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LIBS1265 – Your Life Through Story

Draft Story Template

Use this template to complete your Draft Story assignment. Ensure you are following the instructions
provided in the Story Assignment overview document.

Part 1
In 350-400 words, write an origin story about a key event in your life. This should be an event you
actually lived through and that made an important impression on you. Who was there? Where did this
event take place? What sounds/smells/tastes were present? What did it mean to you? How did you and
others in the story feel in that moment? Please be sure to use first person (“I”) when writing this story.
Deliberately frame this story as either a redemption or contamination narrative.

Part 2
In approximately 200 words, answer the following questions:

1. According to the Hidden Brain podcast episode shared in class, what are the differences
between redemption and contamination narratives?
2. Did you frame your story as a redemption or contamination narrative? Why did you
choose this framing?
3. What are at least 2 specific choices you made when crafting your story that indicate to
the reader it is a redemption or contamination narrative?

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