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<Songs of War {Season3}>

Season 3 is the third season of Songs of War. It was officially announced to be

cancelled by Black Plasma Studios on June 14, 2021.
David R.B (The Director of Songs of War), but they did release a script draft to
Seasons' 3 and 2 however.
Megste Studios attempted to make a fan made Songs of War Season 3, from Mid 2021 to
July 2022, but faced many production issues along the way.
And after just completing a fan made Songs of War Season 2, Megste took a break
from working on Songs of War Season 3 to focus on other projects and really
consider if Season 3 could be made, and after 2-3 months of consideration, decided
to cancel production of Season 3 on September 25th, 2022.

<<Season 3 Episode 1 (Episode 1)>>

The twenty first episode of Songs of War is the first episode of the third season
of the series.
The episode was not released as an animation, but was canonized by the series'

1 Lore
1.1 Flashback
1.2 Engineer
1.3 Way Out
1.4 Calm Before the Storm
2 Appareances

The season, same as the first one, begins during The Great War. We see the battle
through a point of view of a Netheran.
Chronos leads the Nether armies, just as an Enderdragon flies overhead and kills a
Wither nearby.
Chronos runs to the Wither and puts his hand on it, saddened by its death.
The Enderking Rendor dismounts the Enderdragon and begins fighting Chronos, the
Enderblade against the Netherblade.
Rendor eventually gets the upper hand and knocks Chronos over.
The Netheran the scene is following runs from the crowd towards the Nether king,
but he raises his hand and the Netheran stops.
Chronos gets back up but Rendor beats him down again. Just as he is about to kill
him, a blur of energy erupts between them and the Deathsinger appears.
He quickly fights back Rendor and his dragon and then picks Chronos up and runs
away, despite being burned by the dragon's breath.
After Rendor's dragon ignites a lot of the Nether troops and the Voltaris, he
points his sword on Ingressus threateningly and flies away.
Cuts to bit later, Chronos says that he will order a retreat of the Nether forces,
about which the Deathsinger and Pythus aren't happy about.
Chronos says that he would rather save the lives of Pythus and Vulcannus, on the
latter addressing the viewer directly, revealing, that the Netheran we've been
following is Vulcannus.
Cuts to the Nether, its forces have already retreated. Vulcannus is alone in the
throne room, he turns around and sees Pythus confronting Chronos and then stabbing
Chronos, after which Vulcannus wakes up from his dream.
He goes to the balcony, coming across a sleeping baby Ghast, which reveals, that
he's in Crown Peak, the city being covered in lava and netherrack, the Wither
skeletons patroling the streets.
Ingressus and Pythus meet once again in the middle of Crown Peak, Pythus saying,
that he will conquer the End next.
He also questions the Deathsinger's allegiance, but Ingressus assures him, that he
doesn't intend to sit on the thrones and leaves to avoid further argument.

In Redstone Academy, there is an engineer working on a large redstone contraption,
being overseed by some Wither skeletons.
Suddenly, Hubris and Grek attack the skeleton garrison. After the two defeat the
Fredric introduces himself as the top of his class engineer, that's creating a
redstone device, that would be able to locate the Prime Songs.
Hubris and Grek already know this, as that is the reason, why they are there.
Fredric takes the core from the device, as that's the hardest part of the machine
to construct, and the three want to leave, but a Wither approaches the academy.
Having no other way to leave, they go around it, hoping for it not to notice them.
It, however, does and starts fighting them.
Hubris' eyes dilate, the Wither using the same effect the Necrolord used on Niika
and Marcus. Hubris fights Grek, but Grek manages to knock him down.
Hubris gets back up though and they continue to fight. The Wither thankfully can't
attack and use the effect at the same time, and he therefore releases Hubris,
as a roar is heard and we see Denny riding Thunderdome and attacking the Wither.
They fight a bit, but Denny eventually kills it and catches the Nether star falling
from it.
At first, Hubris assumes, that the Enderknight is Abbigail and is surprised after
seeing, that it's actually Denny with Thunderdome.
They also learn, that it was not Ria who send him, but that Denny was heading to
Felora before the attack, where is also where he heads next.

Way Out
Cuts to Felden, Lucan and Niika are watching a convoy of Wither skeletons escorting
Humans into Felora.
Lucan says, that they could get the people from Felora through the uncharted
Necromancer tunnels, but Niika says, that it would be impossible to evacuate the
entire city without noticing the Nether.
Just then, Denny on top of Thunderdome flies in, drops the Nether star and Niika
catches it, Lucan saying, that that is their way out.

Calm Before the Storm

In Ataraxia, Hubris, Grek and Fredric come into one of the buildings where, Ria,
Senn, Galleous, Abbigail, Herobrine and many more are.
Ria yells at Hubris and Grek for going away against her orders, but stops being
angry after they reveal, that they've brought an engineer, who can find the Prime
Senn asks about the Ardoni clans and Val says, that a handful of Ardoni joined, but
for the most part the Ardoni want to stay out of the conflict.
Abbigail asks, if they have enough forces to liberate Meridian and the Tidesinger
says, that it's difficult to say, but that,
if they will liberate Meridian, they could also liberate other capitals before the
Nether can retaliate.
After the meeting, Grek asks about Senn and Ria, but he says that they're just
Grek says, that at least he has someone, as Grek has yet to even meet another
Senn feels sorry about Grek, but he says, that it's okay and that after the war is
over, maybe they will go on another adventure and find the rest of his kin.
As Grek leaves, Senn turns to the room they came from and sees Herobrine standing
motionless, only turning his head to Senn, and then smiling and noding slightly.
In the blacksmith, only Achillean and Galleous remain. They talk a bit about the
situation in the war,
how the effects from the songs he is wielding are getting worse and worse and how
Ingressus, hasn't himself been present in any battle since the war began. They go
sleep afterwards.
Meanwhile, Masani is trying to sleep, but is rudely awoken by Onyx, who is
preparing for the next battle, as Magnorites don't need to sleep.
He asks, why she cares about Felora so much and she answers, that someone important
for her, Lira, who she hasn't seen for a long time, lives there and that this is
her only chance, as she was banished from Felden.
As Onyx continues to train, Grek yells at him, not to make him come there. The
episode ends with the army heading from Ataraxia to Meridian.

Chronos (in dream only)
Rendor (in dream only)
Ingressus Voltaris
Hubris Nestoris
Denny Pinkolson
Ria Sendaris
Galleous Sendaris
Val Mendoris
Achillean Nestoris
Lira (first mentioned)

<<Season 3 Episode 2 (Episode 2)>>

The twenty second episode of Songs of War is the second episode of the third season
of the series.
The episode was not released as an animation, but was canonized by the series'

1 Lore
1.1 Battle of Meridian
1.2 Reinforcements
1.3 After the Battle
1.4 Here We Go Again
2 Appareances

Battle of Meridian
The episode begins with the army arriving to Meridian. The Enderdragons attack the
Wither, while the Knights of Ardonia charge from the north.
Herobrine teleports in by lighting and starts to take out lot of the forces by
The dragons continue to attack the Wither, but this Wither is far more experienced,
than the one at the Redstone Academy, so he manages to defend against both of them.

On ground, the remaining Wither skeletons are killed and so the Knights move across
the bridge, to the gate, but skeletons start firing arrows, which forces them to
take cover.
Trevor drinks a strength potion from Saxon and the two use Enderpearls to teleport
to the other side and kill the skeletons allowing the others to move to the city.
Up in the sky, Luna and Thunderdome both fly at the Wither from opposite sides,
killing it.
As the team on the ground, now joined by Abbigail and Denny with Luna and
Thunderdome, charges in,
the Tidesinger says, that their main priority is to protect civilians of Meridian
and orders Senn to help to see to it and Ria to free the Cydonian soldiers from the

