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(first slide)

Good morning, everyone! And good morning to our beautiful and wonderful intelligent subject teacher, Miss
Nicole Joy Tapican! We are group 1, here today, to explore the movie (next slide) Mulan through feminist
literary criticism.

Mulan, a Disney animated film released in 1998, is a rich text that offers insight into gender roles, stereotypes,
and empowerment.

By examining Mulan from a feminist perspective, we can uncover layers of meaning and social commentary
embedded within the narrative.

Please lend us your ears and listen carefully to our presentation about Feminist Literary Criticism through the
movie Mulan.

(next slide)
Feminism women’s social theory and political movement is based on the Disney movie Mulan because it
shows gender stereotypes and fights against them.
Feminism is the belief that women should have political and social equality with men. Disney released the
movie Mulan in 1998 during the third wave of feminism.

(next slide)
Mulan shows that a real woman can do anything that man can do. The men stereotype is the belief that men
have to go to war or go to work while women have to stay at home and take care of family.
Mulan appears to be a feminist movie that supports women's self-determination. Although the film features
positive images of feminism, it still contains traditional gender stereotypes.

(next slide)
Mulan is a well-known ancient folktale in Chinese history. It tells the story of Mulan, who disguises herself as a
man and goes to the war to save her father from death in the army, a young maiden secretly goes in his place
and becomes one of China's greatest heroines in the process.

Mulan seems to be a feminist film which encourages individual women to take care of themselves. However,
the film is not free from traditional gender roles.
(next slide)
The main idea in this story is the roles of men and women should not be seen as limiting or as limitations. The
story of Mulan proves that. Mulan behaves as a man to join battle and her male battle mates dress as women
to serve as decoys. Mulan teaches us that gender roles are simply well-too-accepted stereotypes that can be

Decision to Take Her Father's Place (Reflection). In the "Reflection" scene, Mulan decides to disguise herself
as a man and take her father's place in the military. This decision is a powerful assertion of agency, breaking
away from traditional expectations and demonstrating her determination to make her own choices.
(next slide)
Training Montage and Overcoming Challenges. As Mulan undergoes rigorous training to become a soldier, the
scenes illustrate her resilience and capability. Her commitment to mastering the skills required for the military
challenges the belief that women are not fit for such roles.
(next slide)
Saving Captain Li Shang. Mulan's quick thinking and bravery during the avalanche scene not only save her
fellow soldiers, including Captain Li Shang, but also showcase her courage and resourcefulness on the
battlefield, challenging stereotypes about women's capabilities in combat.
(next slide)
Revealing Her True Identity. When Mulan's gender is revealed, she faces backlash and rejection from her
fellow soldiers. However, her actions and leadership qualities ultimately earn their respect, emphasizing that
merit and competence should be valued over gender.

(next slide)
Confrontation with Shan Yu. Mulan takes charge during the climactic battle with Shan Yu. Her strategic
thinking and courage lead to a successful plan to defeat the antagonist, showcasing her as a capable and
decisive leader, irrespective of gender.
(next slide)
The Emperor's Recognition. In the final scenes, the emperor acknowledges Mulan's contributions and
disregards societal expectations, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and valuing individuals based on
their actions and character rather than gender.

(next slide)
Ancestors Scene. Mulan's decision to leave home and join the military is preceded by a visit to her family's
ancestors. In this scene, Mulan seeks the courage to break from societal norms and make her own choices,
emphasizing the importance of personal agency.
(next slide)
Tea Ceremony and Matchmaker Rejection. During the matchmaker scene, Mulan's defiance of tradition
becomes evident. Instead of conforming to societal expectations and attempting to impress the matchmaker,
Mulan's true self shines through as she rejects the predetermined path for her life.

(next slide)
Gathering Intelligence in the Camp. Mulan's resourcefulness and intelligence are showcased when she
infiltrates the enemy camp to gather information. This scene highlights her strategy.
(next slide)
These scenes in Mulan highlight feminist approaches as the character defies gender norms, showcases
strength, and challenges societal expectations, contributing to the film's overall message of empowerment and

In conclusion, it shows that Mulan is one of the examples of a victim of the gender stereotypes in her society.
Mulan is a symbol of a strong, fearless woman.
The gender stereotype that portrays women as inferior to men and Mulan's feminism as a main character are t
wo issues that the film brings up. Mulan is a reflection of feminist that proves women can be tough and endure
the pain and sacrifice men did when going to war. The movie also shows inequality. Society should not look at
women so lowly and should start saying that women can do something men can do too. Mulan is a powerful
movie because it can empower women to believe that they can do it either. In addition, women and men can
do the same thing without discrimination.
(next slide)
To summarize our report,
(next slide)
Mulan's character is well-illustrated as a woman who has power and a strong mind. It proves that she is a
feminist who doesn't want to take for granted what women are supposed to be in her society.
(next slide)
The movie raises the issue of Mulan's feminism as the main character and gender stereotype that suggests
women as inferior to men.
(next slide)
Gender-bending feminist or someone who is gender-fluid or you have to embrace your own identity. Defy what
society expects. Present your true self to the world.
(next slide)
Mulan returns a hero to her family, hoping that will be what it takes for them to accept her, only to find that her
family is grateful for who she is and happy to have her back safely.

