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Prunus americana

1. Ia. Sta. Bul. 46:285 fig. 1900. 2. Waugh Plum Cult. 174. 1901. 3.
Budd-Hansen Am. Hort. Man. 299. 1903.
Bartlett 1. Bingaman 1.

Waugh places Oren with the “Miner-like” plums but as the variety
grows here it is a typical western Americana—the characters of this
species in leaf, fruit and stone being well shown in the
accompanying plate. It is one of the best of the Americanas in both
fruit and tree. The fruits are large and of good shape, perhaps a little
dull in color and not quite as good in quality as a few other
Americanas but still averaging very well in all fruit-characters. The
flesh is very nearly free from the stone. The trees are typical of the
species, shaggy of trunk and limb, straggling and unkempt in growth
of top, but hardy, robust, healthy and reliable in bearing. It would
seem as if this variety is rather too good to be allowed to pass out of
cultivation until there are more Americanas that are better.
Oren was taken from the wild in Black Hawk County, Iowa, about
1878, by J. K. Oren. Mr. Oren grew trees of this plum on his farm
and permitted all who came to take sprouts, cions and seed until the
variety was very generally disseminated locally. Who introduced it to
the trade and when is not known.

Tree small, spreading, low, dense-topped, hardy, often unproductive;

branches roughish, slightly zigzag, thorny, dark ash-brown, with small
lenticels; branchlets slender, long, twiggy, with internodes of average
length, green changing to dark chestnut-brown, glabrous, with large,
conspicuous, raised lenticels; leaf-buds small, short, obtuse, free.
Leaves falling early, oval or obovate, two inches wide, three and three-
quarters inches long; upper surface dark green changing to golden-yellow
late in the season, smooth and shining, with a narrow, grooved midrib;
lower surface silvery-green, lightly pubescent; apex taper-pointed, base
abrupt, margin coarsely serrate, the serrations ending in sharp points,
eglandular; petiole five-eighths inch long, thick, tinged red, thinly
pubescent, glandless or with one or two prominent, greenish-brown
Blooming season late and of medium length; flowers appearing after the
leaves, one and one-eighth inches across, white; borne in clusters on
lateral spurs and buds, in pairs or in threes; pedicels five-eighths inch
long, slender, glabrous, green, tinged with red; calyx-tube red,
campanulate, enlarged at the base, glabrous; calyx-lobes narrow,
somewhat obtuse, pubescent on both surfaces and on the margin,
reflexed; petals ovate, somewhat crenate or fringed, tapering below to
long, narrow claws, sparingly hairy along the edge of the base; anthers
yellow; filaments three-eighths inch long; pistil glabrous, shorter than the
Fruit intermediate in time and length of ripening season; one and three-
sixteenths inches in diameter, roundish, usually truncate and slightly
oblique, compressed, halves equal; cavity very shallow, flaring; suture a
line; apex roundish or flattened; color dull light or dark red over a yellow
ground, mottled, with thick bloom; dots numerous, very small, light russet,
inconspicuous; stem slender, five-eighths inch long, glabrous; skin tough,
astringent, adhering; flesh dark golden-yellow, juicy, fibrous, soft and
melting, sweet; fair to good; stone semi-free, seven-eighths inch by five-
eighths inch in size, irregularly roundish or ovate, flattened, blunt at the
base and apex, with smooth surfaces; ventral suture strongly winged;
dorsal suture acute, with a narrow and shallow groove.

