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Landscape and Urban Planning 158 (2017) 166–176

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Research Paper

Campus score: Measuring university campus qualities

Amir Hajrasouliha
City and Regional Planning Department, Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo, CA, United States

h i g h l i g h t s

• Physical campus characteristics can impact student satisfaction and academic performance.
• Campus Score is proposed, representing campus urbanism, greenness, and on-campus living.
• Campus Score has significant associations with freshman retention and graduation rates.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This research proposes an index, called Campus Score, which measures the main physical qualities of uni-
Received 7 September 2015 versity campuses. Campus Score is composed of three latent variables representing Urbanism, Greenness,
Received in revised form 19 October 2016 and On-Campus Living, with 10 indicators. This index has been calculated for 103 research-intensive uni-
Accepted 30 October 2016
versities in the United States of America. Two linear regressions show that Campus Score has significant
Available online 15 November 2016
associations with freshman retention and 6-year graduation rates. It is also interesting to note that, com-
pared to the Academic Ranking of World Universities (Shanghai Ranking), Campus Score has stronger
associations with freshman retention and graduation rates. The one-way ANOVA test and post-hoc anal-
Campus score
Freshman retention
ysis reveal that private universities, on average, have significantly higher Campus Scores than public
Graduation rate universities, Research I universities have significantly higher mean scores than Research II universities,
University ranking and universities in the Northeast census region have significantly higher mean scores than universities in
Campus design other census regions. Exploring the relationships between Campus Score and university objectives, such
Campus planning as student satisfaction, safety, and campus sustainability, can give campus planners fresh insight into the
impacts of campus form.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and research environment, creating a sustainable environment, and

benefiting the surrounding communities (Chapman, 2006; Coulson
The United States of America has a rich history of campus plan- et al., 2010, 2014 ; Delbanco, 2014; Disterheft, Caeiro, Azeiteiro, &
ning and design. Some of the best university campuses in the U.S. Leal Filho, 2014; Dober, 1996; Kenney, Dumont, & Kenney, 2005;
were almost fully developed in the 19th century and early 20th cen- Mitchell & Vest, 2007; Strange & Banning, 2001; Turner, 1984).
tury. Before World War II, campus designers would follow certain Although campus planning and design have received extensive
formal typologies such as the quadrangle campus (e.g., University attention in the profession in recent years, academia has con-
of Washington in Seattle), picturesque campus (e.g., University of tributed little. However, evidence-based research to quantify the
Vermont), or Beaux-Arts campus (e.g., Columbia University). After campus qualities that are at the center of practitioners’ interest
World War II, with the vast expansion of university campuses, would fill a considerable gap in the field.
the emphasis was more on the design of freestanding buildings Many attempts have been made in the fields of urban planning,
than on campus master plans (Coulson, Roberts, & Taylor, 2010; landscape architecture, and architecture to quantify the character-
Dober, 1996; Turner, 1984). In recent years, most universities have istics of built environments and to evaluate their impact on a wide
re-embraced the idea of campus master plans to address their insti- range of environmental, behavioral, and economic variables. For
tutional objectives, such as attracting more students, increasing the example, urban sprawl development can be quantified on different
quality of life of current students and faculty, promoting a learning scales, and its impacts on travel behavior, housing affordability, and
public health have been assessed by many researchers (Custinger
& Galster, 2006; Ewing, Pendall, & Chen, 2003; Hajrasouliha &
Hamidi, 2016). Using Space Syntax techniques, the morphology
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0169-2046/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Hajrasouliha / Landscape and Urban Planning 158 (2017) 166–176 167

