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【南山校区】2024深圳国际交流学院入学考试英语 第一轮周测卷2

2024/02/17 00:00 - 2024/02/29 23:59


满分:50分 交卷时间: 限时 40.0分钟

Listening 50* (25 Questions - 40minutes) (共25题 共50分)

1-8. 【复合题】 00:00

There are 4 parts. You will hear part 1 and 2 TWICE and part 3 and 4 only ONCE.

Part 1 (16*)
You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer, A, B or C.

1. 【单选题】 2分

1. You hear two people talking on the bus. Where has the woman just been?

A. a post office

B. a passport office

C. a lawyer’s office

得0分共2分 正确答案 C

2. 【单选题】 2分

2. You hear a woman talking on the phone. How is the woman feeling?

A. frustrated

B. excited

C. surprised

得2分共2分 正确答案 A

3. 【单选题】 2分

3. You hear a man at a hotel reception desk. What is he doing?

A. checking in

B. checking out

C. changing arrangements

得2分共2分 正确答案 C

4. 【单选题】 2分

4. You hear part of a talk on the radio. What kind of programme is it?

A. a history programme

B. a current affairs programme

C. a book programme

得2分共2分 正确答案 B

5. 【单选题】 2分

5. You hear two women talking in a cafe. What are they talking about?

A. doctors’ appointments for their sons

B. their sons’ birthdays

C. their sons’ computer lessons

得2分共2分 正确答案 A

6. 【单选题】 2分

6. You hear a man talking about language change on the radio. How does he feel about it?

A. He regrets it.

B. He welcomes it.

C. He has mixed feelings.

得2分共2分 正确答案 C

7. 【单选题】 2分

7. You hear two people talking. What are they discussing?

A. a visitor to their home

B. the woman’s work

C. the man’s holiday

得2分共2分 正确答案 A

8. 【单选题】 2分

8. You turn on the radio and hear a man talking. What is his job?

A. translator

B. English language teacher

C. zoology teacher

得2分共2分 正确答案 B

9-13. 【填空题】 小题计分 00:00

Part 2 (10*)
You will hear five different people talking about how they like listening to music. For questions 9-13, choose from the list A-F what each person says. Use the letters only
once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.

9. Speaker 1

10. Speaker 2

11. Speaker 3

12. Speaker 4

13. Speaker 5

(A) I like listening to music when I’m studying.

(B) I always listen to music when I’m travelling.
(C) Music has a profound effect on my mood.
(D) I don’t listen to music as much as I used to.
(E) I keep up-to-date with music trends.
(F) A friend has influenced my music tastes.

【题号】 考生答案 参考答案 试题解析 评语

1 F F,f --- 得 2 分共 2 分

2 A C,c --- 得 0 分共 2 分

3 D D,d --- 得 2 分共 2 分

4 C B,b --- 得 0 分共 2 分

5 E E,e --- 得 2 分共 2 分

14-19. 【复合题】 00:00

Part 3 (12*)
You will hear a man and a woman talking about a problem at work. For questions 14-19, choose the best answer, (A, B or C).

14. 【单选题】 2分

14. How have most people been feeling this week about the changes the new boss is planning?

A. not sure yet

B. excited

C. unhappy

得2分共2分 正确答案 C

15. 【单选题】 2分

15. How does the woman feel about the need for change?

A. She agrees that some changes are required.

B. She does not feel that any changes are necessary.

C. She does not think that this is the right time for change.

得0分共2分 正确答案 A

16. 【单选题】 2分

16.What does the new boss want staff to do?

A. take a pay cut

B. work longer hours

C. sign a new contract

得2分共2分 正确答案 B

17. 【单选题】 2分

17. Why does the woman think that she will not be dismissed?

A. The new boss likes her.

B. She’s been there for a long time.

C. She has an important position in the company.

得0分共2分 正确答案 B

18. 【单选题】 2分

18. What did the woman think about the new boss when she first met him?

A. She was shocked by his behaviour.

B. She thought he was the wrong person for the job.

C. He made a good first impression on her.

得2分共2分 正确答案 C

19. 【单选题】 2分

19. What does the man think the staff should do?

A. consult a lawyer

B. go on strike

C. look for new jobs

得2分共2分 正确答案 A

20-25. 【复合题】 00:00

Part 4 (12*)
You will hear part of a radio arts programme, in which two people, Arthur and Carla.are discussing a book called Windworld. For questions 20-25, Read the
opinionsbelow and decide who expresses which opinion, the man, the woman or both theman and the woman. The opinions may not appear in the same order in
thediscussion, You will hear the discussion only once.

