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What does your bedroom reveal about your personality?

Look at the words in the table. Make sure you understand meanings of the words. Check it on .

Dreamy Introverted

Lazy Creative

Hard-working Easy-going

Ambitious Independent

Determined Organized

Confident Resourceful

Sociable Cheerful

Trustworthy Broadminded

Narrow-minded Curious

Look at the pictures and try to descried owners of these bedrooms. Try to tell how this person looks like,
what they do for a living.
Pre-watching stage
1. Match the words with their definitions

if someone scatters a lot of things, or if they scatter, they are

Accurate thrown or dropped over a wide area in an irregular way To
to show or be a sign of a particular situation or feeling To
To reflect
very strong or bright colors so that you notice them Bold
To boost knowing a lot about modern technology and how to use it
to move very quickly, especially because you need to be
To rush
somewhere very soon To rush
Fancy correct and true in every detail Accurate
someone who does not say what they are thinking or feeling
having a lot of decoration or bright colors, or made in a
To scatter
complicated way Fancy
to increase or improve something and make it more
successful To boost
Bold colors a quick look at someone Glimpse

2. Use the words in the gaps

Accurate Glimpse To rush Clam Tech-savvy

To reflect To boost Fancy To scatter Bold colors

1. The brochure tries to give a fair and Fancy description of each hotel.
2. They caught a glimpse of a dark green car.
3. The culture of a nation is always reflected in its language.
4. He was rushed out of his office in order to go to a meeting.
5. The win boosted the team’s confidence.
6. I still don’t know who this guy is. It’s the third time I’ve seen him and I can say for sure he is a real
clam .
7. I just want a basic sports coat – nothing bold colors .
8. You can’t surprise tech-savvy teenagers with a phone of such an old model.
9. The flowers fell and scattered on the ground.
10. Stripes are accurate , bright, and fun to wear.

While-watching stage
Watch the video and answer the questions:

1. What is cleanliness associated with?

Cleaness associated with people who don’t like mess in their flat and their life. Its organized and responsible

2. What colors do extroverts and introverts prefer?

Extroverts prefer bold colors. Introverts prefer calm colors.

3. What does scattering clothes say about you?

It can say about level of organization, but maybe somebody prefers creative mess?

Watch the video one more time and fill in the gaps:
What does your bedroom reveal about your personality?

Do you think bedroom has nothing to do with your personality? If you think so, you should know that
bedroom can be accurate representation of you. It reflects your personality because it is
something that is close to you when you need it. When you are tired, you fall a sleep in
your bedroom, and it recovers you. That is why the treatment you do to the bedroom actually gives a
glimpse of reflection on how your personality is. There are some personality types that are related to
your bedroom. Here are some of them .

#1 – Happiness level

There is a research indicating that happiness level can be seen through the bedroom.
People who make their bed are happier than those who are not. The reason is that they
move their body just like little extra exercise, giving boost energy for the next
activity. Moreover, you should know that making up bed also keeps our environment
clean. Cleanliness is associated with happy life, and it is why making up bed and making it look nice help
you to be a healthier person. The next thing is that people who make their beds also
feel better in their workplace compared to those who don’t. This is because people who make
their beds usually wake up earlier and they have time to not rush to the office.

#2 – Introversion and Extraversion

This one is related to color. If the bedroom comes in extravagantly cheerful colors, it means that the owner
is extrovert . Extroverts really like bright and fancy colors because they
are extremely noticeable. Moreover, extroverts also like to experiment with things including their bedroom.
They don’t want standard bedroom with standart color. That is why they tend to use braver colors
for achieving the look they think the best. Additionally, if the bedroom is painted in calm
colors such as blue , brown , or pinks , the owner is possibly the
introvert. The reason is simply introvert need calming tone for their focused and calm mind .

#3 – Responds

If your bedroom is well-arranged, you actually like to be more organized in your life. That is, you make
plans before doing something. Meanwhile, if your bed is messy , scattered with items on
top of each other, you prefer spontaneous responses instead. There is nothing right or
wrong with this personality. It is just you have different preferences in terms of preparing things.

#4 – Style

It is quite obvious that some people like modern style while some others like classic one.
Both are quite different and they can be identified easily . However, it is worth noting that
people who prefer modern look tend to be tech- savvy , adventurous, and flexible. Meanwhile, those
who like classic style tend to maintain work and family balance. They, however, prefer sacrificing
for the family instead of professionalism.

#5 – Attention

If you are attention-seeker, you tend to use bold colors. They are striking colors with high saturated
and colorful impression. This bedroom thing also indicates that you are outgoing and
chatty. Meanwhile, if you prefer minimalist approach, from color tone and decoration , you are
actually more open-minded and direct.

So, do you think that your bedroom actually reveal your personality?
Post-watching stage
Describe your personality according to the results of the description given in the video. What kind of person
are you?

My bedroom can say about me, that I introvert which likes an order and im happy because I have time for
make my bed. We have a classic bedroom? But we a tech-savvy, adventurous, and flexiblу. My bedroom
doesn’t have some decoration, I think I am open-minded and direct person. I think people need comfortable
bad for sleeping and wardrobe for their clothes. And everybody can be happy despite mess in his bedroom.
Of course good place gives more chances for harmony and happiness.

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