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How digital twins can

make smart cities better

Real-time simulations can create a bridge between

physical and virtual worlds
1 What is a digital twin?

Harnessing the power of data and real-time simulation to build insight-driven public

Table of
sector organisations

3 Using the Digital Twin Model to construct a fit-for-purpose replica

4 Visualisation technologies… and the metaverse

5 Digital twins underpin Smart City development - but need to be used wisely

6 The way forward

Digital twins are part of Gartner’s top 12 strategic technology trends for 20221 and have been
recognised by public organisations as an effective tool for city planning and management.
This paper presents our views on the benefits of digital twins for this purpose, focusing on
the opportunities in the Middle East, a model for developing a fit-for-purpose digital twin, and
common requirements for implementing the technology.

What is
a digital
A digital twin, in its simplest sense, is a linked virtual model of a physical object. By connecting
the real-time data of the physical object or process into its digital representation – programmed
with mathematical models, AI and pattern recognition to faithfully recreate its sibling – the digital
twin comes to life.

The living replica, constantly updated with In the context of a smart city, a digital twin These technologies enable static, historical
data from its physical twin, enables a user continuously collects information from the and real-time data to be processed and
to analyse data, monitor systems and run built environment via technologies such synthesised almost immediately to provide
simulations exactly as if they were working as sensors, drones and mobile devices to valuable insights about the performance
with the physical asset. The approach has present an up-to-the-second picture. An of the city. In this way, a digital twin can be
roots in manufacturing, providing the ability urban digital twin will be receiving data considered to be a “strategy accelerator”
to test a new asset such as a jet engine from sources including vehicles, buildings, that enables public sector organisations
virtually, without the risk involved in failure infrastructure and individuals. This is further to identify insights and connections more
during a test of the physical asset. Today enhanced with data captured by smart city effectively, and drives better solutions with
it has a wide range of applications. These devices and the Internet of Things (IoT) and more confidence. Cities including Singapore
include testing new designs for equipment additionally augmented by the use of artificial Sydney and Amaravati, a greenfield city in
or spaces; conducting diagnostics on intelligence (AI) and advanced analytics. India, are already using digital twins to enab
organisational health; issuing digital twin smart development.
IDs to citizens and residents for public
access; and enabling more effective city

At PwC, we’ve been looking at ways that digital twins can be used to help investors, planners and other key smart city stakeholders make dat
informed decisions.
Harnessing the power of data and real-time
simulation to build insight-driven public
sector organisations
As cities around the world experience We believe that digital twin technology will For instance, simulating the risks created
extraordinary growth and increasingly have a vital role to play in managing this by high temperatures or dust storms in
complex urban challenges, municipal next phase of urban development in a safe, a city can ensure that designs for the
authorities are encountering greater pressure efficient, environmentally conscious and built environment are more resilient and
for more efficient resource allocation and cost-effective way. sustainable. In addition, identifying and
effective city management. This is particularly preventively maintaining physical assets or
true in our region, where cities are expanding, city networks can minimise downtime as a
redeveloping and witnessing new mega Real benefits result of any operational issues.
projects. Digital twins can optimise planning,
operations, finance and emissions-reduction In the Middle East, whole cities are in
There is growing recognition amongst public decision-making in large, complex building development and new neighbourhoods
sector organisations in cities around the projects and assets in new and unique are being constructed. Dubai’s 2040
world of the value of leveraging real-time ways. Users can benefit from substantial Urban Master Plan will see five new urban
digital data for monitoring the performance cost savings, productivity gains and carbon areas developed in the city over the next
of existing services, improving city planning emission reductions city-wide. two decades, with space for hotels and
and optimising decision-making. By feeding tourism increasing by 134% and health and
different sources of dynamic data to a From a city management perspective, a education space growing by 25%. In total,
digital twin, there is potential to test ideas digital twin of a building, a neighbourhood the city expects to add 2.5 million people b
or simulate what-if scenarios for facilities, or even an entire city can greatly assist in 2040. Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 programm
processes and city landscapes before any urban planning as well as the operation and will see the Kingdom build and develop
real-world implementation - even before maintenance of physical assets. major cities: Neom aims to be the world’s
cities are built or developed. most technologically advanced city, and on
of the most sustainable; Al Ula, one of the
world’s oldest cities, is being re-thought as This is where digital twin technology can
a cultural and outdoor hub; Amaala will be a help. It can give investors better information
tourist destination, and Prince Mohammed to assess the risks and opportunities of
Bin Salman Nonprofit City will include homes such large-scale projects. It can also serve
as well as business premises and spaces for as an effective engagement tool to facilitate
socialising. discussion among different sectors of society
including the general public, private sector,
Planning ahead civil society and policymakers.

