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BankNotes The Nelson Nash Institute Monthly Newsletter

April 2023
April 2023

The Nelson Nash Institute Monthly Newsletter

IBC’s Role in the Sound Money Solution ISSUE:
by L. Carlos Lara
IBC’s Role in the
In a world such as ours laden with such grim social, political and economic Sound Money Solution
problems, the formula we share for solving them is unmistakably
distinctive. I get a sense of this characteristic every time I tell an audience Something To Ponder
our story and message. It let’s me know that I have been given a rare
privilege to be able to share such optimistic news in an otherwise somber
situation along with the foreknowledge of the good it does for all those who
implement our ideas.
Audiences—whether they are listening to one speak or reading what one
writes—must be able to receive this special message without becoming
confused. Consequently, it is important to first make them aware that
this message is not about politics or a certain political agenda of sorts…
although, at times, it may sound like it. It is certainly not some form of
estate or financial planning blueprint… although, I will confess that at
times it may appear as though it is. And, it is certainly not about religion…
although when we wander off commenting on the “moral economy” or
“natural law,” it certainly sounds like it. But no, our message is not about
religion. It’s none of these. Our message entails the complete clarification
and exposure of the core problem that currently afflicts the nation as well
as the problem of the average individual as he struggles to make a living in
his own small segment of the economy. We must lay out not the symptoms
of the problem, but the root cause, otherwise we remain uninformed about
the reality of our situation with no hope of ever rectifying it. Unfortunately,
in exposing the problem we do delve into a most depressing subject, but
the good news is that we also have a powerful solution and that, of course,
is the best part of our discussion. Such was my situation recently
ently as I stood
before an invited group in Brentwood, Tennessee to explain the Infinite
2957 Old Rocky Ridge Road
Banking Concept (IBC). This is what I told them.
Birmingham, Alabama 35243
The Problem BankNotes archives:
F. A. Hayek (1899-1992) is an Austrian economist who won the Nobel
Prize in 1974. He wrote extensively during his career, but he is probably Founder - R. Nelson Nash
most famously known for his bestseller book, The Road To Serfdom, Editor - David Stearns
which was first published in England and written at the end of World War
II. If I had to select a phrase that would best lead to a powerful visual of
BankNotes The Nelson Nash Institute Monthly Newsletter April 2023
the problem we attempt to expose, it would be the accomplished? The world is enormously more
gripping title of his book. But Hayek captures our socialized than when I first began.”
attention in a more startling way. He once stated that Hazlitt died in 1993. That was 21 years ago. How
he was a Socialist! And not just him, but so were all are we doing today? Do we have more or less
of his school friends and contemporaries. They all freedom? More or less “economic” freedom? More
embraced it, he said, “…until we read that book.” or less personal independence? How about privacy?
The book he referenced is Ludwig von Mises’s Obviously, there is no need in answering these
Socialism. questions for we all know the answers. We are all
Mises wrote Socialism out of a deep concern that aware of the decline of America and we can all
the advancement of this ideology would eventually submit our own list of examples. Here are mine.
supplant the market. His 600-page tome set out to
prove that this idea could not possibly work and The Decline Is Evident
that in its latter stages would ultimately break down. • Poverty. We are now at 15% of the nation—that is
When the Soviet Union finally collapsed in 1991 45 million Americans now living in poverty.
it forced even many socialist supporters to admit • Diminishing Middle Class. The middle class
that Mises had been right, but sadly, socialism did is literally getting snuffed out. For a while the
not die with it and has instead continued to spread American family seemed to stabilize itself when
throughout the world. It’s important to note that women entered the work force, but the two-income
Mises wrote Socialism in 1922—almost 100 years family hasn’t worked in 10 years because the money
ago! The staying power of socialism lies in its keeps getting destroyed.
utopian goals and their seductiveness. Yet while it
spreads, it obscures the fact that the welfare state is • Corporatism. Yes, we have a capitalistic system of
reducing individuals to serfdom, as Hayek warned, sorts, but a gargantuan bureaucracy—that is far from
and doing it in such a way that eventually the people the free market—runs it. The largest corporations
stop questioning the governing authorities and get special political privileges, while inflation and
simply give in to it. excessive taxation loots us.
There is another great intellectual from the Austrian • Extortionate Debt. In addition to corporatism,
School of Economics who allows us to make another continuous borrowing and spending are sustaining
powerful connection along these lines with an the entire state apparatus. A generous amount of
equally famous book. His name is Henry Hazlitt that borrowing and spending is funneled directly to
(1894-1993) and his book is the famous Economics the paternal programs of the government and to the
In One Lesson. Hazlitt was well known by American building of an imperialistic military. The result is a
readers because he wrote extensively for popular monstrous monetary problem that is heading for a
publications like the New York Times, The Wall crash.
Street Journal and Newsweek. He was a great • Apathy and Disillusionment. The aged American
spokesman for the free market and a lover of liberty. citizen must now continue to work or come out of
However, in one of his last speeches near the end of retirement in order to make financial ends meet. And
his life, Hazlitt confesses to an audience that he had the saddest one of all is that an entire generation of
been writing for the greater part of 50 years. From young people is so saddled with educational debt
age 20, he had written every weekday: news items, that most of them will never be able to save any
editorials, columns, and articles of some 10,000 money or have any of the luxuries their parents had.
words in length—altogether the equivalent of 150
average size books! How can this be? How could we have let this
happen? Did we just fall asleep or what? Actually
“And yet,” he proclaimed, “what have I