of street networks can be quantified, and their relationship with dimensions of campus form. The second study (Hajrasouliha &
both walkability and land use are well-studied research topics Ewing, 2016) operationalized the proposed campus form dimen-
(Hajrasouliha & Yin, 2015; Hillier, 2007, 2009). Certain urban form sions and assessed their relationship with the freshman retention
variables, such as urban density, land use diversity, and street con- and 6-year graduation rates for 103 research-intensive universities
nectivity, are quantified in the transportation planning field to in the United States. That study determines the significance of the
assess the impact of built environment qualities on travel behav- relationship between the physical campus and student satisfaction
ior (Cervero and Kockelman, 1997; Cervero and Murakami, 2010; with college life, and ultimately with academic performance. One
Ewing and Cervero, 2010; Frank et al., 2006). Urban design quali- of the main differences between Hajrasouliha and Ewing (2016)
ties are also quantified, and their impact on pedestrian activities is research and other evidence-based studies on this subject is the
assessed (De Nisco & Warnaby, 2014; Ewing et al., 2013; Ewing scale of analysis. Most previous studies are focused on micro-scale
& Handy, 2009; Ewing, Hajrasouliha, Neckerman, Purciel-Hill, & design characteristics of the campus environment and its relation-
Green, 2015). Finally, measuring greenness (Gupta, Kumar, Pathan, ship with learning and engagement. In contrast, following X and Y,
& Sharma, 2012; Yao, Liu, Wang, Yin, & Han, 2014) enables a bet- this study focuses on the contextual and macro-scale design char-
ter understanding of the role of urban greenness areas in public acteristics of the physical campus. These relationships have seldom
health. Together, these cited studies suggest that single-use, low- been explored. Brief summaries of both studies follow:
density land development, disconnected street networks, and low
neighborhood greenness are characteristics positively associated 1.1. The morphology of the “well-designed campus”
with auto dependence and negatively associated with air quality,
walking, transit use, and physical and mental health. In order to construct a theoretical framework for analyzing
However, the idea of campus is unique. A university campus is campus form, a content analysis of 50 randomly selected uni-
not a city, a neighborhood, or a block. Therefore, describing and ana- versity campus master plans in the United States was conducted
lyzing campus forms should be different. The missions, objectives, by Hajrasouliha (2015). The analysis shows significant similarities
and governance of institutions of higher learning are not compa- between plans in terms of challenges, objectives, and recommen-
rable to those of neighborhoods or cities. One of the most obvious dations. To avoid a subjective definition of the “well designed”
distinctions between a campus and a neighborhood is in its pri- campus, the top 100 common recommendations in the selected
mary purpose of providing a supportive environment for learning. master plans were identified. Accordingly, from these recom-
EDUCAUSE, the Society for College and University Planning (SCUP), mendations, seven dimensions of campus form were inferred, as
and the PKAL Learning Spaces Collaboratory have aimed to iden- suggested in Table 1.
tify assessment metrics, predictive evidence, and illustrative cases According to these morphological dimensions, the “well-
that relate space to learning. Among the common insights that designed” campus was conceptualized as a mixed, compact,
have emerged from these efforts are the realizations that experi- well-connected, well-structured, inhabited, green campus in an
ential learning enhances student engagement and engaging study urbanized setting (see Fig. 1). These dimensions are measurable;
behaviors fosters learning (Azevedo, 2015; Gilboy, Heinerichs, & therefore, it is possible to quantitatively test their relationship to
Pazzaglia, 2015). However, these works focus more on classrooms the desired outcomes.
and teaching environments (micro-scale design) and less on the
contextual condition of the campus environment (macro-scale 1.2. The relationship of campus design with student retention and
design). Yet, some studies show that certain macro-scale campus degree attainment
qualities can have impact on students’ quality of life and academic
performance as well. For example, studies have indicated that the Hajrasouliha and Ewing (2016) hypothesized that the physi-
presence of green spaces on campus, along with the perception of cal campus has impact on students’ satisfaction with their college
greenness and restorative environment (Kaplan, 1992) of a cam- experience and their overall academic performance. To test this,
pus are associated with student quality of life (Felsten, 2009; Hipp, they operationalized the seven morphological dimensions of cam-
Gulwadi, Alves, & Sequeira, 2016). One of the potential impacts of pus as described in Table 1. Five dimensions were operationalized
the physical characteristics of the campus on students’ quality of life quantitatively with one or more variables. However, land use orga-
is helping them to cope with college life and to manage challenges nization and spatial configuration, were rated qualitatively.
of academic life (Dyson & Renk, 2006). A green campus may create a A Structural Equation Model, illustrated in Fig. 2, was used in
pleasant college experience and encourage students to spend time that analysis. After controlling for student selectivity, university
and socialize on campus, thus reducing their mental fatigue level. resources, student profile and type of institution, data from 103 U.S.
At the same time, an urban-feeling campus may increase students’ research universities showed strong positive associations between
perception of social connectedness. Previous studies have shown student retention and graduation rates and three campus qualities:
both greenness and social connectedness to be associated with stu- Campus Living, Greenness, and Urbanism (a composite variable
dent retention (Berger & Braxton, 1998; Lounsbury & DeNeui, 1995; from dimensions of compactness, connectivity and context). Sig-
Naretto 1995; Styron 2010). nificant associations between the outcome variables and two other
With the goal of identifying an assessment metric, this research campus qualities, land use organization and spatial configuration,
has generated an index, named Campus Score, by measuring were not detected. Furthermore, no significant association between
physical campus qualities that may be associated with students’ a set of control variables (age of university, campus size, affordabil-
retention rate and academic performance. Quantifying physical ity of education, city economic status, climate index, safety, and
campus qualities is an attempt to answer the critical questions, the degree of urbanization of setting) and student retention and
“Does campus matter?” and “Which qualities of campus matter graduation rates was detected (see Table 2).
most in students’ retention and graduation?” This approach can
also help to determine the relationships between campus qualities 2. Methods
(Campus Score) and other university characteristics such as age,
type, urbanization of setting, region, climate, and academic ranking. Two steps are essential to generating an index that can quantify
Two studies help to establish the specific conceptual founda- campus qualities: adopting a theoretical framework for describing
tion of this article. The first study (Hajrasouliha, 2015), through a and analyzing campus form, and identifying campus form quali-
content analysis of 50 campus master plans, conceptualized seven ties that have significant associations with university objectives of
Table 1
Operationalizing the Campus Morphological Dimensions.
Description Scale Data Source
(1) Land Use Land use mix Rating land use organization on campus between 1 and 10, by analyzing campus land-use maps, downloaded from universities’ website. 10 = All Campus land-use map,
Organization uses are mixed on campus, however the major athletic fields, greenhouses, barns and surface parking areas are not located at the campus core. downloaded from
Dimension 5 = land use is neither mixed nor segregated. For example, campus housing is located far from the campus core, but other teaching, research, and universities’ website, The
recreational uses are located in the campus core. 1 = campus has segregated areas away from the campus core for sport, research, residence, and researcher’s rating.a
some academic disciplines.