(next slide)
Thank you for joining our presentation on the feminist literary criticism applied to Mulan. We invite you to reflect
on the themes and ideas discussed today and to consider how they resonate with your own experiences and

As we delved into Mulan through the lens of feminist literary criticism, exploring themes of,

Women empowerment,

Gender roles,

and women's rights.

Mulan's story is a powerful example to emphasize the importance of challenging gender norms and embracing
one's true identity.

Through Mulan's journey, we witness a powerful portrayal of defiance against traditional norms and the
celebration of female strength.

CJ & JP:
By defying expectations and fighting for what she believes in, Mulan inspires audiences to recognize the
strength and resilience of women in the face of adversity.


As we reflect on Mulan's significance, let's continue to advocate for gender equality and challenge societal
expectations. Let Mulan's story inspire us to break barriers and champion inclusivity in our own lives.

Together, we can make a difference!

Thank you for listening and your patience. Again, we are the first group, I am **(pakilala from the left)** Thank
you! *Bow*
(first slide)
Good morning, everyone! And good morning to our beautiful and wonderful intelligent subject teacher, Miss
Nicole Joy Tapican! We are group 1, here today, to explore the movie (next slide) Mulan through feminist
literary criticism.

Mulan, a Disney animated film released in 1998, is a rich text that offers insight into gender roles, stereotypes,
and empowerment.

By examining Mulan from a feminist perspective, we can uncover layers of meaning and social commentary
embedded within the narrative.

Please lend us your ears and listen carefully to our presentation about Feminist Literary Criticism through the
movie Mulan.

(next slide)
Feminism women’s social theory and political movement is based on the Disney movie Mulan because it
shows gender stereotypes and fights against them.
Feminism is the belief that women should have political and social equality with men. Disney released the
movie Mulan in 1998 during the third wave of feminism.

(next slide)
Mulan shows that a real woman can do anything that man can do. The men stereotype is the belief that men
have to go to war or go to work while women have to stay at home and take care of family.
Mulan appears to be a feminist movie that supports women's self-determination. Although the film features
positive images of feminism, it still contains traditional gender stereotypes.

(next slide)
Mulan is a well-known ancient folktale in Chinese history. It tells the story of Mulan, who disguises herself as a
man and goes to the war to save her father from death in the army, a young maiden secretly goes in his place
and becomes one of China's greatest heroines in the process.

Mulan seems to be a feminist film which encourages individual women to take care of themselves. However,
the film is not free from traditional gender roles.
(next slide)
The main idea in this story is the roles of men and women should not be seen as limiting or as limitations. The
story of Mulan proves that. Mulan behaves as a man to join battle and her male battle mates dress as women
to serve as decoys. Mulan teaches us that gender roles are simply well-too-accepted stereotypes that can be

Decision to Take Her Father's Place (Reflection). In the "Reflection" scene, Mulan decides to disguise herself
as a man and take her father's place in the military. This decision is a powerful assertion of agency, breaking
away from traditional expectations and demonstrating her determination to make her own choices.
(next slide)
Training Montage and Overcoming Challenges. As Mulan undergoes rigorous training to become a soldier, the
scenes illustrate her resilience and capability. Her commitment to mastering the skills required for the military
challenges the belief that women are not fit for such roles.
(next slide)
Saving Captain Li Shang. Mulan's quick thinking and bravery during the avalanche scene not only save her
fellow soldiers, including Captain Li Shang, but also showcase her courage and resourcefulness on the
battlefield, challenging stereotypes about women's capabilities in combat.
(next slide)
Revealing Her True Identity. When Mulan's gender is revealed, she faces backlash and rejection from her
fellow soldiers. However, her actions and leadership qualities ultimately earn their respect, emphasizing that
merit and competence should be valued over gender.

(next slide)
Confrontation with Shan Yu. Mulan takes charge during the climactic battle with Shan Yu. Her strategic
thinking and courage lead to a successful plan to defeat the antagonist, showcasing her as a capable and
decisive leader, irrespective of gender.
(next slide)
The Emperor's Recognition. In the final scenes, the emperor acknowledges Mulan's contributions and
disregards societal expectations, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and valuing individuals based on
their actions and character rather than gender.