BankNotes The Nelson Nash Institute Monthly Newsletter April 2023
no. What happened is that the country took a very would never refer to themselves as scientists in
bad turn 100 years ago and it changed America the sense of the hard sciences such as physics
completely. So, in a very real sense, we were and chemistry as many mainstream economists,
simply born into a broken system and it has simply such as the Keynesians and Monetarists, claim
worsened over time. Libertarian thinker Frank for themselves. Austrians are not that conceited,
Chodorov (1887-1966) said it best when referencing even though they have received the same level
the 16th Amendment that gave us the income tax in of education. By that I mean that Austrians know
1913: how to read and configure the extensive graphs and
charts. They can do the mathematical modeling that
“It violated the right of the individual to the product
mainstream economists do, otherwise they would
of his efforts, the essential ingredient of freedom, but
not have been able to earn a Doctorate in economics.
it also gave the American State the means to become
But the main distinction is that Austrians reject the
the nation’s biggest consumer, employer, banker,
claims made by mainstream economists on how the
manufacturer and owner of capital.”
world and economies work.
Coincidentally, that was the same year the Federal
There are several distinguishable characteristics
Reserve came into being and the year the money
of the Austrian framework for economic analysis;
monopoly began.
chief among them is their explanation of the
Now, up to this point, I have basically taken you business cycle. But if I had to choose just one to
through some of the aspects of the problem we made highlight among the rest it would be their view
clear in our book, How Privatized Banking Really of the individual. Unlike mainstream economists
Works. In essence it is flawed monetary policy, Austrians place the individual at the very center
which is the centerpiece of the problem—it is the of their analysis because only an individual can
core issue. And yet, it is simultaneously the lifeblood choose. And the individual’s choice is subjective.
of the federal government. It is what keeps it alive That means that an individual’s choices are personal.
and growing, so naturally it is a huge problem They have personal feelings attached to their
without a known solution unless the thinking of the choices. Individuals in every case always act with
people changes. Public opinion by at least 10% of a purpose in order to achieve their own goals hence
the population must somehow rise up in disapproval they cannot be placed into mathematical formulas
if we are to have any hopes of changing monetary the way mainstream economists insist on doing,
policy. Obviously, if we don’t act soon the entire nor can they be centrally planned, unless it is done
economic structure will indeed collapse. The elite by force. To the Austrian the entrepreneur is a very
government-connected groups are so intoxicated special type of individual who they believe is the key
with their power that they have become blind to to economies.
the edge of the precipice they have led us to. If not
Just to clarify, it is not enough to refer to Austrians
stopped, we will see and experience the evidence
as simply free market libertarians. Mainstream
of the crackup boom when other nations finally
economists will occasionally claim that description
repudiate the dollar. This is the Austrian diagnosis of
for themselves too. What politician on either side
the problem.
of the political fence would ever deny they were
Austrian Economists Are Different From not free market proponents or lovers of liberty? The
Mainstream Economists point is that those types of tag lines often obscure
our real differences and can actually be used to
At this point I should probably elaborate on the discredit us in order to advance socialistic ideas.
Austrian economists because they are uniquely Obviously, it has worked.
different from mainstream economists. Certainly,
Austrian economists are scientists, however, they Chronic Inflation 3
BankNotes The Nelson Nash Institute Monthly Newsletter April 2023
As already stated, Austrians see our current monetary That Book—Becoming
Book—Becoming Your Own Banker
policy as the main culprit. It is a money monopoly
Given this ominous development of current events,
that is systematically squandering the wealth of this
it would be wise to physically own some gold.
nation into the hands of a few privileged groups, at
Historically, this has always been sound money.
the expense of the rest of us. This is most evidently
When John Exter, board member of the Board of
seen in Bernanke’s Quantitative Easing policy. The
Governors of the Federal Reserve System, created
huge injections of excess commercial bank reserves
the Pyramid of Collapsing Values in 1971 shortly
were first initiated in the fall of 2008 when the Fed
after Nixon took us off the Gold Standard, he made
began purchasing the toxic assets of the “too big to
this point very clear. Gold, in a collapsing economy,
fail” financial institutions in less than ninety days,
is what you should own. It is emergency money
to the tune of one trillion dollars. But that sort of
and we should all have some equivalent amount in
massive injection has not abated and is now at a
relation to our monthly expenses. When and if the
pace of $75 billion a month (counting Treasuries
financial system crashes, gold could easily triple in
and mortgage-backed securities) with the amount in
value overnight and can help mitigate our financial
the coffers of commercial banks, shown as excess
pain. But, short of this and until such a fearful event
reserves, now standing at some $2.4 trillion!
occurs, where should our paper money be housed
Every time the government wants to borrow money because this is the only legal money we can use?
(which is daily) it hand picks select Wall Street Obviously, we would want it where we would have
investment bankers to underwrite and bring their the most immediate access to it short of it residing
bonds to market, knowing full well that the biggest underneath our mattresses. The truth is that until a
buyer of the bonds will be the Federal Reserve at a decade ago I had no idea how to answer this question
pace of $40 billion each and every month (since the with complete confidence until I read that book. The