(2) Compactness Mass Density Computing the total area of building footprints divided by campus areab . Note that “campus area” is not considered as the total land owned by OpenStreetMap, Google Earth
Dimension the university. The area of the undeveloped lands, the agricultural lands, and the scattered low-density service facilities on the periphery of images
campus are not calculated. This calculation process for the multi-patch campuses is the same as uni-patch campuses.
Proximity Conducting average nearest neighborhood distance tool in ArcGIS. The input data are building footprints. OpenStreetMap, Google Earth
Pervious open spaces Computing the percentage of pervious open spaces in a quarter mile buffer around campus buildings. NLCD2011
Surface parking Computing the total area of surface parking divided by the campus area. Rooftop parking and parking structures are not included. OpenStreetMap, Google Earth

(3) Connectivity Campus connectivity 1) Downloading census street lines at the county level 2) Refining the maps according to Google Earth Images 3) Export maps as dxf files from Census Tiger 2010, street

A. Hajrasouliha / Landscape and Urban Planning 158 (2017) 166–176

Dimension ArcGIS and open it in Depthmap (Space Syntaxd Software) 4) Angular integration analysis with radius of 3, weighted by segment length; 5) lines
Averaging integration values of campus street segments
Campus centrality Dividing the average integration value of campus street segments with radius 3 by the average integration value of county street segment with Census Tiger 2010, street
same radius.e lines

(4) Configuration Campus spatial structure Rating the strength of campus spatial structure from 1 to 10. 10 = the entire campus has organized around most of these principles: Buildings are Google Map and Google Earth
Dimension defining open spaces. Campus spaces are connected through main corridors, courtyards, or quads. Campus has a main central space such as a images, The researcher’s
plaza or a lawn, long view corridors with a land mark at the focal point, enclosed open spaces, and the entire master plan is relatively symmetric ratingf .
and geometric. 5 = The campus has neither organized nor disorganized layout. For example, the historical part of campus has a defined spatial
structure, but the rest of the campus are free-standing buildings in open, landscaped ground. 1 = the campus has a disorganized layout.

(5) Campus Living On-campus living Computing the percentage of students living on-campus US News and World Report

(6) Greenness Dimension Tree canopy Computing the average percentage of tree canopy in a quarter mile buffer around campus buildings.g NLCD2011
Pervious open spaces Described under compactness dimensionh
Surface parking Described under compactness dimensioni