Prunus domestica

1. Quintinye Com. Gard. 68. 1699. 2. Langley Pomona 91, Pl. XX fig. 4.
1729. 3. Miller Gard. Dict. 3:1754. 4. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:78, Pl. VII.
1768. 5. Knoop Fructologie 2:52, 55, 56, 57. 1771. 6. Forsyth Treat. Fr.
Trees 19. 1803. 7. Kraft Pom. Aust. 2:32, Tab. 179 fig. 1. 1796. 8.
Brookshaw Pom. Brit. Pl. XI. 1817. 9. Lond. Hort. Soc. Cat. 145, 150.
1831. 10. Prince Pom. Man. 2:62, 67, 85. 1832. 11. Poiteau Pom. Franc.
1:1846. 12. Floy-Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 289, 290, 383. 1846. 13.
Thomas Am. Fruit Cult. 339. 1849. 14. Elliott Fr. Book 428. 1854. 15.
Thompson Gard. Ass’t 519. 1859. 16. Downing Fr Trees Am. 935. 1869.
17. Mas Pom. Gen. 2:37, fig. 19. 1873. 18. Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 36. 1875.
19. Oberdieck Deut. Obst. Sort. 414. 1881. 20. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 435.
1882. 21. Hogg Fruit Man. 715. 1884. 22. Guide Prat. 156, 360. 1895.
Anglaise Noire 16, 17, 20, 21, 22. Angloise Noire 5. Brignole? 1.
Brugnole? 1. Brignole Violette 17, 20, 22. Brignole Violette? 5. Common
Orleans 10, 16, 17, 20. Damas Rouge 10. Damas Rouge 5, 9. Damas
Violet? 5. De Monsieur 17, 22. Die Herrnpflaume 7. English Orleans 10,
16, 17, 20. French Orleans 8. Hernnpflaume 17. Herrnpflaume 19.
Herrnpflaume 22. Herzog von Orleans 20, 22. Italian Damask of some 14.
Large Red Orleans 10. Late Monsieur 10, 16, 17, 20. Monsieur 4, 9, 10,
12, 17, 22. Monsieur 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21. Monsieur Ordinaire 9, 10,
14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22. Old Orleans 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 22.
Orleans 17, 20, 22. Orleans Red Damask 20. Prune de Monsieur 10, 16,
20. Prune de Monsieur 11. Prune d’Orleans 16, 17, 20, 21. Prunelle? 5.
Prune Monsieur 7. Red Damask 10. Red Damask 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22. Red Orleans 10, 16, 17, 20. Red Orleans Plum 6.

In Europe Orleans is one of the most renowned of the plums

cultivated. A proof of its popularity is the great number of names, as
shown in the synonymy given above, under which it passes in
England and on the continent. This variety, however, is almost
unknown in America though described by all of the older American
pomologists and probably introduced time and again during the last
hundred years in our orchards. The French fruit books say that the
variety thrives better in southern than northern France and nearly all
of the European writers state that it does best in high, dry, light,
warm soils. It is likely that our climate, and the soils in which plums
are generally grown in America, are not suited to this sort.
Unfortunately this Station has no trees of this variety and the brief
description given is a compilation.
The Orleans has been cultivated for more than two hundred years.
Langley said of it in 1729 “The Orleans Plumb tho a common, is yet
a very valuable Plumb, as well for its fine firm juicy Pulp when well
ripened, as its being a constant and plentiful bearer.” The Red
Damask and the Brugnole mentioned by Quintinye in 1699 are
probably the Orleans; but the Prune de Monsieur of Knoop and the
Monsieur of Tournefort, which are yellow, are distinct. The variety is
evidently of French origin. Mas in his Pomologie Generale, 1873,
states that it first bore the name Brignole Violette, but later was given
the name it now bears in honor of Monsieur, Duke of Orleans,
brother of Louis XIV. Damas Rouge is an old synonym, though
Duhamel described it as a distinct variety. Herrnpflaume is the
common name of the Orleans in Germany and Austria, while in
France, it is often called the Monsieur. It has never been common in
America, yet it was entered on the American Pomological Society
catalog list in 1875.
Tree large, vigorous, hardy, productive, bearing annually; branches
grayish, pubescent; leaves large, ovate, with crenate margins; flowers
large, blooming early; petals roundish, imbricated.
Fruit early mid-season; medium in size, roundish-truncate, sides
unequal; cavity usually shallow, wide; suture distinct; apex flattened; color
dark or purplish-red, overspread with thin bloom, with a sprinkling of pale
reddish dots; stem thick, short; skin tender; flesh yellowish, juicy, usually
melting when properly matured, sweet near the skin but sprightly toward
the center, pleasant-flavored; good; stone free, small, oval, flattened, with
roughish surfaces.


