Current Affair Nts

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Current affairs:G.

PM=Imran Khan
+President =Arif Alvi
+Speaker (NA) =Asad Qaiser
+Deputy Speaker (NA) =M. Qasim khan Suri
+Opposition Leader(NA) =Mian Shahbaz Sharif
+Chairman Senate= Sadiq Sanjarani
+Deputy Chairman Senate= Saleem Mandiwala
+House Leader(Senate) =Syed Shibli Faraz
+Opposition Leader(Senate) = Raja Zafar Ul Haq
+President Of AJK= Sardar Masood Khan
+PM Of AJK= Raja Muhammad Farooq Haider khan
+CM Gilgit =Hafiz Hafeez Ur Rehman
+Governer Gilgit =Raja Jalal Hussain Maqpoon
+CM Punjab= Sardar Usman Buzdar
+Governer Punjab=Ch. Muhammad Sarwar
+CM Sindh=Murad Ali Shah
+Governor Sindh=Imran Ismail
+CM Of KPK=Mahmood khan
+Governor KPK= Shah Farman
+CM of Balochistan =Jam Kamal Khan
+Governor Balochistan =Justice(R) Aman Ullah Yasinzai
+Speaker Balochistan Assembly = Abdul Quddus Bizenjo
+Speaker Sindh Assembly =Agha Siraj Durrani
+Speaker Punjab Assembly =Pervaiz Elahi
+Chief Of Army Staff=General Qamar Javed Bajwa
+Cheif Of Naval Staff=Zafar Mahmood Abbasi
+Chief Of Air Staff=Mujahid Anwar Khan
+Chairman Joint chief of Staff Committee =General Zubair Mehmood Hayat
+Director General ISPR=Major General Asif Gafoor
+Defense Minister =Pervaiz khatak
+Foreign Minister =Shah Mehmood Qureshi
+Finance Minister =Abdul Hafeez Sheikh
+Chairman NAB= Justice (R) Javed Iqbal
+Chief Justice Supreme Court =Asif saeed Khan Khosa
+Governor State Bank=Dr. Reza Baqir

+Defence Production =Zubaida Jalal
+Federal Education and Professional training =Shafqat Mehmood
+Aviation Division = Ghulam Sarwar Khan
+Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit Baltistan=Ali Amin Khan Gandapur
+Parliment Affairs=
Ali Muhammad Khan
+Human Rights =Shireen Mazari
+Science and technology =Fawad Chaudhry
+Telecommunications=khalid Maqbool Saddiqui
+Inter Provincial Coordination =Fahmida Mirza
+Law And Justice=Farogh Naseem
+Religious Affairs =Noor-ul-Haq Qadri
+State and Frontier Regions=Shehriyar kahn Afridi
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CTRL+A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Select All

CTRL+C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Copy
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CTRL+U. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Underline
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ALT+F4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quit program, close current window
ALT+F6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Switch between current program windows
ALT+ENTER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Opens properties dialog
ALT+SPACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . System menu for current window
ALT+¢ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . opens drop-down lists in dialog boxes
BACKSPACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . Switch to parent folder
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CTRL+TAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Move through property tabs
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CTRL+DRAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . Copy File
ESC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cancel last function
SHIFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Press/hold SHIFT, insert CD-ROM to bypass auto-play
SHIFT+DRAG . . . . . . . . . . . . Move file
SHIFT+F10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Opens context menu (same as right-click)
SHIFT+DELETE . . . . . . . . . . . Full wipe delete (bypasses Recycle Bin)
ALT+underlined letter . . . . Opens the corresponding menu
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CTRL+END . . . . . . . . . . to the bottom
PAGE UP . . . . . . . . . . . . moves document or dialog box up one page
PAGE DOWN . . . . . . . . moves document or dialog down one page
ARROW KEYS . . . . . . . move focus in documents, dialogs, etc.
CTRL+ > . . . . . . . . . . . . next word
CTRL+SHIFT+ > . . . . . . selects word
Windows Explorer Tree Control
Numeric Keypad * . . . Expand all under current selection
Numeric Keypad + . . . Expands current selection
Numeric Keypad – . . . Collapses current selection
¦ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Expand current selection or go to first child
‰ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Collapse current selection or go to parent
Special Characters
‘ Opening single quote . . . alt 0145
’ Closing single quote . . . . alt 0146
“ Opening double quote . . . alt 0147
“ Closing double quote. . . . alt 0148
– En dash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . alt 0150
— Em dash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . alt 0151
… Ellipsis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . alt 0133
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™ Trademark . . . . . . . . . . . . alt 0153
° Degree symbol. . . . . . . . . alt 0176
¢ Cent sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . alt 0162
1⁄4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . alt 0188
1⁄2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . alt 0189
3⁄4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . alt 0190
PC Keyboard Shortcuts
Creating unique images in a uniform world! Creating unique images in a uniform world!
é . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . alt 0233
É . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . alt 0201
ñ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . alt 0241
÷ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . alt 0247
File menu options in current program
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Ctrl + g Move one word to the right at a time
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Alt +
Shift + Tab
Switch backwards between open
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Create screen shot for current program
Ctrl + Alt + Del Reboot/Windows® task manager
Ctrl + Esc Bring up start menu
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Ctrl + F4 Close window in program
Ctrl + Plus
Automatically adjust widths of all columns
in Windows Explorer
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or program
Shift + F10 Simulate right-click on selected item
Shift + Del Delete programs/files permanently
Holding Shift
During Bootup
Boot safe mode or bypass system files
Holding Shift
During Bootup
When putting in an audio CD, will prevent
CD Player from playing
WINKEY + D Bring desktop to the top of other windows
WINKEY + M Minimize all windows
Undo the minimize done by WINKEY + M
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WINKEY + E Open Microsoft Explorer
WINKEY + Tab Cycle through open programs on taskbar
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Ctrl + K Insert link
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Ctrl + Z Undo last action
Ctrl + G Find and replace options
Ctrl + H Find and replace options
Ctrl + J Justify paragraph alignment
Ctrl + L Align selected text or line to the left
Ctrl + Q Align selected paragraph to the left
Ctrl + E Align selected
*🇳🇵#SAARC (South Asian Association Regional Co-operation)*

▪When was #SAARC established ? *8 December 1985*

▪Headquarters of SAARC located in? *Kathmandu Nepal 🇳🇵*
▪#Full form of SAARC? _South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation_
▪Who first presented the concept for foundation of SAARC? *#Ziaur Rahman* (Bangladesh
President )
▪How many countries where in the beginning and agreed to form SAARC ? *7*
▪#Afghanistan become the 8th member of #SAARC in which summit? *14 SAARC summit*
▪How many countries are the member of #SAARC ? *8*
▪Total area of the World covered by SAARC countries ? *3%*
▪#Total world's population occupied by 8 SAARC countries ? *21%*
▪#Biggest #SAARC country? *India* (Both by area & populations)
▪#Smallest SAARC country? *Maldives*
▪How many countries are landlocked in SAARC ? *3* ( Nepal, Bhutan & Afghanistan)
▪Highest Literacy rate among SAARC? *Maldives*
▪Highest per capita income among SAARC? *Maldives*
▪Recently which two states got observer status in SAARC? *China & Japan*
▪Which trade agreement related to SAARC? *SAPTA*
▪How many Muslim countries in SAARC? *4 Muslim countries*
▪2010 T0 2020 is the SAARC decade of? *Intra Regional connectivity*
▪Who was first Secretary General of SAARC? *Abu Al Ahsan
▪Which two summits of SAARC successfuly held in Pakistan? *(4rth 1988 & 12th 2004)*
▪19th SAARC summit postponed due to URRI Attacks, which was supposed to held in
Pakistan on? *15-16 Nov 2016*
*Regional Centers of SAARC*
▪SAARC Agricultural Centre (SAC) located in? *Bangladesh*
▪SAARC Meteorological Research Centre (SMRC) located in? *Bangladesh*
▪SAARC Forestry Centre (SFC) located in? *Bhutan*
▪SAARC Development Fund (SDF) located in? *Bhutan*
▪SAARC Documentation Centre (SDC) located in? *India*
▪SAARC Disaster Management Centre (SDMC) located in? *India*
▪SAARC Coastal Zone
*General Questions and Answers about Pakistan*...

Q: What is the meaning of Pakistan?

Ans : *Holy Land*
Q: When the name ―Pakistan‖ was first used and by Home?
Ans. *On (28 Feb 1933) by ―Chaudry Rehmat Ali‖.*
Q: What is the Governmental Name of Pakistan?
Ans: *―Islamic Republic of Pakistan‖ ―Islami Jumori Pakistan‖.*
Q: Who designed Pakistan‘s national flag?
Ans : *Ameer-ud-din Khidwai*
Q: Which military alliance had Pakistan as its member?
Ans : *SEATO*
Q: Which is the national animal of Pakistan?
Ans : *Markhor*
Q: Which is the national bird of Pakistan?
Ans: *Chakor*
Q: Name the capital of Pakistan.
Ans. *Islamabad.*
Q: What is Area of Pakistan?
Ans. *796096 sq km.*
Q: What is Area of Islamabad?
Ans: *906 km.*
Q: Name the Highest place/peak of Pakistan.
Ans: *K-2 Mountain.*
Q: Name the lowest (down) place in Pakistan.
Ans: *Karachi.*
Q: How is Pakistan‘s film industry known?
Ans : *Lollywood*
Q: Which is the longest and biggest river of Pakistan?
Ans: *River of Sindh. It is km2*
Q: Which are the popular rivers‘s of Punjab?
Ans: *Jhelum, Ravi, Sutlej, and river of Chenab.*
Q: Which are the popular rivers‘s of Baluchistan?
Ans: *River of Hangeul, Bolan, Zhob and river of Pishin.*
Q: Which are the popular rivers‘s of KPK?
Ans: *River of Swat, Kabul, Kunhar, Gomel and river of Punjgur.*
Q: Which is the national language of Pakistan?
Ans : *Urdu*
Q: According to population which is the largest city of Pakistan.
Ans: *Karachi.*
Q: According to population which is the smallest city of Pakistan.
Ans: *Ziarat.*
Q: How many languages are spoken in Pakistan?
Ans: *32 languages.*
Q: Which are the well known languages of Pakistan?
Ans: *Urdu, Punjabi, Pashto, Sindhi, Baluchi, Saraeki, Brave, kashmeri and etc.*
Q: When Pakistan became the member of United Nations?
Ans: *30 December 1947.*
Q: Which is the oldest library of Pakistan?
Ans: *―Punjab Public library‖ (1882) Lahore.*
Q: Where is the biggest Shoes Factory in Pakistan?
Ans: *Lahore.*
Q:#Ministry of #Defence Paper.
It’s not full only 79 MCQS. Please take #knowledge.

