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Operations Management Research (2023) 16:2174–2191

Logistic service quality on young consumers’ repurchase intention:

an empirical study in emerging economy
Thanh Tiep Le1 · Phuong Quyen Tran2 · Ngoc Phuong Lam2 · Phuong Ho Pham Uyen2 · My Nguyen Le Tra2 ·
Phat Dang Tien2

Received: 22 September 2022 / Revised: 25 May 2023 / Accepted: 22 June 2023 / Published online: 15 July 2023
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2023, corrected publication 2023

Logistics services are now gradually becoming popular and highly competitive. However, not all companies clearly under-
stand the variables dictating consumers’ repurchase intention to stand and develop in the market. This investigation aims to
understand the factors of logistics services affecting customer repurchase intention and evaluate the influence of Relational
Logistics Service Quality (RLSQ) as an independent variable on Repurchase Intention (RI). Besides, this study also clarifies
the mediating role of Operational Logistics Service Quality (OLSQ), Satisfaction (SA), Trust (TRU), Attitudinal Loyalty
(AL), and Behavioral Loyalty (BL) in the above relationship. For the research method, both quantitative and qualitative
methodologies were used to assess the research hypotheses by employing a survey questionnaire. The outcome of this study
has contributed to the existing knowledge about relational and operational logistics service quality. It also showed that the
quality of the services is a main component in boosting the repurchase intention of consumers. However, this study was
conducted on young people in Vietnam, so the research results will not apply to other age groups in other regions in Vietnam
and internationally. Through the analysis in the study, it is clear that RLSQ has the greatest influence and is closely related
to OLSQ. Therefore, the practical implication that this study wants to bring is to provide administrators or strategic plan-
ners with the necessary information about the elements that influence the repurchase intention of consumers in the logistics
industry. From there, they can be well aware of the role of the above factors that will help logistics businesses improve their
competitive advantages and attract and retain more consumers.

Keywords Logistics service quality · Trust · Satisfaction · Customer loyalty · Repurchase intention

1 Introduction

* Thanh Tiep Le Businesses now face both new opportunities and challenges because of the rising standard in quality and the growth in
Phuong Quyen Tran globalization. Pursuing customer loyalty is a key strategic target for businesses, and businesses can exploit supply
Ngoc Phuong Lam chain relationships as one of the reliable business advan- tages to break barriers to entry (Day 2000) and arouse the
Phuong Ho Pham Uyen repurchase intention of customers. Logistics services may be utilized to evaluate interactions between customers and
My Nguyen Le Tra suppliers by affecting customer satisfaction, boosting cus- tomer loyalty, gaining market share, and enhancing service
Phat Dang Tien efficiency (Daugherty et al. 1998) and may be essential for producing competitive differences (Sink and Langley 1997;
Rabinovich et al. 1999; Stock and Lambert 2001; Mentzer
Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance, et al. 2001). Purchasing, packaging, order processing, mate-
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
rials handling, courier services, warehousing, demand man-
University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH), agement, inventory management, inbound and outbound
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Logistic service quality on young consumers’ repurchase intention: an empirical study in… 2175

transportation, distribution, and return logistics are among thanks to the effects of the Comprehensive and Progressive
the specific duties typically carried out by logisticians. Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). How-
According to Tai (2011), customers who indeed develop ever, businesses face many difficulties from competitors.
a relationship with the company offering outstanding value Statistics from the Vietnam Association of Logistics Service
are likely to stick with the current supplier so businesses Enterprises show that Vietnam has more than 1,300 logis-
must be in close contact with the customer to have a deep tics enterprises in operation with a growth rate of 35–40%
insight into their forwarding demands and expectations. As is considered an attractive and potential field to develop
a result, these companies can maximize value and benefit logistics services. However, technological advances and
for their customers. The Lavidge and Steiner (1961) hier- globalization trends have pushed all businesses to apply the
archy-of-effects model states that before logistic service changing conditions of logistics services. In particular, the
quality can affect consumer attitudes or behavior, it must service quality criterion is considered a powerful weapon
first have a variety of psychological or emotional impacts. to meet the expectations of customers using the service,
Behavioral intentions are referred to as patronage intentions, which also requires more speed and accuracy. Vietnam is
while customer trust and satisfaction with logistics services increasingly integrated with the international market and the
(attitudinal reactions) are viewed as mediating effects. More demand for logistics services is increasing, customers will
dissatisfied customers tend to migrate to rivals compared consider deciding to use its service if logistic service quality
with satisfied customers, (Jones et al. 2000). Global for- is guaranteed.
warders must understand how their actions affect consumer In conclusion, according to prior studies, we have also
satisfaction, switching costs, quality, and brand loyalty found that Vietnam’s logistics service quality can connect
(Mentzer et al. 2004; Richey et al. 2007). To advance the the character of assessing and establishing value with young
corpus of knowledge, research has been conducted to ana- consumers. Sustained relationships can be beneficial for
lyze the components of customer loyalty and concentrate on consumers and shippers as they link profit to satisfaction,
its determinants and forms (Gil Saura et al. 2008; Juga et al. and they build relationships to gain strong interaction and
2010; Hussain et al. 2016). Thus, the logistics industry must chances for sustainable growth to create habits for consum-
not only offer top-to-bottom services but also plan for and ers to reuse their service.
establish long-term strategic relationships with its customers
RQ1. How does relational logistics services quality—
to increase consumers’ trust and loyalty as well (Palmatier
an exogenous variable through operational logistics
2008; Kumar et al. 2009; Beck et al. 2015).
services quality, satisfaction, trust, attitude loyalty,
These five dimensions of logistics service quality can
and behavioral loyalty achieve consumer repurchase
be used to effectively explain and improve customer satis-
faction: timeliness, personnel quality contact, order condi-
RQ2. How does relational logistics services quality
tion, handling discrepancies, and operational information
affect operational logistics services quality?
exchange (Uvet 2020). This research can aid both academ-
RQ3. How can the company strengthen the relation-
ics and practitioners in understanding the key components
ship between the repurchase intention of consumers
of raising customer happiness. Any company can use these
and logistic service quality including operational logis-
findings to increase competitive advantages in logistic ser-
tics service quality and relational logistic service qual-
vices. Otherwise, in Huma et al. (2019), it is described that
ity through loyalty, trust, and satisfaction?
consumer satisfaction and loyalty are terms used to describe
overall evaluations and purchase trends over time. Jang et al. The essence of the study is to fathom the key factors that
(2013) offered practical proof and showed that consumer influence repurchase intention to help logistics businesses
satisfaction has a favorable influence on their trust in ship- come up with the best strategies for their performance. In
pers. Therefore, service providers can then concentrate on addition, this study sheds light on the impact of RLSQ on
operational ways of satisfying the requirements of consum- OLSQ while also exploring how trust, loyalty, and satisfac-
ers while doing so in the most affordable way to encourage tion mediate the relationship between the two dimensions of
consumers to repurchase their service and product. LSQ and repurchase intention.
Nowadays, in the international economic integration, The novelty of this research is that the previous topics and
Vietnam's economy is constantly evolving. As a result, cus- articles just mention that logistics service qualities have a
tomers generally are requiring getting higher and higher ser- great effect on customer loyalty or satisfaction; no research
vice quality, particularly concerning forwarding, which is a had measured the impact of OLSQ & RLSQ on young con-
matter of concern for domestic and foreign logistics enter- sumers’ repurchase intention in Vietnam of logistics service
prises. Vietnam's industry has a lot of opportunities to grow companies. This is the first research topic to be carried out.
and engage more deeply in the global market to enhance Moreover, the research investigates the association between
market share and find more novel customers and partners AL and BL and young consumers’ repurchase intention.

