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Learn 100+ Articles of the Indian Constitution

Micro Course by @CSEWhy

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Articles of the Indian Constitution
Tips and Tricks | @CSEWhy Micro course

1. “1-2 interchange trick”

1. 124 and 214 (interchange 1-2)

124: Supreme Court

214: High Court

2. 123 and 213 (interchange 1-2)

123: Ordinance power of President

213: Ordinance power of Governor

2. Executive

52 President

63 VP

74 Council headed by PM

3. Number 338

1 number, 3 Articles!

338: National Commission (NC) for SC

338A: NC for ST

338B: NC for BC

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4. Common slang

4.1 Article 50

Article 50: separation of powers b/w judiciary & executive

50-50 is a popular slang to distribute.

4.2 Article 143: Advisory Jurisdiction of SC (towards Prez)

143 is a popular number in texting language with a meaning we all know. 🤭

5. Similar Sounds

5.1. 243I: finance commission to review panchayat finances

(i sound matches i in f-i-nance)

243K: election to Panchayat

(ele-K-tion sound)

5.2. Fundamental Rights available only to citizens of India:


Read it in Hindi, you’ll never forget:

Pandrah, Saulah, Unnees, Unnatees, Tees.

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6. Connected Themes

Eg: some institutions are called bulwarks of constitution. Which all?

76: Attorney General

148: CAG

315: UPSC

324: EC

7. Mnemonics for FR

eg: A14-18


14: Equality

15: no Discrimination

16: equal Opportunities

17: Untouchability

18: abolition of Titles

Right to Freedom (Article 19-22)

Mnemonic: S-OLEA

19: Speech

20: conviction for Offences

21: Life

21A: Education

22: Arrest and detention

Right against Exploitation (23-24)

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Mnemonic: TC (Take Care against Exploitation)

23: no human Trafficking and bonded labor

24: no Child employment

Right to Freedom of Religion (25-28)

Mnemonic: PATE (sound of पति; in Indian culture, 'religion' sees god as पति. eg:
Pashu'pati' nath)


25: Practice, Profess and Propagate one's religion

26: manage religious Affairs

27: no Taxes for promotion of any religion

28: no religious Education in state run institutions

Cultural & Educational Rights (29-30)

Mnemonic: ME

29: protection of rights of Minorities

30: rights of minorities to Establish and administer Educational institutions

Rights to Constitutional Remedies (32-35)

Mnemonic: SAME

32: Supreme court writ

33: parliament powers to modify Armed forces rights

34: Martial law

35: legislation to bring these into Effect

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8. Contextual Learning

8.1. eg: Antarctica bill passed, SC comments on PMLA. Both enacted to fulfil int’l

Q you shall ask self: u/ which article is legislation for int’l agreements done? Google to find!


8.2. 142: ‘Complete Justice’ (by Supreme Court)

Used by SC in EPFO judgement.

8.3 Article 43B (In news because of Multi State cooperative bill)

Article 43B: Promotion of Cooperative Societies

To be quoted in #UPSC mains related to Co-op societies.

8.4 Article 170 (In news cz of delimitation in Assam & JnK)

Census figures (2001) shall be used for purpose of readjustment of Parliamentary and
Assembly Constituencies in the State.

8.5 Article 330 & 332 (In news cz of delimitation in Assam & JnK)

Reservation of seats for the SC and ST will be provided as per Article 330 & 332

8.6 Article 263 (MH-KA Belagavi dispute)

Powers to the President to set up an Inter-state Council for resolution of disputes between

Bonus 💡
Article 262 same but for River water disputes

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8.7 Article 244

6th schedule u/A 244 protects autonomy of tribal populations. It provides for creating
autonomous development councils which can frame laws on land, health and agriculture.

10 such districts in AS, MG, TR, MZ. How to remember these? 👇

#2: 6th schedule

States in 6th schedule are: Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, and Mizoram

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8.8 Article 170: Delimitation Data

"The population data to be used for drawing boundaries of constituencies will be as per 2001
census until 1st census post 2026 is published"

So, why 2011 census used in JnK

- JnK Reorg. Act '19 mentioned 2011 census data for delimitation

8.9 Article 176: (In news: TN Governor address issue)

Governor to make a special address at first session of each year of State Legislative
Assembly (and Council, if it be)

8.10 Article 239AA (In news: LG-AAP Govt. clash)

- Added by 69th Amendment Act in 1991

- "Special provisions w.r.t. Delhi"

- The legislative assembly of Delhi u/A 239AA

8.11 Article 105 Powers, Privileges of houses of parliament, and of members & committees

- MPs are protected against legal action for statements made in the house

- eg: defamation can't be made against an MP for statement made in house

8.12 Article 121: No discussion in Parliament regarding conduct of any judge of SC/HC in
discharge of his duties except when it is for impeachment.

This article is sort of check on Article 105 w.r.t. Judiciary

8.13 Article 93 & 178

93: The House of the People 'shall' choose two members to be Speaker & Dy. Sp.

178: (same but for Legislative assembly)

Note: Speaker resigns by giving resignation to Dy. Sp. (not President)

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8.14 Article 371C

Special provisions w.r.t state of Manipur

- Added by 27th amendment of 1971

- To protect rights of 'Hill Areas' of the state

8.15 Article 141

Law declared by SC to be binding on all other courts in the Indian territory.

Ye judgements apne aap me hi ek kanoon ki tarah hoti hai

8.16 Article 355

Union duty to protect states from external aggression and internal disturbance

(Ambiguity over 355 in Manipur; DGP said yes, MHA refused but you learn this article, okay?
okay. :P)

8.17 Article 299

Contracts made by Union or State in the name of President or Governor

(In news over President as a 'contract' party)

8.18 Article 15(3)

State to make special provisions for women and children (Free bus services in KA are made
u/A 15(3))

PB Vijayakumar Case:

SC said "insertion of clause recognizes that women have been socially and economically
handicapped in this country"

8.19 In news wrt GST

• Article 246A

States have power to tax goods and services

• 279A

GST Council to be formed by President of India to administer and govern GST

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8.20 Article 110

• Money Bill is one that in the opinion of LS speaker deals with taxation, appropriation of
public funds

• Can only be presented in LS

• RS has limited rights in terms of Money Bill

(In news due to a SC case on when a Bill is NOT a Money Bill)

8.21 81(2)(a)

Number of seats in Lok Sabha for a state shall have co-relation with population of the state
and "so far as predictable", the criteria should be same for all states


(rule of 89 as stated in third tweet of this thread)

Similar arrangement of population for State Legislative Assembly is done in Article 170

8.22 Article 51A(h)

Rashmika Mandhana's Deepfake in news

Article 51A(h) is a Fundamental duty

Article 21 Right to Privacy (link PYQ)

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Bonus: Number 89 Trick

If you observe closely, you’ll see diff of 89 b/w parl and state assembly articles.


79: parliament composition

+89= 168: state legislative composition

87: special prez address

+89= 176: special governor address

Get idea of ~40 articles (79-120), you will know 80

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