20. 【单选题】 2分

20. The historical information fits the period in which the novel is set.

A. Man

B. Woman

C. Both

得2分共2分 正确答案 A

21. 【单选题】 2分

21. A film version of this novel should only focus on personal elements.

A. Man

B. Woman

C. Both

得2分共2分 正确答案 B

22. 【单选题】 2分

22. The portrayal of key individuals in the story is confidently handled.

A. Man

B. Woman

C. Both

得0分共2分 正确答案 C

23. 【单选题】 2分

23. The inclusion of too many scientific facts undermines the story.

A. Man

B. Woman

C. Both

得0分共2分 正确答案 A

24. 【单选题】 2分

24. The story benefits from the inclusion of autobiographical elements.

A. Man

B. Woman

C. Both

得2分共2分 正确答案 C

25. 【单选题】 2分

25. Windworld is aimed at a different audience to that of Swallow's other books.

A. Man

B. Woman

C. Both

得0分共2分 正确答案 B

满分:50分 交卷时间: 限时 45.0分钟

Writing 50* (3 Parts - 45 minutes) (共5题 共50分)

26-28. 【复合题】

Part 1(15*)
You are a member of a rowing club. You are talking to other members in a chat room. Talk to them using sentences.
Use 30-40 words per answer.

26. 【简答题】 5分

1. Sally: How do you keep fit?


Not that difficult! Firstly, I always remember that it is beneficial for me to keep on a diet in order to control the
calorie. Associated with my eating habits, doing appropriate physical exercise also contributes to my success of keep
ing fit.

得 3.5 分 共 5 分

27. 【简答题】 5分

2. John: Where did you go on holiday last year?


Initially, I planned to take the USA as my destination of my holiday trip. However, I finally decided to go Britain w
ith my classmates. Not only because it was affordable for us, but also a good opportunity for visiting our ideal univ
ersities had been provided.

得 3.5 分 共 5 分

28. 【简答题】 5分

3. Mandy: What is the weather like where you are?


It differs. Since I am currently living in the northern part of China, the climate goes wet in the summer and the wea
ther gets scorching hot. By contrast, it gets snowy frequently in the winter here and the climate becomes dry. Your h
ands and your ears are estimated to be frozen here in the winter!


29. 【简答题】

Part 2 (15*)
You have received a letter from the University you have applied for.
“Dear Application,
Congratulations!It is with great pleasure that I inform you of your acceptance to the business program at University of California. You have been given this opportunity in
recognition of your personal and scholar achievements.
We have enclosed a starter package with this letter for you to familiarize yourself with the campus life. Feel free to reach out to us at any time.
Yours sincerely.
John Harrop”
1. Very excited--look forward to it
2. Stay up late to study-- Prefer single room
3. Pickup from airport?
Write back to the University, as an international student, to consult a few matters.
You should write between 120 and 150 words.


Dear Mr.Harrop,
I cannot help myself believe that this is true! It is my honor to be accepted by your-esteemed university. I cannot wait t
o start my new life in the campus of the University of California!
As an international student, there are a few things that need to be confirmed. Since I am not that efficient at work, I ex
pect to seek for a single room, which can be guaranteed not to bother others' rest time, to study late at night. Please an
nounce me if a single room is available. By the way, could you please let me know about the tuition fee for a single room?
Besides, I also want to know that whether I can be picked up from the airpot when I arrive in California. I will be really
grateful if it is possible.
Your early reply will be highly appreciated!
Best regards,
the applicant

得 12 分 共 15 分

30. 【简答题】

Part 3 (20*)
Write an experience when you climb with a companion and your thoughts and feelings as you got to the top.
Write about 180-200 words.


It is effective for people to find out an appropriate method to release their emotion when feeling bad. As for me, a preci
ous climbing experience with my mother is memorable.
Last July, when the result of the senior-high-school admission exam was issued, I really felt collapsed due to bad grade I
have got. I could not help myself accept the truth and I did nothing those days. Fortunately, my mother was understanding.
She advised me to go for climbing with her. I was confused but agreed.
We climbed the mountain for a truly long time---from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. without any breaks. We didn't talk to each other unt
il we reached the top. My mother and I felt really tired, but surprisingly, the anxiety as well as other bad emotions all
seem like flew away! My mother then started to talk:"See? Those are what climbing brought to you. You will feel relaxed an
d ignore every bad thing. Don't you think our life is similar to this?"
That was true. Even if I was sweaty and felt tired when I got to the top, I had strived for it and saw a variety of beauti
ful sceneries during the process of climbing. Those are the things I acquired througbh climbing! The same as my life, even
though the result was not perfect, I gained lotsof wealth