Prunus domestica

1. Hogg Fruit Man. 374. 1866. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 935. 1869. 3.
Pom. France 7: No. 15. 1871. 4. Mas Le Verger 6:43. 1866-73. 5. Am.
Pom. Soc. Cat. 38. 1877. 6. Cat. Cong. Pom. France 366. 1887. 7.
Mathieu Nom. Pom. 446. 1889. 8. Waugh Plum Cult. 117. 1901. 9.
Thompson Gard. Ass’t 4:158. 1901.
Massot 6, 7. Monstrueuse d’Oullins 2, 7. Ouillin’s Gage 2, 7. Oullins
Golden 1. Oullin’s Golden 2, 9. Oullin’s Golden 3, 4, 6, 7. Oullin’s Golden
Gage 2, 7. Oullins Golden Gage 5. Oullin’s Green Gage 8. Prune-Massot
3. Reine-Claude d’Oullins 1, 2, 7, 9. Reine-Claude D’Oullins 3, 4, 6.
Reine-Claude Prêcoce 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9. Reine-Claude von Oullins 7. Roi-
Claude 3, 7.

Oullins came to America with the best of recommendations from

European growers but it has fallen so far short of its reputation in
Europe that it was dropped from the fruit list of the American
Pomological Society and is gradually disappearing from cultivation.
The fault is in the fruit which is but indifferent in quality for a plum of
the Reine Claude group. In Europe the variety is rated as one of the
best dessert sorts; in America it is hardly second-rate in quality. This
difference may be due to differences in climate and soil; more
probably, it is due to the greater number of better Reine Claude
varieties grown in America with which it must compete. Hand,
Jefferson, Washington, McLaughlin, Yellow Gage, Spaulding and
Imperial Gage, the cream of the Reine Claude plums, are all
Americans similar to Oullins but much better in quality. Oullins is
hardly surpassed by any of its group in tree-characters and might
well be used for breeding purposes as there are so few sorts of its
kind having satisfactory trees.
This variety, probably a Reine Claude seedling, was found at
Coligny, France, on the estate of M. Filliaud; it was propagated by M.
Corsaint, gardener to the Baron de Toisy, near Cuiseaux
(Department of Saone-et-Loire) and was introduced at Oullins
(Department of Rhone) by M. Massot, nurseryman. The name is
seldom spelled correctly in American fruit books, being either written
with an apostrophe and s or with both left off, these spellings coming
from the supposition that the name comes from that of a man, a
mistake as the history shows. Oullins was placed on the American
Pomological Society catalog fruit list in 1875 but was dropped when
the catalog was revised in 1897.
Tree large, vigorous, spreading, open-topped, hardy, productive;
branches ash-gray, somewhat rough, with numerous, large, raised
lenticels; branchlets stout, the bark rough, medium to above in thickness,
short, with short internodes, greenish-red changing to brownish-red, dull,
lightly pubescent, overspread with faint bloom, with numerous, small
lenticels; leaf-buds large, long, pointed, free; leaf-scars swollen.
Leaves oval or obovate, two inches wide, four and one-quarter inches
long, thick; upper surface dark green, covered with fine hairs, the midrib
grooved; lower surface pale green, pubescent; apex acute or abruptly
pointed, base acute, margin serrate or crenate, with small black glands;
petiole three-quarters inch long, thick, pubescent, tinged red, with from
two to four globose, greenish-brown glands variable in size, usually on the
Blooming season medium to late, of average length; flowers appearing
after the leaves, one and one-quarter inches across, white, with a faint
yellowish tinge; arranged on lateral spurs, singly or in pairs; pedicels
eleven-sixteenths inch long, pubescent, greenish; calyx-tube green,
campanulate, pubescent; calyx-lobes broad, obtuse, pubescent on both
surfaces, glandular-serrate, reflexed; petals broadly obovate, crenate,
tapering to short, broad claws; anthers yellowish; filaments three-eighths
inch long; pistil glabrous, equal to the stamens in length.
Fruit early, season short; medium to below in size, roundish, halves
equal; cavity shallow, below medium in width, abrupt; suture an indistinct
line; apex flattened or depressed; color greenish-yellow changing to dull
light yellow, overspread with thin bloom; dots numerous, small, whitish,
inconspicuous, clustered about the apex; stem of medium thickness and
length, adhering well to the fruit; skin thin, slightly astringent, separating
readily; flesh greenish-yellow or pale yellow, somewhat dry, firm, sweet,
not high in flavor; good; stone half-free or free, three-quarters inch by five-
eighths inch in size, broadly oval, flattened, roughened and pitted, blunt at
the base and apex; ventral suture rather narrow, furrowed, with a distinct
but not prominent wing; dorsal suture broadly and deeply grooved.


