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Understanding Concepts

Long Questions;

1. Outline the steps involved in the B-oxidation of fatty acids.

2. Describe the site, process of B oxidation of FA and add a note on carnitine. Write the
energetics when palmitic acid is oxidized.

3. Explain the steps of Beta oxidation of palmitic acid. Add a note on energetics.

4. Describe in detail the cholesterol synthesis, transport and excretion.

5. How are lipoproteins classified? What are their functions? Describe the metabolism of LDL.

6. Sources and fate of acetyl COA, Explain the Denovo synthesis of cholesterol.

7. How are LDL produced in the body? Describe with the help of a diagram. What determine this
process of their metabolic fate?

8. Write the structure, source, synthesis and clinical importance of cholesterol.

9. Explain ETC, Mention Sites of it.

10. ATP Synthesis and Inhibitors of ETC.

11. Oxidative Phosphorylation.

12. Explain ETC, Inhibitors and Uncouplers of Oxidative Phosphorylation.

Short Questions;

1. Oxidation of odd carbon fatty acids.

2. Tests to identify ketone bodies in urine.

3. Role of liver in integration of metabolism during post prandial state.

4. How are dietary lipids distributed after digestion and absorption?

5. Alterations in Biochemical investigations in cirrhosis of liver.

6. Digestion and absorption of Triacylglycerides.

7. Beta oxidation of fatty acids.

8. Carnitine shuttle.

9. Ketone bodies clinical significance.

10. Ketosis.

11. Fatty acid synthesis.

12. Cholesterol lowering action of fibrates.

13. Metabolism of LDL with clinical importance.

14. Classification of hyperlipidemias and their clinical importance.

15. HDL cycle.

16. Fredrickson’s classification of Hyperlipidemias.

17. Alcohol metabolism.

18. Metabolic alterations induced by alcohol metabolism.

19. Metabolism of VLDL.

20. HDL cholesterol.

21. Lipoproteins.

22. Role of LDL receptors in metabolism of LDL and the disease caused by its defect.

23. Bile salts.

24. Structure of cholesterol and its importance in the body.

25. Biochemical changes in Atherosclerosis.

26. Role of bile in the digestion and absorption of dietary lipids.

27. What are Eicosanoids? Discuss the biomedical importance of Arachidonic acid and its

28. Importance of brown fat.

29. Why do patients with cholelithiasis often pass clay colour stools.

30. What is steatorrhea?

31. Enterohepatic circulation of bile acids.

32. Source and functions of PUFA.

33. Essential Fatty acids.

34. Digestion and absorption of lipids.

35. Prostaglandins.

36. Fatty acid synthesis complex.

37. Rothera’s test.

38. Chylomicrons.

39. Refsum’s disease.

40. Brown adipose tissue.

41. Role of brown adipose tissue in heat generation.

42. Name the ketone bodies.

43. Mention the types of fatty acid oxidation.

44. Antiatherogenic role of HDL cholesterol ?

45. Lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT).

46. Prevention of atherosclerosis.

47. Key enzyme of cholesterol synthesis and its regulation.

48. Role of HDL as scavenger of cholesterol.

49. Role of ApoC III.

50. What is the mechanism of action of statins? What is the therapeutic use of this group drugs?

51. Niemann Pick Disease.

52. Name two lipid storage diseases (spingolipidoses) and their enzyme defect.

53. Functions of phospholipids.

54. What are the products of arachidonic acid?.

55. Name the essential fatty acids

56. Metabolic basis of role of aspirin as an anti-platelet agent.

57. Zellweger’s syndrome.

58. Lipid peroxidation.

59. Steatorrhea.

60. Why arachidonic acid is not considered purely an essential FA?

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