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Associate professor of Clinical Medicine,
Northwestern University Medical School,
Chicago, IL

Metabolic syndrome:
Controversial but useful
■ A B S T R AC T
M Critics point out thatis itscontroversial.
The metabolic syndrome—the cluster of obesity, impaired vary, it lacks a unifying mechanism, and there
fasting glucose, elevated triglycerides, low high-density is little value in labeling this cluster of obesity,
lipoprotein cholesterol, and hypertension—may not be a insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and hyperten-
“real” syndrome in the strict sense. It can, however, still sion as a syndrome—we would do just as well
be a useful concept if it prompts a physician to look for to treat each risk factor individually.
and treat additional risk factors when a patient is found Nevertheless, many people do have this
to have one risk factor, or if it helps persuade patients to combination of risk factors, and they are at
undertake healthy lifestyle changes before they develop substantially increased risk of developing dia-
betes mellitus and coronary artery disease.
overt diabetes mellitus or coronary artery disease. This review examines the clinical utility
of a defined metabolic syndrome in managing
■ KEY POINTS cardiovascular disease risk and discusses its
Metabolic syndrome is very common and is associated physiologic basis.
with a risk of developing diabetes mellitus and
cardiovascular disease. Not all studies, however,
confirmed that the risk is greater than that predicted by In the latter half of the 20th century, risk fac-
individual risk factors. tors for cardiovascular disease were identified
and redefined to increasingly lower and
At present, no unifying mechanism can explain the tighter levels. Some of these risk factors, such
metabolic syndrome. Consequently, there is no unique as abdominal obesity, dyslipidemia, hyperten-
treatment for it. sion, and hyperglycemia, were observed to
occur more frequently in patients with
The two possible goals in treating metabolic syndrome impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 dia-
are to prevent diabetes and to prevent cardiovascular betes. In 1988, Reaven named this cluster of
disease. However, the definitions of metabolic syndrome metabolic risk factors “syndrome X.”1
ignore several strong risk factors for cardiovascular In 1998, the World Health Organization2
and, later, the third Adult Treatment Panel of
disease, such as cigarette smoking and elevated levels of the National Cholesterol Education Program3
low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. and other organizations4,5 developed consensus
definitions of metabolic syndrome. Although
The cornerstone of treatment should be lifestyle these various definitions are similar in their val-
interventions: losing weight by eating less and exercising ues for triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein
more. cholesterol (HDL-C), and blood pressure, they
vary in how they define obesity and insulin
resistance (TABLE 1). Furthermore, none of them
addressed a potential unifying physiologic or


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TA B L E 1
Current definitions of metabolic syndrome differ

Waist circumference Body mass index

> 40 in (102 cm) (men) ≥ 40 inches (men) Ethnicity-specific* > 30 kg/m2 and/or
> 35 in (88 cm) (women) ≥ 35 inches (women) Waist-hip ratio
> 0.9 (men)
> 0.85 (women)

≥ 150 mg/dL ≥ 150 mg/dL ≥ 150 mg/dL ≥ 150
or treatment for or treatment for
hypertriglyceridemia hypertriglyceridemia

High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C)

< 40 mg/dL (men) < 40 mg/dL (men) < 40 mg/dL (men) < 35 mg/dL (men)
< 50 mg/dL (women) < 50 mg/dL (women) < 50 mg/dL (women) < 40 mg/dL (women)
or treatment for low HDL-C or treatment for low HDL-C

Blood pressure
≥ 130/85 mm Hg ≥ 135/85 mm Hg ≥ 130/85 mm Hg ≥ 140/90 mm Hg
or treatment or treatment or treatment or treatment
for hypertension for hypertension for hypertension for hypertension

Fasting glucose Insulin resistance

100–125 mg/dL ≥ 100 mg/dL ≥ 100 mg/dL Type 2 diabetes mellitus,
or treatment or diagnosis impaired fasting glucose,
for hyperglycemia of diabetes mellitus impaired glucose tolerance
Urinary albumin
> 20 mg/mL
Albumin-creatinine ratio
> 30 mg/g
NCEP ATP III = National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III3
AHA/NHLBI = American Heart Association/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute4
IDF = International Diabetes Foundation5
WHO = World Health Organization2
*Europeans: men ≥ 94 cm, women ≥ 80 cm; South Asians: men ≥ 90 cm, women ≥ 80 cm; Chinese: men ≥ 90 cm, women ≥ 80 cm;
Japanese: men ≥ 85 cm, women ≥ 90 cm; South and Central Americans: men ≥ 90 cm, women ≥ 80 cm; Sub-Saharan Africans: men ≥ 94
cm, women ≥ 80 cm; Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (Arab) populations: men ≥ 94 cm, women ≥ 80 cm.

genetic mechanism for the syndrome, leading defining characteristics should have both
to confusion about how to detect and treat it. mechanistic and clinical impact.

