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RISK ASSESSMENT – 16k PM (Preventive Maintenance) for Gas Compressor

Client – Date – 29.04.2024

RA No: 1202-002 Project – Maintenance Project (IQ1202) Location: IPFs ENI /
ZFOD Revision - 001

No Job Steps Hazard Consequences Initial Risk Control Measures Action Party

Consequence (Severity) Likelihood (Probability)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Very Likely
Harm to Environment Damage to Impact on Very Unlikely Possible Likely (incident
Severity Unlikely
People Effect Assets Reputation (never heard
(heard in the
(incident (incident occurred
in the occurred in occurred once more than
industry) the Company) in the site) once in a year
in the site)

Slight injury or Slight dam age Slight im pact

1 Negligible Health effects (First Negligible Effect No disruption to Som e public L L M M M
Aid) operation aw areness

Minor injury or Minor dam age Lim ited Im pact

Local environm ental
2 Low Health effects (cost 10K€-100K€, Som e public L L M M H
dam age.
(MTC or WRC) 1day dow ntim e) concern

Major injury or
Contam ination w ith Local dam age Considerable Im pact
Health effects
3 Medium no perm anent effect (cost 100k€-500k€), 1- Regional public M M M H H
(Lost Work Days
on environm ent. 7 days shutdow n concern

Single fatality or Lim ited loss of Major dam age( cost

4 High Perm anent Total discharges of 500k€-3M€) 2 w eeks National im pact M M H H H
Disability know n toxicity shutdow n

Extensive dam age

Major environm ental (cost 3M€-10M€),
5 Major Multiple fatalities International im pact H H H H H
dam age m ore than 2w eeks
shutdow n

pg. 1
RISK ASSESSMENT – 16k PM (Preventive Maintenance) for Gas Compressor

Risk Risk
Evaluation Evaluation
Potential Hazards / Hazard Effect / (Before control (After control
Job Steps Method(s) of control Responsible Person(s)
No. Environmental Aspects Environmental Impacts measures) measures)
‫خطوات العمل‬ ‫إجراءات التحكم‬ ‫الشخص المسئول‬
‫ المظاهر البيئية‬/‫األخطار المحتملة‬ ‫ التأثيرات البيئية‬/‫تأثير الخطر‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (قبل‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (بعد‬
)‫إجراءات التحكم‬ )‫إجراءات التحكم‬
 Follow the traffic and / or
pedestrian path to travel to and
 Manpower and Equipment  Slip, trip, fall. from site.
mobilization & demobilization to
and from site.  Manual handling. Slight injury. 1 2 2  Carefully handle the tools, Job performer and crew 1 1 1
tackles to avoid any fall the
tools or object onto the body or
 Tool box meeting must be
conducted by supervisor.
 Inspection of tools, use right
tools for specific job.
 Workers must be experienced
and trained to perform the job.
 Defective tool
 Supervisor must be present at
 Prepare for Job  Un-skill employees site to supervise the job.
2 Major injury 2 3 6 Job performer and crew 1 2 2
 Un-identified area  Use of proper PPE.
 If any isolation is mentation in
the permit need to verified with
the concern department and
physically verified.
 Area to be barricaded if