(7) Context Dimension Activity density Computing the density of population and employment of all census tracts neighboring the campusj Longitudinal Employment
Household Dynamic 2010-
Census 2010
Land use entropy Computing land use entropy of all census tracts neighboring the campus. Land use entropy was computed with the formula: LED 2010
Entropy = −[residential share × ln (residential share) + retail share × ln (retail share) + office share × ln (office share)]/LN (3)
Intersection density Computing intersection density of all census tracts neighboring the campus, computed as the number of intersections within all census tracts Census Tiger 2010, street
neighboring the campus divided by the area of census tracts lines and census tracts
To test the reliability of this scale, two persons rated 40 campuses. The interrater reliability test shows that this measure is reliable. A two-way mixed effects model was used, where people effects are random and measure
effects are fixed. The intraclass correlation coefficient of interrater reliability is 0.865 which is above the acceptable threshold of 0.7. Please note that the two dimensions that have “researcher’s rating” as their source, are the
only two dimensions that do not have significant associations with either of the outcome variables. Therefore, these two dimensions are not used in the calculation of Campus Score.
Mapping campus figure-ground in ArcGIS is used to calculate campus mass density. If the GIS file does not exist, the base-map of OpenStreetMap – an openly licensed map of the world – can be used to map main physical
features, such as building footprints, and campus core boundary. These maps can be refined according to the Google Earth images to increase the accuracy of the GIS maps.
Note that the quarter mile buffer is generated only around campus buildings and not the sport fields.
Space Syntax is a set of theories and techniques for measuring the spatial configuration of street networks. The basic element in Space Syntax is the street segment between intersections, which can be derived from road
center line data. With the help of Depthmap software, developed by Space Syntax., the street segments can be translated into a graph, in which segments and their connections turn into nodes and links. The most commonly used
Space Syntax measure is known as integration, which measures “how close each segment is to all others under each definition of distance” (Hillier, 2009).
This measure shows the relative connectivity of campus streets to the county street network.

The interrater reliability test shows that this measure is reliable, with an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.885.
TNC = total number of 30 × 30 meter cells in the buffer; TCi = the percentage of tree canopy in a given cell i; “Tree Canoy Percentage” = ni=0 TCi /TNC .
The percentage of pervious open space is positively related to greenness and negatively related to compactness. As an exogenous variable in SEM, this dimension can be loaded into two different latent variables with generating
separate coefficient estimates.
The percentage of surface parking areas is negatively related to both greenness and compactness.
Note that activity density, land use entropy, and intersection density are calculated only for census tracts neighboring the campus with population density more than 100 per square mile. Census tract that contains the core
of campus and census tracts with population density less than 100 per square mile are not included.
A. Hajrasouliha / Landscape and Urban Planning 158 (2017) 166–176 169

Fig. 1. Campus form dimensions.

high retention and graduation rates. As a first step toward gen- fore replaced by another university. Fig. 3 shows the location of the
erating Campus Score, the theory of the “well-designed campus” selected campuses in the United States.
(Hajrasouliha, 2015) has been adopted. For the second step, the In order to calculate Campus Score, a composite score was devel-
three qualities of urbanism, greenness, and campus living have oped from the three latent variables of Urbanism, Greenness, and
been selected to generate the Campus Score, based on the find- Campus Living (see Fig. 2). These three latent variables were first
ings of Hajrasouliha and Ewing (2016). In addition, this study used standardized with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. The
the same dataset as Hajrasouliha and Ewing (2016). composite score is generated with the following formula:
The research population consisted of 206 universities in the
United States with high or very high levels of research activ- CampusScore = 0.177 × Urban + 0.215 × Green + 0.251 × Living
ity according to the 2010 Carnegie Classification. One hundred
and three campuses were randomly selected, stratified by census
The multipliers are the standardized regression weights on
regions, Northeast, South, Midwest, and West, and type: Research I
freshman retention rate, obtained from modeling freshman reten-
(very high research activity) and Research II (high research activity).
tion rate with maximum likelihood estimation (see Hajrasouliha &
Universities with more than one campus that are formally very dif-
Ewing, 2016). For ease of interpretation, the overall score and latent
ferent were not selected. The University of Michigan in Ann Arbor
variables were converted to have a mean of 100 with variance of
was the only case with this quality in the sample, and was there-
170 A. Hajrasouliha / Landscape and Urban Planning 158 (2017) 166–176

Fig. 2. Modeling student retention and graduation rates.

Table 2
Control variables and their data source.

Variable Proxy Variable Data Source

University Resources Percentage of classes with fewer than 20 students US News and World Report
the average faculty pay American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
Student Selectivity SAT Score College Navigator
Age of university Year founded US News and World Report
Campus Size Campus Size OpenStreetMap refined by Google Earth images
Type of Institution Public, Private for-Profit, Private not-for-profit Carnegie Classification 2010
Research II (high research activities), Research I (very high Carnegie Classification 2010
research activities)
Student Profile Enrollment Profile Classification 2010 0 = (Not classified) Carnegie Classification 2010
1 = ExU2: Exclusively undergraduate two-year 2 = ExU4:
Exclusively undergraduate four-year 3 = VHU: Very high
undergraduate 4 = HU: High undergraduate 5 = MU:
Majority undergraduate 6 = MGP: Majority
graduate/professional 7 = ExGP: Exclusively graduate or
professional 0,1,2, and 7 are not in the samples
Percentage of undergraduate enrollment: the total number US News and World Report
of undergraduates divided by the total number of students
Affordability of Education Average total indebtedness of 2013 graduating class US News and World Report
City Economic Status The median household income of city 2013 Census Bureau
Climate Index the total cooling days of city in 2014 NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center
the total heating days of city in 2014 NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center
Safety Crime rate of City in 2013 FBI Uniform Crime Reports
The degree of urbanization of setting 4 = City 3 = Suburban 2 = Town 1 = Rural Carnegie Classification 2010

