Chapter 38 Testbank

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Chapter 43: Assessment of Digestive and C) Your body will absorb slightly fewer

Gastrointestinal Function nutrients from the food you eat, but you wont
be aware of this.
1. A nurse is caring for a patient who is
scheduled for a colonoscopy and whose bowel D) Your large intestine will adapt over time to
preparation will include polyethylene glycol the absence of your appendix.
electrolyte lavage prior to the procedure. The
Feedback: The appendix is an appendage of
presence of what health problem would
the cecum (not the large intestine) that has
contraindicate the use of this form of bowel
little or no physiologic function. Its absence
does not affect digestion or absorption.
A) Inflammatory bowel disease
4. A patient asks the nursing assistant for a
B) Intestinal polyps bedpan. When the patient is finished, the
nursing assistant notifies the nurse that the
C) Diverticulitis
patient has bright red streaking of blood in the
D) Colon cancer stool. What is this most likely a result of?

Feedback: The use of a lavage solution is A) Diet high in red meat

contraindicated in patients with intestinal
B) Upper GI bleed
obstruction or inflammatory bowel disease. It
can safely be used with patients who have C) Hemorrhoids
polyps, colon cancer, or diverticulitis.
D) Use of iron supplements
2. A nurse is promoting increased protein
Feedback: Lower rectal or anal bleeding is
intake to enhance a patients wound healing.
suspected if there is streaking of blood on the
The nurse knows that enzymes are essential in
surface of the stool. Hemorrhoids are often a
the digestion of nutrients such as protein. What
cause of anal bleeding since they occur in the
is the enzyme that initiates the digestion of
rectum. Blood from an upper GI bleed would
be dark rather than frank. Iron supplements
A) Pepsin make the stool dark, but not bloody and red
meat consumption would not cause frank
B) Intrinsic factor
C) Lipase
5. An adult patient is scheduled for an upper GI
D) Amylase series that will use a barium swallow. What
teaching should the nurse include when the
Feedback: The enzyme that initiates the patient has completed the test?
digestion of protein is pepsin. Intrinsic factor
combines with vitamin B12 for absorption by A) Stool will be yellow for the first 24 hours
the ileum. Lipase aids in the digestion of fats postprocedure.
and amylase aids in the digestion of starch.
B) The barium may cause diarrhea for the next
3. A patient has been brought to the 24 hours.
emergency department with abdominal pain
C) Fluids must be increased to facilitate the
and is subsequently diagnosed with
evacuation of the stool.
appendicitis. The patient is scheduled for an
appendectomy but questions the nurse about D) Slight anal bleeding may be noted as the
how his health will be affected by the absence barium is passed.
of an appendix. How should the nurse best
Feedback: Postprocedural patient education
includes information about increasing fluid
A) Your appendix doesnt play a major role, so intake; evaluating bowel movements for
you wont notice any difference after you evacuation of barium; and noting increased
recovery from surgery. number of bowel movements, because barium,
due to its high osmolarity, may draw fluid into
B) The surgeon will encourage you to limit your
the bowel, thus increasing the intraluminal
fat intake for a few weeks after the surgery, but
contents and resulting in greater output. Yellow
your body will then begin to compensate.
stool, diarrhea, and anal bleeding are not
6. A patient has come to the outpatient prone position with two pillows elevating the
radiology department for diagnostic testing. legs do not allow for the best visualization.
Which of the following diagnostic procedures
9. A patient has sought care because of recent
will allow the care team to evaluate and
dark-colored stools. As a result, a fecal occult
remove polyps?
blood test has been ordered. The nurse should
A) Colonoscopy instruct the patient to avoid which of the
following prior to collecting a stool sample?
B) Barium enema
B) Acetaminophen
D) Upper gastrointestinal fibroscopy
C) OTC vitamin D supplements
Feedback: During colonoscopy, tissue biopsies
can be obtained as needed, and polyps can be D) Fiber supplements
removed and evaluated. This is not possible
Feedback: NSAIDs can cause a false-positive
during a barium enema, ERCP, or
fecal occult blood test. Acetaminophen, vitamin
D supplements, and fiber supplements do not
7. A nurse is caring for a patient with recurrent have this effect.
hematemesis who is scheduled for upper
10. The nurse is preparing to perform a
gastrointestinal fibroscopy (UGF). How should
patients abdominal assessment. What
the nurse in the radiology department prepare
examination sequence should the nurse
this patient?
A) Insert a nasogastric tube.
A) Inspection, auscultation, percussion, and
B) Administer a micro Fleet enema at least 3 palpation
hours before the procedure.
B) Inspection, palpation, auscultation, and
C) Have the patient lie in a supine position for percussion
the procedure.
C) Inspection, percussion, palpation, and
D) Apply local anesthetic to the back of the auscultation
patients throat.
D) Inspection, palpation, percussion, and
Feedback: Preparation for UGF includes auscultation
spraying or gargling with a local anesthetic. A
Feedback: When performing a focused
nasogastric tube or a micro Fleet enema is not
assessment of the patients abdomen,
required for this procedure. The patient should
auscultation should always precede percussion
be positioned in a side-lying position in case of
and palpation because they may alter bowel
sounds. The traditional sequence for all other
8. The nurse is providing health education to a focused assessments is inspection, palpation,
patient scheduled for a colonoscopy. The percussion, and auscultation.
nurse should explain that she will be placed in
11. A patient who has been experiencing
what position during this diagnostic test?
changes in his bowel function is scheduled for
A) In a knee-chest position (lithotomy position) a barium enema. What instruction should the
nurse provide for postprocedure recovery?
B) Lying prone with legs drawn toward the
chest A) Remain NPO for 6 hours postprocedure.
C) Lying on the left side with legs drawn toward B) Administer a Fleet enema to cleanse the
the chest bowel of the barium.
D) In a prone position with two pillows C) Increase fluid intake to evacuate the barium.
elevating the buttocks
D) Avoid dairy products for 24 hours
Feedback: For best visualization, colonoscopy postprocedure.
is performed while the patient is lying on the
Feedback: Adequate fluid intake is necessary
left side with the legs drawn up toward the
to rid the GI tract of barium. The patient must
chest. A kneechest position, lying on the
not remain NPO after the test and enemas are
stomach with legs drawn to the chest, and a
not used to cleanse the bowel of barium. There D) Rectal examination
is no need to avoid dairy products.
Feedback: Percussion is used to assess the
12. A nurse is caring for a newly admitted size and density of the abdominal organs and
patient with a suspected GI bleed. The nurse to detect the presence of air-filled, fluid-filled,
assesses the patients stool after a bowel or solid masses. Percussion is used either
movement and notes it to be a tarry-black independently or concurrently with palpation
color. This finding is suggestive of bleeding because it can validate palpation findings.
from what location?
15. A nurse is caring for a patient with biliary
A) Sigmoid colon colic and is aware that the patient may
experience referred abdominal pain. Where
B) Upper GI tract
would the nurse most likely expect this patient
C) Large intestine to experience referred pain?