1) : Objective Resolution Was Passed By? (Liaqat Ali Khan On 12 March 1949)
2) : Quran Pak Other Name? (Furqan)
3) : Montegu Chelmsford Reform Date? (1919) 4) : The Number Of Rivers In Balochistan?
(7) 5) : Surah Name On Ant Is? (Numl)
6) : First Democractic Election In Pakistan?
( 7 Dec 1970) 7) : Baltic Countries? (Latvia, Finland, Poland, Germany, Russia etc)
😎 : Pirpur Report Date? (1938)
9) : Cabinut Mission? (1946)
10) : Cube Root Of Unity? (1)
11) : Khalid Bin Waleed Accepted Islam In? (6 Hijri) 12) : Abu Sufyan Accepted Islam In? (8
Hijri) 13) : Hazrat Muazz Was Governer Of? (Yemen)
14) • The Inverse Of Scalar Matrix? • ! (Scalar Matrix)
15) : Sin180-x? (Sinx)
16) : Pak Celebrate Defence Day From? (1966)
17) : Old Name Of Attock? (Campbell Pur)
18) : Pak Afghan Border Length? (2430 KM) 19) : Geneva Pact? (1988)
20) :Which Country Is Called Rising Sun? (Japan)
21) : How Many Agencies Are In FATA? (7)
22) : King Of Habsha's Religion? {Armah)(Najashi)}
23) : Most Deveoped Continent? (Europe)
24) : What Will Be Last Letter Of UTYEAB When You Arrange It? FAY)
25) : What Will Be Third Letter Alphabeticallu Arengement in "Management"? (G)
26) : If Yesterday Was Friday Then After Tomorrow Will Be? (Monday)
27) : How Many Months Have 31 Days In 1 Year? (7)
28) : In A Room There Are Males And Females, If There Are 3/2 Male Then How Many
Females Are In The Room, When Room Contain 30 People? (10)
29) : Book Purchased In 30 Rs And Sold
In 40 Rs Find The Profit In %? (33. 3%)
• 30) : Railway Minister? (Sheikh Rasheed Ahmad)
31) : Governer Sindh? (Imran Ismail)
32) : Lowest Point On Earth Is? (Challenger Deep) 33) : Jami ul Quran Title? (Hazrat Usman
R. A)
34) : Biggest District Areawise In Pakistan? (Chagai)
35) : Who Wrote Loyal Muhammadan? .1 (Sir Syed Ahmed Khan)
36) : China Pak Border Agreement Date? (2 March 1963)
I37) : Where Pakistan Did Its Nuclear Test? (Ras Koh Hills In District Chagai)
38) : Pakistan 1200 Mile Border Length ' With Which Country? (Afghanistan) Confirm It
39) : Basel Is City Of? (Switzerland)
40) : Smallest Continent? (Australia) 1. v.
41) : Highest Civil Award Of Pakistan? (Nishan e Pakistan) ,
42) : First Women Governer General? 1 (Begum Raana)
43) : 2nd PM Of Pakistan? (Khuwaja Nazimuddin)
43) : 2nd PM Of Pakistan? (Khuwaja Nazimuddin)
44) : Empty Set Is Known As? (Finite)
45) : Chaura Chauri Incident Date? (5 Feb 1922)
46) : Longest River Of Asia? (Yangtze)
47) : Saffah Means? (Top Of Mountain)
48) : Nisab of Gold? (7.5 Tola Or 84.87 Grams) 49) : 1857 Jung e Azadi Exact Date? (10
May 1857)
50) : Relation Of Hazrat Hamza With Holy Prophet PBUH? (Companion As Well As Paternal
51) : "Prescribe" Synonym? (Order, Command, Dictate)
52) : Cube Root of -2? (-1.25)
53) : India Quite Movement? (8 August 1942) 54) : Kaleemullah Is A Title Of? (Hazrat iMusa
55) : Speaker of National Assembly? (Asad Qaiser)
56) : 90% of 90? (81)
57) : Old Name Of India? (Hindustan, Bharat or Bhartavarsha etc)
59) : Israel Was Title Of? (Hazrat Yalgoob AS) 60) : Which Place Connect Pakistan With
Tajikistan? (Wakhan)
61) : Laat And Uzaa Are? (Idol)
62) : First Foreign Minister?
63) : Sindh Bombay Se Separate Karne Ka Mutalba Kiska Tha? {Muslims (Muhammad Ali
Jinnah 14 Points)}
64) : FIFA WC 2018 Winner? (France) ,
65) : President During 1956 11 \ Constitution? (Iskander Mirza) ,
66) : Quaid e Azam Left Congress In? 1 (December 1920) i
67) : Makkah Conquered? (8 Hijri)
68) : Mavakhat e Madinah Was Between? (Ansaar And Mahajareen)
69) : Asadullah Is A Title Of? (Hazrat All R.A) 70) : Quaid Date Of Birth? (25 Dec 1876)
71) : Nehru Report Date? (30 August 1928) 72) : Dark Continent? (Africa)
73) : Red Sea Is Also Known As? (Gulf Of Arabia)
74) : Capital Of Kyrgyzstan? (Bishkek)
75) : Who Separated Bengal In 1913? (Lord Curzon) I. ,
76) : Length of Pakistan Coast? (1046 KM) 1 77) : Badar Is A Name Of? (Village) (Meaning
Of Badar Is "Full Moon") -
78) : The Largest Producer Of Carpet? (Iran-) 79) : Sin 90°? (1)
#Ministry of #Defence Paper.
It’s not full only 79 MCQS. Please take #knowledge.

