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Zoe McLaughlin

Research Paper: CQ Assessment, Local Ministry and the Great Commission Assignment

GLST650- Intercultural Communication

June 1, 2024


Introduction 3

CQ Summary 4

CQ Drive 4

CQ Knowledge 5

CQ Strategy 5

CQ Action 5

Improvements 5

CQ Knowledge: Socio-Linguistic 6

How to develop my CQ Drive 6

Conclusion 7

Local and Intercultural Community Cross-Cultural Engagement 7




In most societies of today, it’s of “norm” a variety of different cultures are living amongst

each other in the same “neighborhood”. This however was not always the case. Individuals in the

past societies have been able to interact with individuals that identify within their culture or

demographic. Through technology advantages and different levels of migration, individuals have

been able to interact with individuals of other cultural backgrounds. The world has become

globalized with a key example being individuals being able to connect using technology

thousands of miles away. There is no longer than idea that one must go to this culture to

experience it, individuals can use technology to interact with these diverse cultures. Through this

globalization it has been shown how diverse societies are becoming. Being able to talk with

individuals thousands of miles away in completely different culture, along with these diverse

societies existing there has been an escalation of cultural intelligence needed. Individuals in

societies today need to see the importance behind cultural intelligence due to being unaware of

cultural intelligence is damaging and unaffordable. David Livermore explains “To remain

unaware of how culture shapes the way people think and behave is not only foolish, it’s

expensive.” 1 With technology and advancing diversity within societies, there is ample amount of

information for individuals to have a beginning step into leveling one’s culture intelligence.

However, with recent growths of diversity it is clear why cultural intelligence is increasingly

becoming more relevant.

David Livermore, Leading with Cultural Intelligence: The Real Secret to Success.2nd ed. (New York, 2015)

David Livermore defines cultural intelligence (CQ) as the “capability to function

effectively across national, ethnic and organizational cultures.”2 Through this paper, my CQ will

be evaluated and reviewed. With a detail overview I will be able to understand how my CQ

affects me and my intelligence with others. Along with this I will breakdown weaknesses within

my CQ and a developmental plan to improve within these areas. Along with this I will be

presenting examples of how I will use my cultural intelligence to continue to communicate the

gospel through diverse cultures. Overall, the purpose of this paper is to convey how cultural

intelligence helps churches and mission organizations continue to complete the Great

Commission through intercultural regions.

CQ Summary

The CQ assessment has been defined as “a more reliable, consistent way to predict how

you will lead across cultures than your personality, age, gender, where you are from or emotional

intelligence.”3 There are four categories that are evaluated through this assessment is drive,

knowledge, strategy, and action. CQ Drive measures one’s persistence and confidence through

multicultural interactions. CQ Knowledge is measured as ones understanding cultures

similarities and differences. CQ Strategy is known as the measure of one’s awareness and ability

to plan for a cross cultural interactions. Finally, CQ Action is the measure of one’s ability to

adapt in multicultural contexts. Through the results of my CQ overall for every category I scored

in the ninety percental. However, there is still always room for improvement.

CQ Drive

David Livermore, Leading with Cultural Intelligence: The Real Secret to Success 2nd ed. (New York, 2015)

David Livermore, Leading with Cultural Intelligence: The Real Secret to Success 2nd ed. (New York, 2015)

Cultural Intelligence through CQ Drive is broken down into Intrinsic and Extrinsic

Interests and Self-Efficacy. Further evaluating one’s enjoyment, benefits gained and having

confidence within culturally diverse situations. I scored a 78 in this area. My sub-dimension

scores are as follows: Intrinsic Interest-73, Extrinsic Interest-77, and Self-Efficacy-83.

CQ Knowledge

Cultural Intelligence through CQ Knowledge is broken down into Business, Values &

Norms, Socio-Linguistic and Leadership. Further evaluating one’s knowledge of cultures

economics, legal systems, values, social interaction norms, religion, language, communication

norms along with relationships in diverse cultures. I scored a 61 in this area. My sub-dimension

scores are as follows: Business-61 Values & Norms-65, Socio-Linguistic-46, and Leadership-59.

CQ Strategy

Cultural Intelligence through CQ Strategy is broken down into Planning, Awareness, and

Checking. Further evaluating one’s planning, awareness, and checking throughout diverse

situations and contexts. I scored a 76 in this area. My sub-dimension scores are as follows:

Planning-68, Awareness-78, and Checking-82 in diverse cultural contexts.

CQ Action

Cultural Intelligence through CQ Action is broken down into Speech acts, Verbal and

Nonverbal communication styles in diverse cultures. Further evaluating one’s communication

and how one communicates through these cultural contexts. I scored a 71 in this area. My sub-

dimension scores are as follows: Speech Acts-77, Verbal-63 and Nonverbal-74.


My biggest strength in this assessment does not surprise me, with the score of 78 in CQ

Drive. CQ Drive is defined as the motivation one has and the level of interest within other

cultures. Through the CQ Drive there are three sub-dimensions that are taken into account. The

Intrinsic Interest is defined as having enjoyment in diverse situations. This area I scored a 73 on.

I have always found myself gravitating towards experiences and cultures I do not know, so with

this I am not surprised by my score. Extrinsic Interest is defined as gaining benefits from diverse

experiences. I scored a 77 in this area. This again does not surprise me due to me wanting to

learn everything there is to know about different experiences. Finally, the last category of CQ

Drive was self-efficiency. Self-efficiency within the CQ Drive is my strongest suit. Self-efficacy

is defined by the CQ by having the confidence to be effective in culturally diverse situations.

Through diverse culture interactions I believe this representation is true. Within diverse contexts

having confidence is key, even if there is no true confidence. CQ Drive shows my strongest

strengths within the CQ assessment besides the score of 82 in checking within the CQ Strategy.