Cuts to Crown Peak, Pythus is pacing around, agitated by the success of the rebels
in Meridian.
He also asks about the whereabouts of Ingressus, as he summoned him before,
but he didn't come, and his right-hand man Skorch says, that he didn't feel
inclined and that if needed, he should come to him.
We see that the Deathsinger is talking to Sulliman, about him being the last free
Human in the entire Ardonia.
After he leaves, he is approached by Pythus, who informs him about the battle, but
Ingressus already knows, and says,
that what concerns him, is that the Nether forces were defeated by a bunch of
After realizing, that talking to him was a waste of time,
he sends the Angel of Death to Meridian to open the beacon conduit long enough for
a strike force to come through and Skorch to reinforce their defenses in Felora.
Tygren volunteers and, with the Deathsinger's approval, goes to join the fight as
well. Back in Meridian, Senn makes sure the civilians are safe.
Ria goes to the armory and frees the soldiers.
Achillean is greeted by Hasan, the Cydonia official, who thanks for the rescue, but
doesn't think, they can hold the city after the Nether retaliates,
but the Tidesinger assures him, that they are not a alone as he thinks.
Out of nowhere, the Angel of Death swoops in and activates the beacon, sending the
reinforcements, including few blazes, through.
Abbigail, Denny and Masani go after them, to stop them from setting the city
Tygren faces Onyx, mocking him, that the Knights of Ardonia must be desperate, if
they're calling upon Magnorites for help and that he looks weak compared to the
others of his species.
Onyx charges him and suprisingly knocks him back, but Tygren shoots his
Aggrosphere, which hits Onyx and he fractures into pieces.
Meanwhile, the Angel of Death starts fighting Herobrine. Tygren and Senn meet and
they start fighting as well.
Herobrine manages to land a blow at the Angel of Death and he flies off. In the
rest of the city, the fight is being won by the Knights of Ardonia.
Back with Senn and Tygren, the former is almost killed, but Ria joins the fight and
Senn resumes fighting as well.
Eventually, Ria manages to hook Tygren's sword and twists it, sending it flying,
than catching it and kicking Tygren into one of the lava pools, killing him.
After realizing, that the killer of her father, family and Thalleous is killed,
they both smile and Ria hands Senn Thalleous' sword.
The Nether forces continue retreating, but suddenly, the K'arthen armies are seen
approaching across a dune and than charging the Nether forces.

After the Battle

Cuts to after the battle, Achillean sends a messenger bird to Felden, saying it is
time. Hasan and Borgen talk about their kingdoms reuniting.
Herobrine teleports to his dimension, but Hubris says, that he will come back. Ria
asks how much did they lose and Hubris reveals they lost Onyx.
Borgen gives Senn Igneous' books and after the former explains what happened, the
latter says, that Igneous knew his life was short and that he wanted to make a
Borgen says, that Magnorites have a tradition of naming cities after heroes and
leaders and that one was nearly named Malakai,
but thinks that the new one will be much more appropriate and they both smile,
knowing that a mountain will be named Igneous.
Later in the day, Trevor almost makes his first enchantment, but it sparks him,
when he tries to pick it up.
Denny tries to give Thunderdome a giant fruit salad, but he doesn't want it so
Denny walks away.
Luna, however, takes it and Thunderdome curiously follows her.
Denny than gives the other Enderknights cookies and we see Luna eating the salad,
Thunderdome wanting to get some too, but Luna blocking him out.
They talk a bit more about Denny's good meals, followed by Thunderdome eating the
rest of the cookies.
Off to the side near water, Senn is twirling around with Thalleous' sword and than
spins it and it collides with Ria's spear and they train a bit.

Here We Go Again
Cuts to Felora, Niika sneaks around and onto the beacon pad, killing the two Wither
skeletons and putting the Nether star in.
As more Wither skeletons corner her, she turns around and sees the combined forces
of the Knights of Ardonia, K'arthen and Cydonia beaming in.

Achillean Nestoris
Ria Sendaris
Denny Pinkolson
Skorch (first appeared)
Ingressus Voltaris
Angel of Death
Tygren Voltaris
Hubris Nestoris
Igneous (mentioned only)
Malakai (mentioned only)

<<Season 3 Episode 3 (Episode 3)>>

The twenty third episode of Songs of War is the third episode of the third season
of the series.
The episode was not released as an animation, but was canonized by the series'

1 Lore
1.1 A New Weapon
1.2 Battle of Felora
1.3 Assignment
1.4 Attack on Ataraxia
2 Appareances

A New Weapon
The episode opens up in Crown Peak. Pythus is, once again, largely agitated by the
success of the Knights of Ardonia in Meridian.
As he comes to the throne room, he finds the Deathsinger sitting on it.
After they have a small challenge of asserting dominance, which Ingressus wins, he
claims, that he will go to Ataraxia and reclaim the Prime Songs himself.
As the Angel of Death lands besides Pythus, he says, that they can no longer rely
on the Voltaris, and that they must draw a new weapon against their enemies.

Battle of Felora
In Felora, the battle is going poorly. The Magnorites have a bad time fighting in
the jungle, many Cydonian soldiers are getting slain,
Denny and Thunderdome are fighting the local Wither, but can't get a good attack on
it and Skorch arrives with the Nether reinforcements.
Grek almost gets killed, but is saved by Niika. Skorch and some Wither skeletons
manage to knock down Saxon and Trevor and drag them away.
The Tidesinger fights Skorch and manages to push him back, but notices many of the
Knights getting killed and decides to retreat.
Lucan and Niika get caught up in the retreat and beam away as well.
Masani notices a Felina helping the civilians not to get killed and she recognizes
her as Lira, the person she was talking about to Onyx.
Lira almost gets killed by a Wither skeleton when defending civilians, but Masani
shoots and kills the Wither skeleton and the two reunited once again.
Their moment, however, is cut short, when an arrow hits Masani and she falls to the
ground, dead.
After everyone retreats to Meridian, Achillean pulls out the Nether star, so the
Nether can't beam through.
After Abbigail, who didn't participate in the attack, is informed what happened and
she asks the Tidesinger what now, he says,
that they must find the Prime Songs before the Deathsinger does.

Back in Crown Peak, Pythus goes into a building to Vulcannus, the Netheran we saw
in the beginning of the season.
After they have a small dialouge, Pythus says, that Vulcannus is, with the
exception of himself,
the most powerful Netheran alive and unpredictable, which makes him dangerous, and
he therefore assignes him to lead the battle against the Enderknights,
to which Vulcannus slowly nods and smiles.

Attack on Ataraxia
Cuts to Ataraxia, Val is patrolling on one of the islands. She spots something and
she flies out of Ataraxia.
She sees the Deathsinger fighting the Guardians.
They have him detained with their energy, but Lucidius comes from behind and zaps
the Guardians with electricity from his Song.
Just then, the Elder Guardian raises from the water and faces Ingressus.
As they make eye contact, the Deathsinger sees some flashbacks of his life,
but Lucidius once again shoots out the electricity, this time all focused on the
Elder Guardian, killing it.
Val hurries to Ataraxia and informs Galleous who sends Merlin to the Knights to
inform them as well,
and says to Val to slow the Voltaris if she can, but to stay safe.
The Voltaris come to Ataraxia and set the stables,
where Timber and few others horses are located, to fire, which causes them to run
Val manages to slow the Voltaris a bit, but not much.
In Meridian, Merlin arrives and delivers the news, which causes Abbigail to hop
onto Luna and fly there.
Back at Ataraxia, few Humans and Ardoni are trying to resist the Voltaris, but to
no avail.
Val kills a few of them, but is forced to retreat once again after she comes over
She goes to Galleous' blacksmith and finds him burning all the evidence, that can
help the opponent.
After he finishes, he, after one last look, goes out of the blacksmith and to the
rear bridge, but the bridge is, out of nowhere, destroyed by a Song.
Val lands besides Galleous, willing to defend him,
but he says, that they can't defeat the Deathsinger and that their only hope
resides in finding the Prime Songs and the Tidesinger wielding them against the
He also says, that his greatest achievements are not the tools he forged, but
students he taught,
and to Val continue making him proud and to let his teachings live on through her.
With that, Val flies off and Galleous faces the Deathsinger.
They talk a bit, mainly about Thalleous, where he hid the Prime Songs and how he
was a Champion against the Voltaris,
Galleous being serene in the face of danger the whole time. In the end, Ingressus
draws Voltar, the staff of the Voltaris, and charges it with Aggresium energy.
Suddenly changes to Abbigail, who is racing on Luna, as fast as she can. She
arrives and dives in to Galleous, but the Deathsinger already hits him with his
Song, causing him to fall and die,
Luna being too late to save him. Abbigail and Val are both in shock. Ingressus aims
Voltar at Abbigail, just as the Enderking Rendor once did to him, as she flies off
the burning wreckage of Ataraxia.

