(Expansion 02) Kamigakari - Machine God of Damocles

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New (12/17/2019) New World information, Faction information, and NPC introductions added.

New (4/4/2018): I know this might piss a couple people off, but i added a small snippet to the
scenario guidance section to talk about demon-eyed, since it was neglected by the book itself.
Nothing much, just some reasoning and a possible seed for motivation.
New (4/3/2018): Cyborg and Marebito GM advice added to the Scenario guidance section.
New (3/20/2018): Nicknames and alias tables translated and added
New (3/2/2018): Boss talents and additional rules translated and added
New (2/21/2017): Added Protectors, Accessories, and Gear. Moving on to Chronos! For those
of you paying attention, I've already been doing some stuff with it, just not logging it.
New (2/11/2017): Added Form: Ranged and Form: Magic.
New (2/10/2017): Added Form: Axe and Form: Hammer.
New (2/9/2017): Added Form: Spear.
New (2/7/2017): Added Form: Sword.
New (2/6/2017): Added Covers, and Black Eagle Group faction write-up.
New (2/4/2017): Installed TOC, added Common Racial Talents.

- Understanding the World Setting of Kamigakari [XXXA]
- The Awakened Factions [XXXB]
- NPC Introductions [XXXC]
- Additional Rules 1 [XXXD]
- Additional Rules 2 [XXXE]
- Aliases [XXXF]
- Handout Summary (Unfinished)
- Race: Cyborg [XXXH]
- Race: Demon Eyed [XXXI]
- Race: Marebito [XXXJ]
- Common Racial Talents [XXXK]
- Covers [XXXL]
- Items: Weapons [XXXM]
* Form: Sword [XXXM-1]
* Form: Spear [XXXM-2]
* Form: Axe [XXXM-3]
* Form: Hammer [XXXM-4]
* Form: Ranged [XXXM-5]
* Form: Magic [XXXM-6]
- Items: Protectors, Accessories, Gear [XXXN]
* Protectors (Suits) [XXXN-1]
* Accessories [XXXN-2]
* Gear [XXXN-3]
- GM Section: Scenario Guidance [XXXO]
- GM Section: Scene Template [ST] and Scenario Generation [XXXP] (Unfinished)
- GM Section: Sample Scenarios [XXXQ] (Unfinished)
- GM Section: Boss Talents [XXXR]
- GM Section: Mononoke [XXXS]

Machine-God of Damocles -- Understanding the World Setting of Kamigakari [XXXA]

War of the Gods

Since the occurrence of Purgatory night, 16 years ago, Japan has become the forefront of a
rash of mysterious, supernatural incidents.

In recent years, Aramitama, who exist to cause the destruction of the world, have caused a
series of supernatural incidents of escalating intensity... All of which have been resolved by
godhunters at the last minute, with the safety of the world in the balance.

Under such conditions, there are two emergent threats that could tip the scales and shatter the
balance of this constant battle.

These two threats are a dark, supernatural organization that's hostile towards human society-
Or the rise of a huge corporation that tries to generate enormous profits by using awakened.

A fierce battle between companies over highly valuable godforged regalia. Land gods and their
family members are deprived of the artifacts they need to live, captured and designated as
experimental materials.

Awakened who have decided to stand against the human race because of a long-standing
grudge, and those who have forsaken their family and entrusted themselves to an evil

For a variety of complex reasons, there have been a number of shocking incidents- Godhunters
turning their blades on humanity instead of aramitama, abused mononoke turning their backs on
human society, and other godhunters joining forces with aramitama due to shared interests.

In addition, in many parts of Japan, more and more supernatural events are occuring, such as
shards suddenly manifesting inside entities, or the sudden appearance of an aramitama that
spirals into a large-scale incident.

Therefore, corporations that try to generate enormous profits by using awakened, or

supernatural organizations that are hostile to human society, both participate with each other for
the purpose of capturing awakened, shards, sacred treasures, entire bloodlines, or leylines.
The heads of each awakened organization, upon witnessing the current situation, have begun to
believe that the world itself is guided by some force, which is slowly being driven toward chaos.

Over-Technology and Supernatural Battles

Certain nations and organizations in the world of "Kamigakari" secretly possess the capabilities
to combat awakened.

Among them are mechanized soldiers- Cyborgs, and Anti-Awakened Drones, both of which
have remarkable performance. Cyborgs are superhumans who have mechanized their entire
bodies. Their special prosthetics are extremely high-performance, with the power capable of
surpassing State-of-the-art military equipment and combat capabilities comparable to fully
armed battalions.

However, due to the extreme cost of manufacturing and maintaining their prosthesis, cyborgs
only make up a small portion of anti-awakened forces. Research and development of drones
with with lesser capabilities but superior in terms of cost is also actively being carried out, and
the technology is constantly evolving in modern times.

Drones are typically used for exploratory, or military purposes: For things such as space probes
or reconnaissance aircraft. Large-Scale drones used for anti-awakened activities, born from a
fusion of cutting-edge technology and mysterious knowledge, have reached the point where
they can be considered artificial mononoke. They come equipped with advanced artificial
intelligence and are, on average, bigger than a normal drone.

These drones typically have a shape reminiscent of animals or insectoids, and possess a
learning AI that allows them to adapt to different situations as needed. Despite their pinpoint
accuracy, many are afraid of their potential for accidents. However, their true strength lies in
their inherent ability to reduce human casualties and their relatively cheap manufacturing costs
(Compared to Cyborgs)... Although they are relatively expensive.

Cyborgs boast extremely high performance and excellent response capabilities, and are
typically used as trump cards for important missions, while large, unmanned drones are used for
simple missions such as eliminating mononoke, or patrolling an area. Equipped with artificial
regalia, they demonstrate their highest performance in battle against other awakened. Despite
their tremendous energy intake, they are also capable of operating for extended periods of time.

Far beyond the bounds of ordinary science, this technology sits at the edge of human wisdom.
This over-technology is the product of a fusion of magic and science. Only time will tell if it
becomes a threat to humanity, or a strong ally.

Spirit Terminal
Cyborgs and large drones are powered by special engines that use spirit energy. These engines
contain special technology called Spirit Terminals, which can output power beyond human
The Spirit terminal is a special device that outputs high levels of spirit energy by absorbing and
amplifying an area's ambient spirit energy.

In order to manufacture a spirit-powered engine, a Spirit Terminal is essential. The device itself
is a black gem, the size of a thumbnail, that emits a steady red light. The inner workings of the
Spirit Terminal are mostly unknown, and the reason that not many know is that they were
designed by a person from another world- A [Marebito].

Inactive spirit terminals will fuse instantly with anything they come into contact with if any
amount of spirit energy is run through them. Even if the object it fuses with is totally destroyed,
the terminal will be unrecoverable.

With the rise of supernatural incidents in Japan and around the world, many countries and
organizations have a desperate need of Spirit Terminals in order to mount a response.
Fierce battles between these entities have begun for the possession of Godforged Regalia,
which are used as raw materials in the creation of the Terminals- And it's only possible to create
several thousand terminals per Regalia used.

[Marebito] originate from different worlds, vastly different from present-day earth. Awakened
refer to these worlds with names such as "Otherworld" or "Ikai".

These worlds are nothing like our own: They can be fantasy worlds where conflicts against
dragons or demon lords take place and swords or magic are used as weapons, or take other
forms. The only constant is that they exist in parallel with our world.

In other worlds there are Aramitama, as well as other similar monsters that consume souls to
destroy the world. However, their appearance and name vary from one world to another... In
some worlds, they're called "Dragons". In others, they're called "Demons". Further still, in some
other worlds, they're called "Magical Beasts". Defeating these creatures yields shards, or
substances with a similar effect.

All Marebito are extraordinary beings with the power to defeat Aramitama of any world.
They've been called heroes, or demon lords, and through precise manipulation of their spiritual
energy, they can display their power in any world. Marebito can travel to other worlds without
losing any of their power- And by bringing the laws of their world with them and manipulating
them freely, they have become "Rulebreakers"- Beings which can disregard the laws of physics
in our world.

Via this effect, a sword belonging to a [Marebito] can slice through a rock like paper, and their
special weapons and magic powers are far more destructive than modern day weapons.
Position and Purpose of the Marebito
A hero who travels to discover a way to save his destroyed home world... A demon lord who
travelled to earth to take revenge on the one who destroyed the world he ruled... A criminal who
committed a grave sin in his own world and fled to avoid punishment... A superhuman from a
parallel world who wanders ours, with the intent of finding a way back to their own. Marebito's
objectives are as varied as their backgrounds are. Many of them keep their true identity a secret
and live their daily lives under a false identity.

They follow clues to solve supernatural incidents, and obtain fool's gold and kushimitama.
Marebito with great power are viewed as troublesome to modern day society, and hunted as
research subjects by large corporations seeking to study them. A benevolent Marebito is a
trusted ally for an organization, but a malevolent one is a dangerous enemy.

Where do Marebito come from?

The cause of Marebito's appearance in modern day society is currently unknown. Many of them
are discovered by chance within spirit barriers or sanctums where awakened dwell.

A common place for Marebito to "cross over" to our world is through spirit barriers, leylines, or
places with similar properties to either. Accidents in these places can lead to a crossing.
Another known way to travel is through being hit with an especially powerful, spirit energy-
imbued attack (Like a powerful spell). Upon being hit with the attack, many Marebito have been
transported to earth through some phenomenon. Regardless of the way they were sent, all
Marebito appear in a bright, rainbow-colored flash.

Mages belonging to the Association believe that this phenomenon is similar to the magical
summoning of Heroic Spirits. It is currently unconfirmed whether or not any Marebito have
managed to return to their home world.

Due to the effect of the rainbow-colored flash, Marebito fully understand the language of the
country in which they emerge in and acquire modern common sense.
For example: This is a different world. It's not good for the general public to see you wearing a
sword and armor. Don't hurt the general public without any meaning.
Even if they don't have currency that works in this world, they at least have common sense that
cannot be bought and sold.
The knowledge they have goes even further. They know that collecting shards, or kushimitama
can return them to their homeworld, or fulfill any of their wishes.

Therefore, many Marebito that appear in modern times try to collect kushimitama by defeating
Aramitama in order to fulfill their wishes, or return home.
When they arrive, they are sometimes given protection by various organizations, and receive
provisional status and lodging while they search out clues.
Marebito Arms and Armor
Marebito's special armor has been created using special techniques belonging to another world.
All of them have the same power as Artificial Regalia, and they demonstrate their full
capabilities in battle against opponents that cannot be harmed with ordinary weapons.

Cyborgs: Steel superhumans, produced by a fusion of magic and science.

Many of them are former godhunters or Inousha, their bodies, save their brains, completely
mechanized in the wake of injuries caused in battle, or after serious accidents.

Their prosthetic bodies consist of advanced prosthetic limbs, artificial eyes, and replacement
organs. Their skeletons and muscle fibers are constructed from special metals, carbon
nanotubes, and special fibers made of materials refined from fool's gold. In addition, their bodies
are equipped with a high-performance mind-machine interface, which rarely creates errors in
thought or bodily function.

Cyborgs, who have no physical limits, boast tremendous physical abilities. They can run at
speeds of 300km/hour and effortlessly lift objects over 100 tons. They can see a hummingbird's
wings beat in slow motion, a feat beyond the scope of humans. A Cyborg's artificial body is
driven by the spirit-energy drive mechanism in the chest, that incorporates a Spirit Terminal,
which runs constantly and absorbs spirit energy from the environment to power it's systems.

Therefore, Cyborgs do not need to consume more than the minimum amount of water and
nutrients that their brain needs, and are capable of spending up to one month without feeding
(But sleep is necessary because their brain is alive).

Research and development on cyborgs has been conducted by military forces in various
countries since the second World War. Traditionally, the development and training of a good
soldier requires lots of time and money. However, as long as the soldier is a human being, they
will be forced to retire sooner or later, whether from old age, or injury.

In order to make full use of a soldier's capabilities, a military's human assets, militaries began to
upgrade their soldiers - that is, mechanize them.

The military performed this research on two types of people: Veterans, people who's physical
strength declined due to their age, and soldiers who were severely injured in combat. These
types of people, who had no other home than the battlefield, became the subject of cybernetic
upgrades. However, cybertechnology at this time was still immature, and because it required
enormous cost to manufacture the prosthesthetics, only nine individuals underwent successful
reconstruction surgery. These nine cyborgs changed the tide on many battlefields, but their
deeds are mostly unknown and they disappeared after the war. Their current status is unknown,
and no surviving materials of the project exist. Even their names are unknown.
However, it is unquestionable that their existence contributed vastly to the cyberization process,
which boasts an extremely high success rate. The number of cyborgs owned by various
countries and organizations is low because of their enormous cost. Therefore, cyborgs are often
used as trump cards, typically involved in special operations with extreme importance.

Cyborg Upkeep
Due to their unique bodies, cyborgs most often belong to corporations or government
organizations. Godhunter PCs interested in solving cases will most likely belong to Specprov,
Alkeny Materials, or the Black Eagle Group (Other origins for cyborgs include Far East Heavy
Industries, The Apostles of Wisdom, Sumizuki Pharmaceuticals, etc... Many of these Factions
have NPC cyborgs).

Cyborgs belonging to these organizations receive regular maintenance, resupply, and backup.
There is an even smaller number of freelance cyborgs, who manage their own maintenance. In
the case of serious problems, they can call on technicians or engineers from the government, or
the B.E.G, who are happy to help.

Armored Arsenal
In order to further augment the extraordinary strength of a cyborg, their patrons have worked
tirelessly to develop dedicated armaments for them.

Among these systems, the Armored Arsenal system (hereinafter referred to as AA) is a Cyborg-
Equipped portable arsenal with internal weapons, special gadgets, and power-assist functions.
AA are considered an “Armed Powered Armor” system that contains several external hardpoints
and comes equipped with internal drive engines, heavy weapons, advanced reload systems,
and more. AA comes in a variety of shapes, but they all resemble bodysuits covered with armor

Developed as a portable arsenal, an AA is housed inside of a special case or bag, and

automatically equips itself onto its owner via voice authentication when they speak a certain
keyword before battle. AA augments it's user's effective strength by two times while negating its
own weight with advanced spirit drive technology.

However, the strain it puts on it's user's body and spirit is tremendous, making it effectively
impossible for ordinary people to wear AA- It's only capable of being used by full-body cyborgs.
Today, advanced AA is constantly being developed by every company involved in the corporate
war, intensifying the conflict several times over.

Police and Awakened

There is little the police can do against awakened, who wield unusual abilities and can
manipulate spirit energy.
Most police officers are not awakened, so they can't even recognize aramitama or mononoke in
the event that they show up. As an innocent, there is no way to combat awakened.

However, the police are not completely powerless.

When a supernatural incident occurs, it is often local detectives and police officers who are the
first to arrive on-site. They are often the first to check a scene for traces of awakened activity.

Information acquired by the police is transmitted to nearby Specprov branches, Inousha or

special staff are secretly dispatched to the police station.

The special agent's official answer is that they work for the National Public Safety Commission,
and investigate the site as part of a disaster response team, which have authority in matters of
public safety.

At this time, they locate and dispatch local godhunters to solve the case.
When used this way, the police, as an organization, are very useful as a source of information.
Ordinary people tend to be thought of as helpless victims of awakened, but without the support
of police officers and detectives who try to fulfill their duties out of pride and justice, the truth is
that many godhunters would never find their targets.

The Establishment of Specprov

It was Yoshito Urabe, the father of the current special director Masato Urabe, who formed
Specprov. Before the war, the Demon Hunter's Society was solely responsible for protecting
Japan from supernatural incidents.

The nation also had its own anti-awakened organization, the Kinjou, but they were a special
institution that was only allowed to act in the event of a catastrophic national disaster.

After the war, Yoshito, who was active as a politician, was involved in a large-scale supernatural
incident during reconstruction activities. By sheer luck, he was rescued by the godhunter [Black
Chrysanthemum], and she informed him of the existence of the awakened world.

Deeply affected by the incident and his rescue, he was convinced that a new, anti-awakened
institution was needed for the sake of Japan's future, and after a successful career as a
politician, he pulled strings to create Specprov.

At that time, the other organizations- "Kushikimi", and "Kinjou", alongside several ancient nushi
(Who governed leylines in various areas) supported it's establishment.

The biggest reason why SpecProv was created is because Yoshito recognized that the damage
any Awakened could do surpassed the limits of what the law was capable of dealing with, to the
point that they could be classified as natural disasters. Another major reason for it's creation is
that the Society, one of the largest anti-awakened forces at the time, were exerting pressure on
and influencing the police.

At first, Specprov had several problems: A feud with the society, which prided itself as the
guardian of Japan, and a shortage of human resources on the godhunter side. The results of
their activities were negligible at first, but through the development of information technology
and the steady continuation of their activities, Specprov gradually gained strength.

The birth of the modern-day Specprov occurred on Purgatory Night, a time at which the Society
suffered massive casualties and the Kinjou were completely decimated.

Kinjou was a sacred bird that gave protection to the real God called Kamu-yamato Iware-biko no
Sumeramikoto, or Kamu-yamato Iware-biko no Mikoto. The organization was an ancient,
japanese government organization, composed of ancient land gods, special bloodlines, local
gods, and other mononoke. However, the treaty that created them only allowed them to operate
in the event of a disaster involving a supernatural event.

During the events of purgatory night, in order to stop numerous catastrophic events that were
occurring across the country, Kinjou's members put their lives on the line. The organization
succeeded in their goals but were decimated, suffering massive casualties. The very few
survivors of the events were transferred to Specprov.

It's said that the SpecProv agent Kurai Kukuri was originally a member of Kinjou, and she
worked alongside Yoshito, as a co-founder, to create a Government organization not bound by
the limitations of Kinjou.

The two organizations rarely interacted because the scope of their activities were vastly
different. Several of Kinjou's veterans moved on to SpecProv after the organization's demise.

Kinjou, as an organization, had lived for the protection of the nation since ancient times, and
ultimately sacrificed itself to save it. But everything it worked for, it's mission to protect Japan
and it's people, has not been abandoned- It's been carried on by Specprov.

SpecProv and the Police

As mentioned above, SpecProv mainly uses the police for information purposes. For this
reason, Specprov has established a system that allows them to obtain information rapidly by
dispatching Inousha to the Metropolitan Police Department, every Prefectural Police
Headquarters, and any large police departments in an area (In which case, Police Officers are
required to make an immediate decision- "If they feel it's a supernatural incident, they report it to
SpecProv immediately). However, because there is a need to conceal information, this practice
is highly secret.
The information provided is analyzed at SpecProv HQ, and agents and information gathering
specialists will be dispatched to the site as 'inspectors' if necessary.
Additionally, because there is a need for secrecy while investigating, investigators are given a
cover: "Public Safety", which is a high-ranking organization of the National Police Agency.

After that, SpecProv agents ask the police for cooperation, collect information about the
incident, finish post-processing, and perform a cover-up as needed.

It should be noted that SpecProv and Public Safety are connected behind the scenes behind the
scenes through a secret organization called "Shiki", which helps perform large-scale coverups.

In addition, the Self-Defense Forces have special forces for Anti-Awakened combat, and it's
rumored that they have been sent to supernatural events under the pretext of training exercises.

Supernatural organization
Next, I will explain about the supernatural organizations that appear in this world.
The GM may use the organizations listed here when creating scenarios, or you can have your
own original organization appear.

Machine-God of Damocles -- The Awakened Factions [XXXB]

Alkeny Group
Leader: Leonie Hohenheim

The International Financial Enterprises Group - That's the Alkenny Group. Leonie Hohenheim,
the "Modern Alchemy King", is well-known in the Western business world. With a headquarters
located in New York, the Alkeny Group is (ostensibly) a financial company, but in reality, it it
trades pure gold in various countries around the world. This corporation is well versed in the
awakened world, and known for trading in gold. The Alkeny Group is a friendly organization for
Godhunters, or good Mononoke.

The Alkeny group purchases Fool's Gold en masse from awakened that need ordinary money
or assets, and act on their behalf in financial matters.

The Alkeny group has experience with forgeries, and their laborious procedures allow them to
sort them out with ease. They serve as a great investor for mages who want to immerse
themselves in their research.
Friendly mononoke who are unable to interact with ordinary people can find support with the
Alkeny group.

By purchasing Fool's Gold, they're able to trade for rare artifacts and high-value treasures.
They're also responsible for a number of construction companies that work for awakened.
Because the Alkeny group owns so much fool's gold, other organizations buy large amounts of
it from them.

Alkeny Materials (AM)

Energy, Aviation, Marine, Industrial Machinery, Infrastructure, Logistics, Transportation,
Military... In recent years, Alkenny Materials Heavy Industries (AM) has become a leading
company in almost all these fields.

Alkeny Materials is headquartered in Detroit, with an R&D department located in Stuttgart.

This private, awakened organization aims to bring around the <<Promise of Ascension>> by
studying science and magic, and works to destroy Aramitama through use of it's heavy industry.
They use spirit energy as a weapon to battle awakened, then collect information related to the
promise and shards. These assets allow them to solve supernatural incidents in almost any

Alkeny Material's main force consists of elite mercenaries, veteran soldiers, and cyborgs. Alkeny
Materials is known for producing high-performance prosthesis for it's cyborgs, which are
renowned as some of the world's most advanced- On the same level as <Far East Heavy

Arkham University
Leader: Carol Armitage

Arkham University is a prestigious university that exists in Arkham, MA. It is a group rather than
an organization, which refers mainly to college literary doctor Carol Armitage and those who
cooperate with her. The members of Arkham University are a friendly organization for "good"
God Hunters and Mononoke.

At the University Library of Arkham there are documents such as ancient documents related to
the original sacred treasure, which is said to have been created by the gods, literature relating
to the Avatar of Ruin, and documents describing various legends. There are many collections of
magical books as well. In the past, a person appeared trying to revive the <Avatar of Ruin> by
using one particular book collection. However, by the hands of Dr. Henry and his colleagues,
who were also the librarian chief and God Hunters in those days, the incident was stopped
before it could escalate.
Carol as the successor of her great grandfathers, Dr. Henry's, will manages his collections along
with trusted God Hunters. Carol gathers information based on the forefront of mystery in the
present, in order to crush the ambition of those misusing <Godforged Regalia> and those
embodying <destruction>, evil people who wish for the resurrection of the Avatar of Ruin.
Arkham University and Carol herself are deeply connected with the Alkeny Group, which is the
benefactor for both. In addition, Carol is acquainted with Charles Derleth who is one of the
leaders of the <Mage Association> as a master of magic, and there is also communication and
exchange with various other organizations as well.

