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GRADE: 3rd


LIFE IN 2030


It seems to be a long way off by 2030, more considering the reality that we are
touching to live these weeks, but the truth is that it is just around the corner. Still,
there are many doubts and uncertainties that arise when we wonder about the
evolution of transport to ten years seen.
One of the first to come to mind has to do with the fact that we have achieved full
efficiency in the transport of goods by road. Currently, according to the IRU, the
percentage of empty travel is 25%, one in four. Too high a figure, but we expect it
to go down.
To give the transport sector greater efficiency, we have created one of the largest
transport collaboration network in Europe, where online we share information from
companies that have daily routes to a destination and show it to 70 thousand
transport professionals with which, if they are working on the reverse route, they
will be able to contact and optimize their trips. Having real-time access to this
information allows you to make better decisions and have alternatives for hiring.
Continuing to grow in this regard would also mean being a little closer to that
sought-after total efficiency, although we are aware that there is still a long way to
2030 will also mean greater implementation of digitization in transport companies.
Carriers will need to further optimize their fleets, while logistics operators will have
more volume of operations at their own risk and less time available to manage it. In
addition, market demands are changing, and faster, more security and volume are
being demanded, which will undoubtedly involve making greater use of technology.

Greenhouse gas emissions have raised the global temperature to pre-industrial
levels by approximately one degree Celsius, the UN group of climate change
advisory scientists, known as IPCC, concluded.
Avoidance requires "fast" and "powerful" changes to electricity, agriculture, cities,
transport and industry, the report said.
If the target is to be met, a 45% decrease in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions — the
main greenhouse gas — is required in 2030 from the 2010 level. By 2050, these
emissions — mostly from fossil fuels — must have reduced.
The report argues that countries' investment must invest in renewables to curb
warming: renewable energy will need to provide between 70% and 85% of
electricity globally by 2050. However, to meet the necessary investments in the
energy sector, the report estimates that some $900 billion per year will be needed
between 2015 and 2050.
The report warns that "going beyond 1.5 degrees is to jeopardize the habitability of
the Earth." Another important difference is that sea level would rise by an additional
10 centimeters from 1. 5 to 2 degrees; this may seem little to us, but this difference
implies that millions of people will be exposed to flooding.
Believe it or not, climate change puts us all at risk. Governments around the world
must make "rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of
society" to avoid anestrous levels of global warming, a United Nations report
The report was conducted and issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC), which reported that it is increasingly urgent to limit global
temperature rise to a maximum of 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2030. This assumes that
it is at risk of breaching the more ambitious objective of the Paris Agreement.

In its last and sixth edition, the Barcelona Fashion Summit professional
presentation day organized by decided to look to the challenges that
the future and technology will pose to the fashion industry in the coming years.
Under the title "Reset" and with a program full of top speakers, such as Pablo
Bahia, CEO of Depose, Andy Pain, of Interbred, Sergio Odriozola de Zalando or
Adriana Dominguez of Adolfo Dominguez, put on the table two of the great themes
that will undoubtedly change forever the way the industry works today: new
technologies – read artificial intelligence , virtual reality, augmented reality or 3D
printing – as well as the need to create an industry, today the most polluting on the
planet, that is sustainable and ethical. Here are some of the conclusions that the
different guests released:
SUSTAINABILITY AS BRAND VALUE: Sustainability is confirmed as the big theme
of 2018. It is of great importance because it comes out of corporate social
responsibility policies to enter the DNA of brands. "Sustainability has been
incorporated as value," said Josep M.Bosch of TOUS. Stella McCartney has shown
that ethics can be a good selling argument and young consumers demand in
different clean fashion market studios. "In a while it will be inconceivable that
companies do not have a focus on sustainability and ethics. Spain is quite cutting
edge in this regard," commented Clemente Cebrián de El Ganso. For her part
Adriana Dominguez said: "Let the garments last in people's closets that is already
betting on sustainability. Also opt for some fibers and not others."
MORE VOLUME: Although it may sound contradictory to the previous point, those
present did not bet on the decline: "We are not going towards a world with less
fashion volume, but better managed and more efficiently", mused Luís Lara of

Just as in these festivals the Bandersnatch chapter of Black Mirror has been a
historic milestone, embracing the format 'choose your own adventure' as a new
way to create television fiction and opening up a whole world of possibilities in
fiction for narrative on the small screen, music could also put certain aspirations for
change on the table. Changes related to the format, but also to the content or how
the audience consumes them. That's why it's touching to fantasize a little bit about
how the concept we have about music and industry could change substantially
over the years.