得 13 分 共 20 分

满分:50分 交卷时间: 限时 60.0分钟

Reading 50* (25 Questions – 50 minutes) (共25题 共50分)

31-36. 【复合题】

Part 1(12*)
Directions: Look at the descriptions of residential accommodation available to students at Brick Lane College. Each description is labelled A - F. Use these letters to
answer questions about these descriptions. One letter will be used twice. An example has been done for you.

31. 【单选题】 2分

1.Which accommodation shows particular concern for children?

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

E. E

F. F

得2分共2分 正确答案 F

32. 【单选题】 2分

2. Which accommodation offers some meals but not all?

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

E. E

F. F

得2分共2分 正确答案 C

33. 【单选题】 2分

3. Which accommodation is located in an area which is full of life?

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

E. E

F. F

得2分共2分 正确答案 B

34. 【单选题】 2分

4. Which accommodation is best for learning English?

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

E. E

F. F

得2分共2分 正确答案 E

35. 【单选题】 2分

5. Which accommodation is the most convenient for College?

A. A

B. B

C. C
D. D

E. E

F. F

得2分共2分 正确答案 C

36. 【单选题】 2分

6. Which accommodation would be suitable for a group of close friends who want to live together?

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

E. E

F. F

得2分共2分 正确答案 D

37-44. 【复合题】

Part 2(16*)
The History of Doughnuts (Donuts)

Read the passage and answer the questions.

Fried dough has been made all around the world. Dutch settlers who brought apple and cream pies, cookies and cobbler to the New World also introduced doughnuts.
Their doughnuts were called olykoeks, or oily cakes–sweet dough balls fried in pork fat. Early doughnuts were often filled with apples, prunes or raisins. The name
“doughnut” may refer to the nuts put in the middle of the dough ball to prevent an uncooked center or possibly to “dough knots”–another popular shape for the
olykoeks.Today, “doughnut” and “donut” are used interchangeably.

There are three stories about why doughnuts have holes in the center. In 1847, Elizabeth Gregory was known for making a very fine olykoek with a hint of nutmeg and a
filling of hazelnuts or walnuts. Her son, Hanson Crockett Gregory was a 16 year-old sailor who invented the doughnut hole.

One story says that on June 22, 1847, Captain Gregory’s ship hit a sudden storm. He impaled the doughnut as a spoke on the steering wheel to keep his hands free. The
spoke drove a hole through the raw center of the doughnut. Captain Gregory liked the doughnuts better that way, and the doughnut hole was born.

In the second story, he didn't like nuts, so he poked them out and ordered the ship's cook to remove the centers from doughnuts.

The third version comes from an interview with Captain Gregory in the Washington Post. Gregory didn't like the greasiness of doughnuts twisted into various shapes, or
the raw center of regular doughnuts. He suddenly had the idea to punch a hole with the ship's tin pepper box. When he got home, he taught this new doughnut trick to
his mother.

Making a hole increased the surface area exposed to the hot oil and eliminated the uncooked center.

Here's part of the interview with 85 year-old Captain Gregory:

"Now in the days we used to cut the doughnuts into diamond shapes, and also into long strips, bent in half, and then twisted. I don't think we called them doughnuts
then they were just “fried cakes” and “twisters”.

"Well, sir, they used to fry all right around the edges, but when you had the edges done the insides was all raw dough. And the twisters used to sop up all the grease just
where they bent, and they were tough on the digestion."

"Well, I says to myself, 'Why wouldn't a space inside solve the difficulty?' I thought at first I'd take one of the strips and roll it around, then I got an inspiration, a great
inspiration. I took the cover off the ship's tin pepper box, and I cut into the middle of that doughnut the first hole ever seen by mortal eyes!"

“Well, sir, the doughnuts was the finest I ever tasted. No more indigestion,no more greasy sinkers, but just well-done, fried-through doughnuts.”