A Number of Magical Books

At Arkham University there are many books that are deeply related to the Aramitama known as
the <Avatar of Ruin>. Among them, a number of marvelous magic books that are said to have
secrets written in them related to the realization of Aramitama and destruction are the most
dangerous sacred treasures. Many of them are written in an unknown language, and even the
age that they were written is unknown. Currently, at the Arkham University Library, these
manuscripts are stored, and if you can obtain permission from the University of Arkham or its
allied organizations, you can view its contents. Not only is the Secret of Secrets written in the
original, but a mighty spiritual power is hidden within, and if you can decipher its contents you
can manipulate that great power, even as an ordinary person. The original is currently sealed by
the cooperation of many organizations and it is hidden away. However, all sorts of manuscripts
with a such power are still left in the world, and when they are discovered it will cause a massive
supernatural incident.

Apostles of Wisdom
Leader: Hannibal Barca

The Apostle of Wisdom are an Awakened terrorist organization that was created with the aim of
destroying our current society and creating a new one in it's place.

The Apostles of Wisdom are a hostile organization for good Godhunters and Mononoke.
Their true goals, exact numbers, and home base are totally unknown. An investigation revealed
that their leader is the Heroic Spirit, Hannibal Barca. Below Hannibal are Awakened with high
power, called "executives". Executives command Members, their subordinates. Members
outrank "Chiefs", who play important roles in countries across the world.

Currently, their main objective appears to be stealing powerful Godforged Regalia across the
world to further their plans. They attempt to plunder these relics from sacred shrines, sealed
ruins, or sanctums: They also target Godforged held by special clans and gods, working to steal
their target by any means necessary.
It's rumored that they analyze their stolen Godforged and sell the requisite knowledge and
theories to different countries in exchange for huge amounts of money, goods, or human
resources. It's also said that they have the backing of several large nations, and the Apostles
themselves are merely tools to unravel the hidden secrets and unknown technology in
Godforged Regalia. In any case, they are always at odds with those who aim to seal and protect
the Godforged.

Beast Demons and Kaijin

Created by an Awakened who's earned the title of Executive, the mad scientist Shindou
Katsutake, the mysterious creatures called <Beast Demons> and <Kaijin> were designed from
the template of an extremely powerful Dragon Carrier.

Beast Demons and Kaijin are magical creatures created from a fusion of alchemy and genetic
engineering, a process that starts by culturing cells collected from various mononoke.
These biological weapons combine human traits with those of Flora and Fauna to gain access
to tremendous combat capabilities. The Apostles of wisdom mainly use these creatures in their
mission to steal Godforged.

The performance and life span of Beast Demons and Kaijin depends on their level of
completion. Those with a high degree of completion have high combat ability and a long
lifespan. On the other hand, those with low degrees of completion are weaker and very short-

In the past, several Kaijin designated masterworks were developed, but they escaped the
organization for some reason. It's rumored that they wander the world, searching for a powerful
Dragon Carrier that could be their predecessor.

Far East Heavy Industries

Leader: Fuchi Kazuomi

Far East Heavy Industries boasts overwhelming market shares and technological strength, not
only in Japan, but also overseas. Headquartered in Osaka, it has several huge plants based in
the Hyogo prefecture. It's also rumored to own several islands in the Seto Inland Sea, used as
special research and development facilities.

On the surface, it's engaged in the development of aviation, shipbuilding, industrial machinery,
robotics, industrial equipment, and industrial plants. In reality, it's actually secretly developing
drones, cyborgs, armor, and other technologies for military use. Their main goal is to
monopolize their shares in world militaries by selling drones and cyborgs to different countries
via various routes. They may secretly attack sanctums or hidden villages belonging to
awakened, referred to as performance tests of drones and cyborgs. For those reasons, they are
hostile to good Godhunters or Mononoke.

Far East Heavy Industries was founded during the Meiji era, and has achieved remarkable
success due to the outstanding foresight and commercial talent of it's creator, Fuchi Masaomi.

Their family was originally an esteemed pedigree in the Demon Hunter's Society. In the past, he
had the surname "Kaze", and was in charge of the production of Artificial Regalia for the Eight

However, the Kaze family was unable to produce a Godhunter for three generations in a row,
and on those grounds they lost much of their influence and respect within the Society. The Kaze
clan, once a prestigious family renowned by all, had become a family of powerless Inousha.
They left the eight legions out of sheer humiliation.

After some time, the Kaze clan changed its name back to Fuchi, and returned from their exile.
Fuchi Masaomi experimented with Artificial Regalia creation techniques left by his ancestors,
and combined them with science and technology. The Demon Hunter's Society did not take this
well, but because of the chaos of war and the fact that numerous disasters occuring at the time,
they had their hands full with other matters. The Fuchi clan is said to have contributed to the
development of various weapons, and with the wartime demand occuring, they had the military
on their side.

After the war and their secret return to Japan, they used their military connections and the high
economic growth that followed in the post-war era to grow to massive size.

New weapons development

Far East Heavy Industries is currently rumored to be developing [Androids] with state-of-the-art
armor and high-quality artificial intelligence that gives them the ability to compete with drones
and cyborgs. Companies and organizations other than FEHI are researching and analyzing their
technologies to develop their own drones and cyborgs.

Black Eagle Group

Leader: Edward A. Blackeagle

A corporate known for their work in the transportation industry, it is commonly known as the
Black Eagle Group- The B.E.G for short. Headquartered in Seattle, it's current CEO is Edward
Allister Blackeagle, known as the king of transportation.

In the business world, it's merely a transportation company with top-class capabilities and
appropriate revenue to match: But it's true identity is that of a global arms merchant that uses
it's own transportation routes to move arms across the globe.
It's main purpose is to analyze and reverse-engineer the unknown technology present in
Godforged Regalia to develop powerful weapons, many of which are used to wage war against

It is Edward's sons that do a majority of work in the company. As businessmen, they sell
weapons and Artificial Regalia while travelling the world, and purchase Godforged from those
who will sell them- Or in some cases, attack, then take them by force.

The Black Eagle Group can be considered neutral to good Godhunters and mononoke, but they
are rivals, at best, with other awakened organizations such as Arkham University and the
Mage's Association.

Edward's children are said to be extremely difficult to successfully attack or assassinate

because of their escorts: Private Platoons, commonly known as "PP" for short. These forces are
made up of elite godhunters with military experience.

The Corporate War

Each Corporate Organization listed here has repeatedly engaged in espionage, sabotage, and
warfare in order to steal research results and Godforged Regalia from each other.

Ostensibly, these incidents are covered up as disasters, accidents, terrorist attacks, or acts of
political sabotage. In this way, the Corporate war continues on without the general public ever
learning of it. Edward's sons are divided into two factions- The Hounds (The NPC Cordelia
belongs to this faction) and the Doves, respectively, those who actively participate in corporate
wars and those who try to avoid them.

Because the corporate war cannot be carried out publicly, each corporation sends a small
number of elite awakened called "Operatives" to perform missions and attack their rivals. Each
company also provides it's operatives with special equipment based on the results of their

Because of the increase in the supernatural incidents since Purgatory Night, corporate wars
have increased in both number, and intensity. There are several cases involving them spilling
over and affecting the general public, and other awakened organizations. When this occurs,
they can lead to serious incidents involving godhunters, mononoke, dangerous seals, and

Saionji Private Inquiry

Leader: Kiriko Saionji
Saionji Private Inquiry is a medium-sized detective agency with branches across all of Japan.
Their headquarters are in Tokyo. Publically, they do everything that detectives typically do:
Finding lost pets, or uncovering affairs.
However, Saionji Private Inquiry is actually a private organization that specializes in
investigating incidents related to awakened.

Their ranks mainly consist of ordinary people, and godhunters. Their tasks include the
protection of marebito and mononoke lost in modern society, escorting other awakened,
concealing supernatural incidents from the public, or altering memories of events.

Saionji Private Inquiry is recognized as a friendly organization for good Godhunters and
The representative, Kiriko Saionji, is not a godhunter, but has a sterling reputation in both
awakened, and ordinary society. She's known for taking care of the innocents involved in
supernatural incidents, Godhunters who spontaneously gained their shards, or those who
wander into this world- Marebito.

She does her best to help these people return to their daily lives by altering their memories, and
teaches them basic knowledge about awakened or lectures them on modern common. Many of
the godhunters protected by Saionji Private Inquiry end up hired as employees and part-time
workers, and given the use of the agencies for their needs.

Psychic Investigations

Those employed by Saionji Private Inquiry receive numerous jobs of both mundane and special
origin. In fact, it seems that detective work is it's business, rather than it's other activity as a
credit bureau. Their special work is called "purification", in which they investigate supernatural
incidents and resolve them. Their first job was a request from a soul who was unable to attain
Buddhahood because he left unrequited love in this world.

They will search for those missing because of supernatural incidents to the ends of the earth.
Their investigations are thorough, and their treatment of their clients is top-notch. Every time
they're asked for such a case, employees and part-time workers on the case make full use of
their abilities, spirit energy, and artificial regalia to solve the case.

Of course, requests for "purification" are always related to supernatural incidents.

Saionji Private Inquiry's investigation of such strange incidents is often referred to as "psychic

Leader: 47
"Heilong" is a massive criminal organization with operations all across Asia, having established
a firm position within the underworld using their supernatural martial arts and magic—spirit
energy techniques in other words—for crime. The current boss of the organization is a man
called '47' (as he is the 47th head of the organization), yet his identity and real name are
unknown. It's said that Heilong has existed in some form or another since before the third centry
BC, and it's believed that Qin Shi Huang, the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty, was a member.

Originally, the organization's goal was to find its ancestors, who had been sealed away by the
supreme god known as "Shangdi," and release them. However, following a decree from the
organization's head during the early part of the 12th century, they became an anti-government
organization aimed at overthrowing the current dynasty, and then after the World Wars, they
became the criminal organization they are today.

There are many Awakened within Heilong, and following the orders of 47, they carry out tasks
such as leading criminal activities, spying, demolitions, assassination, bodyguarding, and even
cursing. The Awakened members of Heilong are supernatural assassins called either <Sage> or
<Kill-Savant>, and if they are important within the underworld (including among Innocents),
rumors will abound about them. Because of this, Innocents in the underworld will hire Kill-
Savants to inflict harm upon more virtuous Innocents.

The Awakened within Heilong have lost their interest in searching for the <Promise of
Ascension>, and are infatuated with using the sacraments for evil. For that reason, Heilong,
who sees the sacraments as only a "means," have a conflicted relationship with the other
Awakened factions, and have become a hostile existence for good Godhunters and Mononoke.

> Kill-Savants
Drug dealings, money laundering, prostitution, gambling, trafficking, smuggling, assassination,
and more; Heilong has stained its hands with all kinds of criminal activities, and the enormous
revenue they have gained from those is set aside for financing their organization's operations.
Assassination is Heilong's specialty, and the fee for a single request can reach unimaginable
sums. If a request is made, a Kill-Savant, a supernatural assassin that is the pride of Heilong,
will find the target and dispatch them in the manner required by the client.

There are also cases where a powerful Kill-Savant will be hired as a bodyguard, when that
happens the Savant will guard the client while keeping vigilant for assassins, and when
discovered, will not only kill the assassin, but their client as well. Their power is terrifying, and
when an opponent identifies themselves as a Kill-Savant, it's said that even the Awakened of
other factions will face the battle knowing they may very well die.

False God Cults

Leader: Various
The term "False God Cults" are a blanket designation for groups that believe in and worship
various Aramitama that are hostile to mankind. All false god cults are hostile to good
Godhunters and Mononoke. They all have unique religious views and worship an Aramitama,
which they believe is their absolute god. A common view among these groups is that the
Aramitama they worship one day will awaken from their slumber, regain their power, and
continue their horrific activities.

The largest threat among these groups is the Black Goat cult, which worships Kuroyagi-hime. It
was originally just a small-scale cult dedicated to the goddesses who presided over fertility and
prosperity. However, a few years ago, the arrival of Kuroyagi-hime during a ceremony
completely changed the situation. The believers who witnessed her "miracle" were instantly
enthralled, and the cult's numbers expanded explosively. They expanded into a massive
organization almost overnight by absorbing smaller cults.

Today, several organizations, the Knights-Templar in particular, are on a hunt to eliminate

Kuroyagi-hime. However, due to the interference of other companies and organizations that
want to secure Kuroyagi-hime, the inquisition has been difficult.

In addition to this, there are a few other notable emergent false god cults. A cult called
Hongqiao, typically based in port towns, preaches about a "world of dreams" and a rainbow
bridge that connects our world to it. Another group is the "Brotherhood of True Sight", formed by
a charismatic, fortune telling student, which has begun to recruit other students.

Threats that lurk in the Darkness

Many participants in these cults are ordinary people who do not possess any special abilities.
As a result, they aren't that big of a threat to Godhunters: The real threat is elsewhere.

Friendly old women or neighbors who live on your street and greet each other each morning, or
the managers of their favorite stores: Anyone may be a worshipper of Aramitama. In order to
carry out their horrific rituals, they might not target Awakened, but also their neighbors or loved
ones. Of course, these individuals fully understand that they are an anti-social existence, and
operate in utmost secrecy in their communities to thoroughly conceal their activities. Therefore,
their victims will be buried in unknown locations, designated as accidents, or called runaways.

However, the existence of many cults has been uncovered due to victims who were lucky
enough to survive their attacks, or those who perished but left notes left behind.
The general public rarely takes these events seriously, but for Awakened who know the truth of
the world, these events are important pieces of information that cannot be ignored.

Sumizuki Pharmaceutical
Leader: Ishii Hajime

Sumizuki Pharmaceutical, a new pharmaceutical company that has rapidly expanded its power
in the last decade. The CEO is The First of the Board of Directors. It's head office is located in

On the surface, they mainly develop, research, manufacture, and sell pharmaceutical drugs. In
recent times, the company has achieved considerable results in the development of new drugs
through genetic engineering and biotechnology.

The organization is aware of awakened and uses it's knowledge of them in medical and
pharmaceutical technology. It researches, produces, and sells elixirs such as "Ochimizu" and
"Goziwasan". Sumizuki Pharmaceutical is a neutral organization for awakened, and they've
made their neutrality clear to every organization.

What this means is that sometimes, they can be hostile to PCs, attempt to capture Mononoke,
and steal Godforged. Their reasons are unknown, it's rumored that they're involved in the
creation of Artificial Gods, prompting other organizations to monitor their activities... Even as
they continue to buy their goods.

Sumizuki Pharmaceutical was originally a secret military research organization established

during the war, whose purpose was to study awakened.

However, their progress was halted because of the war. Ishii's predecessor secretly took their
research results and established a pharmaceutical company with his colleagues after the war.
After that, they merged with several other companies to become the giant that they are today.
The company became famous overnight because of its response to the events of purgatory
night, where it distributed free medical aid to the victims.

It's advanced medical technologies have the power to cure diseases which are normally thought
to be impossible to fix with ordinary medicine.

However, these procedures require large amounts of rare materials, and have massive costs.
As a result, these medical technologies can only be afforded by a small percentage of
godhunters, Inousha, and ordinary people, but the knowledge of these miraculous treatments is
slowly spreading to the general public.

Espers and Adapters

Currently, Sumizuki Pharmaceutical is focusing on the research of "a certain existence", people
discovered in various places in recent years with strange powers.
Their powers are diverse: Supersensory abilities, Psychokinesis, Physical Hardening,
Hypermetabolism, and growth of the brain are only the tip of the iceberg of those that have been

Adapters with super-intelligence and telekinesis are called [Espers], and those who have Super-
Metabolism and transformation abilities are called [Adapters]. Some have had these powers
from birth, but most gained them after surviving <Purgatory Night>. Some of them have even
obtained shards and become Godhunters.

Leader: De Gaita III

Rozenskull is an evil magic association that is hostile not only to the good godhunters, but also
to all organizations who aim to complete the <Promise of Ascension>, and those who destroy
Aramitama. Their apparent goal seems to be to prevent anyone else from reaching the

It's current leader is the renowned mage, Stanislav De Gaita. Once a part of the Mages
Association, and the third to take the title "Marquis De Gaita", he began to despise the
Association in the wake of a certain incident that damaged his honor. It was then that he
established the sorcerous organization Rozenskull.

He approaches scientists who have been denied recognition for their work, disgraced figures of
authority, and even ordinary people who have great ambitions or strong dreams. He promises
to lend these people Rozenskull's support, free of charge. The forbidden knowledge that they
desire. Powerful Spells that can aid them. The Manpower that they need. Everything that the
subject requires is given to them.

This support is carried out until the subject dies, at which point De Gaita inherits their profits, or
research. Upon learning of these activities, the Mages Association immediately sent a special
task force to put an end to it. After a great deal of sacrifice, De Gaita was killed.

A few months later, however, a person claiming to be De Gaita appeared and resumed these
activities, and the situation has begun to play out again. Currently, De Gaita is the leader of
Rozenskull, along with subordinates called the eleven secrets.

Rozenskull is looking to complete the <Promise of Ascension> earlier than anyone else can,
and regularly interferes in other's attempts to fulfill it. Although there are few prominent
supporters, it is said that there are a large number of people who will cooperate with it for their
immediate benefit.

Prohibited Items
A Prohibited Item is a general term for witchcraft, magic spells, Godforged Regalia, Bloodlines,
and more, that have been sealed away due their magnitude and high risk. Their degree of
danger varies, but most of them are sealed away immediately after they're found.

They're contained inside tightly sealed books, behind multiple barriers, or in the bodies of
Inousha belonging to certain bloodlines, and rarely see the light of day. There are occasionally
unfortunate accidents where their containment is breached- Usually through complete chance,
and these forbidden objects fall into the hands of a person who's wholly self-interested.

In many cases, prohibited items are the cause of the appearance of an Aramitama, or
Distortion, and trigger dangerous supernatural incidents.

Machine-God of Damocles -- NPC Introductions [XXXC]

"Sorcerer of the Demon Eye" Domeki Kaname

"Hey, long time no see! By the way, are you free now?"
Cover: Lawyer
Race: Demon-Eyed
Age: 26
Sex: Female

Kaname is a Mage belonging to the Association, who passes jobs down to Godhunters to
resolve supernatural incidents. Based in a city near Tokyo, she owns both a law firm and a
number of antique shops. Kaname is a always wears fancy glasses and red lipstick.

Her family- The Domeki family, has been host to a strange power that has manifested in their
eyes for generations. Kaname is no exception, and her "Evil Eye" is fairly powerful. However,
she was disgusted by the events that her family was involved in and moved to Tokyo to escape,
and go to school. Immediately after she arrived, she was involved in a supernatural incident, but
was saved by a Mage belonging to the Association. After a number of twists and turns, she
managed to become their apprentice.

She practiced her magic endlessly, served her teacher faithfully, acted as the guardian of his
son, and secretly used her magic for the benefit of the people.
She uses her position as a [Lawyer] or an antique shop owner to gather information about a
paranormal case, and then either resolves it herself, or entrusts the job to godhunters she
personally favors.
"Deputy Director" Yoake Kazuya
"All right. If it's for the sake of my husband and his partner... No Mercy."
Cover: Bureaucrat
Race: Dragon Lord
Age: 34
Sex: Male

Yoake Kazuya, a sharp-dressed man with extraordinary beauty, acts as the director of the
Ministry of the Environment, Special Provisions Department office in Tokyo.

At first glance, he projects a ruthless and violent aura. In truth, however, he's a highly capable
individual who acts as a father to his subordinates, and displays a strong loyalty to his boss.

On Purgatory Night, he and his friends, who were all criminals at the time, were attacked by
powerful mononoke who appeared out of nowhere.
As his friends were killed one after the other in front of his very eyes, he was saved by the
timely arrival of a powerful government agent. Since that time, he's become romantically
involved with the agent, who he now calls his husband.

He's entered the world of awakened with the desire to overcome the fear of the supernatural
that was engraved upon him that day. As a result of his titanic efforts, he was selected as
deputy director at an unusually young age. Currently, he's taken command of SpecProv
headquarters, where he's made several considerable achievements.

"Child of the Moon" Lara Hohenheim
"Oh, dear! Hey, why don't you work part-time with your sister?"
Cover: Millionaire
Race: Homunculus
Age: Unknown
Sex: Female

Lara Hohenheim is a talented young woman that works as CEO of the leading company "Alkeny
Materials", part of the Alkeny Group. She is the love-child of Leonie, the Alkeny Group's general
manager, and is currently active in Japan, the forefront of supernatural incidents.

She sends her world-class secretary Elena to investigate incidents, and upon discovering
evidence that one has occured, Alkeny Materials superhuman soldiers and cyborgs are sent out
to resolve it, with plenty of backup.

She is also keen on hiring Godhunters, scouting such personnel and hiring them via contract to
work for Alkeny for certain periods of time. Being extremely sociable and curious, she often
scouts these individuals by herself.
She came to Japan around the time of Purgatory Night occured. It's rumored that she died
during the events of it, but the truth is unknown.

"Navigator" Elena Belefskaya
"Support on standby. Prepared to launch."
Cover: Corporate Operative
Race: Cyborg
Age: 18
Sex: Female

Elena Belefskaya is a talented secretary who works under Alkeny Materials CEO Lara
Hohenheim. She plays a support role in the investigation of supernatural incidents and
operations concerning soldiers, or cyborgs working for the Alkeny Group.

In her youth, her hometown became an urban warzone, and Elena suffered fatal wounds across
her entire body. However, the Alkeny Group's General Manager, Leonie, who was visiting the
region for relief activities, was fortunate enough to stumble across her. He saved her life with an
experimental version of cybernetic surgery.

She was given a new lease on life as a cyborg. Leonie became her guardian, and with his help,
she was given a proper education and eventually became Lara's secretary.

During a mission, she tries to give commands and relay information with an attitude of
indifference, but in fact, she's far more emotional than others and conceals a girly side.