December 2013 “taper” announcement, down from book I mean is Nash’s Becoming Your Own Banker.Banker.
the previous pace of $45 billion per month). The
If you have not read Nash’s book you must order it
policy is outlandish! Who would not want that type
today. Even after you read it, it is highly unlikely
of cozy relationship with the government and the
you will understand what the author is attempting to
Fed? But the commercial bankers are not left out of
teach you on the first try, but once you understand,
the relationship. The nexus is created every month
it will change your life forever. It is not that it is a
when those Fed checks are deposited into banks.
difficult or a long book to read, in fact, it’s less than
If you know how fractional reserve banking works
a hundred pages in length. The hurdle is in grasping
you can figure out the hidden money multiplier in
its unconventional concept. Given that obstacle,
action. If you don’t know how it works, I encourage
let me give you some sound advice on how best to
you to read our book, How Privatized Banking
understand this exceptional writing.
Really Works. Basically, one month’s purchase of
government bonds is the equivalent of $450 billion Understand that Nash is simply explaining how to
in the increase of the money supply—a frightening set up your own personal private “bank” by using
scenario when you extrapolate the trillions in excess a specially designed Whole Life insurance contract
reserves. They claim it will fix the economy, but so that you will never have to borrow money from
the recession continues, and the economy remains commercial banks or outside lending institutions
anemic. The truth is that this is what is leading us ever again. With his strategy you can borrow for
to the catastrophe. Unfortunately, the new Federal all of life’s major purchases with better terms and
Reserve Chairman, Janet Yellen is committed to wealth-building potentials. By simply implementing
continuing QE when she takes office next. Is there his instructions you immediately set your financial
anything we can do? compass toward economic freedom and Nash, in
great detail, explains how and why. In spite of what
BankNotes The Nelson Nash Institute Monthly Newsletter April 2023
you have heard about whole life insurance, stay unintentional creators of inflation every time they
open to the concept and you will discover that the take out a loan from a commercial bank! That is how
framework of a Whole Life policy contains all of the the system is purposely set up. Consequently, the
attributes of what we may easily admit is the prefect only solution is to change that policy.
investment, even though that in itself is not IBC (The If we can think of the three steps of the Sound
Infinite Banking Concept).
Concept). A dividend-paying Whole Money Solution as the monetary policy we seek,
Life insurance policy is merely the framework of then the intimate connection of IBC to the Sound
your “bank” so that you can practice IBC. But the Money Solution starts to become clear. Here is what
mere fact that it contains all these wonderful perfect would be required. The first step is to link the dollar
investment attributes in the structure makes getting back to gold. By doing this we can stop inflation
one of these insurance contracts a sure thing. because you cannot inflate gold like you can paper
Most importantly, recognize that these are and ink. The second step is Privatized Banking.
“specially” designed contracts and for that reason Simply put, our money and banking institutions
you should use only an Authorized IBC Practitioner have been hijacked. They need to be returned to
to design and acquire such policies. Ideally, the the public sector and if they could be, then that step
policy should be acquired from a mutual or mutual would break up the money monopoly. Finally, in step
holding company. Since there are only 34 such three, the Federal Reserve should be closed. If step
institutions of this type out of the 2,000 insurance one and two could actually be enacted there would
carriers in the nation, it’s doubly important that you be no need for the Fed. Knowing that it is the Fed
work with only qualified IBC Practitioners who that keeps government growing, without the Fed we
understand all of these special nuances. Search could easily return to a small limited government.
the Nelson Nash Institute for an Authorized IBC Obviously, changing monetary policy to this
Practitioner in your area at degree is nearly impossible, but wait! Notice that
Finally, stop referring to these special contracts we don’t actually have to change monetary policy.
as insurance so your mind can grasp the concept. If we implement and practice IBC we can have
Instead call them “banking policies.” Or, better yet, privatized banking immediately! We do not have to
think of them as the “warehouse or headquarters” for make demands of the government or have political
your paper money since they are basically acting as demonstrations to change anything. We can simply
a “bank alternative.” Finally, see them as the perfect implement IBC for our families and ourselves all
“cash-flow management system” because that is very peacefully and legitimately. And, in the same
exactly what they are. way Federal Express went around the U.S. Post
Office, we too can go our merry way improving not
Conclusion only our own financial future, but that of the nation
Now we are ready to make the final connection to as well.
our message and here is where we need to introduce Since Whole Life policy loans are not inflationary,
“The Sound Money Solution.” Recall that I said the more of us who simply practice IBC the more we
earlier that the core problem for us as individuals and actually diminish inflation and the louder our voices
the nation is current monetary policy. The issue is become through our actions. We will never know if
simply this: The Federal Reserve controls our money we can change monetary policy unless 10% of us
by using the nation’s commercial banks and the cozy actually try. Good ideas spread like viruses and since
relationship of government and Wall Street. This is IBC is the best idea to come along in this decade,
as much to say that the nation’s “purse strings” are then it won’t be long before we are home free.
wholly controlled by an unconstitutional system. It
forces any entity (business or individual) to become 5
BankNotes The Nelson Nash Institute Monthly Newsletter April 2023