■ IF METABOLIC SYNDROME IS REAL, Insulin resistance?

WHAT CAUSES IT? At first, elevated levels of insulin were thought
to be the mechanism driving the other compo-
If metabolic syndrome is real, it should have a nents of the metabolic syndrome, and a poten-
unifying physiologic mechanism, and its tial target of therapy. Subsequently, attention


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shifted to insulin resistance rather than insulin adipocytes, with resultant macrophage infil-
per se.6 tration, inflammation, and alteration of
However, only 78% of patients with adipocyte function.9
metabolic syndrome have insulin resistance, Abdominal obesity is harder to measure
and only 48% of people with insulin resis- than one would think. Although there is a
tance have metabolic syndrome.7 linear correlation between waist circumfer-
Normally, the liver and muscles take up ence and visceral fat, an increase of as little as
glucose in response to insulin. If this response 0.5 to 2 kg of visceral fat may be enough to
is impaired, as in insulin resistance, the beta induce adipocyte dysfunction but not enough
cells compensate by making more insulin, and to reach the Adult Treatment Panel or World
blood glucose levels do not rise until the beta Health Organization (WHO) criteria for obe-
cells start to fail. Thus, although insulin resis- sity in the metabolic syndrome.10
tance is mechanistically linked to the hyper- Furthermore, the distribution of visceral fat
glycemia seen in patients with metabolic syn- and therefore the criteria for abdominal obesi-
drome, the beta-cell dysfunction is not a direct ty may be quite different in different ethnic
consequence of peripheral insulin resistance. groups.11
Furthermore, insulin resistance does not
account for two other important mechanisms Free fatty acids?
of cardiovascular disease: inflammation and A consequence of dysfunctional adipose tissue
hypercoagulability. Moreover, the dyslipi- is that plasma levels of free fatty acids are
demia seen in patients with metabolic syn- chronically elevated. Free fatty acids are ele-
drome may actually be due to enhanced insulin vated normally during the fasting state, but
action in the liver, leading to increased syn- insulin resistance in visceral fat cells leads to
thesis of very-low-density lipoprotein choles- their chronic elevation in the postprandial
terol (VLDL-C). state as well.12
In turn, chronic elevation of free fatty
Abdominal obesity? acids leads to decreased insulin sensitivity and
Obesity has always been assumed to be a reduced glucose uptake in other organs such as If metabolic
major component of the metabolic syndrome, the liver and muscles, and to hyperglycemia syndrome is
both as a criterion and perhaps as a causative by decreasing beta-cell function and acceler-
mechanism. Reaven8 points out that insulin ating apoptosis of pancreatic beta cells.13 real, it should
resistance does not cause obesity; rather, obe- Furthermore, increased flow of free fatty have a unifying
sity causes insulin resistance. However, acids through the liver leads to accelerated
insulin resistance also occurs in 10% to 15% synthesis of VLDL-C and hypertriglyc- physiologic
of people who are not overweight. eridemia. In patients with insulin resistance, mechanism
But all fat is not the same. Intra-abdomi- triglyceride enrichment of HDL-C leads to
nal (visceral) fat has potential negative effects accelerated HDL-C clearance and a decline in
on metabolic and cardiovascular risk, while plasma HDL-C levels. Elevated free fatty acids
subcutaneous fat is metabolically and cardio- have also been associated with endothelial
vascularly inert and may actually serve a pro- dysfunction and vasoconstriction, leading to
tective function. Dysfunction or insulin resis- increases in blood pressure.14
tance of visceral fat is linked to the dyslipi- However, increases in free fatty acids
demia, hypertension, hyperglycemia, and should be considered a characteristic of meta-
inflammation associated with metabolic syn- bolic syndrome rather than a unifying mecha-
drome.4 Adipocyte dysfunction may be either nism. In fact, what we call insulin resistance
intrinsic or secondary to immune dysregula- in patients with metabolic syndrome is more
tion, inflammation, hypothalamic-pituitary- truly a failure to suppress free fatty acids than
adrenal dysfunction, local glucocorticoid dys- a failure to take up glucose.
regulation within visceral fat, or, possibly,
stress or energy imbalance. Adipocyte insulin Inflammation?
resistance is no longer believed to be genetic Inflammation has been suggested as a cause of
but rather a consequence of hypertrophy of coronary artery disease. Increased levels of C-