It should be noted that puns, or dajare, are her weakness. After hearing a new one, she will
continuously spew more.

"Evil Genius" Fuchi Madoka
"Shards contain the future of humanity. Kihihihi!"
Cover: Corporate Executive
Race: Human
Age: 16
Sex: Female

An incredibly young, genius scientist under the employ of Far East Heavy Industries. Fuchi
Madoka is also the granddaughter of the president, and has been entrusted with the design,
development and research of cyborgs or drones using spirit terminals. She has a very cute
appearance, but she's always lost in her research and doesn't take care of it. She has bags
under her eyes, wears a dirty lab coat, never does her hair, and worse- Her morals have been
completely lost, buried under extraordinary, yet malicious thoughts.
Boasting an IQ of over 300, she uses her unusually efficient brain to analyze the functions and
properties of the Godforged Regalia. She uses this knowledge to develop new weapons,
equipment, and other artificial regalia.

Currently, she's particularly focused on the development of advanced artificial intelligence. She
sees the need for the use of emotions (A delicate, and complex phenomena) in order to express
and burn spiritual crests. She hopes to utilize artificial intelligence in order to transplant crests
into drones and other vehicles.
The results of this research are about to be proven by the prototype [Android] Copperia.

"Guardian Machine God" Copperia
"The protection of my creator, Madoka, is my mission!"
Cover: Defense Type
Race: Android
Age: Unknown
Sex: Female?

Created by the "Evil Genius", Fuchi Madoka, Copperia is a high-performance artificial

intelligence in a robotic humanoid body, known as an [Android]. Her designation is prototype #2.

In contrast to her creator's appearance, she has a clean and pretty, doll-like appearance, and
an innocent personality to match. That's all there is to it. As for her female appearance, Madoka
explains that "Self-Awareness is an essential element to create emotions", but it is rumored that
Madoka made her cute just because.

Copperia is a prototype, manufactured with bodyguard duties in mind, and has various weapons
and gadgets built into her body. Copperia uses them to overenthusiastically defend and protect
her creator, who she adores.
Her combat ability, however, is terrible, a byproduct of her having been designed by
compressing the schematics of a large drone into a humanoid form. In terms of combat ability,
she's weaker than a single battalion of soldiers armed with modern weapons.

Copperia's prototype, Olympia, was stolen by someone a year ago as a result of the corporate

"Numerology Witch" Kizaia Mason
"Ufufufu... Do you want forbidden knowledge, too?"
Cover: Supernatural Criminal
Race: Marebito
Age: Unknown
Sex: Female
This Marebito is known as Kizaia Mason, an otherworldly witch who gave a number of countries
the knowledge to manufacture spirit terminals during the war.
It's said that she once used to be an old woman with eerie eyes, but
now she takes the form of a heart-wrenchingly beautiful woman with a bewitching appearance.

The details of her true identity are not known in detail. Few things about this mysterious
godhunter are known: It's known that she's been confirmed to have existed since the 17th
century, and that she uses a special type of magic that manipulates space.

Mason seems to be trying to sow chaos in human society in accordance with the orders of the
powerful evil god she believes in, by spreading the crystalline supertechnology, spirit terminals,
to shift the balance of power.

For this reason, she is being pursued by every awakened organization- Especially the Knights
templar, and every company involved in the corporate war. However, it's extremely difficult to
catch her, given her ability to control space freely. She sometimes visits her favorite godhunters
to give advice.

"Community Lord" Fugami Akihito
"...Just believe me. I'll show you the truth."
Cover: Honor Student
Race: Esper
Age: 17
Sex: Male

Fugami Akihito. Regarded as a medium-level threat, this charismatic, fortune-telling student has
drawn in crowds of other high-schoolers and formed his own community: The Brotherhood of
True Sight.

He appears to be all but an ordinary boy. Akihito is very popular with girls. He has a slender
body, natural brown hair, and a fair-skinned appearance. He's capable of accurately telling a
person's past or near-future by touching one's palms or hearing their date of birth. He believes
that he's the reincarnation of a great prophet, and is an esper with high power.

It is not clear what purpose he created the Brotherhood for. However, it's scale is rapidly
expanding, and both Public Safety and SpecProv are increasingly concerned that it will trigger a
large-scale supernatural event. They are currently investigating it in secret.

“Doctor” Ishii Hajime
"There were too many people and youkai. I'd like to contribute a few to medical care."
Cover: Businessman
Race: Human
Age: 60
Sex: Male

The president of Sumizuka Pharmaceutical Co, and Chief Executive Officer of it's Development
and Research Division.
Ishii Hajime is known as the "Medical King". The Ishii family has regularly produced excellent
doctors and scientists in each generation, but never included any awakened. However, this
changed after Hajime became involved with the military. He has grey hair, and always wears a
high-quality suit with a white coat over it. His personality is very ambitious and confident, he's
kind to his subordinates and is willing to admit his mistakes.
For this reason, Sumizuka's executives and operatives are strongly loyal to him.

He is now involved in the research and development of "supernatural drugs that change their
users into awakened by releasing their true potential". For this reason, it's rumored that he is
conducting inhumane experiments on captured mononoke and land gods, and that he's
applying the results of that research to ordinary people. However, there is no reliable evidence
of this activity at present.

“Battle Captain” Ryuichi Naito
"Damn it... I'll remember this!"
Cover: Corporate Executive
Race: Adapter
Age: 36
Sex: Male

Ryuichi Naito, the commander of Sumizuka Pharmaceutical's anti-awakened forces, is a close

aide to Hajime Ishii. He was once a member of the airborne, but his natural ferocity caused
problems and he was court-martialed. Ishii stumbled across him when Naito was working as a
bouncer, and recruited him. Naito is an excellent soldier, and took the offer to command
Sumizuka's PMC.

However, the original "Anti-Awakened Force" was annihilated at the hands of a single
godhunter, leaving Naito with deep wounds to his body and spirit.

Despite his humiliating defeat, Ishii generously forgave his failure, and Naito asked him to
rebuild the "Anti-Awakened Force". Grateful to Ishii, he volunteered himself for experimentation.
After withstanding an overdose of chemicals, he transformed into a superhuman [Adapter] with
an exoskeleton tougher than metal, and supernatural athletic ability.

Since then, he has participated in the corporate war, making full use of his combat skills. It
seems that he has a bad habit of making poor plans, which backfire horribly. Luckily for him, he
survives each time.
“The Leader of the Rose” De Gaita III
"The Promise shall never be fulfilled... That's our revenge."
Cover: Arch Wizard
Race: Magus
Age: N/A
Sex: Male

Rozenskull is an evil mages association created for the sole purpose of preventing the promise
of ascension. The man who created the organization is the has taken the name of the great
magus, Stanislav De Gaita III.

It's unclear who he really is and why he's taken De Gaita's name, but his abilities are far
superior to the real De Gaita. He can use powerful magic at the flick of a wrist, and summon a
variety of mononoke with forbidden rituals. He has a strong grudge against the Mages
Association, and is fully committed to its destruction. He's currently waging a secret war against

It is said that he, along with his aides, the Eleven Secrets, give forbidden knowledge and
Godforged to sorcerers or bloodlines who have a grudge against awakened organizations.
When these objects are activated, they copy the abilities or techniques of the user. Every
organization regards him as an exceedingly dangerous individual.

Machine-God of Damocles -- Additional Rules 1 [XXXD]

Additional rule: Remuneration to GM

Each time a person serves as the GM of a round-robin campaign, their PC also gains
experience and money. At [Session end], The GM Chooses a character of his to get the
remuneration. After that, enter the value (described below) that can be earned by acting as GM
in the [Experience] and [Gold] of said character. Next time, when other players serve as GM,
you can improve your PC with the [Experience] and [Gold] gained from Gm'ing. [Experience]
and [Gold] that the GM can acquire are as follows.
◎ Experience gained by GM = Average value of [experience value] PC's acquired.
Example: The average [Experience] acquired by the PCs is 136, GM acquires 136 [Experience].
◎ Money gained by GM = Defeated [Boss]'s [LV] x 1200 G
Example: The PCs defeat a [boss] whose [LV] is 3, GM acquires 3600 G of [money].
TL Note: The Original version recommends using a spare record sheet to note down how much
each person gets, for the sake of fairness. To do this, write down the GM and character names
in the Item field, and the amount gained in the effect field of the items. Each GM session counts
as 1 item on the record sheet. Think of it like a communal log of who GM'ed and what they get
for it.

Machine-God of Damocles -- Additional Rules 2 [XXXE]

Godhunter Covers and Identification checks.

Regardless of PC or NPC, the difficulty of hiding your [Cover] is [target value: 14]. Also, even if a
Godhunter is successful in [Identification], only partial data is known (→ see Core p156. [Identification]).
In addition to each item that is found in [Identification], the [Race] and [Main Style] will be known (The
acquired Talents and other details are unknown). Unless otherwise specified, each item of a godhunter is
as follows.

◎ Contents of Godhunter
Classification: by [Race]
World Interference LV (LV): current value
Size: 2
Intelligence: cunning
Sense: normal
Speech: Yes
Reaction: Mercurial
Identify: 14
Weakness: None
Movement: Walk

TL Note: These are the rules for identifying enemy godhunters. If you do not make DC 14, the
above stat block is what is told to you, and nothing else. Should a PC succeed in their identify
check, they will Learn more detailed information, Such as race, and main style. If anything is
different from the above stat block, take into account that change if your players successfully
identify a godhunter.

Machine-God of Damocles -- Aliases/Nicknames [XXXF]
TL Note: D66 means to roll 2d6, using the first number as the tens, and the second as the ones.
1d is just 1d6.

Nicknames And Aliases

Regardless of PC or NPC, it is possible that a God Hunter that has reached [World
Influence LV (LV): 3] or higher is known by other Awakened under a different name. These
names are called [Nicknames] Or [Aliases].
Each player can arbitrarily have a [Nickname/Alias] on their PCs with [World Interference LV: 3]
or more.
When setting [Nickname/Alias], decide the following contents respectively.
1: Determine of different name
2: Determine feat or evil (misdeed)
3: Determine modifications to popularity
1: Determine the Nickname

To determine what kind of [alias] the PC is called by other awakened, Players may freely set
[different names], or use the table described in this booklet. In addition, since the contents of the
table are a rough guide, if you feel that the description is poor, or you do not agree with the
image it presents, you can
reroll again or use another similar word.

Nickname determination table

This table is for determining the content of a different name. The contents of the table have the
following meanings.

◎ Table ① only
[Nickname] of the God Hunter will represent that it is the content and the name itself of the
Table used.
"Table ①" is divided into three different themes. These are "color", "adjective", and "attributes". For
example, if "Table 1 → Color"

and the result of "Color Table" is "Crimson", that God Hunter's [Nickname] is "Crimson 〇〇 (〇〇 is
the full name of PC or under)

◎ Table ① + Table ②
It means that the [different name] of that God Hunter combines the contents of "Table ①" and
"Table ②", "Table ②" will always be the [Shape] of the <Artificial Regalia> that that God Hunter has
[Equipped]. For example, in the case of "table ①-> color" the result of "color table" is "crimson", and the
[Artificial Regalia] that is [Equipped] Has [Form:sword] - that is "table ②-> sword"
If it was a Katana, the God Hunter’s [alias] will be "Scarlet Sword Light".

◎ Table ② only
It means that the [Alias] of the God Hunter is the content and the name itself of an option rolled on "Table

Nickname Determination Table (1d)

1: Table 1 Only
2-4: Tables 1 + 2
5: Table 2 Only
6: No Nickname (Name option above)

Table 1 (1d6)
1-2: Color (→ to color table)
3-4: Epithet (→ to epithet table)
5-6: Attribute table (→ to attribute table)

Table 1 – Colour Table (d66)

11-12: Scarlet
13-14: Crimson
15-16: Suou (hex 973C3F, a kind of dark red)
21-22: Golden
23-24: Pure White
25-26: White
31-32: Silver
33-34: Pale Blue
35-36: White-Green (Mint Green?)
41-42: Ash Gray
43-44: Iron Gray
45-46: Amber
51-52: Jade
53-54: Lapis Lazuli
55-56: Rose
61-62: Black
63-64: Jet Black
65-66: Player Choice

Table 1 – Epithet Table (d66)

11-12: Acute/Sharp (as in sharp-witted, I think)
13-14: The Cruel
15-16: Bizarre (Grotesque, fantastical, variant, etc.)
21-22: Quiet
23-24: Stiff (inflexible?)
25-26: Sonic Speed
31-32: Awesome
33-34: God of Murder
35-36: Glorious
41-42: Formidable
43-44: Distant
45-46: Eternal
51-52: The Just
53-54: The Promised
55-56: The Victorious
61-62: Wonderful
63-64: Forbidden (taboo?)
65-66: Player Choice

Table 1 – Attribute Table (d66)

11-14: Flame (→to flame table)
15-22: Cold (→to cold table)
23-32: Shock (→to Shock table)
33-36: Wind (→to wind table)
41-44: Light (→to light table)
45-52: Magnet (→to magnet table)
53-56: Toxic (→to Toxic table)
61-66: Phantom (→to Phantom table)

Table 1 – Flame Attribute Table (d66)

11-14: Wildfire
15-22: Red-hot
23-32: Pyrotechnic/Firey
33-36: Hellish (literally purgatory)
41-44: Flame/Blaze
45-52: Inferno
53-56: Strong flame
61-66: Explosive flame

Table 1 – Cold Attribute Table (d66)

11-14: Ruthless (?)
15-22: Melting snow
23-32: Snowstorm
33-36: Zero degrees
41-44: Extreme cold
45-52: Frozen
53-56: Callous
61-66: Oceanic

Table 1 – Shock Attribute Table (d66)

11-14: Lightning Strike 雷撃
15-22: Lightning speed (?) 雷奔
23-32: Thunder 雷鳴
33-36: Thunderclap 迅雷
41-44: Lightning Bolt 稲妻
45-52: Thunder & Lightning 雷電
53-56: Lightning 電光
61-66: Thunderbolt 霹靂

Table 1 – Wind Attribute Table (d66)

11-14: Fierce wind
15-22: Stormy
23-32: Light wind (breezy?)
33-36: Strong wind (gale?)
41-44: Stardust
45-52: Calm
53-56: Cloudy
61-66: Windy

Table 1 – Light Attribute Table (d66)

11-14: Red light
15-22: Backlit
23-32: Sunshine
33-36: Flash
41-44: Light
45-52: Divine light
53-56: Lightning (the light of? Also translates as hope, apparently)
61-66: Moonlight

Table 1 – Magnet Attribute Table (d66)

11-14: Magnetic field
15-22: Grounded
23-32: Pulsation/beat
33-36: Earth
41-44: Dragon
45-52: Tectonic (literally “moving land”)
53-56: Spirit
61-66: Celestial

Table 1 – Toxic Attribute Table (d66)

11-14: Poisonous
15-22: Abyssal
23-32: Deadly poison
33-36: Incubus
41-44: Magical
45-52: Miasma
53-56: Malicious
61-66: Toxic

Table 1 – Phantom Attribute Table (d66)

11-14: Darkness
15-22: Gloomy
23-32: Shadow
33-36: Ghostly
41-44: Dreamy
45-52: Eerie
53-56: Phantasmal
61-66: Dark

Table 2 – Sword (d66)

11-13: Heir/Successor
14-16: Sword Shadow
21-23: Treasured Sword
24-26: Demonic Swordsman
31-33: Swordsman
34-36: Sword Demon
41-43: Holy Sword
44-46: Devil Sword
51-53: Fencing Master
54-56: White Blade
61-63: Sword Light
64-66: Player Choice

Table 2 – Spear (d66)

11-13: Ranged Spear (literally “spear bow”)
14-16: Steel Bar
21-23: Serpent
24-26: Spearer
31-33: Unicorn
34-36: God-Killer (?)
41-43: Asura
44-46: Pierce
51-53: Beam/Shaft of Light
54-56: Demon Spear
61-63: Flying Dragon (Dragoon?)
64-66: Player Choice
Table 2 – Axe (d66)
11-13: Champion
14-16: Magical Beast
21-23: Battle Axe
24-26: Demon Claw
31-33: Hungry Wolf
34-36: Executioner
41-43: Lion
44-46: Demon Axe
51-53: Fierce Tiger
54-56: King
61-63: Jailbreak
64-66: Player Choice

Table 2 – Hammer (d66)

11-13: Masurao (means ‘strong, brave man’)
14-16: Charge
21-23: Hammer
24-26: Meteor
31-33: War
34-36: Follower
41-43: Soldier
44-46: Weaponmaster
51-53: Evil Demon
54-56: Iron Man
61-63: Comet
64-66: Player Choice

Table 2 – Ranged (d66)

11-13: Flying Hawk
14-16: God Eye
21-23: Wild Eagle
24-26: Hunter
31-33: Magic Bullet
34-36: Wing or Twin Wing
41-43: Silver Chain
44-46: Huntmaster
51-53: Archer
54-56: Bow
61-63: Falcon
64-66: Player Choice

Table 2 – Magic (d66)

11-13: Soul
14-16: Crest
21-23: Shaman/Miko
24-26: Magical Hail
31-33: Angel
34-36: Magician
41-43: Wizard
44-46: Forbidden Tome
51-53: Witch/Warlock
54-56: Sorcerer
61-63: Jewel
64-66: Player Choice

Table ◎ Column: About the <God Name> of the [Artificial Regalia] ②

The tables in this book are not for <God Names> of [Artificial Regalia]. Instead, they act to obscure the
god name of Artificial Regalia. In this case, use the [Form] of weapon closest to its actual shape (→ basic
p 144 ~ 146)

◎ Column: Not having a Nickname

If for some reason a [Nickname] is not set for that character, the modification to their popularity
is [+ 4 / secret in
secret] and set [Name Recognition] to 18.

◎ Column: Changes in name recognition

During [session end], a GM may change the degree of recognition for each character by seeing
degree of activity for each character. For example, if a character contributes to an organization,
the degree of recognition is decreased by one. Alternatively, or if they are a hostile God Hunter,
if you hinder a friendly organizations goals or cause an incident or [Misdeed], your recognition is
increased by 1. Modifications to popularity are decided by the GM arbitrarily. If there are no
guidelines in particular set forth by your GM, let 's say that each PC can arbitrarily ± 1 their
[Name Recognition] when they reach [Level Advancement]. In addition, the maximum value of
popularity is 18 and the minimum value is 2.

2: Determination of the feat, misdeeds

These are tables that determines whether you are known for your feats such as your [alias] or
for "bad" behavior. The player arbitrarily decides what kind of feat was accomplished by the PC
as a Godhunter on the [feat table], or consults with other players or the GM to decide. The GM
decides what kind of accomplishments and wrongdoings the NPC did, either arbitrarily or by
Rolling once on eiter the [Feat table] or [Misdeed table].
If you do not have permission of the GM, PCs cannot take or roll for [Misdeeds]. When the
player uses the [Misdeed Table], treat it like it was "to protect someone's honor" or that they
"made a mistake due to a misunderstanding". There should be a positive spin on the misdeed
for player Godhunters, as they are ostensibly "The good guys". A Gm should consult with each
participant and try not prevent progress of a [session] while taking this under consideration. Try
to avoid having Feats and Misdeeds that overlap in a contradictory manner.

Feat table
11-12: Infiltrated a dark underground tournament and defeated its champion
13-14: I caused a miracle that saved many people
15-16: I have survived many battlefields
21-22: I fought against an evil Mononoke and was victorious
23-24: I rescued the heads of organizations and companies from disaster
25-26: I destroyed a Godforged Regalia, which was regarded as impossible to destroy
31-32: I destroyed an elite unit of infamous organization alone
33-34: I beat an Aramitama, which is regarded as impossible to kill
35-36: I brought the infamous evil Daiyoukai to justice
41-42: I saved a famous national leader on my own
43-44: I defeated the presence of a legend which had been sealed
45-46: I am the successor to the legendary Artificial Regalia
51-52: Once-in-a-hundred years genius in their [title]
53-54: I Dueled against a user of the first-class prohibited magic and won
55-56: I have destroyed special forces boasted about by companies and nations on my own
61-62: I have acquired the legendary deathblow technique
63-64: Roll twice
65-66: Player’s Discretion

Misdeeds table
11-12: I broke the organization's largest taboo and was banished
13-14: I used a greatly forbidden curse
15-16: Knowing the secrets of the organization and being chased
21-22: The legendary former assassin
23-24: Only I will survive on many battlefields
25-26: Destroyed the Godforged regalia to be used for a precious ritual
31-32: I destroyed a branch of a gigantic organization by myself
33-34: Killing excellent and prestigious Godhunters
35-36: I killed a mighty god
41-42: Has Destroyed many sanctums of renowned Mononoke (Literally Tochigami/Ubunokami)
43-44: Infamous genius in the [title]
45-46: Has eradicated a rare and mysterious tribe
51-52: In order to save a lot of people, I killed a small number of people
53-54: I made a bargain with an evil god or spirit
55-56: I have mastered a taboo mystery
61-62: I used Aramitama a number of times for my self-interest
63-64: Roll twice
65-66: Player’s discretion

3: Determine the modifications to name recognition

To decide how much influence a [Feat] Or [Misdeed] has on [Name recognition], Each
participant will take the "degree of modification" and apply it to the baseline [degree of
recognition: 14]. For example, if you get "-4 / Upstart", apply -4 of the fix to 14. If your
[nickname] was "Crimson Sword Light", that God Hunter would be [nickname: Crimson Sword
Light / famous degree: 10]. Furthermore, it is assumed that [character recognition] can be
judged for a character who a PC has never had a [Bond] with. On the contrary, let's assume that
you already know an NPC in the campaign and have formed a [Bond] with them. Once an NPC
has formed a bond with you, even once, they do not need to roll to recognize you or your
nickname. If you write your [name recognition] or [nickname] on the character sheet, if there is
no space for it, write it next to the free part of [player name] or [character name].

