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Also Также

Although Несмотря на то, что/Хотя

Although Несмотря на то, что/Хотя
Altogether В целом
as a result В результате
because потому что
Besides Кроме того
Despite Несмотря на
Either Либо
Finally Наконец
However, Однако
In conclusion В заключение
In fact На самом деле
Instead of Вместо
Lastly Наконец
Moreover, Более того
Most of all Больше всего
Nevertheless Тем не менее
on account по причине
Otherwise В противном случае
thanks to благодаря
Therefore Таким образом
Though Хотя
Thus Поэтому
Unlike В отличие от
Whatever Что бы ни
Несмотря на то, что/ В противном случае/Что бы ни /Либо/В результате/потому что/по причине

as a result
on account
thanks to
1. _________ happens, don't forget to bring your passport when traveling.
2. _________, after hours of studying, I finished my assignment.
3. Jack forgot his umbrella, _________, he got soaked in the rain.
4. _________ of the bad weather, the event has been postponed.
5. _________ it was raining, we decided to stay indoors and watch a movie.
6. Hurry up! _________, you will miss the train.
7. You can ________ come with us tonight or stay at home alone.
8. _________ your help, I was able to finish the project on time.
9. _________ I was tired, I went to the gym after work.


1. Whatever
2. Finally
3. As a result
4. On account
5. Because
6. Otherwise
7. Either
8. Thanks to
9. Although
Наконец/Больше всего/Также/В совокупности,В целом/Хотя/Таким образом/Тем не менее/

Most of all
1. _________ it was raining, we still decided to go for a walk.
2. I didn't have enough time to prepare well for the exam; _________, my results were not as good
as I hoped.
3. I am a sociable person. I love communicating with people. _________, I am very friendly.
4. I enjoy reading books, but _________, I love watching movies.
5. I forgot to set my alarm; _________, I overslept this morning.
6. She was tired; _________, she continued working until late at night.
7. The concert was fantastic; _________, it was a great experience.
8. We visited many museums during our trip; _________, we went to the art gallery.


1. Although
2. Thus
3. Also
4. Most of all
5. Therefore
6. Nevertheless
7. Altogether
8. Lastly
В отличие от/Вместо/Несмотря на/Однако/Более того/На самом деле/Хотя/Вместо/Кроме того

In fact
Instead of

1. __________, I think it's important to practice speaking English regularly.

2. __________ studying English, I also enjoy learning new languages.
3. I like learning languages. _______, Japanese is too difficult for me.
4. __________ my sister, I prefer listening to music rather than watching TV.
5. Learning languages is interesting. __________, I believe that learning a new language can be
very beneficial.
6. __________ the food was delicious, the service at the restaurant was slow.
7. __________ going to the cinema, let's watch a movie at home tonight.
8. __________ the rain, we still managed to have a great time at the park.


1. In fact
2. Besides
3. However
4. Unlike
5. Moreover
6. Though
7. Instead of
8. Despite

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