(next slide)
Ancestors Scene. Mulan's decision to leave home and join the military is preceded by a visit to her family's
ancestors. In this scene, Mulan seeks the courage to break from societal norms and make her own choices,
emphasizing the importance of personal agency.
(next slide)
Tea Ceremony and Matchmaker Rejection. During the matchmaker scene, Mulan's defiance of tradition
becomes evident. Instead of conforming to societal expectations and attempting to impress the matchmaker,
Mulan's true self shines through as she rejects the predetermined path for her life.

(next slide)
Gathering Intelligence in the Camp. Mulan's resourcefulness and intelligence are showcased when she
infiltrates the enemy camp to gather information. This scene highlights her strategy.
(next slide)
These scenes in Mulan highlight feminist approaches as the character defies gender norms, showcases
strength, and challenges societal expectations, contributing to the film's overall message of empowerment and

In conclusion, it shows that Mulan is one of the examples of a victim of the gender stereotypes in her society.
Mulan is a symbol of a strong, fearless woman.
The gender stereotype that portrays women as inferior to men and Mulan's feminism as a main character are t
wo issues that the film brings up. Mulan is a reflection of feminist that proves women can be tough and endure
the pain and sacrifice men did when going to war. The movie also shows inequality. Society should not look at
women so lowly and should start saying that women can do something men can do too. Mulan is a powerful
movie because it can empower women to believe that they can do it either. In addition, women and men can
do the same thing without discrimination.
(next slide)
To summarize our report,
(next slide)
Mulan's character is well-illustrated as a woman who has power and a strong mind. It proves that she is a
feminist who doesn't want to take for granted what women are supposed to be in her society.
(next slide)
The movie raises the issue of Mulan's feminism as the main character and gender stereotype that suggests
women as inferior to men.
(next slide)
Gender-bending feminist or someone who is gender-fluid or you have to embrace your own identity. Defy what
society expects. Present your true self to the world.
(next slide)
Mulan returns a hero to her family, hoping that will be what it takes for them to accept her, only to find that her
family is grateful for who she is and happy to have her back safely.

(next slide)
Thank you for joining our presentation on the feminist literary criticism applied to Mulan. We invite you to reflect
on the themes and ideas discussed today and to consider how they resonate with your own experiences and

As we delved into Mulan through the lens of feminist literary criticism, exploring themes of,

Women empowerment,

Gender roles,

and women's rights.

Mulan's story is a powerful example to emphasize the importance of challenging gender norms and embracing
one's true identity.

Through Mulan's journey, we witness a powerful portrayal of defiance against traditional norms and the
celebration of female strength.

CJ & JP:
By defying expectations and fighting for what she believes in, Mulan inspires audiences to recognize the
strength and resilience of women in the face of adversity.


As we reflect on Mulan's significance, let's continue to advocate for gender equality and challenge societal
expectations. Let Mulan's story inspire us to break barriers and champion inclusivity in our own lives.

Together, we can make a difference!

Thank you for listening and your patience. Again, we are the first group, I am **(pakilala from the left)** Thank
you! *Bow*
(first slide)
Good morning, everyone! And good morning to our beautiful and wonderful intelligent subject teacher, Miss
Nicole Joy Tapican! We are group 1, here today, to explore the movie (next slide) Mulan through feminist
literary criticism.

Mulan, a Disney animated film released in 1998, is a rich text that offers insight into gender roles, stereotypes,
and empowerment.

By examining Mulan from a feminist perspective, we can uncover layers of meaning and social commentary
embedded within the narrative.

Please lend us your ears and listen carefully to our presentation about Feminist Literary Criticism through the
movie Mulan.

(next slide)
Feminism women’s social theory and political movement is based on the Disney movie Mulan because it
shows gender stereotypes and fights against them.
Feminism is the belief that women should have political and social equality with men. Disney released the
movie Mulan in 1998 during the third wave of feminism.

(next slide)
Mulan shows that a real woman can do anything that man can do. The men stereotype is the belief that men
have to go to war or go to work while women have to stay at home and take care of family.
Mulan appears to be a feminist movie that supports women's self-determination. Although the film features
positive images of feminism, it still contains traditional gender stereotypes.

(next slide)
Mulan is a well-known ancient folktale in Chinese history. It tells the story of Mulan, who disguises herself as a
man and goes to the war to save her father from death in the army, a young maiden secretly goes in his place
and becomes one of China's greatest heroines in the process.