Prunus domestica

1. U. S. D. A. Rpt. 292. 1893. 2. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 150. 1895. 3.

Oregon Sta. Bul. 45:31. 1897. 4. Oregon Hort. Soc. Rpt. 474. 1898. 5. Am.
Pom. Soc. Cat. 40. 1899. 6. Waugh Plum Cult. 117. 1901. 7. Oregon
Agriculturist 17: No. 24, 370. 1908.
Pacific 3. Pacific Prune 2, 3. Willamette 4, 5, 7. Willamette Prune 3.

No part of America is so well adapted to plum culture as the

Pacific Coast and especially the inter-mountain valleys in Oregon.
From the last-named State, though fruit-growing is a very recent
development, a number of meritorious plums have been added to
pomology. One of the best of these, as they grow in New York, is the
Pacific, the fruits of which are well shown in the color-plate. Few
purple plums are more beautiful than this in color and shape, few
equal it in size and very few of its color excel it in quality. The trees
are unusually robust, perfectly hardy and productive. In Oregon the
Pacific has not proved a good prune-making plum but is reported as
standing eastern shipment very well, which, if true, indicates that this
plum would succeed as a market fruit in New York. Pacific is well
worth trying in New York as a commercial variety.
This plum is hopelessly confused with the Willamette. The
following is an abridged account of the two fruits as written us by H.
M. Williamson, Secretary of the Oregon State Board of Horticulture,
and one of the leading authorities on fruit-growing on the Pacific

“About 1875 Jesse Bullock of Oswego, Oregon, sent to Germany for

pits of the Italian or Fellenberg prune, and planted the pits received in a
nursery row. When the trees from these began to bear, Mr. C. E. Hoskins
went to Mr. Bullock’s place, examined the fruit and selected trees which
seemed promising, giving to each tree a number. From at least six of
these trees he took scions, propagated them, and named them Bullock
No. 1, Bullock No. 2, etc. He finally decided that only two of these, Bullock
No. 1 and Bullock No. 6, were of sufficient value to justify their further
propagation. Bullock No. 1 was named Champion and Bullock No. 6,
Willamette. Mr. Hoskins told me these names were given by the State
Horticultural Society, but I find no record of this action. He propagated and
sold a good many trees of both varieties, but more of the Willamette than
of the Champion.
“Mr. Hoskins was strongly of the opinion that the Pacific is identical with
the Willamette. I am as strongly of the opinion that they are distinct
varieties. I base my opinion, first, upon the history of the origin of the
Pacific given me by Henry Freeboro, Portland, Oregon, who introduced it;
and, second, upon what appear to me to be marked differences in the two
prunes. A number of years ago I went to Mr. Freeboro’s place when
prunes were ripe and obtained from him a supply of Pacific prunes grown
on trees propagated by him from scions taken from the original Pacific
tree. I took these prunes to Springbrook and compared them with the
Willamette grown on Mr. Hoskins’ place. I was thoroughly convinced that
the two were decidedly different in character, but Mr. Hoskins did not think
so. I noticed first a marked difference in the habits of growth of the trees.
The Pacific trees were of unusually vigorous growth and had a decided
upright tendency. The Willamette trees were very similar to the Italian in
vigor and had the rather spreading habit of growth of the Italian. The
Pacific prunes are larger in size than the Willamette and vary much more
in size. One of the most decided indications of difference is the far greater
tendency to brown-rot of the fruit of the Pacific than is the case with the
fruit of the Willamette. This has been observed when scions of the
Willamette and of the Pacific have been grafted on the same tree for the
purpose of comparison. I have never seen a well dried specimen of the
Pacific, but this may have been the fault of the men who dried the
specimens I have seen. The Willamette dries easily for a prune of its size
and gives a larger percentage of dried to fresh fruit than the Italian,
according to Mr. Hoskins.
“I believe the Willamette is well worthy of more attention in the
Willamette Valley, whereas the Pacific, on account of its extreme
susceptibility to the brown-rot, does not appear to be a safe variety here,
although when perfect it is a magnificent prune for eating fresh, and one of
the very largest known. I am told that in eastern Oregon where climatic
conditions keep out the brown-rot, the Pacific is proving one of the best
varieties for shipping fresh. At the present time the two varieties are much
confused. When the Pacific prune was introduced, Mr. Hoskins and other
recognized authorities, pronounced it the Willamette, and nurserymen
therefore obtained scions from Willamette trees and sold the propagated
trees as Pacifies, and in a more limited way the reverse was done. The
greater part of the trees supposed to be Pacifics are in fact Willamettes.”