1) : Objective Resolution Was Passed By? (Liaqat Ali Khan On 12 March 1949)
2) : Quran Pak Other Name? (Furqan)
3) : Montegu Chelmsford Reform Date? (1919) 4) : The Number Of Rivers In Balochistan?
(7) 5) : Surah Name On Ant Is? (Numl)
6) : First Democractic Election In Pakistan?
( 7 Dec 1970) 7) : Baltic Countries? (Latvia, Finland, Poland, Germany, Russia etc)
😎 : Pirpur Report Date? (1938)
9) : Cabinut Mission? (1946)
10) : Cube Root Of Unity? (1)
11) : Khalid Bin Waleed Accepted Islam In? (6 Hijri) 12) : Abu Sufyan Accepted Islam In? (8
Hijri) 13) : Hazrat Muazz Was Governer Of? (Yemen)
14) • The Inverse Of Scalar Matrix? • ! (Scalar Matrix)
15) : Sin180-x? (Sinx)
16) : Pak Celebrate Defence Day From? (1966)
17) : Old Name Of Attock? (Campbell Pur)
18) : Pak Afghan Border Length? (2430 KM) 19) : Geneva Pact? (1988)
20) :Which Country Is Called Rising Sun? (Japan)
21) : How Many Agencies Are In FATA? (7)
22) : King Of Habsha's Religion? {Armah)(Najashi)}
23) : Most Deveoped Continent? (Europe)
24) : What Will Be Last Letter Of UTYEAB When You Arrange It? FAY)
25) : What Will Be Third Letter Alphabeticallu Arengement in "Management"? (G)
26) : If Yesterday Was Friday Then After Tomorrow Will Be? (Monday)
27) : How Many Months Have 31 Days In 1 Year? (7)
28) : In A Room There Are Males And Females, If There Are 3/2 Male Then How Many
Females Are In The Room, When Room Contain 30 People? (10)
29) : Book Purchased In 30 Rs And Sold
In 40 Rs Find The Profit In %? (33. 3%)
• 30) : Railway Minister? (Sheikh Rasheed Ahmad)
31) : Governer Sindh? (Imran Ismail)
32) : Lowest Point On Earth Is? (Challenger Deep) 33) : Jami ul Quran Title? (Hazrat Usman
R. A)
34) : Biggest District Areawise In Pakistan? (Chagai)
35) : Who Wrote Loyal Muhammadan? .1 (Sir Syed Ahmed Khan)
36) : China Pak Border Agreement Date? (2 March 1963)
I37) : Where Pakistan Did Its Nuclear Test? (Ras Koh Hills In District Chagai)
38) : Pakistan 1200 Mile Border Length ' With Which Country? (Afghanistan) Confirm It
39) : Basel Is City Of? (Switzerland)
40) : Smallest Continent? (Australia) 1. v.
41) : Highest Civil Award Of Pakistan? (Nishan e Pakistan) ,
42) : First Women Governer General? 1 (Begum Raana)
43) : 2nd PM Of Pakistan? (Khuwaja Nazimuddin)
43) : 2nd PM Of Pakistan? (Khuwaja Nazimuddin)
44) : Empty Set Is Known As? (Finite)
45) : Chaura Chauri Incident Date? (5 Feb 1922)
46) : Longest River Of Asia? (Yangtze)
47) : Saffah Means? (Top Of Mountain)
48) : Nisab of Gold? (7.5 Tola Or 84.87 Grams) 49) : 1857 Jung e Azadi Exact Date? (10
May 1857)
50) : Relation Of Hazrat Hamza With Holy Prophet PBUH? (Companion As Well As Paternal
51) : "Prescribe" Synonym? (Order, Command, Dictate)
52) : Cube Root of -2? (-1.25)
53) : India Quite Movement? (8 August 1942) 54) : Kaleemullah Is A Title Of? (Hazrat iMusa
55) : Speaker of National Assembly? (Asad Qaiser)
56) : 90% of 90? (81)
57) : Old Name Of India? (Hindustan, Bharat or Bhartavarsha etc)
59) : Israel Was Title Of? (Hazrat Yalgoob AS) 60) : Which Place Connect Pakistan With
Tajikistan? (Wakhan)
61) : Laat And Uzaa Are? (Idol)
62) : First Foreign Minister?
63) : Sindh Bombay Se Separate Karne Ka Mutalba Kiska Tha? {Muslims (Muhammad Ali
Jinnah 14 Points)}
64) : FIFA WC 2018 Winner? (France) ,
65) : President During 1956 11 \ Constitution? (Iskander Mirza) ,
66) : Quaid e Azam Left Congress In? 1 (December 1920) i
67) : Makkah Conquered? (8 Hijri)
68) : Mavakhat e Madinah Was Between? (Ansaar And Mahajareen)
69) : Asadullah Is A Title Of? (Hazrat All R.A) 70) : Quaid Date Of Birth? (25 Dec 1876)
71) : Nehru Report Date? (30 August 1928) 72) : Dark Continent? (Africa)
73) : Red Sea Is Also Known As? (Gulf Of Arabia)
74) : Capital Of Kyrgyzstan? (Bishkek)
75) : Who Separated Bengal In 1913? (Lord Curzon) I. ,
76) : Length of Pakistan Coast? (1046 KM) 1 77) : Badar Is A Name Of? (Village) (Meaning
Of Badar Is "Full Moon") -
78) : The Largest Producer Of Carpet? (Iran-) 79) : Sin 90°? (1)
80 Important IDIOMS
1. To add insult to injury; To intensify a person
2. To be born with a silver To be born in a rich family Spoon in one’s mouth;
3. A bolt from the blue; An expected disaster
4. To blow one’s own trumpet; To boast
5. A bone of contention; Cause of quarrel
6. To burn one’s fingers; To suffer
7. To beat black & blue; To beat mercilessly
8. To cast an aspersion; To bring discredit
9. To cry over spilt milk; To feel sorry for what has happened
10. To cut a sorry figure; To make a poor impression
11. To die in harness; To die while doing one’s duty
12. To end in smoke; To fail
13. To go to the dogs; To be ruined
14. To hang in the balance; To remain undecided
15. To hit the nail on the head; To do the right thing at the right time
16. To hold water; To sound logical
17. To live no stone unturned; To try one’s level best
18. To live from hand to mouth; To live with great difficulty
19. To make up one’s mind; To decide
20. To see eye to eye with; Agree
21. To play ducks and drakes; Waste
22. To put the cart before the hors; To do a thing in a wrong way
23. To have too many irons in the fire; To have too many things in hand
24. To read b/w the lines; To try to understand the hidden meaning
25. To turn over a new leaf; To change for the better
26. To take the bull by horns; To face difficulties boldly
27. To win laurels; To distinguish oneself
28. At daggers drawn; At enmity or fighting
29. Blake and white; Written
30. By leaps and bounds; Very fast
31. In cold blood; deliberately
32. Laid up with; Confined to bed
33. Ins and outs; Full details
34. A black sheep; Scoundrel; a bad person
35. A cock and bull story; An absurd tale
36. A gala day; A day of festivity; a holiday with rejoicing
37. A hard nut to crack; A difficult person or problem to deal with
38. A turn coat; One who changes one’s opinion or party
39. A fool’s paradise; In a state of happiness founded on vain hopes
40. Beat a retreat; To retire before the enemy
41. To be on the horns of a dilemma; To have a choice b/w two equal evils
42. To beat about the bush; Approach a subject in a round about method
43. Bury the hatchet; To make peace
44. By fits and starts; Irregularly
45. Capital punishment; Death sentence
46. By hook or by crook; By fair or foul means
47. Eat humble pie; To face humiliation
48. Hit below the belt; To act unfairly
49. In apple pie order; In perfect order
50. Leave one in lurch; To desert in difficulty
51. To make a clean breast of; To confess fully one’s faults
52. To nip the evil in the bud; To destroy an evil in early stage
53. Pick holes in another’s coat; To find fault with another
54. Scot free; To go unpunished
55. Smell a rat; To have a reason to suspect
56. Through thick and thin; Through every difficulty
57. True to one’s salt; Faithful to one’s master
58. To turn the corner; To begin to improve
59. With a grain of salt; To accept a statement with doubt as to its complete true
60. Worship the rising sun; To respect one rising in power
61. A Herculean task; An extremely difficult or dangerous task
62. A fish out of water; In a wrong place
63. A leap in the dark; An act of which we can’t force consequences
64. A thorn in one’s side; A constant source of annoyance
65. To be at one’s beck and call; Under one’s absolute control
66. Bread and Butter; Means of subsistence
67. Burn one’s fingers; To get into trouble
68. Burn the candle at both ends; Use up too much energy
69. To cut the Gordian knot; To solve the difficulty
70. Cut and dried; Ready-made
71. Feather one’s own nest; To make money by unfair means
72. To fish in troubled water; To do something under very unpromising circumstance
73. To give oneself airs; Affected manners
74. To give the devil his due; To allow even a bad man the credit due
75. To hang by thread; To be in a critical condition
76. A henpecked husband; A man habitually snubbed by his wife
77. Hush money; Money given as a bribe to hush or make one keep silent
78. Kick up a row; Make a great noise
79. To let the cat out of the bag; To reveal a secret
80. Null and void; Not valid; of no effect
Pakistan joined
world bank 1950
IMF 1950
OIC in 1974
PTBT in 1978
NAM in 1979 and
‫‪SAARC IN 1985‬‬
‫‪SCO 2017‬‬
‫‪WTO 1995‬‬
‫*_پاکستان میں اب تک منتخب ہونے والے ‪ 22‬وزیر اعظم کی مکمل لسٹ_*‬

‫*🇰🇵ہــــم سب کــا پــا کــستـان🇰🇵*‬

‫*وزیر اعظم لیاقت علی خان* ⃣‪1‬‬

‫پاکستان کے پہلے وزیر اعظم لیاقت علی خان تھے ‪،‬جو ‪ 15‬اگست ‪ 1947‬سے ‪ 16‬اکتوبر ‪ 1951‬تک یعنی چار سال دو‬
‫مہینے ‪1525‬دن وزیر اعظم رہے۔‬

‫*وزیر اعظم خواجہ ناظم الدین* ⃣‪2‬‬

‫ملک کے دوسرے وزیر اعظم خواجہ ناظم الدین تھے جو ‪ 17‬اکتوبر ‪ 1951‬سے لے کر ‪ 17‬اپریل ‪ 1953‬یعنی تقریبًاڈیڑھ سا‬
‫ل ‪549‬دن تک وزارت عظمٰی کے منصب پر فائز رہے ۔‬

‫*وزیراعظم ‪،‬محمد علی بوگرا* ⃣‪3‬‬

‫تیسرے وزیراعظم محمد علی بوگرا تھے جو ‪ 17‬اپریل ‪ 1953‬سے ‪ 11‬اگست ‪ 1955‬تک یعنی سوا دو سال یا ‪848‬دن وزیر‬
‫اعظم رہے ۔‬

‫*وزیر اعظم ‪،‬چوہدری محمد علی* ⃣‪4‬‬

‫چوتھے وزیر اعظم چوہدری محمد علی تھے جو ‪ 11‬اگست ‪ 1955‬سے ‪12‬ستمبر ‪ 1956‬تقریباً ‪13‬مہینے یا ‪398‬دن تک‬
‫پرائم منسٹر رہے ۔‬

‫*وزیر اعظم حسین شہید سہروردی* ⃣‪5‬‬

‫پانچویں وزیر اعظم حسین شہید سہروردی تھے جو ‪ 1‬ستمبر ‪ 1956‬سے ‪ 18‬اکتوبر ‪ 1957‬یعنی ‪13‬ماہ یا ‪401‬دن تک‬
‫عہدے پر فائز رہے ۔‬

‫*وزیر اعظم ابراہیم اسماعیل چندریگر* ⃣‪6‬‬

‫چھٹے وزیر اعظم ابراہیم اسماعیل چندریگر گزرے ہیں جو ‪ 18‬اکتوبر ‪ 1957‬سے لے کر ‪ 16‬دسمبر ‪ 1957‬تک رہے ۔یہ‬
‫مدت دو ماہ یعنی ‪61‬دن بنتی ہے ۔‬

‫*وزیر اعظم ملک فیروز خان نون* ⃣‪7‬‬

‫ساتویں وزیر اعظم ملک فیروز خان نون گزرے ہیں جو ‪ 16‬دسمبر ‪ 1957‬سے لے کر ‪ 7‬اکتوبر ‪1958‬تک رہے ۔‪296‬دن‬
‫یعنی ایک سال سے بھی کم مدت تک اپنے عہدے پر فائز رہے ۔‬

‫*وزیر اعظم ‪،‬نوراالمین* ⃣‪8‬‬

‫ٓاٹھویں وزیر اعظم نوراالمین تھے جو ‪7‬دسمبر ‪ 1971‬سے لے کر ‪ 20‬دسمبر ‪ 1971‬صرف‪14‬دنوں تک وزیر اعظم رہے ۔‬

‫*وزیر اعظم ذوالفقار علی بھٹو* ⃣‪9‬‬

‫نویں وزیر اعظم ذوالفقار علی بھٹو ‪ 14‬اگست ‪ 1973‬سے لے کر ‪ 5‬جوالئی ‪ 1977‬تک رہے یعنی تین سال گیارہ ماہ‬

