U1 Vocabulary接引单

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七年级英语接引性学习单 No.

2 Unit 1 Vocabulary

Ⅰ. 按要求写出相应的单词。
1. country (复数) 2. German (国家名)
3. everybody (同义词) 4. friend (形容词)
5. dream (复数) 6. complete (第三人称单数)
7. country(复数) 8. you (反身代词) 9.complete(副词)______

Ⅱ. 汉译英。
11. 一个德国女孩 12. 听音乐
13. 打篮球 14. 最喜欢的课目
15. 去学校 16. 一位美术老师
17. 乘校车 18. 她父母的名字
19. (在空间、时间上)接近 20. 来自

Ⅲ. 词汇拓展填空
21.German ①(adj.)__________,德国的②(n.)__________(复数___________)_
__________---_____________ (n.)德国
22.complete ①(v.)完成②(adj.)_________________---_____________(adv.)完全地
23.old(adj.) 年 老 的 , 古 老 的 ---___________①(adj.) 年 龄 较 大 的

1. Helen's hobby is ____________(read) books, so she knows a lot.
2. My aunt wants ____________(open) a big clothes shop in town.
3. Peter is fifteen and his dream is _________(be) a football star.
4. Anna likes ________________(cook) and she often cooks for her family.
5. Many people would like ___________(visit) Wuzhizhou Island.
6. Our teacher told us a _______________(Germany) story last week.
7. My classmate Mike is really tall and he is good at ____________(run).
8. He has a younger sister and an____________(old) brother.
9.The woman always gives me a ______________(friend) smile.
10.I saw many_______________(Japanese) in 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games.
11.Kate, you are old enough to do it by____________(you).
12.How many ____________(flat) do you have in the city?
13.Tina’s ________________(hobby) are drawing and singing.
14.The boy in the film often has some strange_______________(dream).
15.I want to make______________(friend)with other classmates.

七年级英语接引性学习单 No.2 Unit 1 Vocabulary

16. Alan is a left-behind child and he _______________________(和爷爷奶奶生活).

17. The zoo is _____________________(离这里远), so we need to take a bus there.

18. __________________________(我的梦想是)an artist.
19. Linda ______________________(有一个哥哥) and they are in the same school.
20. Anna is our new classmate and she ____________________________ (想和我们
21. The man _____________________ (来自北京), but he works in Shenzhen now.
23.What do you like doing____________________________(在你空闲的时间)?
24.Mary usually____________________(和哥哥一起去上学) at 7 a.m.
25.We will ________________________________(去德国学德语)next month.

Ⅵ 用本单元的词汇填空
Hi, I'm Luke. I'm from the(26)_________.I'm 13 years old. I have an
(27)______________sister.My father is an(28)_____________and my mother is a
housewife.We live in a big (29)_____________. My grandparents also live with us.
I study in the best school in my city.It is(30) ____________ my house, so I often
(31)________________ by bike. I am not a topper(顶尖)of(32)________my class,
but I mostly get good marks. I(33)______________ some subjects while
I'm weak in the few. My favourite subject is (34)________________. The teacher,
Mr King, is (35)____________ and funny. He often helps me with my (36)________.
My dream is to travel to (37)____________ one day. It is my favourite
I have many(39) _____________. My favourite sport is basketball. I often play it
after I (40)___________ my homework. I also like swimming. I learnt it at the age
of 9.
I’m very fond of learning new things.I read newspapers every day. I think it's useful
for young people to learn about what is happening
(42) _______________ says I’m a happy boy. I know how to be happy because
My grandfather always says to me, "Happiness is not out there; it's in
If you(44) _____________ learn more about me,you can read my(45)__________
at www.notesfromdovelane. com.

选做题:仿照上文,用 Unit 1 的词汇写一篇介绍自己的小短文。


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