At this Station we have the two plums under discussion, the

Pacific having been obtained from Fred E. Young, nurseryman,
Rochester, New York, and the Willamette, under the name Pacific,
from the Oregon Wholesale Nursery Company, Salem, Oregon. The
differences between the two plums in New York are essentially those
given by Mr. Williamson as distinguishing characters in Oregon.

Tree of medium size, upright-spreading, open-topped, hardy, productive;

branches ash-gray, smooth, with small, raised lenticels; branchlets above
medium in thickness, short, with short internodes, greenish-red changing
to brownish-red, covered with heavy bloom and sparingly pubescent, with
indistinct small lenticels; leaf-buds plump, of medium size and length,
obtuse, free.
Leaves obovate, two inches wide, four inches long, the oldest thick and
leathery; upper surface dark green, covered with fine hairs, with a widely
and deeply grooved midrib; lower surface pale green, pubescent; apex
acute or obtuse, base acute, margin crenate, with small dark glands;
petiole seven-eighths inch long, thick, pubescent, tinged red, with from two
to four large, globose, yellowish-green glands usually on the stalk.
Blooming season of medium length; flowers appearing after the leaves,
one and three-sixteenths inches across, white; borne on lateral spurs and
buds, singly or in pairs; pedicels five-sixteenths inch long, thick,
pubescent; calyx-tube green, campanulate, pubescent only at the base;
calyx-lobes broad, obtuse, lightly pubescent on both surfaces but heavily
pubescent along the serrate margin, reflexed; petals oval, dentate,
tapering to short, broad claws; stamens inclined to develop into
rudimentary petals; anthers yellow; filaments seven-sixteenths inch long;
pistil glabrous, equal to the stamens in length.
Fruit intermediate in time and length of ripening season; two inches by
one and five-eighths inches in size, ovate, halves equal; cavity shallow,
narrow, flaring; suture shallow, indistinct; apex bluntly pointed; color bluish,
overspread with thick bloom; dots small, brown, conspicuous, clustered
about the apex; stem thick, one-half inch long, pubescent, adhering well to
the fruit; skin thin, tough, separating readily; flesh pale golden-yellow,
juicy, firm, sweet, spicy; good; stone free, one inch by five-eighths inch in
size, flattened, irregularly broad-oval, obliquely contracted at the base,
blunt at the apex, with rough and pitted surfaces; ventral suture narrow,
with numerous deep furrows, usually blunt; dorsal suture widely and
deeply grooved.