Next, the predictive power of the Campus Score was tested 3. Results
for student retention and graduation rates. Two linear regression
analyses were conducted. First, the freshman retention rate was The final rankings of all 103 campuses with their scores are
modeled with Campus Score and the same control variables as in presented in Table 3.
the Hajrasouliha and Ewing (2016) study: the average SAT score,
the percentage of classes with fewer than 20 students, university
3.1. The relationship of campus score with student retention and
type (Research I or II), and the total number of undergraduates.
graduation rates
Second, the 6-year graduation rate was modeled with the fresh-
man retention rate and Campus Score. None of the other control
Scatter plots (see Fig. 4) suggest strong quadratic relationships
variables was significant in this model.
between both Campus Score and freshman retention rate and Cam-
A. Hajrasouliha / Landscape and Urban Planning 158 (2017) 166–176 171

Table 3
Ranking 103 research universities based on their Campus Score.

Rank University Name Urban Score Green Score Living Score Campus Score (Composite score)

1 Columbia University 248.84 93.52 216.79 238.25

2 Princeton University 100.17 187.36 223.12 226.66
3 Lehigh University 97.86 219.43 161.89 204.03
4 Duke University 63.93 193.08 191.45 193.20
5 Emory University 69.06 223.07 159.78 191.68
6 Boston University 200.79 89.84 176.67 188.92
7 Stanford University 106.34 126.42 210.45 187.96
8 Yale University 153.21 86.96 202.01 182.08
9 College of William & Mary 36.62 217.00 172.45 181.83
10 Clarkson University 15.08 209.99 193.56 181.79
11 Case Western Reserve University 112.79 91.77 206.23 169.19
12 Brandeis University 82.29 140.63 185.12 168.70
13 University of Connecticut 35.84 195.96 170.33 168.61
14 Fordham University 204.34 91.97 138.66 167.37
15 New York University 310.10 29.44 117.55 167.32
16 Washington University in St. Louis 132.01 94.16 183.00 164.32
17 University of Notre Dame 93.06 119.44 187.23 163.30
18 Syracuse University 122.25 98.13 176.67 158.04
19 Rice University 130.59 89.93 168.22 151.91
20 Cornell University 52.27 186.92 134.44 148.11
21 U of Massachusetts Amherst 42.95 172.06 153.44 147.92
22 U of New Hampshire, Main Campus 41.27 187.75 140.77 147.66
23 Binghamton University 48.26 177.14 142.89 146.34
24 Tufts University 159.42 75.27 151.33 146.08
25 University of Dayton 87.30 111.31 170.33 145.45
26 University of Virginia, Main Campus 72.44 178.72 104.88 133.81
27 University of Vermont 81.49 135.88 123.88 126.58
28 University of California, Los Angeles 137.01 108.46 100.66 121.74
29 University at Albany, SUNY 55.85 124.54 142.89 120.96
30 University of Rhode Island 38.80 174.15 111.21 120.19
31 Miami University 68.41 139.63 117.55 118.68
32 Illinois Institute of Technology 134.05 51.03 142.89 115.95
33 Georgia Institute of Technology 151.54 51.06 128.11 114.41
34 U of California, Santa Barbara 75.58 147.91 98.54 114.30
35 Carnegie Mellon University 149.96 85.60 98.54 113.71
36 University of Denver 129.23 84.81 113.32 113.38
37 University of Maryland, College Park 75.96 130.28 111.21 112.92
38 U of Illinois at Urbana Champaign 102.53 91.64 123.88 111.83
39 University of Maine 33.93 162.83 102.77 106.39
40 North Carolina State University 55.92 170.70 75.32 103.07
41 Pennsylvania State University 77.73 126.18 96.43 102.02
42 University of Florida 69.70 166.82 66.87 101.75
43 University of California, San Jose 82.61 98.25 113.32 99.72
44 George Mason University 53.84 161.37 75.32 97.02
45 University of California, Irvine 90.93 90.51 109.10 96.53
46 Indiana University Bloomington 87.43 129.61 77.43 96.12
47 Ball State University 77.55 105.58 104.88 96.05
48 Portland State University 157.20 47.12 98.54 95.89
49 U of North Carolina at Greensboro 120.11 91.80 85.88 95.54
50 University of Wisconsin, Madison 104.34 119.54 71.10 94.18
51 Missouri University of Science 76.43 95.94 109.10 92.96
52 Drexel University 194.81 38.92 73.21 92.16
53 Oklahoma State U, Stillwater 84.26 80.41 113.32 90.69
54 Bowling Green State University 69.46 90.64 111.21 88.27
55 Temple University 216.54 33.31 56.31 88.09
56 University of Washington, Seattle 118.37 99.23 68.98 88.03
57 University of California, Davis 90.52 113.24 71.10 84.49
58 San Diego State University 176.84 61.56 52.09 82.96
59 University of Tennessee 96.20 75.07 96.43 82.35
60 U of Cincinnati, Main Campus 144.93 69.69 62.65 79.77
61 Texas A&M University 70.97 119.06 71.10 78.87
62 University of Iowa 72.43 114.62 71.10 77.09
63 Ohio State University, Main Campus 128.05 65.56 73.21 76.65
64 Southern Illinois University 28.34 134.80 83.76 76.37
65 University of Kansas 65.95 114.80 71.10 74.27
66 University of Oregon 116.40 83.78 60.54 73.27
67 University of Alabama 71.37 105.51 73.21 72.97
68 Virginia Commonwealth University 157.57 34.70 71.10 71.71
69 University of Colorado Boulder 84.91 83.43 77.43 69.69
70 University of Memphis 63.79 134.88 45.76 68.09
71 Rutgers–Newark 193.58 37.36 37.31 67.80
72 Kansas State University 71.47 96.94 71.10 66.97
73 University of California, Riverside 73.78 79.83 83.76 66.75
74 University of Wyoming 78.16 94.71 66.87 66.07
75 Idaho State University 70.28 63.41 98.54 65.63
76 University of Minnesota, Twin Cities 113.66 61.54 66.87 63.91
172 A. Hajrasouliha / Landscape and Urban Planning 158 (2017) 166–176

