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NAME : ‫محمد عالء الدين محمد محمد‬


Assignment 2 Answers :
First study link : 1 – A: YES It was

B: The sample size was calculated by Epi info 2000

software based on a worldwide prevalence of CAs of
~3% of neonates (16) at 95% confidence interval and
80% study power. The sample was increased by 10% to
.overcome missing data

Second study link : 1 - No Not Matched . Because the P

value was 0(ZERO)
2 – A : AOR = 4.349
B : It means that Nulli-parity (Exposure ) is positively
related to the hypertensive disorder (Disease).
Third study Link : A : YES This study tried.
B : Missing data during study follow-up through
participant loss to follow up is expected, impacting
subsequent analyses for primary and secondary
outcomes. Where possible, multiple imputation will be
considered for missing outcome data, with complete
case analysis to be used for analyses where this is not

Fourth study link :

1 - Consenting eligible women were randomly assigned
(1:1) to either anastrozole (1 mg per day, oral) or
matching placebo daily for 5 years. Randomisation was
stratified by country. All participants and medical
personnel were blinded to treatment allocation, which
was only held by the central study statistician.
Unblinding was only permitted if the participant
developed breast cancer, when a clinician considered
there to be valid medical or safety reasons, or the
participant requested unblinding. Treatment allocation
still remains largely blinded for investigators and
participating women who have not developed breast or
any other cancer (81·3% anastrozole vs 76·7% placebo,
p=0·0053). A further analysis was planned to take place
around 5 years after the last report,4 and this analysis is
provided 6 years after that report. The decision to
analyse the data was made without looking at the
Results beforehand.

2 - Overall, no effect of anastrozole was seen for breast

cancer-specific mortality (three anastrozole vs two
placebo), but numbers are very small. Given the small
number of deaths and the relatively young median age
at entry (59·4 years), substantially longer follow-up will
be needed to determine whether anastrozole affects
breast cancer and other cause mortality. Deaths from
cancers other than breast did not differ between
treatment groups (p=0·39).

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