Mulan seems to be a feminist film which encourages individual women to take care of themselves. However,
the film is not free from traditional gender roles.
(next slide)
The main idea in this story is the roles of men and women should not be seen as limiting or as limitations. The
story of Mulan proves that. Mulan behaves as a man to join battle and her male battle mates dress as women
to serve as decoys. Mulan teaches us that gender roles are simply well-too-accepted stereotypes that can be

Decision to Take Her Father's Place (Reflection). In the "Reflection" scene, Mulan decides to disguise herself
as a man and take her father's place in the military. This decision is a powerful assertion of agency, breaking
away from traditional expectations and demonstrating her determination to make her own choices.
(next slide)
Training Montage and Overcoming Challenges. As Mulan undergoes rigorous training to become a soldier, the
scenes illustrate her resilience and capability. Her commitment to mastering the skills required for the military
challenges the belief that women are not fit for such roles.
(next slide)
Saving Captain Li Shang. Mulan's quick thinking and bravery during the avalanche scene not only save her
fellow soldiers, including Captain Li Shang, but also showcase her courage and resourcefulness on the
battlefield, challenging stereotypes about women's capabilities in combat.
(next slide)
Revealing Her True Identity. When Mulan's gender is revealed, she faces backlash and rejection from her
fellow soldiers. However, her actions and leadership qualities ultimately earn their respect, emphasizing that
merit and competence should be valued over gender.

(next slide)
Confrontation with Shan Yu. Mulan takes charge during the climactic battle with Shan Yu. Her strategic
thinking and courage lead to a successful plan to defeat the antagonist, showcasing her as a capable and
decisive leader, irrespective of gender.
(next slide)
The Emperor's Recognition. In the final scenes, the emperor acknowledges Mulan's contributions and
disregards societal expectations, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and valuing individuals based on
their actions and character rather than gender.

(next slide)
Ancestors Scene. Mulan's decision to leave home and join the military is preceded by a visit to her family's
ancestors. In this scene, Mulan seeks the courage to break from societal norms and make her own choices,
emphasizing the importance of personal agency.
(next slide)
Tea Ceremony and Matchmaker Rejection. During the matchmaker scene, Mulan's defiance of tradition
becomes evident. Instead of conforming to societal expectations and attempting to impress the matchmaker,
Mulan's true self shines through as she rejects the predetermined path for her life.

(next slide)
Gathering Intelligence in the Camp. Mulan's resourcefulness and intelligence are showcased when she
infiltrates the enemy camp to gather information. This scene highlights her strategy.
(next slide)
These scenes in Mulan highlight feminist approaches as the character defies gender norms, showcases
strength, and challenges societal expectations, contributing to the film's overall message of empowerment and

In conclusion, it shows that Mulan is one of the examples of a victim of the gender stereotypes in her society.
Mulan is a symbol of a strong, fearless woman.
The gender stereotype that portrays women as inferior to men and Mulan's feminism as a main character are t
wo issues that the film brings up. Mulan is a reflection of feminist that proves women can be tough and endure
the pain and sacrifice men did when going to war. The movie also shows inequality. Society should not look at
women so lowly and should start saying that women can do something men can do too. Mulan is a powerful
movie because it can empower women to believe that they can do it either. In addition, women and men can
do the same thing without discrimination.
(next slide)
To summarize our report,
(next slide)
Mulan's character is well-illustrated as a woman who has power and a strong mind. It proves that she is a
feminist who doesn't want to take for granted what women are supposed to be in her society.
(next slide)
The movie raises the issue of Mulan's feminism as the main character and gender stereotype that suggests
women as inferior to men.
(next slide)
Gender-bending feminist or someone who is gender-fluid or you have to embrace your own identity. Defy what
society expects. Present your true self to the world.
(next slide)
Mulan returns a hero to her family, hoping that will be what it takes for them to accept her, only to find that her
family is grateful for who she is and happy to have her back safely.

(next slide)
Thank you for joining our presentation on the feminist literary criticism applied to Mulan. We invite you to reflect
on the themes and ideas discussed today and to consider how they resonate with your own experiences and

As we delved into Mulan through the lens of feminist literary criticism, exploring themes of,

Women empowerment,

Gender roles,

and women's rights.

Mulan's story is a powerful example to emphasize the importance of challenging gender norms and embracing
one's true identity.

Through Mulan's journey, we witness a powerful portrayal of defiance against traditional norms and the
celebration of female strength.

CJ & JP:
By defying expectations and fighting for what she believes in, Mulan inspires audiences to recognize the
strength and resilience of women in the face of adversity.


As we reflect on Mulan's significance, let's continue to advocate for gender equality and challenge societal
expectations. Let Mulan's story inspire us to break barriers and champion inclusivity in our own lives.

Together, we can make a difference!