Correction degree table (2d)

2: +4; Secret secret
3: +2; Do not speak that name
4: -1; It is considered a secret
5: -2; A rumour on the wind
6: -3; People know of you
7-8: -4; Upstart
9: -6; Celebrity
10: -8; Super Celebrity
11: -10; Hero
12: -12; Living Legend

Additional NPC table (2d)

Finally, this is a table to be used when acquiring NPC's appearing in this book as a [Bond].
2: Copperia (this book p15)
3: Ryuichi Naito (this book p16)
4: Akito Shingin (this book p16)
5: Lara/Lala Hohenheim (this book p14)
6: Elena Belefskaya (this book p15)
7: Domeki Kaname (this book p14)
8: Yoake Kazuya (this book p14)
9: Kizaia Mason (this book p15)
10: Ishii Hajime (this book p16)
11: De Gaita III (this book p16)
12: Fuchi Madoka (this book p15)

From the next page, [handout list] used in [scene template] (this book p65) is posted.
Follow the instructions of GM and let the player read the handout with the description of the
specified alphabet.

Machine-God of Damocles -- Handout Summary [XXXG]

-Coming sometime

Machine-God of Damocles -- Cyborg (Race) [XXXH]

Cyborgs are steel superhumans possessing a mechanical form called an "artificial body" that is
driven using spirit energy and a synthetic white blood as its source of power. Cyborg's [Stat
Types] each hold excellent performance in regards to combat or magic. Their outer appearance
is largely indistinguishable from a normal person, however there may be things such as a
terminal plug on their neck connecting to their brains. They gain their abilities by modifying their
own bodies for combat use. When using Cyborg Racial Talents, a high-pitched drive noise
issues from within their artificial bodies.

Racial Bonus
[Special Modifications]: You are able to acquire Cyborg Racial Talents. Also, you are able to
[Equip] [Restrict: Cyborg] [Items], and you change your [Class] to [Mechanical].

Stat Types S A I W L
| Martial | 6 | 6 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
| Utility | 4 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 1 |
| Arcane | 1 | 1 | 6 | 6 | 1 |

«Accel Function»
Timing : Start/Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
By activating an acceleration device, you can temporarily achieve super speeds.
Unique Effect. The target gains an effect depending on the [Timing] used. This Talent may be
used once per combat (or scene).
[Start]: The target may move up to 2 squares, ignoring [Engagements].
[Unique]: Use On Check. The target gains +2 to the result of the check.

«Retractable Armament»
Timing : Attack
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
You cause armament to pop out of your body, such as a gun or missile pod stored within your
head, shoulder, or back, and augment your attack with it.
Use While Active. Make an [Attack Action] on the target, and gain a benefit according to its type.
[Physical Attack]: User gains +1 [Rank].
[Magical Attack]: Deal [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] to the target (Resist [Halves]).

«High Output Parts»

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
You display overwhelming power and speed due to high-performance artificial limbs fitted with
unique modifications.
Use On {Strength} or {Agility} Checks. The target succeeds at the {Strength} or {Agility} check
regardless of the outcome of the [Roll]. At the same time, the target may change one [Spirit] die
to any value. This Talent may be used twice per session.

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
You may instantly hack something through a super small-scale quantum computer installed in
your body in order to gain information or acquire support from a satellite.
Use On {Intellect} or {Will} Checks. The target succeeds at the {Intellect} or {Will} check
regardless of the outcome of the [Roll]. At the same time, the target may change one [Spirit] die
to any value. This Talent may be used twice per session.

«Precise Adjustments»
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
When attacking, your artificial body itself makes fine adjustments for maximum effect, vastly
improving your power.
Use On Damage Calculation. The target gains +1 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation]. This Talent
may be used once per round (or scene).

«Armored Skin»
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [Steps]
By fitting your skin with bulletproof, bladeproof, and blastproof materials, you display physical
resilience that can deny most anything.
Use On Damage Reduction. [Halve] the [Physical Damage] the target takes. This Talent may be
used once per round.

«Anti-Impact Function»
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Utilizing a propulsion device, you mitigate shocks you receive.
Passive Effect. The target gains a +2 modifier to [Armor]. Also, the target may reduce effects
that would forcibly move them any number of squares by up to 2 squares. For example, if the
target would be forced to move two squares, they may change that to either one square, or no
squares. If this effect reduces the distance to no squares, then treat it as though the target was
never subjected to that effect.

«Extreme Run»
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Due to a special calculation device installed in your body, while performing acrobatics and
parkour, you can move with the speed of an automobile.
Passive Effect. The target gains +2 to {Initiative}. Also, they are able to ignore [Bad Footing]
penalties, and while [Out of Combat], can move as fast as an [Automobile].

● «Destroy Mode»
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Removing the limiter on your spirit energy drive mechanism, you achieve super acceleration
that exceeds your tolerances. The effects are so great that it appears everything around you
stands still.
Unique Effect. «Accel Function» Required. The target takes their [Turn] regardless of their
{Initiative}. This Talent does not spend the user's [Start] timing, and may be used once per
combat (or scene).

● «Full Metal Burst»

Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [E, E]
You achieve incredible destructive power by kicking the output of your spirit energy drive
mechanism into high gear and wreathing your weapons and bullets in spirit energy.
Use While Active. Make an [Attack Action] on the target, and in addition to gaining an effect
according to the type of attack as below, the target is unable to apply any [Halve] effects at their
[Damage Reduction].
[Physical Attack]: The user gains +1 [Rank].
[Magical Attack]: Deal [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] to the target (Resist [Cancels]).

● «Massacre Function»
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Temporarily dedicating every one of your artificial body's functions towards combat, you vastly
enhance the efficiency of target dispatch.
Use On Damage Calculation. The target gains the effect of either ① or ②. This Talent may be used once
per round (or scene).
①: The user gains +[any one of the user's {Main Stats}] to [Damage Calculation].
②: The user may apply [Shift: Dead] to all [Mononoke] with "x#" in their name that they dealt [Damage]

● «Defense Break»
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
You instantly analyze your opponent's defenses, and increase your power by stopping their
Use when the target declares a Talent. «Cyberdive» Required. Cancel the effect of any one
Talent with [Timing: Defense] that the target uses. This Talent may be used once per combat (or

● «Trajectory Analysis»
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You analyze the path of a unique attack or an attack launched at high speeds, and evade with
minimal movement.
Use On {Insight} Check. The target may make an {Evasion} check in place of an {Insight} check,
treating the result of the {Evasion} check as though it were the result of an {Insight} check. This
Talent may be used once per round.

● «High-Performance Spirit Drive»

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
A specially made spirit energy drive mechanism installed on your body vastly enhances the
functions of your artificial body, which in turn improves the efficiency of your spirit energy.
Passive Effect. «High Output Parts» «Extreme Run» Required. Each time the target uses a
[Race: Cyborg / Timing: Unique] Talent (not including «Accel Function»), they may treat one
portion of the [Cost] as already paid.

Machine-God of Damocles -- Demon Eyed (Race) [XXXI]

The Demon Eyed are a race classified as an Inheritor. Demon Eyed are akin clans that have
inherited the blood of those that hold special power within their eyes in myths and legends, such
as gods, witches, monsters, and youkai. Their lineages boast physical and mental abilities well
suited for warriors or magicians, although they have a tendency to possess higher luck than
anything. Outwardly, they appear no different from a normal person, but many will have irises
different than normal. When they are wield Demon Eyed Racial Talents, strong spirit energy
burns within their pupils, and their eyes give off a strong, noticeable glow.

Racial Bonus
[Majestic Gaze]: You are able to acquire Demon Eyed Racial Talents. Also, you are able to
[Equip] [Restrict: Demon Eyed] [Items].

Stat Types S A I W L
| Martial | 4 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 3 |
| Utility | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 5 |
| Arcane | 1 | 1 | 5 | 4 | 4 |

«Eyes of Ruin»
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
Using the unique powers of the Demon Eyed, you instantly "see" the weakpoint on your
opponent, and pierce it with a physical attack.
Physical Attack. The user gains a +[any one of user's {Main Stats}] at [Damage Calculation].
This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

«Bewitching Gaze»
Timing : Attack
Range : 10 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
You inflict others with powerful hallucinations using the power of the Demon Eyed, causing them
to harm themselves.
Magical Attack. Deal [Rank: 3] [Element: Phantom] [Magical Damage] to the target (Resist

«Hypnotic Eye»
Timing : Attack
Range : Other
Target : Other
Cost : [E]
Applying the hypnotic effect of your Demon Eyes, you alter the thougths of another, and erase
their memories.
Unique Effect. May only be used [Out of Combat]. The user may alter or erase the thoughts and
memories of Innocents in the [Scene] (the GM decides the details).

«Slow Time»
Timing : Defense
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
You perceive the flow of time at your leisure with the power of the Demon Eyed, reading your
opponent's attacks and evading them.
Use On Reactive Check. The target gains a +1 modifier to the result of [Reactive Checks].
«Trace Trajectory»
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
With the power of the Demon Eyed, you perceive the path of your opponent's attacks no matter
where they come from, then parry the strike to offset its power.
Unique Effect. Use when the target becomes the [Target] of a [Target: X#] [Weapon Attack].
The target makes an [Opposed Check] against the result of the [Weapon Attack], making an
[Active Check] (treat it as a [Reactive Check]), and if they succeed, they cancel the [Damage]
and other effects of that [Weapon Attack]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

«Eyes of Death»
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
With the power of the Demon Eyed, you "see" the lines of death, the weakpoints on your
opponent, then unleash a certain-kill strike there.
Unique Effect. Use after the target succeeds on an {Evasion} check. After reacting, the target
may make 1x [Timing: Attack] against the [Target] that made the [Attack Action]. This Talent
may be used once per combat (or scene).

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
With the power of the Demon Eyed, you instantly see through any distance. Or, you widen your
range with unique spirit energy.
Unique Effect. Use at any time. The target gains the effect of either ① or ②. This Talent may be used
once per round (or scene).
①: +2 to the result of [Tracking] [Spot] or [Eavesdrop]
②: Change the [Range] of a [Attack Action] to [6 Sq.]

«Eyes of the Reaper»

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
Perceiving the "lines" and the "point" where you can destroy your opponent's soul, you inflict a
mortal wound to them.
Use On Damage Calculation. The target may inflict [Shift: Dead] onto all Mononoke with "x#" in
their names (multiple Mononoke treated as one) that they've dealt [Damage] to. This Talent may
be used once per round (or scene).

● «Eyes of Instant Death»

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Using a baleful gaze, you instantly kill an opponent, or inflict mortal wounds upon them.
Unique Effect. «Eyes of the Reaper» Required. Use when the target uses «Eyes of the Reaper». The target
may change the effect of «Eyes of the Reaper» to either ① or ②. This Talent may be used once per
combat (or scene).
①: Gain +[any one of user's {Main Stats}] at [Damage Calculation].
②: Roll 1d6. If something other than "1" or "2" is shown, the target may inflict [Shift: Dead] on a single
[Mononoke] that is not a [Boss] or [Aramitama], even if it doesn't have "x#" in its name.

● «Petrifying Eyes»
Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
Refining the hypnotic effect of your eyes into a petrifying gaze, you cause your opponent's body
to temporarily turn to stone.
Unique Effect. «Hypnotic Eye» Required. The target's {Initiative} changes to 1. Also, until [End]
of the current round, the target may not receive the effects of Talents [Items] or [Additional
Effects] that adjust {Initiative}. This Talent may be used once per session.

● «Omnidirectional Sight»
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Awakening to a more powerful level of the Demon Eyed, you extensively expand the effect of
your gaze.
Use While Active. «Clairvoyance» Required. The target changes the [Range/Target] of a [Race:
Demon Eyed / Timing: Attack] Talent to [Combat Zone / Area]. This Talent may be used once
per combat (or scene).

● «Precognition»
Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
Enhancing the power of your demonic eyes, you see a little into the future, and through your
warnings and actions, can change the outcome you see.
Use when the target declares a Talent. «Trace Trajectory» Required. Cancel the effect of any one Talent
with [Timing: Prep・End・Unique] that the target used. This Talent may be used once per combat (or

● «Retrocognition»
Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
Enhancing the power of your demonic eyes, you peer into your opponent's past, and reading
their arts and rendering them powerless against you.
Unique Effect. «Slow Time» Required. Use after the target declares an [Attack Action]. Cancel
the target's [Attack Action]. This Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

● «Dragon's Malediction»
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
Your gaze burns as an enemy, an ally, or yourself executes an art. Use when the target
declares a Talent. Requires «Eyes of Ruin» or «Bewitching Gaze». The user may perform a
single [Race: Demon Eyed / Timing: Attack] Talent, treating the [Cost] as already paid. This
Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

Machine-God of Damocles -- Marebito (Race) [XXXJ]

Marebito are visitors from another world or multiverse. They are either "chosen ones" born to
carve out a future for their own worlds, or "renegades of fate" who have gained great power.
Therefore, Marebito almost without exception are Awakened, and those that could be classified
as Godhunters are hostile to Aramitama and hate their very existence, and it seems as though
no few number of them have escaped to this world due to their own worlds being destroyed by
an Aramitama. [Marebito] must select their [Cover] from the [Cover 4] list.

Racial Bonus
[Rulebreaker]: Characters with this [Race] are able to acquire Marebito Racial Talents. Also,
they are able to [Equip] [Restrict: Marebito] [Items].

Stat Types S A I W L
| Martial | 5 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 1 |
| Utility | 4 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 4 |
| Arcane | 1 | 3 | 5 | 3 | 3 |

«Bloodlust of Demons»
Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : Combat Zone
Cost : [Steps]
You emit a bizarre power held only by those who could be called a demon, crushing the spirit of
foes, and enflaming the spirit of your allies.
Unique Effect. The target gains a +2 modifier to the result of [Active Checks].

«Otherworldly Combat Arts»

Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
Utilizing fearsome combat arts developed in another world, you unleash a terrifying blow.
Physical Attack. The user gains +1 to [Physical Rank], and to the result of {Accuracy} checks.

«Otherworldly Magecraft»
Timing : Attack
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
Utilizing powerful spells acquired in another world, you crush your opponent with terrifying
Magical Attack. Deal [Rank: 3] [Magical Damage] to the target (Resist [Halves]).

«Cloud Memories»
Timing : Attack
Range : Other
Target : Other
Cost : [O]
Using enormous spirit energy, you manipulate another's mind and memory.
Unique Effect. May only be used [Out of Combat]. The user may alter or erase the thoughts and
memories of Innocents in the [Scene] (the GM decides the details).

«Overflowing Spirit»
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
You widen the scope of your attack, filling it with excessively powerful spirit energy with just a
Unique Effect. The target changes the [Target] of their [Timing: Attack] Talent to [Area]. If
already something other than [Target: X#], they gain +2 at [Damage Calculation]. This Talent
may be used once per round (or scene).

«Forbidden Knowledge»
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
You calmly carry out a deed that should be called a sin, using forbidden knowledge from
another world. Marebito are not just feared for their amazing abilities, but for the knowledge they
hold as well.
Use On {Intellect} Or {Luck} Check. The target succeeds at the {Intellect} or {Luck} check
regardless of the outcome of the [Roll]. At the same time, the target may change one [Spirit] die
to any value. This Talent may be used twice per session.

«Transcend Form»
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Using otherworldly magic or unique abilities, you can transform your own physique and
appearance at will.
Passive Effect. The target gains a +2 modifier at [Damage Calculation]. Also, at any time, the
target may change their physical appearance to look like any human or animal (treat as
[Maneuver: Disguise / Result: 20]).

«Otherworldly Trait»
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
This Talent represents possessing a powerful ability unique to your world.
Passive Effect. At the time this Talent is acquired, the Talent selects one of the following ①~ ⑤ effects,
and gains it.
①: +1 to two different {Main Stats}
②: Once every round, gain [Remove: Fallen].
③: +10 to max {HP}
④: 1/Session, change 1 [Spirit] die to [Overflow].
⑤: When the target rolls for progressing [Limit], reduce it by 1 (min 0).

● «Corridor of Heroes»
Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Applying the characteristic knowledge of Marebito, you twist space, and instantly move a certain
Unique Effect. «Forbidden Knowledge» Required. The target [Installs] in any square within 10
Sq., ignoring [Engagements]. This Talent does not spend [Prep], and may be used once per
combat (or scene).

● «Empty Strike»
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
You apply the enormous spirit energy of Marebito to sublimate physical arts into magical, and
Use On Damage Calculation. «Cloud Memories» Required. The target changes their [Physical
Damage] into [Magical Damage], or their [Magical Damage] into [Physical Damage]. This Talent
may be used once per combat (or scene).

● «High Level Regeneration»

Timing : Start / End
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
Drawing on powerful spirit energy, you regenerate your body at an impossible rate.
Unique Effect. «Transcend Form» Required. With either [Timing], the target [Recovers] {HP}
equal to [any one of the user's {Main Stats}]. This Talent may be used once per round (or

● «Ultimate Secret Art»

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Having acquired the ultimate technique of another world, which you, as a hero or demon lord,
honed to its utmost limit, you are able to expand the effect of your arts massively.
Use While Active. «Overflowing Spirit» Required. The target changes the [Range/Target] of their
[Timing: Attack] Talent to [Combat Zone]. This Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

● «Demon Lord's Barrier»

Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : Combat Zone
Cost : [O]
Generating an effect akin to a barrier by condensing otherworldly power, you massively curtail
force directed at you and your allies.
Unique Effect. «Bloodlust of Demons» Required. The target gains a +[any one of user's {Main
Stats}] modifier to [Armor] and [Barrier]. This Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

● «Chosen One»
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
This Talent represents that you are chosen being recognized by an overwhelming fate, no
matter which world you're in.
Passive Effect. «Otherworldly Trait» Required. Each time the target deals [Damage] using a [Timing:
Attack] Talent, they gain the effect of either ① or ②.
①: +1 [Rank]
②: Can inflict [Shift: Dead] on Mononoke with "x#" in their name.

Machine-God of Damocles -- Common Racial Talents [XXXK]
Herein can be found shared Racial Talents that can be acquired regardless of [Race]. Please
note that these Talents are not treated as though they are Racial Talents of a particular [Race]
(for example, [Scion]'s «Accursed Blood» would not work with these Talents).

«Jumping Power»
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You can jump incredible distances, whether it's due to raw ability, a technique, or built-in
Unique Effect. The target may move up to 3 Sq., ignoring [Engagements]. This Talent does not
spend [Start], and may be used once per combat (or scene).

«Power Acceleration»
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Wielding spirit energy, you accelerate your mind and body.
Unique Effect. The target gains a +1d6 modifier to {Initiative}.

«Spatial Move»
Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Wielding spirit energy, you instantly move to somewhere nearby.
Unique Effect. The target [Installs] in any square within 3 Sq. of their current square. This Talent
does not spend [Prep], and may be used once per combat (or scene).

Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
You can instantly restore your own wounds, whether it's due to raw ability, a technique, or built-
in functionality.
Unique Effect. The target [Recovers] {HP} equal to any one of their {Main Stats}. This Talent
does not spend [Prep], and may only be used once per round (or scene).

«Power Strike»
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
Coating your weapon in spirit energy, you unleash a powerful strike.
Physical Attack. The user gains +1 [Physical Rank] at [Damage Calculation].

«Power Spell»
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
You materialize spirit energy with your unique magecraft and magically attack your opponent.
Magical Attack. The target takes [Rank: 1] [Magical Damage] (Cancel [Halves]).

«Supernatural Attack»
Timing : Attack
Range : 5 Sq.
Target : Area
Cost : [Doubles]
Uprooting an electrical pole or hefting a car, you convert it into a temporary Artificial Regalia by
coating it with spirit energy, then launch it at your opponent.
Physical Attack. This Talent may only be used if the user has an [Obstacle] in one square
adjacent to them. The user destroys the [Obstacle] in a square adjacent to them, then makes a
[Physical Attack] on the target, gaining +1 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation].

«Crest Bequeath»
Timing : Attack
Range : Other
Target : Other
Cost : None
You burn off a portion of your Spirit Crest, donating it to your ally.
Unique Effect. May only be used while [Out of Combat]. An [Appearing] [Target: 1#] that the
user designates [Recovers] 3d6 {Crest} (cannot reduce to 2d6 or 1d6). The user then loses
{Crest} equal to the amount [Target: 1#] [Recovered]. This Talent may be used once per

«Aura Commandment»
Timing : End
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You can manipulate and adjust your remaining spirit energy, whether it's due to raw ability, a
technique, or built-in functionality.
Unique Effect. The target may add or subtract 1 from the value of one of their [Spirit] dice
(cannot go above 6 or below 1). This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

«Spirit Regen»
Timing : End
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Making expert use of spirit energy, you trigger a powerful regenerative effect.
Unique Effect. The target [Recovers] {HP} equal to any one of their {Main Stats}. This Talent
does not spend [End], and may be used once per round (or scene).
«Power Emission»
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By releasing spirit energy accumulated within your body, you emit a fearsome power for just a
Unique Effect. Use at any time. The target gains 1 [Overflow]. This Talent may be used once
per combat (or scene).

«Awesome Strength»
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
With awe-inspiring mystic power, you create an obstacle by tearing off a chunk of asphalt,
hefting a car, or yanking loose a boulder.
Unique Effect. Use at any time during the target's [Turn]. The target [Installs] one [Obstacle:
Large Boulder] in an adjacent square that does not already have a character or other [Obstacle]
in it. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

«Ultra Martial Arts»

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Showing your mastery of physical arts that exceed human knowing, you cartwheel or flip away
as you evade an attack, gaining distance from your opponent.
Passive Effect. When the target succeeds at a [Reactive Check], they may move up to 2 Sq. in
any direction, ignoring [Engagements] (if «Dispersal» is acquired, can move a total of 4 Sq.)

«Unusual Recovery»
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You possess unusual regenerative abilities, and while recovering, you display bizarre healing
Passive Effect. When the target [Recovers] {HP} due to the effect of a Talent, [Item], [Rest], or
[Long Rest], they gain a +5 modifier to the [Recovery] effect.

