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Listening Script

Part 1: Listen to conversations and choose the best answer for each questions
Question 1: May and Tom have just watched a movie. What do they both agree about the
movie ?
-So Tom, what do you think about that movie ?
-The effects were really good, the plot is amazing although I kind of got lost during the middle part but I
still get everything at the end.
-It was amazing to be honest.
-I also think the same! People say the director’s previous movie is better, but I don’t think so, this is so far
his best movie in my opinion.

Question 2: Two friends went to a restaurant, what do they think about the food ?
-Ugh, I may never return to this restaurant, never ever again.
-Same for me, the food was extremely salty, what a money waste.
-Yea, I really thought I was drinking sea water. And about the food diversity, I gotta admit it was various,
but that doesn’t cover the salty food anyway. I wonder how did it got a 5 stars on Google.
-Let’s not talk about it and go home now. I’m feeling quite dizzy.

Question 3: Jake and Jeb have decided to do something after school, what do they agree ?
-The lecture was kinda boring don’t you think so Jeb?
-Yea, let’s do something interesting, uhhh how about going to the beach and enjoy some fresh air ?
-Meh, I’d pass. Speaking of fresh, why don’t we go swimming ? The pool maybe is empty now. Or we
can go eating, I heard that we can get a discount at a local restaurant.
-I don’t know, shall we go walking ?
-Seems to be a great idea. Let’s go !

Question 4: Two friends are going hiking. What are they not bringing ?
-Packing this up and, done! What are you bringing ?
-So I’m bringing a compass, a first-aid-kit, some food, wait, you are bringing some bottles of water and a
tube of sunscreen right ?
-Yes, of course. Now continue, or that’s all you’re bringing ?
-Well I also brought a tent in case it might rain and that’s all.
-I don’t think its necessary to bring a tent, we won’t be staying long though.
-Alright, so no tent.
Part 2: Listen to conversations and choose True or False
Question 1: Two people both agree on going to the restaurant
-Hey, I’m pretty lazy to cook something. Shall we eat out ?
-Let’s see, there are some spaghetti here. We should’t waste money eating out.
-You’re right, but spaghetti without meatballs ?
-Alright I understand you really want to go to a restaurant right ? Here are some money, you can go to the
local restaurant, it will be cheaper, but before going to that restaurant, buy me some meatballs, I’ll be
eating at home.
-Got it. I’ll be back soon~

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