D) Anus or rectum A) Midline near the umbilicus

Feedback: Blood shed in sufficient quantities in B) Below the right nipple

the upper GI tract will produce a tarry-black
C) Left groin area
color (melena). Blood entering the lower
portion of the GI tract or passing rapidly D) Right lower abdominal quadrant
through it will appear bright or dark red. Lower
Feedback: Patients with referred abdominal
rectal or anal bleeding is suspected if there is
pain associated with biliary colic complain of
streaking of blood on the surface of the stool or
pain below the right nipple. Referred pain
if blood is noted on toilet tissue.
above the left nipple may be associated with
13. A nursing student has auscultated a the heart. Groin pain may be referred pain from
patients abdomen and noted one or two bowel ureteral colic.
sounds in a 2-minute period of time. How
16. An inpatient has returned to the medical
would you tell the student to document the
unit after a barium enema. When assessing the
patients bowel sounds?
patients subsequent bowel patterns and stools,
A) Normal what finding should the nurse report to the
B) Hypoactive
A) Large, wide stools
C) Hyperactive
B) Milky white stools
D) Paralytic ileus
C) Three stools during an 8-hour period of time
Feedback: Documenting bowel sounds is
based on assessment findings. The terms D) Streaks of blood present in the stool
normal (sounds heard about every 5 to 20
Feedback: Barium has a high osmolarity and
seconds), hypoactive (one or two sounds in 2
may draw fluid into the bowel, thus increasing
minutes), hyperactive (5 to 6 sounds heard in
the intraluminal contents and resulting in
less than 30 seconds), or absent (no sounds in
greater output (large stools). The barium will
3 to 5 minutes) are frequently used in
give the stools a milky white appearance, and
documentation. Paralytic ileus is a medical
it is not uncommon for the patient to
diagnosis that may cause absent or hypoactive
experience an increase in the number of bowel
bowel sounds, but the nurse would not
movements. Blood in fecal matter is not an
independently document this diagnosis.
expected finding and the nurse should notify
14. An advanced practice nurse is assessing the physician.
the size and density of a patients abdominal
17. A nurse in a stroke rehabilitation facility
organs. If the results of palpation are unclear to
recognizes that the brain regulates swallowing.
the nurse, what assessment technique should
Damage to what area of the brain will most
be implemented?
affect the patients ability to swallow?
A) Percussion
A) Temporal lobe
B) Auscultation
B) Medulla oblongata
C) Inspection
C) Cerebellum
D) Pons B) Lipase
Ans: B C) Amylase
Feedback: Swallowing is a voluntary act that is D) Trypsin
regulated by a swallowing center in the
E) Ptyalin
medulla oblongata of the central nervous
system. Swallowing is not regulated by the Feedback: Digestive enzymes secreted by the
temporal lobe, cerebellum, or pons. pancreas include trypsin, which aids in
digesting protein; amylase, which aids in
18. A patient is being assessed for a suspected
digesting starch; and lipase, which aids in
deficit in intrinsic factor synthesis. What
digesting fats. Pepsin is secreted by the
diagnostic or assessment finding is the most
stomach and ptyalin is secreted in the saliva.
likely rationale for this examination of intrinsic
factor production? 21. The nurse is caring for a patient with a
duodenal ulcer and is relating the patients
A) Muscle wasting
symptoms to the physiologic functions of the
B) Chronic jaundice in the absence of liver small intestine. What do these functions
disease include? Select all that apply.
C) The presence of fat in the patients stool A) Secretion of hydrochloric acid (HCl)
D) Persistently low hemoglobin and hematocrit B) Reabsorption of water
Feedback: In the absence of intrinsic factor, C) Secretion of mucus
vitamin B12 cannot be absorbed, and
D) Absorption of nutrients
pernicious anemia results. This would result in
a marked reduction in hemoglobin and E) Movement of nutrients into the bloodstream