Table 3 (Continued)

Rank University Name Urban Score Green Score Living Score Campus Score (Composite score)

77 Auburn University, Main Campus 57.96 111.08 62.65 63.22

78 Colorado State University 79.57 82.53 71.10 62.73
79 Brigham Young University 107.16 74.08 58.43 62.45
80 Northern Arizona University 73.85 67.77 85.88 61.52
81 Cleveland State University 197.32 22.00 37.31 61.07
82 Louisiana State University 53.22 101.11 71.10 61.03
83 University of North Dakota 74.56 77.17 75.32 60.24
84 University of Illinois at Chicago 158.17 25.50 54.20 56.14
85 University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee 122.07 53.82 52.09 54.02
86 University of Alaska Fairbanks 43.55 90.79 75.32 53.72
87 Oregon State University 71.76 83.72 58.43 51.76
88 University of Louisville 100.04 40.56 75.32 51.68
89 Utah State University 76.44 90.88 45.76 49.69
90 University of Akron, Main Campus 135.60 36.27 47.87 47.81
91 Arizona State University, Tempe 103.29 37.79 66.87 46.22
92 University of Utah 72.93 83.16 45.76 43.88
93 University of North Texas 63.61 74.08 58.43 42.81
94 University of Missouri, Kansas 120.36 51.25 35.20 41.04
95 University of Missouri, St. Louis 67.64 91.95 37.31 40.91
96 Indiana University, Purdue U 114.46 48.00 39.42 39.30
97 University of Houston 110.98 29.67 56.31 38.49
98 New Mexico State U, Main Campus 53.13 68.82 56.31 33.85
99 Wayne State University 130.37 9.73 39.42 25.51
100 University of Texas at San Antonio 32.94 101.29 28.87 24.98
101 University of Texas at Arlington 78.95 41.56 41.53 21.11
102 University of Colorado Denver 118.89 22.05 28.87 20.33
103 University of Nevada, Las Vegas 121.34 17.87 28.87 19.15

pus Score and 6-year graduation rate. Campus Score has a skewed natural log-transformed Campus Score was 8.989, and standard-
distribution; therefore, natural log transformation was conducted ized coefficient was 0.271. This means that a 1% increase in Campus
on Campus Score before exploring its predictive power. Score is related to an increased 6-year graduation rate of 0.0899.
The first linear regression model had an adjusted R2 of 0.802, No multicollinearity or outlier impact has been detected in these
and all coefficient estimates were significant at 0.05 or beyond. models.
The unstandardized coefficient of Campus Score was 6.893, and the
standardized coefficient was 0.414. This means that a 1% increase
in Campus Score is related to an increased freshman retention rate 3.2. The relationship of campus score with the external factors:
of 0.0689. The second model had an adjusted R2 of 0.917, and all age, urbanization of setting, climate, region, and academic ranking
coefficient estimates were significant at 0.001. The unstandardized
coefficient of the freshman retention rate was 1.483, and standard- Fifteen external factors such as university resources, affordabil-
ized coefficient was 0.745. The unstandardized coefficient of the ity, safety, and campus size are considered in modeling Campus
Score (see Table 2). Only four present statistically significant asso-

Fig. 3. Distribution of the selected campuses.