‫*وزیر اعظم محمد خان جونیجو* ⃣‪0⃣1‬‬

‫دسویں وزیر اعظم محمد خان جونیجو تھے جو ‪23‬مارچ ‪ 1985‬سے لے کر ‪ 29‬مئی ‪ 1988‬تک رہے ۔یہ مدت تین سال سے‬
‫کچھ زیادہ یا ‪1163‬دن بنتی ہے۔‬

‫*وزیر اعظم محترمہ بینظیر بھٹو* ⃣‪1⃣ 1‬‬

‫گیارہویں وزیر اعظم ‪ ،‬محترمہ بینظیر بھٹو تھیں جو ‪ 2‬دسمبر ‪ 1988‬سے لے کر ‪ 6‬اگست ‪ 1990‬تک وزیراعظم رہیں ۔یہ ان‬
‫کی مدت کا پہال دور تھا جو ‪613‬دنوں یا ‪20‬ماہ پر مشتمل تھا۔‬

‫*قصير سيالوى*‬

‫⃣‪2⃣1‬‬ ‫*وزیر اعظم ‪،‬میاں محمد نواز شریف* ⃣‪1‬‬
‫بارہویں وزیر اعظم ‪،‬میاں محمد نواز شریف تھے جو ‪ 6‬نومبر ‪ 1990‬سے لے کر ‪ 18‬اپریل ‪ 1993‬تک رہے ۔یہ نواز شریف‬
‫کا پہال دور حکومت تھا جو ڈھائی سال سے زائد یا ‪986‬دن پر مبنی تھا۔اسی دوران صدر اسحاق خان کو ہٹانے کے بعد بلخ‬
‫شیر مزاری نگراں وزیر اعظم کے طور پر اقتدار میں ٓائے مگر سپریم کورٹ سے نواز شریف کی وزات عظمٰی بحال کردی۔‬

‫⃣‪3⃣1‬‬ ‫*وزیر اعظم محترمہ بینظیر بھٹو* ⃣‪1‬‬
‫محترمہ بینظیر بھٹو صاحبہ دوسری مرتبہ وزیر اعظم منتخب ہوئیں جو ‪ 19‬اکتوبر ‪ 1993‬سے لے کر ‪ 5‬نومبر ‪ 1996‬یعنی‬
‫تین سال سے زائد یا ‪1113‬دنوں تک منصب پر فائز رہیں ۔‬

‫⃣‪4⃣1‬‬‫*وزیر اعظم میاں محمد نواز شریف* ⃣‪1‬‬
‫میاں محمد نواز شریف بھی ‪ 1997‬میں دوسری مرتبہ وزیر اعظم منتخب ہوئے ۔ یہ مدت ‪ 17‬فروری ‪ 1997‬سے لے کر ‪12‬‬
‫اکتوبر ‪1999‬یعنی ‪2‬سال ‪8‬ماہ یا ‪967‬دنوں پر محیط رہی ۔‬

‫⃣‪5⃣1‬‬‫*وزیر اعظم میر ظفرہللا خان جمالی* ⃣‪1‬‬
‫ملک کے پندرہویں وزیر اعظم میر ظفرہللا خان جمالی تھے جو ‪ 23‬نومبر ‪ 2002‬سے لے کر ‪ 26‬جون ‪ 2004‬یعنی ایک‬
‫سال سات ماہ تک برسر اقتدار رہے ۔‬

‫⃣‪6⃣1‬‬‫*وزیر اعظم چوہدری شجاعت حسین* ⃣‪1‬‬
‫سولہویں وزیر اعظم چوہدری شجاعت حسین تھے جو ‪30‬جون ‪ 2004‬سے لے کر ‪ 26‬اگست ‪ 2004‬یعنی دو ماہ یا ‪57‬دن‬
‫تک وزیر اعظم رہے ۔‬

‫⃣‪7⃣1‬‬ ‫*وزیر اعظم شوکت عزیز* ⃣‪1‬‬
‫پاکستان کے سترہویں وزیر اعظم شوکت عزیز تھے جو ‪ 28‬اگست ‪ 2004‬سے لے کر ‪ 15‬نومبر ‪ 2007‬تک رہے ہیں ۔یہ‬
‫مدت تین سال سے زائد یا ‪1174‬دنوں پر محیط تھی۔‬

‫⃣‪8⃣1‬‬‫*وزیر اعظم سید یوسف رضاگیالنی* ⃣‪1‬‬
‫سید یوسف رضاگیالنی گزرے جو ‪ 25‬مارچ ‪ 2008‬سے لے کر ‪ 25‬اپریل ‪ 2012‬تک رہے ۔یہ مدت چار سال ایک ماہ یعنی‬
‫‪1495‬دن بنتی ہے۔‬

‫وزیر اعظم راجہ پرویز اشرف تھے جو‪ 22‬جون ‪ 2012‬سے لے کر ‪ 24‬مارچ ‪ 2013‬تک رہے ۔یہ مدت ⃣‪9⃣ 1‬‬
‫*وزیر اعظم راجہ پرویز اشرف*‬
‫‪275‬دنوں پر مبنی ہے۔‬

‫⃣‪0⃣2‬‬‫*وزیر اعظم میاں محمد نواز شریف* ⃣‪2‬‬
‫پاکستان کے بیسویں وزیر اعظم میاں محمد نواز شریف تھے جو تیسری بار منتخب ہونے کے بعد بھی اپنی مدت پوری نہ‬
‫کرسکے اور ‪ 5‬جون ‪ 2013‬سے لےکر ‪ 28‬جوالئی ‪ 2017‬یعنی چار سال ایک ماہ سے زیادہ یا ‪1514‬دن بنتی ہے ۔‬

‫⃣‪1‬‬ ‫*وزیر اعظم شاہد خاقان عباسی* ⃣‪2‬‬

‫نواز شریف کے نا اہل ہونے کے بعد ملک کے اکیسیوں وزیر اعظم شاہد خاقان عباسی بنے جویکم اگست ‪ 2017‬سے لے کر‬
‫‪ 31.‬مئی ‪ 2018‬یعنی ‪10‬ماہ یا ‪303‬دن تک ملک کے وزیر اعظم رہے‬

‫⃣‪2⃣2‬‬‫*وزیر اعظم عمران خان* ‪ 18‬اگست ‪ 2018‬کو حلف اٹھایا جس کی حکومت اب تک چل رہی ہے* ⃣‪2‬‬
‫*═════ ♢‪*═════ ♢.✰.‬‬
‫*‪★* 彡‬ہم سب کا پاکستان★‪*彡‬‬
‫*═════ ♢‪*═════ ♢.✰.‬‬
‫‪RaHMAT ayaz khan bannu‬‬
‫قرآن مجید میں جہنم کے نگران کا کیا نام ہے؟ ‪Q:‬‬

‫قہار ‪A:‬‬
‫مالک ‪B:‬‬
‫الرعد ‪C:‬‬
‫نار ‪D:‬‬
‫‪Check Answer‬‬
‫غزوہ احد میں کافروں کا سردار کون تھا؟ ‪Q:‬‬

‫ابو لہب ‪A:‬‬

‫مکرمہ ‪B:‬‬
‫خالد بن ولید ‪C:‬‬
‫ابو سفیان ‪D:‬‬
‫‪Check Answer‬‬
‫لفظ محمد قرآن مجید میں کتنی مرتبہ آیاہے؟ ‪Q:‬‬

‫دو ‪A:‬‬
‫تین ‪B:‬‬
‫چار ‪C:‬‬
‫پانچ ‪D:‬‬
‫‪Check Answer‬‬
‫ابو جہل کا اصل نام کیا تھا؟ ‪Q:‬‬

‫عمرو بن احمد ‪A:‬‬

‫عمر و بن ہشام ‪B:‬‬
‫حارث بن ہشام ‪C:‬‬
‫ہاشم بن عمرو ‪D:‬‬
‫‪Check Answer‬‬
‫عمروبن ہشام‬
‫مکہ میں بت پرستی کی ابتداء کس نے کی؟ ‪Q:‬‬

‫ابوجہل ‪A:‬‬
‫عمرو بن لئحی ‪B:‬‬
‫ابر ھہ ‪C:‬‬
‫کرزبن جابر ‪D:‬‬
‫‪Check Answer‬‬
‫عمرو بن لئحی‬
‫حضورﷺ کے وصال کے فوری بعد کس جھوٹے نبی کو ہالک کیا گیا۔ ‪Q:‬‬

‫مسلیمہ کذاب ‪A:‬‬

‫اسود عنسی ‪B:‬‬
‫طلیحہ بن خویلد ‪C:‬‬
‫سجاح بنت حارث ‪D:‬‬
‫‪Check Answer‬‬
‫اسود عنسی‬
‫کس کافر کے نام سے ایک سورت قرآن پاک میں موجود ہے؟ ‪Q:‬‬

‫سورۃ نصر ‪A:‬‬

‫سورۃ اللہب ‪B:‬‬
‫سورۃ الفیل ‪C:‬‬
‫سورۃ العنکبوت ‪D:‬‬
‫‪Check Answer‬‬
‫سورۃ اللہب‬
‫ہللا تعالٰی نے قرآن مجید کا ذکر کتنے ناموں سے کیا؟ ‪Q:‬‬

‫‪A: 35‬‬
‫‪B: 45‬‬
‫‪C: 55‬‬
‫‪D: 65‬‬
‫‪Check Answer‬‬
‫دنیا کی قدیم ترین مسجد کون سی ہے؟‬

‫خانہ کعبہ ‪A:‬‬

‫مسجد نبوی ‪B:‬‬
‫مسجد شہدا ‪C:‬‬
‫مسجد نمرہ ‪D:‬‬
‫‪Check Answer‬‬
‫خانہ کعبہ‬

‫خانہ کعبہ کے غالف کو کیا کہا جاتاہے ؟ ‪Q:‬‬

‫کسوٰی ‪A:‬‬
‫ریشم ‪B:‬‬
‫ستار ‪C:‬‬
‫دائرہ ‪D:‬‬
‫‪Check Answer‬‬
‫مردوں میں سب سے پہلے کس نے اسالم قبول کیا؟ ‪Q:‬‬

