Why in Oxygen Concentration Cell Corrosion Occurs at Lower Oxygen Concentration - Quora333

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2022/9/24 Why in oxygen concentration cell corrosion occurs at lower oxygen concentration?

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Why in oxygen concentration cell corrosion occurs at lower

oxygen concentration?

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Mannoj Srivastava
Naturalist · 5y Related questions

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Figure: The part of a metal surface covered with dirt which is less accessible to air than the rest
of the metal.

Anodic and cathodic areas may be generated even in a perfectly homogeneous and pure
metal due to different amounts of oxygen reaching different parts of the metal which form
oxygen concentration cells. In such circumstances, those areas which are exposed to greater
amount of air become cathodic while the areas which are little exposed or not exposed to air
become anodic and suffer corrosion. Hence, the area covered with dirt becomes anodic and
suffers corrosion.

The anodic reaction is Fe → Fe2+ + 2e

The most common reactions taking place at the cathode are:

It is further oxidized to Fe(OH)3.

Since the anodic area is small and the cathodic area is large, corrosion is more concentrated
at the anode and a small hole is formed on the surface of the metal. This type of intense local
corrosion is called pitting.

In a similar way, iron corrodes under drops of water or salt solution. Areas covered by
droplets, having less access of oxygen become anodic with respect to the other areas which

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are freely exposed to air. Differential aeration corrosion occurs when one part of metal is
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exposed to a different air concentration from the other part. This causes a difference in
potential between differently aerated areas. It is experimentally found that poor oxygenated
parts are anodic. Consequently, differential aeration of a metal causes a flow of current.

In nature, most metals (except gold, platinum and silver) are found in a chemically combined
state called Ores and they exist in nature in the form of their oxides, carbonates, sulphides,
18 1
sulphates, etc. These combined forms represent their thermodynamically stable state (low
energy state). The metals are extracted from these ores after supplying a large amount of
energy. Metals in the uncombined condition have a higher energy and are in an unstable state.
It is their natural tendency to go back to the low energy state, i.e., combined state by
recombining with the elements present in the environment which is the main reason for

Oxidation corrosion is brought about by direct action of oxygen at low or high temperatures
on metals in the absence of moisture.

They deteriorate slowly by the action of atmospheric gases, moisture and other chemicals.
During this, a layer of reddish scale and powder of oxide (Fe3O4) is formed and the iron
becomes weak. This results in the formation of a porous layer through which oxygen can
diffuse to bring about further attack of the metal. This phenomenon of metals to undergo
destruction by the act of environment is known as corrosion.

You have not asked, though here is the protection:

1. Protective coatings are used to protect the metals from corrosion. The main types of
protective coatings are classified as follows.

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2. Pretreatment of the surface or preparation of materials for coating - Degreasing, Removal

of Oxide Scales or Descaling, Mechanical Cleaning, Electrochemical Method etc.

3. Hot Dipping - Galvanizing, Tinning.

4. Cementation - Sherardizing, Chromizing, Calorizing.

5. Electroplating/ Electrodeposition.

6. Organic Coatings - A good paint should form a good impervious and uniform film on the
metal surface. Constituents of paint and their functions are Pigments, Vehicle or drying oils or
medium, Thinners , Driers, Fillers or extenders, Plasticizers, Anti-skinning agents.

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Tim Chavez
4 2
Senior Materials and Process Specialist, Aerospace at Enterprise Lead (1991–present) · Upvoted by
Aidan Cooney, PhD Chemistry & Physical Organic Chemistry, Durham University (1987)Author has
1.3K answers and 1.3M answer views · Updated 4y

Related Does oxygen make every single material weak and fragile, or can it be
used to make a handful of compounds stronger and durable using oxygen?
No. Oxidation does not make every single material weak and fragile. . . and I am ignoring the
elements that act like oxidizers, just like oxygen. Such as halogen gases .. which mostly act just
like oxygen as a surface oxidizer and thus as an corrodant or erodant. And we are ignoring the
noble gases which are mostly very resistant to any reactions, oxidizing or otherwise.

