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Health Risk Assessment Report

- 8th October, 2023

Weight (BMI)
Current Recommended Range

BMI 21.45: Normal weight 18.5 to <22.9 (Normal)

Low Risk Low Risk

Body mass index (BMI) compares your height to your weight. It indicates whether you are
overweight or obese. Being overweight or obese increases your risk of heart disease and
diabetes. It also increases your chances of having high blood pressure and/or cholesterol.
Controlling your weight improves other risk factors:
Blood pressure
Blood sugar

You can control your weight by:

Physical activity
Eating a healthy diet
Health Risk Assessment Report
- 8th October, 2023

Risk Factors

High Risk Moderate Risk Low Risk


Smoking ●

Alcohol Consumption ●

Exercise(hours) ●

Stress Levels ●

Mental Wellbeing ●

Eyesight ●

Oral Hygiene ●
Health Risk Assessment Report
- 8th October, 2023

Daily Water Intake

Current Recommended Range

Between 5-8 glasses More than 8 glasses

Moderate Risk Low Risk

Regularly drinking water speeds up the metabolism while promoting good physical, mental,
and emotional well being. Having low quantity of water increases risk of fatigue, premature
aging, blood pressure, bad cholesterol, constipation, etc. On an average each individual
should consume 1 litre water for every 20 Kg body weight.
Health Risk Assessment Report
- 8th October, 2023

Work Profile

Low Risk

Prolonged desk job with minimum exercise can lead to obesity, stress and increased chances
of cardiac diseases. Excessive travelling may increase inactivity and increases risk of
embolism, back pain and exertion leading to hypertension. Often field work involves a lot of
physical activity and thus, maintains the normal circadian rhythm of the body, but still can
sometimes increase stress in daily life.

Current Recommended Range

Rarely Rarely
Low Risk Low Risk

Stress symptoms can affect your body, your thoughts and feelings, and your behaviour. Stress
that's left unchecked can contribute to many health problems, such as high blood pressure,
heart disease, obesity and diabetes.
Health Risk Assessment Report
- 8th October, 2023

Weekly Physical Activity

Current Recommended Range

Light exercise: 1-3 days per week 6-7 days per week or multiple sessions a
Moderate Risk day
Low Risk
Including exercise and other physical activities in your daily routine can reduce your risk of
stroke. Regular physical activity improves other risk factors:
Blood Pressure
Blood Sugar

Current Recommended Range

More than 3 days More than 3 days

Low Risk Low Risk

A lack of adequate sleep can affect judgment, mood, ability to learn and retain information, and
may increase the risk of serious accidents and injury. In the long term, chronic sleep
deprivation may lead to a host of health problems including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular
disease, and even early mortality.

Sleep affected by work

Current Recommended Range

Not at all Not at all

Low Risk Low Risk

Lack of sleep can affect your overall health and make you prone to serious medical conditions,
such as obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.
Health Risk Assessment Report
- 8th October, 2023

Blood Pressure Reading (in mmHg)

Current Recommended Range

Under 120/80 Under 120/80

Low Risk Low Risk

For a normal reading, your blood pressure needs to show a top number (systolic pressure)
that’s more than 100 and less than 120 and a bottom number (diastolic pressure) that’s
between 70 and less than 80. If your systolic blood pressure reaches more than 130 mmHg, or
if your diastolic blood pressure reaches more than 85 mmHg, it is considered as high blood
pressure. High blood pressure narrows the arteries leading to atherosclerosis which can lead
to heart attack.
Health Risk Assessment Report
- 8th October, 2023

Family History
Current Recommended

Diabetes None
Moderate Risk Low Risk

Genetic predisposition of a disease increases the chance of its presentation in an individual

and thus helps in formulating preventive strategies for the same. Family history is very
important in such diseases.
Health Risk Assessment Report
- 8th October, 2023

Current Recommended

Rarely None
Low Risk Low Risk

Feeling sad frequently and all the time without any underlying cause can indicate mood
disorder and affect your physical, mental, emotional well being, work efficiency and
We highly recommend you to talk to a certified counsellor on Visit App or seek help.

Appetite for Mental Health

Current Recommended

There is no change in my usual appetite None

Low Risk Low Risk

A change in appetite without any apparent cause can indicate moderate to high risk for
underlying mental disorders. Look out for any stress, anxiety issue and speak to your
Health Risk Assessment Report
- 8th October, 2023

Social Company
Current Recommended

I enjoy socialising as much as I usually do None

Low Risk Low Risk

If there is a loss of interest in socialising with family and friends and you want to stay isolated
and do not feel like interacting with others indicates mood disorders.
We highly recommend you to talk to a certified counsellor on Visit App or seek help.