pg. 2
RISK ASSESSMENT – 16k PM (Preventive Maintenance) for Gas Compressor

Risk Risk
Evaluation Evaluation
Potential Hazards / Hazard Effect / (Before control (After control
Job Steps Method(s) of control Responsible Person(s)
No. Environmental Aspects Environmental Impacts measures) measures)
‫خطوات العمل‬ ‫إجراءات التحكم‬ ‫الشخص المسئول‬
‫ المظاهر البيئية‬/‫األخطار المحتملة‬ ‫ التأثيرات البيئية‬/‫تأثير الخطر‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (قبل‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (بعد‬
)‫إجراءات التحكم‬ )‫إجراءات التحكم‬
 Avoid manual handling as
 Assess the load you lift (Weight,
Size, Shape, Difficult to grasp,
Sharp, hot, cold, etc.)
 Assess your own capability to
lift the load.
 Close to the load as possible.
 Keep the back straight.
 Bend the knees – left using the
 Risk of Injury high muscles
 Risk of long term  Keep the load close to the body
exposure lead to back as possible.
 Manual Handling  Improper handling of material  Move the feet avoid twisting at
3 problem 2 2 4 Job performer and crew 1 2 2
the waist.
 Risk of object falling
 If you move with carrying the
 Slip trip and fall load, ensure that the travel route
is clear and well and keep
smooth movement;
 If you move with carrying the
load, ensure that the travel route
is clear and well and keep
smooth movement.
 Ensure good working conditions
(hot, cold, humidity, etc)
 Wear suitable "PPE"
 Information, instruction &
 Ensure that all workers use
specific PPE.
 Use tools that are inspected &
intended for the job.
 Pinch point,  Ensure hand tools are free from
 Performing task use of tools  Personnel injury lubricants and in proper
4  Hand tools failure 2 2 4 Job performer and crew 1 2 2
 Avoid wearing jewelry during
the work.
 Do not put the finger between
the equipment trap point.

pg. 3
RISK ASSESSMENT – 16k PM (Preventive Maintenance) for Gas Compressor

Risk Risk
Evaluation Evaluation
Potential Hazards / Hazard Effect / (Before control (After control
Job Steps Method(s) of control Responsible Person(s)
No. Environmental Aspects Environmental Impacts measures) measures)
‫خطوات العمل‬ ‫إجراءات التحكم‬ ‫الشخص المسئول‬
‫ المظاهر البيئية‬/‫األخطار المحتملة‬ ‫ التأثيرات البيئية‬/‫تأثير الخطر‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (قبل‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (بعد‬
)‫إجراءات التحكم‬ )‫إجراءات التحكم‬
 Electrical work must be carried
out only by electrical authorized
and trained personnel
 Ensure that Isolation & LOTO
is in place
 Follow permit to work system &
Detailed job risk assessment to
be carried out
 Risk of electrical shock,  Wear appropriate PPE
 Defective tool electrocution, burn,  Pre-use visual inspection of
tool/cable by operator. Performing Authority, Job
 Un skilled employees fatality
5  Electrical Safety 4 4 16  Periodic PAT performer and crew 2 2 4
 Un identified area  Risk of fire
 Pneumatic grinders preferred to
Risk of slip trip. electric where practical.
 RCD must be used where there
is no option but use of 240V
 Use “low noise” (<80 Dba)
tools wherever possible
 Hearing protection is provided
for activities where excessive
noise levels are anticipated.
 Maintain a safe distance.

pg. 4
RISK ASSESSMENT – 16k PM (Preventive Maintenance) for Gas Compressor

Risk Risk
Evaluation Evaluation
Potential Hazards / Hazard Effect / (Before control (After control
Job Steps Method(s) of control Responsible Person(s)
No. Environmental Aspects Environmental Impacts measures) measures)
‫خطوات العمل‬ ‫إجراءات التحكم‬ ‫الشخص المسئول‬
‫ المظاهر البيئية‬/‫األخطار المحتملة‬ ‫ التأثيرات البيئية‬/‫تأثير الخطر‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (قبل‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (بعد‬
)‫إجراءات التحكم‬ )‫إجراءات التحكم‬
 Proper electrical Isolation Proper
mechanical isolation shall be
implemented with application of
LOTO system.
 Ensure the effectiveness of
isolation comparing with
isolation spade list and
 Ensure the activation of
emergency push button of the
equipment and the operation
switch adjusted on (off position).
 Mechanical hazard.  PTW shall be issued before Performing Authority , Job
 Improper tools.  Major or minor injury starting the work.
6  Working in rotating equipment's 3 3 9 performer and crew 2 2 4
 Un skilled employees.  Follow WO steps without any
 Only competent person shall be
involved in these activities.
 Check for the sentence fail to
 During testing the equipment,
you have to fix the safe guard on
the rotating parts
 Suitable PPE shall be worn.
 Un-authorized persons entrance
is prohibited.
 TBT shall be conducted before
starting the work.