‫حضرت حمزہ ‪A:‬‬

‫حضرت علی ‪B:‬‬
‫حضرت ابوبکر ‪C:‬‬
‫حضرت عباس ‪D:‬‬
‫‪Check Answer‬‬
‫حضرت ابوبکر‬
‫ایسی کون سی سورہ ہے جس کے شروع میں تسمیہ (بسم ہللا) نہیں ہے؟ ‪Q:‬‬
‫سورہ توبہ ‪A:‬‬
‫سورہ انفال ‪B:‬‬
‫سورہ یونس ‪C:‬‬
‫سورہ اعراف ‪D:‬‬
‫‪Check Answer‬‬
‫سورہ توبہ‬
‫حجراسود کو بوسہ دیناکیا کہالتا ہے؟ ‪Q:‬‬

‫استالم ‪A:‬‬
‫شوط ‪B:‬‬
‫ملتزم ‪C:‬‬
‫مبرور ‪D:‬‬
‫‪Check Answer‬‬
‫جان بوجچھ کار روزہ توڑنے سے الزم ہوتا ہے؟ ‪Q:‬‬

‫صرف کفارہ ‪A:‬‬

‫صرف قضا ‪B:‬‬
‫قضاو کفارہ دونوں ‪C:‬‬
‫کچھ بھی نہیں ‪D:‬‬
‫‪Check Answer‬‬
‫قضاو کفارہ دونوں‬
‫حج کے دوران کتنے خطبے ہوتے ہیں؟ ‪Q:‬‬

‫ایک ‪A:‬‬
‫دو ‪B:‬‬
‫تین ‪C:‬‬
‫کوئی ہیں ‪D:‬‬
‫‪Check Answer‬‬
‫پہلی اسالمی ریاست کہا قائم ہوئی؟ ‪Q:‬‬

‫مکہ ‪A:‬‬
‫مدینہ ‪B:‬‬
‫کوفہ ‪C:‬‬
‫بصرہ ‪D:‬‬
‫‪Check Answer‬‬
‫جنت اور دوزخ کے درمیان کے مقام کو کیا کہتے ہیں؟ ‪Q:‬‬

‫پل صراط ‪A:‬‬

‫اعراف ‪B:‬‬
‫یلملم ‪C:‬‬
‫کوثر ‪D:‬‬
‫‪Check Answer‬‬
1. *Above* = below
2. Absent = *present*
3. *Accident* = intent
4. Accomplishment = *failure*
5. *Achieve* = fail
6. Add = *subtract*
7. *Adjacent* = distant
8. Admire = *detest*
9. *Admit* = reject
10. Adore = *hate*
11. *Advance* = retreat
12. Affirm = *deny*
13. *Afraid* = confident
14. After = *before*
15. *Aid* = hinder
16. Alarm = *comfort*
17. *Alert* = asleep
18. Alive = *dead*
19. *Allow* = forbid
20. Alone = *together*
21. *Amateur* = professional
22. *Amuse* = bore
23. Ancient = *modern*
24. *Annoy* = soothe
25. Answer = *question*
26. *Apparent* = obscure
27. Argue = *agree*
28. *Arrive* = depart
29. Arrogant = *humble*
30. *Ascend* = descend
31. Attack = *defend*
32. *Attract* = repel
33. Awake = *asleep*
34. *Awkward* = graceful
35. Back = *front*
36. *Bad* = good
37. Beautiful = *ugly*
38. *Before* = after
39. Bent = *straight*
40. *Better* = worse
41. Big = *little*
42. *Birth* = death
43. Bitter = *sweet*
44. *Black* = white
45. Blunt = *sharp*
46. *Body* = soul
47. Bold = *timid*
48. *Bottom* = top
49. Brave = *cowardly*
50. *Break* = repair
51. Brief = *long*
52. *Bright* = dull
53. Bring = *remove*
54. *Boy* = girl
55. Busy = *idle*
56. *Buy* = sell
57. Capture = *release*
58. *Cause* = effect
59. Cautions = *careless*
60. *Center* = edge
61. Change = *remain*
62. *Cheap* = expensive
63. Child = *adult*
64. *Chilly* = warm
65. Clean = *dirty*
66. *Close* = open
67. Cold = *hot*
68. Command = *obey*
69. *Complex* = simple
70. Compliment = *insult*
71. *Constant* = variable
72. Continue = *interrupt*
73. *Cool* = warm
74. Copy = *original*
75. *Countrymen* = foreigner
76. Crazy = *sane*
77. Crooked = *straight*
78. *Cruel* = kind
79. Cry = *laugh*
80. *Curse* = bless
81. Damage = *improve*
82. *Dark* = light
83. Dawn = *sunset*
84. *Day* = night
85. Deep = *shallow*
86. *Destroy* = create
87. Difficult = *easy*
88. *Dim* = bright
89. Divide = *unite*
90. *Doubt* = trust
91. Drunk = *sober*

*PDF Library group*

*0303 3190049*
1- Name of Pakistan's own satellite PRRS full form ?
2- Current prime minister of Lebanon? Rafique hireri
3- Managing director of IMF.? Roger
4- Which country officially declare emergency on climate change? UK
5- Country with Highest spendings on military budget in last year ? USA
6- Which country Announced plans to open the international space station to private
business NOT SURE
7- Winner team of PSL 2019 QUETTA
8- Location of 2nd summit meeting of North Korean prime Minister with Donald Trump?
9- First female Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to US ? RIMA BINT BANDR
10- Who signed the Amnesty Scheme Ordinance . P.M KHAN
11- Prophet S.A.W performed total number of Umrahs? 4
12- Number of Rukkos in Quran ? 558
13- Subject of Qur'an is?MAN
14- Battle of Jamel was fought in the era of khalifa? HAZRAT ALI A.S
15- Not include in Islamic Basic Aqaid
A. Toheed B. Prayers C. Books D. None of these ANSWER IS D
16- Longest bone in human body
17- Which one is not on the both sides of the body
A. Eyes B. Kidney C. Spleen D. Lungs answer C
18- Average life of white blood cells? 12 to 15 days
19- Blood is formed in:
20- Which gas unfavorable for green houses ANSWER CARBON MONOXIDE
21- shortcut key to center the text in MS word CTRL+E
22- key for the next slide in PowerPoint SPACEBAR
23- key for the previous slide in PowerPoint BACKSPACE
24- Letters which appear above the normal size of the text called SUPERSCRIPT
24- letters which appear below the normal size of the text called SUBSCRIPT
25- Shortcut key for slide view of PowerPoint F5
26- Shortcut key for resume slide ANSWER SHIFT+F5
27- Shortcut key for enhancing the line spacing to 1.5 CTRL+5
28- Space between margin and first paragraph called GUTTER
29- in Excel, a worksheet combination columns and rows each of them will called? CELL
30- if there are total 11 digits denoted their A.p and value of center figure is 30. Not sure
calculate the sum
12.|x-2|=x^2 value of x is ANSWER -1,2
13.if 5x^2+13x+k roots of equation alpha and 1/alpha ,value of k is .
c.5👈🏻 of these
1. Prime ministers SCO Merting ? Bishkek Kyrgyzstan
4. Ismael & Ishaq relation (Brothers)
6. Excessiveness of blood clotting (Vitamin K)
7. Sun is a (Star)
8. Pm Modi second term oath date ( 30 May)
9. 4th June observed as? ( World Health Day)
How many sequence numbers
64, 32, 16,____ , 1/128
A. 12
B. 13
C. 14
D. None👈🏻
3 x 3 matrix multiplied with 3, determinant will be
A-B is sub set of ANSWER 3|A|
Kekar 1 drilling cost? 14 billion approximately 15 billions
Father of economics in muslim scientist? Al marwandi

1- Name of Pakistan's own satellite PRRS full form ?

2- Current prime minister of Lebanon? Rafique hireri
3- Managing director of IMF.? Roger
4- Which country officially declare emergency on climate change? UK
5- Country with Highest spendings on military budget in last year ? USA
6- Which country Announced plans to open the international space station to private
business NOT SURE
7- Winner team of PSL 2019 QUETTA
8- Location of 2nd summit meeting of North Korean prime Minister with Donald Trump?
9- First female Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to US ? RIMA BINT BANDR
10- Who signed the Amnesty Scheme Ordinance . P.M KHAN
11- Prophet S.A.W performed total number of Umrahs? 4
12- Number of Rukkos in Quran ? 558
13- Subject of Qur'an is?MAN
14- Battle of Jamel was fought in the era of khalifa? HAZRAT ALI A.S
15- Not include in Islamic Basic Aqaid
A. Toheed B. Prayers C. Books D. None of these ANSWER IS D
16- Longest bone in human body
17- Which one is not on the both sides of the body
A. Eyes B. Kidney C. Spleen D. Lungs answer C
18- Average life of white blood cells? 12 to 15 days
19- Blood is formed in:
20- Which gas unfavorable for green houses ANSWER CARBON MONOXIDE
21- shortcut key to center the text in MS word CTRL+E
22- key for the next slide in PowerPoint SPACEBAR
23- key for the previous slide in PowerPoint BACKSPACE
24- Letters which appear above the normal size of the text called SUPERSCRIPT
24- letters which appear below the normal size of the text called SUBSCRIPT
25- Shortcut key for slide view of PowerPoint F5
26- Shortcut key for resume slide ANSWER SHIFT+F5
27- Shortcut key for enhancing the line spacing to 1.5 CTRL+5
28- Space between margin and first paragraph called GUTTER
29- in Excel, a worksheet combination columns and rows each of them will called? CELL
30- if there are total 11 digits denoted their A.p and value of center figure is 30. Not sure
calculate the sum
12.|x-2|=x^2 value of x is ANSWER -1,2
13.if 5x^2+13x+k roots of equation alpha and 1/alpha ,value of k is .
c.5👈🏻 of these
1. Prime ministers SCO Merting ? Bishkek Kyrgyzstan
4. Ismael & Ishaq relation (Brothers)
6. Excessiveness of blood clotting (Vitamin K)
7. Sun is a (Star)
8. Pm Modi second term oath date ( 30 May)
9. 4th June observed as? ( World Health Day)
How many sequence numbers
64, 32, 16,____ , 1/128
A. 12
B. 13
C. 14
D. None👈🏻
3 x 3 matrix multiplied with 3, determinant will be
A-B is sub set of ANSWER 3|A|
Kekar 1 drilling cost? 14 billion approximately 15 billions
Father of economics in muslim scientist? Al marwandi
ASI Paper