2176 T. T. Le et al.

The layout of the research concludes six key sections. In Operational logistics service quality (OLSQ) OLSQ is
the first section, there is a quick recap of the research as well described as how the customers perceive the logistics service
as an identification of issues before establishing the current firms, which eventually contribute to consistently high pro-
study's goals and scope. In section 2, the fundamental theo- ductivity, efficiency, and quality. (Davis 2006). Operational
ries applied in this research, terms essential to the research components include physical characteristics of the service
issue, and key elements of the background are listed. The that capture and specify the method of the performed ser-
third section presents the methodology utilized to support vices, time and place such as product availability, payment
the current thesis, along with the sampling process, meas- options, timeliness, and return experience (Rabinovich and
urement scale, and questionnaire design. Section 4 deter- Bailey 2004; Xing et al. 2010; Koufteros et al. 2014). In
mines whether the assumptions of this research are justified addition, previous research and empirical tests have shown
by interpreting the statistical analysis results in light of the that OLSQ should reliably execute logistics service duties
structural model and measurement model assessments. In (Stank et al. 1999, 2003).
the fifth section, we discuss the main conclusions of the
current thesis and outline the implications. The final section Relational Logistics Service Quality (RLSQ) RLSQ is known
summarizes the key conclusions and the research’s obstacles as the customer's view of the service suppliers' relationship-
and proposals for additional study. building efforts that forge a stronger bond with the busi-
ness and enable them to better understand one another's
expectations and collaborate on logistics projects that will
efficiently provide customers with high-quality services
2 Literature review and hypotheses (Davis 2006). This aspect concentrated on the perceptions
development of assurance, which include the courtesy and knowledge of
employees as well as their capacity to inspire confidence
2.1 Underpinning theory and trust, responsiveness—the tendency to assist custom-
ers and offer fast service, and, lastly, caring—giving each
Recently, buying habits of Vietnamese consumers have signifi- customer thoughtful, individualized attention. Mentzer et al.
cantly changed when changing from using traditional business (2001) also claimed that consumers' perceptions of overall
to online shopping. This results in the e-commerce market being logistical services should be impacted by their interactions
a potential "land" for logistics services’ growth. To enhance the with customer service representatives. To sum up, RLSQ is
loyalty of customers and repurchase intention, customer trust a component of the external market that prioritizes under-
and satisfaction are used to measure the quality of logistics ser- standing the requirements of the consumer via conversation.
vices (Juga et al. 2012; Jang et al. 2014; Drucker 2004).
Huma et al. (2020) showed that understanding the LSQ fac- 2.2 Customer satisfaction
tors affecting customer loyalty was so important. The conse-
quences of this study indicated that OLSQ and RLSQ have It is simply the tendency toward and feeling of satisfaction
affected customer loyalty significantly through satisfaction and that results from a procedure of evaluating what has been
trust. Additionally, RLSQ is investigated to have a major and predicted, and obtained, including purchasing decisions in
favorable influence on customer satisfaction (Davis-Sramek addition to demands and desires. Customers seek efficient
et al. 2008) and OLSQ is proven to significantly impact trust and effective customer service. However, studies indicate
(Huma et al. 2020). And when the level of satisfaction and trust that businesses' perceptions of what satisfies a customer
increase, the loyalty of customers increases more (Jang et al. may not always align with customer expectations. How
2013). Moreover, we see that satisfaction significantly impacts efficiently a company's products and overall experience for
trust and the study of Khan et al. (2022) shows that customer customers live up to expectations is measured by customer
satisfaction positively influences trust. satisfaction (Gupta et al. 2022). It demonstrates the intrinsic
Regarding repurchase intention, the main factors value of a company by showing how well its products are
impacting repurchase intention are customer satisfaction engaging the consumers (Courtey Gupta 2021). By contrast-
and trust, which were examined in prior studies (Nurdani ing the customer's perspective with the service performance
and Sandhyaduhita 2016; Jain et al. 2021). If the degree of expectation, one can assess whether customers are satisfied
customer satisfaction is the same as the customer expectations, or dissatisfied with a product (Kotler and Keller 2006). Sat-
it may lead to developing customers’ trust and engaging them isfying clients is often linked favorably to products and ser-
in buying services and goods of that company again. However, vice quality that the customer receives since it is thought to
scant studies investigate how loyalty influences repurchase be a result of high-quality service. Customer satisfaction is
intention, so this research studies the relationship between two crucial since it affects how they will behave after purchas-
dimensions of loyalty and repurchase intention. ing a good or service (Szymanski and Henard 2001). In this

Logistic service quality on young consumers’ repurchase intention: an empirical study in… 2177

study, customer satisfaction is described as the sentiments have been using. The loyalty behavior of consumers can
of contentment or discontent in a customer experience as a manifest in many different forms.
result of evaluating the performance of services or products
to consumers’ expectations (Brady and Robertson 2001). 2.5 Repurchase intention