Prunus domestica
This plum, scarcely known outside of two counties in New York, is
of distinctly good quality and if all accounts are true is fairly immune
to black-knot. In size and appearance the fruits are superior to many
other Reine Claude plums, with which it must be compared, so much
so that the variety is probably worth growing outside the region
where the following interesting history shows it has been cultivated
for nearly a century and a half.
Palatine, according to Mr. Washington Garlock of New York,
originated in 1760 when a family of Palatines by the name of Best
came from Germany to the United States and settled in Livingston
Manor (East Camps) now Columbia County, New York. They brought
with them plum pits which they planted and from them secured one
tree. In 1762 they moved to Schoharie County, New York, taking with
them the seedling tree. In their new home they propagated the
variety, which they named Palatine, and disseminated it so
industriously that it became thoroughly established throughout
Montgomery and Schoharie counties and attained great popularity
because of its apparent freedom from black-knot. That this popularity
is merited is attested by the fact that after one hundred and fifty
years it is still extensively grown in that vicinity.
Tree large, vigorous, spreading, dense-topped, productive; branches
thick; branchlets lightly pubescent; leaves flattened, slightly drooping,
obovate, one and five-eighths inches wide, three and one-quarter inches
long, thick, rugose; margin coarsely crenate, eglandular or with few, small
glands; petiole pubescent, glandless or with one or two small glands;
blooming season intermediate in time, short; flowers appearing after the
leaves, more than one inch across, white with yellow tinge at the apex of
the petals; borne singly; calyx-lobes thickly pubescent on both surfaces,
strongly reflexed.
Fruit intermediate in time and length of ripening season; about one and
one-half inches in diameter, roundish or roundish-oval, dull yellowish-
green becoming greenish-yellow at full maturity, mottled and indistinctly
blushed on the sunny side, overspread with thin bloom; skin thin, slightly
sour; flesh light golden-yellow, juicy, fibrous, firm, sweet, pleasant in flavor;
good to very good; stone dark colored, free or nearly so, seven-eighths
inch by one-half inch in size, oval, with thickly pitted surfaces; ventral
suture blunt or with a short, narrow wing; dorsal suture wide, shallow.

Prunus domestica

1. N. Y. Exp. Sta. Rpt. 12:611. 1893. 2. W. N. Y. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 42:83.

Paul’s Earliest 1, 2.

This variety seems to be under test only at this Station where it

has fruited for a number of years. It is so similar to Early Rivers, a
variety of small account in America, as to be an almost worthless
addition to the list of plums. Paul Early originated with and was sent
out by J. M. Paul, North Adams, Massachusetts, about 1888.

Tree very large, vigorous, round-topped, dense, very productive;

branches covered with numerous fruit-spurs; branchlets twiggy, thickly
pubescent; leaf-buds strongly appressed; leaves flattened, obovate or
oval, two and three-eighths inches wide, four inches long; margin crenate,
with few, small, dark glands; petiole reddish, pubescent, glandless or with
one or two large glands; blooming season intermediate in time, short;
flowers appearing before the leaves, one inch across; borne in scattering
clusters, usually in pairs; pedicels very thick and pubescent; anthers
tinged red.
Fruit very early, season short; one and three-eighths inches by one and
one-quarter inches in size, roundish-oval, dark purplish-black, overspread
with thick bloom; skin tender, slightly sour; flesh greenish-yellow becoming
yellowish, tender, sweet near the surface but sour next the pit, mild; good;
stone clinging, seven-eighths inch by five-eighths inch in size, irregular-
oval, with roughened and thickly pitted surfaces; ventral suture prominent,
seldom winged; dorsal suture with a narrow, shallow groove.

Prunus domestica

1. N. E. Farmer Dict. 266. 1797. 2. Prince Treat. Hort. 27. 1828. 3.

Prince Pom. Man. 2:106. 1832. 4. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 307. 1845. 5.
Horticulturist 1:113, 114 fig. 34, 147. 1846. 6. Poiteau Pom. Franc. 1:1846.
7. Thomas Am. Fruit Cult. 335, 336 fig. 262. 1849. 8. Horticulturist 6:132.
1851. 9. Elliott Fr. Book 422. 1854. 10. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 367. 1857.
11. Hooper W. Fr. Book 250. 1857. 12. Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 86. 1862. 13.
Hogg Fruit Man. 375. 1866. 14. Mas Le Verger 6:73. Pl. XXXVII. 1866-73.
15. Pom. France 7: No. 7. 1871. 16. Gard. Chron. N. S. 17:144. 1882. 17.
Mich. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 466. 1883. 18. Wickson Cal. Fruits 353. 1891. 19.
Wash. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 136. 1893. 20. Guide Prat. 156, 361. 1895. 21. Cat.
Cong. Pom. France 462 fig. 1906.
Apricot Plum 5 incor. Caledonian 15, 20. Calvels Pfirschenpflaume 14,
20. D’Abricot (of Streets of Paris) 20. Duane’s Purple 5 incor, 6, 11.
Howells Large 15, 20, 21. Jenkin’s Imperial 15, 20. Large Peach 16. Large
Peach Plum 3. Nectarine 15, 20. Nectarine Rouge 21. Peach 15, 20.
Peach Plum 3, 5, 14, 20. Peach Plum 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17. Pêche 14,
15, 20, 21. Pêche de Calvel 20. Prune Pêche 3, 7, 9, 10, 14, 18. Prune
Pêche 4, 5, 6, 20. Prune-Pêche De Calvel 14. Reine-Claude De Berger
13, 16. Rothe Nektarine 15, ?20.