CQ Knowledge: Socio-Linguistic

The area that I was most weak in was that of CQ Knowledge. I scored a 61 in this area. My sub-

dimensions scores are as follows: Business- 65, Values&Norms-75, Socio-Linguistic-46, and

Leadership-59. When looking into my scores within this area I had to come to an understanding

as to why the scores are not reflective of the rest of the scores. The score of a 61 comes primarily

from the low score within my Socio-Linguistic category. Which means this is the first target of

attention. Socio-Linguistic is defined as knowledge about the language and communication

norms. This is something I understand as to why I scored as low as I did.

How to develop my CQ Drive

When it comes to be being able understanding and having the knowledge of language and

communication norms in diverse areas, I know I lack in many areas. Unfortunately, it is not

because I do not want to understand it is just the fact that I cannot understand. There are many

ways for me to improve this which I have already begun which is taking other language classes,

involving myself within classes that explain different diverse cultures, learn more other diverse

cultures, along with just amercing myself with in the diverse cultures I live in now. These are all

things I have made a conscience effort to improve on.


When looking at the overall cultural intelligence that my CQ assessment evaluated I was

humbled by my scores. As a Juvenile Detention Officer, I have been able to see many different

cultures and communication within these cultures coexist within a security setting. This is why I

understand my highest scores within the sub-categories of Self-Efficacy, Checking and

Nonverbal. When it comes to Self-Efficacy as a correctional officer this is necessary for the job

especially with juveniles, and I have learned how to adapt the concept of having confidence in a

setting regardless of if I do or do not. Through experience I have been able to have more

confidence in understanding that I am not going to know everything and that is okay, but I have

to have the confidence in knowing that I can understand. The worse however sub-category does

make sense which was the Socio-Linguistic section of the assessment. This I understandable due

to me having a very difficult in my profession of understanding communication and language

norms within diverse cultures. I am constantly learning something new with communication and

language within my profession and majority of the time what I thought isn’t what it was. There is

always room for improvement and that is something I am going to continue to do through my

daily life.

Local and Intercultural Community Cross-Cultural Engagement

To share God’s love in the truest form is to be able to communicate his love through all

regions and diverse cultures. Through this there can founded relationships that thus create the

awareness of God to rise and the understanding of other cultures through these relationships.

Through the Great Commission described in Matthew 28:18-20 to share God’s love is to

continue to educate and share God’s wealth through all nations regardless of differences and

diversities. Through this one can reach a relationship through these intercultural situations.

Understanding what is of norm is the first step into communicating interculturally with a

purpose. Understanding what is needed and what is not needed to eliminate the necessities and

rather find the norm4. Even if it is something that is not what is of norm with you, to embrace the

shock of difference and allow there to be room for intercultural understanding. Every Sunday at

the Juvenile Detention Center I work for has church services for the juvenile residents. When I

first started working at this Detention Center the juveniles were not allowed to choose what

church service they wanted to watch. It was either the one that the Detention Center provided or

none at all. This however goes widely against the Great Commission. In Matthew 28: 18-205,

Jesus shows his disciples how they too can continue the mission of spreading the Great

Commission to all of the nation’s thus spreading the kingdom and Scripture of God, his

teachings. While I just moved to a new area and have not found a new church yet I do remember

everything that I absorbed from my last ministry. When it comes to this situation, I saw this as

wrong that there was not a choice as to what the juvenile residents did for their religious activity

hour besides what the Detention Center offered. I was able to get three volunteers from a local

church which is now my church to come in on Sundays for service. Through these volunteers

coming in to the Detention Center the volunteer is also ran through a level of cultural intelligence

workshop that allowed these volunteers to know what is necessary from them. Thankfully all

three volunteers where very culturally intelligence and have been able to successfully achieve

. Tim Chang. Christian Intercultural Communication: Sharing God’s Love with People of Other Cultures.

Mookgo Kgatle, Globalization of Missions: An Exegesis on the Great Commission (Mt 28:18-20)

Great Commission in this Detention Center. Along with those for those who do not wish to

participate in person worship they are able to have a bible and be in their rooms and or watch the

tv worships. Also, for those who do not identify as Christian they are able to do what is

necessary to worship within their religion. Understanding there are diverse ways to worship and

there needs to be a space to allow the differences to exits with the ideologies of choices able to

be made has created better relationships with in the Detention Center. Not only with the juvenile

residents and staff but the juvenile resides and God. As Chang stated in her book on God’s Love

““Culture shock is a process, a journey, and it can be the gate to so many treasures we have yet

to unfold.”6 Through intercultural communication with the right cultural intelligence there can be

pathways to forming positive relationships through the Great Commission and spreading God’s

Love through diverse situations. Through Cultural Intelligence there is a better understanding on

what is needed to successfully achieve the goal of intercultural communication in the honor of

God with his love.

Tim Chang. Christian Intercultural Communication: Sharing God’s Love with People of Other Cultures.


1.Livermore, David. Leading with Cultural Intelligence: The Real Secret to Success. NewYork:

American Management Association, 2015

2. Chang,C. Tim . Christian Intercultural Communication: Sharing God’s Love with Peopleof

Other Cultures. Available from: Liberty University Online Bookshelf, Kendall HuntPublishing,


3. Kgatle, Mookgo. "Globalisation of missions: An exegesis on the Great Commission

(Mt28:18–20)" In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi [Online], Volume 52 Number 1 (11 July 2018)

4. Cultural Intelligence Center, LLC. Cultural Intelligence Center. June (accessed June 2024)

Livermore, David. Leading with

Cultural Intelligence: The Real
Secret to Success. New
York: American Management
Association, 2015


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