation is not
merely the conception of man, but it is ordained by God. With this religion can be seen as
the promoter of growth and development as they direct people towards integrity like
honesty, discipline, hard work, education and absenteeism from harmful activities.
Religious groups in this country have been doing it best to ensure that the country
becomes a better place to live. They have been providing and helping people to have
good health care service. For example, there is seventh day Adventist hospital in Aba, Ife
etc, Faith Clinic Foundation in Nsukka, Queen Elizabeth hospital Umuahia.
Many religious groups encourages people, especially their member to embark on
farming by providing fertilizer and soft loans to them. The member also encourage the
farmers by buying their harvested goods. Religion groups also encourages their members
to be hardworking as on religious encourages laziness. Then the political leaders should
be able to augment what the religious leaders are giving put to the society by providing
lands, tools and necessary implements for the success of farm work by the citizens who
are willing and ready for farming.
Using international survey data for 59 countries drawn from the world values
survey and the international social sciences program conducted between 1981 and 1999,
these authors found that greater diversity of religious is associated with higher church
attendance, increase in some religious belief notably belief in heaven, hell and an
afterlife, tends to increase economic growth. This is evident in the activities of churches in
Nigeria where they assist some of their devoted members not only influencing their view
of success and the need to acquire wealth but also help to secure job for them, thereby
helping to improve their living standard and the country at large.
Religion and politics could also foster development through encouragement of
member to acquire formal education is significant to a high standard of living, then
religion may explain why there are many poor people in Northern Nigeria. This is because
the practice of women in purdah in Nigeria Northern Nigeria’s development and integrity
cannot be over emphasized because they are involved in all areas of human life.
2. What are the function of orthodox medicine to the general public
Meaning of orthodox medicine; is the use of drugs and operations to cure illness.
The function of orthodox medicine are as follow:
- Orthodox treatment gives faster relief form dis-comfort as a result of illness and diseases
- In case of emergency orthodox treatment come to the rescue through surgery and other
emergency responses, alternative treatments are not designed to deal with such
- Orthodox treatments have offered live saving surgeries which alternative are not yet able
to beat such as in the areas of organ transplant
- In case of an epidemic which claims many lives orthodox medicine systems are of great
need through it research and results such epidemic can be curbed thereby saving lives in
hundreds and thousands
- Orthodox system have specialists attending to different part of the body such as eye, ear
and nose doctors, heart care doctors or for a specific situations such as neonatal care or
pediatricians who attends to children’s health
- Medications from orthodox system are durable and have saves lives of many months and

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