Something To Ponder Let’s say that you are Mr. Smith and you have
come upon a business idea that will highly benefit
Originally published in March 2018 by R. Nelson mankind. It is going to require an initial investment
Nash of $50.000.00 to get started on this project — but
There is a great video named Banking With Life, you don’t have $50,000.00 lying around your office
produced by James Neathery of Alvarado, TX. It’s in a desk drawer.
less than sixty minutes long and features a dozen or You decide to go to a local commercial bank and get
more personalities who are economists or financial a loan. If you don’t already have an account there,
people, including yours truly. then you will have to open one with them. You have
Early in the video is Dr. Paul Cleveland, an to deposit some “real” money into the account. You
economist at Birmingham Southern University. Paul describe your project to one of their loan officers
explains that money is not wealth. Wealth is goods who finally responds, “Yes, Mr. Smith, we will lend
and services. Money is the medium of exchange you $50,000.00 for this proposed project of yours.
whereby we acquire wealth. It sounds pretty exciting — but we will require that
you put up collateral of $50,000.00 to secure this
You sell someone something or provide valuable loan. (That collateral you assign to the bank is “real
services to someone and you are given a token wealth” —something for which you have previously
of agreed upon value that we call money. Its the provided goods and/or services). You and the loan
way we keep score of our exchange of goods and officer agree on what is appropriate collateral
services. Therefore, we can accurately refer to this as
“real money.” The money is a symbol of something Pay close attention to what happens next (don’t let
you did. this “go over your head”). The loan officer secures
your signature on a document that assigns your
Unfortunately, there is something else circulating in collateral (real money) to the bank. He also has you
our economy that looks like the same thing — but sign another document that authorizes him to credit
it is not. We might accurately refer to it as “funny your account with the bank with $50,000.00 (funny
money”— a product of the fractional reserve money).
banking system.
He did not loan you $50,000.00. He simply entered
Jesus Huerta deSoto describes this fact very digits into your account as if he lent you that money.
succinctly on page 118 of his book, Money, It’s called bank credit. A more accurate description is
Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles. ….that the “thin air.” You have assigned collateral (real money)
nationalization of money and the the central bank’s in exchange for bank credit (thin air). Do you
regulation of the banking system and its laws understand?
governing it have been incapable of maintaining a
stable financial system that avoids economic cycles And then the loan officer tells you that you must
and averts bank crises. Thus, we may conclude that repay the loan — “let’s say we amortize this loan
the fractional banking system has failed as well, even over ten years — maybe like $5,000.00 per year plus
though it is backed by a central bank. interest on the unpaid balance.” (You are paying
“real money” back for a loan of money that never
Perhaps a simpler explanation is the fact that the existed.) Got that?
fractional reserve banking system is all a lie and the
whole scheme is backed up by an even bigger lie — So, how does one explain how this phenomenon has
the central bank. It is amazing that this sort of stuff been going on for many, many years? How could
has been going on for a long time. this possibly happen? Do you expect the banking
community to tell these facts? If any other business
Maybe this example will help people see the light. did this sort of thing the perpetrators would be jailed!