37. 【单选题】 2分

7. The first doughnuts brought to America by the Dutch were______?

A. oily

B. sour

C. bitter

D. yellow

得2分共2分 正确答案 A

38. 【单选题】 2分

8. Why do you think the Washington Post interviewed Captain Gregory?

A. They were interested in why doughnuts were so greasy.

B. They wanted to know the places he had sailed to.

C. They believed someone else invented the doughnut hole.

D. They wanted to know how the doughnut hole came into being.

得2分共2分 正确答案 D

39. 【单选题】 2分

9. Which of the following items was not introduced by the Dutch?

A. cobbler

B. cream pies

C. cookies

D. ice cream

得2分共2分 正确答案 D

40. 【单选题】 2分

10. What inspired Captain Gregory?

A. He wanted to think of a new name for doughnuts.

B. The idea of cutting a hole into the center of the doughnut.

C. The idea of starting a bakery

D. The idea that he could put filling in the doughnut

得2分共2分 正确答案 B

41. 【单选题】 2分

11. Which of the following was NOT a nickname for doughnuts as described by Captain Gregory?

A. twisters

B. olykoeks

C. greasy sinkers

D. fried cakes

得0分共2分 正确答案 B

42. 【单选题】 2分

12. What could be a title for this passage?

A. Nicknames for Donuts

B. The First Bakery

C. How the Donut Changed Over Time

D. Donuts Around the World

得2分共2分 正确答案 C

43. 【单选题】 2分

13. Captain Gregory______?

A. improved the doughnut

B. added filling to the doughnut

C. invented the doughnut

D. brought the donut to America

得2分共2分 正确答案 A

44. 【单选题】 2分

14. Doughnuts were originally made with nuts in the center to______?

A. make the doughnuts less oily

B. make the doughnuts taste less doughy

C. make sure the center was fully cooked

D. make the doughnuts easier to fry

得2分共2分 正确答案 C

45-49. 【填空题】 小题计分

Part 3(10*)
In the following text, the headings of five sections have been removed. Choose the best heading (A-F) for the five sections (15-19). There is one extra heading you do not
need to use. You only need to write the letter in the box.

(A) Avoiding Difficult Questions

(B) Fairer Chance For All
(C) Inaccurate Legacy
(D) A Question Of Necessity
(E) Ongoing Struggle
(F) Other Agendas

On the third Monday of every January since 1986, schools, federal offices and banks across the United States are closed so that Americans can celebrate the birth and
life of Martin Luther King, Jr. Reverend King was the dynamic civil rights leader who focused the world's attention on the problem of racial segregation in the American

He is remembered for his strategy of nonviolent resistance and his opposition to racism. But before he was assassinated in 1968, Reverend King had begun to challenge
more than America's understanding of race, and some prominent historians fear that his opposition to U.S. economic and foreign policy is being forgotten.


"The greatest danger by far with King birthday celebrations is the umpteenth re-playing of the 'I Have a Dream' speech," says David Garrow, author of the Pulitzer Prize-
winning book, Bearing the Cross: Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Professor Garrow calls the speech — which Reverend King
delivered in 1963 on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. — an "unrepresentative sample" of what the civil leader stood for. He says the unrelenting
focus on the address incorrectly makes Martin Luther King look like a "rosy-eyed optimist."


"Younger people are left with a really quite misleading impression of King that focuses too much on that one very upbeat speech," says Professor Garrow, "and
oftentimes gives no attention whatsoever to King as a critic of economic inequality and American foreign policy around the world."

On the day he was assassinated, Martin Luther King was in Memphis, Tennessee, supporting a strike that had been launched by sanitation workers there. Just moments
before he died, he was writing a sermon titled Why America May Go to Hell. Two years earlier, he had moved into a slum in the northern city of Chicago to call attention
to urban poverty - and to challenge the notion that the South was the only region that had a problem with race.

Reverend King had also become an outspoken critic of the war in Vietnam, calling the United States "the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today" during a
sermon he delivered in New York in 1967. "In some respects," says Clayborne Carson, director of the King Papers Project at Stanford University, "the civil rights issues,
narrowly conceived, were the easiest to resolve, because there you had a distinction between the way black people were treated in the South and the dominant values of
the nation, as expressed by the (U.S.)Supreme Court in the Brown (vs. Board of Education) decision (which outlawed segregation.)"


Professor Carson, who has been editing the correspondence and speeches of Martin Luther King for the last 20 years, notes that Reverend King had changed his focus
before he died. "When King started to confront the issues that were as common in the North as in the South," he says, "then I think he faced a much greater challenge.
And I think that's the challenge we still face today."