1). The word Muhammad (SAW) as a name has been mentioned in Quran only:

(b) Four times

2). Khateeb �ul-Anbia as a title of:

(d) Hazrat Shoaib (AS)

3). A Verse of the Holy Quran indicates the name of:

(d) Hazrat Zaid (RA)

4). Masjid Zu Qiblatain is situated in

: (a) Madina

5). Which Surah of Quran has Bismillah twice:

(b) Al Namal
6). Sadaq-e-Eid-ul-fitr has been proclaimed in the year:

(a) 2 Hijri

7). Imam-e-Dar-ul-Hijrat was a title of:

(b) Imam Malik

8). Ameen �ul-Umat is the title of Hazrat:

(c) Abu-ubaida bin Al jaraah (RA)

9). Arafat gathering is held on:

(b) 9 Zil hajj

10. How much Surah the Quran contains:

c. 114

11- The Nisab of Zakat in gold is

: c. 7 � Tolas

12. The original name of Imam Bukhari is:

d. Muhammad bin Ismail

13. Makka was conquered in:

d. 8 A.H

14. Jami-i-Quran is taken for: c.

Hazrat Usman (R.A)

15. Pious-Caliphate lasted for about:

c. Thirty Years

16. Abyssinia is the old name of:

(a) Egypt (b) Iran(c) Iraq (d) Jordan

17. Deficiency of Vitamin C causes:

(a) Scurvy (b) Beri Beri (c) Color Blindness (d) ��.
18. NATO consists of �� member countries.

(a) 28(b) 27(c) 26(d) 30

19. Baku is the seaport on;

(a) Black Sea (b) Caspian Sea (c) Mediterranean Sea (d) Red Sea

20. Which of the following is largest country of South America?

(a) Argentina (b) Brazil (c) Colombia (d) Chile

21. when East Pakistan separated from West Pakistan?

(d) 16th December 1971

22. when the Simla Accord was signed?

(a) January 1972

(b) March 1972

(c) July 1972

(d) October 1972

23. Mr. Bhutto represented Pakistan in Simla Agreement, who participated from India?

(a) Mr. Rajiv Gandhi

(b) Ms. Indra Gandhi

(c) Mr. Narsimha Rao

(d) Lal Krishan Advani

24.What is the total area of Pakistan?

( (b) 796096 sq km

25. In which continent of world Pakistan is situated?

(a) Asia

26. What is length of Pakistan-India border?

(c) 1610 km
27. What is the name of Pakistan-India border?

(d) Line of Control (LOC)

28. Which country is located in north of Pakistan?

(c) China

29. What is height of K-2?

(b) 8611 Meters

30. What is the original name of K-2?

(c) Godwin Austin

31. after how many years did Pakistan get her first constitution?

(c) 9 years

32. what document was firstly drafted to give pace to constitution making process?

(d) Objective Resolution

33. when the Constituent Assembly passed the Objective Resolution?

(b) 12th March 1949

34. when Mohammad Ali Bogra presented Bogra Formula in the assembly?

(a) January 1953

(b) April 1953

(c) September 1953

(d) October 1953

35. who was Mohammad Ali Bogra?

(a) Prime Minister

36. what is the other name of Mohammad Ali Bogra Formula?

(a) New Law of Pakistan

(b) Pakistan Report

(c) Third Report

(d) Constitutional Formula

37. when first constitution of Pakistan was enforced?

(b) 23rd March 1956

38. according to 1973 constitution who elects Prime Minister?

(b) National Assembly

39. in which constitution Bicameral Legislature was provided for the first time?

(d) 1973

Q No: 40. When did Pakistan become member of United Nations?

(d) 30th Sep 1947

Q No: 41. Which country opposed Pakistan's membership in United Nations?

(c) Afghanistan

. 42-The scientist who first discovered that the earth revolves round the sun was

c. Copernicus

43. Alexander Fleming discovered

a. Penicillin

44.Which instrument is used to measure pressure?

c. Manometer

45. What does Angstrom measure?

d. Speed of ships

46. Light year is related to

c. Distance

47- old name of iraq?

48-blood is red due to ?


49-marian trence situated near?


31- headquarter of ghandhara civilization is?


50- head quarter of saarc is situated at?


51- maximum wool produceing country is?


52- official religion of japan is ?


53- which element use for producing nuclear fuel?


54- who many rakkhu in 30 paraa of quran


55-which is less conducter

1- iron, 2-copper 3- silver 4- wood

56-nigara fall lies b/w

u.s.a and canida

57- which is smallest country of world among area

san marino

58-holy prophet pbuh appoited governer of yeman for collection zakat?

hazrat muaz bin jabal

59. Which international environmental pressure group was founded in 1971?


60. What is the capital of Morocco?


61. How many balls are on the table at the start of a game of pool?


62. In which country is the volcano Mount Aso?


63. What name is given to inflammation of one or more joints, causing pain, swelling and
restriction of



64. Which mineral is the main source of mercury?


65- Diamond is an allotropic form of.......?

Ans. Carbon

66. The element common to all acids is............?

Ans. Hydrogen

67. Gobar gas contains mainly .............?

Ans. Methane

68 The most malleable metal is...........?

Ans. Gold

69 Which element is used in Beauty Parlors for hair setting?

Ans. Sulphur

70. From which mineral is radium obtained?

Ans. Uranium

71 What is laughing gas ?

Ans. Nitrous Oxide

72) Which is the longest river of America?

b) Mississippi

73) Don is river of ?

b) Russia

74) What is the length of khyber pass?

c) 56 km

75) Longest glacier of the world is Lambert situated in Antarctica, what is it's length?

a) 320 Miles

76) Which of the following lake is most polluted lake in the world?

d) Lake eire

77) Tugela water fall is present in?

b) South Africa

78) Gota canal is the ship canal situated in ?

c) Sweden

Give synonyms of the following

79. Assiduous

(a) Idle (b) Diligent (c) Defective (d) Deficient

80. Fuss

(a) Effort (b) Unnecessary Excitement (c) Grief (d) Joy

81. Placid

(a) Repulsive (b) Horrid(c) Obnoxious (d) Calm

82. Na�ve

(a) Simple (b) Artful (c) Adroit (d) Disingenuous

83. Immaculate

(a) Juvenile (b) Infinite (c) Flawless (d) Contaminated

84. Collusion

(a) Consistent (b) Conflict (c) Confrontation (d) Connivance

Give antonyms of the following:

85. Prosperity

(a) Rich (b) ��. (c) ��.. (d) Adversity

86. Conscientious

(a) ��. (b) Care free (c) ��.. (d) Careful

87. Scant

(a) ��. (b) Slender (c) ��.. (d) ���

88. Tender

(a) ��. (b) Kind (c) ��.. (d) ���

89. Author of �Paradise Lost & Paradise Regained� was:

(a) Maxim Gorki (b) William Wordsworth (c) John Milton (d) Shelley

90. Asgheri aur Akbari kis novel k do mash'hoor kirdar hain?

(a) Tota Kahani (b) Aag ka dirya (c) Mira-Tul-Aroos (d) Raja Gidh

91. �Shikwa aur Jawab-e-Shikwa� Iqbal k konsay kalam main hain?

(a) Bal-e-Jibreel (b) Armaghan-e-Hijaz (c) Zarb-e-Kaleem (d) Bang-e-Dara

92. Altaf Hussain Hali kis k sha'agird thay?

(a) Iqbal (b) Sir Sayyed (c) Zouq (d) Ghalib

93. Waqa-e-Karbala kis hijri main howa?

(a) 58 hijri (b) 54 hijri (c) 61 hijri (d) 50 hijri

94. Drama kis zaban ka lafaz hai?

(a) Lateeni (b) Farsi (c) Arabic (d) Greek

95. �Khateeb-ul-Amnbia� kis paighmber ka laqab tha?

(a) Hazrat Ibraheem (A.S) (b) Hazrat Noah (A.S) (c) Hazrat Moosa (A.S) (d) Hazrat Shoaib

96. Hazrat Sulaiman (A.S) ki hum asar Malkah Sa'ba ka asal naam kia tha?

(a) Maryam (b) Ammana (c)��.(d) Balqees

97. (4-4)20+5 is equal to:

(a) 25 (b) 20 (c) ��.. (d) ���

98. 2(13+10)-3(14-5) is equal to:

(a) 19(b) 20 (c) ��� (d) ���

99. There is 1kg and 792g of barrel oil in 2 containers, what will be the quantity if we divide it
in 4


(a) 360g (b) 448g (c) 580g (d) ���

100. If 15 men complete a work in 25 days, then 20 men will complete that work in how
much days:
These, we share complete past paper of ASSISTANT SUB-INSPECTOR [ ASI ] OF
IN THE PUNJAB POLICE DEPARTMENT, this paper held on 2008. we also to Highlight the
correct answer of ASI paper.
Q No 1: Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah started his Law practice in:
: (A) Delhi (B) Karachi (C) Calcutta (D) Bombay

Q No 2: The All India Muslim League was founded in 1906 at:

: (A) Dhaka (B) Lahore (C) Allahabad (D) Aligarh

Q No 3: Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah presented his “Fourteen Points” in response

: (A) Simon Commission Report (B) Nehru Report (C) June, 3 Plan (D) The
Delhi Proposals
Q No 4: The head of the Boundary Commission for demarcation of borders between India
and Pakistan was:
: (A) Sir Stafford Cripps (B) Lord Mountbatten (C) Sir Cyril Radcliffe (D) Lord

Q No 5: Who demanded a separate Muslim homeland in 1930 at Allahabad?

