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Companydasd :

PT Anugrah Pangan Jaya

Purchase Order
No : PO202406140003

Created Date : 16/Jun/2024 Supplier : TIRTA SUPPLIER

Required Date : 14/Jun/2024 Supplier PIC : -
CIBO! Pasta Lab - Central
Delivered To :

No. Product Name Unit Qty Price Discount VAT(%) Total

meat/poultry - chicken
1 gr 7.880,00 48,00 0,00 0,00 378.240,00
Tiga ratus tujuh puluh delapan ribu dua ratus
Grand Total : 378.240,00
empat puluh

Term of Payment :
0 Days
Additional Information :

Foot Note :

Prepared by, Approved by,

..................................... .....................................
Purchase order valid only if signed and stamped


Printed Date: 2024-06-16 21:52:58

Purchase Order

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