pg. 5
RISK ASSESSMENT – 16k PM (Preventive Maintenance) for Gas Compressor

Risk Risk
Evaluation Evaluation
Potential Hazards / Hazard Effect / (Before control (After control
Job Steps Method(s) of control Responsible Person(s)
No. Environmental Aspects Environmental Impacts measures) measures)
‫خطوات العمل‬ ‫إجراءات التحكم‬ ‫الشخص المسئول‬
‫ المظاهر البيئية‬/‫األخطار المحتملة‬ ‫ التأثيرات البيئية‬/‫تأثير الخطر‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (قبل‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (بعد‬
)‫إجراءات التحكم‬ )‫إجراءات التحكم‬
 Refer SDS and follow all the
instruction (basically there are
16 types of information available
in SDS, strictly compliance), be
aware of hazards warning.
 Report to superior in case if you
are not well to do so
 Wear right PPE's
 Work in ventilated area, Expose
to fresh air in case of inhalation
 Never eat near to chemical
 Disposal should be according to
 Use of Chemical  Flammable or toxic Chemical  Major /Minor injury  Check availability of the fire Performing Authority, Job
7 4 4 16 extinguisher performer and crew 2 2 4
 Know what to do in case of
 MSDS shall be attached with
PTW and work pack.
 Proper PPE shall be worn before
starting the work with chemicals
(rubber gloves, disposable
coverall, face shield,….etc.).
 TBT shall be conducted before
working with chemical
 Follow all control measures that
mentioned inside SDS.
 Only trained and competent
persons shall be involved.
 Hold the work
 Do not panic move to nearest
Muster Point as soon as the
public alarm is heard.
 Emergency telephone number to
 Emergency situation during the work  Slip. Trip, Fall.  Major /Minor injury
2 2 4 be known to all workers. All crew 1 2 2
 Being aware of the emergency
 Follow the site emergency
response plan
 TBT to be conducted
pg. 6
RISK ASSESSMENT – 16k PM (Preventive Maintenance) for Gas Compressor

Risk Risk
Evaluation Evaluation
Potential Hazards / Hazard Effect / (Before control (After control
Job Steps Method(s) of control Responsible Person(s)
No. Environmental Aspects Environmental Impacts measures) measures)
‫خطوات العمل‬ ‫إجراءات التحكم‬ ‫الشخص المسئول‬
‫ المظاهر البيئية‬/‫األخطار المحتملة‬ ‫ التأثيرات البيئية‬/‫تأثير الخطر‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (قبل‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (بعد‬
)‫إجراءات التحكم‬ )‫إجراءات التحكم‬
 Proper mechanical isolation
shall be implemented with
application of LOTO system.
 Ensure the effectiveness of
isolation comparing with
isolation spade list.
 Use multi-gas detector to
ensure no gases on the working
area (LEL shall be 0%).
 Ensure from there is no leak
on oil or fuel system.
 PTW shall be issued before
starting the work.
 Follow WO steps without any
 Fire hazard  Only competent person shall
Performing Authority, Job
be involved in these activities.
9  Performing maintenance on GC  Gas leakage Multiple Fatality 5 3 15
 Initial gas monitoring form
performer and crew 6 2 12

client side shall be performed

and recorded.
 Eliminate source of fire on the
 Presence of fire extinguisher
in the working area.
 Ensure the working area free
from any compostable
 Use non-spark hand tools.
 use complete PPE.
 Use proper PPE (ear
plugs/muffs) during working at
compressors area.
 TBT shall be conducted
before starting the work.

pg. 7
RISK ASSESSMENT – 16k PM (Preventive Maintenance) for Gas Compressor

Risk Risk
Evaluation Evaluation
Potential Hazards / Hazard Effect / (Before control (After control
Job Steps Method(s) of control Responsible Person(s)
No. Environmental Aspects Environmental Impacts measures) measures)
‫خطوات العمل‬ ‫إجراءات التحكم‬ ‫الشخص المسئول‬
‫ المظاهر البيئية‬/‫األخطار المحتملة‬ ‫ التأثيرات البيئية‬/‫تأثير الخطر‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (قبل‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (بعد‬
)‫إجراءات التحكم‬ )‫إجراءات التحكم‬
 Continue ((Performing maintenance  Isolate the equipment and wait
on GC)) for enough time until engine
cooling down.
 The danger of hot surface
 Exposure to hazard of heat must be explained to the team
10 energy due to hot surface Major Injury 4 3 12 work in the TBT. Job performer and crew 1 2 2
 Mandatory PPE shall be worn.
 Wear proper PPE.
 Proper body posture shall be
considered to avoid unbalance
of human body on hot surface.
11  Exposure to sharp tools edges 3 2 6  Inspection of tools & exclude Job performer and crew 2 1 2
Major injury defective tools.
 Be careful in the movement
inside the workplace
 Using the proper & suitable
 TBT to be conducted
 Wearing the suitable gloves at
all the time of work.