: (A) Allama Iqbal (B) Quaid-i-Azam (C) Liaqat Ali Khan (D) Sir Syed Ahmed

Q No 6: The famous Pamphlet ‘Now or Never1 was written by:

: (A) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan (B) Ch. Rehmat Ali (C) Mohammad Ali Johar (D)
Allama Iqba

Q No 7: The first Mughal Emperor of India was;

: (A) Akbar (B) Humayun (C) Babur (D) Sher Shah

Q No 8: Who became the Prime Mihister of Pakistan after the death of Liaqat Ali Khan?
: (A) Mohd. Ali Bogra (B) Ghulam Mohammad (C) Kh. Nazimuddin (D) Ch.
Mohammad Ali

Q No 9: Which one of the following leaders took part in Presidential Elections?

: (A) Shaista Ikram Ullah (B) Fatima Jinnah (C) Rana Liaqat Ali Khan (D) Begum

Q No 10: Which Mughal King made Lahore his capital for 14 years?
: (A) Shah Jehan (B) Akbar (C) Aurangzeb (D) Bahadur Shah Zafar

Q No 11: Syed Ahmed Shaheed Brelvi is buried at:

: (A) Balakot (B) Muzzafarabad (C) Jehlum (D) Abbottabad

Q No 12: The boundary between Pakistan and Afghanistan is called:

: (A) Line o f Control (B) No Man’s Land (C) Durand Line (D) International

Q No 13: The Last Mughal king of India was:

: (A) Aurangzeb Alamgir (B) Bahadur Shah Zafar (C) Shah Jahan (D)
Mohammad Shah

Q No 14: Gawadar is in the province of:

: (A) Punjab (B) Balochistan (C) Sindh (D) NWFP

Q No 15: The famous Khyber Pass is a link between Peshawar and:

: (A) Quetta (B) Kabul (C) Mardan (D) Tehran

Q No 16: Baglihar Dam a disputed dam between India and Pakistan has been built in:
: (A) Held Kashmir (B) Azad Kashmir (C) Amritsar (D) Delhi
Q No 17: The appointment of the Chief Justice of Pakistan is made by?
: (A) The Prime Minister (B) The President (C) Supreme Judicial Council (D)

Q No 18: The major source of electrical energy in Pakistan is:

: (A) Thermal Power (B) Hydroelectricity (C) Nuclear Power (D) Solar Energy

Q No 19: The largest Industry in Pakistan is:

: (A) Woollen Textile (B) Sugar Industry (C) Cotton Textile (D) Cement Industry

Q No 20: Tarbela Dam has been constructed on which river?

: (A) Ravi (B) Jehlum (C) Indus (D) Chenab

Q No 21: The present Hijri year is

: (A) 1440 (B) 1429 (C) 1430 (D) 1427

Q No 22: The National University of Modem Language is in:

: (A) Lahore (B) Karachi (C) Islamabad (D) Peshawar

Q No 23: Who is the present Secretary General of the United Nations Organization?
: (A) Kofi Anan (B) Ban Ki Moon (C) Albardi (D) Collin Powell

Q No 24: 10-Downing Street is the residence of:

: (A) American President (B) Queen of England (C) French President (D) British
Prime Minister

Q No 25: Jerusalem is the Holy City of:

: (A) Christians (B) Muslims (C) Jews (D) All of them

Q No 26: Myanmar is the new name of:

: (A) Nepal (B) Sri Lanka (C) Burma (D) Bhutan

Q No 27: The author of Harry Potter series of books for children is:
: (A) J. K. Rowling (B) Enid Blyton (C) Roald Dalh (D) Danis Robins

Q No 28: Nelson Mandela belongs to:

: (A) Kenya (B) Somalia (C) South Africa (D) Uganda

Q No 29: Scotland Yard is the Police Department of:

: (A) America (B) England (C) France (D) Germany

Q No 30: Tayyip Erdogan is the Prime Minister of:

: (A) Iran (B) Turkey (C) Egypt (D) Jordan

Q No 31: Which country has banned wearing of head scarf by Muslim students?
: (A) Holland (B) France (C) Canada (D) America

Q No 32: FIR stands for:

: (A) First Information Report (B) First Investigation Report (C) Forensic
Investigation Report (D) Follow up Information Report

Q No 33: Dr. Fahmida Mirza the speaker of National Assembly was elected as MNA from:
: (A) Sindh (B) Punjab (C) NWFP (D) Baluchistan

Q No 34: The Leader of opposition in the National Assembly is:

: (A) Ch. Pervez Ellahi (B) Ch NisarAli (C) Raza Rabbani (D) Ch. Shujaat Hussain

Current: Shahbaz Shreef

Q No 35: The headquarters of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) is at:

: (A) Tehran (B) Ankara (C) Jeddah (D) Cairo

Q No 36: Union Jack is the flag of:

: (A) America (B) England (C) Canada (D) France

Q No 37: One kilometer is equation to:

: (A) 100 meters (B) 500 meters (C) 1000 meters (D) 2000 meters

Q No 38: Sunlight is a good source of:

: (A) Vitamin A (B) Vitamin B (C) Vitamin C (D) Vitamin D

Q No 39: Which gas is used in advertising lights?

: (A) Argon (B) Neon (C) Helium (D) Carbon dioxide

Q No 40: The largest continent in the world is:

: (A) Asia (B) Africa (C) Europe (D) Australia

Q No 41: What kind of energy is stored in a dry cell?

: (A) Mechanical (B) Electrical (C) Chemical (D) Solar

Q No 42: The normal boiling point of water is?

: (A) 100°C (B) 110°C (C) 120°C (D) 200°C

Q No 43: Which gas is used to kill bacteria in water?

: (A) Hydrogen (B) Sulphur (C) Chlorine (D) Nitrogen

Q No 44: One tonne is equal to

: (A) 500 K.G. (B) 1000 K.G. (C) 2000 K.G. (D) 3000 K.G.

Q No 45: Which of the following does not provide energy?

: (A) Carbohydrates (B) Proteins (C) Fats (D) Water

Q No 46: Diabetes is caused due to the deficiency of:

: (A) Calcium (B) Vitamin B (C) Vitamin C (D) Insulin

Q No 47: Which part of the human body is like a computer?

: (A) Heart (B) Brain (C) Lungs (D) Eyes

Q No 48: The planet nearest to the sun is:

: (A) Earth (B) Mercury (C) Mars (D) Jupiter

Q No 49: The age of a tree can be known from its:

: (A) Height (B) Number of Branches (C) Number of Fruits (D) Number of Rings
on its trunk

Q No 50: Green vegetables provide us:

: (A) Proteins (B) Vitamins & Minerals (C) Fats and Oils (D) Starch

Second Part of ASI past paper will be upload soon
Custom Inspector Intelligence test!!
Inspector Customs (11-11-2018)
1. Computer word is derived from... Latin

2. Father of computer... Charles babage

3. Gwadar becomes the part of Pakistan in... 1958

4.Which is not Coastal line in Pakistan...


5. Total Surah in Holy Quran.. 114

6. Old name of k2... Godwin austen

7. Bat is...

8. Which Mammal is use sound for Movement


9. Ultimate source of energy is?... Sun

10. Water borne disease is ... Cholera

11.Largest planet... Jupiter

12. Pakistan flag prepared by...

Ameer ud deen Kidwai

13 Abdur rehman chugtai was a famous... Painter

14. Salt mine is located in... Jhelum

15. Largest natural lake in Asia... Manchar

17.Longest river in the world... Amazon

18. Constitution 1973 have articles.... 280

19.Binary digits are ... 0,1

20. Non-biodegradable most harmful substance is.... Plastic waste

21. Non rectangular Flag


22. Thal desert in Punjab

23.Largest desert in Pakistan


24. Deng Xiaoping Famous... Politician

25. power and manure is provided by:

Biogas plant

26 . Day of Judgement first question asked.


27. Salat Gifted to prophet p.b.u.h on which night..


28. Fourth Estate is synonym for...


29. Distance for sun is measure in ...

Light year

30. Which is not fossil fuel.. Uranium

Today's Custom Inspector Intelligence test!!

good luck for evening portion,morning was easiest one....

biggest planet in solr system
thal location
khewra location
biggest desert of pak
after how many years pak got 1st constitution
who set pak flag
Computer word is derived from... Latin
Father of computer... Charles babage
Gawadar becomes the part of Pakistan in... 1958
Total Surah in quran.. 114
Old name of k2... Godwin austen
Ultimate source of energy is?... Sun
Water disease is ... Cholera
Largest planet... Jupiter
Pakistan flag prepared by... Ameer ud deen qudwani
Abdur rehman chugtai was a famous... Painter
Salt mine is located in... Jhelum
Largest natural lake in Asia... Manchar
Longest river in the world... Nile
Constitution 1973 have articles.... 280
Binary digits are ... 0,1
Non-biodegradble most harmful substance is.... Plastic waste
rectulngr flag kiska nhe
asteriods are what....
shub e Barat per knse khushkbhri de gye
1st kis chez ka hisab hoga
=Reconstruction of religious thoughts
=iqbal did phd from
4=flag designed by
5=nationl bird
6=article in 1973 constitution
7=largest desert in pakistan
9=thal is located in province
10=noble prize not given for catagory
*#:*Current Affairs:*

*#:* Trump's advisor says US will support UK's no brexit deal stance.

