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Change is inevitable. Human species have always evolved. Progress happens with change.
Changes have to occur in the minds of the people and if one cannot change his mind, he
cannot change anything. One has to adapt to the changes and grow. Pandemic has changed
our priorities, our behaviours, our habits and attitudes. From the race for materialistic
pleasures, our priorities have now changed to health and hygiene, for boosting our
immunity. Loving our family, their safety, spending time with them and taking care of elders
is our focus.
We have explored our talents in cooking, handicraft, music, movie making and many more
fields. Life can be full of speed breakers and stumbling blocks. We need a strong mind for the
acceptance of the facts and be capable enough to adapt them. Life is unpredictable, so we
need to patient to handle the difficult situations in our life.
We were enjoying a peaceful and luxurious life. But when this situation of pandemic
entered, our life changed. It was a feeling of being in a jail. But it was important to handle
this situation. Difficult situations lead to peaceful and beautiful life. Everyone in life has a
phase of ups and downs. COVID-19 has taught us about digital platforms and digital tools.
Some think that nothing can go wrong in their lives, but life has its own way to prove them
wrong. We used to stay without mobile phones in a classroom, but now we study with the
help of mobile phones. This pandemic situation has made people aware of how yoga and
healthy food is important. It is important to be fit. People generally try to neglect it, become
lazy and don’t do yoga.
Tolerance for uncertainty is prerequisite to succeeding. We may have to take some
unfamiliar paths which may take us to the best places. Though ship cannot see the shore, it
has to sail. Adversity is a powerful teacher. Learning lessons make you more independent
and stronger to fight against difficult situations.
- Shreeya Sawant (10th A)

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