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1 FBA Checklist for Aggressive Behaviors

Challenging Behavior: Aggressive Behaviors

1. Language Comprehension Difficulties
❒❒ 1a: The student demonstrates aggressive behavior when the teacher uses complex language, lengthy lectures, or very fast
speech when giving directions or providing instruction.
❒❒ 1b: The student demonstrates aggressive behavior when directions or instruction are given verbally or in writing but not
when expectations are physically demonstrated or information is explained using visuals.
❒❒ 1c: The student demonstrates aggressive behavior when unfamiliar directions are given containing language the student
does not understand.

2. Deficits in Expressive Communication Skills

❒❒ 2a: The student lacks the communication skills necessary to express wants and needs and, therefore, communicates
wants and needs by demonstrating aggressive behavior.
❒❒ 2b: The student demonstrates aggressive behavior when having difficulty verbally expressing his or her perspective to a
teacher or peer, resulting in feeling as if his or her point of view is being disregarded.

3. Anxiety, Fear, and Emotional Regulation Difficulties

❒❒ 3a: The student demonstrates aggressive behavior when new tasks or activities are presented but not when familiar tasks
are presented.
❒❒ 3b: The student demonstrates aggressive behavior when there is a change in the normal routine or schedule.
❒❒ 3c: The student demonstrates aggressive behavior in environments that do not have a consistent schedule and routine.
❒❒ 3d: The student exhibits severe anxiety when teacher directives are given but is not aggressive when allowed to engage in
desirable activities without teacher involvement.

4. Social Skills Deficits

❒❒ 4a: The student demonstrates aggressive behavior during periods of social disengagement from teachers or peers due to
social deprivation.
❒❒ 4b: The student demonstrates aggressive behavior during situations that require using social problem-solving skills the
student has not yet acquired.
❒❒ 4c: The student demonstrates aggression due to errors with perspective taking.

5. Problems With Focus and Attention

❒❒ The student demonstrates aggressive behavior when asked to stop an activity that he or she is focused on due to difficul-
ties shifting attention.

6. Sensory Processing Problems

❒❒ 6a: The student demonstrates aggression when experiencing sensory overload.
❒❒ 6b: The student demonstrates aggression when denied sensory input.
❒❒ 6c: The student demonstrates aggression when forced into sensory experiences that cause pain or discomfort.

7. Academic, Cognitive, or Motor Skills Deficits

❒❒ 7a: The student demonstrates aggressive behavior when academic tasks are too difficult but does not when the tasks are
easy or do not require extensive effort.
❒❒ 7b: The student demonstrates aggression when presented with tasks that require using fine motor skills.
❒❒ 7c: The student demonstrates aggression when presented with tasks that require using gross motor skills.

Behavior Support for Students With ASD: Practical Help for 10 Common Challenges by Debra Leach.
Copyright © 2018 by Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. (page 1 of 2)
APPENDIX 8.1 FBA Checklist for Aggressive Behaviors

Challenging Behavior: Aggressive Behaviors (continued)

8. Restricted Range of Interests

❒❒ The student demonstrates aggressive behavior when given tasks that are not interest based but not when tasks are inter-
est based.

9. Medical Conditions
❒❒ 9a: The student demonstrates aggression following nights of limited sleep.
❒❒ 9b: The student engages in self-injurious behaviors to respond to physical pain.
❒❒ 9c: The student’s aggression is a side effect of medications being taken or a result of being weaned off a specific

Other ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________





Hypothesis Statement_________________________________________________________________________________________________





Behavior Support for Students With ASD: Practical Help for 10 Common Challenges by Debra Leach.
(page 2 of 2) Copyright © 2018 by Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.

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