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Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research

Volume 7, Number 6, 2022 Open camera or QR reader and

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DOI: 10.1089/can.2021.0172 and other resources online.

Safety and Efficacy of the Therapeutic Use

of Cannabis-Based Products in the Treatment of Dogs:
An Integrative Review
Diego Fontana de Andrade,1,* João Lourenço Hasckel Gewehr,2 and Erik Amazonas de Almeida3

The use of cannabis-based products for therapeutic purposes is a reality in the field of animal health. However,
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although cannabis is considered safe when appropriately used by human patients, cannabis-based products can
pose a risk to companion animals such as dogs, depending on their composition or route of administration. Thus,
this article discusses aspects of the safety and efficacy of different cannabis-based products in dogs’ treatment
through an integrative review. The review was systematically performed in Medline (via Pubmed) and Latin
American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS) databases, with period restriction (between 1990
and 2021). The qualified articles (n = 19), which met the previously established inclusion criteria, were critically
evaluated. Based on the literature review, it is possible to infer safety in the administration of cannabis-based
products for the treatment of dogs, especially products rich in cannabidiol (CBD), free or with low concentrations
of tetrahydrocannabinol, under the conditions evaluated. In addition, CBD products potentially promote im-
proved quality of life and reduce pain perception in animals affected by canine osteoarthritis. Finally, owing
to the lack of large-scale and robust clinical research studies, the performance of clinical trials, considering
the individual characteristics of each cannabis-based product (composition, concentration, nature of adjuvants,
dosage form, route of administration), is strongly encouraged.
Keywords: dogs; Cannabis sativa; cannabidiol; integrative review; canine osteoarthritis

Introduction According to the study conducted by Joffe and Joffe,

Cannabis products for companion animals gained pop- human patients and dog owners report similar motiva-
ularity in the mid-1990s after the approval of medical tions for choosing cannabis-based products for treating
use of cannabis in some American states, such as Cal- chronic pain. Furthermore, the authors emphasize that
ifornia.1 Encouraged by the growing knowledge on the tutors consider these products better than conventional
benefits of using cannabis for medicinal purposes in drugs owing to their natural origin.4
humans, many owners began to explore the same use Although cannabis-based products are considered
in their companion animals, especially dogs and cats. safe when used adequately by human patients, they
In this scenario, cannabis-based products have been can pose a risk to companion animals. It depends on
used in substitution for other pharmaceutical products their composition or route of administration because
that were not well tolerated or often ineffective against cannabinoids can be metabolized differently in differ-
the most diverse clinical conditions.2,3 ent species.4–6 There is evidence, for example, that

Laboratório de Controle de Produtos Biológicos, Laboratório Federal de Defesa Agropecuária do Rio Grande do Sul—LFDA/RS, Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e
Abastecimento (MAPA), Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Red Cannabis Medicinal Veterinária Brasil, Florianópolis, Brazil.
Departamento de Biociências e Saúde Única, Centro de Ciências Rurais—Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Curitibanos, Brazil.

*Address correspondence to: Diego Fontana de Andrade, PhD, Laboratório de Controle de Produtos Biológicos, Laboratório Federal de Defesa Agropecuária do Rio Grande
do Sul—LFDA/RS, Estrada da Ponta Grossa, Porto Alegre 3036, Brazil, E-mail:


