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4. What is a linear transformation in Algebra?

A linear transformation is a function that preserves the key properties of vector addition and scalar
multiplication. It can be represented by a matrix and can be described by a system of linear
equations. Linear transformations are used to study the geometry of vector spaces and to analyze
the behavior of functions.

5. What is a basis in Algebra?

In the context of vector spaces, a basis is a set of linearly independent vectors that span the entire
vector space. It is a minimal set of vectors that can be combined using linear combinations to
generate all other vectors in the space. A basis can be thought of as a "building block" for the vector
space, as any vector in the space can be uniquely represented as a linear combination of the basis

6. What is a graph in Algebra?

In algebra, a graph is a visual representation of the relationship between two variables, usually
plotted on a Cartesian coordinate system. Each point on the graph corresponds to a pair of values (x,
y), where x represents the x-coordinate and y represents the y-coordinate. Graphs are useful tools
for understanding the behavior of equations, inequalities, and functions, as they allow us to see
patterns, identify trends, and locate critical points such as intercepts, maxima, minima, and

7. What is a modular arithmetic in Algebra?

Modular arithmetic is a system of arithmetic for integers, where the result of an arithmetic
operation wraps around periodically after reaching a certain value, called the modulus. It is used to
simplify calculations and to solve problems related to congruence and divis

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