2.3 Trust Repurchase intention can be used to measure the success and

profitability of logistics services. It is described as an evalu-
It is regarded as the purchaser's propensity to depend on dif- ation of people's intentions to buy more products from the
ferent service suppliers in those purchasers who have faith same business while taking the present state into account.
(Moorman et al. 1993). Only when purchasers have faith According to Kassim and Abdullah (2010), satisfaction
in the dependability and honesty of the service provider, affects consumers' future purchase intentions and is sig-
trust can exist (Morgan and Hunt 1994). Trust, according to nificantly impacted by perceived customer service quality.
Grönroos (2000), is the conviction that the service suppli- According to Reibstein (2002), one aspect that is essential
ers are willing to act predictably. This means that it fosters to a client's pleasure is post-purchase customer assistance.
excellent behavior and intention toward the service provider The rapid resolution of customer inquiries and complaints,
with honesty and conviction when clients have faith in their accessibility to services, and perceptions of service quality
service suppliers (Lau and Lee 1999). received are some of these actions that will boost client sat-
isfaction (Hsu et al. 2008; Le et al. 2021).
2.4 Customer loyalty
2.6 Hypothesis development
It is seen as a key element in the connection between suppli-
ers and their consumers in service-related research and stud- RLSQ provides service businesses with information about
ies according to Jang et al (2013). Loyalty is described as the how to effectively serve the requirements and wishes of their
willingness to keep a relationship ongoing, the propensity customer. Mentzer et al. (2001) show that businesses are
to maintain a relationship positively, the expression of posi- typically more operationally advanced and more conscious
tive word-of-mouth, a nice attitude, reselling products on a of the demands and desires of their clients. Stank et al.
larger scale with better quality, the commitment on the long (1999) verified that these two variants, OLSQ and RLSQ,
run, or any combination of these (Davis-Sramek et al. 2008). can produce consumer satisfaction. RLSQ gives the service
Thus, there are two methods of achieving consumer loyalty: provider knowledge to respond proactively to their shipper's
behavioral and attitudinal loyalty. needs and wishes according to Jang et al. (2013). After con-
ducting customer interviews, these researchers concluded
Attitudinal loyalty (AL) AL is seen as a consumer’s psycho- that developing relationships with customers is meaningful
logical obligation to service suppliers (Han et al. 2008). Han because it will allow a service provider to effectively manage
and Jani (2014) and Kaur and Soch (2012) explained AL as a operational costs by learning more about their requirements
consumer's intention to continue using the service or product and desires after gathering marketing intelligence. However,
for a longer time. According to this study, customer satis- OLSQ and RLSQ are still not connected in a significant way
faction is a component of AL, but it is not enough to bring from the perspective of Davis (2006). Hence, hypothesis 1
customer loyalty to the business. Customers with immense is presented to examine the connection between RLSQ and
loyalty to the brand of products and services often have posi- OLSQ by assuming that RLSQ and OLSQ have a positive
tive attitudes and feelings toward the brand of the business. and significant relationship and RLSQ precedes OLSQ.
In conclusion, the customer's AL in the logistics sector may H1. RLSQ significantly and positively impacts OLSQ.
reflect a conscious decision to employ their desired services. Numerous elements that affect service quality must be
considered by logistics companies to differentiate the ser-
Behavioral loyalty (BL) The frequency of a customer's vices they provide (Marquardt et al. 2011). They must select
subsequent purchases is measured by BL (Petzer and van the appropriate service options, deliver them efficiently
Tonder 2019). It may also be argued that during this stage, while cutting costs, and continuously improve them. Includ-
customers concentrate on their routine behavioral actions ing customers in the process of resolving these issues helps
(Oliver 1999). According to Chaudhuri and Holbrook maintain the metrics for customer perception of logistics’
(2001), BL is the preparedness of business clients to use the value (Yazdanparast et al. 2010). RLSQ has been demon-
goods and services of service suppliers over and over again strated to mainly and positively impact customer satisfac-
to preserve their business. In this study, BL will be defined tion, especially in the background of supply chain and logis-
as a behavior that is understood as the repetition of purchase tics (Davis-Sramek et al. 2009). Therefore, shippers with a
behavior for brands of products and services that customers high standard of RLSQ are pleased and have confidence in

2178 T. T. Le et al.

their service firms, according to empirical research by Jang track record and reputation. Building good fame is playing
et al. (2013). a key role, and the supplier must concentrate on customers
who are considered very potential for the company, especially
H2a: RLSQ significantly and positively impacts TRU.
those who have not established a strong foundation of trust
H2b: RLSQ significantly and positively impacts SA.
yet (Bennett and Gabriel 2001). The research of Hewett et al.
OLSQ is a measurement that focuses on internal opera- (2002) truly demonstrated that there is a connection between
tions. Excellent customer service results in improved sales, trust and patronizing a preferred service supplier again. As a
loyalty, and customer pleasure (Emerson and Grimm 1998). result, we proposed the following:
Improvement of customer service calls for fast informa-
H6a: TRU significantly and positively impacts AL.
tion processing and efficient material management, which
H6b: TRU significantly and positively impacts BL.
depend on flexibility and responsiveness (Damen 2001). In
these efforts, businesses make an effort to amass as many Based on the research in the hospitality and tourism indus-
commodities and information resources as they can to pro- tries, BL alone cannot create customer loyalty in the full sense,
cess them with the capacity necessary to satisfy customer especially in the service area, because this commitment also
needs and expectations. Keller (2008) claims that service includes the consumer's emotional and mental attitudes toward
firms are aware of the influence of brand value to reduce the supplier (Schall 2003). Additionally, Russell-Bennett et al.
potential risk and unpredictability, expand trust and loyalty, (2007) reported the beneficial connection between attitude and
and construct a strong brand. BL. Therefore, an increase in AL causes a greater increase in
BL. In short, this study brought on the following hypothesis:
H3a: OLSQ significantly and positively impacts TRU.
H3b: OLSQ significantly and positively impacts SA. H7: AL significantly and positively impacts BL.
Loyalty and customer satisfaction are words used to Early studies on purchase and repurchase focused primar-
describe the repurchase trends of consumers over time. ily on minimal-involvement goods with affordable costs and
When a customer feels fulfilled and pleased with a prod- significant buy rates. Repurchasers were considered to be loyal
uct or service, they become loyal to that product or service customers (Newman and Werbel 1973). In a later section of
and also to the company. Attitudinal Loyalty and behavioral the study, it was recommended that consumers evaluate both
loyalty are a part of consumer loyalty. The study of Stank internal elements, like past experiences, and external aspects,
et al. (2003) has illustrated an important correlation between like the environment, before making a purchase. Consum-
satisfaction and consumer loyalty. Normally, when gauging ers think about internal elements before looking for external
overall customer satisfaction, loyalty items will be used in information. Up-to-date studies have shown that consumers
this case. Therefore, logistics companies need to take part in are beginning to depend much more on municipal criteria,
relationship marketing activities and know about how these such as experience and prior contentment when making pur-
activities affect changing costs, quality, and loyalty. Jang chases (Quick and Burton 2000). According to Oliver (1997),
et al. (2013) gave factual proof and showed that shippers' the consumer loyalty model is an effective combination of cog-
(customers') contentment has a beneficial influence on their nitive, emotional, goal (items or shopping needs), and action
trust. Convenient experience and fast delivery service sig- (customer's purchase). Despite having a positive opinion of
nificantly influence the repurchase attitude of consumers a brand, consumers may not repurchase it. On the other side,
(Kumari et al. 2022). However, later Jang et al. (2014) noted consumers could have a negative attitude but be more likely
that improving quality of service results in an upward trend to make repurchases. Attitudinal loyalty weights consumers’
in satisfying customers, which enhances business perfor- repurchase intention. The measure of behavioral loyalty is the
mance and is undoubtedly connected to repurchase inten- repurchases of an item or service (Curtis 2009). As a result,
tion. In light of prior research, we, therefore, proposed the we proposed the following:
following hypotheses:
H8: AL significantly and positively impacts RI.
H4. SA significantly and positively impacts TRU. H9: BL significantly and positively impacts RI.
H5a. SA significantly and positively impacts AL.
H5b. SA significantly and positively impacts BL. 2.7 Research model
In the course of a relationship, trust is essential for fos-
We propose the research framework by combining the model
tering loyalty. Customers and service providers will both be
of Jain et al. (2021) and Huma et al. (2020). In summary,
able to produce enough. According to empirical research by
nine hypotheses are drawn from seven constructs includ-
Jang et al. (2013). The higher the trust consumers have in a
ing one independent variable (RLSQ), six moderating
company or a partner, the more loyal they are to the com-
variables (OLSQ, SA, TRU, AL, BL), and one Dependent
pany's services. Trust also heavily relies on the supplier's

