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by Jennifer LoConte, photography by Jadrian Klinger

What happens when we die?

Its a question that has been asked throughout history, from generation to generation. Depending on ones beliefs will determine the answer that we seek.
Christians believe in heaven and hell, Buddhists believe in re-birth, Jewish belief focuses on ones actions while alive, while atheists believe nothing happens. What if there are people living among us who have an ability unlike most who can pick up on those who have passed away, actually communicate with them? Movies such as Ghost, The Sixth Sense and, most recently, Herafter suggest that often times those who have died have something to tell their loved ones who are left picking up the pieces, a message waiting to be delivered. They hang around trying to get our attention, only most of us are unable to see or communicate with them. Recently, I met a woman who is unlike most of us. She receives those undelivered messages, feels the presence of those who have died and experiences a true sixth sense unlike any other. Charlene, a spiritual communicator, believes that she holds a connection between the physical and spiritual world. Charlene lives and works in the Lehigh Valley and has been employed full-time in the nursing field since 1981. Originally from New Tripoli, she grew 70 LEHIGH VALLEY MAGAZINE NOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2011

up on a 70-acre farm and spent most of her childhood days outdoors, observing and experiencing nature. Along with her parents, she attended church regularly throughout her childhood. Charlene says she never felt completely comfortable with herself, particularly her name. She says, My abilities began through dreams I had as a child, only I didnt understand their meaning. As an adult, certain people would come to her through thoughts while she was awake. Some of them she would read about in the newspaper obituaries the following day. Others she knew as a child but didnt know they had since passed away. She says, I didnt fully realize the abilities that I had until my son Jerry passed away in 1996. Thats when I knew I was experiencing something that most people have no idea about. Charlenes son died as a result of suicide at the age of 22. While preparing the eulogy, Charlene sat with pen and paper and began writing, although she believes the words came directly from her son. She says, The penmanship, the chosen words, everything came through Jerry. A few weeks later, Charlene said that she heard tapping on her kitchen table, and upon entering the room, she saw her son standing there, just as if he were alive. She says, He scolded me for throwing his shoes away. He had no idea that he had died. Charlene believes that victims of suicide often try to re-enter their bodies, not realizing that once you end your life, there is no going back. She says, Its really not the end but the beginning of seeing the pain not only that you caused yourself but to those who loved you. Thankfully, when you are ready to move forward, you will. Eventually her son moved on which she knew through a series

of dreams. He continues to visit her from time to time through signs, music and the scent of his cologne. Its a welcome visit. Not long after her sons death, Charlene was at work when another strange experience occurred. Liz, a coworker and friend, gave Charlene her keys in order to close the car windows because it was raining. Charlene held the keys and immediately felt a surge of energy from them. She saw images of things only her coworker would know. She explains, Everything we touch has an energy or vibration connected to it, and I can feel that energy. I compare myself to a radio receiver and certain frequencies pickup on that energy. Once Charlene realized the full potential of her abilities, she was eager to learn more. She enrolled in classes taught by Gloria Weichand, owner of the Spirit Education Center and Sanctuary in Effort, Pa. Students meet to discuss their abilities and learn how to improve their skills. Additionally, she participated in a few local paranormal tours but decided against using her talents for this purpose. She wanted to help others, not conduct ghost hunting. With the assistance of her twin sister, Marlene, Charlene sought out those who were interested in receiving a reading concerning a loved one who had passed away. One such individual, a woman named Sue, visited Charlene while she was still in the early stages of developing her skills. Sue says, I had unsettled feelings about a relative that passed away and my mind was not at peace because his death was sudden and tragic. I wondered if he was OK and I was heartbroken. As Charlene and I talked, he came through telling her only things that I would know. He assured me that he was fine, and I did not have to worry. My mind is now at peace. Sue did not offer the name of who she wanted to make contact with and Charlene did not ask. Through concentration and listening to those coming through, she was able to connect with Sues relative. How does it work? Charlene might ask for a photo of your loved one or possibly an object that belonged to him or her, like a watch or other jewelry. Clasping the object or photo with both hands, she closes her eyes and meditates. Charlene stresses the importance of being able to quiet oneself in order to open up the mind. Sometimes she listens to soft, background music as well. She does not audibly hear voices from spirits, although there are those who do have that ability. Instead, she will be shown pictures, words, scenes or even symbols. Sometimes she picks up on a scent from their favorite perfume or smells an odor of cigars or cigarettes, if the person was a smoker. She says, By using the right or intuitive side of my brain, I am able to make a connection. For those in the spirit world, Charlene compares herself to the classic Kmart blue light special ads, flocking to

that light like a moth to a light bulb. She then asks the spirit to identify himself or herself and for information that only the loved one would know. Another woman, named Samantha, met Charlene approximately a year ago, just after her father had passed away. She gave Charlene a photo of him but did not share his name or any other pertinent information. Samantha says, She was able to portray my fathers life by simply studying his photograph and writing down what she saw. Her accuracy is amazing as is her compassion and willingness to share this amazing gift. I met with Charlene several months after my mother passed away in 2009, and from what she was able to communicate with me, I found her to be astoundingly accurate. It was extremely comforting to hear Charlene tell me that even though I could no longer physically see my mother, she was and always will be by my side. During this time of meeting with others through word of mouth, Charlene continued to perfect her gift. She would do readings but at no charge. She says, I didnt know how accurate I could be and sometimes it is difficult to hone in on certain energy. The idea of accepting payment made me uncomfortable. Charlene also explained that sometimes spirits will come through and often bring along additional family members or friends, which can be somewhat confusing. Another factor has to do with the lifestyle of the individual for which she is reading. If the client uses drugs or alcohol, her ability to connect is suppressed, causing negative energy. Charlene also discovered that her own health and wellbeing is equally important for raising vibrational frequencies, or Chi. It should be noted that Charlene does not use controversial Ouija boards that are said to contain negative spirits. She says, These boards channel negative entities and are inherently evil. They can trick you into using them over and over, thus opening a dangerous doorway. As Charlene continues to gain confidence in her abilities as well as receive wonderful support and accolades from family and friends, she plans to expand her practice and clientele, charging a nominal fee for a reading. Charging people exuberant amounts of money for readings goes against her conscience. Additionally, she will only see clients every six months for a total of twice per year. She believes that relying on psychics is not healthy and not her intent. Her passion is to bring closure and peace to those who have lost a loved one. She says, The elation that people feel when a loved one comes through is what its all about. Sometimes a question will be answered or a message is delivered, and both parties will be at peace. For further information, please contact Charlene at Charlene would like to dedicate this story to her son Jerry, for whom she is thankful to for helping her realize her gift.

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