Ingressus Voltaris
Angel of Death
Achillean Nestoris
Ria Sendaris
Hubris Nestoris
Denny Pinkolson
Lira (first appareance)
Val Mendoris
Lucidius Voltaris
Galleous Sendaris
Thalleous Sendaris (mentioned only)

<<Season 3 Episode 4 (Episode 4)>>

The twenty fourth episode of Songs of War is the fourth episode of the third season
of the series.
The episode was not released as an animation, but was canonized by the series'

1 Lore
1.1 What Now
1.2 A Long Journey Ahead
1.3 Protisium Prime
1.4 An Unlikely Meeting
1.5 Still a Long Journey Ahead
2 Appareances

What Now
Opens with the Tidesinger, Senn and Ria overlooking the wreckage of Ataraxia. Cuts
to the Knights back in their original hideout.
They discuss what to do now, as they lost their chance at retaking the capitals,
Ataraxia, Galleous, Trevor and Saxon were captured and the Cydonian and K'arthen
forces retreated to Tartarus.
Ria says, that they should find the Prime Songs and use them against the
Deathsinger and Achillean agrees,
though he looks a bit troubled after she says, that he will use them against
When they start thinking, about how are they going to find them, Fredric comes into
play and says,
that he was able to calibrate his machine off the Deathsinger's Prime Songs, after
he attacked Ataraxia.
He shows them a redstone device, which he titles the Fredric Device, and it locates
the Prime Songs on a map.
One is of coast of Hydraphel, on one of the uncharted islands, and the other one is
at Gale Point, the northest point in the entire Ardonia.
Denny informs Abbigail, that messenger bird flew in and said, that Trevor and Saxon
were seen near Bhengorn.
Abbigail orders Denny to take Hubris and Grek to the island, while she will fly to
Bhengorn and rescue her two Enderknights and then,
they will all meet at Northwind Pass.

A Long Journey Ahead

Cuts to Meridian docks, Lucan and Niika are getting in a boat, intending to sail to
Felden. Niika, because of being a Felina, fears of water and thus feels uneasy on
the boat,
but Lucan assures her, that she'll have a plenty of time, until they reach Felden,
to overcome her fear of the ocean.
Protisium Prime
On Thunderdome, the one not feeling okay is Grek, as he doesn't like riding on
animals in general.
As they arrive on an island, they go into a cave, though Grek still doesn't feel
After a bit of walking, they come across Protisium Prime. Hubris is amazed by its
beauty and offers to carry it.
He seems captivated by it, but is interrupted by Grek, who looks over the edge of
the ravine they're in, becomes dizzy and falls over.

An Unlikely Meeting
Meanwhile, Abbigail and Luna fly to Bhengorn, but don't see anything, except a
Netheran, Vulcannus, who Pythus assigned to lead the battle against the
He doesn't respond to her words and she attacks him. He eventually slices her sword
in half, but stops fighting right after.
He introduces himself and says, that the reason of him fighting her was to assure
himself of her abilities.
After she asks him, where are her Enderknights, to which Vulcannus answers, that
they're in a Nether prison, she also asks, why did he bring her there.
He says, that he needs her help, as she needs his and introduces Kiki, the baby
Ghast, whose parents were killed by hunters.
He also says, that even though their two realms have been opposing each other,
there has always been a balance, which is now broken,
because of the Nether allying themselves with the Voltaris and creating portals in
the Overworld.
After Abbigail asks, what does he want from her, he says, that he needs access to
an Enderchest, which only her can open, and that in return,
he can give her the Nether recordings of the End and that he will try to kill
Pythus and return the Nether armies to its realm.
Abbigail doesn't entirely trust him, which he is ironically happy about, as he
claims only a fool would trust him and says,
that he is happy she is no such fool, and Vulcannus gives her a Nether star, which,
if destroyed, will alert Vulcannus. And with that, he leaves.

Still a Long Journey Ahead

Back with Niika and Lucan, the former asks, if they are there yet and the latter
jokingly says, that they're closer, than they were five minutes ago,
which irritates Niika. After a small montage of them travelling, Niika suggests a
rebellion against the Nether from within Felden with the people,
that live in and know Felden and Lucan agrees. The episode ends with Niika leaning
on Lucan's shoulder and telling him to wake her up when they get there,
as they sail into the sunset.

Achillean Nestoris
Ria Sendaris
Hubris Nestoris
Val Mendoris
Denny Pinkolson
Thalleous Sendaris (mentioned only)
Galleous Sendaris (mentioned only)
Ingressus Voltaris (mentioned only)
Saxon (mentioned only)
Trevor (mentioned only)
Pythus (mentioned only)

<<Season 3 Episode 5 (Episode 5)>>

The twenty fifth episode of Songs of War is the fifth episode of the third season
of the series.
The episode was not released as an animation, but was canonized by the series'

1 Lore
1.1 Journey Up North
1.2 Aggressium Prime
1.3 Battle at Northwind Plains
1.4 The Truth
2 Appareances

Journey Up North
Begins with Denny, Thunderdome and Hubris already waiting at Northwind Pass, just
as Abbigail, Luna, Achillean, Senn and Ria arrive.
Denny asks Abbigail about Trevor and Saxon and she says, that it was a bad lead.
Ria asks Hubris about the Prime Song and he takes it out, but doesn't want to give
it, almost seeming possessive of it.
Ria, however, reaches out and takes it. He continues on, but is frustrated by his
inability to avoid the corruption of the Prime Song.
The Tidesinger notices some motion behind a hill, but turns out it's just Grek, who
has just leveled up to class-three Jaggathan, carrying a tree and then tossing it
into the fire,
completely smothering it and causing Thunderdome to light it on fire once again.
Hubris says, that a blizzard currently rages across the Northwind Flats and Denny
says, that their dragons won't be able to navigate through it.
As their time is valuable, Abbigail decides, that they will walk through it, being
covered by the dragons, and wait at the city of Frostburn, until the blizzard
Cuts to them walking in the storm, Grek asks Senn about his relationship with Ria,
but he once again says, that now is not the right time and that they're just
Eventually, they come across the fishing village of Frostburn, which is completely
empty, as its citizens were already taken by the Nether.
There is an ice bridge leading from it to the Gale Point, which can't carry the
Achillean decides, that Senn must shield some people with his Song, while the rest
would stay at Frostburn.
The Tidesinger gives him his staff, to better channel the energy from his Song, and
the two along with Ria march to Gale Point, while the rest stays behind.
When almost there, Senn, because of using his Song for so long, collapses and falls
unconscious and his Song disappears. Achillean carries him, shielding him and Ria
by his own body.

Aggressium Prime
Finally, they come onto the island and into a small place inside a hill. The
Tidesinger activates a Song, which heals the unconscious Senn.
They turn around and see a Glacian, standing motionlessly. Achillean apologizes for
the intrusion and asks about the Prime Song Thalleous hid there.
The Glacian doesn't talk much, but lets them stay in his place while the storm
clears and gives them the Prime Song.
They talk with Glacian about it and the Tidesinger asks what does he think will
if Ingressus prevails and the Glacian says, that his race fears the Nether, but not
the Voltaris, as the clan lived peacefully amongst them for an age.
He asks Achillean, if he wishes to kill him and he, saddened, says, that he will do
what he must.

Battle at Northwind Plains

Cuts to morning in Frostburn. The storm has finally stopped. Denny and Abbigail
talk about how they've seen unimaginable things ever since they became
After the team assembles, Abbigail says, that they will fly to Gale Point and leave
immediately, while the three at Gale Point leave the Glacian's hovel.
Just as she prepares to take off, she sees something in the distance and turns out
it's the Deathsinger, with two Withers flying overhead and a row of skeletons
behind, just as the storm approaches.
Luna and Thunderdome attack the Withers, as they need to kill them before flying
off, while the ground team fights the Wither skeletons.
Achillean, Ria and Senn notice the battle going on and they rush to it. As the
Knights retreat, lighting strikes and Herobrine appears.
The five then charge the Nether armies, Herobrine fighting the Deathsinger, while
the others fight the Wither skeletons.
Eventually, Ingressus manages to land a hit on Herobrine and as he looks on his
hand, it is revealed, that he is bleeding and with another strike of lighting, he
is gone.
The Deathsinger goes to attack the other Knights, but finds Achillean, prepared to
fight him.
Ingressus says, that if he will give him the Prime Songs, he will let him go and
step out of the war right there.
Achillean draws out the Aggressium Prime and throws it, seemingly to Ingressus, but
it flies out of his reach and Ria catches it.
He turns to Achillean, furious, as the Tidesinger says, that he knows he would
never hurt Ingressus, but that he would gladly kill the Deathsinger and they begin
to fight.
The Enderdragons manage to kill the first Wither. When fighting the Wither
Skeletons, Senn suddenly gets attacked by a Voltaris, who starts to fights him.
The dragons finish off the last Wither and so the team is able to leave. Denny
mounts Thunderdome and starts flying away.

