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This is Bilawal Malah, citizen of Karach, Pakistan. I was born in 13th December
1997. I am currently a student of LLB from Denning Law School. The purpose of
writing this statement is that i have a deep interest of pursuing my studies in UK.
I have completed my foundation from lecole law of school based in karachi, Pakistan
in the year of 2019. After that, I applied in Denning to do my bachelors in law. I
have completed my 2 years of studies of law in this University. Now my aim is to
continue my last year of LLB and my Baret law in top ranked universities of UK. For
example: Queens marry, university of london, university of leads, university of
Glasgow and lencaster university etc.


My interest in law begin when i completed my intermediate and it was also my

father’s dream. I met one of my father's friend who was a senior advocate, I was
very much inspired by his knowledge and his personality. He made me aware of how
law and society differ around the world. I want to study law to gain a deeper
understanding of different laws and how they affect citizens. Studying Law will
challenge and train my mind to grasp complex legal issues such as liability. I am
motivated to learn about the various policies and principles which act as a code of
conduct in our lives. My aspiration is to become a solicitor and I believe,
studying Law will allow me to develop the necessary legal knowledge and skills that
will enable me to be successful in this career.


United Kingdom is recognized as one of the top designation to study around the
world. UK is respected globally for its high-class institutions along with its
education system that has strong international reputation. Studying in UK will
enhance my ability of independent thought, it will bring encouragement of proactive
problem solving skills, and it will also empower my behaviour towards intellectual,
creative and effective thinking. These skills will help me excel in professional
work environment. UK has safe, friendly, cultural diverse and sophisticated
environment. Students studying in UK can be part of multicultural environment and
cultural activities through which, i will be able to enhance my personality
alongside my studies. As an international student in UK, i can expect to live, grow
and learn with opportunities that lie ahead in the process of achieving my Law

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