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reactive protein, a marker of inflammation, times higher in people with metabolic syn-
strongly predict coronary artery disease and drome in a healthy, predominantly Hispanic
are often present in patients with metabolic population.
syndrome.4 C-reactive protein levels increase The Copenhagen Male Study22 found
with the number of metabolic risk factors in a that hypertension markedly increased the risk
given patient, and other inflammatory mark- of coronary artery disease in dyslipidemic
ers are increased as well in this syndrome. patients but not in normolipidemic people,
However, these associations are purely correl- suggesting that the clustering of risk factors in
ative, not causative, and the increased C-reac- metabolic syndrome does increase risk.
tive protein seen in metabolic syndrome does
not imply a mechanistic action. Evidence against
Not all epidemiologic studies found that the
■ METABOLIC SYNDROME IS COMMON risk of coronary artery disease is higher in
people with metabolic syndrome. Further,
Metabolic syndrome poses a major public the individual components of the metabolic
health concern, as it is common, and patients syndrome probably predict outcomes well
with this cluster of risk factors are at signifi- enough, and the risk associated with the syn-
cantly increased risk of developing diabetes drome may not be greater than the sum of its
and cardiovascular disease. parts.
Cardiovascular disease, the leading cause Among Native Americans, a population
of death in the United States,15 affects 70% or at extremely high risk for type 2 diabetes,
more of patients with type 2 diabetes, who the Strong Heart Study failed to demon-
have a four times higher incidence of cardio- strate an increased risk of coronary artery
vascular events and death than do those with- disease in people with metabolic syndrome
out diabetes.16 Even people with impaired glu- beyond the risk predicted by individual risk
cose tolerance have a two times higher risk of factors.23
cardiovascular disease and death. Bruno et al24 found that 75.6% of a large
In metabolic The prevalence of metabolic syndrome series of patients with type 2 diabetes had
syndrome, the in healthy adults is between 15% and 23%,17 metabolic syndrome, but metabolic syndrome
but is much higher in Hispanics and African did not predict cardiovascular death. Patients
risk may not be Americans, two groups with a markedly who had any one component of the syndrome
greater than higher risk for diabetes and cardiovascular had a risk of cardiovascular disease that was
disease. twice as high as in patients with none of the
the sum of its components. They concluded that categoriz-
parts ■ DOES METABOLIC SYNDROME ing the patients as having or not having the
PREDICT CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE? metabolic syndrome did not tell them any-
thing beyond what they could predict from
Evidence in favor the individual components.
The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities In assessing whether metabolic syndrome
study found that the metabolic syndrome pre- is a clinically useful tool, it is critical to look at
dicts future diabetes and cardiovascular dis- it in patients with and without diabetes.
ease, especially in women.18 When Wilson et al25 removed hyperglycemia
In a study by Isomaa et al,19 12% of from the definition, they found that metabol-
patients with metabolic syndrome died of ic syndrome lost much of its predictive value
coronary artery disease within 12 years, com- for coronary artery disease.
pared with 2.2% of controls. In 18-year follow-up data from the
The West of Scotland Coronary Prevention Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial,26
study20 found that metabolic syndrome men with metabolic syndrome did have a
increased the risk of coronary heart disease by higher risk than men without metabolic syn-
76% and tripled the risk of diabetes. drome, but the risk rose incrementally with
The San Antonio Heart Study21 found a each additional risk factor, with no clinical
risk of death due to coronary artery disease 2.5 reason for requiring three risk factors.