the canine central nervous system (CNS) expresses pharmacokinetic studies or clinical trials (interventional
more cannabinoid receptors than the human CNS.3,7,8 studies) in target animal species (dogs); and (3) studies
This fact may contribute to the pronounced sensitivity in any language and fully available. Criteria for studies’
of dogs to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) compared exclusion included the following: (1) expert opinion ar-
with other species. ticles; (2) case reports; or (3) literature reviews.
In veterinary products development, like those for Finally, after the full-text reading, selected studies
human use, it is mandatory to ensure efficacy, safety, were categorized into three groups according to their
and quality. Thus, considering the medicinal use of objectives and experimental approaches: pharmacoki-
cannabis in treating dogs’ diseases, it is necessary to netic aspects, safety, and efficacy. As an integrative
know and consider pharmacokinetic parameters from review that does not involve human participants, this
the administration of phytocannabinoids, such as can- study does not require Institutional Review Board
nabidiol (CBD) and THC. (IRB) approval.
This article will present, analyze, and discuss the stud-
ies available in the scientific literature that assess the Results
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safety and efficacy of different cannabis-based products Electronic searching retrieved 392 studies (Fig. 1). All
for dogs’ treatment. According to the authors’ knowledge, article titles and abstracts were screened to determine
this is the first integrative review study, performed sys- those who met inclusion criteria. After duplicate re-
tematically, presenting pharmacokinetic parameters and moval (16 articles), 23 articles were selected for full-
results of clinical studies of CBD and THC administra- text reading. This process led to the exclusion of four
tion in isolated or combined forms, specifically in dogs. studies according to exclusion criteria. Finally, 19 arti-
cles remained and were included in this integrative re-
Methodology view. These studies will be presented and discussed in
The integrative review was carried out according to the the subsequent sections.
methodology proposed by Whittemore and Knafl9:
Pharmacokinetic aspects
1. The following guiding question was established: ‘‘Is
Eight articles (42%) of the included studies presented
the use of cannabis-based products for the treat-
pharmacokinetic studies. The studies’ authors deter-
ment of health problems in dogs safe and effective?’’
mined pharmacokinetic parameters for products con-
2. The search for scientific articles related to the re-
taining CBD alone or combined with THC in dogs
view’s scope was performed using the guiding
through different routes of administration. Tables 1
and 2 present the products’ description, route, and
3. The retrieved articles were evaluated according to
dose administered (mg/kg of body weight), as well as
established inclusion and exclusion criteria.
pharmacokinetic parameters based on a single admin-
4. The selected studies were categorized and ana-
istration of the cannabis-based products: maximum
lyzed, enabling the organization and presentation
plasma concentration (Cmax), half-life (t1/2), and area
of this review.
under the curve (AUC).
The research was carried out in October 2021. The Vaughn et al. present pharmacokinetic parameters
electronic databases Medline (Medical Literature Anal- established of a multiple dosage regimen (administered
ysis and Retrieval System Online) and Latin American once a day for 28 days in oral doses ranging from 1 to
and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS) 12 mg/kg of body weight) of a CBD formulation in
were searched for published studies between 1990 medium-chain triglycerides (MCT).10 Successive ad-
and October 1, 2021. ministrations increased the dog’s total systemic exposure
The following search strategy was used: [(dog AND to CBD by two and three times compared with the val-
cannabis) OR (dog AND cannabidiol) OR (dog AND ues seen immediately after the first administration.
THC) OR (dog AND marijuana) OR (dog and canna-
binoid)]. First, the articles were selected through the Safety
screening of studies’ titles and abstracts. Sixteen of the 19 articles included in this review pro-
Then, studies found from the electronic searches vided data related to the safety of cannabis-based prod-
were screened for eligibility based on the following in- ucts. In addition, the studies’ authors discussed aspects
clusion criteria: (1) in vivo experimental studies; (2) only related to the safety of cannabis-based products
Downloaded by Liz Hughston from at 12/08/22. For personal use only.

FIG. 1. Flow chart for study’s identification and assessment of eligibility for inclusion in the integrative
review. LILACS, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature.

intended for therapeutic use in the treatment of dog ail- Fernández-Trapero et al. did not observe any rele-
ments. Among the studies, 5 evaluated CBD and THC vant adverse effects associated with neurological,
products, whereas 11 studied THC-free CBD products. body temperature, respiratory function, or hemody-
According to the data published by qebkowska- namic parameters after administration of a cannabis-
Wieruszewska et al., the administration of a single oral based product (CBD: 0.62 mg/kg; THC: 0.67 mg/kg)
dose of a formulation containing THC (1.5 mg/kg) and once a day, per 14 consecutive days in six dogs.13
CBD (0.0375 mg/kg) did not cause signs of excitation Chicoine et al. assessed the oral administration of
or sedation. Furthermore, the authors did not observe cannabis-based products at two different doses: full
any other adverse effect in dogs that received the formu- (10 mg/kg CBD; 0.5 mg/kg THC) and half (5 mg/kg
lation regardless of their feeding state (fasting or fed).11 CBD; 0.25 mg/kg).14 The authors observed signs such
Moreover, the treatment of dogs with a formulation as hyperesthesia, proprioceptive deficits, ptyalism, uri-
containing CBD (1.2 mg/kg)/THC (0.04 mg/kg)/can- nary incontinence, and vomiting after a single admin-
nabidiolic acid (CBDA) (1.3 mg/kg)/tetrahydrocanna- istration of the full dose. Nevertheless, the animals
binolic acid (0.03 mg/kg) did not induce changes in did not show clear signs of cannabinoid intoxication.
clinical biomarkers when given twice a day for 2 Mild neurological changes were observed in the half-
weeks.12 No changes in serum levels of albumin, biliru- dosed dogs, such as pupil dilation, mild ataxia, noise
bin, total cholesterol, and hepatic biomarkers (alkaline sensitivity, and delay in reflex responses. However,
phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, or alanine after five consecutive administrations of the same
aminotransferase) were observed. Moreover, the dogs dose (q12h), these adverse effects were reduced.
did not show any behavioral changes or health prob- Hannon et al. administered a semisolid product
lems associated with the treatment. (ointment) in the ear of healthy dogs twice a day for