Ok, look around the periodic table.. Gold, platinum, palladium, tantalum, chromium... all resist
oxidative attack handsomely when reduced to metal form. There are more than a dozen like
Continue Reading
that. There are also maybe hundreds of al


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Ian Friskus
Studied Biotechnology at Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences (Graduated 2018) ·
Author has 2.1K answers and 1.3M answer views · 2y

Related Why didn't oxygen destroy the first cell when it was formed?
Because there was effectively no free oxygen.

Oxygen is reactive. You may not really think about it in daily life, but oxygen will bind to
almost anything you’re likely to find in nature. The upside to that is that oxygen, once bound
to something, won’t be available anymore, and so it gets used up.

By the time life is believed to have started, there was practically no oxygen gas left. And so
also no oxygen gas to rip apart the complex molecules that allowed life to develop. Oxygen
only really became a thing later, with the development of photosynthesis. And even then,
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oxygen gas kept binding to

Ken Saladin
8 1
Former professor of histology (microscopic anatomy) · Author has 22.1K answers and 101.6M
answer views · 2y

Related What happens to the remaining oxygen if only 22% of it is utilised by

It’s exhaled. Here is a comparison of the composition of the air we inhale (inspired air) and
that in the air sacs (alveoli) of the lungs, which we exhale.

The alveolar air changes composition a little as we exhale it because it mixes with the air that
fills the bronchi, trachea, pharynx, and nose—so by the time it emerges from the nostrils, it’s a
bit higher in oxygen than this, and the CO2 is somewhat diluted.

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Larry Rafey
B.S. in Microbiology & Infectious Disease & Microbial Genetics, American University (Graduated
1981) · Author has 9.8K answers and 2.1M answer views · 3y

Related Why do our cells need oxygen not other gas?

Excellent question!!! So, O2 is starving for Electrons! It is the most abundant Electronegative
gas and is therefore a super oxidizer … i.e., it steals electrons from other elements (actually, in
many cases, it simply produces a Shift of Electrons to itself within the same molecule. This
allows for such elegant biological reactions as Photosynthesis, conversion of Glucose and it’s
attraction by Hemoglobin which allows most organisms to breath (or respire), thereby
providing the kind of chemical reactions that provide Energy.

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Martin Carr
PhD MRSC: Materials Science: Chem and Phys Teacher · Author has 1.8K answers and 2M answer
views · 2y

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Related What is the effect of oxygen on corrosion?
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Corrosion of metals is typically an oxidation process and oxygen is a good and abundant
oxidant to which metals are exposed.

If you want a more detailed answer, you need to be more specific. Do you mean…

Electrochemical, aqueous corrosion e.g. bridges, other steel structures

Metals other than iron/steel?

High temperature oxidation, such as in a gas turbine?

Corrosion of oil rig legs in the absence of oxygen such as in the anaerobic mud at
the bottom of the North Sea?

Perhaps you mean the degradation ofContinue

some polymers
Reading when exposed to ozone - polymer
degradation is sometimes referred to as corrosion, t

5 3
Former Student · 9mo

Related What happens to oxygen when it arrives at the cell?

At first, the need to breathe oxygen is to prepare the energy for our body to do work, of
course, food too does, but without oxygen, there is no energy to our body, therefore we can't
do any work and we will die, let's see in detail how oxygen does it work to prepare energy in
our body. This is nothing but comes under the topic of breathing and exchange of gases as
well as cellular respiration. Hope this below diagram will clearly explain how does the
exchange of gases take place in our cells, the diagram
Continue Reading explains that, how oxygen is inhaled
and carbon dioxide is liberated, and we know that RB

Felix Chen
7 1 2
Ph.D., in Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles · Author has 486
answers and 1.6M answer views · 2y

Related Is the process of corrosion ever useful?