The Truth
Back with Senn, he pushes the Voltaris back and they get a moment to see each
other, revealing, that have the same markings.
Hubris and Ria both see this happening. Achillean continues to fight Ingressus, but
the latter lands a powerful blow on the former.
He turns around and sees Achillean staggering, then falling onto his knees and
forward, dead. Luna lands and picks up Abbigail, Hubris and Grek.
Senn, realizing he's Voltaris, drops his weapon and activates his Song to shield
himself from Ria, who turns around and mounts Thunderdome.
As he starts to fly off, an arrow hits Denny and he falls down. He sees his
brother's sword and walks towards it, but is hit again and his armor deactivates.
Struggling, he gets the sword but is hit third time and falls to the ground dead.
Thunderdome roars and picks him up in his claws.
The episode ends with Senn being surrounded by Nether forces, the Deathsinger
slowly going to the Tidesinger's body, kneeling and lifting it up slightly and the
Enderdragons flying off.
Denny Pinkolson
Hubris Nestoris
Achillean Nestoris
Ria Sendaris
Saxon (mentioned only)
Trevor (mentioned only)
Skorch (mentioned only)
Thalleous Sendaris (mentioned only)
Ingressus Voltaris
Aegus Nestoris ( mentioned only)
Deltheus Voltaris (first appareance)

<<Season 3 Episode 6 (Episode 6)>>

The twenty sixth episode of Songs of War is the sixth episode of the third season
of the series.
The episode was not released as an animation, but was canonized by the series'

1 Lore
1.1 The Shadow
1.2 Not Defeated
1.3 Recruitment
1.4 Call for Help
2 Appareances

The Shadow
The episode begins with Lucan and Niika arriving to Felora, trying to blend in.
They see some person getting harassed by two Wither skeletons, but can't intervene
yet, and so they move on.
A masked figure throws a sword at one of the skeletons and the other one turns and
sees Lucan and Niika watching.
He runs after them, but the hooded figure pulls them aside, holds them until the
skeleton passes.
He then reveals that he is actually Alec. Lucan asks him if he will join a
rebellion they're planning, and he says,
that he keeps telling everyone a resistance would only put everyone at risk, but if
they mean it seriously, they can go to the Shadow.
They go to the Sunset Topiary, where Alec had directed them, and meet Nitsuke the
They say, that they're looking for the Shadow and Nitsuke slowly starts to tease,
that she is actually the Shadow,
but the two don't get it and so she tells it straight. They introduce themself and
Lucan realizes, she's the Chronicler he was supposed to escort.
Niika says, that she thought it was forbidden for Chroniclers to take sides and
Nitsuke says that's correct, but that nowhere does it say,
that they can't provide people with a list of names. They ask what list of names
and she says, a list of names who would be useful in a rebellion,
and that this way, she would still be neutral. Lucan asks where to go then and
Nitsuke gestures for them to follow her.
Not Defeated
Cuts to the Knights of Ardonia hideout. Abbigail is standing over Denny's grave, on
which his helmet and sword are placed, and plants a rose there,
possibly the one Rusty gave her. Thunderdome looks sad and, without warning, flies
away. Inside the hideout, a meeting is happening.
Val is briefed about what happened and Hubris speculates, that Senn has maybe been
leaking stuff to the Deathsinger, but rest says he would never.
Outside the hideout, Abbigail wants to go in but the light on her crown starts
Back inside, Ria decides, that she will go to the first Ardoni shrine in Northwind
and train with the Prime Songs and that a messenger bird will be sent to every
saying that the Knights of Ardonia are not defeated. Abbigail mounts Luna and flies
off and messenger birds start flying around different cities, while the K'arthen
armies still thrive in Tartarus.

Back at Felora, Marcus, the Riverstead warden, walks into a bakery and orders some
food, but the baker says, that they are out of stock.
Lucan says, that he can take a slice of his and they have a friendly reunion. As
there are two Wither skeletons, they come outside.
Lucan says, that they heard the Nether is putting him to work by melting weapons
and tools and that they are going to need those weapons.
Marcus complies and they walk off. Suddenly, Skorch begins walking towards them. It
appears they made it,
but Skorch grabs Niika by her foot and holds her over the edge and Lucan by his
throat. He says he hasn't seen them before and that,
if he sees them together again, he will kill them. In the bakery, the baker is held
against the counter by the Wither skeletons.
Skorch interogates him and the baker says, that he doesn't know anything, except
that they call him the Shadow.
Skorch asks if they recruited him, to which he responds that no, but the guy that
was just there recruited one of his customers.
Skorch only says interesting and kills him.

Call for Help

Cuts to the Heart of Ardonia, where Abbigail is holding her crown, now completely
She decides to rescue Trevor and Saxon, not as a queen, but as a friend and throws
down the Nether star, breaking it.
The Wither skeletons at the capitals see the beacons flicker and Pythus senses
something. The Nether starts mobilizing because of this.
Abbigail and Luna start flying to Bhengorn. When they arrive there, they find
Vulcannus working on some monotonous tasks.
He and Abbigail walk towards each other and Vulcannus smiles.

Ria Sendaris
Hubris Nestoris
Val Mendoris
Senn (mentioned only)
Achillean Nestoris (mentioned only)
Ingressus Voltaris (mentioned only)
Saxon (mentioned only)
Trevor (mentioned only)

<<Season 3 Episode 7 (Episode 7)>>

The twenty seventh episode of Songs of War is the seventh episode of the third
season of the series.
The episode was not released as an animation, but was canonized by the series'

1 Lore
1.1 Whose Child Is This
1.2 Family Reunion
1.3 Not as Easy as It Looks
1.4 The Dying End
1.5 A Few Surprises
1.6 Nazgard
1.7 Perfect Time to Strike
1.8 Yet Another Betrayal...
2 Appareances

Whose Child Is This
The episode opens up at an unknown location. An unknown Sendaris is pacing around
just as Thalleous arrives.
The Sendaris gives Thalleous an Ardoni baby and he asks whose child is it.
He says, that it's his and that the mother is a Voltaris, which means they have to
bring their kids to safety or the Voltaris will kill them.
Just as he says, that the mother will be arriving with the rest of their children
shortly, a ball lands beside them and explodes.
As the Sendaris gets killed, Thalleous mounts Timber and rides off with the child.

Family Reunion
In the present time, at Hailstone, where the Voltaris have taken a refuge, Senn is
lead to a small plaza, where two Voltaris are.
These are Deltheus, the Voltaris he already met, and Almrak. The former is a bit
salty, almost jealous, about Senn being raised among the Sendaris and walks away.
Almrak says not to mind him and takes a closer look at his brother. As he does
this, Senn notices, that he is missing a leg and feels sorry for him.
He asks if he agrees with what the Voltaris are doing and Almrak says to an extent,
as extremists, such as Lucidius or Tygren,
want not only peace with the world, but also a cruel revenge, but he only wants to
live a normal life again.
He also says, that Deltheus sees it as a misfortune, but that he sees it as an
opportunity to unite the clans once again,
after which Ingressus summoned Senn to his chamber and so the brothers say goodbye.

Not as Easy as It Looks

Switches to Walls of Time with Ria. Instead of going in, she goes around and into a
small alcove of greenery and life.
In the center is a Song Shrine, where she goes to connect with the Prime Songs.
After she does this, however, she starts to be in a huge amount of pain and has to
disconnect with them.

The Dying End

Meanwhile, Abbigail and Vulcannus fly with Luna to an unexplored island and
Abbigail releases the Ender Eye, while Luna acts rudely to Vulcannus.
Eventually, they find a huge Ender portal and go through. When they appear in the
End, Abbigail feels the realm dying and Vulcannus says, that they must hurry then.
They go into a storage area and find an Enderchest, which only Abbigail can open.
After she does so, Kiki flies into it and to a treasure room in the Nether through
another one and unlocks the door.
Vulcannus then says, that they have go to the Nether next, which angers Abbigail,
but she complies anyway.