Table 1. Pharmacokinetic Parameters from a Single Administration of Cannabis-Based Products Formulated

with Cannabidiol Isolated, Purified, and/or with Low Levels of Tetrahydrocannabinol

Route of (mg/kg body AUC1-t
Product description administration weight) Cmax (ng/mL) T1/2 (h) (h$ng/mL) References

Purified Cannabis extract, rich in CBD, Oral 1 30 – 7 5.6 – 1 183 – 43 Vaughn et al.10
incorporated into an oily matrix. (MCT)
Purified Cannabis extract, rich in CBD, Oral 2 46 – 23 9.3 – 6.6 287 – 168 Vaughn et al.10
incorporated into an oily matrix. (MCT)
Cannabis extract containing CBD, THC, CBC, Oral 2 102 (61–132)a 4.2 (3.8–6.8)a 367 (183–437)a Gamble et al.16
and CBG incorporated in an oily
matrix (olive oil)
Soft chews containing purified Cannabis Oral 2 301 – 63 1 – 0.2 1297 – 210 Deabold et al.17
extract, rich in CBD
Purified Cannabis extract, rich in CBD, Oral 4 130 – 47 5.4 – 1.4 859 – 475 Vaughn et al.10
incorporated into an oily matrix. (MCT)
Cannabis extract containing CBD, THC, CBC, Oral 8 591 (389–905)a 4.2 (3.8–4.8)a 2658 (1753–3048)a Gamble et al.16
and CBG incorporated in an oily
matrix (olive oil)
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Transdermal cream containing purified Transdermal 10 74.3 – 127.2 ND 195 – 315 Bartner et al.27
Cannabis extract, rich in CBD
Purified Cannabis extract, rich in CBD, Oral 10 346.3 – 158.7 1.6 – 0.5 1633.3 – 721.7 Bartner et al.27
incorporated into an oily matrix and
Purified Cannabis extract, rich in CBD, Oral 10 625.3 – 164.3 3.3 – 0.9 2260 – 771.7 Bartner et al.27
incorporated into an oily matrix
Purified Cannabis extract, rich in CBD, Oral 12 201 – 55 ND 1430 – 610 Vaughn et al.10
incorporated into an oily matrix. (MCT)
Transdermal cream containing purified Transdermal 20 277.6 – 476 ND 495 – 493.3 Bartner et al.27
Cannabis extract, rich in CBD
Purified Cannabis extract, rich in CBD, Oral 20 578.1 – 287.1 1.9 – 1.5 2713.3 – 1023.3 Bartner et al.27
incorporated into an oily matrix and
Purified Cannabis extract, rich in CBD, Oral 20 845.5 – 262.2 2.1 – 0.5 4960 – 1880 Bartner et al.27
incorporated into an oily matrix
Data are expressed as median (range) and mean – standard deviation.
AUC1-t, area under the plasma concentration–time curve, from time zero to t; Cmax, maximum plasma concentration; CBC, cannabichromene; CBD,
cannabidiol; CBG, cannabigerol; MCT, medium-chain triglycerides; t1/2, half-life time; THC, tetrahydrocannabinol.