Worried, Anxious or Stressed Out

Current Recommended

Rarely None
Low Risk Low Risk

Feeling worried, anxious and stressed all the time is indication for underlying mood disorder.
We highly recommend you to talk to a certified counsellor on Visit App or seek help.
Health Risk Assessment Report
- 8th October, 2023

Breaks when working on Screen

Current Recommended

I give my eyes a break every hour None

Low Risk Low Risk

Increased screen activity is linked to eye strain, headache, irritation, itching in eyes and
reduces work efficiency.
We highly recommend you to practice 20/20/20 rule - every 20 minutes spent using a screen,
you should try to look away at something that is 20 feet away from you for a total of 20
seconds and blink 20 times!

Time on Screen Daily

Current Recommended

Less than 4 hours None

Low Risk Low Risk

Increased screen activity is linked to eye strain, headache, irritation, itching in eyes and
reduces work efficiency.
We highly recommend you to practice 20/20/20 rule - every 20 minutes spent using a screen,
you should try to look away at something that is 20 feet away from you for a total of 20
seconds and blink 20 times!
Health Risk Assessment Report
- 8th October, 2023

Protection for Eyes from Sun

Current Recommended

I rarely wear sunglasses None

Moderate Risk Low Risk

Long term exposure to UV Rays can injure different parts of the eyes and increase chances of
photokeratitis, cataract, damage retina and few other cancers. If your work demands you to
stay outdoor for a long duration.
We recommend you to avoid looking at sun directly and always wear sunglasses that protect
you from harmful effects of UV rays.

Routine Eye Checkup

Current Recommended

More than 2 years ago None

High Risk Low Risk

Regular eye check up helps in diagnosing refractory error of eyes, overall functioning of eyes
and health of retina especially in co morbid conditions like Diabetes mellitus and hypertension.
Also, Fundus (Retina) Check up helps in early detection of microvascular changes and
damage to kidney.
Health Risk Assessment Report
- 8th October, 2023

Itchiness in Eyes
Current Recommended

Rarely None
Low Risk Low Risk

Eye Itchiness or Redness can indicate underlying dry eye syndrome, allergic condition of eyes.
We highly recommend to use cool water to wash eyes and use eye lubricants
Health Risk Assessment Report
- 8th October, 2023

Brushing Frequency
Current Recommended

7 or more times None

Low Risk Low Risk

Poor dental hygiene can lead to painful teeth and gum issues. It can affect quality of life and
also increase chances of halitosis, miscarriage, poor immunity, heart disease. It is strongly
advised to brush for 2 minutes twice daily.

Starch or Sugar Consumption

Current Recommended

Between 2 & 3 None

Moderate Risk Low Risk

Intake or sugar Increases chances of dental caries, gum disease besides increasing chances
for insulin resistance, Diabetes, heart disease. Avoid munching on sugary, starchy, junk food
and carbonated beverages between meals preferably have crunchy fruits and salads.
It is strongly advised to rinse mouth after every meal.

Tooth Decay
Current Recommended

No None
Low Risk Low Risk

Poor dental hygiene can lead to Tooth decay, losing teeth, painful teeth and gum issues.
Recommendation - To consult dentist twice a year for examintion. It can affect quality of life
and also increase chances of halitosis, miscarriage, poor immunity or a heart disease
Health Risk Assessment Report
- 8th October, 2023

Pain in Teeth or Gums

Current Recommended

No None
Low Risk Low Risk

Senstivity indicates damage to teeth enamel.

We recommend you to brush teeth twice daily, use medicated toothpaste, have more fruits,
salads and a calcium rich diet.
It's recommended to consult dentist twice a year

Tooth Sensitivity
Current Recommended

Yes None
Moderate Risk Low Risk

Senstivity indicates damage to teeth enamel.

We recommend you to brush teeth twice daily, use medicated toothpaste, have more fruits,
salads and a calcium rich diet.

Oral Hygiene
Current Recommended

8 None
Moderate Risk Low Risk

Poor dental hygiene can lead ka in to Tooth decay, losing teeth, painful teeth and gum issues.
It can affect quality of life and also increase chances of halitosis, miscarriage, poor immunity or
a heart disease
Health Risk Assessment Report
- 8th October, 2023

Overall Health Score

Current Recommended

62 < 64
Low Risk Low Risk

The current score suggests that you have a fit lifestyle. Fitness management is of utmost
importance in today's competitive and stressful environment.

Good lifestyle habits such as daily walking, high protein- low carb diet, and adequate fluid
intake help maintain adequate fitness levels

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