Logistic service quality on young consumers’ repurchase intention: an empirical study in… 2179

Fig. 1  Proposed Research


Variable (RI). Our framework is supported by much infor- companies such as Giao hang nhanh, Shopee Express, Giao
mation on relationship logistics in the B2C chart in many hang tiet kiem, Gojek, Grab, etc. Each participant was asked
related studies (Marquardt et al. 2011; Kumari et al. 2022) to complete an online survey through social media like
as Figs. 1 and 2 below). Facebook and Messenger. This survey period lasted nearly
4 months (from April 1, 2022 to August 1, 2022) both during
the week and on the weekends, at various periods of the day.
3 Research design and methodology A survey was composed and pre-tested with 20 young
participants in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. We clearly
3.1 Research process explained the purpose to those who helped us in the data
collection. The results of the pre-tests confirmed that the
The data were collected from 438 young consumers (aged questionnaires are appropriate for the main survey with
18 to 34) in Vietnam who have used logistics services. There some modifications to ensure its clarity before finaliza-
were 404 reasonable samples because 34 of the total were tion and distribution. The second stage was to conduct
not eligible due to the mismatching location and age criteria. a survey via Google Forms and gather data from young
Participants chose to use many popular shipping logistics participants who used logistics services. Regarding the

Fig. 2  Analysis results

2180 T. T. Le et al.

age category accounting for the majority of consumers measurements of the research constructs. Twenty young peo-
using logistics services in Ho Chi Minh City, this survey's ple in Ho Chi Minh city participated in the design and pre-
target group comprised customers aging from 18 to 34. testing of a questionnaire. The outcomes of the pre-testing
After the collection of data from the survey, to evaluate showed that, with minimal revisions to assure their clarity
the structural model's accuracy and to analyze the final data- before finalization and dissemination, the questions were
set, this study employed SmartPLS 3.3.9 and the Partial Least suitable for the main survey.
Square-Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM). We used PLS- Delivering questionnaires to the intended respondents
SEM for the following reasons: First, according to Hair et al. was the next step in the survey's formal launch. The number
2017, PLS-SEM is mainly used to define/predict structure or of votes issued was 590. The number of votes distributed
to probe an existing structural theory’s extension. Meanwhile, was 590. There were a total of 438 respondents. The actual
CB-SEM is mainly used to confirm (or disprove) hypotheses. ratio of the analyzed sample to the total number of votes
Second, PLS-SEM is seen as a non-parametric process- distributed was 74%. After comparison with the defined cri-
ing method, it can handle data well with or without a normal teria, the standard response was 404 participants. The com-
distribution (Hair et al. 2021). In addition, CB-SEM requires pleted dataset was analyzed by statistical PLS-SEM.
a normal distribution or a largely sampled one (Wong 2013),
and when this demand is not met, PLS-SEM is a proper alter-
native. Besides, in terms of convenience in statistical analy- 4 Results
sis between PLS-SEM and CB-SEM, the implementation
of PLS-SEM through SmartPLS 3.3.9 was easier to operate 4.1 Sample and data collection
when the software automatically integrated and calculated
all criteria in the measurement model. Meanwhile, some cri- Of 438 survey samples collected, 34 samples were not eligi-
teria of CB-SEM such as CR, AVE, and MSV indices must ble because the location and age criteria were not responded
be calculated manually based on the standardized regression to. Therefore, there are 404 valid and recognized votes as in
weight extracted from AMOS 24 software. Table 2. In which the percentage of females account for the
Concerning SmartPLS 3.3.9, this study first uses descrip- majority, up to 71.1%. Moreover, most people sometimes use
tive statistics to analyze information from the data collec- logistic services, up to 44.8%. The age group of young people
tion and depict the responses gathered. The validity and reli- taking the survey accounted for the highest percentage from
ability of the studied factors were assessed by three items 18 to 24 (95.05%). The monthly personal income included
CR, Cronbach’s alpha, and AVE. The discriminant validity monthly allowance from parents because the majority of
was assessed by the Fornell-Larcker criterion. After that, survey respondents are still students and have not worked or
the structural model was judged through several different only have part-time jobs with low income. The income level
criteria, such as the VIF values, R2, and Q2. Based on mul- below 5 million VND accounts for the largest proportion with
tiplying ­R2 and mean AVE, this study calculated the value 72.03%. The survey also lists many popular logistics service
of the goodness of fit to measure how well the observed data providers in Vietnam. Which, there are some prominent com-
correspond to the fitness of the PLS-SEM model. panies, accounting for a large proportion and frequently used
by young people: Shopee Express (77.2%), Giao hang tiet
kiem (68%), and Giao hang nhanh (67.4%) (Table 2).
3.2 Measurement scale
4.2 Assessment of measurement model
All items were ranked on a five-point Likert scale, with 1
denoting strongly disagree and 5 denoting strongly agree, To gauge the fitness of the model in SmartPLS, the goodness
and they were translated into Vietnamese, the study's offi- of fit was examined by utilizing the square root of mean R ­2
cial language. The scales were modified and implemented (coefficient of determination) multiplied by mean AVE (Aver-
from past studies as in Table 1 below. To guarantee accuracy age Variance Extracted). By calculating the stated formula, the
and data integrity, the uniqueness of the Vietnamese language results showed that the value of GoF was 0.583 (GoF > 0.36
and culture was also taken into account (Table 1). which is considered a large GoF according to Wetzels et al.
(2009), thus, it is concluded that the goodness of fit was under-
3.3 Survey Instrument pinned and had a high relevance (Falk and Miller 1992).
The framework model was evaluated through analyzing
Three components make up the questionnaire's structure. the structural and measurement model. First, reliability,
Section 1 contained a screening question to identify eligi- convergence value, and discriminant validity were used to
ble replies. The second section included the respondent's evaluate the measurement model. The outcomes were pre-
demographic information. Finally, the last section contained sented in the tables below.