2 weeks. The applied amount corresponds to *19 mg phatase concentration in animals treated with CBD at
of CBD and 0.8 mg of THC. The authors described doses of 2, 4, or 12 mg/kg of body weight, once a day,
an occurrence of aural erythema probably owing to in the first 2 weeks of the study.6 Conversely, only
the ointment formulation.15 the group of animals on the highest dose of CBD
No clinically relevant adverse events were observed (12 mg/kg) showed a statistical difference for the pa-
in studies that evaluated THC-free CBD products in rameter compared with the placebo group after 28
dogs at doses ranging from 1.2 to 5.0 mg/kg in a single days of treatment. Furthermore, the authors reported
daily dose or half of that dosage twice a day, by no clinical signs associated with increased serum levels
oral16–21 or oral-transmucosal22 routes spanning from of biomarkers of liver injury.
7 to 84 days. Finally, Morris et al. demonstrated that 3 weeks of
Deabold et al. reported the evacuation of loose stools as CBD (4.5 mg/kg/day) supplementation altered the ca-
the most observed adverse event after two daily oral CBD nine metabolome of healthy animals.23 However, feed-
(2 mg/kg) intakes for 84 days (3.3% of total observations). ing CBD-containing treats did not affect animals’ daily
Furthermore, no abnormalities or changes in the dogs’ voluntary activity.24
behavior were observed during the study period.17
Mcgrath et al. observed an increase in serum alkaline Efficacy
phosphatase levels in animals after 12 weeks of oral Seven retrieved studies assessed the effectiveness of
treatment with a cannabis-based product containing cannabis-based products’ administration in treating
CBD (2.5 mg/kg) given twice a day.18 Similarly, different dogs’ clinical and behavioral conditions.
Vaughn et al. observed increased serum alkaline phos- Table 3 summarizes the characteristics of the evaluated
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Table 2. Pharmacokinetic Parameters from a Single Administration of Cannabis-Based Products Formulated with Cannabidiol and Tetrahydrocannabinol

Dose (mg/kg body weight) Cmax (ng/mL) T1/2 (h) AUC1-t (h$ng/mL)
Route of
Product description administration CBD THC CBD THC CBD THC CBD THC References
a a b b b b
Purified Cannabis extract Sublingual 0.62 0.67 10.5 18.5 ND ND 60.4 94.9 Fernández-Trapero et al.13
into a vehicle containing
ethanol, propylene glycol
and vegetable oil
Purified Cannabis extract Oral (fasted animals) 0.0375 1.5 NDT 24.34 (9.2–77.1)c ND ND ND 74.25 (22.05–100.18)c qebkowska-
incorporated into Wieruszewska et al.11
an oily matrix
Purified Cannabis extract Oral (fed animals) 0.0375 1.5 NDT 7.10 (3.6–11.4)c ND ND ND 29.74 (8.6–61.23)c qebkowska-
incorporated into Wieruszewska et al.11
an oily matrix
Purified Cannabis extract Oral 1.2a 0.04a 145 – 69 ND 4.1 – 0.7 ND 635 – 399 ND Wakshlag et al.12
containing CBD, CBDA,
CBGA incorporated in
an oily matrix
(MCT + sesame oil)
Purified Cannabis extract Oral 1.2a 0.04a 124 – 62 6–3 4.4 – 1.4 4.0 – 3.9 683 – 145 22 – 9 Wakshlag et al.12
containing CBD, CBDA,
CBGA incorporated in

an oily matrix
(MCT + sesame oil +
sunflower lecithin)
Chewable treat formulated Oral 1.2a 0.04a 226 – 89 ND 3.8 – 0.3 ND 826 – 74 ND Wakshlag et al.12
with purified Cannabis
extract containing CBD,
and CBGA
Purified Cannabis extract Oral 2 0.1 213 – 49 17.5 – 5.5 2.5 – 0.5 1.6 – 1.5 692 – 292 43.5 – 16 Chicoine et al.14
containing CBD, THC, and
CBC incorporated into
an oily matrix
Purified Cannabis extract Oral 5 0.25 838 – 304 67.6 – 20.3 2.6 – 0.4 1.9 – 0.5 2433 – 911 203.9 – 73.3 Chicoine et al.14
containing CBD, THC,
and CBC incorporated
into an oily matrix
Purified Cannabis extract Oral 10 0.5 1868 – 698 138.3 – 56.4 2.3 – 0.2 1.9 – 0.2 5883 – 2181 451.5 – 178.8 Chicoine et al.14
containing CBD, THC, and
CBC incorporated into
an oily matrix
Approximate dose, considering the total administered product and the average weight of the animals in the study, according to the protocols described by the studies’ authors.
Standard deviations not reported by studies’ authors.
Data are expressed in terms as median, minimum and maximum.
CBDA, cannabidiolic acid; CBGA, cannabigerolic acid; ND, not determined; NDT, not detectable; THCA, tetrahydrocannabinolic acid.
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Table 3. Main Findings of Efficacy Studies of Cannabis-Based Products in the Treatment of Dogs

Medical Route of Dosage Experimental No. of

Product description conditions administration regimen design participants Main results References

