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Topic: History, Parts and Basic Chords of Guitar

Obejctives Cognitive Psychomotor Affective Cognitive Psychomotor Affective

(Traditional) (Traditional) (Traditional) (Digital) (Digital) (Digital)
Remember List Show proper Recognize Identify key Demonstrate Appreciate
important guitar holding the guitar's events in the how to properly the cultural
events in the technique. cultural history of the hold the guitar significance
history of the importance. guitar on a in a video of the guitar
guitar. power point tutorial. in different
presentation. contexts.
Understand Describe how Follow written Understand Explain the Follow a Acknowledge
guitars have instructions for how guitar evolution of tutorial video the role of
evolved over basic chord components guitar design on basic chord different
time. fingerings. contribute to and fingerings. guitar parts
sound construction in producing
production. through a sound.
Apply Create a Play basic Engage in a Create a Record a video Participate in
timeline of chords conversation video of yourself a group
significant following a about timeline playing basic discussion
events in printed guide. influential illustrating chords. about
guitar history. guitarists. major favorite
milestones in guitarists and
guitar history. their impact.
Analyze Compare and Tune the guitar Reflect on Compare and Use a guitar Reflect on
contrast the using a tuning learning contrast tuning app to personal
different fork. progress and different tune the experiences
types of set achievable types of instrument. Use with learning
guitars. guitar guitars a guitar tuning the guitar and
practice throughout app to tune the set realistic
goals. history using instrument. goals.
a venn
Evaluate Evaluate how Assess your Discuss Assess the Assess your Discuss the
technology own chord personal impact of own emotional
has playing emotional technological performance of connection to
influenced through connections advancements basic chords music and
guitar design. selfassessment. to music and on guitar using a how it
playing. design using recording app. influences
quizzlet. playing.
Create Create a Write a guide Design a Make a Compose a
visual on Write an essay multimedia tutorial video reflective
presentation transitioning reflecting on presentation demonstrating essay on the
on guitar between basic the on the history basic chord importance of
history. chords. significance of the guitar. transitions. music in your
of music, life, using
particularly guitar as an
the guitar, in example.
personal life.

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