Logistic service quality on young consumers’ repurchase intention: an empirical study in… 2181

Table 1  Measurement of Construct

Constructs Items Source

Logistics Serces Quality (LSQ) Operational Logistics Services Quality 1. Offers excellent logistics services Nguyen et al. (2010)
(OLSQ) (OLSQ1) Ngo Hoang (2018)
Stank et al. (2003)
2. Providers of current services fulfill
their commitments. (OLSQ2)
3. Deliveries of goods take place on or
before the requested delivery date.
4. As soon as the order is delivered,
the supplier handles any problems.
5. Many orders are completed as desired.
6. Logistics companies have a variety of
options on payment issues to increase
safe policies for customers. (OLSQ6)
Relational Logistics Services Quality 1. Communicate supply issues pro- Ngo Hoang (2018)
(RLSQ) actively that may delay your order Stank et al. (2003)
2. Work together with others to increase
the effectiveness of your order process-
ing (RLSQ2)
3. Make suggestions for ongoing devel-
opment on a regular basis (RLSQ3)
4. Know the demand of the customer
5. Logistics services respond promptly to
arising problems. (RLSQ5)
Satisfaction (SA) 1. I am content with using these logistics Huma et al. (2019)
services. (SA1)
2. My decision to use these logistics
services was a wise decision. (SA2)
3. I am pleased with the performance of
these logistics services. (SA3)
Trust (TRU) 1. I have a belief that my express and the Huma et al. (2020)
logistics companies are heartfelt and
reliable. (TRU1)
2. I think the logistics and express firms
will fulfill their commitments. (TRU2)
3. I favor doing business with these
logistics and express firms over others.
4. To do business with these logistics and
express firms rather than others, I am
always ready to make the extra effort.
5. I wish to continue doing business with
these express and logistics firms since
we have a great connection with them.

2182 T. T. Le et al.

Table 1  (continued)
Constructs Items Source

Loyalty Attitudinal Loyalty (AL) 1. I was emotionally attached to these Huma et al. (2019)
express and logistics companies. (AL1)
2. The given logistics services are more
than satisfactory. (AL2)
Behavioral Loyalty (BL) 1. My goal is to expand my business
relationships with these logistics and
express companies. (BL1)
2. These express and logistics companies
are my first company choice for fast
services. (BL2)
3. I will use the service or cooperate with
the logistics companies in the future.
Repurchase Intention (RI) 1. I will continue to use these logistic Cao (2018)
services in the future. (RI1)
2. I will recommend my friends/relatives
to use these logistic services. (RI2)
3. I will give complimentary comments
on these logistic services. (RI3)
4. I will choose this logistic service as
the first choice when I need to transport
products. (RI4)

The reliability of observed variables must be not less than in Table 3. The results were larger or equal to the 0.6 pro-
0.7 to achieve synthetic reliability (Hair et al. 2014). The posed by (Nunnally and Bernstein 1994).
convergent validity was utilized to evaluate the scale sta- The outputs of the scale test revealed that the scale was
bility, with the minimum requirement of AVE coefficient internally consistent with Cronbach's Alpha index exceeding
(Average Extracted Variance) to be 0.5 and single-factor 0.6 and the CR exceeding 0.7. The AVE index was larger
loading (outer loading) to be above 0.7 (Hair et al. 2014). than 0.5 and the outer loadings were above 0.7 (Except
Cronbach's α for internal validity was computed as indicated OLSQ3, OLSQ5, and RLSQ5).

Table 2  Sample and Data Frequency Frequency (%) Accumulation

Collection Frequency (%)

Male 116 40.2 40.2
Female 288 59.8 59.8
Frequency of Using Logistic Services
Seldom (0–1 time per week) 165 40.8 40.8
Sometimes (2–3 times per week) 198 49 89,8
Frequently (4–5 times per week) 32 7.9 97.7
Usually (6–7 times per week) 9 2.3 100
18–24 384 95.05 95.05
25–34 20 4.95 100
Monthly Personal Income
Below 5 million VND 291 72.03 72.03
From 5–15 million VND 95 23.51 95.54
From 15–25 million VND 12 2.97 98.51
From 25–40 million VND 3 0.75 99.25
From 40 million VND and above 3 0.74 100

Logistic service quality on young consumers’ repurchase intention: an empirical study in… 2183

Table 3  Cronbach’s Alpha, factor loading, C.R, and AVE

Variables Items Factor Loading Cronbach's Alpha Composite Average Variance
Reliability (C.R) Extracted (AVE)

Attitudinal Loyalty (AL) AL1 0.863 0.670 0.859 0.752

AL2 0.872
Behavioral Loyalty (BL) BL1 0.803 0.776 0.870 0.691
BL2 0.816
BL3 0.874
Operational Logistics Service Quality (OLSQ) OLSQ1 0.780 0.744 0.838 0.565
OLSQ2 0.743
OLSQ4 0.743
OLSQ6 0.739
Repurchase Intention (RI) RI1 0.813 0.800 0.869 0.624
RI2 0.775
RI3 0.792
RI4 0.780
Relational Logistics Service Quality (RLSQ) RLSQ1 0.762 0.783 0.860 0.606
RLSQ2 0.801
RLSQ3 0.757
RLSQ4 0.792
Satisfaction (SA) SA1 0.869 0.814 0.890 0.729
SA2 0.848
SA3 0.844
Trust (TRU) TRU1 0.804 0.855 0.896 0.633
TRU2 0.769
TRU3 0.789
TRU4 0.801
TRU5 0.813
Attitudinal Loyalty (AL) AL1 0.863 0.670 0.859 0.752
AL2 0.872
Behavioral Loyalty (BL) BL1 0.803 0.776 0.870 0.691
BL2 0.816
BL3 0.874
Operational Logistics Service Quality (OLSQ) OLSQ1 0.780 0.744 0.838 0.565
OLSQ2 0.743
OLSQ4 0.743
OLSQ6 0.739
Repurchase Intention (RI) RI1 0.813 0.800 0.869 0.624
RI2 0.775
RI3 0.792
RI4 0.780
Relational Logistics Service Quality (RLSQ) RLSQ1 0.762 0.783 0.860 0.606
RLSQ2 0.801
RLSQ3 0.757
RLSQ4 0.792
Satisfaction (SA) SA1 0.869 0.814 0.890 0.729
SA2 0.848
SA3 0.844