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Metabolic syndrome omits loss of beta-cell function.
important risk factors With recent evidence from Ferrannini et
The concept of a metabolic syndrome does not al30 showing that beta-cell loss actually
fit our current understanding of atherogenesis begins while glucose tolerance is still normal,
very well, omitting the two most potent pre- it is logical to assume that diabetes risk can be
dictors of cardiovascular disease risk—smoking easily predicted from any combination of
and elevated low-density lipoprotein choles- family history, hyperglycemia, and any mark-
terol (LDL-C) concentrations. Another risk er of insulin resistance or inflammation, with-
factor, microalbuminuria, strongly predicts car- out the need to invoke the metabolic syn-
diovascular disease even in people without dia- drome. Hemoglobin A1c is an attractive
betes and is included in the WHO definition option for screening, although it is less reli-
of metabolic syndrome, although it is not part able at the low end of values, and no data for
of the more commonly used Adult Treatment a threshold of risk yet exist.
Panel definition. Elevation of postprandial
glucose above 140 mg/dL, which is not even ■ TWO GOALS OF TREATMENT
part of the definition of metabolic syndrome,
may ultimately predict cardiovascular and dia- In treating a patient who has metabolic syn-
betes risk better than the other components. drome, one has two possible objectives: to pre-
Furthermore, the use of cut points to vent diabetes and to prevent cardiovascular
identify patients at risk is also arbitrary and disease.
implies a threshold of risk as opposed to a con- Since there is no unifying mechanism for
tinuum of risk. Under the current definitions the syndrome, there is no single pharmacolog-
(TABLE 1), a 40-year-old man with an HDL-C ic intervention. For example, since not all
level of 36 mg/dL, triglycerides 145 mg/dL, patients are insulin-resistant, routine use of
waist 37 inches, and fasting glucose 120 insulin sensitizers will not be cost-effective in
mg/dL would not be considered to have meta- many patients. However, obesity, insulin resis-
bolic syndrome and therefore would not qual- tance, and fat cell dysfunction are all manifes-
ify for metabolic intervention. However, new tations of caloric energy intake in excess of Using cut
guidelines may soon be forthcoming that will physical expenditure; hence, lifestyle inter- points implies
advocate aggressive management of his ventions should have a profound impact.
impaired fasting glucose and diabetes risk. Stress and depression may also be linked to a threshold
Therefore, treatment strategies will need metabolic syndrome mechanistically, but there rather than a
to address unique risk factors in individual is no evidence yet that intervention in these
patients, rather than setting goals in an aggre- areas will reduce adverse clinical outcomes.31 continuum of
gate syndrome. risk
To prevent diabetes
■ DOES METABOLIC SYNDROME Lifestyle interventions clearly have the
PREDICT DIABETES? greatest impact of all the possible interven-
tions, as shown in several studies. Most
Similarly, many have used metabolic syn- notably, in the Diabetes Prevention Program,32
drome to predict diabetes. Both Lorenzo et al patients who managed to lose 7 kg and walk for
in the San Antonio Heart Study27 and Wilson 150 minutes per week reduced their risk of pro-
et al in the Framingham offspring study28 gressing to diabetes by 58%.
found that metabolic syndrome did predict Metformin (Glucophage), which might
future diabetes. seem to be an attractive option for preventing
But other risk factors for diabetes are diabetes in metabolic syndrome, reduced risk
much stronger than metabolic syndrome.29 by only 31% in the same study,32 and had very
Obesity, dyslipidemia, and hyperglycemia all modest effects on atherogenesis and no effects
correlate with insulin resistance, a necessary on dysfunctional fat cells, making its utility for
component of type 2 diabetes in 90% of cases. patients with metabolic syndrome limited to
Impaired fasting glucose and impaired glucose those with polycystic ovarian syndrome or
tolerance are both associated with significant diabetes.


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Thiazolidinediones may stabilize beta • Non-HDL-C lower than 130 mg/dL.