Cannabis extract containing Osteoarthritis Oral 2 mg of CBD/kg of Randomized, 16 Y pain and [ dogs’ activity Gamble et al.16
CBD, THC, CBC, and CBG body weight, double-blinded
incorporated in an oily every 12 h, (veterinarian
matrix (olive oil) for 4 weeks and tutor),
crossover and
Purified Cannabis extract Intractable Oral 2.5 mg/kg of Randomized, 16 Y frequency of seizures, McGrath et al.18
containing CBD idiopathic body weight, double-blinded but no difference was
epilepsy twice a day, (veterinarian observed in the proportion
for 12 weeks and tutor), of respondents between
placebo-controlled the test and placebo groups
Purified Cannabis extract Osteoarthritis Oral transmucosal 2 mg/kg of Randomized, 21 Y pain perception and Brioschi et al.22
containing CBD incorporated body weight, placebo-controlled improvement in the animals’
into an oily matrix (MCT) every 12 h, quality of life
for 12 weeks

Chewable treat formulated with Anxiety Oral 0.7 mg/kg of Randomized, 16 There was no evidence of Morris et al.19
purified Cannabis extract body weight, placebo-controlled anxiolytic effect associated
containing CBD twice a day, with the administration of CBD
for 7 days
Isolated CBD incorporated into Osteoarthritis Oral 0.5 or 1.2 mg/kg Randomized, 16 Improvement in the animals’ Verrico et al.20
an oily matrix (vegetable oil) of body weight double-blinded quality of life (only to
once a day (veterinarian the test group treated
for 6 weeks and tutor), with the highest dose)
Purified Cannabis extract Aggressive behavior Oral Approximately Randomized, 24 There was no evidence Corsetti et al.21
containing CBD 1.25 mg/kg blinded of reduction in animals’
body weight (dog behavior aggressive behavior
once daily observers),
for 45 days placebo
Purified Cannabis extract Osteoarthritis Oral 2.5 mg/kg of Randomized, 23 There were no differences Mejia et al.25
containing CBD body weight, double-blinded, between groups on activity
every 12 h, crossover and count, clinical metrology
for 6 weeks placebo-controlled instrument, and objective
gait analysis

phytocannabinoid products, the addressed clinical con- temic exposure to phytocannabinoid, described by
dition, the route, dose, administration regimen, the the AUC parameter, increases in a dose-dependent
type of study, and a brief description of the main results manner.10,16,27 In addition, in the study conducted by
presented by the authors. Bartner et al., it is also possible to evidence a dose-
All seven studies were randomized placebo- dependent relationship in systemic exposure to CBD
controlled clinical trials. Cannabis-based products when administered through the transdermal route.
with attributes significantly different from each other, Although less evident, the Cmax of CBD also seems to
produced either by purified cannabis extract (THC- follow the same behavior.27
free or not) or formulated from isolated CBD, were However, under the same circumstances, when eval-
evaluated. The daily dose for clinical studies, expressed uating the t1/2 described by several authors, which
in terms of the amount of CBD administered per kilo- range from 1 to 9 h, it is impossible to clearly show a
gram of animal weight, did not exceed 5 mg/kg/day in direct incremental relationship between the parameter
any of the studies. Except for the study conducted by values and the dose administered to dogs in the differ-
Brioschi et al., which proposed administering the ent studies.10–14,16,17,27
Downloaded by Liz Hughston from at 12/08/22. For personal use only.