A. Hajrasouliha / Landscape and Urban Planning 158 (2017) 166–176 173

Fig. 4. Left: Scatter plot. X: Campus Score, Y: Freshman Retention Rate. R2 = 0.530; Scatter plot. X: Campus Score, Y: 6-Year Graduation Rate. R2 = 0.663.

Table 4
The relationship of Campus Score and the age of campus and the urbanization of setting. Gray cell indicates that the mean of a given group is significantly higher than other

Frequency Mean of Urban Score Mean of Green Score Mean of Living Score Mean of Campus Score

Age of campus
Pre Civil War 40 103.78 119.36 122.77 126.87
1800s, Post Civil War 35 94.10 91.4089 90.64 86.65
1900s, Pre WWII 14 103.72 83.6265 80.74 80.39
Post WWII 14 100.20 82.5194 77.58 76.18
Total 103 100 100 100 100

City Large 34 138.92 66.78 86.99 91.04
City Midsize 16 102.62 89.24 95.37 92.33
City Small 25 79.65 113.25 92.97 93.59
Suburb Large 13 82.70 137.85 142.23 139.94
Suburb Midsize and Small 8 52.85 145.68 107.51 108.57
Town and Rural 7 63.57 116.06 111.81 99.92
Total 103 100 100 100 100

ciations with student retention and graduation rates (see Fig. 2).
However, ANOVA test and Post-hoc analysis show that pre-Civil
War campuses have a statistically higher mean Campus Score com-
pared to newer campuses (see Table 4). Comparing the means of
Urban, Green, and Living Scores reveals that the difference between
historic campuses (pre Civil War) and newer campuses is mainly
due to their high Living Score. Commuter campuses became more
prevalent in the twentieth century, quite possibly explaining the
lower Living Score of the newer campuses.
Although campuses in large suburbs generally have a higher
Campus Score, there is no statistically significant difference in Cam-
pus Score for different urbanization settings. However, as expected,
campuses in large cities have a significantly higher Urban Score,
and suburban campuses have significantly higher Green and Living
Climate is an interesting external factor. When investigating its
impact on Campus Score the first question that comes to mind is
whether it makes sense to compare the greenness of a campus in
the northeast region with, for example, a desert campus in Arizona Fig. 5. Means of Campus Score for each census region and university type.
or Nevada. Is a different degree of greenness required for optimum
satisfaction in various climates? Perhaps. Nevertheless, although
many studies have found associations between mental and physi- Interestingly, a closer look at these four campuses shows that their
cal health and greenness, there is no study to test these associations Green Scores are low, but they are not necessarily the l“east green
across different climates. However, from this sample of 103 cam- campuses. Except for one case, their overall Campus Score ranking
puses only four are in a desert or semi-arid climate (Table 5). The is lower than their Green Score ranking.
sample size of desert campuses is thus too small to test any mod- The distribution of campuses with higher scores is not geo-
ification in the definition of greenness or weighting by climate. graphically consistent. The one-way ANOVA test of means and
Post-hoc analysis reveal large and significant differences between
174 A. Hajrasouliha / Landscape and Urban Planning 158 (2017) 166–176

Fig. 6. a: Scatter Plot of Campus Score Ranking and Shanghai Ranking, R2 = 0.125; b: Scatter Plot of Campus Score Ranking and Freshman Retention Rate, R2 = 0.539; c: Scatter
Plot of Shanghai Ranking and Freshman Retention Rate, R2 = 0.464; d: Scatter Plot of Campus Score Ranking and Graduation Rate, R2 = 0.661; e: Scatter Plot of Shanghai
Ranking and Graduation Rate, R2 = 0.427.

Table 5
Campuses in desert and semi-arid climate, their Green Score, and Campus Score.