Peach, the largest early plum, is not high in quality but is justly
esteemed where it can be grown for its earliness, large size and
handsome appearance. Unfortunately this variety is capricious
beyond most other plums as to climate and soils and refuses to
thrive unless its needs are very well supplied in the matter of
environment. In America it seems to find congenial soil and climate
only on the Pacific Coast, and even then refuses to bear well except
on strong, rich soils. In New York, even when grown upon soils
similar to those upon which it does well elsewhere, the fruits are few
and lacking in quality, though the trees are large, vigorous and about
all that could be desired in a good plum tree. It may be possible to
grow Peach in favorable locations in the East; in which case, a plum
of its appearance and quality, coming as early in the season as it
ripens, would make a most desirable addition to the list of plums.
From its behavior elsewhere the situation that would suit it best in
New York is a sunny exposure with a warm, rich, clay loam.
The origin of the Peach is unknown. Poiteau was unable to find
any reference to it in the Eighteenth Century European literature and
thought, therefore, that it must have been unknown to this period.
Samuel Deane mentions a Peach plum in New England in 1797. It is
doubtful, however, whether it is the Peach of this discussion, the
name having been applied indiscriminately to several varieties, the
Goliath, Nectarine and Apricot in particular. Prince, in 1832,
described a Large Peach Plum which he said “had been introduced
a few years since” but as his variety is oval and a clingstone, it is not
the same as the Peach of Poiteau, the one discussed here, this plum
being nearly round and a freestone. Judge James C. Duane of
Schenectady, New York, seems to have first imported the Peach
plum, with several others, from France, in 1820. The name of this
variety was lost during the shipment and as the invoice called for an
Apricot Plum, the names Apricot and Duane’s Plum became locally
applied to what afterwards turned out to be the Peach. C. H.
Tomlinson of Schenectady and A. J. Downing in 1846 made a careful
study of these imported plums and showed conclusively that this
Apricot or Duane’s Plum was the Peach of the French. In 1862, the
American Pomological Society added Peach to the fruit catalog list
and recommended it for the eastern and western sections of New

Tree large, very vigorous, spreading, round or flat-topped, hardy,

medium in productiveness; branches stocky, smooth, dark ash-brown, with
lenticels of medium number and size; branchlets thick, with internodes one
inch long, light brown, covered with short, heavy pubescence; leaf-buds
large, of medium length, conical.
Leaves large, oval, of average thickness; upper surface dark green;
lower surface pale green, pubescent; apex obtuse, margin doubly crenate,
with small glands; petiole three-quarters inch long, thick, pubescent, with a
trace of red, usually with two, small, globose, greenish glands at the base
of the leaf.
Fruit early; thick-set, without a neck, one and seven-eighths inches in
diameter, roundish, slightly angular, halves equal; cavity deep, wide,
compressed; suture shallow, distinct; apex flattened or depressed; color
dark purplish-red, overspread with thin bloom; dots numerous, large,
conspicuous; stem eleven-sixteenths inch long, glabrous, adhering well to
the fruit; skin tough, adhering; flesh golden-yellow, medium juicy, firm,
subacid, mild; good; stone free, one inch by three-quarters inch in size,
roundish-oval, flattened, with rough and pitted surfaces, blunt at the base
and apex; ventral suture wide, prominent, often distinctly winged; dorsal
suture with a wide, deep groove.