A Few Surprises
In Felora, Lucan and Niika are walking through it, talking about their encounter
with Skorch.
They come into a house and Lucan trips over a glass bottle and find Eddy alive
After he awakens, he reveals, that after the fall, he fell unconscious.
After he awakened, he went to Felora, but must have taken a wrong turn and ended up
in Azilton.
The flashback gets weird as he says, that he defended the city with a help of a
snowman army.
Lucan asks Eddy about the rebellion and Eddy says of course. They go away, but
Skorch is revealed to be watching.
They head into another building and find a Necromancer, Xaria. Though Niika is very
clearly against working with him, Lucan is okay with it.
She asks Xaria, why does he want to help Felden, if he wanted to destroy it, and he
says that the Nether killed his lord and everything he stood for.
That Xan Voltaris recruited people like himself - without land, wealth or family
and that they can't blame them for seizing such an opportunity.
Niika asks, what will happen after they're done then and he says, that he came from
nothing and that he will return to nothing.
After they leave, Skorch comes in and wants Xaria to talk. He says, that he's been
following the two for a while and learned, that the Shadow is Nitsuke.
As he says this, Xaria throws down a Wither skull, which creates a smoke, that
allows Xaria to run away.

Back with Vulcannus and Abbigail, they go through a Nether portal and into the
Nether's capital city Nazgard.
While Abbigail doesn't want to go in at first, Vulcannus says there is still one
final task she must do and she complies and goes in,
while Kiki flies away to her home.

Perfect Time to Strike

Back in Felora, Nitsuke says now is the perfect time to strike, as the Nether
forces were reported to be decreasing in Felora and that killing the Wither will be
a priority,
as it can control the nearby Undead. Lucan says, that they can evacuate the people
through the Necromancer tunnels the Nether doesn't know about.
He asks Marcus how many archers they can outfit and he says that maybe a dozen.
Suddenly, Xaria bursts in and says that Skorch knows about Nitsuke organizing a

Yet Another Betrayal...

Back in the Nether, the two slowly walk around, the Wither skeletons not noticing
Abbigail because of where Vulcannus walks.
Suddenly, Wither skeletons corner her and Vulcannus reveals, that this is the final
task he needed her for,
that King Pythus has assigned him to eliminate the Enderknights and that there is
only one source of power for the End left, which is her.
He orders her to be taken into the dungeons as she disappears in a circle of Wither

Thalleous Sendaris (in flashback only)
Deltheus Voltaris
Almrak Voltaris (first appareance)
Lucidius Voltaris (mentioned only)
Tygren Voltaris (mentioned only)
Ingressus Voltaris (mentioned only)
Ria Sendaris
Necrolord (mentioned only)
Pythus (mentioned only)

<<Season 3 Episode 8 (Episode 8)>>

The twenty eighth episode of Songs of War is the eighth episode of the third season
of the series.
The episode was not released as an animation, but was canonized by the series'

1 Lore
1.1 Another Point of View
1.2 Falling into Place
1.3 ...Or Is It?
1.4 Liberation of Felden
1.5 "Liberations"
2 Appareances

Another Point of View
The episode begins with Senn coming to Ingressus' room. He asks Senn if he
frightens him and he says somewhat.
The Deathsinger says, that that's good, but one must balance fear with respect.
Senn asks what does he want to do with him and Ingressus says that he will release
him as he is a Voltaris whether he accepts it or not,
but also gives him an offer. If Senn will bring him the two Prime Songs, he will
destroy the Nether and peacefully settle with his clan in Old Voltaria.
Senn asks why does he want the Prime Songs then and he says that he doesn't know
what is it like to live in fear.
There was a time when the five Ardoni clans lived in peace.
The Voltaris were the youngest and the most curious clan, when it came to the
nature of Songs, but many opposed the research.
They just made the great discovery of the Prime Songs and the other clans decided
to unite against them,
as there are only four Prime Songs, and banished them from Ardonia.
Since then, the four clans each season held a tournament for a Champion to be
who would then wield the Prime Songs and hunt the Voltaris. Thalleous was one such
Ingressus was raised in a small camp in the Barrier Mountains, where the last
slaughter of the Voltaris happened.
The Master of the Voltaris at the time, Dominus, gave him Voltar and leadership of
the clan, dying shortly after.
He also says, that the Prime Songs have a very alluring power, which is why the
clan Masters stole the Prime Songs in the first place and even admits,
that he got corrupted by them as well. Senn asks why has he told him all this, and
Ingressus says, because he asked and becuase he may succeed where he failed.
After reminding him of his offer, he lets Senn go. He looks at Achillean's staff he
kept, but Lucidius walks in,
he puts it away and says, that they have matters to discuss.

Falling into Place

At the Walls of Time, Ria is overlooking the Northwind plains and sees a person
walking across, though she can't make it out to be Senn.
Suddenly, she hears voices and quickly hides. The Deathsinger and some Voltaris go
in and talk about how there is no mention of the atrocities that were done to the
Voltaris on the Walls of Time.
Ingressus says, that he thinks it's about time to start the plan, as his informant
says that everything is falling into place.
He also asks Lucidius and Deltheus if they are with him, as the plan is extremely
dangerous, but they say they are with him.
They almost catch Ria but barely miss her and leave.

...Or Is It?
In the Nether, Abbigail is locked in cell as she feels devastated,thinking that she
Vulcannus then comes and says, that it pains him to see her there. She says she
trusted him and he asks if she trusts him still which made her think twice.
He suddenly chopped down the two nearby Wither skeletons in which some more forces
arrive, but he takes them out.
When he releases Abbigail, she immediately brought him down to the floor and
demands an explanation.
He says, that he needed her reaction to appear convincing and Abbigail waves it
They go to the treasure room Kiki opened and he takes a black blade, that lights up
bright orange after he takes it, and a crown, that he pockets however.
Abbigail asks who is he and he reveals himself to be Vulcannus, the son of King
Chronos and the rightful heir to the Nether throne.
Abbigail asks him, why didn't he murder Pythus before and he says that an
assassination would surely result in his own death and that he doesn't want to
become the murderer Pythus is.
Vulcannus returns his favor to Abbigail by answering her questions. She asks if
there ever was a female Enderknight and he says never.
She asks what did he meant by him telling her that he would get her a new sword and
he says that a sword and a crown, were made for both the Nether and the End.
These would only activate for that realm's true leader, which is why Pythus doesn't
use the Netherblade. She asks, why does the crown no longer work for her and he
reads from the book,
that if the king's ability to rule will fall into question, he must pass the Ender
Trials. If he succeeds, the king will rise stronger than before, if he fails, the
king will fall.
She thanks him and they go back to the Overworld. After Vulcannus walks from the
portal, Luna appears very angry, but calms down after Abbigail walks through as
Vulcannus says that he will destroy as many Nether portals as possible. Abbigail
says her goodbye, but before Vulcannus can say his, Luna takes off.
He smiles and chuckles, before going back to the Nether portal.

Liberation of Felden
At Felora, Wither skeletons barge into Nitsuke's office and she is taken to the
Felora hanging courtyard.
Skorch almost executes her, but Niika fires an arrow which hits his hand, causing
him to stagger with his sword.
Lucan jumps from the crowd, grabs Nitsuke and jumps with her to the side. Suddenly,
few archers start firing arrows at Skorch.
He kills a few of them, but Alec jumps in and starts fighting him.
The Wither almost attacks Lucan and Nitsuke but Xaria, sword and Necrostaff drawn,
It fires a shot at him, but he evades and several archers start firing at it.
Alec, despite his best efforts to keep him occupied, is no match for Skorch and he
kills him.
Lucan is ushering people through the Necromancer tunnels as Skorch jumps in and he
starts fighting him.
The Wither kills many of the archers and starts pursuing Xaria. Niika gets a good
opportunity to fire at it,
but sees Lucan fighting Skorch and goes there instead. Eddy fights the Wither
while drinking simultaneously, and then throws the empty bottle at them.
Back with Lucan and Skorch, the former is doing a lot of street-fighting moves,
but is overpowered nonetheless. Skorch badly slices Lucan on his leg and almost
kills him,
but Niika steps in and fights Skorch as well. Xaria is hit by the Wither and falls
a bit while losing the Necrostaff.
Skorch hits Niika in the face and her ears start ringing. Lucan staggers up, but
falls back down because of his injury.
Skorch laughs and, as the two hold hands once more, prepares to kill them, but an
arrow hits him in the back.
He turns around, confused, and sees Nitsuke holding a bow and falls to the ground
dead afterwards.
The Wither starts flying down there, but Xaria jumps from a nearby bridge, mid-air
cuts off the Wither's middle head and lands on another bridge,
as the Wither falls down, dead. As Wither skeletons start to go after him, he runs
to a Necromancer tunnel, picking up the Necrostaff while running.
When he gets there, he raises the Necrostaff and lights up a torch, revealing a
huge army of the Undead behind him. Cuts to later, the Nether already defeated.
The surviving characters meet up and talk about Lucan's injury.
Marcus decides that they should send messenger birds to the other capitals saying
the Nether can be beaten.
Nitsuke comes in, Lucan thanks them for saving their lives and she says that if
being a perfect Chronicler means she can't help people in need,
she'll risk the consequences. After they start walking off,
Xaria approaches Niika and says that the Necromancers are no more while handing the
Necrostaff over to Niika and walks away.
They both smile, realizing the mission to destroy the Necromancers is finally over,
and hobble off as well.