Campuses in desert and semi-arid climate Rank of Green Score Green Score Rank of Campus Score Campus Score

New Mexico State University 77 68.82 98 33.85

Northern Arizona University 78 67.77 80 61.52
Arizona State University, Tempe 92 37.79 91 46.22
University of Nevada, Las Vegas 102 17.87 103 19.15

the means of Northeast campuses and campuses in the other three Research I universities (112.32) and Research II Universities (86.41)
census regions. The mean Campus Score for Northeast universities and between Campus Score for private universities (161.68) for
is 149.03, while only 85.65 for the Midwest and 91.16 for the West. public universities (80.23). Fig. 5 shows the means plot of Cam-
The lowest mean Campus Score is 75.91 for Southern universities. pus Scores stratified by type and region. The highest mean belongs
The high mean score for the Northeast may driven by the built envi- to Northeast Research I universities with 163.02, and the lowest
ronment that is in general more urbanized, the universities that mean belongs to South Research II with 62.79.
are the most historic and well-established in the country and their The relationship of Campus Score with a well-known university
long tradition of on-campus housing. Significant difference was also quality index, Academic Ranking of World Universities, also known
found using a one-way ANOVA between the mean Campus Score for as the Shanghai Ranking (as a proxy for academic and research
A. Hajrasouliha / Landscape and Urban Planning 158 (2017) 166–176 175

Fig. 7. standardized values of morphological dimensions of University of Utah’s Campus based on the total samples (left) and just Research I universities in the West region

performance) was also investigated. The Shanghai Ranking is con- phological dimensions of the University of Utah’s campus based
ducted by researchers at the Center for World-Class Universities on the total sample (left) and Research I universities in the West
of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (CWCU). This index considers region (right). Positive values are above the mean and negative val-
Nobel prizes, Fields medalists, highly cited researchers, and papers ues are below the mean. Fig. 7 shows that the biggest strength of
published in Nature or Science. Out of the 103 universities in the University of Utah’s campus is ‘high percentage of land covered
this sample, 73 were ranked among the top 500 universities in by tree canopy,’ and its biggest weaknesses are qualities such as
the world. Bivariate correlation was conducted between Shanghai “high percentage of land covered by surface parking areas,” “low
Ranking and the ranking based on Campus Score. This resulted in campus mass density,” and “low percentage of students living on
a correlation coefficient of 0.35, significant at the 0.01 level. Yet, campus.” Recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of a campus
as Fig. 6 reveals, rankings based on Campus Score have a stronger can also help physical planners to identify the main opportunities
association with freshman retention rate and graduation rate than and threats. Such quantitative metrics provide a helpful starting
the Shanghai Ranking. The relationship of other commercial rank- point for campus design assessments, but they are less reliable as
ings such as that of U.S. News and World Report with retention and measures of what is needed in the future. Qualitative data gathered
graduation rates is not relevant to this study, since retention and through individual and group interviews would constitute a com-
graduation rates are the main indicators of their rankings. plementary analysis to establish a clear picture of user needs and
identify critical campus projects for optimal efficiency.
4. Discussion: the application of campus score for campus
planners 5. Conclusions

Exploring the relationships between Campus Score and desired The biggest limitation of this research is data availability.
outcomes, such as student satisfaction, safety, and campus sustain- Although data on institutional characteristics are diverse and rela-
ability, can give campus planners fresh insight into the possible tively accessible, very little information on the built environment
impacts of campus form. In addition, quantifying dimensions of characteristics of university campuses is available. Information
campus form can inform campus planners about the norms of cam- such as building height and architectural quality of campus build-
pus design for different university types in different census regions. ings is not publicly available and therefore not included in this
For example, the percentage of surface parking areas or the per- research. Moreover, the administrative policies of universities can
centage of pervious surfaces of one campus can be compared to the have a critical impact on the achievement of different institutional
mean value of these variables for similar institutions. However, first objectives. Proxies such as “type of institution” or “enrollment
and foremost, Campus Score can inform campus planners about profile” cannot fully represent the complexity of administrative
how their campus compares to peers. For example, the University policies in addressing institutional missions.
of Utah’s ranking is 93 out of 103 campuses. By looking at its three Universities in the Northeast census region have significantly
scores on Urban, Green, and Living, it becomes clear why the Uni- higher mean scores than universities in other census regions, but
versity of Utah has such a low rank: its Urban Score is 73, its Green this may not be because of the eminence of their institutions; it
Score is 83, and its Living Score is 46. As a reminder, note that the may be related to the type of urbanism in that region and, most
mean value of scores for all samples is 100. Although all three scores importantly, the age of the campuses. Most campuses in that region
are below average, the Living Score is considerably low. In addition, were almost fully developed before the mid-20th century when the
note that the three scores are computed from 10 campus-form vari- mode of campus planning was to follow certain established formal
ables (see Table 1). Therefore, for more detailed analysis, one can typologies rather than be dominated by auto-oriented develop-
compare the value of these 10 variables for the University of Utah to ment patterns and star architects. However, not all universities in
the mean of all samples. Fig. 7 shows standardized values of mor- the northeast region have high Campus Scores. For example, the
176 A. Hajrasouliha / Landscape and Urban Planning 158 (2017) 166–176

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