Widya Ayu

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COVER PAPER............................................................................................................................1

TABLE OF CONTENTS................................. ................................................................................ 3

CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY............................................................................................................ 4

1.1 BACKGROUND....................................................................................................................... 4

1.2 PROBLEM FORMULATION...................................................................................................... 4

1.3 PURPOSE.............................................................................................................................. 4

1.4 BENEFIT................................................................................................................................ 4

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION.............................................................................................................. 5-8

2.1 NOUN & PRONOUNS............................................................................................................. 5-6

2.2 POSSESSIVE NOUN................................................................................................................ 6-7

2.3 POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS........................................................................................................... 7

CHAPTER III CLOSING.................................................................................................................. 9

3.1 CONCLUSION.........................................................................................................................9

3.2 SUGGESTION........................................................................................................................ 9

3.3 EXERCISE...............................................................................................................................9

BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................................................................................................ 10



In this era of globalization increasingly fierce competition,especially in the country of

Indonesiawhich was headed free market, therefore we as the future generation must be prepared
to facethe free market,especially mastering a foreign language,namely English International.
Aftermastering the English language well, then we can easily communicate with other nations in
the world. In addition, we will be able to add insight and knowledge for the betterment of the
nation and the state are looking for information such as: reading English literature, listening to
radio broadcasts and watch foreign films other science. In studying the English language was not
easy, a lot of order and rules that need to be noticed in the writing and its use, even with a
different way of talking was not like the spelling of Indonesian writing. In addition to fulfilling the
coursework author aims to explain the use of the pronoun or possessive pronouns so that readers
can understand more about the writing and the correct use of the English language.


In accordance with the problems above background, the problems can be formulated which will
be discussed as follows:

What is the sense of Noun and Pronoun?

What is a possessive pronoun?

How do I differentiate between the possessive pronoun with possessive adjective?

What is the difference dependent and independent?

What are examples of sentences that include the possessive?


The purpose of this discussion paper is as follows:

To find out the meaning of the possessive.

In order to distinguish the use of possessive pronouns with the possessive adjective.

To avoid errors in the writing and its use.


In this paper the discussion of the benefits that can be obtained are as follows:

Be aware of the notion of possessive.

Can distinguish the use of possessive pronouns with the possessive adjective.

To minimize the occurrence of errors in the writing and its use.

Knowing the function of the possessive pronoun.





Noun is a noun, divided by 2 ie:

1. Countable Nouns

Countable nouns are easy to recognize, namely nouns that can be counted, for example:
pen. We can count pens. We may have one, two, three or more pens.
Here are some examples of countable nouns:
1. dog, cat, animal, man, person
2. bottle, box, litre
3. coin, note, dollar
4. cup, plate, fork
5. table, chair, suitcase, bag
Countable nouns dapat berupa singular atau plural:
1. My cat is playing.
2. My cats are hungry.
2. Uncountable Nouns

Uncountable nouns are nouns that cannot be counted, for example 'milk'. We cannot count
'milk'. We can count 'bottles of milk' or 'liters of milk', but we cannot count 'milk' itself. Other
examples of uncountable nouns are:
1. music, art, love, happiness
2. advice, information, news
3. furniture, luggage
4. rice, sugar, butter, water
5. electricity, gas, power
6. money, currency

Pronouns are pronouns that are used to replace people, animals and things.
There are 8 forms of pronouns, but I will explain 3 of the 8 pronouns and examples of
1. Personal Pronouns (person's pronouns)
2. Possessive Pronouns (possessive pronouns)
3. Reflexive Pronouns (personal pronouns)
4. Demonstrative Pronouns (pointer pronouns)
5. Indefinite Pronouns (indefinite pronouns)
6. Reciprocal Pronouns (plural pronouns)
7. Interrogative Pronouns (interrogative pronouns)
8. Relative Pronouns (connecting words)
To distinguish between the three, consider the table below:

Personal Possessive Pronouns

Subject Object Possessive PossessivePronouns Pronouns

I Me My … Mine Myself

You You Your … Yours Yourself

They Them Their … Theirs Themselves

We Us Our … Ours Ourselves

He Him His … His Himself

She Her Her … Hers Herself

It It Its … Its Itself


I go with him to her house. (Meaning: I went with him to his house)
He visits our home. (Meaning: He visited our house)
Its tail is very long. (Meaning: The tail is very long)