Prunus domestica

1. Burbank Cat. 5. 1898. 2. Am. Gard. 21:36. 1900. 3. Waugh Plum

Cult. 118. 1901.
One can grow seedlings of some plums with considerable
certainty of getting respectable offspring—plums worth having in an
orchard—but the chances of growing a variety of superior qualities
are small indeed. It is a piece of good luck, a matter almost wholly of
luck, when, as in this case, but one parent is known, to secure as
fine a fruit as the Pearl plum. The variety now under notice is one to
be pleased with if it came as a chance out of thousands; its rich,
golden color, large size, fine form, melting flesh and sweet, luscious
flavor, place it among the best dessert plums. In the mind of the
writer and of those who have assisted in describing the varieties for
The Plums of New York, it is unsurpassed in quality by any other
plum. The tree-characters, however, do not correspond in desirability
with those of the fruits. The trees, while of medium size and
seemingly as vigorous and healthy as any, are unproductive. In none
of the several years they have been fruiting at this Station have they
borne a large crop. If elsewhere this defect does not show, the
variety becomes at once one of great value. The fruits of Pearl are
said to cure into delicious prunes—to be readily believed by one who
has eaten the fresh fruits. This variety ought to be very generally
tried by commercial plum-growers and is recommended to all who
grow fruit for pleasure.
Pearl is a recent addition to the list of plums and though its history
is well known its parentage is in doubt. In 1898, Luther Burbank
introduced the variety as a new prune grown from the seed of the
well-known Agen. The male parent is not known but from the fruit
and tree, one at once surmises that it was some variety of the Reine
Claude group, its characters being so like those of the plum named
that no one could suspect that it came from the seed of a plum so far
removed from the Reine Claude as the Agen.

Tree of medium size, vigorous, vasiform, dense-topped, hardy,

unproductive; branches ash-gray, with numerous, small, raised lenticels;
branchlets twiggy, thick, long, with long internodes, greenish-red changing
to brownish-red, very pubescent early in the season becoming less so at
maturity, with numerous, small, raised lenticels; leaf-buds large, above
medium in length, conical, appressed; leaf-scars prominent.
Leaves broadly oval, one and seven-eighths inches wide, three and
one-half inches long, thick, leathery; upper surface dark green, rugose,
covered with fine hairs, with a grooved midrib; lower surface pale green,
pubescent; apex abruptly pointed, base abrupt, margin serrate or crenate,
with small, black glands; petiole seven-eighths inch long, thick, pubescent,
tinged red, glandless or with from one to three small, globose, brownish
glands on the stalk.
Blooming season intermediate in time and length; flowers appearing
after the leaves, showy on account of their size, averaging one and five-
eighths inches across, white, with a tinge of yellow at the apex of the
petals; borne on lateral spurs and buds, usually singly; pedicels one-half
inch long, thick, strongly pubescent, greenish; calyx-tube green,
campanulate, pubescent; calyx-lobes broad, obtuse, pubescent on both
surfaces, glandular-serrate and with marginal hairs, strongly reflexed;
petals obovate or oblong, entire, tapering to short, broad claws; anthers
yellow; filaments nearly one-half inch long; pistil glabrous, shorter than the
Fruit intermediate in time and length of ripening season; one and three-
quarters inches by one and one-half inches in size, roundish-oval,
compressed, halves unequal; cavity shallow, narrow, abrupt; suture a line;
apex depressed; color golden-yellow, obscurely striped and splashed with
dull green, mottled, overspread with thin bloom; dots numerous, small,
whitish, inconspicuous, clustered about the apex; stem thick, three-
quarters inch long, thickly pubescent, adhering well to the fruit; skin tough,
separating readily; flesh deep yellow, juicy, a little coarse and fibrous, firm
but tender, very sweet, with a pleasant, mild flavor, aromatic; very good to
best; stone clinging, one inch by five-eighths inch in size, long-oval,
slightly necked at the base, bluntly acute at the apex, with rough surfaces;
ventral suture broad, blunt; dorsal suture with a wide, shallow groove.


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