cells and, in several studies,32,33 they reduced Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
the incidence of progression to diabetes by inhibitors and angiotensin-receptor blockers
58% to 75%. These studies were of relatively (ARBs) have a role in treating metabolic syn-
short duration, and the cost-effectiveness of drome in patients with hypertension, diabetes,
using these drugs to prevent diabetes in meta- or previous cardiovascular events. Several stud-
bolic syndrome is unknown. ies have demonstrated a reduction in both car-
A strategy that could be used regardless of diovascular disease and progression to diabetes
whether a patient has metabolic syndrome with these agents.36 There is significant physio-
might be to monitor blood sugar levels more fre- logic overlap in the mechanism by which ACE
quently in patients at risk and to use progressive inhibitors, ARBs, thiazolidinediones, and
interventions, starting with lifestyle changes statins reduce or prevent atherosclerosis, and it
and using beta-cell stabilizers if these fail. is unclear whether angiotensin-modifying drugs
would have a major role in lower-risk patients
To reduce cardiovascular risk with metabolic syndrome who do not have
The issues involved in trying to prevent car- hypertension or cardiovascular disease.
diovascular disease are similar to those in pre- Thiazolidinediones. Pioglitazone (Actos)
venting diabetes. In young adults with a fami- reduced the incidence of cardiovascular dis-
ly history of premature cardiovascular disease ease in diabetic patients at high risk in the
and in patients with dyslipidemia, aggressive recent Prospective Pioglitazone Clinical
lifestyle modification and risk management Trials in Macrovascular Events (PROAC-
should produce long-term benefit. However, TIVE) study.37 The most pronounced reduc-
since the absolute rates of cardiovascular tions were in myocardial infarction and acute
events in patients with metabolic syndrome coronary syndrome.
younger than 50 years are relatively low, it is If thiazolidinediones truly reduce cardio-
difficult to demonstrate a benefit in the con- vascular risk, the mechanism may be by reduc-
text of an individual practice. Each cardiovas- ing glucose and lipid levels, blood pressure,
Patients who cular risk factor needs to be addressed individ- adipocyte dysregulation, and inflammation.
lost 7 kg and ually rather than in aggregate. However, their utility in primary prevention is
Lipid-lowering drugs. Only a few studies unknown, and their use in metabolic syn-
walked for 150 specifically looked at reducing the risk of car- drome should be reserved for treating hyper-
minutes/week diovascular disease in metabolic syndrome. glycemia if diet and exercise fail.
Three studies, using statins, fibric acid deriva-
reduced their tives, or a combination, all showed risk reduc- ■ WHAT DOES METABOLIC SYNDROME
risk of diabetes tion, but not significantly greater than those MEAN TO THE CLINICIAN?
by 58% predicted by lipid-lowering alone.13 There-
fore, when treating a patient with metabolic Metabolic syndrome has some use to the prac-
syndrome, the clinician should attempt to ticing clinician. Most cases of cardiovascular
achieve four lipid targets: disease ultimately occur in patients with mul-
• LDL-C lower than 100 mg/dL (the opti- tiple risk factors, and most patients seen by a
mal level, per the Adult Treatment Panel cardiologist are indeed insulin-resistant and
guidelines3) have both adipocyte and macrophage dysfunc-
• HDL-C higher than 35 mg/dL (HDL-C tion leading to inflammation. However, the
levels below 35 mg/dL increase the risk of current concept of metabolic syndrome may
cardiovascular disease fourfold, indepen- merely reflect the additive effects of three or
dent of other risk factors.34) more risk factors rather than a novel disease
• Triglycerides lower than 150 mg/dL (In the that requires unique screening.
Paris study of impaired glucose tolerance and If we could identify patient subgroups
non-insulin-dependent diabetes, triglyceride truly at risk of developing diabetes or cardio-
levels above 125 mg/dL were associated with vascular disease, we might be able to intervene
a twofold to fourfold increase in death earlier and more cost-effectively, rather than
rates.35) screening and treating the general population.


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As currently defined, metabolic syndrome is risk remains the most effective clinical strate-
really more a late-stage marker of risk rather gy for the metabolic syndrome as currently
than an early-stage one. defined. Dyslipidemia and worsening hyper-
Clearly, we need more specific markers of glycemia should be treated aggressively with
inflammation and adipocyte dysfunction than medications regardless of whether a “syn-
currently exist, especially in view of the variable drome” is present.
definitions of metabolic syndrome. Although The ultimate utility of even considering
measuring hormones and cytokines such as metabolic syndrome may simply be to provide
adiponectin, plasminogen activator inhibitor I, patients and clinicians a framework in which
and tumor necrosis factor alpha is attractive to discuss the importance of multiple risk fac-
conceptually, they are still research tools, with tors and interventions, especially if the patient
no epidemiologic guidelines to help us integrate has no symptoms and therefore is likely to be
these measurements into clinical practice. unmotivated and more likely to choose phar-
Until more outcome data are available, macotherapy when ill than lifestyle changes
aggressive lifestyle intervention in patients at before irreversible illness occurs.

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