BankNotes The Nelson Nash Institute Monthly Newsletter April 2023
Surely this activity can be described as a “hostile You can view the entire practitioner listing on our
financial environment.” website using the Practitioner Finder.
You can secede from this situation by studying IBC Practitioner’s have completed the IBC Practitioner’s
the Infinite Banking Concept — and adopting its Program and have passed the program exam to ensure
that they possess a solid foundation in the theory and
teachings. A follow-up article explaining the basic
implementation of IBC, as well as an understanding
fundamentals will be forthcoming.
of Austrian economics and its unique insights into our
monetary and banking institutions.
The IBC Practitioner has a broad base of knowledge to
ensure a minimal level of competency in all of the areas
a financial professional needs, in order to adequately
discuss IBC with his or her clients.

Before you look for a practitioner, we suggest

The following financial professionals joined or listening to the following two episodes of The Lara
renewed their membership to our Authorized Murphy Report Podcast.
Infinite Banking Concepts Practitioners team this
month: How-To Guide for Starting IBC, Part 1 How to
begin your study of Infinite Banking, including
New Members
finding an Authorized Practitioner.
• Roger Thomas, Cary, North Carolina
• Chris Mumma, Tuscaloosa, Alabama How-To Guide for Starting IBC, Part 2 How
• Michael Clanin, Cedar Rapids, Iowa to prepare for your first meeting with an Infinite
• Brad Picha, Waxahachie, Texas Banking Authorized Practitioner.

Membership Renewals
• Lawrence Sin, South Pasadena, California
• David Moore, Plainfield, Indiana
• Michael Baker, Medicine Hat, Alberta
• Scott Crook, Scottsdale, Arizona
• Howard Silvermintz, Atlanta, Georgia
• Eric Roy, Gatineau, Quebec
• Mark Yarbrough, Rogers, Arkansas
• Kaye Lynn Peterson, Rancho Cordova,
• David Forbes, Punta Gorda, Florida
• Eric Kouvolo, Bellingham, Washington
• Kevin Dottenwhy, Wausau, Wisconsin 7
BankNotes The Nelson Nash Institute Monthly Newsletter April 2023

This online video series for the general public provides a

comprehensive introduction to the Infinite Banking Concept.

The first four modules are free, you can view them here:
The remaining eight modules are subscription-based, costing $49.95 for all eight.

Or contact an Authorized IBC Practitioner and ask for a coupon code

that will enable you to watch all twelve modules FREE.

Module 1: Introduction to the Nelson Nash Institute

Module 2: What the Infinite Banking Concept Is
Module 3, Part 1: How IBC Works
Module 3, Part 2: Policy Loans & The Nature of Collateral
Module 3, Part 3: How to Read a Policy Illustration
Module 4: Why Nelson Calls It The Infinite Banking Concept
Module 5: The Life Insurance Industry
Module 6: Why Not Buy Term and Invest the Difference?
Module 7: Using IBC to Pass Wealth to Future Generations
Module 8: The MEC Rule and Policy Design
Module 9: Does IBC Work for Older People?
Module 10, Part 1: IBC for the Business Owner
Module 10, Part 2: IBC for the Business Owner
Module 11, Part 1: Using Your IBC Policy: Premiums, Dividends, and Policy Loans
Module 11, Part 2: Using Your IBC Policy: Premiums, Dividends, and Policy Loans
Module 12: IBC as a Way of Life

Contact an Authorized IBC Practitioner and ask for a coupon code

that will enable you to watch all twelve modules FREE.


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