pg. 8
RISK ASSESSMENT – 16k PM (Preventive Maintenance) for Gas Compressor

Risk Risk
Evaluation Evaluation
Potential Hazards / Hazard Effect / (Before control (After control
Job Steps Method(s) of control Responsible Person(s)
No. Environmental Aspects Environmental Impacts measures) measures)
‫خطوات العمل‬ ‫إجراءات التحكم‬ ‫الشخص المسئول‬
‫ المظاهر البيئية‬/‫األخطار المحتملة‬ ‫ التأثيرات البيئية‬/‫تأثير الخطر‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (قبل‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (بعد‬
)‫إجراءات التحكم‬ )‫إجراءات التحكم‬
 Caution tape to be installed
around the work area.
 Mechanical aid shall be
provided if applicable.
 Ensure correct body posture
during the work to avoid falling
 Remove any slipping causes
materials from worksite and
ensure the area free from any
 Exposure to falling and impact grease, oil,……etc.
12 hazard Major/ Minor injury 4 2 8  Persons to be fit for this Job performer and crew 2 1 2
 Follow safe manual handling
operation technique.
 Non-authorized persons shall
be prohibited presence in
working area.
 Proper access shall be
provided to be fit for purpose.
 Skilled and qualified operators
for the heavy equipment.
 Wearing suitable PPE

pg. 9
RISK ASSESSMENT – 16k PM (Preventive Maintenance) for Gas Compressor

Risk Risk
Evaluation Evaluation
Potential Hazards / Hazard Effect / (Before control (After control
Job Steps Method(s) of control Responsible Person(s)
No. Environmental Aspects Environmental Impacts measures) measures)
‫خطوات العمل‬ ‫إجراءات التحكم‬ ‫الشخص المسئول‬
‫ المظاهر البيئية‬/‫األخطار المحتملة‬ ‫ التأثيرات البيئية‬/‫تأثير الخطر‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (قبل‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (بعد‬
)‫إجراءات التحكم‬ )‫إجراءات التحكم‬
 Approved lifting plan shall be in
place of work
 Follow lifting plan specific risk
 Pre-use visual inspection to all
slings and check its certificates to be
 Pre-use inspection of lifting
appliance shall be carried out
 Ensure the area of lifting
operation is clear from all persons
except persons involved in lifting
operation and also competent
persons for the job
 Banks man shall be in place of
work with wearing high visible
 Use proper tag line, shall be free
from any damages and knots.
 Stop lifting operation when wind
speed is greater than 35 km/h or 9.8
 Avoid passing of persons under
the load during its lifting.
 Exposure to loads falling  Maintain proper sling angles
during lifting using crane or so that slings are not loaded in
13  Lifting operation 4 3 12
Job performer and crew 2 2 4
HIAB Single Fatality
 Ensure visually the lifting
accessories are used within the safe
working load.
 Ensure visually the lifting
accessories are free from any
 Ensure the load is lifted in balance
with COG.
 Ensure that all lifting accessories
were tagged by current color code
(green color)
 Ensure the path of the load is free
from any obstacles
 During the lifting, ensure that the
load is secured, balanced
&controlled; attach tag lines
(Guide rope) where necessary
 Ensure visually a safe position for
landing, release the tension and then
release the lifting tackle.
 Provision of caution tap around
the work place.
pg. 10
RISK ASSESSMENT – 16k PM (Preventive Maintenance) for Gas Compressor