Thank you for listening and your patience. Again, we are the first group, I am **(pakilala from the left)** Thank
you! *Bow*
(first slide)
Good morning, everyone! And good morning to our beautiful and wonderful intelligent subject teacher, Miss
Nicole Joy Tapican! We are group 1, here today, to explore the movie (next slide) Mulan through feminist
literary criticism.

Mulan, a Disney animated film released in 1998, is a rich text that offers insight into gender roles, stereotypes,
and empowerment.

By examining Mulan from a feminist perspective, we can uncover layers of meaning and social commentary
embedded within the narrative.

Please lend us your ears and listen carefully to our presentation about Feminist Literary Criticism through the
movie Mulan.

(next slide)
Feminism women’s social theory and political movement is based on the Disney movie Mulan because it
shows gender stereotypes and fights against them.
Feminism is the belief that women should have political and social equality with men. Disney released the
movie Mulan in 1998 during the third wave of feminism.

(next slide)
Mulan shows that a real woman can do anything that man can do. The men stereotype is the belief that men
have to go to war or go to work while women have to stay at home and take care of family.
Mulan appears to be a feminist movie that supports women's self-determination. Although the film features
positive images of feminism, it still contains traditional gender stereotypes.

(next slide)
Mulan is a well-known ancient folktale in Chinese history. It tells the story of Mulan, who disguises herself as a
man and goes to the war to save her father from death in the army, a young maiden secretly goes in his place
and becomes one of China's greatest heroines in the process.

Mulan seems to be a feminist film which encourages individual women to take care of themselves. However,
the film is not free from traditional gender roles.
(next slide)
The main idea in this story is the roles of men and women should not be seen as limiting or as limitations. The
story of Mulan proves that. Mulan behaves as a man to join battle and her male battle mates dress as women
to serve as decoys. Mulan teaches us that gender roles are simply well-too-accepted stereotypes that can be

Decision to Take Her Father's Place (Reflection). In the "Reflection" scene, Mulan decides to disguise herself
as a man and take her father's place in the military. This decision is a powerful assertion of agency, breaking
away from traditional expectations and demonstrating her determination to make her own choices.
(next slide)
Training Montage and Overcoming Challenges. As Mulan undergoes rigorous training to become a soldier, the
scenes illustrate her resilience and capability. Her commitment to mastering the skills required for the military
challenges the belief that women are not fit for such roles.
(next slide)
Saving Captain Li Shang. Mulan's quick thinking and bravery during the avalanche scene not only save her
fellow soldiers, including Captain Li Shang, but also showcase her courage and resourcefulness on the
battlefield, challenging stereotypes about women's capabilities in combat.
(next slide)
Revealing Her True Identity. When Mulan's gender is revealed, she faces backlash and rejection from her
fellow soldiers. However, her actions and leadership qualities ultimately earn their respect, emphasizing that
merit and competence should be valued over gender.

(next slide)
Confrontation with Shan Yu. Mulan takes charge during the climactic battle with Shan Yu. Her strategic
thinking and courage lead to a successful plan to defeat the antagonist, showcasing her as a capable and
decisive leader, irrespective of gender.
(next slide)
The Emperor's Recognition. In the final scenes, the emperor acknowledges Mulan's contributions and
disregards societal expectations, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and valuing individuals based on
their actions and character rather than gender.

(next slide)
Ancestors Scene. Mulan's decision to leave home and join the military is preceded by a visit to her family's
ancestors. In this scene, Mulan seeks the courage to break from societal norms and make her own choices,
emphasizing the importance of personal agency.
(next slide)
Tea Ceremony and Matchmaker Rejection. During the matchmaker scene, Mulan's defiance of tradition
becomes evident. Instead of conforming to societal expectations and attempting to impress the matchmaker,
Mulan's true self shines through as she rejects the predetermined path for her life.

(next slide)
Gathering Intelligence in the Camp. Mulan's resourcefulness and intelligence are showcased when she
infiltrates the enemy camp to gather information. This scene highlights her strategy.
(next slide)
These scenes in Mulan highlight feminist approaches as the character defies gender norms, showcases
strength, and challenges societal expectations, contributing to the film's overall message of empowerment and

In conclusion, it shows that Mulan is one of the examples of a victim of the gender stereotypes in her society.
Mulan is a symbol of a strong, fearless woman.
The gender stereotype that portrays women as inferior to men and Mulan's feminism as a main character are t
wo issues that the film brings up. Mulan is a reflection of feminist that proves women can be tough and endure
the pain and sacrifice men did when going to war. The movie also shows inequality. Society should not look at
women so lowly and should start saying that women can do something men can do too. Mulan is a powerful
movie because it can empower women to believe that they can do it either. In addition, women and men can
do the same thing without discrimination.
(next slide)
To summarize our report,
(next slide)
Mulan's character is well-illustrated as a woman who has power and a strong mind. It proves that she is a
feminist who doesn't want to take for granted what women are supposed to be in her society.
(next slide)
The movie raises the issue of Mulan's feminism as the main character and gender stereotype that suggests
women as inferior to men.
(next slide)
Gender-bending feminist or someone who is gender-fluid or you have to embrace your own identity. Defy what
society expects. Present your true self to the world.
(next slide)
Mulan returns a hero to her family, hoping that will be what it takes for them to accept her, only to find that her
family is grateful for who she is and happy to have her back safely.