Formats. Maybe where we've noticed a greater evolution within the music. We go
from phonograph to gramophone, turntable, cassette, CD, MP3 and streaming
music. But we want to fly higher. Imagine for a moment in an old touch in which
when the first of the grooves comes floating out of nowhere a holographic
recreation of the band in question performing each of the songs. Computerized
street stalls that dispense music to the passer-by at the touch of the screen. Or
beyond, a custom cochlear implant that gets each and every mortal to listen to
music directly at the brain level, without the outside help of any device. With a
button on the right lobe of the ear with which to be able to rewind and fast forward.
And if possible ad-free by hiring the premium service, that if it doesn't go turra.

Instruments. To this day, at the dawn of 2019, instruments have a huge catch. You
have to know how to touch them. And in addition to musical ear, it usually requires
fingerprinting and psychomotor skills to do so. Except for the ukulele, that that is
neither an instrument nor anything, only a fashion that pleases those who have not
been born with the gift of rhythm, and whose use we only forgive Eddie Vedder. In
the not too distant future, we advocate that instruments can be mentally activated.

Population growth will gradually decline and many people will be better fed. As a
result, demand for food will be lower. Pressure on natural resources from
agriculture will continue to increase but at a slower pace than in the past.

For many of the more than 1.1 billion people currently living in extreme poverty,
economic growth based mainly on agriculture and non-agricultural peasant
activities is essential to improving their standard of living, the report says. Most
poor people live in rural areas. Promoting agricultural development in rural areas
and providing farmers with more adequate access to land, water, credit, health and
education is essential to alleviate poverty and hunger.

International trade plays a key role in improving food security and further
liberalization of agricultural trade would boost incomes. FAO expects the deficit in
trade in agricultural products in developing countries to increase sharply by 2030.
The report calls for better access to OECD markets, elimination of export subsidies
and tariff reduction, in particular on processed agricultural products, both in
developed and developing countries. Moreover, where such situations still exist,
developing countries must end discrimination in the agricultural sector in their
national policies.

The benefits of globalization, in food and agriculture, could outweigh its dangers
and costs, the report says. For example, globalization has generally resulted in
progress in poverty alleviation in Asia.


MPs from morena's parliamentary fraction warned that various estimates indicate
that by 2030, public money to ensure social security and hospital care will "absorb
50 percent" from the federal budget, so it is urgent to start propping up preventive
Deputy Susana Cano González voted to strengthen disease prevention systems to
avoid their economic impact.
Presiding over the "Reflection Table on Social Security", at the Legislative Palace
of San Lázaro, attended by pensioners, doctors and citizens in general, the
legislator noted that these days should reach the entire population and not just the
rightholders of social security institutes.
It considered it necessary to work together on a proposed health agenda. "We
must focus on safe and effective actions, for so far we have only obtained
deception," he emphasized.
He regretted that the issue of social security had been exclusive to adults and older
adults, as "young people have shown no interest in this area".
Deputy Alejandro Carvajal Hidalgo (Morena) said: "The current model of social
security needs to be changed in a profound and short way; medium-sized reforms
or patch laws do not have to be done, but to revise in detail, mainly, the budget

Education is a human right and a force for sustainable development and peace.
Each objective of the 2030 Agenda needs education to provide all people with the
necessary knowledge, skills and values that will enable them to live with dignity,
build their own lives and contribute to the societies in which they live.

Today, more than 262 million children and young people are out of school. Six out
of ten children have not yet acquired, after several years of study, basic literacy
and numeracy skills. 750 million adults are anallfabets, something that contributes
to poverty and marginalization.

Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDP 4) of the 2030 Agenda is a synthesis of the

ambitions of education, which aims to "ensure inclusive, equitable and quality
education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all" by 2030. The
roadmap for achieving the education objective, adopted in November 2015,
provides governments and partners with guidance for transforming commitments
into events (Education Action Framework 2030). UNESCO has been mandated to
coordinate international efforts to achieve this objective through partnerships,
policy orientations, capacity building, monitoring and advocacy.

While governments have the primary responsibility to guarantee the right to quality
education, the 2030 Agenda means a universal and collective commitment that
requires political will, global and regional collaboration, as well as the commitment
of all governments, civil society, the private sector, youth, the United Nations and
thn jnm lkm., klm,
What will we be doing in 2030?

let's hope that by that time covid 19 will be fully controlled and return everything to
normal in the professional environment will have a very good job and I will be a
millionaire and help my family

What will we have stopped doing?

for my part, he'll be out of high school, high school and college.

What will we have invented / discovered /built ?

I would like to think that the cure for many diseases that today affect society would
have been discovered I also think that they will make higher buildings and methods
to live more

Will our lives be better or worse because of these changes?Why?

I think in many ways life would be improved by discovering the cure to various
diseases but I like what life was like before without so many things that take our
time away

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