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Pre-Watching Stage
Think of a way of how to describe music to an alien and complete the sentence:
Music is…
Think of emotions that music can make you feel:


You are going to watch an episode of the documentary by Netflix about music. Before you start,
learn the words related to the episode, and then your watching will be more enjoyable 

While-Watching Stage
Watch the episode and say if these statements are true or false.
1. According to emotions people get from listening to music, it could pertain to having sex,
eating delicious food and using illicit drugs.
2. Most mammals share the sense of beat.
3. Feeling a beat and a tempo is rare.
4. Humans can predict the timing of metronome clicks.
5. Fireflies were the first animals to show an ability to move to the beat of music.
6. All cultures associate major scale with happy feelings and minor scale with sad feelings.
7. Jen’s disease started with her inability to recognize and perceive her native language.
8. Gabby Giffords had to relearn to speak because of a gunshot that damaged the left side of
her brain.
9. Music can help people who suffer from movement disorders.
10. Mozart’s music increases humans’ intelligence.
Watch the episode again and say why the false statements are incorrect.

Post-Watching Stage
Think of one piece of music that you really like. What makes it special for you? Do you remember
when you heard it for the first time? What feelings and emotions did it arise in you? How often do
you listen to it? Do you know much about the author of the song? Write a story about your favorite
piece of music including the answers to the mentioned questions.

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