Feedback: The small intestine folds back and
19. A patient with a recent history of forth on itself, providing approximately 7000
intermittent bleeding is undergoing capsule cm2 (70 m2) of surface area for secretion and
endoscopy to determine the source of the absorption, the process by which nutrients
bleeding. When explaining this diagnostic test enter the bloodstream through the intestinal
to the patient, what advantage should the walls. Water reabsorption primarily takes place
nurse describe? in the large bowel. HCl is secreted by the
A) The test allows visualization of the entire
peritoneal cavity. 22. A nurse is performing an abdominal
assessment of an older adult patient. When
B) The test allows for painless biopsy
collecting and analyzing data, the nurse should
be cognizant of what age-related change in
C) The test does not require fasting. gastrointestinal structure and function?
D) The test is noninvasive. A) Increased gastric motility
Feedback: Capsule endoscopy allows the B) Decreased gastric pH
noninvasive visualization of the mucosa
C) Increased gag reflex
throughout the entire small intestine. Bowel
preparation is necessary and biopsies cannot D) Decreased mucus secretion
be collected. This procedure allows
visualization of the entire GI tract, but not the Feedback: Older adults tend to secrete less
peritoneal cavity. mucus than younger adults. Gastric motility
slows with age and gastric pH rises due to
20. A nurse is caring for a patient admitted with decreased secretion of gastric acids. Older
a suspected malabsorption disorder. The nurse adults tend to have a blunted gag reflex
knows that one of the accessory organs of the compared to younger adults.
digestive system is the pancreas. What
digestive enzymes does the pancreas secrete? 23. nurse is explaining the fact that the veins
Select all that apply. that return blood from the digestive organs and
the spleen form The nurse educator is
A) Pepsin reviewing the blood supply of the GI tract with
a group of medical nurses. The the portal
venous system. What large veins will the nurse D) For 24 hours before the test, insert a
list when describing this system? Select all that glycerin suppository every 4 hours.
Feedback: Preparation of the patient includes
A) Splenic vein emptying and cleansing the lower bowel. This
often necessitates a low-residue diet 1 to 2
B) Inferior mesenteric vein
days before the test; a clear liquid diet and a
C) Gastric vein laxative the evening before; NPO after
midnight; and cleansing enemas until returns
D) Inferior vena cava are clear the following morning.
E) Saphenous vein 26. A patient presents at the walk-in clinic
Feedback: This portal venous system is complaining of recurrent sharp stomach pain
composed of five large veins: the superior that is relieved by eating. The nurse suspects
mesenteric, inferior mesenteric, gastric, that the patient may have an ulcer. How would
splenic, and cystic veins, which eventually form the nurse explain the formation and role of acid
the vena portae that enters the liver. The in the stomach to the patient?
inferior vena cava is not part of the portal A) Hydrochloric acid is secreted by glands in
system. The saphenous vein is located in the the stomach in response to the actual or
leg. anticipated presence of food.
24. The physiology instructor is discussing the B) As digestion occurs in the stomach, the
GI system with the pre-nursing class. What stomach combines free hydrogen ions from the
should the instructor describe as a major food to form acid.
function of the GI tract?
C) The body requires an acidic environment in
A) The breakdown of food particles into cell order to synthesize pancreatic digestive
form for digestion enzymes; the stomach provides this
B) The maintenance of fluid and acid-base environment.
balance D) The acidic environment in the stomach
C) The absorption into the bloodstream of exists to buffer the highly alkaline environment
nutrient molecules produced by digestion in the esophagus.