Possessive Noun is a noun or noun that is used to express ownership of an object. The
possessive is used with a noun that refers to a person, group of people, country or animal.
Examples of possessive nouns that express ownership of an object:
- Tom owns a car. “Tom” is the owner of “a car”, so the possessive is: It isTom's car.
Examples of possessive nouns with the previous form:
- The car of John = John's car.
- The sister of Charles = Charles' sister.
- The boat of the sailors = The sailors' boat.
In addition to denoting ownership of objects, possessive nouns can also express the
relationship between a person to kinship, place of activity, and nature or character. Example:
- Mark goes to that school. That is Mark's school.
- Camilla's mother.
- Luke's patience.
Pay attention to the notes and rules for forming the following possessive nouns below.
If the singular noun does not end in -s, add 's (apostrophe and s)
- The delivery boy's truck was blocking the driveway.
- Bob Dole's concession speech was stoic and dignified.
- The student's attempts to solve the problem were rewarded
If the singular noun ends in -s, add an 's, unless the next word starts with an s, then just add
an apostrophe (including words with s and sh sounds.)
- The boss's temper was legendary among his employees.
- The boss' sister was even meaner.
- The witness's version of the story has several inconsistencies.
- The witness' story did not match the events recorded on tape.
If the singular proper nouns end in –s, just add an apostrophe
- Chris' exam scores were higher than any other students.
If the plural noun ends in –s, just add an apostrophe. This also applies to singular words
that end in -s (such as mathematics and measles).
- The instructor asked us to analyze ten poems' meanings.
- The dog catcher had to check all of the dogs' tags.
- It is hard to endure the Marine Corps' style of discipline.
If the plural noun does not end in -s, add 's (apostrophe and s)
- Many activists in Oregon are concerned with children's rights.
- Everyone was disappointed with the American media's coverage of the Olympics in
If using a combination of possessive nouns (joint possession), then use the possessive form
on the noun closest to the next word:
- Clinton and Gore's campaign was successful.
- She was worried about her mother and father's marriage.
- Beavis and Butthead's appeal is absolutely lost on me.
If two or more nouns are used to express separate possession, then use the possessive form
for each noun:
- The owner's and the boss's excuses were equally false.
- The dog's and the cats' owners were in school when the fire broke out.
In a compound construction, use the possessive form for the noun closest to the next word
(you should avoid using the possessive form for compound plurals):
- My father-in-law's BMW is really fun to drive.
- The forest ranger's truck is painted an ugly shade of green.
The possessive is also used to indicate a shop, restaurant, school, place of worship, etc. by
using the owner's name, brand or occupation, for example: the grocer's, the newsagent's, the
dentist's, Saint Mary's, the doctor's, the chemist's, etc:
Some common expressions that use the possessive form:
- a day's work
- a fortnight's holiday
- a month's pay
- today's newspaper
- in a year's time


Possessive Pronouns
Possessive pronouns are pronouns that show ownership of something. Commonly used words
are mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs.
- Look at those cars. Theirs is really ugly; ours is beautiful.
- This new car is mine.
- Mine is newer than yours.
-My hair is very fine. Yours is much thicker.
- The choice was his.
- These are my gloves. Hers are in the drawer.


Behind the preparation of this paper is to add to our knowledge of the authors and are looking
for an easy way to explain the material on Pronouns. Shape-related properties of Pronoun
Pronoun sense, shape and nature of Pronoun and how the application / use.
The meaning of the above materials can be concluded that the definition of a pronoun is a
pronoun that serves as the subject.
I, you, we, they, he, and she used to replace people. In addition, "they" is also used to replace
plural nouns. He and she can also be used to replace animals, especially pets. And
specifically to "she" can also be used to replace ships.
"It" to replace single inanimate objects and plants.
He, she and it are singular subject (third person singular) is always followed by a singular


1. Language English is an international language, to make it easier to learn in different ways,

one way to make a more detailed paper delivery. Read this paper carefully. Hopefully it can
add insight (especially those who have studied the matter about Pronouns).
2. For the reader who already knows more about this matter, we wish to provide input, can
even add information to us, either directly or indirectly. Hopefully we can make the added


Fill in the blanks with correct Possessive Nouns, Pronouns, and Adjectives!
1. We enjoy .... english class.
2. They are listening to …. Teacher.
3. I’d lend you a car, but my brother borrowed my car. (change in possessive pronoun)
4. That is her book, that book is …..
5. The room of the girls = (possessive noun)
6. Rita has two cousins. .... names Matthew and Shelly.
7. I am a student .... school is on jl. Mawar.
8. I think this is my bag.And where is ....?Have you found it?
9. Is this your car ? No, that one over there is ….
10. My class is bad. .... is the most beautiful one.

http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/pronouns1.htm. Accessed on Sunday,06

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