TRM SW2 Mid-Term Test

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Mid-Term Test

Name ( / 70)

Grammar and Vocabulary

1 Circle the best option. ( /10 pts)

1. This sweater is larger than 7. I go to the gym. It

the ones I usually buy. depends on my mood.
a. large a. never
b. larger b. sometimes
c. the largest. c. always
2. You throw rubbish 8. Yes, we saw her this morning
on the floor. the bus.
a. are a. in
b. must b. on
c. musn’t c. at
3. What is place to eat 9. Sorry, I can’t talk right now. I am
in New York? a restaurant.
a. expensive a. eating at
b. the more expensive b. eat on
c. the most expensive c. eating of
4. Calculus is than algebra. 10. Hi everyone, I am London!
a. more difficult a. in
b. difficult b. on

Stopwatch 2 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2018 Photocopiable

c. the most difficult c. at
5. You can buy something 11. We have got fertiliser for
online. Websites never close! the garden.
a. sometimes a. a few
b. often b. a lot
c. always c. a little
6. She comes to the games.
She only misses on holidays.
a. usually
b. sometimes
c. never

2 Mid-Term Test 1
2 Match the sentences with the pictures. ( /10 pts)
1. The Stewart family is on a plane 7. I am studying at my music school.
to Europe. a 8. This is heavier than the other box.
2. We are at my favourite bookstore. 9. This is the best trip of my life.
3. Lindsey is a firefighter. 10. There are a few bottles of water
4. You usually keep your room clean. if you want one.
5. Dan sometimes cleans his room. 11. Here, have some salami.
6. I study at a music school.

a h

b i

Stopwatch 2 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2018 Photocopiable

c j

d k

2 Mid-Term Test 2
3 Use the prompts to write sentences. ( /10 pts)
1. Bilbo / have / breakfast
has breakfast every day.
2. she / always wear / that hat to the game

3. they / want / onion / in their soup?

4. Jonathan / not live / in a hotel

5. Adrian / sing / on TV / right now?

6. we / come / to your house on Saturday

7. Look! Ms Davis / no laugh / at that joke

8. Kylie / be / a better engineer / Donald

9. where / be / all the limes?

10. there / not be / vegetables / any

11. how many bananas / be / there?

Stopwatch 2 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2018 Photocopiable

4 Correct the errors. ( /10 pts)

1. I love working on the beauty salon. I love working at the beauty salon.
2. What is the more surprising story?
3. Is working Leroy at the train station?
4. I have got a few of oranges for you.
5. There is not enough pencils in this class.
6. The museum is most modern building in the city.
7. Ted is usually going out with friends on Fridays.
8. They like sometimes listening to jazz.
9. There are earthworms for the plants?
10. I can’t hear you. I am at a taxi.
11. There are sugars in here.
2 Mid-Term Test 3
Listening and Reading
1 Listen and match. ( /5 pts)
1. Many laws … a a. … keep us safe from danger.
2. Canada: b. Don’t wrestle bears.
3. England: c. Don’t use too many coins to buy something.
4. United States: d. Don’t kiss in public.
5. United Arab Emirates: e. Don’t cheat on your test.
6. India: f. Don’t die in the Houses of Parliament.

2 Read and write T (True) or F (False). ( /5 pts)

C ars are some of the biggest causes of

pollution on the planet. That’s why a lot
of companies are looking into alternatives to
traditional gasoline and oil. Here are some of
these technologies in development.
Algae, a group of simple plants that grow
in water, can provide energy to power cars.
Burning the algae releases pollution like gas,
but growing the algae takes the pollution out
of the environment.
Hydrogen, the lightest chemical element,
is a possible source of energy. It leaves no
pollution when burned, and provides a lot of
power for vehicles like space rockets. Right

Stopwatch 2 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2018 Photocopiable

now, it is difficult to make in large quantities.
Electric cars that use batteries to store and
recharge their power are becoming more
popular. There are already many on the
roads. Of course, the pollution created
by these cars depends on the technology
used to charge them. If they recharge using
solar technology, they will be clean vehicles,
for example.

1. Pollution is a big reason to find alternatives to gasoline and oil. T

2. Algae is a plant we can use to power cars.
3. Hydrogen is a possible alternative, but it also causes pollution.
4. Hydrogen is difficult to make.
5. Electric cars create their own energy.
6. Electric cars are definitely clean vehicles.

2 Mid-Term Test 4
Speaking and Writing

1 Work with a partner. Talk about two things people have to do to help ( /10 pts)
protect the planet. Say what you are doing to protect it.

2 Choose one of the pictures below. Answer the questions and

write about the animal you have chosen. ( /10 pts)

Stopwatch 2 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2018 Photocopiable

• What animal is it?
• What does it look like?
• Where does it live?
• Is it an endangered species?
• Is it a popular pet?

2 Mid-Term Test 5

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