Risk Risk
Evaluation Evaluation
Potential Hazards / Hazard Effect / (Before control (After control
Job Steps Method(s) of control Responsible Person(s)
No. Environmental Aspects Environmental Impacts measures) measures)
‫خطوات العمل‬ ‫إجراءات التحكم‬ ‫الشخص المسئول‬
‫ المظاهر البيئية‬/‫األخطار المحتملة‬ ‫ التأثيرات البيئية‬/‫تأثير الخطر‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (قبل‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (بعد‬
)‫إجراءات التحكم‬ )‫إجراءات التحكم‬
 Improving the working
 Provision of adequate level of
 Clear information and
 Exposure to fatigue and stress instructions.
14 Major Injury 3 2 6 All work staff 1 2 2
 Limitations on the number of
hours worked.
 Switch between the
employment from time to time.
 Working under client pressure
is totally prohibited.
 Provision of mineral water at
all the time of work.
 Limitations on the number of
hours worked under sunlight.
 Switch between the
employment from time to time.
 Provision of adequate level of
 Exposure to heat stress supervision.
15  Continue ((Performing maintenance (Hypothermia) Major injury 3 3 9  Clear information and All work staff 2 2 4
on GC)) instructions
 Wearing cotton coveralls and
winter jacket.
 Wear proper winter plastic
jacket to keep human body
 Taking break from time to
 Housekeeping of the work
place during and after the work
 The land to be dry as possible
and free from oil and grease
 Avoiding passing on the
 Exposure to slipping during slippery surfaces.
16 the work Major injury 3 3 9  Barricaded the working area Job performer and crew 2 2 4
by caution tape.
 Continuous and close
 TBT to be conducted
 Safety shoes to be in good
condition and anti-slippery
pg. 11
RISK ASSESSMENT – 16k PM (Preventive Maintenance) for Gas Compressor

Risk Risk
Evaluation Evaluation
Potential Hazards / Hazard Effect / (Before control (After control
Job Steps Method(s) of control Responsible Person(s)
No. Environmental Aspects Environmental Impacts measures) measures)
‫خطوات العمل‬ ‫إجراءات التحكم‬ ‫الشخص المسئول‬
‫ المظاهر البيئية‬/‫األخطار المحتملة‬ ‫ التأثيرات البيئية‬/‫تأثير الخطر‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (قبل‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (بعد‬
)‫إجراءات التحكم‬ )‫إجراءات التحكم‬
 Housekeeping of the work
place during and after the work.
 Arrangement of the used tools
 Exposure to tripping during & equipment's in work.
 Avoid storing the material and
17 work Major injury 3 3 9 Job performer and crew 2 2 4
equipment's in the place of
 continuous supervision.
 TBT to be conducted.
 Using of suitable PPE .
 Inspection of hand tools &
excluding the defected tools.
 Surveying tools & choosing
the proper one.
 Exposure to hand tools hazards  All hand tools shall be of
 Misuse accepted specifications and used
Continue ((Performing maintenance on GC))
by competent people.
18  Defected hand tools Minor injury 2 2 4 Job performer and crew 2 1 2
 Good and close supervision.
 In adequate tools for the job  TBT to be conducted before
 Awareness should be
conducted about the use of
 Using of suitable PPE.
 Wearing proper dust mask.
 Proper dust control shall be
 Exposure to dust during implemented from client side.
 STOP work during adverse
19 maintenance activities Minor injury 2 2 4 All work staff 1 2 2
weather condition and sand
storm condition.
 TBT shall be conducted.
 Good and close supervision.