(next slide)
Thank you for joining our presentation on the feminist literary criticism applied to Mulan. We invite you to reflect
on the themes and ideas discussed today and to consider how they resonate with your own experiences and

As we delved into Mulan through the lens of feminist literary criticism, exploring themes of,

Women empowerment,

Gender roles,

and women's rights.

Mulan's story is a powerful example to emphasize the importance of challenging gender norms and embracing
one's true identity.

Through Mulan's journey, we witness a powerful portrayal of defiance against traditional norms and the
celebration of female strength.

CJ & JP:
By defying expectations and fighting for what she believes in, Mulan inspires audiences to recognize the
strength and resilience of women in the face of adversity.


As we reflect on Mulan's significance, let's continue to advocate for gender equality and challenge societal
expectations. Let Mulan's story inspire us to break barriers and champion inclusivity in our own lives.

Together, we can make a difference!

Thank you for listening and your patience. Again, we are the first group, I am **(pakilala from the left)** Thank
you! *Bow*
(first slide)
Good morning, everyone! And good morning to our beautiful and wonderful intelligent subject teacher, Miss
Nicole Joy Tapican! We are group 1, here today, to explore the movie (next slide) Mulan through feminist
literary criticism.

Mulan, a Disney animated film released in 1998, is a rich text that offers insight into gender roles, stereotypes,
and empowerment.

By examining Mulan from a feminist perspective, we can uncover layers of meaning and social commentary
embedded within the narrative.

Please lend us your ears and listen carefully to our presentation about Feminist Literary Criticism through the
movie Mulan.

(next slide)
Feminism women’s social theory and political movement is based on the Disney movie Mulan because it
shows gender stereotypes and fights against them.
Feminism is the belief that women should have political and social equality with men. Disney released the
movie Mulan in 1998 during the third wave of feminism.

(next slide)
Mulan shows that a real woman can do anything that man can do. The men stereotype is the belief that men
have to go to war or go to work while women have to stay at home and take care of family.
Mulan appears to be a feminist movie that supports women's self-determination. Although the film features
positive images of feminism, it still contains traditional gender stereotypes.

(next slide)
Mulan is a well-known ancient folktale in Chinese history. It tells the story of Mulan, who disguises herself as a
man and goes to the war to save her father from death in the army, a young maiden secretly goes in his place
and becomes one of China's greatest heroines in the process.

Mulan seems to be a feminist film which encourages individual women to take care of themselves. However,
the film is not free from traditional gender roles.
(next slide)
The main idea in this story is the roles of men and women should not be seen as limiting or as limitations. The
story of Mulan proves that. Mulan behaves as a man to join battle and her male battle mates dress as women
to serve as decoys. Mulan teaches us that gender roles are simply well-too-accepted stereotypes that can be

Decision to Take Her Father's Place (Reflection). In the "Reflection" scene, Mulan decides to disguise herself
as a man and take her father's place in the military. This decision is a powerful assertion of agency, breaking
away from traditional expectations and demonstrating her determination to make her own choices.
(next slide)
Training Montage and Overcoming Challenges. As Mulan undergoes rigorous training to become a soldier, the
scenes illustrate her resilience and capability. Her commitment to mastering the skills required for the military
challenges the belief that women are not fit for such roles.
(next slide)
Saving Captain Li Shang. Mulan's quick thinking and bravery during the avalanche scene not only save her
fellow soldiers, including Captain Li Shang, but also showcase her courage and resourcefulness on the
battlefield, challenging stereotypes about women's capabilities in combat.
(next slide)
Revealing Her True Identity. When Mulan's gender is revealed, she faces backlash and rejection from her
fellow soldiers. However, her actions and leadership qualities ultimately earn their respect, emphasizing that
merit and competence should be valued over gender.

(next slide)
Confrontation with Shan Yu. Mulan takes charge during the climactic battle with Shan Yu. Her strategic
thinking and courage lead to a successful plan to defeat the antagonist, showcasing her as a capable and
decisive leader, irrespective of gender.
(next slide)
The Emperor's Recognition. In the final scenes, the emperor acknowledges Mulan's contributions and
disregards societal expectations, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and valuing individuals based on
their actions and character rather than gender.