In the Nether, Vulcannus destroys few Nether portals.
At Crown Peak, Pythus is pacing around, very angry on Vulcannus, for destroying the
Nether portals, and Skorch, for loosing Felora.
He realises, that the spread of the Nether is too thin to control all the kingdoms
at once and thus orders the Angel of Death to liberate the capitals.
In Oakendale, people are peacefully walking around.
Suddenly, the Angel of Death flies over and the Wither starts reigning fire onto
the city, while Wither skeletons start attacking the innocent civilians.

Ingressus Voltaris
Achillean Nestoris (mentioned only)
Thalleous Sendaris (mentioned only)
Dominus Voltaris (first mentioned)
Lucidius Voltaris
Ria Sendaris
Deltheus Voltaris
Chronos (mentioned only)
Angel of Death

<<Season 3 Episode 9 (Episode 9)>>

he twenty ninth episode of Songs of War is the ninth and penultimate episode of the
third season of the series.
The episode was not released as an animation, but was canonized by the series'

1 Lore
1.1 Massacre
1.2 Ender Trials
1.3 Good Old Times
1.4 Training with a Legend
1.5 Unsuccessful Overthrow
1.6 Time to End This
2 Appareances

Begins with the massacre the last episode ended with. We see Oakendale, Hailstone
and Hyperia all getting purged, the Angel of Death killing anyone,
who tries to escape. In Hyperia, few civilians almost get killed, but are saved by
Yujuki and ushered to the tunnels.

Ender Trials
In the the End, Abbigail and Luna arrive to the destination the Ender Eye is
leading them to. There is a large room with a sword in a pedestal in the middle.
Abbigail takes it, it glows purple and the floor around her shifts.
The first trial is an illusion of Denny, saying Abbigail that it was not her fault
that he got killed.
She says it is her fault, but he, says it was their choice to follow her, gives her
a rose and Abbigail passes the first trial.
In the second trial, Vulcannus with Netherblade approaches and fights Abbigail.
She manages to disarm him and almost kills him, but spares him, which makes her
pass the trial.
In the third trial, Mr Finch appears and asks, why did she left and never returned
and she responds that at first,
it was just an impulse but eventually learned that many terrible things were to
That she never returned, because she was given a gift, that belongs to the whole
With that, the apparition of Mr Finch disappears and she passes that trial as well.

In the fourth trial, Allister appears and mocks her on the current situation of the
Abbigail gets angry and stabs him, saying that that's where he is wrong.
Instead of going to the next trial however, she appears where she started.
She places the crown on her head and it doesn't illuminate.
Realising she failed the trial, she apologizes to the Endermen, but says that she
will keep fighting no matter what.
They start teleporting away and she looks around sad. Suddenly, the Enderman
without arm we saw in Season 1 teleports behind her and so do the other Endermen.

Good Old Times

Senn arrives to his former village in Sendaria, the place being still destroyed and
empty in the aftermath of the attack on it.
He sees Timber, who went here since the attack on Ataraxia.
He remembers some flashbacks of good moments he had here with Ria and then rides
away with Timber to the south.

Training with a Legend

At Northwind, Ria reconnects with her Mobilium Song, just as Herobrine appears with
wooden versions of both her and his weapon.
Training montage begins, Herobrine beating her at first, but she eventually
becoming better and better until at the end, she manages to wield the Prime Songs.

Unsuccessful Overthrow
In the Nether, Pythus is once again, angrily pacing around because of Vulcannus,
saying he wants his head.
He, ironically, comes to him and they have a dialouge.
Eventually, Ingressus and few Voltaris, including Lucidius and Deltheus, come in,
saying they want to replace him and we see Voltaris at Hailstone preparing to
attack the Nether there.
Pythus says, that Vulcannus will never be a king, but he dons the Nethercrown and
the Netherblade,
both of which activate for him, and encourages the Nether forces there to join his
as he introduces himself as the rightful king of the Nether and,
by the right of their ancient law, challenges Pythus to a duel.
He, however, doesn't care and says, that he expected this and we see some Nether
forces at Hailstone preparing to attack as well.
As the Deathsinger realises, that it's a trap,
Pythus orders the Angel of Death to fly to Hailstone and kill all the Voltaris and
the rest of the forces to attack the Voltaris in the Nether and Vulcannus.
Vulcannus starts fighting Pythus, Ingressus tries to stop the Angel of Death from
entering Hailstone,
the Nether forces start fighting each other, as some side with Vulcannus, while
some continue to be loyal to Pythus,
and the fighting at Hailstone begins as well.
The battle, however doesn't go well, as Pythus knocks Vulcannus over, the Angel of
Death manages to fly to Hailstone and all Voltaris, including Lucidius,
Deltheus and those at Hailstone, and Nether forces loyal to Vulcannus die. We see
Almrak overlooking the carnage at Hailstone, but he gets killed as well.
Pythus almost kills Vulcannus, but suddenly, a roar is heard and Luna, with
Abbigail on top, goes through the portal, attacks the Nether forces and rescues
Bunch of Endermen start teleporting in and fighting the Wither skeletons, though a
lot of them die.
Luna flies through the portal and we see the Deathsinger escaping as well.
Pythus orders to bring the Enderknight prisoners to him as they leave for the End
Abbigail says they have to go to the End and Vulcannus, a bit emotionally for the
first time, says, that he expected so much more from his people,
but that he should have known better. He asks what value do the crowns hold if they
choose their own king and Abbigail reveals she failed the Ender Trials and says,
that them not being the leaders they excepted to be doesn't mean they can't fight
for what they believe in. Abbigail extends her hand to Vulcannus, who smiles and
takes her hand.

Time to End This

In Tartarus, few people are talking about the upcoming attack on Crown Peak. Val
says that a large force is heading to the End,
but Hasan says that the force at Crown Peak is still huge, as four Withers have
been spotted there.
Hubris says that the Deathsinger is their primary target, as eliminating him would
surely bring the war to a close,
but they don't agree with each other on how the Prime Songs should be used.
Ria, Grek, Grim and Yujuki vote for the Prime Songs to be used in an open battle,
while Hasan, Borgen, Val and, surprisingly,
Hubris vote for the Prime Songs to be used only against the Deathsinger or the
Ria, angry at Hubris, storms out of the conference room, only to find Senn standing
in the main hall.
He apologizes for not being the person she thought he was, but Ria says,
that he has got nothing to apologizes for and that him being a Voltaris doesn't
change who he is or how much she cares about him.
Ria informs Senn, that they held a voting on how should the Prime Songs be used,
but when they come to the conference room,
Borgen says there is a compromise on the argument, as a team of Magnorites informed
him, that there are several tunnels under Crown Peak,
which could be used to sneak Ria in to avoid the front lines.
Ria agrees and has a monologue on how the people of Ardonia have shown remarkable
courage and resilience, how at Felden, they've seen what that can yield,
how Thalleous warned them against this war and how they can end it at Crown Peak.
During the monologue, we see the army at Tartarus moving to Crown Peak,
the Nether army arriving to the End with Pythus and the Nether army at Crown Peak
with the Angel of Death circling above.
Meanwhile at Northwind, Ingressus arrives on his horse to Hailstone and sees the
slaughtered Voltaris everywhere, as he drops to his knees.