2184 T. T. Le et al.

Table 3  (continued)
Variables Items Factor Loading Cronbach's Alpha Composite Average Variance
Reliability (C.R) Extracted (AVE)

Trust (TRU) TRU1 0.804 0.855 0.896 0.633

TRU2 0.769
TRU3 0.789
TRU4 0.801
TRU5 0.813

Table 4 depicts that all constructs have CR values above hypotheses support each other. Both OLSQ (β = 0.191 and
0,70 and AVE values between 0,565 and 0,752. The dis- β = 0.524, p < 0.05) and RLSQ (β = 0.259 and β = 0.299,
criminant validity was verified according to Fornell and p < 0.05) positively related to trust and satisfaction thus sup-
Larcker (1981) by crosschecking the square root of each porting H2a, H2b, H3a, and H3b. Satisfaction was slightly
AVE in the diagonal against each construct in the relevant related to AL (β = 0.229 and p < 0.0) BL (β = 0.145 and
columns and rows. Overall, discriminant validity supports p < 0.05), while trust significantly impacted both AL and
the constructs' discriminant validity and is acceptable for BL with figures for β = 0.574 and β = 0.302 and p-value
this measurement approach. under 0.05. In addition, the repurchase intention of young
Before these assessments of the structural model, multicol- customers in Ho Chi Minh City was significantly affected by
linearity and methodological bias should be examined via VIF AL (β = 0.292 and p < 0.05) and BL (β = 0.465 and p < 0.05)
and Harman’s test. First of all, the proposed upper threshold support for H8 and H9. RLSQ (β = 0.566 and p < 0.05) was
of 3.0 is applied for VIF (Hair et al. 2020) while the outcome found to be strongly linked with OLSQ, and AL with the
indicates that VIF values in the present research are less than value of β equalling to 0.406 and p under 0.05 also do the
3.0 (from 1.000 to 2.799). Thus, it can be stated that this study same with BL, lending credence to H1 and H7 respectively.
does not have a general problem with methodological bias or The ­f2 coefficient has also contributed to confirming
an issue with multicollinearity (Diamantopoulos and Siguaw the above results. Based on Cohen's (1988) proposal on
2006; Kock 2015; Hair et al. 2020). Harman's one-factor test how to gauge the importance of independent variables:
is used to verify the common method bias with an acceptance ­f2 < 0.02 indicates that the impact is extremely minor or
threshold of under 50% (Xu et al. 2022; Li and Fang 2022). insignificant. If 0.02 ≤ ­f 2 < 0.15, it means that the data
The table reflects that the total variance extracted with the in the analysis has a small impact. If 0.15 ≤ ­f2 < 0.35, it
standard of extracting one factor (fixed number of factors: 1) describes the medium impact. And at the highest level,
is 41.221%, which is less than 50%, so there are no automatic ­f2 ≥ 0.35 illustrates the high impact.
indiscriminate responses (Podsakoff et al. 2003) and no CMB. Comparing these theories with Table 5, the study has the
Figures 3 and 4 below illustrate the SEM analysis findings following conclusions: RLSQ has a high impact on OLSQ
before and after using the bootstrapping approach. (Effect size ­f2 = 0.472 > 0.35), low impact on TRU (Effect
To evaluate the hypotheses in this study, a bootstrapping size ­f2: 0.02 < ­f2 = 0.080 < 0.15), and SA (Effect size f­2:
technique with a resample of 5,000 as suggested by Hair 0.15 < ­f2 = 0.132 < 0.35). OLSQ has a low impact on TRU
et al. (2014) was used. The results in Table 5 confirm all (Effect size ­f2: 0.043 < ­f2 = 0.101 < 0.15) and has a high

Table 4  Discriminant Validity AL BL OLSQ RI RLSQ SA TRU​

AL 0.867
BL 0.722 0.831
OLSQ 0.627 0.596 0.751
RI 0.628 0.676 0.615 0.790
RLSQ 0.607 0.561 0.566 0.563 0.778
SA 0.638 0.619 0.693 0.695 0.596 0.854
TRU​ 0.742 0.688 0.633 0.721 0.621 0.713 0.795

“Bold” values are the square root of AVE values is greater than correlations between the latent variables

Logistic service quality on young consumers’ repurchase intention: an empirical study in… 2185

Fig. 3  SEM model analysis results without bootstrapping

impact on SA (Effect size f­ 2 = 0.406 > 0.35). SA has a medium ­ 2 adjusted lower than 0.5 but it is nearly equal to 0.5 ­(R2
impact on TRU (Effect size f­2: 0.15 < ­f2 = 0.201 < 0.35), adjusted: 0.495 < 0.5). Only OLSQ was an unsatisfactory
low impact on AL (Effect size ­f2: 0.02 < ­f2 = 0.060 < 0.15), model because its ­R2 adjusted: 0.319 is less than 0.5.
and BL (Effect size f­ 2: 0.02 < ­f2 = 0.024 < 0.15). TRU has The study used the blindfolding detection procedure with
a high impact on AL (Effect size f­ 2 = 0.376 > 0.35), and a an omission distance of 7. Based on the levels of ­Q2 cor-
low impact on BL (Effect size ­f2: 0.02 < ­f2 = 0.081 < 0.15). responding to the predictive ability of the model that Hair
AL has a medium impact on BL (Effect size ­ f 2: et al. (2019), the study has the following conclusions: only
0.02 < ­f = 0.176 < 0.15) and low impact on RI (Effect size the OLSQ (Q2 = 0.178 < 0.25) variable had low predictive
­f2: 0.15 < ­f2 = 0.081 < 0.35). BL has a medium impact on RI accuracy while the SA ( 0.25 < ­Q2 = 0.388 < 0.5), TRU (
(Effect size ­f2: 0.15 < ­f2 = 0.207 < 0.35). 0.25 < ­Q2 = 0.365 < 0.5); AL (0.25 < ­Q2 = 0.424 < 0.5), BL
The coefficient of determination R-squared (Coefficient ( 0.25 < ­Q2 = 0.405 < 0.5), and RI ( 0.25 < ­Q2 = 0.306 < 0.5)
of Determination) is frequently used as a linear model fit had medium predictive accuracy.
measure. The ­R2 adjusted is the same as ­R2, it reflects the
goodness of fit of the model. The R ­ 2 adjusted calculated from
­R is often used as this value more closely reflects the fit 5 Discussions and implications
of the multivariable linear regression model. If the value is
under 0.5, it is considered a good model. On the other hand, 5.1 Discussions
if the value is ranging from 0.5 to 1, it is not good. In short,
variables such as SA (­ R2 adjusted: 0.539 > 0.5), TRU (R2 This research has the purpose to examine how five factors
adjusted: 0.583 > 0.5), AL ­(R2 adjusted: 0.567 > 0.5), and of Relational Logistics Services Quality (RLSQ), Opera-
BL ­(R2 adjusted: 0.593 > 0.5) were significant, the results tional Logistics Services Quality (OLSQ), customer satis-
were still within acceptable levels and are good models faction, customer trust, and customer loyalty affect young
because their ­R2 adjusted were all greater than 0.5. RI has consumers’ repurchase intention in Vietnam.