Yes, quite so.

In my graduate studies in materials science I needed to examine the grain structures of lots of
alloy samples. However, the microstructure of an as-polished metal sample isn’t visible
because the polished surface is flat with no relief. This can be remedied quite easily, though,
by exposing the polished surface to acidic or alkaline solutions, known as etching. In some
cases the solutions attack specific grains at different rates depending on their orientation,
which makes discrete grains visible. But since grain
Continue boundaries have energies different from
the grains themselves, duri

Karl Emmanuel Sanchez Laursen

i know about chemistry, i am a chemist... say my name! · Author has 613 answers and 761.2K
answer views · 5y

Related What makes corrosion happen in the first place?

Metals were taken from their lower energy state, oxidized and happy living by Lewis Laws, and
put in a high chemical potential energy as reduced metallic matter, some pesky ions want to
take them back to their low en!ergy state and oxidize them.

With nice guys like aluminium, a thin layer of corroded aluminium will stick arround to protect
the fresh aluminium below, but jack asses like Iron rust and flake away, leaving behind fresh
metal to be corroded.

This can be made worse if you add a second metal

Continue that is more resistant to oxidation, since
thisone will form a galvanic element, like a battery

Asokan Krishnaswamy
2 2
Chemist, Teacher, and Writer Sharing his 45 yrs Experience. · Author has 248 answers and 1.6M
answer views · Updated 2y

Related Why corrosion process can not prevented completely?

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Continue Reading

took several online and physical courses regarding biology · Author has 1.5K answers and 963.2K
answer views · 3y

Related How do cells use oxygen?

Cells use oxygen to produce energy.

Cells intake glucose that is broken down from bigger carbs in your digestive tract. Then, your
cells use oxygen to change the glucose into a chemical called ATP, or adenosine
triphosphate. This chemical is the energy that your body uses to power each individual cell in
your body.

Now, it is true that some lifeforms don’t use oxygen. So you’re probably saying, “How do they
get energy?” Very good question, person. The answer is that those organisms can still make
energy without oxygen, but it is less efficient.
ContinueUsing oxygen allows them to gain a significant

Lamb Dhing
Lives in Edinburgh, UK (2020–present) · Aug 29

Related How does an oxygen concentrator work?

The currently available oxygen concentrators work on the PSA principle. The pressure swing
adsorption method relies on using pressure to adsorb nitrogen out of the air into the zeolite
sieve inside the oxygen concentrator and provide up to 96% pure oxygen to the patient.

A typical oxygen concentrator has two zeolite sieves. When you switch on the oxygen
concentrator, the air is compressed and then it shoots to one zeolite sieve. The zeolite sieve
takes in all the nitrogen from the air and thus oxygen
Continue Readinggas is separated out. Once the sieve is
fully concentrated with nitrogen, it releases the nitro

Lars Shannie
Lives in Charleston, SC · 1y

Related Are all oxygen concentrators the same?

No. Do your research. There are many models, types, and what you want will depend on how
much oxygen you need, if you need it to be portable (lightweight), rechargeable, liquid
oxygen system, etc. Nobody can do it for you, but your doctor can give you SOME suggestions.
Talk to a respiratory therapist if you can, and if not, then at least go up to someone you see
who is using oxygen in public and ask them about their system they’re using. Most people willl
tell you about what they have. I currently have aReading
Continue battery-powered portable that I carry around
with me when I have to go out, and a bigger (

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Soil sample had very low dissolved oxygen, yet showed exceptionally high corrosion. Why?

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What happens when your cells don't get enough oxygen?

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oxygen level in my room?

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In which part of a living cell is the oxygen concentration lowest, and why?

In corrosion, why does the less oxygenated part become anode?

Does corrosion require oxygen?

What is the path that oxygen takes from when you inhale until it reaches your cells?

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