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CELPIP Speaking Tips

before the Test

1. Practice Your Answers
The speaking tasks are always in the same order, so practice your responses in
the sequence you will use in the test.

* giving advice – 90 seconds

* talking about a personal experience – 60 seconds
* describing a picture – 60 seconds
* predicting might happen – 60 seconds
* comparing and persuading – 60 seconds
* resolving a difficult situation – 60 seconds
* expressing your opinion – 90 seconds
* describing an unusual situation – 60 seconds

2. Use Appropriate Structures

You will be marked on your grammar and sentence structures.

To score level 5, you need to use level 5 structures. To score level 9, you need
to use level 9 structures.

3. Use a Broad Vocabulary

You will be marked on your vocabulary.

As you practice answering the eight question types, make a note of any words
you have to look up. Make sure you use them next time you practice your

4. Practice Producing Cohesive Responses

You will be marked on your fluency and how well your response sticks

Record your responses and listen to yourself for:

* Repetition
* Big gaps
* Frequent self-correction
* Obvious thinking in your own language
* Answers that don’t make any sense
* Anything that hampers your fluency

5. Prepare Multipurpose Stories

You know that you will be asked to talk about a personal experience, so make
up a couple of little stories about yourself that you will be able to use in a
variety of situations.

Your ‘most embarrassing moment’ could be the same experience as ‘a time

when you felt determined’, or ‘a memorable family outing’. It might even be
related to ‘a person who inspired you’. Be creative.

Remember! No-one is going to accuse you of lying – it’s a language test!

CELPIP Speaking Tips

during the Test

1. Finish your answer within the time allowed

You must finish your answer before the time runs out.

You should have time for a short introduction, a short conclusion, and 6-8
sentences of body.

Use 10-15 seconds for your introduction, use 10-15 seconds for your
conclusion, and use the rest of the time for your body, beginning with your
highest scoring structure.
2. Imagine the person you’re speaking to
It’s difficult to talk to a computer, especially in a room full of people.

Try to picture the person you are talking to. Imagine that your ‘auntie’ is in the
screen listening attentively to everything you have to say.

3. Give Complete Responses

You will be marked on the completeness of your response.

As you practice your responses, make sure they are complete. You must
mention everything that the questions ask you about.
4. Speak Clearly
If you are going to make a mistake, make a good one! Speak clearly so that the
examiner doesn’t assume you have made a mistake.
5. Endings Matter
Say the whole word.

If you miss a verb ending, the examiner won’t know whether the action is in the
present, past, or future.

If examiners can’t hear these time indicators, they can’t give you the score you
6. Take a Deep Breath
Take a slow, deep breath during the last 5 seconds of your preparation time. It
will reduce your stress and help you relax.
7. Articles Matter
Use your articles -‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘the’.

Examiners can’t give you a high score if they can’t hear your articles.
8. Correct Yourself
If you know you’ve made a mistake, correct it.
It is best to speak fluently, but being able to correct yourself shows the
examiner that you recognize your error.

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