Planning for this kind of rapid growth across The ability to simulate scenarios and
our region is complicated. Unlike historical translate data into meaningful insights
patterns of urban growth where streets through a virtual representation of the real
are gradually added and cities evolve over world brings issues to life for those who have These ideas were
time, new cities need to get it right straight
away. Facilities for residents, such as
a stake in the city. In this way, a digital twin
can not only enable better policymaking and
discussed during the
public transport stops and wireless network service improvements, but also present an Business Breakfast
antennas, need to work perfectly. Retailers opportunity for public sector organisations
want assurance that their outlets will be in to demonstrate more responsive and agile session on digital twin
the best places to attract passing customers
and receive stock deliveries with ease.
governance that can ultimately maximise
impact and value to communities.
and their large-scale
use in city planning,
and where they fit
within the realm of the
Listen here: How digital twins can
be used in city planning
Using the
digital twin The UAE and KSA aren’t the only countries The following chart shows how digital twin

model to tackling the challenges of massive

expansion of cities. By 2050, around 2.5
billion more people could be living in urban
solutions can play their part with various
levels of maturity and adoption: from
descriptive analysis through predictive

construct areas worldwide2 and these cities need to

work. That means planning the necessary
modelling, followed by scenario planning
and simulations, all the way to operational
construction, as well as the services, excellence.
a fit-for- infrastructure and transport, and allowing for
any socio-economic impacts.


Digital twin solutions go through various levels of maturity & adoption
Descriptive Predictive Scenario Planning Operational
Analysis Modelling & Simulations Excellence

Visualize the city in 3D Model, predict and forecast Run multiple what-if Improve operations by
and its changes over time underlying activities in scenarios and simulations making the organization
such as new assets, roads sectors, such as real estate, by pulling levers of change proactive through live
& bridges, movement of transport, sustainability & and its effects on the city command centres and AI
people, demographic & socio-economic sectors powered recommendations
economic changes backed by real-time data

• 3D model of all assets • Understand the relation • Model infrastructures • Live command centre and
between changes to accommodate for dashboard powered by AI
• Street view and building in demographics, changes in the city
facade immigration, etc • Real-time social listening
Use Cases • Simulate economic & impact on real estate
• Socio-economic • Real estate, transport
activity & demographic and asset management
information sector and public assets
demand predictive changes
• Demographic details analysis
Visualisation technologies…
and the metaverse
Development of digital twins needs to This model can be further overlaid with
consider the dynamic and static aspects visualisation technologies such as augmented
of the data they rely on, and the need for reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and mixed
2D and 3D representations of situations reality (MR), to introduce additional
and environments. In particular, the 2D/3D information about the landscape or building,
dimensional data representation could be or show potential future scenarios. This
further differentiated between “on the ground” continuum of immersive technologies is
vs “below ground” applications and “indoor” housed under the umbrella term, extended
vs “outdoor” applications. For instance, the reality (XR).
on the ground application would involve data
captured on building façades for buildings’
management purposes and can be utilised
by investors and external users. The below
ground application meanwhile, allows the
tracking and maintenance of facilities such as
pipe networks by urban planners, engineers
and others.
Collaborative VR environments enable people to come together and interact, even Welcome to the metaverse
when they are remote.
The metaverse may profoundly change
VR also enables multiple users to MR merges real and virtual worlds how businesses and consumers interact
experience the same content but as a to produce new environments and with products, services and each other.
customised experience depending upon visualisations, where physical and digital It promises a stunningly realistic 3D
each user’s choices. objects co-exist and interact in real-time. digital world where you can, for example
buy and sell goods and services, sign
and enforce contracts, and interact with
customers and communities. As some
technology visionaries imagine it, this
metaverse won’t primarily run on platform
whose owners control data, governance
and transactions. Instead, customers
and businesses will be able to take their
identities, currencies, experiences and
assets anywhere they wish. Also, unlike
today’s web experiences, much of this
digital world will persist even when no on
is in it.

