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BCS 3107- Object Oriented System Analysis Design

Credits Units 3
Pre-requisite Object Oriented Programming II
Purpose of the Course This course builds on the programming skills developed
in Object Oriented Programming. Its purposes is to help
students learn about software design through study and
practice, processing from simple design to software
with more complex structure and behavior, with bias to
Expected learning outcomes At the end of the course student will be able to:
1. Describe how object oriented design can facilitates
the processes of software development.
2. Identify the objects in a systems and assign
responsibilities to system components ,
3. Analys problems and develop conceptual
models,geneate designs from the models and write
program code that implement the designs.
Course content This course focuses on object oriented paradigm,
comparison with structured design methods
;reusability,extensibility and rubustnes,object oriented
analysis: classes,object oriented design:notation
processes,object oriented language/tools,software
development using an object oriented programming
language,object oriented database,object oriented
operating systems.UML:Developmet, sysmbols,notation
and tools.
Mode of delivery Lectures,directed readings,practical demonstrations of
communication services, and hands-on laboratory
sessions and projects
Instructional material and/or Equipment Audio visual equipments,chalkboard,computer
simulation software,computer programming tools.
Course assessment Assignment,tutorials,Tests,practicals exercises and
writing Examinations
Type weighting (%)
Examination 70
Continuous Assessment 30
Total 100
Core reading material for the course Larman C.(1998)Applying UML and
Patterns:Introduction to object oriented Analysis and
Design an Iterative Development.3rd Ed.Upper Saddle
River,New Jersay:Prentice-Hall,ISBN:0-13-148906-2
Recommended reference material 1.Gramma E,Helm R.,& Johnson R.(1995) Design
patterns:Elelments of reusable object oriented
software.Reading,MA:Addison Wesley,ISBN 0-201-
2. Arnold K,Gosling J.&Holmes, D.(2006) The Java
programming language.4th Ed.Reading MA:Addison
3.Deitel H.M(2005)Java:How to program.6th Ed.New
Delphi:Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited,ISBN 81-

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