Denny Pinkolson (illusion only)
Mr. Finch (illusion only)
Allister (illusion only)
Ria Sendaris
Ingressus Voltaris
Lucidius Voltaris
Deltheus Voltaris
Chronos (mentioned only)
Angel of Death
Almrak Voltaris
Saxon (indirect mention only)
Trevor (indirect mention only)
Hubris Nestoris
Val Mendoris
Thalleous Sendaris (mentioned only)

<<Season 3 Episode 10 (Episode 10)>>

„Many times have I watched the sun set... watched as the sky turned bright with
colors... the colors of my clan. I am glad to see the sun set one more time.”
— Ingressus Voltaris to Senn, just before dying↑

The thirtieth episode of Songs of War is the tenth and last episode of the third
season of the series, as well as the last episode of the entire series.
The episode was not released as an animation, but was canonized by the series'

1 Lore
1.1 The Dual Battle
1.2 The Most Powerful of All
1.3 A Legend's Life and Death
1.4 Epilogue
2 Appareances


The Dual Battle

Opens up in Crown Peak, where the Angel of Death circles around the city. The
K'arthen and Cydonia armies are waiting to the west, somewhere underground,
Magnorites are digging a tunnel, Val is overlooking Crown Peak on a nearby
Pythus arrives to the End temple and sits on the End throne and Abbigail and
Vulcannus fly on Luna to stop him.
In the potion room in Sulliman's house, one of the trapdoors opens up and Borgen
along with Ria, Senn, Grek, Grim, Herobrine and some other people come through.
They confront Sulliman, but, as he backs up in fear, trips and falls over the edge
to his death.
They go back to the potion room and pick up as many potions as possible.
Grek, wondering what will happen, drinks a speed potion, which, however, slows him
Thinking quick, Borgen says to Grim to give him a slowness potion, but he gives
Grek a night vision potion by accident, which turns him invisible.
Borgen grabs a slowness potion, but collides with the invisible Grek, just as
Herobrine walks in and sees the situation going on.
On the balcony, Senn asks Ria if she is ready and she asks if they were ever ready
for all the things they've done and releases a small set of fireworks,
which works as a signal for the waiting army outside of the city. In the End, the
Nether is creating a pile of Enderdragon eggs they stole from the temple,
while Saxon and Trevor watch. Pythus asks the two if they know how was his axe
damaged and says,
that the axe was of his great grandfather and that he defeated the Enderking at the
time, but was left with a permanent reminder of the conflict.
Afterwards, he motions towards the Netherans there and they start throwing the
dragon eggs into the void.
Just then, Luna flies in and releases a plume of fire killing some guards.
Abbigail and Vulcannus jump off, kill the guards guarding Saxon and Trevor and they
join the fight as well.
After Pythus and Vulcannus have a small dialogue, Abbigail steps forward and says,
that as long he lives, they will fight to oppose him.
She looks at the Endercrown and the Enderblade, both of which glow brightly. Pythus
draws his huge battle axe, smiles and starts to fight them.
Meanwhile at Crown Peak, the Angel of Death gestures the three Withers to head to
the walls.
Yujuki, who is with the army, notices, that even though one Wither is down, there
is still too many.
Hasan says this is the best opportunity they will get, orders to start the attack
and the army charges forward.
In the End, Abbigail and Vulcannus fight Pythus, Saxon and Trevor fight the Wither
skeletons and Luna takes off after the two Withers there.
At Crown Peak, the Angel of Death is observing in the center, just as a light flies
towards it.
It ducks down and it and Val start fighting as well. The two armies collide, but
the Withers start tearing the K'arthen and Cydonia forces apart.
Hubris manages to fire his Aggressium Song at a Wither, but it only seems to
agitate it.
In the End, Luna is forced to fly away as Withers continue to hit her.
She passes few Ender Crystals, which heal her and, with her new reignited strength,
starts fighting the Withers again.
On the balcony, Ria, Senn and Herobrine attack the Withers, firing their Songs
trying to hit it.
On the walkway leading to Sulliman's house, Borgen and Grek hold the line.
The latter, still invisible, kills few Wither skeletons and then fades in, saying
that it was fun while it lasted.
After a bit of fighting, Val manages to cut off the Angel of Death's wings and it
falls down to its death.
In the End, Saxon and Trevor, with the help of some Endermen, eliminate most of the
Wither skeletons and Netherans.
The two Withers are slowly blowing up the Ender Crystals, until only one is left.
Out of nowhere, Thunderdome flies in and kills one of the Withers and goes after
the other.
On the balcony, Ria fires a Song, which hits a Wither and kills it.
Val lands besides her and informs her, that the Withers are tearing the army apart
and that they'll never make it to the walls.
Ria gets an idea of using the beacons as a distraction. She orders a flight team of
Felinas to move in and they glide with their elytras to the central courtyard.
Ria, Senn, Herobrine, Grek, Grim and Borgen go there as well. The army on the west
pushes forward and Hasan ushers them, but a Wither notices and kills him.
On the courtyard, the Felinas land and one with a Nether star rushes to the beacon,
but is killed.
Another one picks it up, is shot, but manages to put it into the beacon, before
being shot again and killed.
A team of Magnorites starts beaming in from Tartarus, but the three Withers destroy
the beacon at Crown Peak,
which disintegrates the Magnorites who were mid-warp. The courtyard explodes and
the blocks stay weightlessly in the air.
In the End, Pythus knocks Vulcannus back and stabs Abbigail with the sharp bottom
of his axe.
Luna sees it and dives onto Pythus, but few Skeletons stop her by firing arrows.
He almost kills Abbigail, but Vulcannus stops him and it is revealed, that he is
wielding both the Netherblade and the Enderblade,
both active in his hands. Pythus is shocked and almost afraid for once.
He says that it's impossible, but Vulcannus says, that there's much about their
worlds he has yet to learn and they fight one on one.
Vulcannus knocks Pythus down a small cliff, but, even though Pythus mocks him,
instead of taking his revenge, decides to save Abbigail.
At Crown Peak, Herobrine is the first towards the courtyard. He leaps off the
flying chunks and slashes a Wither, killing it by slicing off all three heads at
The other two Withers fire at him, which causes him to retreat. A second elytra
team flies off Sulliman's balcony, Val joining them, and distracts the Nether army,
allowing the army to finally push through.
Hubris runs through the battlefield and to the the team on the balcony.
The two Withers push the team back, but Val and Hubris join in and they, along with
Ria and Senn, all fire Aggressium Songs, which combine and form a superpowerful
that instantly kills the Withers, as the four look at each other, confused.
In the End, Vulcannus flies with Abbigail on Luna and brings her to an Ender
It doesn't react and the light on her armor slowly fades out, but eventually, it
lets out a tiny beam of energy,
which slowly heals her. She wants to go after Pythus, who escaped, but Vulcannus
calms her down, saying to let him go.

The Most Powerful of All

At Crown Peak, a Nether portal has been activated and the army goes through, Ria,
Senn and Val waiting outside to wait for the Deathsinger to arrive and engage him.
Before Hubris and Grek can say their goodbye, Pythus with two Withers and few
Wither skeletons arrive.
Hubris manages to push Grek through the portal, before it's destroyed by the
Senn and Ria fall unconscious and Hubris carries them to the side, while fighting
some Skeletons. Val distracts the Withers, but is shot and falls unconscious as
well. Hubris distracts them next, but is shot as well and falls down.
Ria and Senn wake up and fight Pythus, but he knocks them down. Hubris fights him
next and deflects a Wither skull a Wither fires at him at Pythus, who stumbles
Hubris fires his Song at him, knocking him down, and jumps to finish him, but
Pythus swings his axe in a large arc and kills Hubris.
He has a monologue on how power is just an illusion, constructed in the minds of
those who fear it and says, that he's the most powerful of all and almost kills
Senn and Ria,
but a Wither is heard dying and we see the Deathsinger picking his sword out of its
dead body.
He quickly kills the rest of the Wither skeletons and the other Wither, before
fighting Pythus as well.
The fight is possibly the quickest fight in the entire series. Ingressus fires a
Song at Pythus, sending him flying and,
almost identically to Hubris, jumps at him, but Pythus once again rolls at the last
second, hitting Ingressus.
He staggers, but keeps fighting with such ferocity, followed by silence. The two
figures stand against the sun, until Pythus falls over, dead.