(next slide)
Ancestors Scene. Mulan's decision to leave home and join the military is preceded by a visit to her family's
ancestors. In this scene, Mulan seeks the courage to break from societal norms and make her own choices,
emphasizing the importance of personal agency.
(next slide)
Tea Ceremony and Matchmaker Rejection. During the matchmaker scene, Mulan's defiance of tradition
becomes evident. Instead of conforming to societal expectations and attempting to impress the matchmaker,
Mulan's true self shines through as she rejects the predetermined path for her life.

(next slide)
Gathering Intelligence in the Camp. Mulan's resourcefulness and intelligence are showcased when she
infiltrates the enemy camp to gather information. This scene highlights her strategy.
(next slide)
These scenes in Mulan highlight feminist approaches as the character defies gender norms, showcases
strength, and challenges societal expectations, contributing to the film's overall message of empowerment and

In conclusion, it shows that Mulan is one of the examples of a victim of the gender stereotypes in her society.
Mulan is a symbol of a strong, fearless woman.
The gender stereotype that portrays women as inferior to men and Mulan's feminism as a main character are t
wo issues that the film brings up. Mulan is a reflection of feminist that proves women can be tough and endure
the pain and sacrifice men did when going to war. The movie also shows inequality. Society should not look at
women so lowly and should start saying that women can do something men can do too. Mulan is a powerful
movie because it can empower women to believe that they can do it either. In addition, women and men can
do the same thing without discrimination.
(next slide)
To summarize our report,
(next slide)
Mulan's character is well-illustrated as a woman who has power and a strong mind. It proves that she is a
feminist who doesn't want to take for granted what women are supposed to be in her society.
(next slide)
The movie raises the issue of Mulan's feminism as the main character and gender stereotype that suggests
women as inferior to men.
(next slide)
Gender-bending feminist or someone who is gender-fluid or you have to embrace your own identity. Defy what
society expects. Present your true self to the world.
(next slide)
Mulan returns a hero to her family, hoping that will be what it takes for them to accept her, only to find that her
family is grateful for who she is and happy to have her back safely.

(next slide)
Thank you for joining our presentation on the feminist literary criticism applied to Mulan. We invite you to reflect
on the themes and ideas discussed today and to consider how they resonate with your own experiences and

As we delved into Mulan through the lens of feminist literary criticism, exploring themes of,

Women empowerment,

Gender roles,

and women's rights.

Mulan's story is a powerful example to emphasize the importance of challenging gender norms and embracing
one's true identity.

Through Mulan's journey, we witness a powerful portrayal of defiance against traditional norms and the
celebration of female strength.

CJ & JP:
By defying expectations and fighting for what she believes in, Mulan inspires audiences to recognize the
strength and resilience of women in the face of adversity.


As we reflect on Mulan's significance, let's continue to advocate for gender equality and challenge societal
expectations. Let Mulan's story inspire us to break barriers and champion inclusivity in our own lives.

Together, we can make a difference!

Thank you for listening and your patience. Again, we are the first group, I am **(pakilala from the left)** Thank
you! *Bow*
(first slide)
Good morning, everyone! And good morning to our beautiful and wonderful intelligent subject teacher, Miss
Nicole Joy Tapican! We are group 1, here today, to explore the movie (next slide) Mulan through feminist
literary criticism.

Mulan, a Disney animated film released in 1998, is a rich text that offers insight into gender roles, stereotypes,
and empowerment.

By examining Mulan from a feminist perspective, we can uncover layers of meaning and social commentary
embedded within the narrative.

Please lend us your ears and listen carefully to our presentation about Feminist Literary Criticism through the
movie Mulan.

(next slide)
Feminism women’s social theory and political movement is based on the Disney movie Mulan because it
shows gender stereotypes and fights against them.
Feminism is the belief that women should have political and social equality with men. Disney released the
movie Mulan in 1998 during the third wave of feminism.

(next slide)
Mulan shows that a real woman can do anything that man can do. The men stereotype is the belief that men
have to go to war or go to work while women have to stay at home and take care of family.
Mulan appears to be a feminist movie that supports women's self-determination. Although the film features
positive images of feminism, it still contains traditional gender stereotypes.

(next slide)
Mulan is a well-known ancient folktale in Chinese history. It tells the story of Mulan, who disguises herself as a
man and goes to the war to save her father from death in the army, a young maiden secretly goes in his place
and becomes one of China's greatest heroines in the process.