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You possess the characteristics of two races.
Passive Effect. The target increases one of their {Main Stats} by 1. Also, they select one [Race]
in addition to their current [Race], and may re-create their PC, combining the {Main Stats} of one
[Race] with the [Racial Bonus] of the other. For example, if a [Scion] chooses [Human], they
may recreate their PC using the [Racial Bonus] of [Human] and the {Main Stats} of [Scion]. (The
player may not apply both. While recreating, only the Racial Talents designated by the new
[Racial Bonus] may be acquired. At [Advancement], if «Unclean» is changed, this effect is

● «Soul Steal»
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
When you defeat an Awakened, you take their spirit energy, whether it's due to raw ability, a
technique, or built-in functionality.
Unique Effect. Use after the target makes a [Target] they dealt [Damage] to any one of [Shift: Downed・
Taken Out・Dead]. The target gains 1 [Overflow]. Even if multiple [Targets] are eligible, the target may
only gain 1 [Overflow] at most. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● «Excessive Power»
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Whether due to talent or training, you wield excessive spirit energy.
Unique Effect. When the target uses a Talent, they treat one portion of the [Cost] as already
paid. This Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

● «Powerful Semblance»
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As one who possesses a special power, or as one who has gained power through discipline,
you emit a strong aura from your whole body.
Passive Effect. The target gains a +10 modifier to {HP}.

● «Performance»
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You enhance the efficiency of your spirit energy through talent or training.
Passive Effect. The target may use Racial Talents with [Cost: Doubles] or [Cost: Steps] as
though they were [Cost: E].

● «Augment Materialization»
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You augment your ability to materialize spirit energy through talent or training.
Passive Effect. When the target performs [Damage Calculation] while using a [Timing: Attack]
Racial Talent, they gain an additional +1 [Rank].

● «Spirit Exciter»
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
When using a particular ability or technique, you vastly enhance your combat prowess by letting
spirit energy affect your mind and body.
Passive Effect. This Talent has an effect on the target after using a [Timing: Start] Racial Talent.
After using a [Timing: Start] Racial Talent, for the rest of the combat (or scene) the target gains
a +5 modifier at [Damage Calculation].

● «Spirit Vortex»
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Passive Effect. This Talent has an effect on the target after using a [Timing: Start] Racial Talent.
After using a [Timing: Start] Racial Talent, for the rest of the combat (or scene) the target
reduces [Physical Damage] taken from [Ranged Attacks] by an amount equal to any one of their
{Main Stats}.

● «Fortuitous Strike»
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
When making a particular attack, by letting your own fortune affect you, you vastly increase the
power of your strikes.
Use On Damage Calculation. The target gains a +[user's {Luck}] modifier at [Damage
Calculation]. This Talent may be used once per round.

Machine-God of Damocles -- Cover [XXXL]

Cover 1
Freelance Writer□
Description: A freelance writer who writes fiction and non-fiction. Freelance Writers acquire the
[Observation] [Trait], and gain the following [Items].
Effect: +1 to the result of {Agility} {Intellect} and {Luck} checks.
Mobile (Can also speak with [Backstage] or [Exited] PC)
Residence (Rest Recovery Amount +3)
Safehouse (Rest Recovery Amount +1)
Recording Device

Description: A cameraman that performs photography or video recording. Cameramen acquire
the [Observation] [Trait], and gain the following [Items].
[Camera Eye]
Effect: +1 to the result of {Strength} {Will} and {Luck} checks.
Mobile (Can also speak with [Backstage] or [Exited] PC)
Residence (Rest Recovery Amount +3)
Emergency Kit (Rest Recovery Amount +3)

Corporate Soldier□
Description: A veteran combat operative belonging to a corporation. Corporate Soldiers acquire
the [Combat Experience] [Trait], and gain the following [Items].
[Combat Experience]
Effect: +1 to the result of {Will} checks, and +2 to the result of {Luck} checks.
Mobile (Can also speak with [Backstage] or [Exited] PC)
Residence (Rest Recovery Amount +3)
Spy Tools (+1 to {Agility} [Maneuvers])
Special Vehicle (Treat as an Automobile, and also Rest Recovery Amount +3)

Student Agent□
Description: A covert operative belonging to SpecProv or some other faction that pretends to be
a student. The player and GM should discuss together whether the student is elementary,
middle, or high school, or even college. Student Agents acquire the [Special Training] [Trait],
and gain the following [Items].
[Special Training]
Effect: +2 to the result of {Agility} checks, and +1 to the result of {Luck} checks.
Mobile (Can also speak with [Backstage] or [Exited] PC)
Change of Clothes
Residence (Rest Recovery Amount +3)
Safehouse (Rest Recovery Amount +1)
Cosmetics Kit (+1 to [Disguise] checks)

Special Investigator□
Description: An investigator with SpecProv or some other faction that intervenes in supernatural
incidents, acting as a liasion with police. Special Investigators acquire the [Investigator] [Trait],
and gain the following [Items].
Effect: +1 to the result of {Agility} {Intellect} and {Luck} checks.
Mobile (Can also speak with [Backstage] or [Exited] PC)
Upperclass Residence (Rest Recovery Amount +5)
Safehouse (Rest Recovery Amount +1)
Spy Tools (+1 to {Agility} [Maneuvers])

Description: A soldier in a nation's military. This include Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers
assigned to "SpecProv" as a special mission. Soldiers acquire the [Tactical Training] [Trait], and
gain the following [Items].
Effect: +1 to the result of {Strength} checks, and +2 to the result of {Luck} checks.
Mobile (Can also speak with [Backstage] or [Exited] PC)
Residence (Rest Recovery Amount +3)
Emergency Kit (Rest Recovery Amount +3)
Spy Tools (+1 to {Agility} [Maneuvers])

Description: A mercenary that has signed a contract with a country, corporation, or faction.
Mercenaries acquire the [Mercenary's Intuition] [Trait], and gain the following [Items].
[Mercenary's Intuition]
Effect: +1 to the result of {Agility} checks, and +2 to the result of {Luck} checks.
Mobile (Can also speak with [Backstage] or [Exited] PC)
Residence (Rest Recovery Amount +3)
Emergency Kit (Rest Recovery Amount +3)
Spy Tools (+1 to {Agility} [Maneuvers])

Corporate Operative
Description: A special operative belonging to a corporation. Corporate Operatives acquire the
[Corporate Espionage] [Trait], and gain the following [Items].
[Corporate Espionage]
Effect: +1 to the result of {Agility} {Intellect} and {Luck} checks.
Mobile (Can also speak with [Backstage] or [Exited] PC)
Residence (Rest Recovery Amount +3)
Spy Tools (+1 to {Agility} [Maneuvers])
Special Vehicle (Treat as an Automobile, and also Rest Recovery Amount +3)

Description: A servant employed at an estate or mansion or the like. Servants acquire the
[Corporate Espionage] [Trait], and gain the following [Items].
[Domestic Affairs]
Effect: +1 to the result of {Agility} {Intellect} and {Will} checks.
Mobile (Can also speak with [Backstage] or [Exited] PC)
Change of Clothes
Residence (Rest Recovery Amount +3)
Emergency Kit (Rest Recovery Amount +3)
Cosmetics Kit (+1 to [Disguise])

Description: A steward or head butler who oversees the servants of a house. Stewards acquire
the [Handling Business] [Trait], and gain the following [Items].
[Handling Business]
Effect: +1 to the result of {Intellect} checks, and +2 to the result of {Will} checks.
Mobile (Can also speak with [Backstage] or [Exited] PC)
Change of Clothes
Stylish Clothes (+1 to [Negotiation])
Upperclass Residence (Rest Recovery Amount +5)
Emergency Kit (Rest Recovery Amount +3)

Faction Leader△
Description: A leader of a faction, corporation, or country. The player and GM should discuss
together where the character belongs. Faction Leaders acquire the [Commander] [Trait], and
gain the following [Items].
Effect: +1 to the result of {Intellect} checks, and +2 to the result of {Will} checks.
Mobile (Can also speak with [Backstage] or [Exited] PC)
Stylish Clothes (+1 to [Negotiation])
Upperclass Residence (Rest Recovery Amount +5)
Safehouse (Rest Recovery Amount +1)

Description: A high-ranking civil servant. The player and GM should discuss the details together.
Bureaucrats acquire the [Limited Authority] [Trait], and gain the following [Items].
[Limited Authority]
Effect: +2 to the result of {Will} checks, and +1 to the result of {Luck} checks.
Mobile (Can also speak with [Backstage] or [Exited] PC)
Upperclass Residence (Rest Recovery Amount +5)
Safehouse (Rest Recovery Amount +1)

Cover 4
Ultimate Warrior
Description: A supernatural warrior from another world that could be called a hero or a demon.
Ultimate Warriors acquire the [Fearsome Warrior] [Trait], and gain the following [Items].
[Fearsome Warrior]
Effect: +2 to the result of {Strength} checks, and +1 to the result of {Intellect} checks.
Illusionary ([Maneuver: Disguise / Result: 12])
Transition (Able to move as fast as an Automobile)
Large-Scale Barrier (Rest Recovery Amount +10)

Description: A warrior, explorer, or magician from another world that once slayed a dragon.
Dragonslayers acquire the [Fearsome Warrior] [Trait], and gain the following [Items].
[Top-Class Purger]
Effect: +1 to the result of {Strength} {Intellect} {Will} and {Luck} checks.
Illusionary ([Maneuver: Disguise / Result: 12])
Drifting (While [Out of Combat], ignore "bad footing" penalties.)
Large-Scale Barrier (Rest Recovery Amount +10)

Description: Someone from another world who undertook various kinds of requests, and was
called an Adventurer. Adventurers acquire the [Adventure] [Trait], and gain the following [Items].
Effect: +2 to the result of {Agility} checks, and +1 to the result of {Intellect} and {Luck} checks.
Illusionary ([Maneuver: Disguise / Result: 12])
Drifting (While [Out of Combat], ignore "bad footing" penalties.)
Large-Scale Barrier (Rest Recovery Amount +10)

Magical Researcher
Description: An elite magician from another world who performs high-level research into magic.
Magical Researchers acquire the [Magic Research] [Trait], and gain the following [Items].
[Magic Research]
Effect: +2 to the result of {Intellect} checks, and +1 to the result of {Will} and {Luck} checks.
Illusionary ([Maneuver: Disguise / Result: 12])
Drifting (While [Out of Combat], ignore "bad footing" penalties.)
Large-Scale Barrier (Rest Recovery Amount +10)

Supernatural Criminal
Description: A powerful magician who has mastered forbidden magicks and committed a great
crime in another world. Supernatural Criminals acquire the [Forbidden Knowledge] [Trait], and
gain the following [Items].
[Forbidden Knowledge]
Effect: +3 to the result of {Intellect} checks, and +1 to the result of {Will} checks.
Illusionary ([Maneuver: Disguise / Result: 12])
Transition (Able to move as fast as an Automobile)
Large-Scale Barrier (Rest Recovery Amount +10)

Machine-God of Damocles -- Item: Weapons [XXXM]

Melee Weapons / Form: Swords [XXXM-1]

Damascus Knife
Restrict : None
Mode : One Hand
ACC : None
PD : +4
INIT : -1
Cost : 800G
[Form: Sword / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A distinctive combat knife-style Artificial Regalia
with a beautiful pattern on the blade. Can be thrown as a [Ranged Weapon]. When doing so,
change [Physical Attack / Range / Target] to [Special Attack / {Strength} Sq. / 1#].

Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : +6
INIT : -3
Cost : 1,100G
[Form: Sword / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A sharp and heavy Japanese sword forged for
practical use in combat, which has been converted into an Artificial Regalia. While [Equipped],
once per round, reduce the [Target] of the user's [Physical Attack]'s [Armor] by 5 (to a minimum
of 0).

High-Frequency Blade
Restrict : Cyborg
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : None
PD : +7
INIT : -2
Cost : 1,100G
[Form: Sword / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A sword Artificial Regalia that has incredible
cutting power due to high frequency waves reverberating down the blade. While [Equipped],
reduce the [Target] of the user's [Physical Attack]'s [Armor] by 3 (to a minimum of 0).

Godseye Blade
Restrict : Demon Eyed
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : None
PD : +8
INIT : -3
Cost : 1,100G
[Form: Sword / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A straight-bladed chokutou Artificial Regalia that
amplifies the power of a Demon Eyed. It is a masterwork sword handed down through Demon
Eyed clans through their generations. While [Equipped], once per combat, change the [Target]
of a [Race: Demon Eyed / Timing: Attack] Talent to [Area].

Heat Knife
Restrict : Cyborg
Mode : One Hand
ACC : None
PD : +5
INIT : None
Cost : 2,250G
[Form: Sword / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A combat knife-style Artificial Regalia that
enhances its cutting power by emitting extreme heat. While [Equipped], bestow [Element: Fire]
to [Physical Attacks]. Also, reduce the [Target] of the user's [Physical Attack]'s [Armor] by 3 (to a
minimum of 0).

Seven-Branched Sword
Restrict : None
Mode : Switch Hand
ACC : None
PD : +7 / +8
INIT : -3 / -2
Cost : 2,250G
[Form: Sword / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A chokutou Artificial Regalia that has six points
extending from the left and right side of the blade. While [Equipped], the user increases the
[Damage] they deal to Mononoke with "x#" written in their [Name] by 10.

Jeweled Sword of Airgetlam

Restrict : Demon Eyed
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : +8
INIT : -4
Cost : 2,250G
[Form: Sword / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A unique sword that can only be equipped by one who
carries the eyes of a god. It repels sickness and brings luck. While [Equipped], once per combat, [Range:
Combat Zone / Target: 1#] gains [Remove: Darkness・Poison・Pain].

Nameless Godblade
Restrict : Arc Slayer
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : None
PD : +8
INIT : -2
Cost : 2,250G
[Form: Sword / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A divine sword that holds the power to augment
the skills of a godslayer. While [Equipped], once per round, gain +5 to the [Damage Calculation]
of [Style: Arc Slayer / Timing: Attack] Talents.

Masterwork Tachi
Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : Switch Hand
ACC : +1
PD : +8 / +9
INIT : -1 / None
Cost : 5,000G
[Form: Sword / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A long masterwork tachi Artificial Regalia that,
despite its age, combines a form crafted for war with unparalleled beauty. While [Equipped],
once per combat, when making a [Physical Attack], gain +2 [Physical Rank].

Restrict : Martial
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : +10
INIT : -1
Cost : 5,000G
[Form: Sword / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A legendary inscribed blade that was used to slaughter oni
and goblins alike. While [Equipped], when making [Physical Attacks] against [Class: Humanoid・
Chaos], gain +1 [Physical Rank].
Elder Slayer
Restrict : Martial
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : None
PD : +13
INIT : -2
Cost : 5,000G
[Form: Sword / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A heavy greatsword Artificial Regalia forged to for
anti-Awakened combat. It requires great skill to handle, but its power is unmatched.

Restrict : Marebito
Mode : Switch Hand
ACC : None
PD : +9 / +10
INIT : -2 / -1
Cost : 5,000G
[Form: Sword / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A sword that gives off a radiant golden shine,
once possessed by the king of another world. While [Equipped], gain +5 [Armor].

Crystal Slasher
Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : None
PD : +12
INIT : +2
Cost : 8,000G
[Form: Sword / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A longsword Artificial Regalia that has a crystalline blade.
When it is focused on, it emits a particular type of element from its blade. While [Equipped], bestow
either one of [Element: Light・Magnet] on [Physical Attacks].

Sword of the Universe

Restrict : Martial
Mode : One Hand
ACC : +1
PD : +8
INIT : +2
Cost : 8,000G
[Form: Sword / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. An acclaimed blade that drifted to this world from
another. While [Equipped], gain +5 [Barrier].

Angel's Greatsword
Restrict : Martial
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : +13
INIT : -1
Cost : 8,000G
[Form: Sword / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A greatsword Artificial Regalia forged using the
sacraments. Due to the blessings bestowed upon it, it protects its wielder with an invisible wall
of force. While [Equipped], gain +5 [Armor].

Baneslayer Ichimonji
Restrict : Arc Slayer
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : None
PD : +14
INIT : None
Cost : 8,000G
[Form: Sword / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A sword Artificial Regalia infused with a glow that
inflicts pain on evil. It augments the skills of a godslayer. While [Equipped], once per round, gain
+5 to the [Damage Calculation] of [Style: Arc Slayer / Timing: Attack] Talents.

Guardian King Blade

Restrict : None
Mode : One Hand
ACC : +1
PD : +10
INIT : +3
Cost : 10,000G
[Form: Sword / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. An Artificial Regalia that imitates the jeweled
sword of a Divine Soul known as a Guardian King. It is favored by veteran demon hunters.

High-Carbon Blade
Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : None
PD : +13
INIT : +3
Cost : 10,000G
[Form: Sword / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A high-frequency, high-carbon blade created
using cutting-edge modern technology. Having been converted into an Artificial Regalia, it
possesses incredible hardness and cutting power. While [Equipped], reduce the [Target] of the
user's [Physical Attack]'s [Armor] by 3 (to a minimum of 0).

Holy Blade of the Traveler

Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : Switch Hand
ACC : None
PD : +13 / +14
INIT : +1 / +2
Cost : 10,000G
[Form: Sword / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A holy sword that has drifted through many
worlds, bestowing its power to fell all foes in a single swing upon heroes it deems worthy. While
[Equipped], once per combat, when making a [Physical Attack], gain +2 [Physical Rank].

Epicwork Tachi
Restrict : Martial
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : +15
INIT : -1
Cost : 10,000G
[Form: Sword / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A masterwork tachi Artificial Regalia taken to the next
level, secreting divinity and spells within. While [Equipped], when making [Physical Attacks] against
[Class: Humanoid・Chaos], gain +2 [Physical Rank].

Melee Weapons / Form: Spears [XXXM-2]

Onyx Naginata
Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : Switch Hand
ACC : +1
PD : +3 / +4
INIT : -4 / -3
Cost : 750G
[Form: Spear / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A naginata-style Artificial Regalia with a sharp
crescent moon blade. The blade is dyed jet black. While [Equipped], increase the [Target] of the
user's [Physical Attacks] by 1#.

Spirit Sai
Restrict : Utility
Mode : One Hand
ACC : +1
PD : +4
INIT : -2
Cost : 1,750G
[Form: Spear / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A sai-style Artificial Regalia with sharpened tips.
Can be thrown as a [Ranged Weapon]. When that happens, change [Physical Attack / Range /
Target] to [Special Attack / {Strength} x2 Sq. / 1#].
Glory Hasta
Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : None
PD : +7
INIT : -2
Cost : 1,750G
[Form: Spear / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. An otherworldly spear Artificial Regalia with a
letter from an unknown script engraved on the blade. It's easy to handle on top of having high
power. While [Equipped], increase the [Target] of the user's [Physical Attacks] by 1#.

Mighty General's Spear

Restrict : Martial
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : +5
INIT : None
Cost : 2,800G
[Form: Spear / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A masterwork famous spear that was once used
by a Sengoku-era valorous warrior or general, then made into an Artificial Regalia. While
[Equipped], once per combat, change the [Target] of the user's [Physical Attack] to [Area].

Variable Multi-Part Spear

Restrict : Cyborg
Mode : Switch Hand
ACC : None
PD : +6 / +7
INIT : -1 / None
Cost : 2,800G
[Form: Spear / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A spear-style Artificial Regalia that keeps its joints
flexible via constant voltage, and thereby can transform into a form like a whip.
While [Equipped], after spending x1 [Timing: Prep], the user may change an [Attack Action] into
a [Ranged Attack], changing its [Range/Target] to [5 Sq. / 1#].

Evilslayer Sai
Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : One Hand
ACC : None
PD : +5
INIT : +2
Cost : 3,100G
[Form: Spear / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A sai-style Artificial Regalia that has a strong
effect against ghosts and goblins due to being consecrated. Can be thrown as a [Ranged
Weapon]. When that happens, change [Physical Attack / Range / Target] to [Special Attack /
{Strength} Sq. / 1#].

Restrict : Scion
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : +8
INIT : -3
Cost : 3,100G
[Form: Spear / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A sacramental spear forged in order to defeat evil creatures.
While [Equipped], when making a [Physical Attack] against [Class: Undead・Chaos], gain +1 [Physical

Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : One Hand
ACC : None
PD : +6
INIT : +1
Cost : 4,000G
[Form: Spear / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A sankosho, a secret implement of esoteric
Buddhism, made into an Artificial Regalia. While [Equipped], when making [Attack Actions]
against [Class: Chaos], gain +1 [Rank].

Restrict : Martial
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : None
PD : +13
INIT : -4
Cost : 4,000G
[Form: Spear / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A long spear Artificial Regalia made in the image
of the Ame-no-Sakahoko. In addition to its length, it holds tremendous spirit energy, and each
thrust is accompanied by a roar like a beast's.

Strategic Sai
Restrict : Cyborg
Mode : One Hand
ACC : None
PD : +7
INIT : +2
Cost : 4,000G
[Form: Spear / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A sai-style Artificial Regalia with a spirit energy
reactor built-in. Can be thrown as a [Ranged Weapon]. When that happens, change [Physical
Attack / Range / Target] to [Special Attack / {Strength} Sq. / 1#]. Also, while [Equipped], bestow
[Element: Magnet] onto [Physical Attacks].

Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : +7
INIT : +2
Cost : 6,000G
[Form: Spear / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A long spear Artificial Regalia that holds the
power to neutralize and absorb stagnant spirit energy. It has been specially consecrated. While
[Equipped], once per combat, gain +10 to [Armor].

Godfrost Naginata
Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : Switch Hand
ACC : +1
PD : +8 / +9
INIT : -1 / None
Cost : 6,000G
[Form: Spear / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A naginata-style Artificial Regalia with a blade
made from the ice of a Dominion where it is eternally frozen. While [Equipped], bestow
[Element: Cold] onto [Physical Attacks]. When the effect of a Talent (and only a Talent) would
bestow [Cold] as well, gain +1 [Rank].

Mabeast Spear
Restrict : Hanyou
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : None
PD : +11
INIT : None
Cost : 6,000G
[Form: Spear / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A holy spear forged to hunt magical beasts. It is especially
effective against bestial creatures. While [Equipped], when making a [Physical Attack] against [Class:
Beast・Chaos], gain +1 [Physical Rank].

Restrict : Martial
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : +11
INIT : -2
Cost : 6,000G
[Form: Spear / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A naginata-style Artificial Regalia that's said to
crush bones loud enough to sound as though it is eating them. While [Equipped], reduce
[Target] of the user's [Physical Attacks] by 5 (to a minimum of 0).