D) The control of absorption and elimination of Feedback: The stomach, which stores and
electrolytes mixes food with secretions, secretes a highly
acidic fluid in response to the presence or
Feedback: Primary functions of the GI tract anticipated ingestion of food. The stomach
include the breakdown of food particles into does not turn food directly into acid and the
molecular form for digestion; the absorption esophagus is not highly alkaline. Pancreatic
into the bloodstream of small nutrient enzymes are not synthesized in a highly acidic
molecules produced by digestion; and the environment.
elimination of undigested unabsorbed food
stuffs and other waste products. Nutrients must 27. Results of a patients preliminary
be broken down into molecular form, not cell assessment prompted an examination of the
form. Fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance patients carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)
are primarily under the control of the kidneys. levels, which have come back positive. What is
the nurses most appropriate response to this
25. A nurse is providing preprocedure finding?
education for a patient who will undergo a
lower GI tract study the following week. What A) Perform a focused abdominal assessment.
should the nurse teach the patient about bowel B) Prepare to meet the patients psychosocial
preparation? needs.
A) Youll need to fast for at least 18 hours prior C) Liaise with the nurse practitioner to perform
to your test. an anorectal examination.
B) Starting today, take over-the-counter stool D) Encourage the patient to adhere to
softeners twice daily. recommended screening protocols.
C) Youll need to have enemas the day before Feedback: CEA is a protein that is normally not
the test. detected in the blood of a healthy person;
therefore, when detected it indicates that B) The patient most likely has early-stage
cancer is present, but not what type of cancer colorectal cancer.
is present. The patient would likely be learning
C) The patient has a genetic predisposition to
that he or she has cancer, so the nurse must
gastric cancer.
prioritize the patients immediate psychosocial
needs, not abdominal assessment. Future D) The patient has cancer, but the site is
screening is not a high priority in the short unknown.
Feedback: CA 19-9 levels are elevated in most
28. A clinic patient has described recent dark- patients with advanced pancreatic cancer, but
colored stools;the nurse recognizes the need they may also be elevated in other conditions
for fecal occult blood testing (FOBT). What such as colorectal, lung, and gallbladder
aspect of the patients current health status cancers; gallstones; pancreatitis; cystic
would contraindicate FOBT? fibrosis; and liver disease. A cancer diagnosis
cannot be made solely on CA 19-9 results.
A) Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
31. A patient has come to the clinic
B) Peptic ulcers
complaining of blood in his stool. A FOBT test
C) Hemorrhoids is performed but is negative. Based on the
patients history, the physician suggests a
D) Recurrent nausea and vomiting
colonoscopy, but the patient refuses, citing a
Feedback: FOBT should not be performed strong aversion to the invasive nature of the
when there is hemorrhoidal bleeding. GERD, test. What other test might the physician order
peptic ulcers and nausea and vomiting do not to check for blood in the stool?
contraindicate the use of FOBT as a diagnostic
A) A laparoscopic intestinal mucosa biopsy
B) A quantitative fecal immunochemical test
29. A patient will be undergoing abdominal
computed tomography (CT) with contrast. The C) Computed tomography (CT)
nurse has administered IV sodium bicarbonate
D) Magnetic resonance imagery (MRI)
and oral acetylcysteine (Mucomyst) before the
study as ordered. What would indicate that Feedback: Quantitative fecal immunochemical
these medications have had the desired tests may be more accurate than guaiac
therapeutic effect? testing and useful for patients who refuse
invasive testing. CT or MRI cannot detect
A) The patients BUN and creatinine levels are
blood in stool. Laparoscopic intestinal mucosa
within reference range following the CT.
biopsy is not performed.
B) The CT yields high-quality images.
32. A nurse is assessing the abdomen of a