cannabis-based product through the oral mucosa The study conducted by Chicoine et al. similarly re-
(oral transmucosal), all other clinical trials used the veals the dependence of the AUC and Cmax parameters
oral route for formulations administration.22 on the administered dose of CBD and THC and the ev-
The outcomes of studies addressing the efficacy of ident lack of relationship between the dose of phyto-
cannabis-based products in the treatment of pain and cannabinoids administered and the t1/2.14
improvement in the quality of life of dogs with osteoar- It is critical to consider the influence of formulation’s
thritis were positive in three of seven clinical trials in characteristics such as dosage form and excipients and
different experimental designs.16,20,22 On the contrary, the animal’s feeding state (fasting or fed) in the absorp-
Mejia et al. reported no differences between groups at tion of phytocannabinoids. Deabold et al. highlighted the
any time point for any of the recorded outcome mea- influence on the CBD absorption process, reporting a
sures (objective gait analysis, activity counts, and clin- 2.5-fold increase in AUC when administering CBD in
ical metrology instrument) on naturally occurring a soft chew treat containing glycerol, starch, and fibers
osteoarthritis-associated pain treatment.25 compared with CBD reconstituted in olive oil.16,17 In ad-
Intractable idiopathic epilepsy showed inconclusive dition, Wakshlag et al. showed that the presence of soy
results on CBD administration (2.5 mg/kg, q12h).18 lecithin promoted an increase in CBDA AUC compared
The evaluated formulation reduced the frequency of with a formulation without the adjuvant.12 qebkowska-
seizures in treated animals compared with the placebo Wieruszewska et al. observed an increase in AUC from
group. Still, there was no difference in the proportion of the plasma concentration of THC in dogs in the fasted
responding animals between the two groups. state compared with animals in the fed state.11
There were no differences between the treatment Regarding safety, the studies suggest that the admin-
and placebo groups in the other two clinical trials in- istration of CBD products, free or with a minimal con-
cluded in this integrative review to treat behavioral tent of THC traces, does not trigger clinically relevant
signs associated with anxiety and aggression. adverse events in dogs, either from a single product ad-
ministration or by successive administrations, espe-
Discussion cially by oral route, in the different doses evaluated.
Pharmacokinetics is one of the priority areas for medic- Moreover, the oral administration of CBD products
inal cannabis-related research.26 To enable the incor- in combination with THC showed no apparent signs
poration of cannabis-based products into the clinical of cannabinoid intoxication at the different doses stud-
practice of veterinarians, understanding the pharmaco- ied by several authors.6,11,13–15,17,18,24
kinetic properties of these substances, particularly CBD Moreover, concerning the longest safety assessment of
and THC, is essential to recommend the best route of a CBD-containing product (84 days), Deabold et al.
administration and dosage regimen for each case. reported occasional episodes of loose stool as a noted
When comparing identical formulations containing side effect. However, the authors also stated that the inci-
CBD, differing only the dose administered by oral dence follows the typical occurrence of diarrhea observed
route to animals, such as in the studies conducted by by the laboratory (close to 3%). Hence it is unlikely to be
Bartner et al., Gamble et al., and Vaughn et al., the sys- an effect induced by the CBD-containing product.

It is well-known that the canine brain has a greater for CBD-rich, low-THC, or THC-free products. Fur-
density of cannabinoid receptors than the human thermore, oral administration of CBD is an alternative
brain.3,8 Moreover, concerning the spatial distribution for improving quality of life and reducing the percep-
of CB1 receptors in the canine CNS, Freundt-Revilla tion of pain in animals affected by canine osteoarthritis.
et al. reported that the high receptors’ expression in It is necessary to highlight that owing to the inherent
the cerebral and cerebellar cortex, Cornu Ammonis characteristics of each cannabis-based formulation, it is
and dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, globus pallidus, not possible to predict the safety and efficacy of all
and substantia nigra spinal cord and dorsal root ganglia products containing CBD, THC, or their several com-
might be related to effects of cannabinoids on motor binations. For example, phytocannabinoids’ absorp-
functions, which may represent a potential risk.7 tion, distribution, metabolism, and excretion are
Regarding the effectiveness of the therapeutic use of influenced by the dosage form, the adjuvants’ nature,
cannabis-based products for the treatment of dogs, and the route of administration. In this scenario, new
products containing CBD and THC or rich in CBD clinical research studies are strongly encouraged. How-
and with low levels of THC can promote an improve- ever, their results must be interpreted in light of each
Downloaded by Liz Hughston from at 12/08/22. For personal use only.

ment in the quality of life and perception of pain in an- cannabis-based products’ pharmaceutical, biopharma-
imals affected by canine osteoarthritis. ceutical, and pharmacokinetic properties.
It is important to highlight that the conflicting re-
sults presented by Mejia et al. compared with the re- Authors’ Contributions
sults from the other three studies that assessed the D.F.d.A.: conceptualization; data curation; formal anal-
efficacy of Cannabis-based products for the canine os- ysis; investigation; methodology; writing—original
teoarthritis treatment could be attributed to several draft; writing—review and editing. J.L.H.G.: investiga-
limitations of the study protocol (lack of a washout pe- tion; methodology; writing—original draft; writing—re-
riod, potential difficulties with the blinding process, use view and editing. E.A.d.A.: investigation; methodology;
of hemp oil as the base for the placebo group). The au- writing—original draft; writing—review and editing.
thors reported the use of hemp oil as the base for the
placebo group, which may have resulted in positive Author Disclosure Statement
clinical effects even in this group of animals owing to No competing financial interests exist.
the product’s composition.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids or low levels of cannabi-
Funding Information
noids contained in the placebo product could act as a
No funding was received for this article.
confounding factor impairing the distinction between
test and control groups, resulting in a lack of evidence
of CBD-containing product efficacy. References
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