Restrict : Martial
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : +10
INIT : -1
Cost : 8,500G
[Form: Spear / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A trident that governs storms and harvests. The
prongs—representing love, strength, and wisdom—grant blessings upon the user. While
[Equipped], the user is treated as fulfilling the use conditions for [Style: Elder Mage A] Style

Wilds of the Forest Lord

Restrict : Martial
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : None
PD : +11
INIT : -5
Cost : 8,500G
[Form: Spear / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A long spear Artificial Regalia that is fused with
rare plant [Materials]. It protects those who possess supernatural power. While [Equipped], gain
+5 [Armor] and [Barrier].

Restrict : Martial
Mode : One Hand
ACC : +1
PD : +8
INIT : -1
Cost : 8,500G
[Form: Spear / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A gokosho, a secret implement of esoteric
Buddhism, made into an sai-type Artificial Regalia. Strong etherlight emits from its tip. While
[Equipped], once per combat, change the [Range/Target] of a [Physical Attack] to [Combat Zone
/ Area].

Red Condor
Restrict : Demon Eyed
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : +11
INIT : +2
Cost : 10,00G
[Form: Spear / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A crimson long spear Artificial Regalia where the
shaft and tip are as one. It is believed to have been created by ancient peoples, and ancient
writing is engraved on its shaft. While [Equipped], three times per combat, change the [Range]
of the user's [Attack Action] to [Combat zone].

Thorn of Vengeance
Restrict : Martial
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : +13
INIT : None
Cost : 10,000G
[Form: Spear / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A spear-style Artficial Regalia tangled with thorns.
It carries a curse that's said to return its bearer's wounds onto another. While [Equipped], once
per combat, make 1x [Weapon Attack] on [Item / 1#] that made a [Physical Attack] (the target
may not react).

Restrict : Martial
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : None
PD : +15
INIT : None
Cost : 10,000G
[Form: Spear / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A long spear Artificial Regalia that is especially
effective against the forces of chaos. Its tip is adorned with brilliant accessories that carry a
sublime light. While [Equipped], when making a [Physical Attack] on [Class: Chaos], gain +1
[Physical Rank].

Melee Weapons / Form: Axes [XXXM-3]

Hand Chakram
Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : One Hand
ACC : None
PD : +4
INIT : +1
Cost : 1,800G
[Form: Axe / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A giant chakram-style Artificial Regalia built with a
grip. While [Equipped], can e thrown as a [Ranged Weapon]. When this happen, change
[Physical Attack / Range / Target] to [Special Attack / {Strength} Sq. / 1#].

Blood Scythe
Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : -1
PD : +5
INIT : -1
Cost : 600G
[Form: Axe / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A scythe-style Artificial Regalia fitted with unique
modifications. It can mow down an area with a single swipe. While [Equipped], increase the
[Target] of the user's [Physical Attacks] by 1#.

Twin Hand Blades

Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : None
PD : +5
INIT : None
Cost : 1,800G
[Form: Axe / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. An Artificial Regalia in the form of a pair of gloves
equipped with retractable blades. While [Equipped], treat as though [Equipped] with [Unarmed].

Thunder Bullova
Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : None
PD : +7
INIT : -2
Cost : 1,800G
[Form: Axe / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A poleaxe-style Artificial Regalia that glows with a
green light. While [Equipped], bestow [Element: Shock] on [Physical Attacks]. When the effect of
a Talent (and only a Talent) would bestow [Cold] as well, gain +1 [Rank].

Killer Chainsaw
Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : Switch Hand
ACC : None
PD : +7 / +8
INIT : None / +1
Cost : 2,500G
[Form: Axe / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A chainsaw-style Artificial Regalia that has been
given a powerful consecration. While [Equipped], once per combat, the [Target] of the user's
[Physical Attack] [Halves] their [Armor].

Demon Hunter's Axe

Restrict : Martial
Mode : Switch Hand
ACC : -1
PD : +8 / +9
INIT : -5 / -4
Cost : 2,500G
[Form: Axe / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. An axe-style Artificial Regalia built with a huge,
curved blade. It specializes in destroying chaotic foes. While [Equipped], when making a
[Physical Attack] against [Class: Chaos], gain +1 [Physical Rank].

Scythe of the White Night

Restrict : Martial
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : -1
PD : +8
INIT : -1
Cost : 3,800G
[Form: Axe / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A scythe forged using rare metals. Faint etherlight,
like a midnight sun, radiates from the blade. While [Equipped], gain +5 [Barrier].

Mabeast Claws
Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : -1
PD : +7
INIT : None
Cost : 3,800G
[Form: Axe / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. An Artificial Regalia in the form of a pair of gloves
with sharp, hooked claws sprouting from the back of the hands. While [Equipped], treat as
though [Equipped] with [Unarmed].

Heat Chainsaw
Restrict : Martial
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : None
PD : +7
INIT : -2
Cost : 3,800G
[Form: Axe / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A chainsaw Artificial Regalia built with a
superheating function. While [Equipped], bestow [Element: Fire] on [Physical Attacks]. Also,
[Targets] reduce their [Armor] by 3 (to a minimum of 0).

Rancor Slayer
Restrict : Martial
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : -1
PD : +12
INIT : -5
Cost : 3,800G
[Form: Axe / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A massive axe Artificial Regalia forged in order to
take down powerful Awakened. It's extremely heavy, but it holds power equal to that weight.

Sacred Beast Claws

Restrict : Martial
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : +6
INIT : +4
Cost : 5,500G
[Form: Axe / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. An Artificial Regalia in the form of a pair of gloves with
sharp, hooked claws sprouting from the back of the hands. The claws have been consecrated. While
[Equipped], treat as though [Equipped] with [Unarmed].

High-Frequency Machete
Restrict : Martial
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : None
PD : +10
INIT : +2
Cost : 5,500G
[Form: Axe / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A forestry knife-style Artificial Regalia that emits
high-frequency waves along the blade by controlling spirit energy. While [Equipped], once per
round, [Targets] of the user's [Physical Attacks] reduce their [Armor] by 5 (to a minimum of 0).

Rune Scythe
Restrict : Martial
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : -1
PD : +11
INIT : +3
Cost : 5,500G
[Form: Axe / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A scythe-style Artificial Regalia reinforced to its
limit. Unique runes engraved on the blade give off light. While [Equipped], twice per combat,
increase the [Target] of the user's [Physical Attacks] by 1#.

Evilslayer Battleaxe
Restrict : Martial
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : None
PD : +12
INIT : None
Cost : 5,500G
[Form: Axe / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A powerful battleaxe Artificial Regalia. Its blade,
holding the power to crush evil, is thick, and can be used as a shield to protect against spells.
While [Equipped], once per round, gain +5 [Barrier].

Divine Beast Claws

Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : None
PD : +8
INIT : +5
Cost : 7,500G
[Form: Axe / Range: Charge 1 Sq. / Target: 1#]. An Artificial Regalia in the form of a pair of
gloves with sharp, hooked claws sprouting from the back of the hands. The claws are made
using the fangs and claws of a divine beast. While [Equipped], treat as though [Equipped] with

Destructive Heatblast
Restrict : Martial
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : -1
PD : +9
INIT : +6
Cost : 7,500G
[Form: Axe / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A high-frequency machete with powerful
modifications made. Due to its high-frequency waves and its use of spirit energy, it burns as it
cuts. While [Equipped], bestow [Element: Fire] on [Physical Attacks]. Also, [Targets] reduce their
[Armor] by 3 (to a minimum of 0).

Scythe of the Reaper

Restrict : Darkstalker
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : -1
PD : +11
INIT : +4
Cost : 7,500G
[Form: Axe / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A scythe Artificial Regalia that holds the power of a
god of death. While [Equipped], once per combat, roll 1d6 after succeeding at an {Accuracy}
check, and if the result is anything other than a "1", the user may inflict [Shift: Dead] on any one
[Mononoke] that is not a [Boss] or [Aramitama].

Vampire Slaughter
Restrict : Martial
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : None
PD : +13
INIT : +3
Cost : 10,000G
[Form: Axe / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. An axe-style Artificial Regalia, its blade of unique
metals inlaid with silver and consecrated, and fitted with a pistol grip. While [Equipped], twice
per combat, change [Physical Attack] to [Form: Ranged / Range: Combat Zone / Target: Area].

Spinning Fist
Restrict : Martial
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : +10
INIT : +4
Cost : 10,000G
[Form: Axe / Range: Charge 1 Sq. / Target: 1#]. An Artificial Regalia in the form of a pair of
gloves fitted with gear-style blades that rotate at high speeds with spirit energy. While
[Equipped], treat as though [Equipped] with [Unarmed].

Legendary Chainsaw
Restrict : Martial
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : None
PD : +14
INIT : +2
Cost : 10,000G
[Form: Axe / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A legendary chainsaw Artificial Regalia that can rip
false gods to pieces. While [Equipped], twice per combat, the [Target] of the user's [Physical
Attack] [Halves] their [Armor].

Melee Weapons / Form: Hammers [XXXM-4]

Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : Switch Hand
ACC : None
PD : +4 / +5
INIT : -5 / -4
Cost : 600G
[Form: Hammer / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A huge battle hammer Artificial Regalia. While
[Equipped], [Targets] of [Physical Attacks] reduce their [Armor] by 5 (to a minimum of 0).

Morning Star
Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : None
PD : +5
INIT : -4
Cost : 900G
[Form: Hammer / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. An Artificial Regalia where an iron ball is linked
to a long chain or cord.
While [Equipped], after spending x1 [Timing: Prep], the user may change an [Attack Action] into
a [Ranged Attack], changing the [Range/Target] to [5 Sq. / 1#].

Magic Guard
Restrict : None
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : +6
INIT : -2
Cost : 2,600G
[Form: Hammer / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. Regalized gloves and kneepads. While
[Equipped], treat as though [Equipped] with [Unarmed], and [Targets] of [Physical Attacks]
reduce their [Armor] by 3 (to a minimum of 0).

Rocket Hammer
Restrict : None
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : None
PD : +8
INIT : -2
Cost : 2,600G
[Form: Hammer / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A warhammer Artificial Regalia with a jet
propulsion device built into the head. It has a nozzle on the rear face of the head, and by pulling
a trigger, compressed fuel is ignited. While [Equipped], once per combat (scene), change the
[Range] of a [Physical Attack] to [Charge 4 Sq.]
Origin Gloves
Restrict : Elemental Adept
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : None
PD : +5
INIT : +1
Cost : 2,60G
[Form: Hammer / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. Artificial Regalia in the form of combat gloves
or gauntlets, boots or gaiters, which enhance the power of the Origins. While [Equipped], treat
as though [Equipped] with [Unarmed]. Also, gain +3 at [Damage Calculation] when bestowed
with an [Element].

Mystic Staff
Restrict : Hanyou・Divine Soul
Mode : Switch Hand
ACC : +1
PD : +4 / +5
INIT : -2 / -1
Cost : 3,400G
[Form: Hammer / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. An illusioner's staff once possessed by a
daiyoukai. While [Equipped], bestow [Element: Phantom] on [Physical Attacks]. Also, once per
scene, a target can change into any form. (Treat as [Maneuver: Disguise / Result: 15], lasts for
one scene. This effect may be refused.)

Shooting Star
Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : +7
INIT : -3
Cost : 3,400G
[Form: Hammer / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A morning star style Artificial Regalia fashioned
with a relic blade at its end.
While [Equipped], after spending x1 [Timing: Prep], the user may change an [Attack Action] into
a [Ranged Attack], changing the [Range/Target] to [5 Sq. / 1#].

Banish Guard
Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : +10
INIT : -1
Cost : 4,100G
[Form: Hammer / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. Gloves or boots-style Artificial Regalia
designed for anti-Awakened combat. While [Equipped], treat as though [Equipped] with
[Unarmed]. Also, once per combat, the [Target] of the user's [Physical Attack] [Halves] their

Rage of Thunder
Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : None
PD : +11
INIT : None
Cost : 4,100G
[Form: Hammer / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A warhammer Artificial Regalia forged using
meteoric iron and Fool's Gold. Its head is infused with lightning. While [Equipped], bestow
[Element: Shock] onto [Physical Attacks]. Also, once per round, gain +1d6 at [Damage

Crested Gloves
Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : +6
INIT : +5
Cost : 6,800G
[Form: Hammer / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A glove or shin guards made from special
fibers, with a crest drawn on them representing fire, the sun, or some other Origin. While
[Equipped], treat as though [Equipped] with [Unarmed]. Also, gain +5 at [Damage Calculation]
when bestowed with an [Element].

Rune Rod
Restrict : None
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : +10
INIT : +1
Cost : 6,800G
[Form: Hammer / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A staff-type Artficial Regalia made from unique
materials. It is favorited by Magi who have mastered self-defense. While [Equipped], treat as
though [Equipped] with a [Magical Weapon]. Also, gain a +7 modifier to [Magical Damage].

Gennou's Hammer
Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : Switch Hand
ACC : +1
PD : +10 / +11
INIT : -1 / None
Cost : 6,800G
[Form: Hammer / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. An imitation fashioned after the greathammer that
destroyed the cursed Godforged Regalia called the Sesshouseki, or Killing Stone. It repels sickness and
rejects curses. While [Equipped], once per combat, grant [Remove: Darkness・Poison・Pain] to [Range:
Combat Zone / Target: 1#].

Restrict : Martial
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : -1
PD : +15
INIT : None
Cost : 6,800G
[Form: Hammer / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A huge pillar fashioned from a sacred tree and
made into an Artificial Regalia, once used in holy festivals. In addition to its overwhelming mass,
it is extremely powerful.

Gravity Wave Gloves

Restrict : Martial
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : +11
INIT : -2
Cost : 8,000G
[Form: Hammer / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. Glove-style Artificial Regalia installed with a
gravity generator. While [Equipped], by spending 1x [Prep], can [Install] one [Obstacle] of 40
{HP} or less into an unoccupied adjacent square. Also, while [Equipped], treat as though
[Equipped] with [Unarmed].

Horseshoe Hammer
Restrict : Martial
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : None
PD : +14
INIT : +3
Cost : 8,000G
[Form: Hammer / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A warhammer-style Artificial Regalia created
with the horseshoe of a horse said to bring good luck. While [Equipped], once per combat (or
scene), before [Influencing], can reroll an {Accuracy} check's [Roll] (unless a [Critical] or
[Fumble], then cannot).

Emperor's Hammer
Restrict : Martial
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : +15
INIT : None
Cost : 8,000G
[Form: Hammer / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. An imitation of the hammer of a hero from
another world who received a Regalia from the gods and forged an empire that lasted a
thousand years. While [Equipped], once per session, [Targets] of a [Physical Attack] reduce
their [Armor] to 0.

Abominable Bar-like Thing

Restrict : None
Mode : Switch Hand
ACC : +1
PD : +13 / +14
INIT : -2 / -1
Cost : 8,00G
[Form: Hammer / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. An iron rod shaped like an iron bar. It seems
like something from another world, and is treated as an Artificial Regalia for some reason. While
[Equipped], once per round, change the [Target] of a [Physical Attack] to [Area].

Divine Idol
Restrict : Martial
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : +12
INIT : +5
Cost : 10,000G
[Form: Hammer / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A statue of some manner of god, whether from
ancient times, the here and now, West, East, or whatever, and then made into an Artificial
Regalia. The strength of its blessings and its power are fearsome. While [Equipped], once per
combat, gain +2 to the [Physical Rank] of a [Physical Attack].

Eyes of the Black Flame King

Restrict : Demon Eyed
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : +13
INIT : +4
Cost : 10,000G
[Form: Hammer / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. Crimson gloves with magical stones worked
into them that glow red. While [Equipped], twice per combat, inflict [Shift: Dead] on Mononoke
that have "x#" in their [Name] that the user has dealt at least 1 point of [Damage] to. Also, while
[Equipped] with this [Weapon], treat as though [Equipped] with [Unarmed].

Restrict : Martial
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : +15
INIT : +2
Cost : 10,000G
[Form: Hammer / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. A morning star Artificial Regalia designed for
anti-Awakened combat.
While [Equipped], after spending x1 [Timing: Prep], the user may change an [Attack Action] into
a [Ranged Attack], changing the [Range/Target] to [5 Sq. / 1#]. Also, while [Equipped] with this
[Weapon], treat as though [Equipped] with [Unarmed].

Ranged Weapons / Form: Ranged [XXXM-5]

※ Enforcement II
Restrict : None
Mode : One Hand
ACC : None
PD : (4)
INIT : -1
Cost : 1,000G
[Range: 7 Sq. / Target: 1#]. A consecrated Glock machine pistol. While [Equipped], once per
combat, change the [Target] of a [Physical Attack] to [Area].

Exorcist Bow
Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : None
PD : +5
INIT : -4
Cost : 1,300G
[Range: {Strength} x2 Sq. / Target: 1#]. A Japanese bow Artificial Regalia that carries powers of
exorcism. While [Equipped], when making [Physical Attacks] against [Class: Undead・Chaos], gain +1
[Physical Rank].

※ Thunder Rain
Restrict : None
Mode : Switch Hand
ACC : None
PD : (5) / (6)
INIT : -3 / -2
Cost : 2,000G
[Range: 5 Sq. / Target: 1#]. A high-performance submachine gun like an Uzi, modified for anti-
Awakened use. While [Equipped], once per round, increase the [Target] of [Ranged Attacks] by

※ Black Predator
Restrict : None
Mode : One Hand
ACC : None
PD : (5)
INIT : -2
Cost : 2,000G
[Range: 8 Sq. / Target: 1#]. An M1911 series pistol made into an Artificial Regalia. Layered with
spells, it has excellent stopping power due to the bullets it fires being infused with spirit energy.
While [Equipped], [Targets] of [Physical Attacks] reduce their [Armor] by 2 (to a minimum of 0).

※ Dawnhunter
Restrict : None
Mode : One Hand
ACC : None
PD : (6)
INIT : None
Cost : 2,400G
[Range: 7 Sq. / Target: 1#]. A unique handgun based on the AMT Hardballer, which has been bestowed
with an effect similar to the light of the sun. It gives off a silver glow. While [Equipped], when making
[Physical Attacks] against [Class: Insectoid・Plant], gain +1 [Physical Rank].

※ Ultrahawk
Restrict : None
Mode : Switch Hand
ACC : None
PD : (7) / (8)
INIT : -2 / -1
Cost : 2,400G
[Range: 8 Sq. / Target: 1#]. A Python series revolver made into an Artificial Regalia. It uses a
large-bore bullet of unique make. While [Equipped], once per round, may force [Targets] who
fail their [Reaction Check] to move 1 Sq. in any direction (this movement ignores

Blessed Silver Whip

Restrict : Utility
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : +7
INIT : -2
Cost : 3,500G
[Range: {Strength} +1 Sq. / Target: 1#]. A combat whip made by weaving together special fibers
and silver thread and then blessing it. It's especially favored by vampire hunters. [Physical
Attacks] made with this [Ranged Weapon] as treated as [Special Attacks].

※ Gespenst
Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : (8)
INIT : -2
Cost : 4,400G
[Range: 7 Sq. / Target: 1#]. An anti-Awakened assault rifle made to spell armament
specifications, based on the H&K G41. It is easy to handle and is high performance. While
[Equipped], once per round, increase the [Target] of [Ranged Attacks] by 2#.

※ Volkmech
Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : -1
PD : (12)
INIT : -2
Cost : 4,400G
[Range: 6 Sq. / Target: 1#]. An automatic rifle modified via consecration and made based on the
AKM. It's a bit heavy on the recoil, but has excellent rapid fire performance. While [Equipped],
once per round, change the [Target] of a [Ranged Attack] to [Area].

Acid Whip
Restrict : Cyborg
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : +8
INIT : -1
Cost : 5,000G
[Range: 6 Sq. / Target: 1#]. A whip-style Artificial Regalia built into the arm. It secretes a strong
acid from its surface. While [Equipped], once per round, [Targets] of [Physical Attacks] reduce
their [Armor] by 5 (to a minimum of 0).

Horn of Ruin
Restrict : Utility
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : +8
INIT : -3
Cost : 6,000G
[Range: 5 Sq. / Target: Area]. An imitation of a horn believed to signal the end of the world.
When blown, it doesn't emit sound but rather shockwaves. While [Equipped], once per combat,
inflict [Shift: Fallen] on targets that fail their [Reaction Check].

Pale Horse
Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : None
PD : +10
INIT : -3
Cost : 6,000G
[Range: Charge 4 Sq. / Target: 1#]. A combat motorcycle-style Artificial Regalia with thick
plating. It boasts incredible horsepower. While [Equipped], user is able to make [Ranged
Attacks] and [Magical Attacks] after a [Combat Move].

Weapon 10
Restrict : Utility
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : None
PD : +12
INIT : -5
Cost : 6,000G
[Range: {Agility} Sq. / Target: 1#]. A cross-shaped throwing weapon that flies at tremendous
speed. While [Equipped], once per combat, can make a [Weapon Attack] using a [Ranged
Weapon] after performing [Damage Calculation]. Also, throwing this [Weapon] does not render it

Monomolecular Whip
Restrict : None
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : +6
INIT : +3
Cost : 8,000G
[Range: {Agility} Sq. / Target: 1#]. A monomolecular wire with a weight on the end. Due to being
Artificial Regaliaized, it possesses incredible cutting power. While [Equipped], [Targets] of the
user's [Physical Attacks] reduce their [Armor] by 3 (to a minimum of 0).

※ Vollkommen
Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : (10)
INIT : -1
Cost : 8,000G
[Range: 8 Sq. / Target: 1#]. A machinegun modified to operate as a spell armament, based on
the H&K MG43. Its stability, ruggedness, and shot reliability are all without question. While
[Equipped], once per round, increase the [Target] of [Ranged Attacks] by 2#.

※ Angelhowl
Restrict : Martial
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : (12)
INIT : -3
Cost : 8,000G
[Range: 6 Sq. / Target: Area]. A consecrated machinegun, based on the FN Minimi. Its
overwhelming firepower has been likened to an angel's howl.

※ Screaming Wind
Restrict : Cyborg
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : None
PD : (12)
INIT : -1
Cost : 8,000G
[Range: 10 Sq. / Target: 1#]. A spirit energy laser gun developed for cyborg use. Emits a
tremendous noise along with a focused beam of spirit energy, blowing opponents away. While
[Equipped], once per round, may force [Targets] who fail their [Reaction Check] to move 1 Sq. in
any direction (this movement ignores [Engagements]).