*#:* China Warns of signs of terrorism in Hong Kong Protests.

*#:* Turkmenistan President reappeared after death rumors.

*#:* South Korea to remove Japan from preferred trade Iist.

*#:* North Korea says no talks with South due to drills.

*#:* Tanzania fuel tanker blast killed 60.

*#:* North Korea tests short range missiles.

*#:* UK economy shrinks for the first time since 2012.

*#:* Heatwave killing people in Europe.

*#:* A new civil war break out within a a civil war as fighting erupted in temporary capital
between separists and Govt.

*#:* Syrin Army continued to liberate more areas from terrorists in idlib.
..........GERNAL KNOWLEDGE........

1. Pak: has 6 international airports.

2. Pak: has 27 Radio Stations.
3. Pak: railways factory is in Risalpur.
4. Chitral is famous for gold.
5. Port Qasim is the largest seaport of Pak: smallest is Gawadar
6. The chairman of National Economic Council is PM.
7. National flower of Pakistan is Jasmine.
8. National bird of Pakistan is Chakore.
9. National tree of Pakistan is Deodar.
10. National animal of Pakistan is Markhor (a type of goat).
11. National emblem of Pakistan is Cresent.
12. National sport of Pakistan is land Hockey.
13. Oldest cantonment of Pak: is Kohat.
14. HQ of Pak: Army is at RawalPindi.
15. HQ of Airforce is at Islamabad
16. HQ of Navy is at Islamabad.
17. Islamabad is 8 miles from Rawalpindi.
18. Photograph on the coin of one rupee is Quaid‘s photo.
19. two rupee is Badshahi Mosque
20. Map of Shah Faisal Mosque was made by Wahdat Diloky of Turkey.
21. Largest radio station of Pak: is Islamabad

★ Pakistan = Urdu
★ India = Hindhi
★ China = Madarin Chinese
★ Bangladesh = Bengali
★ Japan = Japanese
★ Philippines = Filipino
★ Qatar = Arabic
★ Saudia arabia = Arabic
★ Singapore = Malay, Tamil
★ Sri Lanka = Sindhala, Tamil
★ Syria = Arabic
★ Taiwan = Mandarin Chinese
★ Tajikistan = Tajik (Tojik)
★ Thailand = Thai
★ Turkey = Turkish
★ Turkmenistan = Turkmen
★ UAE = Arabic
★ Uzbekistan = Uzbek
★ Vietnam = Vietnamese
★ Yemen = Arabic
★ Oman = Arabic
★ Nepal = Nepali
★ Mongolia = khalkha Mongolian
★ Malaysia = Malay
★ Lebanon = Arabic
★ Loas = Lao
★ Kyrgyzstan = Kyrgyz Russian
★ Kuwait = Arabic
★ Korean South & North = Korean
★ Kazakhstan = Kazak
★ Jordan = Arabic
★ Israel = Hebrew, Arabic
★ Iraq = Arabic
★ Iran = Farsi ( Persian)
★ Indonesia = Bahasa Indonesian
★ Georgia = Georgian
★ Cyprus = Greek, Turkish
★ Cambodia = Khmer
★ Burma = Burmese
★ Brunei = Malay
★ Bhutan = Dzangkha
★ Bahrain = Arabic
★ Azerbaijan = Azerbaijani
★ Armenia = Armenian
★Afghanistan = Pushto, Dari
#World’s Famous Waterfalls Quiz

1. Alamere Falls located in which Country? – California, USA

2. Where is Blue Nile Falls located? – Ethiopia

3. Gocta Cataracts Falls located in which Country? – Amazonas, Peru

4. Where is Gullfoss Falls located? – Gullfossi, Iceland

5. Avalanche Basin Falls located in which Country? – Montana, United States

6. Where is Brufossen Falls located? – Hordaland, Norway

7. Balaifossen waterfall located in which Country? – Hordaland, Norway

8. Where is Haloku Falls located? – Hawaii, United States

9. Barron falls located in which Country? – Queensland,Australia

10. Where is Feather Falls located? – California, USA

11. Harrison Basin Falls located in which Country? – Montana, United States

12. Where is Strupenfossen Falls located? – Norway

13. Huangguoshu WaterFall located in which Country? – Guizhou, China

14. Where is Colonial Creek Falls located? – Washington, United States

15. Iguazu Falls located in which Country? – Argentina

16. Where is Dettifoss Falls located? – Iceland

17. James Bruce Falls located in which Country? – British Columbia, Canada

18. Where is Engstligen Falls located? – Adelboden, Switzerland

19. Johannesburg Falls located in which Country? – Washington, United States

20. Where is Gavarnie Falls located? – Gavarnie, France

21.Angel Falls located in which Country? – Venezuela

22. Where is Kaieteur Falls located? – Guyana

23. Kalambo Falls located in which Country? – Zambia Tanzania Border

24. Where is Kjelfossen Falls located? – Gudvangen, Norway

25. Baatara gorge waterfalls located in which Country? – Tannourine, Lebanon.

26. Where is Dontefossen Falls located? – Norway

27. Kjeragfossen Falls located in which Country? – Rogaland, Norway

28.Where is Comet Falls located? – Washington, USA

29. Augrabies Falls located in which Country? – Orange River, South Africa

30. Where is Chamberlain Falls located? – New Zealand

31. Ban Goic-Detian falls located in which Country? – Guangxi, China

32. Where is Browne Falls located? – South Island, New Zealand

33. Alfred Creek Falls located in which Country? – Columbia, Canada

34. Where is Ouzoud Waterfalls located? – Morocco

35. Mongefossen Falls located in which Country? – Norway

36. Where is Pu’uka’oku F’alls located? – Hawaii, United States

37. Mutarazi Falls located in which Country? – Zimbabwe

38. Where is Ramnefjellsfossen Falls located? – Norway

39. Nachi Falls located in which Country? – Nachikatsuura, Japan

40. Where is Helmcken Falls located? – Columbia, Canada

41.Lake Unknown Falls located in which Country? – New Zealand

42. Where is Sulphide Creek Falls located? – California, USA

43. Olmaafossen Falls located in which Country? – Norway

44. Where is Sutherland Falls located? – New Zealand

45. Olo’upena Falls located in which Country? – Molokai, United States

46. Where is Spirefossen Falls located? – Norway

47. Mana’wai’nui Falls located in which Country? – Hawaii, United States

48.Where is Tres Hermanas Falls located? – Peru

49. Kukenaam, Salto Falls located in which Country? – Venezuela

50. Where is Seven Sisters Waterfalls located? – Norway

[12/11, 10:29] +92 310 6338282: ..........GERNAL KNOWLEDGE........

1. Pak: has 6 international airports.

2. Pak: has 27 Radio Stations.
3. Pak: railways factory is in Risalpur.
4. Chitral is famous for gold.
5. Port Qasim is the largest seaport of Pak: smallest is Gawadar
6. The chairman of National Economic Council is PM.
7. National flower of Pakistan is Jasmine.
8. National bird of Pakistan is Chakore.
9. National tree of Pakistan is Deodar.
10. National animal of Pakistan is Markhor (a type of goat).
11. National emblem of Pakistan is Cresent.
12. National sport of Pakistan is land Hockey.
13. Oldest cantonment of Pak: is Kohat.
14. HQ of Pak: Army is at RawalPindi.
15. HQ of Airforce is at Islamabad
16. HQ of Navy is at Islamabad.
17. Islamabad is 8 miles from Rawalpindi.
18. Photograph on the coin of one rupee is Quaid‘s photo.
19. two rupee is Badshahi Mosque
20. Map of Shah Faisal Mosque was made by Wahdat Diloky of Turkey.
21. Largest radio station of Pak: is Islamabad
[12/11, 10:29] +92 310 6338282: #IMPORTANT_DAYS ::*

January 1 --------- Global Family Day
January 15 --------- Army Day
January 23 --------- Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose's birth anniversary
January 26 --------- Republic Day
January 26 --------- International Customs day
January 28 --------- Birth anniversary of Lala Lajpat Rai
January 28 --------- Data Protection Day
January 30 --------- World Leprosy Eradication Day

February 4 --------- World Cancer Day
February 5 --------- Kashmir Day
February 6 --------- International Day against
Female Genital Mutilation
February 12 --------- Darwin Day
February 12 --------- World Day of the Sick
February 14 --------- Valentine’s Day
February 20 --------- World Day of Social Justice
February 21 --------- International Mother
Language Day
February 22 --------- World Scout Day
February 23 --------- World Peaces and
Understanding Day

March 4 --------- World Day of the Fight Against
Sexual Exploitation
March 8 --------- International Womens' Day
March 13 --------- World Kidney Day
March 13 --------- World Rotaract Day
March 15 --------- World Consumer Rights Day
March 20 --------- International Day of the
March 20 --------- World Day of Theatre for
Children and Young People
March 21 --------- World Sleep Day
March 21 --------- World Forestry Day
March 21 --------- International Day for the
Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
March 22 --------- World Water Day
March 23 --------- World Meteorological Day
March 24 --------- World TB Day
March 24 --------- International Day for Achievers
March 25 --------- International Day of
Remembrance - Victims of Slavery and
Transatlantic Slave Trade
March 27 --------- World Drama Day

April 2 --------- World Austism Awareness Day
April 7 --------- World Health Day
April 17 --------- World Haemophilia Day
April 18 --------- World heritage Day
April 22 --------- Earth Day
April 23 --------- World Book and Copyright Day
April 25 --------- World Malaria Day
April 29 --------- International Dance Day

May 1 --------- International Labour day
May 3 --------- Press Freedom Day
May 4 --------- Coal Miners day
May 8 ---------
Red Cross day
Pakistan joined
world bank 1950
IMF 1950
OIC in 1974
PTBT in 1978
NAM in 1979 and
SCO 2017
WTO 1995

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