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Q.1 Choose the correct answer.
1. How many interconnected lakes were there in Ghadsisar?
a) 3 b) 5 c) 7 d) 9
2. Al-Biruni came from-
a) Pakistan b) Afganistan c) Uzbekistan d) Kazakhstan
3. Raised platforms around the lakes were also known as:
a) Baolis b) Chabutras c) Johads d) wells
4. Which of the following arrangements were made for travellers?
a) stepwells b) piau c) mashak d) all of the above
5. Maximum Malaria cases are found in Africa as-
a) the climate is cold and dry
b) It is because the climate is humid in Africa
c) There are lot of swampy areas in Africa
i) a is correct, b & c are incorrect
ii) b & c are correct, a is incorrect
iii) only c is correct
iv) only b is correct
Q.2 How is rainwater harvesting useful? (4 points)
Q.3 How is water pollution caused?
Q.4 What can you do to prevent water bodies from getting polluted?
Q.5 Sai collected water from a stream passing through a city. Is that water potable? Draw
and label each method used?
Q.6 Why do we have maximum malaria cases in Africa?
Q.7 How many stages are there in the life cycle of a mosquito? Draw a labelled diagram.
Q.8 Rivers become polluted while passing through cities. Why?
Q.9 Manya filled her water bottle from Yamuna river in Delhi.
a) Is that water potable? Why?
b) How can you make it potable?
Q.10 Draw and label the following:
a) method used to separate impurities that float on water.
b) method used to kill germs.
c) one natural source of water.
d) one artificial source of water.

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