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1.- To make a prediction. (I think, I believe, I hope, I feel, I´m sure, personally, in my opinion, soon, etc.)
I think it will be in the shops next year.
2.- To make a request.
Will you fetch me some fruit juice from the fridge?
3.- To offer your help?
Will I help you with your luggage?
4.- To make a snap decision
I´m very thirsty. I´ll have a fizzy drink

5.- To make a promise.

I´ll look that up on the Web for you when I get home.

5.- Future actions happen without the speaker's intention (birthday, weather, etc.)
The sun will shine tomorrow.
Peter will be 15 next Tuesday.

6.- To express determination.

We certainly won´t stop if the experiment fails.
Expressions: in the future, I think / I don´t think, I believe / I don´t believe, I hope / I don´t hope, I´m sure, personally,
in my opinion, probably, soon, etc

BE GOING TO (am / are / is going to…)

1.-To talk about plans or intentions.
The Government is going to reorganize the entire military service.
2.- To talk about what´s going to happen because we have some evidence of it.
I know it is going to snow; look at the sky.
They are looking very angry. I think they are going to start throwing stones
Time expressions: this evening, later, next month, soon, at eleven o´clock, in an hour, tomorrow, in a few weeks, on
the 8th of May, etc

PRESENT CONTINUOUS (am, are, is + -ing) PRESENT SIMPLE Timetables(buses, trains, theatre, cinemas…)
Uses The train leaves at 8.00 Hurry up!
1.- To express an arrangement, usually for the near future. There must always appear a future time
expression in the sentence.
What are you doing tonight? I´m going out for a meal

FUTURE CONTINUOUS (will be + -ing)

1.- Something that will be happening at a future point in time. It´s an action in progress at a certain future
This time tomorrow we will be flying over the Atlantic
Time expressions: at this time tomorrow, at this time next…, on Thursday, in the next decades, etc

FUTURE PERFECT (will have + past participle)

1.- Something that will happen before a future point in time. It´s a completed action at a certain future time.
By the year 2050, man will have travelled to Mars.
Time expressions: by this time next week, by ten o´clock, by the end of…, by then, by August, in two months, etc

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