Scattered Boulder
Restrict : None
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : +11
INIT : None
Cost : 10,000G
[Range: 6 Sq. / Target: Area]. An imitation of sacramental stones used by a legendary giant.
While [Equipped], once per round, change the [Range / Target] of a [Physical Attack] to
[Combat Zone / 1#]. Also, throwing this [Weapon] does not render it unuseable.

※ Dragon's Breath
Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : (13)
INIT : -1
Cost : 10,000G
[Range: 8 Sq. / Target: 1#]. The S&W M500, A .50 caliber revolver, made into an Artificial
Regalia. Its recoil and power are both to be feared. While [Equipped], once per combat, gain a +
[any one of user's {Main Stats}] modifier to [Physical Damage].

※ Rail Gun
Restrict : Martial・Utility
Mode : Two Hands
ACC : +1
PD : (15)
INIT : -3
Cost : 10,000G
[Range: 10 Sq. / Target: 1#]. A launching platform that generates electromagnetic induction via
spirit energy, and then discharges a massive projectile. It looks like portable artillery, and its
destructive power matches that. While [Equipped], once per combat, the [Target] of the user's
[Physical Attack] [Halves] their [Armor].

Magical Weapons / Form: Magic [XXXM-6]

Spell Armament
Restrict : None
Mode : One Hand
CNJ : None
MD : +2
INIT : -1
Cost : 1,000G
[Magical Attack / Range: 7 Sq. / Target: 1# / Resist: Cancel / Element: None / Rank: 2] A unique
armament for magecraft work that Magi created using Fool's Gold. Many of them call forth a
supernatural wind.

Spirit Chaingun
Restrict : Cyborg
Mode : Two Hands
CNJ : -1
MD : +6
INIT : -5
Cost : 2,000G
[Magical Attack / Range: 7 Sq. / Target: 1# / Resist: Cancel / Element: None / Rank: 2] A
chaingun-style Artificial Regalia created for anti-Awakened use. It's hard to handle since it's
heavier than it looks, and those other than cyborgs have difficulty using it. While [Equipped],
once per round, increase the [Target] of the user's [Magical Attack] by 1#.

Treasure Ring
Restrict : Arcane
Mode : Two Hands
CNJ : -1
MD : +6
INIT : -4
Cost : 3,000G
[Magical Attack / Range: 5 Sq. / Target: 1# / Resist: Cancel / Element: None / Rank: 2] A ring-
type Artificial Regalia made using a special silver. It creates numerous magic circles, which fire
etherlight bullets. While [Equipped], once per combat, change the [Range / Target] of the user's
[Magical Attack] to [Combat Zone / Area].

Miracle Rosary
Restrict : None
Mode : Switch Hand
CNJ : None
MD : +4 / +5
INIT : -1 / None
Cost : 5,000G
[Magical Attack / Range: 7 Sq. / Target: 1# / Resist: Cancel / Element: None / Rank: 2] A
crucifix-style Artificial Regalia that carries the power of miracles. While [Equipped], once per
combat (scene), can [Recover] using [Magical Attack / Range: 7 Sq. / Target: 1# / Resist:
Cancel / Element: None / Rank: 1].

Multiworld Gem
Restrict : Arcane
Mode : Two Hands
CNJ : +1
MD : +7
INIT : -4
Cost : 5,000G
[Magical Attack / Range: 6 Sq. / Target: 1# / Resist: Cancel / Element: None / Rank: 2] A
magical staff embedded with a sacramental jewel, one of many strung across multiple words.
While [Equipped], once per session, gain 1 [Overflow].

Fragment of E
Restrict : Arcane
Mode : Two Hands
CNJ : None
MD : +9
INIT : -4
Cost : 5,000G
[Magical Attack / Range: 6 Sq. / Target: 2# / Resist: Cancel / Element: None / Rank: 2] A codex
of secrets penned by a powerful Magus known as "E". While [Equipped], once per combat,
[Targets] that fail their {Resist} check lose 5 {HP}.

Restrict : Darkstalker
Mode : Switch Hand
CNJ : None
MD : +9 / +10
INIT : -5 / -4
Cost : 5,000G
[Magical Attack / Range: 8 Sq. / Target: 1# / Resist: Cancel / Element: None / Rank: 2] An
elegant black parasol that can fire spirit energy bullets in the shape of bats. While [Equipped],
once per round, increase [Targets] of the user's [Magical Attacks] by 1#.

Ether 2000
Restrict : Digital Sorcerer
Mode : Two Hands
CNJ : +1
MD : +6
INIT : -4
Cost : 6,000G
[Magical Attack / Range: 6 Sq. / Target: 1# / Resist: Cancel / Element: Magnet / Rank: 2] A
device-type Artificial Regalia specialized in spell combat that can make powerful magnetic
attacks in a wide area. While [Equipped], once per round, change the [Target] of the user's
[Magical Attack] to [Area].

The Great Secret

Restrict : Elder Mage
Mode : Two Hands
CNJ : None
MD : +7
INIT : -3
Cost : 6,000G
[Magical Attack / Range: 7 Sq. / Target: 1# / Resist: Cancel / Element: None / Rank: 2]. A
grimoire Artificial REgalia that can make powerful [Magical Attacks]. While [Equipped], once per
round, change the [Target] of the user's [Magical Attack] to [Area].

Exorcist Prayer Beads

Restrict : Arcane
Mode : Two Hands
CNJ : None
MD : +8
INIT : -4
Cost : 6,000G
[Magical Attack / Range: 6 Sq. / Target: 1# / Resist: Cancel / Element: Fire / Rank: 2] An
Artificial Regalia in the form of a string of beads, using when invoking spells or powers related to
Buddhism. While [Equipped], once per round, [Targets] of the user's [Magical Attacks] reduce
their [Barrier] by 5 (to a minimum of 0).

Lineage of Blue
Restrict : Arcane
Mode : Two Hands
CNJ : +1
MD : +8
INIT : -4
Cost : 6,000G
[Magical Attack / Range: 7 Sq. / Target: 1# / Resist: Cancel / Element: None / Rank: 2] A
"tactical-grade" grimoire written with the assumption of anti-Awakened combat. While
[Equipped], once per session, change the [Range / Target] of a [Magical Attack] to [Combat

Ring of Sabaoth
Restrict : Utility・Arcane
Mode : Two Hands
CNJ : None
MD : +10
INIT : -4
Cost : 6,000G
[Magical Attack / Range: 7 Sq. / Target: 1# / Resist: Cancel / Element: None / Rank: 2]. An
imitation of the symbol of an old sorcerer-king's pact with 72 demons. While [Equipped], gain a
+5 modifier to [Barrier].

Labyrinth Talisman
Restrict : Arcane
Mode : Two Hands
CNJ : None
MD : +8
INIT : None
Cost : 8,000G
[Magical Attack / Range: 7 Sq. / Target: 1# / Resist: Cancel / Element: None / Rank: 1] An
iridescent magic talisman that is believed to have once been possessed by the lord of a
labyrinth that controlled another world. While [Equipped], gain +3 to [Armor] and [Barrier].

Etherlight Oonusa
Restrict : Arcane
Mode : Switch Hand
CNJ : +1
MD : +8 / +9
INIT : -4 / -3
Cost : 8,000G
[Magical Attack / Range: 5 Sq. / Target: 2# / Resist: Cancel / Element: None / Rank: 2] Paper or
cloth streamers filled with etherlight attached to a hexagonal or octagonal rod carved from a
sacred tree. It is a tool used in Shinto rites of purification. While [Equipped], [Targets] of the
user's [Magical Attacks] reduce their [Barrier] by 3 (to a minimum of 0).

Jewel of the Universe

Restrict : Hanyou・Divine Soul
Mode : Two Hands
CNJ : None
MD : +10
INIT : -2
Cost : 8,000G
[Magical Attack / Range: 6 Sq. / Target: 1# / Resist: Cancel / Element: None / Rank: 3] A
glittering jewel thought to preach about good and evil, illuminating the path one should follow. It
is possessed by daiyoukai and Divine Souls. While [Equipped], increase the [Target] of the
user's [Magical Attacks] by 1#.

Otherworldly Secrets
Restrict : Arcane
Mode : Two Hands
CNJ : +1
MD : +11
INIT : -5
Cost : 8,000G
[Magical Attack / Range: 6 Sq. / Target: Area / Resist: Cancel / Element: None / Rank: 2] A
magical codex that contains the secret, forbidden arts of another world. Though a book, its
power is undeniable. While [Equipped], once per combat, when making a [Magical Attack], gain
+2 [Magical Rank].

Multi-Cast Device
Restrict : None
Mode : Two Hands
CNJ : None
MD : +12
INIT : -4
Cost : 8,000G
[Magical Attack / Range: 5 Sq. / Target: Area / Resist: Cancel / Element: Shock / Rank: 2] A
magical, mechanized staff. It's built with a function that immediately renews chants and magical
circles, releasing spirit energy to be used in spells. While [Equipped], twice per combat, the
[Target] of the user's [Magical Attack] [Halves] their [Barrier].

Tyrant's Bag
Restrict : Arcane
Mode : Two Hands
CNJ : None
MD : +10
INIT : None
Cost : 10,000G
[Magical Attack / Range: 7 Sq. / Target: 1# / Resist: Cancel / Element: None / Rank: 2] A bag
with a demon from another dimension sealed inside. It attacks opponents at the possessor's
direction. While [Equipped], twice per combat, when making a [Magical Attack], gain +2 [Magical

The Seven Secret Scriptures

Restrict : Arcane
Mode : Two Hands
CNJ : +1
MD : +12
INIT : -4
Cost : 10,000G
[Magical Attack / Range: 10 Sq. / Target: 1# / Resist: Cancel / Element: Light / Rank: 2] A
powerful grimoire-type Artificial Regalia. Within are written the secrets of healing powers used
by Divine Souls. While [Equipped], when using a Talent that [Recovers] {HP}, increase the
effect of the [Recovery] by 10.

Hecate's Mercury
Restrict : Arcane
Mode : Two Hands
CNJ : None
MD : +13
INIT : -3
Cost : 10,000G
[Magical Attack / Range: 10 Sq. / Target: 1# / Resist: Cancel / Element: Toxin / Rank: 2] A
special mercury that has gained the blessings of a goddess of sorcery and the moon. It can be
transformed into a sharp blade or spear, or a massive warhammer, by supplying it with spirit
energy. While [Equipped], once per combat, gain +10 [Armor].

Machine-God of Damocles -- Protectors, Accessories, Gear, and Consumables [XXXN]

Protector/Form: Suit [XXXN-1]

Digital Suit
Restrict : Digital Sorcerer
EVA : None
INIT : -2
Armor : +2
Barrier : +2
Cost : 2,000G
A unique suit customized for Digital Sorcerers that allows them to set up and control display
screens, images, and keyboards in the air around them via a special hologram function. It can
be worn under one's clothes. While [Equipped], the character is treated as fulfilling the use
condition of [Digital Sorcerer] Style Talents.

AA Giftschlange
Restrict : Cyborg
EVA : -1
INIT : -2
Armor : +5
Barrier : +1
Cost : 2,000G
An Arachne Materials-made combat AA named for a venemous snake. In addition to reinforced
armor, it's loaded with rocket launchers and support machineguns. While [Equipped], once per
round, change the [Range/Target] of an [Attack Action] to [5 Sq. / Area].

AA Jinrai
Restrict : Cyborg
EVA : -2
INIT : +3
Armor : +2
Barrier : +1
Cost : 2,000G
A Far East Heavy Industries-made combat AA. It's equipped with miniature verniers at various
places on its lightened armor, allowing for high-mobility combat. While [Equipped], once per
round, after [Timing: Attack] can move up to 2 Sq. ignoring [Engagements].

AA Goldbug
Restrict : Cyborg
EVA : -2
INIT : -4
Armor : +5
Barrier : +5
Cost : 2,000G
A B.E.G.-made combat AA named after a golden insect. Although it's sluggish to move in, its
special, thick overlapping armored plates give it high defensive capabilities. While [Equipped],
once per round, reduce [Physical Damage] taken by 3.

Evil Eye Clothes

Restrict : Demon Eyed
EVA : +1
INIT : -3
Armor : +2
Barrier : +1
Cost : 2,000G
Clothes woven from special fibers that gathers the spirit energy emitted from its wearer, and
then channels it through their body into their eyes. This amplifies the power of a Demon Eyed.
While [Equipped], when using a [Race: Demon Eyed / Timing: Attack] Racial Talent, gain +1 to
the result of the active check.

Otherworldly Battle Outfit

Restrict : Heroic Spirit・Marebito
EVA : -1
INIT : -2
Armor : +4
Barrier : +2
Cost : 2,000G
Clothes or armor created with another world's techniques. It uses special metal and mysterious
fibers, so it is highly protective. While [Equipped], once per round, reduce [Physical Damage]
taken by 3.

Dawnlight Armor
Restrict : None
EVA : None
INIT : -2
Armor : +4
Barrier : +2
Cost : 3,500G
An Artificial Regalia created in imitation of an ancient Chinese set of armor. Specially prepared metal is
affixed to the chest and back plates, protecting one's vitals. While [Equipped], reduce [Element: Light・
Magnet] [Damage] taken by 5.

Bloody Battle Suit

Restrict : None
EVA : None
INIT : -2
Armor : +3
Barrier : +3
Cost : 3,500G
A biological armor created by forming fungal filament into threads, then weaving it together into
a suit or student uniform. It transforms into its battle form by absorbing its wearer's blood. While
[Equipped], by spending 1x [Start] and 3 {HP}, for the rest of combat the user gains +3 [Physical

Hermit Hood
Restrict : None
EVA : +1
INIT : -3
Armor : +5
Barrier : None
Cost : 4,000G
A coat that emphasizes disguise and concealment. It's favorited by Magi who wish to avoid
standing out. While [Equipped], once per combat (or scene), for the rest of the combat (or
scene), the target gains [Shift: Hidden] even if they are in a square (or place) with no
[Obstacles] (treat as [Maneuver: Concealment / Result: 15]).

Spirit Corset
Restrict : None
EVA : None
INIT : -1
Armor : +3
Barrier : +2
Cost : 4,000G
A tailor-made corset crafted according to the user. It optimizes the flow of spirit energy by
adjusting the body's balance to the perfect point. While [Equipped], once per session, add or
subtract 2 to two [Spirit] dice (adjusting one by 4 is allowed; cannot adjust above 6 or below 1).

Black Clothes of the Traveler

Restrict : Heroic Spirit・Marebito
EVA : None
INIT : None
Armor : +1
Barrier : +5
Cost : 5,000G
Black clothes woven with the feathers of a massive bird that travels among the stars. It has an effect of
suppressing kinetic energy, and is favorited by travelers from other worlds. While [Equipped], reduce
[Physical Damage] taken from [Form: Axe・Hammer] by 5.

Full Metal Jacket

Restrict : None
EVA : +1
INIT : -2
Armor : +3
Barrier : +3
Cost : 5,000G
A suit or jacket woven from ultra-fine golden threads that have been infused with magic.
Formally adopted as the training uniform of some factions and anti-Awakened forces. While
[Equipped], gain +1 to the result of {Will} and {Resist} checks.

Guardian Spirit Clothes

Restrict : None
EVA : None
INIT : -4
Armor : +5
Barrier : +5
Cost : 5,000G
Clothes woven from hair infused with spirit energy, which came from the Nushi of a leyline or a
Divine Soul granting it to someone they favored. While [Equipped], gain +2 to the result of
[Maneuvers] that use {Luck}.

Extreme Battle Outfit

Restrict : Martial・Utility
EVA : None
INIT : -4
Armor : +5
Barrier : +5
Cost : 5,000G
A bloody battle outfit that uses an abundant amount of fibers from biological armor. By
absorbing a larger amount of blood, it can transform into a powerful combat mode. While
[Equipped], by spending 1x [Start] and 5 {HP}, for the rest of the combat, the user gains +4 at
[Damage Calculation].

Cyber Control Suit

Restrict : Digital Sorcerer
EVA : None
INIT : -4
Armor : +7
Barrier : +3
Cost : 5,000G
A digital suit intended for experienced users, installed with advanced spell programs that
increase one's processing speed. While [Equipped], the character is treated as fulfilling the use
condition of [Digital Sorcerer] Style Talents.

AA Heuschrecke
Restrict : Cyborg
EVA : None
INIT : -2
Armor : +4
Barrier : +4
Cost : 5,000G
An Arachne Materials-made high mobility-type combat AA named after a grasshopper. While
[Equipped], ignore "hazardous footing" penalties. Once per round, by spending 1x [Start], the
character can move up to 2 Sq. (if [Engaged], cannot move).

AA Desperado
Restrict : Cyborg
EVA : None
INIT : -5
Armor : +8
Barrier : +3
Cost : 5,000G
A B.E.G.-made combat AA named after an outlaw. In addition to heavy plating, it is installed
with highly efficient radar designed to support melee combat, as well as cutting-edge power
assist systems. While [Equipped], increase [Physical Damage] of [Attack Actions] made using
[Melee Weapons] by 3.

Faerie Feather
Restrict : None
EVA : +1
INIT : +2
Armor : +4
Barrier : +4
Cost : 8,000G
A stole-type Artificial Regalia created from fibers harvested from within a Sanctum. It is infused
with strong spirit energy, and gives off a faint light. While [Equipped], once per combat, by
spending 1x [Start], reduce [Range: 5 Sq. / Target: 1#]'s {Initiative} by 1d6 (to a minimum of 1).

Shiroito Odoshi
Restrict : None
EVA : None
INIT : +2
Armor : +5
Barrier : +5
Cost : 8,000G
Clothes made for anti-Awakened combat, colored white using special dyes. It comes in a variety
of forms. Its unique effect comes from the color affecting the etherthreads it's made from. While
[Equipped], gain +2 to the result of {Agility} checks, and to [Physical Damage].
Akaito Odoshi
Restrict : None
EVA : +1
INIT : +1
Armor : +5
Barrier : +4
Cost : 8,000G
Clothes made for anti-Awakened combat, colored red using special dyes. It comes in a variety
of forms. Its unique effect comes from the color affecting the etherthreads it's made from. While
[Equipped], gain +2 to the result of {Intellect} checks, and to [Magical Damage].

Admiral's Coat
Restrict : None
EVA : None
INIT : None
Armor : +7
Barrier : +5
Cost : 8,000G
A masterwork patterened after a uniform once worn by a hero who commanded a great army.
While [Equipped], once per session, by spending 1x [Start], for the rest of the round, [Range:
Combat Zone / Target: Combat Zone] gains +1d6 to {Initiative} and [Damage Calculation].

Mystic Mail
Restrict : Martial・Marebito
EVA : None
INIT : None
Armor : +8
Barrier : +4
Cost : 8,000G
A full-covering armor suit created with metals that can only be mined within a Sanctum. Various
hues ripple across its surface, induced by the wearer's spirit energy. While [Equipped], reduce
[Damage] taken from [Weapon Attacks] by 5.

AA Ashura
Restrict : Cyborg
EVA : None
INIT : None
Armor : +4
Barrier : +8
Cost : 8,000G
A Far East Heavy Industries-made combat AA. Numerous highly efficient artificial arms are installed on
its back, and by controlling these the wearer can gain tremendous combat power. While [Equipped], once
per round, gain the effect of either ① or ②. ①: +1d6 at [Damage Calculation]. / ②: Reduce [Damage]
taken by 1d6.
AA Ifrit
Restrict : Cyborg
EVA : None
INIT : -4
Armor : +10
Barrier : +6
Cost : 8,000G
A B.E.G.-made combat AA named for a fire elemental. In addition to the thick armor, multiple
powerful support machineguns are mounted on it. While [Equipped], once per round, change
the [Range/Target] of an [Attack Action] to [7 Sq. / Area].

Divine Outfit
Restrict : Martial
EVA : None
INIT : +1
Armor : +6
Barrier : +7
Cost : 10,000G
The pinnacle of a bloody battle outfit, believed to contain a divinity from outer space. By offering
your Crest rather than your blood as compensation, it changes into the ultimate combat form.
While [Equipped], by spending 1x [Start] and 3 {Crest}, for the rest of the combat, gain +5 at
[Damage Calculation].

Karakawa Armor
Restrict : Martial・Utility
EVA : +1
INIT : -2
Armor : +7
Barrier : +7
Cost : 10,000G
An imitation of the ancestral armor of the Taira clan, originally bestowed upon a Shingon priest
by Fudo-myoo. It is bound together with the hide of a sacred tiger. While [Equipped], reduce
[Physical Damage] taken from [Form: Ranged] by 10.

Nebulous Robe
Restrict : None
EVA : None
INIT : -2
Armor : +8
Barrier : +8
Cost : 10,000G
A chaos-created fabric made into clothes. It hold tremendous power, where even an Innocent
who wears it could gain power enough to influence the world, but it will drive its wearer insane
after some time. While [Equipped], when performing [Damage Calculation] on [Class: Chaos],
gain +1 [Rank].

Restrict : Martial・Marebito
EVA : +1
INIT : +2
Armor : +10
Barrier : None
Cost : 10,000G
Scale armor made by linking together rare dragon scales. As the scales are arranged in the
same pattern as they were on the dragon's body, it is believed it grants part of the dragon's own
strength. While [Equipped], reduce [Magical Damage] taken by 10.

Spirit Mobile Armor

Restrict : Martial・Utility
EVA : -1
INIT : -2
Armor : +10
Barrier : +8
Cost : 10,000G
A powe assist suit-style Artificial Regalia that reads the wearer's spirit energies and doubles
their physical capacity. Made by Far East Heavy Industries. This data is of a prototype. While
[Equipped], once per round, before spending [Timing: Prep], may move up to 2 Sq. ignoring

Restrict : Martial
EVA : None
INIT : -4
Armor : +10
Barrier : +10
Cost : 10,000G
An imitation of one of the armors of the Genji-hachiryou, eight armors that were heirlooms of the
Seiwa Genji. The armor is so robust that it's famed for its wearer not needing a shield of any
kind (Tatenashi means "shieldless"). While [Equipped], reduce [Damage] taken by 5.