pg. 12
RISK ASSESSMENT – 16k PM (Preventive Maintenance) for Gas Compressor

Risk Risk
Evaluation Evaluation
Potential Hazards / Hazard Effect / (Before control (After control
Job Steps Method(s) of control Responsible Person(s)
No. Environmental Aspects Environmental Impacts measures) measures)
‫خطوات العمل‬ ‫إجراءات التحكم‬ ‫الشخص المسئول‬
‫ المظاهر البيئية‬/‫األخطار المحتملة‬ ‫ التأثيرات البيئية‬/‫تأثير الخطر‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (قبل‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (بعد‬
)‫إجراءات التحكم‬ )‫إجراءات التحكم‬
 PTW shall be issued before
starting the work.
 Only competent person shall be
involved in these activities.
 PTW shall be issued before use.
 Ensure that RCD was fixed on
the loop connected by washing
 Use proper IP electrical junction
box, plug and socket.
 Visual inspection on washing
machine before use.
 Visual inspection on all
 Electric shock electrical cables, plugs and Performing Authority , Job
20 Washing machine operation •Major or minor injury 3 3 9 2 2 4
sockets before use. performer and crew
 Ensure all electrical cables area
raised from the floor and keep
the floor all time dry and cables
sleeved and protected well.
 Competent persons only.
 During testing the equipment,
you have to fix the safe guard on
the rotating parts
 Suitable PPE shall be worn.
 Un-authorized persons entrance
is prohibited.
 TBT shall be conducted before
starting the work.

pg. 13
RISK ASSESSMENT – 16k PM (Preventive Maintenance) for Gas Compressor

Risk Risk
Evaluation Evaluation
Potential Hazards / Hazard Effect / (Before control (After control
Job Steps Method(s) of control Responsible Person(s)
No. Environmental Aspects Environmental Impacts measures) measures)
‫خطوات العمل‬ ‫إجراءات التحكم‬ ‫الشخص المسئول‬
‫ المظاهر البيئية‬/‫األخطار المحتملة‬ ‫ التأثيرات البيئية‬/‫تأثير الخطر‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (قبل‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (بعد‬
)‫إجراءات التحكم‬ )‫إجراءات التحكم‬
 Check the certificates and Inspection
of the water jetting machine and its
utilities (high pressure hoses- gauges
– clamps – safety wires – electrical
cables …….etc.)
 Avoid contact with the high pressure
and always be away from the
direction of the water jet
 Ensure from the protection system of
the machine to avoid the high
pressure as follow :-
 Ensure from the existence of the foot
gun for operation and its functional
operation as the pressure doesn’t
extend in the hose till the employees
push the foot gun down.
 Ensure from the emergency stop
button in the machine.
 Ensure from the safety wires on all
the pressurized hoses to avoid whip
 Exposure to High pressure from the lash in failure mode.
water jetting pump itself or the
 Major injury/fatality  Ensure from the venting system of Job performer and crew
connected hoses from the machine
21  Washing machine operation to the water source and vice versa
3 3 9 the contaminated pressure by drain 2 2 4
 ( high pressure penetrating skin ,
 Ensure from the effectiveness of the
injuries , cut ,wounds ….etc)
pressure controller gauge
 Provision of ambulance vehicle from
the start time of the job.
 Only skilled and qualified employees
for the job
 Good planning and coordination for
the job.
 Continuous supervision and follow
 TBT must be conducted to all the
 First aid kit to be provided within the
work place.
 Wearing the suitable PPE for the job
which consist of ( high pressure
resistance material coverall and also
must be water proof , face shield ,
high pressure gloves , water proof
safety boot , safety goggles and ear
plug resist noise up to 95 decibel) .

pg. 14
RISK ASSESSMENT – 16k PM (Preventive Maintenance) for Gas Compressor

Risk Risk
Evaluation Evaluation
Potential Hazards / Hazard Effect / (Before control (After control
Job Steps Method(s) of control Responsible Person(s)
No. Environmental Aspects Environmental Impacts measures) measures)
‫خطوات العمل‬ ‫إجراءات التحكم‬ ‫الشخص المسئول‬
‫ المظاهر البيئية‬/‫األخطار المحتملة‬ ‫ التأثيرات البيئية‬/‫تأثير الخطر‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (قبل‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (بعد‬
)‫إجراءات التحكم‬ )‫إجراءات التحكم‬
 Improving the working
 Provision of adequate level of
 Clear information and
 Exposure to fatigue and stress instructions.
22 Washing operation machine Major Injury 3 2 6 Job performer and crew 1 2 2
 Limitations on the number of
hours worked.
 Switch between the
employment from time to time.
 Working under client pressure
is totally prohibited.
 Provision of mineral water at
all the time of work.
 Limitations on the number of
hours worked under sunlight.
 Switch between the
employment from time to time.
 Provision of adequate level of
 Exposure to heat stress supervision.
(Hypothermia) Major injury 3 3 9  Clear information and Job performer and crew 2 2 4
 Wearing cotton coveralls and
winter jacket.
 Wear proper winter plastic
jacket to keep human body
 Taking break from time to
 Housekeeping of the work
place during and after the work.
 Arrangement of the used tools
 Exposure to tripping during & equipment's in work.
 Avoid storing the material and
23 Washing machine operation work Major injury 3 3 9 Job performer and crew 2 2 4
equipment's in the place of
 continuous supervision.
 TBT to be conducted.
 Using of suitable PPE .