A Legend's Life and Death

Senn and Ria try to stand up, Ria is unable to move, while Senn manages to walk to
the throne room to engage the Deathsinger.
He finds him sitting on the throne and Ingressus says, that it pleases him to know
he is alive.
Senn prepares for a fight, but Ingressus drops his sword instead. He informs Senn,
that soon, he will be the last surviving Voltaris and holds out Voltar to him.
He takes it and we see an identical shot of young Ingressus receiving the staff
from Dominus, the previous Voltaris Master he talked about in Episode 28.
A few non-Voltaris Ardoni, including Thalleous, approach and fight Dominus and he
falls to the ground dead. Ingressus, who started to leave, returns and grabs the
He is, however, hit by a Song and he falls into the ocean.
Young Achillean is fishing on pier and sees Ingressus wash up on the beach and
calls for Master Aegus of his clan.
He realises, that if others find out about him, they'll surely kill him.
Achillean suggests, that maybe they should kill him as he's a Voltaris after all,
but Aegus says, that he will not murder an Ardoni under his care, as many of the
Voltaris fight to survive and perhaps,
it may even begin to heal the wounds between the clans. He draws Nestor and
initiates Ingressus into the Nestoris clan.
Cuts to later, Achillean is fishing once again. Ingressus comes to him and asks if
there is anything he can do.
Achillean replies, that fishing is probably not very exciting compared to what he
grew up with and Ingressus says,
that he would like a change of pace and that he doesn't exactly have anyone to talk
Achillean finally begins to understand and we see the two fishing and Ingressus
eventually catching his first fish.
Some time later, Ingressus is alone with Aegus. Aegus says, that they weren't sure
of his intentions at first,
but he has shown to be an honorable and virtuous Ardoni and gives him his sword,
and Voltar and Ingressus thanks him.
A bit later, Achillean is carrying few fishing rods and Ingressus approaches him,
sword drawn. Scared,
Achillean drops his fishing rods, but Ingressus turns the sword backwards and gives
it to him, saying,
that it's only fair if he teaches him one of his skills as well.
Achillean says, that he never even held a sword and Ingressus says, that as him
never caught a fish and we see them training at various locations.
During the Nether invasion, Achillean informs Ingressus about the tournament, which
will choose the next Champion who will wield the Prime Songs.
He is outraged by the Prime Songs being used again, but Achillean gets an idea of
Ingressus participating in the tournament and then revealing himself as a Voltaris,

showing he means no harm. Ingressus likes the idea and they thank each other for
being like a brother to him and bow for the last time as friends.
Cuts to Ingressus winning the tournament, being rejected, killing the three Masters
and claiming the Prime Songs.
We see him fighting Aegus, throwing him down. He asks him what evil has corrupted
him, saying he raised him better.
The Deathsinger says, that he taught him that the Ardoni are forgiving, but that
they looked upon him with hate and disgust.
Aegus says to him to look around, as the people he lived with are now dead because
of him.
Ingressus realises what he did, stumbles a bit backwards and says, that only now,
does he understand why.
Suddenly, Achillean comes in and fires his Song at him, causing Ingressus to turn
and leave.
We see him going through the Barrier Mountains to a hidden camp of the Voltaris,
allying with the Nether, going through the portal,
in few shots from the three seasons, meeting Vulcannus, fighting Achillean and his
Here, we see more than originally, as Ingressus holds his body, saddened. We also
see Achillean's body being burned on pier in Northwind and a gravestone with his
markings being lit by Ingressus.
The Deathsinger and Vulcannus are talking together, Vulcannus saying that Ingressus
is putting his clan to a great danger, but he saying that only he will join the
overthrow and that his clan should be safe.
We then see him in the overthrow scene and seeing all the slaughtered Voltaris at
Hailstone. The flashback comes to a close and Senn gasps.
Ingressus says, that his entire life, he tried to save his people from exile and
slaughter, but was wrong so many times, such as to ally with the Nether or to kill
his closest brother.
That he let the Prime Songs destroy his very existence and that there were times he
even forgot his name. And that now, the Voltaris are no more.
Senn, however, says, that he will restore the Voltaris clan and Ingressus almost
breaks into tears because of this.
He falls to his knees, watches the rising sun and says, that many times he watched
the sun set with the colors of his clan and that he's happy to see the sun set once
After a moment, he begins to sway and then falls to the ground, dead....

Cuts to New Voltaria, where not only Ardoni from different clans, but also Humans
work and build small houses.
Two young Ardoni fight, a female one knocking down a male one, but the male one
takes a hoe out of the ground and says,
that he wants to see how she can do when he has this weapon. Suddenly, Ria blocks
his attack and says,
that one wise Ardoni once told her, that their strength does not come from the
power of their weapon,
but how they choose wield the power they've been given. The two say sorry for not
doing their work,
but she says, that even though the war is over, they still need to train, but not
before she takes the hoe out of his hand.
She comes to Senn, who is overlooking a grave, they have a dialogue and go up
As they go away, it is revealed he was overlooking Ingressus' grave. Senn starts
that the slaves of the Nether were freed and the destroyed cities rebuilt. Ria
that the kingdoms united once again and that K'arthen has been making amends with
mainly through renewal of their farmland, who in turn provided the much needed
Senn says, that the Voltaris clan was reborn, welcoming all Ardoni who wished to
and a ceremony was held to commemorate this.
We see Lucan leading Niika, who has closed eyes, to a surprise.
The surprise is a newly built tree fort, just as Niika always wanted.
She kisses Lucan for the first time, saying that she loves it, and hurries to it.
He says that he thought they were going to eat first, but Niika shows the cake she
stole from him.
She says that she will race him to the top and he says that it's not nice to make
fun of the handicap and walks up the stairs.
Merlin flies in and informs them about the ceremony, but Lucan says they'll pass.
After giving Merlin some seeds, he sees Niika sitting on the edge and sits next to
She says, that she thought he couldn't see himself settling down and he says, that
at least not alone.
At the Pinkolson farm, the Enderknights are enjoying some Pinkolson cakes.
Senn narrates that the Masters decided to declare a state of peace and harmony and
we see them hold the staffs together as a sign of peace.
We also see Senn climbing onto a nearby hill, which is the same hill the
Deathsinger fought on in the first shot of Episode 1.
Instead of dead bodies, however, below are his friends and followers. He raises
Voltar and initiates himself into the Voltaris clan.
Ria says, that Queen Abbigail and her two remaining Enderknights work to restore
the End to its former glory and we see Saxon and Trevor setting up their areas in
the End temple, where they can practice their skills.
Abbigail narrates that a few Enderdragon eggs were brought into the Overworld in
hopes of finding new Enderknights.
We see a young girl walking up to one, which makes it light up. Abbigail narrates,
that the Enderknights will protect Ardonia from the all different dangers.
Mr Finch works on his farm and we see Abbigail and Luna fly over.
Senn says, that Vulcannus, now king of the Nether, has left the Overworld and
returned to his kingdom,
which is in turmoil. We see Vulcannus saying his goodbye to Abbigail, but is, as
cut off by Luna who smacks him with her tail and he flies through the Nether portal
Senn says that the Prime Songs were deemed too dangerous and were hidden within the
uncharted realm of End.
Ria says, that even though the war ended, new bandits and outlaws have emerged,
and that the survivors retain hope, for they'll continue fighting for the land and
lives they've already given so much to protect.
The narrating is then revealed to be Senn and Ria reading from the 14th Wall of
Ria and Senn comment on how good the work is to Nitsuke, who says,
that by keeping their history accurate, they hopefully won't make the same mistake
They go away, while they talk about how they couldn't wait to hear the next story
of Thalleous.
Ria narrates, how many people will walk with them in this journey and how the
sacrifices of many will never be forgotten.
During this, we see several memorials such as Denny's grave, which has now roses
growing on it, Igneous',
who has a mountain carved out in his name, Sam's, Kiyoshi's, whose body is drawn
through a crowd as archers fire arrows in unison and Galleous',
whose is lit up by the Sendaris Master in Ataraxia. We see many characters ride off
into the distance, while Ria says,
that however dark the road ahead may get or however powerful their enemies may be,
they go fourth, to whatever adventure awaits. Their story has no end.

Angel of Death
Val Mendoris
Ria Sendaris
Hubris Nestoris
Ingressus Voltaris
Dominus Voltaris (first appareance) (in flashback only)
Thalleous Sendaris (in flashback only)
Achillean Nestoris (in flashback only)
Aegus Nestoris (in flashback only)
Aurelius Nestoris
Siderian Mendoris
Mr. Finch
Kiyoshi (corpse only)
Igneous (name on the mountain only)
Denny Pinkolson(grave only)
Sam (grave only)
Galleous Sendaris(grave only)

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