Mulan seems to be a feminist film which encourages individual women to take care of themselves. However,
the film is not free from traditional gender roles.
(next slide)
The main idea in this story is the roles of men and women should not be seen as limiting or as limitations. The
story of Mulan proves that. Mulan behaves as a man to join battle and her male battle mates dress as women
to serve as decoys. Mulan teaches us that gender roles are simply well-too-accepted stereotypes that can be

Decision to Take Her Father's Place (Reflection). In the "Reflection" scene, Mulan decides to disguise herself
as a man and take her father's place in the military. This decision is a powerful assertion of agency, breaking
away from traditional expectations and demonstrating her determination to make her own choices.
(next slide)
Training Montage and Overcoming Challenges. As Mulan undergoes rigorous training to become a soldier, the
scenes illustrate her resilience and capability. Her commitment to mastering the skills required for the military
challenges the belief that women are not fit for such roles.
(next slide)
Saving Captain Li Shang. Mulan's quick thinking and bravery during the avalanche scene not only save her
fellow soldiers, including Captain Li Shang, but also showcase her courage and resourcefulness on the
battlefield, challenging stereotypes about women's capabilities in combat.
(next slide)
Revealing Her True Identity. When Mulan's gender is revealed, she faces backlash and rejection from her
fellow soldiers. However, her actions and leadership qualities ultimately earn their respect, emphasizing that
merit and competence should be valued over gender.

(next slide)
Confrontation with Shan Yu. Mulan takes charge during the climactic battle with Shan Yu. Her strategic
thinking and courage lead to a successful plan to defeat the antagonist, showcasing her as a capable and
decisive leader, irrespective of gender.
(next slide)
The Emperor's Recognition. In the final scenes, the emperor acknowledges Mulan's contributions and
disregards societal expectations, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and valuing individuals based on
their actions and character rather than gender.

(next slide)
Ancestors Scene. Mulan's decision to leave home and join the military is preceded by a visit to her family's
ancestors. In this scene, Mulan seeks the courage to break from societal norms and make her own choices,
emphasizing the importance of personal agency.
(next slide)
Tea Ceremony and Matchmaker Rejection. During the matchmaker scene, Mulan's defiance of tradition
becomes evident. Instead of conforming to societal expectations and attempting to impress the matchmaker,
Mulan's true self shines through as she rejects the predetermined path for her life.

(next slide)
Gathering Intelligence in the Camp. Mulan's resourcefulness and intelligence are showcased when she
infiltrates the enemy camp to gather information. This scene highlights her strategy.
(next slide)
These scenes in Mulan highlight feminist approaches as the character defies gender norms, showcases
strength, and challenges societal expectations, contributing to the film's overall message of empowerment and

In conclusion, it shows that Mulan is one of the examples of a victim of the gender stereotypes in her society.
Mulan is a symbol of a strong, fearless woman.
The gender stereotype that portrays women as inferior to men and Mulan's feminism as a main character are t
wo issues that the film brings up. Mulan is a reflection of feminist that proves women can be tough and endure
the pain and sacrifice men did when going to war. The movie also shows inequality. Society should not look at
women so lowly and should start saying that women can do something men can do too. Mulan is a powerful
movie because it can empower women to believe that they can do it either. In addition, women and men can
do the same thing without discrimination.
(next slide)
To summarize our report,
(next slide)
Mulan's character is well-illustrated as a woman who has power and a strong mind. It proves that she is a
feminist who doesn't want to take for granted what women are supposed to be in her society.
(next slide)
The movie raises the issue of Mulan's feminism as the main character and gender stereotype that suggests
women as inferior to men.
(next slide)
Gender-bending feminist or someone who is gender-fluid or you have to embrace your own identity. Defy what
society expects. Present your true self to the world.
(next slide)
Mulan returns a hero to her family, hoping that will be what it takes for them to accept her, only to find that her
family is grateful for who she is and happy to have her back safely.

(next slide)
Thank you for joining our presentation on the feminist literary criticism applied to Mulan. We invite you to reflect
on the themes and ideas discussed today and to consider how they resonate with your own experiences and

As we delved into Mulan through the lens of feminist literary criticism, exploring themes of,

Women empowerment,

Gender roles,

and women's rights.

Mulan's story is a powerful example to emphasize the importance of challenging gender norms and embracing
one's true identity.

Through Mulan's journey, we witness a powerful portrayal of defiance against traditional norms and the
celebration of female strength.

CJ & JP:
By defying expectations and fighting for what she believes in, Mulan inspires audiences to recognize the
strength and resilience of women in the face of adversity.


As we reflect on Mulan's significance, let's continue to advocate for gender equality and challenge societal
expectations. Let Mulan's story inspire us to break barriers and champion inclusivity in our own lives.

Together, we can make a difference!

Thank you for listening and your patience. Again, we are the first group, I am **(pakilala from the left)** Thank
you! *Bow*

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