pg. 15
RISK ASSESSMENT – 16k PM (Preventive Maintenance) for Gas Compressor

Risk Risk
Evaluation Evaluation
Potential Hazards / Hazard Effect / (Before control (After control
Job Steps Method(s) of control Responsible Person(s)
No. Environmental Aspects Environmental Impacts measures) measures)
‫خطوات العمل‬ ‫إجراءات التحكم‬ ‫الشخص المسئول‬
‫ المظاهر البيئية‬/‫األخطار المحتملة‬ ‫ التأثيرات البيئية‬/‫تأثير الخطر‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (قبل‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (بعد‬
)‫إجراءات التحكم‬ )‫إجراءات التحكم‬
 Inspection of hand tools &
excluding the defected tools.
 Surveying tools & choosing
the proper one.
 Exposure to hand tools hazards  All hand tools shall be of
 Misuse accepted specifications and used
by competent people.
24 Washing machine  Defected hand tools Minor injury 2 2 4
 Good and close supervision.
Job performer and crew 2 1 2
operation  In adequate tools for the job  TBT to be conducted before
 Awareness should be
conducted about the use of
 Using of suitable PPE.

pg. 16
RISK ASSESSMENT – 16k PM (Preventive Maintenance) for Gas Compressor

Risk Risk
Evaluation Evaluation
Potential Hazards / Hazard Effect / (Before control (After control
Job Steps Method(s) of control Responsible Person(s)
No. Environmental Aspects Environmental Impacts measures) measures)
‫خطوات العمل‬ ‫إجراءات التحكم‬ ‫الشخص المسئول‬
‫ المظاهر البيئية‬/‫األخطار المحتملة‬ ‫ التأثيرات البيئية‬/‫تأثير الخطر‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (قبل‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (بعد‬
)‫إجراءات التحكم‬ )‫إجراءات التحكم‬
 Avoid work at height where it
is reasonably practicable to do
 Where work at height cannot
be avoided, Prevent falls using
either an existing safe place of
work or use the right type of
fall prevention equipment;
 Where the risk of falling
cannot be eliminated,
Minimize the distance and
consequences of a fall, by
using the right type of fall
protection equipment
 Follow Permit to work system
and detailed job risk
 Use Approved safety harness
 Unawareness
while working at height more
 Crossed material than 1.5 / according to the
 Personal injury
 Sharp edges client protocols
 Skin scratch Performing Authority, Job
25 Working at height  Slip trip 4 4 16  Wear right PPE, no slippery 4 2 2
 Property damage PPE / surface. Performer and crew
 Falling objects
 use life line as applicable
 Ensure 3 point contact while
climbing up / coming down
 In case of any physical
problem report to the superior.
 Only trained and qualified
personnel to work at height
 Stop work in case of adverse
 Neve rush while working at
 If scaffolding, make sure its
inspected and safe to use same
is for any climbing ladder.
 Dont carry any object / tools
while climbing up.
 Non-locking type snap-hooks
are prohibited