So why is it that public remembrances of Reverend King have been so concentrated on the issues of race and non-violence, rather than on his criticisms of economic
policy and the Vietnam War? Historian David Garrow says it is because very few people today object to Martin Luther King's call for an end to racial segregation. "If, on
the other hand, King holiday events addressed King's identifying himself as a Democratic Socialist or King's emerging as a very outspoken critic of American militarism
in Vietnam and Southeast Asia," he says, "then holiday celebrations would have to confront whether American society today has any greater level of economic equality
than it did in 1968 and whether American foreign policy in the years since 1968 is fundamentally different than the militarism and go-it-alone attitudes that King criticized
so forcefully."


David Garrow argues that the so-called "sweetening" of Martin Luther King's historical reputation was unavoidable once his birthday became a federal holiday. He says
even the most conservative political leaders have had to find a way to embrace Reverend King's legacy -- and putting the emphasis on the Baptist preacher's opposition
to racial segregation has been that way.

For this reason, David Garrow says, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day has been a mixed blessing. On the one hand, it calls national attention to America's problematic history
with race. But on the other hand, he says, the holiday has made it difficult for young African-Americans struggling with economic inequality to identify with a civil rights
leader who was killed before they were born.

【题号】 考生答案 参考答案 试题解析 评语

1 D C,c --- 得 0 分共 2 分

2 B F,f --- 得 0 分共 2 分

3 E E,e --- 得 2 分共 2 分

4 C A,a --- 得 0 分共 2 分

5 F D,d --- 得 0 分共 2 分

50-55. 【填空题】 小题计分

Part 4 (12*)
You are going to read an article about the making of an unusual television commercial. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-
G the one which fits each gap (20-25). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

(A) Then the falling dominoes head out of the room into the streets, causing progressively larger objects to tumble.
(B) These were all chosen to suit the town and fit in with the people’s way of life.
(C) Getting there involved driving along 48 kilometres of dirt roads and crossing twelve rivers.
(D) Iruya is situated 3000 metres above sea level and the film crew was not used to working in such conditions.
(E) The prop department did construct a small version on site, but most of the work was done in a studio in London.
(F) Added to this was the total of one hundred and thirty ‘actors’ who were recruited from five neighbouring towns.
(G) Not so with the famous Irish drink company Guinness.

The Making of ‘Tipping Point’

Many of the most expensive commercials ever made are those in which an A-list celebrity flashes a beautiful smile at the cameras. 20. Their recent

television advertisement, the most expensive in British history, cost ten million pounds, and it features, not the rich and famous, but villagers from the mountains of

The advertisement features a game of dominoes. It begins in a darkened room where several thousand ordinary dominoes are set up on a specially-designed table. 21.

Dominoes knock over books, which in turn knock bigger household objects such as suitcases, tyres, pots of paint, oil drums and even cars. The final

piece in the chain reaction is a huge tower of books. These flutter open to reveal a structure in the shape of a pint of Guinness.

The location chosen for the commercial was Iruya, a village high up in the mountains of north-west Argentina. 22. The journey there could take up to

ten hours. Asked why this remote destination was chosen for the shoot, the director said that even though it was the most difficult location they could have picked, it
was perfect.

For one month, the village, population thousand, increased in size by almost thirty percent. One hundred and forty crew members descended on the village. These

included the world record holders in domino toppling, Weijers Domino productions from the Netherlands. 23.

Creating this film was no easy task. Preparations for filming took well over a month. Twenty-six truckloads of objects were brought in. 24. They

included 10,000 books, 400 tyres, 75 mirrors, 50 fridges, 45 wardrobes and 6 cars. Setting the objects up took skill and patience. They needed to be arranged so they
would fall over easily, and this involved balancing them on stones. Some of the sequences had to be reshot 15 times and 24 hours of footage was captured. However,
the sequence in which six cars fell over was successfully shot in just one take.

Filming in this location was not without its difficulties. Firstly, being so isolated, it was hard to obtain resources at short notice. The second problem was the high altitude.

25. It was also hard working with the villagers who had no experience of film-making. Finally, setting and resetting the props caused a good deal of


Director Nicolai Fuglsig said about the project: “Despite all the challenges, the cast was fantastic and it was a really amazing experience.” Whether or not the effort put
into the advert pays off is another matter entirely.

【题号】 考生答案 参考答案 试题解析 评语

1 B G,g --- 得 0 分共 2 分

2 A A,a --- 得 2 分共 2 分

3 C C,c --- 得 2 分共 2 分

4 F F,f --- 得 2 分共 2 分

5 E B,b --- 得 0 分共 2 分

6 D D,d --- 得 2 分共 2 分

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