2186 T. T. Le et al.

Fig. 4  SEM model analysis results with bootstrapping

The research revealed that Behavioral (BL) and Attitudinal attachments and attitudes are taken into account while defin-
(AL) Loyalty had a massive effect on consumers' propensity ing behavioral and attitudinal loyalty, which are both techni-
to make repurchases. In addition, Behavioral (BL) and Atti- cally defined as repurchase behavior. The results generally
tudinal (AL) Loyalty were the most important predictors of supported the application of logistics services quality consum-
desire to repurchase with the value of β equalling 0.465 and erism in a developing nation like Vietnam. From the results,
0.292 while p is under 0.05. These findings of the research are Attitudinal Loyalty (AL) is also found to be strongly linked
the same of Curtis (2009). Overall, consumer psychological with Behavioral Loyalty (BL). These results concur with

Table 5  Assessment of Hypothesis β SD t-value p-value 95% Confidence Interval f2 VIF Result
Structural Model
Lower Limit Upper Limit

H1 0.566 0.037 15.341 0 0.493 0.640 0.472 1.000 Supported

H2a 0.259 0.054 4.770 0 0.154 0.368 0.097 1.667 Supported
H2b 0.299 0.051 5.817 0 0.197 0.397 0.132 1.472 Supported
H3a 0.191 0.055 3.500 0 0.087 0.301 0.043 2.070 Supported
H3b 0.524 0.044 11.930 0 0.436 0.607 0.406 1.472 Supported
H4 0.426 0.059 7.234 0 0.306 0.537 0.201 2.180 Supported
H5a 0.229 0.058 3.957 0 0.121 0.348 0.060 2.034 Supported
H5b 0.145 0.048 3.040 0.002 0.048 0.235 0.024 2.155 Supported
H6a 0.574 0.055 10.376 0 0.459 0.676 0.376 2.034 Supported
H6b 0.302 0.060 5.078 0 0.189 0.425 0.081 2.799 Supported
H7 0.406 0.054 7.477 0 0.295 0.508 0.176 2.232 Supported
H8 0.292 0.064 4.597 0 0.163 0.412 0.081 2.087 Supported
H9 0.465 0.059 7.944 0 0.351 0.581 0.207 2.087 Supported

Logistic service quality on young consumers’ repurchase intention: an empirical study in… 2187

Huma et al. (2019). In the business sector, where relationships with customer service representatives. Consumers' views on
between consumers and suppliers are crucial and decision- logistics services are built from consumer awareness, lead
making and accountability play a critical role, attitudes are service satisfaction, and consumer trust in logistics services.
likely to be a precursor to behavior. To make consumers repurchase logistics, loyalty must exist
As a result, consumers' intent to utilize logistics services as the basis for consumer satisfaction and trust. When con-
is clarified by their level of satisfaction, trust, understanding, sumers are satisfied and trust the logistics service, they posi-
and experience with purchasing. From the results, Satisfac- tively perceive that logistics service. As a result, consumers'
tion (SAT) and Trust (TRU) were positive for Attitudinal views on logistics services will be strengthened.
Loyalty (AL) and Behavioral Loyalty (BL). Trust (TRU) Overall, logistics services companies in Vietnam, espe-
had a substantial relationship with Attitudinal Loyalty (AL) cially in Ho Chi Minh City, have been doing great. Consum-
with β = 0.574 and p < 0.05. Consumers are more devoted ers were willing to purchase or repurchase logistics services
to a company's services when they have greater faith in it or due to their experience, satisfaction, trust, and loyalty.
its partner. The track record and reputation of the supplier
are also crucial for building trust. People who view logistics 5.2 Theoretical implications
positively are less hesitant to make purchases since they are
accustomed to using them, and switching to other logistics This research enriches existing theoretical progresses on the
services was difficult for them due to their satisfaction and effects to repurchase intention by expanding the prior stud-
trust. Young customers trusted freight forwarding logistics ies. Customer-related LSQ aspects have been addressed, and
companies because they expressed sincerity, reliability, and this conclusion confirms the views of Stank et al. (1999),
promises. Consumers want to support logistics companies, Mentzer et al. (2001), and Gamze and Hasan (2021). This
which support research findings (Huma et al. 2019). study shows that logistics services have increased their cus-
Regarding other factors, the results shown in Table 5 con- tomer-focused operations.
firm Operational Logistics Services Quality (OLSQ) and Trust affects customer loyalty, reflecting that trust pro-
Relational Logistics Services Quality (RLSQ) are positively motes highly valued trade connections, and this in turn
related to Trust (TRU) and Satisfaction (SAT). Especially encourages an extreme quantity of attitudinal and behavioral
Operational Logistics Services Quality (OLSQ) had a strong loyalty. Consumers trust in logistics services quality and they
effect on SAT with β = 0.524 and p < 0.05. The data implied tend to be loyal to these logistics services and repurchase ser-
that young consumers agreed with some activities which vices. The statistics add to the field of literature (Morgan and
companies did well such as offering excellent services and Hunt 1994; Chaudhuri and Holbrook 2001; Gecti and Zengin
being responsive to problems. According to Keller (2008), 2013). Companies view customer satisfaction as their plans to
service companies are aware of how brand value can lower make additional purchases in the future, according to Drucker
potential risk and unpredictability, increase trust and loy- (2004). Companies can keep their consumers because of good
alty, and build a strong brand. Relational Logistics Services logistics services quality and satisfaction which lead to con-
Quality (RLSQ) had a substantial influence on the quality sumers' repurchase intention. The study also boosts the idea
of Operational Logistics Services (OLSQ) with β equalling that, even though customer satisfaction is important, it does
0.566 and p under 0.05. Consumers’ psychology affected not ensure a business's capacity to retain consumers on its
internal companies; therefore, companies improved quality own. Compared to satisfied customers, loyal customers show
to suit consumers. In the research of Davis in 2006, Opera- signs of contentment and are more willing to make additional
tional Logistics Services Quality (OLSQ) and Relational purchases of the goods or services. Consumers are loyal to
Logistics Services Quality (RLSQ) have doubts about the logistics services' quality, so they are willing to repurchase
relationship between them, but in this research, the outcome services (Quick and Burton 2000). This study’s result also
displays that Relational Logistics Services Quality (RLSQ) supports to the previous study from Curtis 2009. Therefore,
and Operational Logistics Services Quality (OLSQ) had a it is important to make consumers loyal to logistics services
strong relationship. This reflects that companies are often through quality, trust, and satisfaction. The research enriches
more operationally sophisticated and more well-up on the the knowledge base by presenting evidence for hypotheses on
desires and preferences of their purchasers. the significant impact of consumers’ loyalty on repurchase
In this study, Relational Logistics Services Quality intention in the subject of logistics. The finding supports
(RLSQ) is an exogenous variable through Operational previous research from Upamannyu et al. 2015 and Curtis
Logistics Services Quality (OLSQ), Satisfaction (SA), Trust et al. 2011. The research shows how vitally logistics services
(TRU), Attitude Loyalty (AL), and Behavioral Loyalty (BL) quality affects the satisfaction, trust, loyalty, and repurchase
to achieve consumer Repurchase Intention (RI). Mentzer intention of consumers. Therefore, potential researchers
et al. (2001) also stated that consumers' perception of over- can improve the study by including more factors or can do
all logistics services will be influenced by their interactions research in other countries.