pg. 17
RISK ASSESSMENT – 16k PM (Preventive Maintenance) for Gas Compressor

Risk Risk
Evaluation Evaluation
Potential Hazards / Hazard Effect / (Before control (After control
Job Steps Method(s) of control Responsible Person(s)
No. Environmental Aspects Environmental Impacts measures) measures)
‫خطوات العمل‬ ‫إجراءات التحكم‬ ‫الشخص المسئول‬
‫ المظاهر البيئية‬/‫األخطار المحتملة‬ ‫ التأثيرات البيئية‬/‫تأثير الخطر‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (قبل‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (بعد‬
)‫إجراءات التحكم‬ )‫إجراءات التحكم‬
 Electrical isolation shall be
issued with attachment to PTW.
 LOTO system shall be
 Ensuring the effectiveness of
both isolations.
 Initial gas monitoring before
entrance with ensuring the work
environment gases are in its
limitation (O2 20.8%, LEL 0%,
H2S 0 PPM and CO2 0 PPM).
 If gas readings are out of its
limitation continuous air supply
shall be used.
 Continuous gas monitoring
 Lack of Oxygen, heat stress, Performing Authority, Job
26  Confined space entry 5 4 20 shall be applied. 2 2 4
Major injury / fatality performer and crew
 .
 CSE watcher shall be in place
all time of work with providing
of CSE board or log book.
 Using of non-spark tools is
 Proper communication means
between watcher and entrant
shall be provided.
 Follow CSE rescue plan. ERP
and MERP.
 Follow ZFOD CSE procedure.
 TBT to be conducted.
 Wearing proper and
mandatory PPE

pg. 18
RISK ASSESSMENT – 16k PM (Preventive Maintenance) for Gas Compressor

Risk Risk
Evaluation Evaluation
Potential Hazards / Hazard Effect / (Before control (After control
Job Steps Method(s) of control Responsible Person(s)
No. Environmental Aspects Environmental Impacts measures) measures)
‫خطوات العمل‬ ‫إجراءات التحكم‬ ‫الشخص المسئول‬
‫ المظاهر البيئية‬/‫األخطار المحتملة‬ ‫ التأثيرات البيئية‬/‫تأثير الخطر‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (قبل‬ ‫تقييم الخطر (بعد‬
)‫إجراءات التحكم‬ )‫إجراءات التحكم‬
 Collect the rags and safe
disposal of hazardous
 Follow ZFOD Waste
management procedure.
 Proper TBT shall be
 Exposure to formation of conducted.
 Work completion and system
27 solid/liquid wastes Slight pollution without minimal 2 2 4  Proper PPE shall be worn Job performer and crew 1 2 2
effect during dealing with solid or
liquid waste.
 Spill containment kit shall be
 All disposals cans to be
collected in hazardous waste

pg. 19
RISK ASSESSMENT – 16k PM (Preventive Maintenance) for Gas Compressor

Conclusion/Comments: ‫ التعليقات‬/ ‫الملخص‬

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Reviewed by: ‫روجع بواسطة‬:
1- Senior Technical Manager 2- Project HSE Department (*)
Name ‫االسم‬: ………………………………………… Name ‫االسم‬: …………………………………………
Position ‫الوظيفة‬: ………………………………………… Position ‫الوظيفة‬: …………………………………………
Signature ‫ التوقيع‬: ………………………………………… Signature ‫ التوقيع‬: …………………………………………
I have personally inspected the work location and confess that the above-mentioned OH&S hazards/environmental aspects and its related control
measures were discussed and explained to all personnel involved in this work /activity execution, also the needed updates were conducted and the
proposed control measures were implemented and found effective.
‫ المظاهر البيئية المذكورة عاليه وإجراءات التحكم ذات الصلة قد تم مناقشتها وشرحها لجميع العاملين‬/‫أقر بأني قد قمت بفحص مكان العمل بنفسي وأن جميع أخطار السالمة والصحة المهنية‬
.‫ وأن جميع التعديالت والتحديثات الالزمة لمالئمة ظروف العمل قد تم إجراؤها أيضًا وأن جميع إجراءات التحكم قد تم تنفيذها وأنها فعاله‬،‫المشتركين في تنفيذ هذا العمل‬
Job Supervisor Name: Signature: Date:
‫اسم مشرف العمل‬: …………………………………………. ‫التوقيع‬: ………………………….… ‫التاريخ‬:

(*) In case of absence or unavailability of HSE Specialist; The site manager shall review the Hazard identification &Risk Assessment register in coordination with Senior Technical
.‫في حالة غياب أو عدم توفر أخصائي الصحة والسالمة والبيئة؛ يجب على مدير الموقع مراجعة سجل تحديد المخاطر وتقييم المخاطر بالتنسيق مع المدير المسئول‬

pg. 20

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