Accessories [XXXN-2]
Wearable Computer
Slot : Head・Hand・Lower
Cost : 500G
A small, sturdy wearable computer that can be worn on the wrist or waist.
While [Equipped], gain +1 to [Barrier]. Also, once per scene, can speak with one character
regardless of whether they are [Appearing] [Backstage] [Exited] (the GM determines whether
they can be reached).

External ALU
Slot : Head
Cost : 500G
A calulation support device that can enhance the brain's processing speed by reading
brainwaves directly. It's worn on the head, over both ears.
While [Equipped], gain +2 at [Damage Calculation] that uses [Restrict: Cyborg] [Weapons].

Otherworldly Circlet
Slot : Head
Cost : 500G
A golden circlet decorated with a blue jewel and white feathers.
While [Equipped], gain +2 at [Damage Calculation] that uses [Restrict: Marebito] [Weapons].

Monocle Display
Slot : Head
Cost : 500G
A small display worn over a single eye like a monocle.
It provides tactical assistance. While [Equipepd], once per round, gain +5 to [Barrier].

Supportive Body Armor

Slot : Lower
Cost : 500G
Undersuit that enhances the body's explosive power when worn.
While [Equipped], gain +2 at [Damage Calculation] that uses [Item: Melee Weapons].

Seal of Bravery
Slot : Lower
Cost : 500G
A golden necklace fitted with a jewel that gives off a brilliant glow.
While [Equipped], gain +2 at [Damage Calculation] that uses [Restrict: Marebito] [Weapons].

Magic Ring
Slot : Hand
Cost : 500G
An otherworldly ring that serves as a magical weapon. It can be used as a conjuration focus.
While [Equipped], the character is treated as fulfilling the use condition of [Elder Mage A] Style

Flying Shoes
Slot : Feet
Cost : 500G
Athletic or leather shoes made into an Artificial Regalia. They grant one magnificent jump
While [Equipped], character may choose to change the [Range] of [Attack Actions] to [Charge 1

Ritual Glasses
Slot : Head
Cost : 1,000G
Special glasses that serve as a magical weapon. It can be used as a conjuration focus.
While [Equipped], the character is treated as fulfilling the use condition of [Elder Mage A] Style
Talents. Also, gain +1 to [Magical Damage].

Gliding Cloak
Slot : Upper
Cost : 1,000G
A sacramental cloak that allows one to move as though they were gliding just by wearing it.
While [Equipped], once per combat, by spending 1x [Unique] during the character's [Turn], they may
move up to 2 Sq. ignoring [Engagements], before or after either [Prep・Attack].

Reinforcing Cloak
Slot : Upper
Cost : 1,000G
A special cloak that holds the power to vastly reinforce one's physical functions.
While [Equipped], gain +1 to {Initiative} [Armor] and [Barrier].

Dragonscale Ring
Slot : Hand
Cost : 1,000G
A sacramental ring inlaid with a gemstone imitating an otherworldly jewel called a Dragonscale.
While [Equipped], gain +3 to [Barrier].

Hexen Bracelet
Slot : Hand
Cost : 1,000G
A sacramental bracelet created using the secret arts of another world. It gives off faint etherlight,
and enhances its wearer's physical power.
While [Equipped], gain +3 to [Physical Damage].

Roller Gear
Slot : Feet
Cost : 1,000G
Special boots fitted with moveable rollers. Driven with spirit energy, allowing one to move at high
While [Equipped], character may choose to change the [Range] of [Attack Actions] to [Charge 1
Sq.] Also, the character is treated as fulfilling the use condition of [Contractor A] Style Talents.

Enhancing ALU
Slot : Head
Cost : 1,500G
An ALU worn on the head that provides additional enhancement.
While [Equipped], gain +4 at [Damage Calculation] that uses [Restrict: Cyborg] [Weapons].

Jet Boots
Slot : Feet
Cost : 1,500G
Special boots fitted with jet propulsion. They allow a person to fly a certain distance, but are
hard to control.
While [Equipped], gain +2 {Initiative}. Also, character may choose to change the [Range] of
[Attack Actions] to [Charge 1 Sq.]

Oxygen Supply Device

Slot : Upper
Cost : 2,000G
A highly efficient athletic support device that automatically supplies oxygen. As battle begins,
the mouth and nose are covered with a steel plate.
While [Equipped], gain +2 to {Initiative} and [Armor].

Burst Boots
Slot : Feet
Cost : 2,500G
Steel boots equipped with a propulsion device that emits spirit energy.
While [Equipped], gain +2 {Initiative} and to the [Physical Damage] of [Unarmed]. Also,
character may choose to change the [Range] of [Attack Actions] to [Charge 1 Sq.]

Tactical Enhancement Helm

Slot : Head
Cost : 3,000G
A helmet fitted with an ALU and a simplified oxygen supply device. They often come with a
design reminiscent of a skull.
While [Equipped], gain +2 to {Initiative}, [Armor], and at [Damage Calculation] that uses
[Restrict: Cyborg] [Weapons].

Jeweled Ring
Slot : Hand
Cost : 4,000G
A ring-style Artificial Regalia inlaid with a jewel that enhances the power of the Origins.
While [Equipped], gain +4 at the [Damage Calculation] of [Attack Actions] bestowed with an

Gear [XXXN-3]
Use : Other
Cost : —
Common ornamentation that is not an Artificial Regalia, such as a necklace, ring, or earring.
They have various designs, usually involving precious metals and gemstones.

Winter Clothes
Use : Other
Cost : —
Thick, warm clothes worn while in cold climates.

Mobile Game
Use : Other
Cost : —
The latest mobage. It doesn't matter whether it's digital or analog. Because there's so many
types, it's perfect for killing time.

Formal Clothes
Use : Other
Cost : —
Classically formal clothes worn at formal occasions.
Gain +1 to the result of [Etiquette].

Use : Other
Cost : —
Classical swimwear worn while swimming.
Gain +1 to the result of [Swimming].

Hook Rope
Use : Other
Cost : —
A sturdy rope with a grappling hook attached that can be used for climbing.
Gain +1 to the result of [Climbing].

Compounding Kit
Use : Other
Cost : 50G
When suffering from a sacramental toxin, this compounding kit can mix medicines to remove it.
Gain +1 to the result of [Fortitude].

Camping Car
Use : Other・Rest (Meal)
Cost : 50G
A camping car that considerably improves living outdoors.
On top of being able to drive it [Out of Combat], when [Resting], gain +1 [Rest Recovery
Amount]. Note that, like an [Automobile], it cannot be used as a [Weapon].

Scroll of One Hundred Spirits

Use : Other
Cost : 100G
A scroll where information regarding Mononoke is written.
Gain +1 to the result of [Identify].

Crystal Ball
Use : Other
Cost : 100G
A sacramental crystal ball that holds the power of an oracle.
Gain +1 to the result of [Intuition].

Optical Device
Use : Other
Cost : 100G
A special device that one can use to confirm their surroundings with, that uses invisible
etherlight. It comes in a variety of forms.
When used [Out of Combat], ignore "dark place" penalties.

Use : Other
Cost : 100G
A device created with sacramental techniques that knocks out Innocents. Innocents subjected to
this effect only faint, and do not lose their memories (GM decides the details).

Spirit Energy Meter

Use : Other
Cost : 1,000G
A spirit energy meter device created through a fusion of the sacraments and science.
Gain +1 to the result of [Sense].

Sacred Bird Eye

Use : Other
Cost : 1,500G
A special telescope that can see distant objects up close, which vastly surpasses the zoom
function on modern cameras.
Gain +1 to the result of [Lore] and [Sense].

High-Grade Spirit Energy Meter

Use : Other
Cost : 2,500G
A highly efficient spirit energy meter device created with even more advanced techniques.
Gain +2 to the result of [Sense].

Special Vehicle
Use : Other・Rest (Meal)
Cost : Unsellable
A special vehicle made for covert corporate agents. Can be driven while [Out of Combat]. They
come in various types, such as normal passenger cars, vans, and trucks. It has space to rest
inside, and while [Resting] gain +3 to [Rest Recovery Amount]. Like an [Automobile], it cannot
be used as a [Weapon].

Use : Other
Cost : Unsellable
Using unique spells or special abilities, your clothes change into any form. ([Maneuver: Disguise
/ Result: 12]).

Use : Other
Cost : Unsellable
Using unique spells or special abilities, you cause yourself to float through the air. Only usable
while [Out of Combat]. Ignore "hazardous footing" penalties.

Use : Other
Cost : Unsellable
Using unique spells or special abilities, you transition through space. You are able to move at
roughly the speed of an automobile, taking up to about six people with you.

Large-Scale Barrier
Use : Rest (Meal)
Cost : Unsellable
You possess a barrier due to a spell, research facility, castle, or mansion, made for you to rest
in. Gain +10 [Rest Recovery Amount].

Machine-God of Damocles -- GM Section: Scenario Guidance [XXXO]

[Cyborgs] with the body of a machine, and [Marebito] from a different world are also special to
the world setting. Therefore, their [scenario introduction] is also somewhat special form. If you
create a scenario by welcoming a [Cyborg] or [Marebito] PC, consider [handouts] or [scenario
introductions] based on the following example.

Cyborg Example
Mechanized supermen [Cyborgs], in many cases, are involved in a supernatural case in the
form of "receiving duties from the country, company, or organization that it belongs to". The
purpose of a [Cyborg] may be to fulfill missions such as "to fulfill certain duties", "to destroy the
designation target", or "to defeat Aramitama". Also, it is a good idea to make the [Ending] of
[Cyborgs] a directive that "After returning to the base after resolving the incident and reporting
the result, you receive words of praise from your boss". Or it would be cool even to use a
development such as "It recieves a new mission somehow and heads to the next battlefield".
Please allow the GM to set and direct it freely according to the scenario. Let's refer to the
following pattern for [handout] or [scenario introduction] of [Cyborg].

Receiving a mission:
Receive special missions from superiors such as the country, company and organization that
you belong to.
Purpose: To perform duties and so on.

To get revenge
The [Boss] appearing in this supernatural incident is a former human being and was the cause
of the PC being killed and altered into a cyborg. Therefore, the PC tries to fulfill revenge.
Purpose: To defeat opponents.

Protect old friends

The NPC involved in a supernatural incident was a person who had been intimate with the PC
before becoming a [Cyborg]. Or, they are the immediate family of the person. A PC that casually
knew them would return their gratitude. Or try to rescue the NPC for their own reasons.
Purpose: To save NPC. This is a top priority.

Receive a request
For some reason, the PC is already freelance. They take over the request for a supernatural
case from the maintenance related personnel who maintains himself / herself.
Purpose: To solve a paranormal case. Perform a request etc.

Marebito Example

The hero's and the demon lords who came from another world, the adventurer and the
supermen known as [Marebito]. They act on motives like "collect fragments to figure out the way
to return to their world", "Pursuing a supernatural existence that reduced my own alternate world
to ash", or "I will take on the request and try to solve the supernatural incident" Therefore, the
purpose of [Marebito] should be "to collect fragments" "to undertake requests" or "to help their
beneficiaries in the modern world" etc. Also, an example of the [Ending] of [Marebito] could be,
"This fragment did not include knowledge about the way to return - but there is always next
time" or "I was able to aid my benefactor before it became troublesome". It may be good to
develop in a manner such as this. Regarding the creation of a [Marebito], please direct it freely
according to the contents of the scenario as told by the GM. For [Marebito]'s [Handout] and
[Scenario Introduction], please also refer to the following pattern's

Returning benefits to modern people

When it appeared from a different world, it suffered serious injury due to some cause, and it was
saved by modern people. And, as the modern person was involved in a supernatural incident,
she wields her own power to reward the benefactor.
Purpose: To save his benefactor.

Adapted to the present age

It has already been around for a while since it appeared from a different world, and has
established a position as a God Hunter. And, in order to protect the people taking care of this
world, uses their power secretly to solve supernatural incidents.
Purpose: To protect people in the city etc.

Following the enemy

The one that appeared in the other world is not itself, but its nemesis- a mighty Marebito also
came to the present age to carry out their evil purpose. The nemesis causes a supernatural
incident due to its ambitions. It is the PC's role to stop it.
Purpose: To stop the ambition of the nemesis etc.

Machine-God of Damocles -- GM Section: Scene Template [ST] and Scenario Generation

-Coming Eventually

Machine-God of Damocles --GM Section: Scene Template Scenarios [XXXQ]

-Coming Eventually

Machine-God of Damocles --GM Section: Boss Talents [XXXR]
Machine God of Damocles boss talents focus on X# mononoke, summoning, controlling and
buffing minions, and improving survival for oneself. Only a few of these talents are straight
Damage buffs for the boss itself.

《Variant Appearance》
Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
Description: Temporarily change the opponent's body using the wicked god's ability to
dramatically increase durability and vitality.
Effect: Special effect. This talent can not target God Hunters. In addition, "Variant appearance"
is effective only for Targets other than the user. During battle, The Target gains [HP] Equal to
[user's [LV] × 10 (maximum 100)], and [Armor] and [Barrier] both gain +10. This talent can only
be used once per combat.

《Unusual Movement》
Timing : Prep
Target : User
Range : User
Cost : None
Description: Move over the battlefield in a line and cross over with a movement that transcends
the law of physics.
Effect: Special effect. The target moves 3Sq, Ignoring [Engagements]. This talent does not
consume [Prep], but it can be used only once per turn.

《Blow of Destruction》
Timing : Attack
Target : Area
Range : Engaged
Cost : None
Description: A blow that has the destructive power to collapse the whole area.
Effect: Physical attack. The user gains +3 to the accuracy check and deals physical damage of
5d6+10+[user's [LV] x5 (maximum 50)] to the target. The user may forcibly move the object that
failed their [Evasion] check 5Sq in any direction, ignoring [Engagements]. This talent can only
be used once per combat.

Timing : Start
Target : 1#
Range : Combat Zone
Cost : None
Description: Temporarily dominate only a minion's body to dramatically increase their combat
Effect: Special effect. This Talent is effective only for Targets other than the User. The Target
gains +3 to [Active Checks] and +10 To [Damage Calculation].

《Family Summons》
Timing : Constant
Target : User
Range : User
Cost : None
Summary: Using magic and ability, summon allies around itself, and manipulate them at will.
Effect: Always Active. The target consumes [Start] once, And [Installs] 3 mononoke with X# in
the name that are an equal or lesser [Lvl] to the average PC World influence level -1. These
Mononoke are summoned within 6 squares, and must be of the same class as the User. This
"talent" can only be used once per Scene or combat.

《Terrain Mutation》
Timing : Prep
Target : 1# (square)
Range : 7 squares
Cost : None
Summary: By evil virtuous power, change the terrain and make the building appear.
Effect: Special effect. The user makes one "obstacle" equivalent to "big building (→ Core p 190)" appear
in the square withinThe specified range. This "talent". This talent can only be used Once per scene or

[Boss Talent] <<The Collapse of Heaven and Earth>>

Timing : Attack
Range : Combat Zone
Target : Combat Zone
Cost : None
Magical attack. The user gains +3 on {Conjure} check, then deals [Form: Magic] 2d6+[user's
{Lv}x5] (maximum 50) Magical Damage (Resist [Halves]). Additionally, any obstacle that take at
least 1 point of this [Damage] is destroyed. This Talent may be used once per combat.
《Salvo Attack》
Timing : Attack
Target : 1#
Range : Item
Cost : None
Summary: Extend tremendous continuous attacks by using techniques, functions, abilities and
the like.
Effect: The user can perform [weapon attack] twice on the target. This "talent" can only be used
once during a turn.

《Returning souls》
Timing : Unique
Target : User
Range : User
Cost : None
Summary: The mystery of terrible spells that pierce a spirit by breaking bones.
Effect: Use On Damage Reduction. Perform [Weapon Attack] once on [Range: Item / Target:
1#]. The Target of the attack can not make a [Reactive Check] on this [Weapon Attack]. This
"talent" can only be used once per Round.

《Overly Strange Magical Energy》

Timing : Constant
Target : User
Range : User
Cost : None
Summary: By employing powerful spiritual power, you can dramatically increase your life force.
Effect: Constant effect. The User gets +50 to [HP]. This Talent can be taken up to three times.

《Special Existence》
Timing : Constant
Target : User
Range : User
Cost : None
Summary: For a special reason, it shows that there is a mighty existence that has the memory
and power of the world hidden in it.
Effect: Always Active. This talent can not be acquired by Aramitama or God Hunters. The target
gets +100 to their maximum [HP], and on their turn gets +1 [timing: Attack]. However, when the
target is taken out, each PC gets +50 experience.

《Invisible Wall》
Timing : Defense
Target : Combat zone
Range : Combat zone
Cost : None
Summary: By causing a wall of spirit to appear before the opponent, the user drastically
increases their defense.
Effect: Use on Damage Reduction. The target gets + [user's [LV] x5 (max 50)) modifier to
[armor] and [barrier]. This "talent" can only be used once per combat.

《Forbidden Mystery》
Timing : Unique
Target : User
Range : User
Cost : None
Summary: Make full use of secret and forbidden mysteries and arcana to draw out a difficult
attack to avoid.
Effect: Use on Active check. Change the target [Attack] to a [Special Attack]. If it is already
[Special attack], you get +2d6 on [Damage calculation]. This "talent" can only be used once per

Timing : Constant
Target : User
Range : User
Cost : None
Overview: Millions of minions form to protect the user.
Effect: Always Active. This talent can not be obtained by God Hunters. During the [Final Battle],
All damage from attack actions is [Halved] for the user. The effect of this talent is only usable
while a mononoke with a descriptor of X# is on the field, and dissappears if all of them are taken
out (Even if revived with "power to call disaster" the effect will not return). This talent is revealed
to players on successful a [Identify].

《Formidable Secret Art》

Timing : Constant
Targer : User
Range : User
Cost : None
Summary: With special spiritual power, almost no injuries are taken except from attacks with the
power of origin.
Effect: Always Active. This "talent" can not be acquired by Aramitama, God Hunters. Target is
[Halves] Damage received from [Attack action]'s that do not have an [Element]. Furthermore, it
invalidates other effects that it receives (TL Note: Presumably this means shifts).
Machine-God of Damocles -- Mononoke Data [XXXS] (Unfinished)
Heavy Drone / Class: Mechanical / LV: 3 (1)
Size : 4
Wits : Low
Senses : Magic
Speech : No
Reaction : Hostile
ID : 12
Weakness : [Shock] [Magnet]
Movement : Walk
{Combat Stats} | 8 | 3 | 2 | 6 | 1
{Fixed Values} | 15 | 10 | 9 | 13 | 8
{Initiative} : 8 (5)
{HP} : 53
Armor : 10
Barrier :2

Attack Methods
[Weapon Attack]: Melee Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Hammer] 2d6+15 physical damage to the target. [Additional Effect]: 1/Combat, [Install]
this enemy up to 3 Sq. away.

«Grant Physical Resist»: Start / 3 Sq. / 1#

- The target [Halves] physical damage they take of [Rank: 2 (2d6)] or lower.

«Full Fusillade»: Physical Attack / 5 Sq. / Area

- [Form: Ranged] 2d6+25 physical damage to target. Can force targets who fail {Evasion} check
to move up to 2 Sq. in any direction, ignoring [Engagements].

Materials (2d6)
2~8: None
9+: Drive Motor Wreckage/MD+2: 1,000G (Potency: 2)

A heavy drone that a company aware of the sacraments created to serve as an anti-Awakened
weapons platform. It has a form like an animal or insect. Its special alloy armor is effective
against Regalia, and the strikes it unleashes from its huge body are threats in of themselves. It's
used in assault operations and for area security, and is installed with a high-grade AI that seeks
and destroys enemies.
Ghostfish x5 / Class: Beast / LV: 1 (1)
Size : 1
Wits : Low
Senses : Magic
Speech : No
Reaction : Hostile
ID :9
Weakness : [Fire] [Shock]
Movement : Fly, Swim
{Combat Stats} | 05 | 07 | 01 | 01 | 04
{Fixed Values} | 12 | 14 | 08 | 08 | 11
{Initiative} : 13 (6)
{HP} : 41
Armor :2
Barrier :1

Attack Methods

[Weapon Attack]: Melee Attack / Engaged / 1#

- [Form: Axe] 1d6+9 physical damage.

<<Clinging>>: Unique / 5 Sq. / 1#

- Use on Check. The target gains -1 to the Check.

<<Link>>: Constant / User

- For each mononoke with the same name [Engaged] with the user (including the user), gain +1
{Accuracy}, and +3 [Physical Damage].

Materials (2d6)
2~9: Sharp Fang/PD+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
9+: Ghostfish Scale/Agility+2: 1000G (Potency: 2)

A mononoke with a length of 50cm, in the form of a fish with sharp teeth. They are capable of
swimming through air and usually appear inside spirit barriers, though if due to some influence
the spiritual power overflows, they can escape to the outside. They are always hungry, and
when they find prey it is rushed down and quickly devoured to the bone.

Faceless Demon / Class: Chaos / LV: 4 (1)
Size : 2
Wits : Normal
Senses : Domain
Speech : No
Reaction : Hostile
ID : 15
Weakness : [Cold] [Light]
Movement : Walk, Fly
{Combat Stats} | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 04
{Fixed Values} | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 11
{Initiative} : 10 (5)
{HP} : 48
Armor :4
Barrier :2

Attack Methods

[Weapon Attack]: Melee Attack / Engaged / 1#

- [Form: Sword] 2d6+10 physical damage.

<<Special Change>>: Prep / User

- The target may change [Physical Attacks] to [Special Attacks].

<<Faceless Blow>>: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#

- [Form: Sword] 2d6+12 physical damage, and target that fail their [Reactive Check] gain -5
[Armor] until the end of combat.

<<Command Specialty>>: Constant / User

- All Mononoke with "x#" in the name in the [Combat Zone] are treated as "Mononoke with the
same name".

Materials (2d6)
2~9: Bat Wings/Initiative+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
10+: Silent Face/Insight+1: 1000G (Potency: 2)

A human-like mononoke with black rubber-like skin, broken horns, film-like wings, and a long
tail. However, the face is sloppy and has an essence of infinite darkness. It is an evil presence
created when evil intentions around the world are combined with shards.

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