C) The patients electrolytes are stable in the 48 patient just admitted to the unit with a
hours following the CT. suspected GI disease. Inspection reveals
several diverse lesions on the patients
D) The patients intake and output are in
abdomen. How should the nurse best interpret
balance on the day after the CT.
this assessment finding?
Feedback: Both sodium bicarbonate and
A) Abdominal lesions are usually due to age-
Mucomyst are free radical scavengers that
related skin changes.
sequester the contrast byproducts that are
destructive to renal cells. Kidney damage B) Integumentary diseases often cause GI
would be evident by increased BUN and disorders.
creatinine levels. These medications are
C) GI diseases often produce skin changes.
unrelated to electrolyte or fluid balance and
they play no role in the results of the CT. D) The patient needs to be assessed for self-
30. A medical patients CA 19-9 levels have
become available and they are significantly Feedback: Abdominal lesions are of particular
elevated. How should the nurse best interpret importance, because GI diseases often
this diagnostic finding? produce skin changes. Skin problems do not
normally cause GI disorders. Age-related skin
A) The patient may have cancer, but other GI
changes do not have a pronounced effect on
disease must be ruled out.
the skin of the abdomen when compared to
other skin surfaces. Self-harm is a less likely A) Stomach emptying takes place more slowly.
explanation for skin lesions on the abdomen.
B) The villi and epithelium of the small intestine
33. Probably the most widely used in-office or become thinner.
at-home occult blood test is the Hemoccult II.
C) The esophageal sphincter becomes
The patient has come to the clinic because he
thinks there is blood in his stool. When you
reviewed his medications, you noted he is on D) Saliva production decreases.
antihypertensive drugs and NSAIDs for early
arthritic pain. You are sending the patient Feedback: Delayed gastric emptying occurs in
home with the supplies necessary to perform 2 older adults and may contribute to nausea.
hemoccult tests on his stool and mail the Changes to the small intestine and decreased
samples back to the clinic. What instruction saliva production would be less likely to
would you give this patient? contribute to nausea. Loss of esophageal
sphincter function is pathologic and is not
A) Take all your medications as usual. considered an age-related change.
B) Take all your medications except the 36. A patient has been experiencing significant
antihypertensive medications. psychosocial stress in recent weeks. The nurse
is aware of the hormonal effects of stress,
C) Dont eat highly acidic foods 72 hours before
including norepinephrine release. Release of
you start the test.
this substance would have what effect on the
D) Avoid vitamin C for 72 hours before you patients gastrointestinal function? Select all
start the test. that apply.
Feedback: Red meats, aspirin, nonsteroidal A) Decreased motility
anti-inflammatory drugs, turnips, and
B) Increased sphincter tone
horseradish should be avoided for 72 hours
prior to the study, because they may cause a C) Increased enzyme release
false-positive result. Also, ingestion of vitamin
C from supplements or foods can cause a D) Inhibition of secretions
false-negative result. Acidic foods do not need E) Increased peristalsis
to be avoided.
Feedback: Norepinephrine generally
34. A patients sigmoidoscopy has been decreases GI motility and secretions, but
successfully completed and the patient is increases muscle tone of sphincters.
preparing to return home. Which of the Norepinephrine does not increase the release
following teaching points should the nurse of enzymes.
include in the patients discharge education?
37. A patient with cystic fibrosis takes
A) The patient should drink at least 2 liters of pancreatic enzyme replacements on a regular
fluid in the next 12 hours. basis. The patients intake of trypsin facilitates
B) The patient can resume a normal routine what aspect of GI function?
immediately. A) Vitamin D synthesis
C) The patient should expect fecal urgency for B) Digestion of fats
several hours.
C) Maintenance of peristalsis
D) The patient can expect some scant rectal
bleeding. D) Digestion of proteins

