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Frobenius Filter

Andy G. Lozowski
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

In biological neural networks, most sensor neurons per-

form a very simple function. Their role is to detect an Pr = 1−c
input stimulus and perhaps react to varying intensity τk
τin Shift−map
of the stimulus. Neurons produce spikes at the output.
Naturally, information coding is straightforward here: Pr = c
the more stimulus is delivered to the sensor neuron,
Figure 2: Frobenius filter is a shift-map with input. Ei-
the more frequent its output firing. Many experimental
ther the input interval τin or the present output
approaches were based on response measurements and
interval τk is transformed into the next output
fitting of concentration-response curves to data. Typ- interval τk+1 .
ically, the average interspike interval of the receptors
has an asymptotic dependency on the stimulus inten-
sity. An example of such measurements can be found cannot be overlapped. Interspike intervals, as received
in [1]. from the sensors, are determined between two consecu-
tive spikes. There is no temporal coding involved at the
There are sensory systems, where more than one type sensors, other than simple temporal modulation with
of stimulus is to be detected. Living organisms per- the stimulus intensity. This is why sensory systems,
ceive odors as sensations caused by mixtures of odorant such as the olfactory system, are equipped with a mech-
molecules. Various odorant molecules excite different anism of converging the information to more compact
groups of receptors. A superposition of these excita- spatiotemporal representation [3].
tions constitute the odor as detected by the olfactory
bulb [2]. The relative concentrations of individual com- We propose to use a mechanism to assign a temporal
ponents constitute the odor type, whereas the absolute structure to a given interspike interval mix. A one-
concentrations determine the odor intensity. dimensional shift map τk → τk+1 is the simplest yet
sufficient method to add an order to the mix of inter-
The neurophysiological evidence suggests that the pro- spike intervals. Note that there are many ways to ac-
cessing of sensory information in biological neural net- complish this task. We suggest one described in [4] that
works is distributed among many neurons. There is no is very suitable to our problem. The shift map is derived
localized units in the network that would be responsi- directly from the invariant density of a Markov process
ble for one bit of information. Rather, the information by solving the inverse Frobenius-Peron problem. The
is spread among many neurons that act collectively. Markov process is defined to match the probability den-
Therefore it is reasonable to assume that a collection sity function p(τ ) of a given interspike interval mix [5].
of sensory neurons dealing with mixed stimuli produce
a mix of interspike intervals, such as the one shown Suppose we already have derived a shift-map h : τk →
in Fig. 1. In the figure, the signal contains a set of one τk+1 capable of producing a temporal sequence {τk }
hundred intervals. The intervals can occur in any se- with the distribution of interspike intervals conforming
quence, as there is no temporal relationship between in- to the given p(τ ). We now introduce a signal processing
tervals. The interspike interval mix can be represented scheme as shown in Fig. 2. We will refer to it as the
by a one-dimensional random variable τin with values Frobenius filter. The input to the filter is a random
governed by the probability distribution p(τ ). Number neural signal τin . The Frobenius filter is simply a shift-
p(τ ) relates to the frequency of occurrence of interval τ map with the feedback loop controlled by a random
in a given mix. switch. The switch operation is described by a two-
valued stochastic process ξ : {0, 1} × N → R. The filter
The difficulty with sensory spiking signals is that they is producing time intervals based on the switch position.
At every interval k, the switch position depends on the
value of ξk governed by probabilities:

Pr(ξk = 1) = c (1)
Figure 1: A neural signal fragment containing 100 inter-
spike intervals. Pr(ξk = 0) = 1 − c (2)
Figure 3: Three instances of a Frobenius filter stimulated by an input distribution for 20000 iterations. Quadratic distance
di between cumulative distributions of interspike intervals at the input and the output of the filter is graphed.

where c ∈ [0; 1] is a constant parameter. When ξk = 1, based on coherence of the two signals. In case of the
the filter is receiving the input τin . The opposite posi- matched pair, the similarity is in the statistical proper-
tion of the switch (ξk = 0) lets the shift-map determine ties of the input and the output signals.
the output time interval based on the previous interval.
The overall filter equation reads: The Frobenius filter also demonstrates the trade-off
  that is possible when processing sensory information
τk+1 = h ξk τin + (1 − ξk )τk (3) with neural signals. One may contain the information
in thousands of spiking signals. At any given time the
The notion of the switch is an attempt to model a com- information is included in the distribution of interspike
petition between the input and the feedback. intervals, which can be assembled by combining all the
signals together in one histogram. In the other extreme,
In order to illustrate the operation of the Frobenius fil-
one might let a shift-map oscillate for a long time and
ter, the shift-map was stimulated at the input by values
extract the interspike interval distribution from the gen-
generated by three different probability distributions
erated sequence. The shift map is a deterministic rep-
pA , pB , and pC representing three different interspike
resentation of the input interspike distribution. More
interval mixes. In each instance, K = 20000 random
importantly, the shift-map produces the temporal se-
values τin were drawn from the input distribution and
quence which has a unique signature in a sense that
applied with probability c = 0.5 to the filter.
it is receivable through synchronization with a coinci-
The shift-map was derived from the input probability dence detector.
distribution pA . Figure 3 shows the result of the follow-
ing comparison: The input values τin were sorted and References
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By detecting low distance between the input and the
output of the filter, a stimulus recognition mechanism [5] A. G. Lozowski and B. L. Noble, ”Processing tem-
can be devised. poral sequences,” in Proc. of the 45th Midwest Sym-
posium on Circuits and Systems (MSCAS’02), vol. 1,
The proposed mechanism uses a pattern matching phe- Tulsa, Oklahoma, Aug. 4-7, 2002, pp. 180-183.
nomenon which signals successful detection as a de-
creased distance between parameters of the input and
the output neural signals. The pattern matching is not

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