2188 T. T. Le et al.

5.3 Managerial implications RLSQ has an impact on OLSQ. If the logistics service qual-
ity can be improved and developed, it will make customers
This study indicates that logistics service companies should feel more satisfied. They are willing to use the company's
increase the customers’ satisfaction concerning OLSQ and services again and again and thereby have more loyal actions
RLSQ which will make customers tend to repurchase services to the company. Thus, customer loyalty to the logistics firm's
and goods from the same providers, thereby resulting in retain- goods and services may be improved. Ultimately, the above
ing customers. To enhance customer satisfaction, logistics ser- factors will lead to customers' repurchase intention. Specifi-
vice companies need to be concerned about some important cally, understanding the needs of customers, the company
factors such as timeliness, accuracy, availability, etc. Addition- can reorganize its internals to meet those needs. The way
ally, companies should pay attention to the interests, demands, goods are organized and distributed has a substantial impact
and purchasing behaviors of customers to increase this factor. on customer satisfaction and trust. Moreover, if customers
The outcome of this study delivers a deep comprehension have confidence in the company and the service, there will
that the antecedent of OLSQ is RLSQ because RLSQ allows be an increase in repurchase intention.
logistics service companies to gain insights into what they need Secondly, the efforts to build relationships between busi-
and want and establish relationships with consumers. Therefore, nesses and service providers will help businesses optimize the
if they understand the deficiency of the logistics services they process of creating products or services, helping businesses
provide and accept consumers' feedback, they will find the best reduce many costs while providing the best services for their
ways to manage operational activities cost-effectively. customers. In short, good relational logistics services quality
Trust was found to significantly affect customer loyalty. makes operational logistics services quality better.
This service dimension is often ignored because of a weak The striking difference in this study compared with oth-
customer care system. Goods are damaged, lost, or exchanged ers is that AL and BL affect RI. And also, RI is a highlight
with other low-price goods being solved perfunctorily, which of this article because it focuses on the repurchase intention
breaks the customers’ trust. Therefore, logistics service compa- of young consumers. This illustrates how businesses are fre-
nies can cement a longstanding relationship of trust by encour- quently more operationally advanced and more aware of the
aging customers to leave reviews about services, designing an needs and preferences of their customers. The conclusions of
open communication and feedback channel, and improving this study contribute to the plans or strategies of enterprises
the quality of services and customer care. Moreover, if the in practice when the majority of logistics service users are the
problem arises due to the company's fault, there should be young generation. On the other hand, the limitation in the area
appropriate compensation costs for customers. and age of the survey participants are a weakness of this paper.
Loyal customers tend to make more repurchases of the Future articles may inherit the results of this study. In addition,
same brand. The reason is that the consistent repurchase they may expand the scope of the study to match the majority
behavior will form a habit and an experiential knowledge of of consumers in the context of those studies.
that brand so that loyal customers tend to rely on the brand’s Various market segments have distinct wants and desires; it
trust expectations more (Singh and Sirdeshmukh 2000). is practically hard to satisfy all of them. For each group, it is
Hence, managers of logistics service companies should try crucial to strategically manage their logistical service capabili-
to accommodate consumers with marketing programs such ties to build better bonds with more devoted customers.
as discounts of 10%–50% delivery fees for loyal custom-
ers. From promotional activities, customers realize that they 6.2 Limitations and future scope of the study
have great benefits when they become loyal customers. And
logistics service companies can gain a larger revenue from This research is only limited to the young consumers in Ho
these loyal customers because they make more referrals to Chi Minh city, whereas other areas of the country or a big-
their families, friends, and others. ger sample size can be covered in the next research. Other-
wise, the author's claims about their truthfulness may not
be accurate, maybe as a result of some people's unwilling-
ness to provide truthful answers. Furthermore, this study’s
6 Conclusions and future scope of study scope is only limited to consumers from 18 years old to
34 years old, not yet being implemented in older consum-
6.1 Conclusions ers. These are limitations that we can refer to.
These are some limitations that future research needs to
The outcomes of the research give a comprehensive view be considered, as well as additional factors such as location
of the factors influencing the young consumers’ repurchase or information quality. To grow logistics services, a location
intention for companies providing logistics services in Ho must have a population that frequently uses such services,
Chi Minh City. The result of the data analysis indicates that such as Ha Noi, Da Nang, and Hai Phong in Vietnam, these

Logistic service quality on young consumers’ repurchase intention: an empirical study in… 2189

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