Feedback: Following sigmoidoscopy, patients Feedback: Trypsin facilitates the digestion of

can resume their regular activities and diet. proteins. It does not influence vitamin D
There is no need to push fluids and neither synthesis, the digestion of fats, or peristalsis.
fecal urgency nor rectal bleeding is expected. 38. The nurse is caring for a patient who has a
35. A nurse is caring for an 83-year-old patient diagnosis of AIDS. Inspection of the patients
who is being assessed for recurrent and mouth reveals the new presence of white
intractable nausea. What age-related change lesions on the patients oral mucosa. What is
to the GI system may be a contributor to the the nurses most appropriate response?
patients health complaint?
A) Encourage the patient to gargle with salt Feedback: An ultrasound produces no ill
water twice daily. effects and there are not specific limits on its
use, even during pregnancy.
B) Attempt to remove the lesions with a tongue
C) Make a referral to the units dietitian.
D) Inform the primary care provider of this
Feedback: The nurse should inform the
primary care provider of this abnormal finding
in the patients oral cavity, since it necessitates
medical treatment. It would be inappropriate to
try to remove skin lesions from a patients
mouth and salt water will not resolve this
problem, which is likely due to candidiasis. A
dietitian referral is unnecessary.
39. A patient has been scheduled for a urea
breath test in one months time. What nursing
diagnosis most likely prompted this diagnostic
A) Impaired Dentition Related to Gingivitis
B) Risk For Impaired Skin Integrity Related to
Peptic Ulcers
C) Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body
Requirements Related to Enzyme Deficiency
D) Diarrhea Related to Clostridium Difficile
Feedback: Urea breath tests detect the
presence of Helicobacter pylori, the bacteria
that can live in the mucosal lining of the
stomach and cause peptic ulcer disease. This
test does not address fluid volume, nutritional
status, or dentition.
40. A female patient has presented to the
emergency department with right upper
quadrant pain; the physician has ordered
abdominal ultrasound to rule out cholecystitis
(gallbladder infection). The patient expresses
concern to the nurse about the safety of this
diagnostic procedure. How should the nurse
best respond?
A) Abdominal ultrasound is very safe, but it
cant be performed if youre pregnant.
B) Abdominal ultrasound poses no known
safety risks of any kind.
C) Current guidelines state that a person can
have up to 3 ultrasounds per year.
D) Current guidelines state that a person can
have up to 6 ultrasounds per year.

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