Such technology has the potential to tak

digital twin modelling to another level of
immersion, experience and capabilities.
While VR allows people to visualise 3D XR technology can benefit all industries
virtual environments, AR takes computer- by creating more efficient processes,
generated images and overlays them on a enhancing training and offering ways
real world view. for people to collaborate in a virtual
environment. It enables design teams
to explore, test and evaluate different
concepts without investing in physical
prototypes. This can help organisations
bring higher-quality products to market
Digital twin and Metaverse:

Digital Twin Metaverse

A virtual
representation of the
real-world assets

Immersive 3D visualization in a VR/AR immersive interactions &

web browser interface

Experiential transactions
Analytics & Actionable Insights
and community

Powered by crypto, 5G, AI, and edg

Simulation & Cognitive capabilities

User activity 3D model Building GIS Data

& data models
Digital twins Vision Data

underpin • Establishing a clear vision and KPIs: the

implementation of digital twins can be a
• Data quality and sufficiency: historical
data may be duplicative or lack the detail
resource-intensive exercise involving a wide and accuracy needed for use with the
smart city range of stakeholders. It’s vital to have a
common understanding of the vision of
desired digital twin model and technologic
solutions such as AI.

such an implementation and an agreed set
of performance indicators. • Willingness to share data: stakeholders
may be reluctant to share data with other

- but need
• Coordinating implementation: having parties, especially sensitive or personal
a clear vision is just the start; delivery is data. A robust accountability framework
even harder. Such complex projects involve (discussed below) is required to encourage

to be used an overload of decisions and multiple

stakeholders. Cities need an effective
mechanism to prioritise use cases by
data sharing, while offering sufficient
protection to those parties doing so.

wisely impact, and then to coordinate and govern

the approach to digital twin implementation.
• Data standards: a lack of consistent data
standards and rules for collecting data can
make it hard for different units to share
• Building trust: key public and private data. It’s important to create synergies
While the application of digital twins is stakeholders must work together to create through collaboration and maximise the
promising, it comes with a whole set of trust in the ecosystem of technology, data value of data.
requirements that both public and private and processes, talent and security that
organisations need to address when provide the building blocks for digital twins. • Updated information: for accurate
developing and executing any strategy. decision-making, it is necessary to have
Some common challenges to consider a systematic updating mechanism to
are: constantly update static objects and scan
new objects to ensure the accuracy of
digital twins in real-world representations.

The above challenges also depend upon the specific use case. For a new build development,
challenges are more centred around simulation.
Talent Accountability, Security and Technology
• War for talent: while technologies such as • Information security and privacy: the • Technology platforms: different units may
AI can do more with less manpower, more entire data lifecycle from capture to have diverse legacy systems or software
specialised professionals such as data enrichment, maintenance, usage, archiving with limited functionality for exchanging
scientists or engineers and architects will and purging, must be secured against and/or sharing data, resulting in challenge
be needed to make sense of the abundant malicious actors and violations of privacy in rapidly identifying useful information fro
information. These key skills will be in rights. the data, integrating different data sets su
increasingly high demand. as geo-information systems, and building
• Accountability: the design and execution information management. To maximise
of digital twin applications relies on an benefits, several technology platforms mu
accountability framework around open data coexist, including AI, predictive analytics,
licensing, evolving regulations about privacy sentiment analysis, and others.
and cybersecurity, conditions of use and
liability of parties, as well as IP rights. • Sensor deployment: retrofitting existing
infrastructure and networks with sensors
– so-called brownfield deployment – migh
present more challenges than greenfield
deployment in ensuring the integration of
sensor devices and networks.

It’s important to note that digital twin technology doesn’t have to be applied to a whole city; it could simulate a planned building, for example,
showing how people will move around it. This would help planners determine the ideal locations for elevators, washrooms, and other amenitie
Could digital twin technology help smart cities
realise their original environmental goal?
The concept of smart cities was initially The emergence of various technologies
developed partly in response to a heightened including loT, Al and big data made it
awareness of environmental issues including possible to collect, analyse and utilise
global warming. The goal was to achieve various forms of data that had previously
citywide energy efficiency by using a been overlooked. Now digital twin technology
mechanism called a smart grid to optimise could help officials cut the costs and
the management of energy supply and carbon emissions of new construction and
demand. The concept then expanded to avoid costly modifications after a project is
include the utilisation of resident data not completed. It could also enable cities to test
only for energy but also in the areas of public the effectiveness of various measures against
services, healthcare, mobility and agriculture. rising sea levels and urban heat as officials
seek to mitigate the impact of climate
The way While digital twin technology promises vast benefits to both the public and private sectors, it
also poses implementation challenges that require prudent planning and deliberation before
the benefits can be realised. When considering digital twins for smart city implementation, we

recommend the following five key considerations:
Set a clear vision and KPIs Establish data governance and Leverage the broader digital
Stakeholders must establish a common regulation technology landscape
understanding of the expected outcomes It is vital to set up a data-rich environment The development of smart cities – enabled,
associated with the implementation of with high security and privacy, and policy powered and integrated by digital
digital twins (having due regard to resource and standards, with clear guidelines on how technologies including IoT and mixed reality
constraints) and develop an appropriate set data is collected, exchanged, distributed is set to be one of the crowning achievemen
of KPIs reflecting the benefits of digital twins. and disseminated and how the information of societies worldwide in the 21st century.
This will help to reduce the risk of projects is used. Creating trusted and regulated Today, the world’s cities are in the midst of
requiring unexpected large-scale investments. processes is key to developing a robust data extraordinary growth and we’re only just
environment, which drives the use of data and beginning to explore the possibilities of usin
Stock-take on existing digital twins digital twins. digital twins for projects that have yet to be
and data built.
Tailored implementation
Being able to synchronise and integrate
existing data, which may be presented in is no “one-size-fits-all” approach for digital
different formats and housed in different twin development. The local context drives
systems with levels of granularity, is key to the digital twin models (and mix) and
building a successful model that accurately implementation schedule. This highlights
reflects historical and current information the need for each city to cater to local
for future scenario-planning. A stocktaking circumstances. For instance, with a wide
exercise of data and any digital twins already spectrum of possibilities but limited
in use would be beneficial in understanding resources, governments need to prioritise and
the current adoption landscape and data map out an implementation plan for turning
available to support future implementation. greenfield sites into smart developments with
well-integrated infrastructures and seamless
device connectivity, or converting existing
sites to enable digital twin applications.
Arise, the smart region
We believe digital twin technology will have In the Middle East, digital twins could be It’s clear that our future could be much
a vital role to play in managing the next important forms of soft infrastructure that help better envisaged with digital twins. As our
phase of urban development in a safe, transform the area into a truly smart region. region’s cities continue to grow and expand
efficient, cost-effective and more sustainable However, achieving this requires large-scale leveraging digital twin technology will allow
way. Digital twins also have the potential to data sharing and the harmonising of different planning in ways not previously possible.
address urban challenges such as climate legal, data, privacy and regulatory policies Simulations will help to make execution
change and cross border movement of through collaboration. Governments should precise, efficient and accurate. We will be
people and goods. consider and focus on key priorities such as able to push the boundaries of design and
assessing use cases that digital twins could imagination by envisaging projects through
support; stock-taking data that is of the their digital twins, and ultimately build them
required quality to support the application the most cost-efficient and timely manner.
of digital twins; determining the digital twin
model that should be adopted; and ensuring
an appropriate governance structure exists
for digital twins in the region.
At PwC we are using VR for digital twin visualisations. We can create and replicate whole cities digitally and experience them in VR.
We recently created a rapid prototype of a digital twin of an existing space in KSA to showcase future plans about the area to key
stakeholders. Get in touch with us to learn how this capability can benefit your organisation.

Authors: Contributor:

Kaveh Vessali Hazem Galal Dr. Scott Nowson Cybele Chakhtoura

Partner, Partner, Director, Manager,
Digital, Data, and Cognitive Global Cities and Local Artificial Intelligence Leader Artificial Intelligence
Services Leader at PwC Government Leader at PwC at PwC
(Adapted from original PwC China thought leadership and contextualised for the Middle East region)

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Established in the Middle East for 40 years, PwC has 22 offices across 12 countries in the region with around 7,000 people. (

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