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【南山校区】2024 深圳国际交流书院入学考试 英语第一轮周测…

2024/03/01 17:00 - 2024/03/10 23:59


满分:50分 交卷时间: 限时 40.0分钟

Listening 50* (25 Questions – 40 Minutes) (共25题 共50分)

1-8. 【复合题】 00:00

There are 4 parts and each part has one recording. You will hear each recording twice for part 1 and 2. For part 3 and 4 you will hear the recording just once.

Part 1 (16*)
You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer, A, B or C.

1. 【单选题】 2分

1. You hear a man and a woman talking about a department store. What is the woman’s opinion of the store?

A. The prices are generally reasonable.

B. Most of the assistants are very helpful.

C. There is a wide range of items on sale.

得2分共2分 正确答案 C

2. 【单选题】 2分

2. You hear a woman asking a man questions in a city-centre street. She wants him to …

A. take part in a survey.

B. give her directions to a bus stop.

C. use public transport more often.

得2分共2分 正确答案 A

3. 【单选题】 2分

3. You hear part of a radio interview with a newspaper’s science reporter. He thinks that it is …

A. less of a problem than some scientists say.

B. not taken seriously enough by governments.

C. now too late to stop it happening.

得2分共2分 正确答案 B

4. 【单选题】 2分

4. You hear a recorded message when you phone a hotel. What should you do if you want to stay there an extra night?

A. press one

B. press two

C. press three

得2分共2分 正确答案 B

5. 【单选题】 2分

5. You hear two parents talking after watching their son play in a football match. What do they agree about?

A. The referee was unfair to their son’s team.

B. Their son’s team should have won the game.

C. Their son was the best player in his team.

得2分共2分 正确答案 C

6. 【单选题】 2分

6. You hear a man talking on the radio about a castle by the sea. How does the speaker suggest visitors get to the castle?

A. by car

B. on foot

C. by public transport

得2分共2分 正确答案 A

7. 【单选题】 2分

7. You hear a woman talking about her computer. Why couldn’t she email her friend?

A. Her computer wasn’t online.

B. A virus had damaged her computer.

C. She couldn’t remember her password.

得2分共2分 正确答案 A

8. 【单选题】 2分

8. You overhear a man leaving a message on an answering machine. Why is he phoning?

A. to apologise for something he has done

B. to thank the person for something they did

C. to ask the other person for some advice

得2分共2分 正确答案 C

9-10. 【复合题】 00:00

Part 2 (12*)

You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to what you hear. There are two questions for each

Extract One
You hear two friends discussing the woman’s new job.

9. 【单选题】 2分

1. What is the woman doing during the conversation?

A. admitting that she has made a mistake

B. justifying a decision she has made

C. complaining about too much work

得2分共2分 正确答案 B

10. 【单选题】 2分

2. With regard to her working hours, the woman is pleased that …

A. she now starts work later than she used to.

B. she doesn’t need to work on Friday afternoons.

C. she can sometimes work when nobody else is present.

得2分共2分 正确答案 C

11-12. 【复合题】 00:00

Extract Two

You hear two friends discussing a play they have both seen.

11. 【单选题】 2分

3. What did the woman think of the play they saw?

A. She was disappointed with the production.

B. She found it an entertaining production.

C. She had her eyes opened by the production.

得2分共2分 正确答案 C

12. 【单选题】 2分

4. What do they agree was an effective aspect of the production?

A. the lighting

B. the sound

C. the scenery

得2分共2分 正确答案 A

13-14. 【复合题】 00:00

Extract Three

You hear a man telling a friend about a phone call he has just had.

13. 【单选题】 2分

5. How does the man feel about Isabel not helping him?

A. He is surprised that she has changed her mind about it.

B. He is annoyed that she won’t do what she had agreed to do.

C. He is disappointed that she is unexpectedly prevented from doing it.

得2分共2分 正确答案 B

14. 【单选题】 2分

6. How will the man solve his problem?

A. He’ll ask somebody else for a lift to the conference.

B. He’ll cancel his booking for the conference.

C. He’ll arrive late at the conference.

得0分共2分 正确答案 C

15-20. 【复合题】 00:00

Part 3 (12*)

You will hear two neighbours, Mary and Frank, discussing current developments in museums. For questions 1-6, Read the opinions below and decide who expresses
which opinion, the man, the woman or both the man and the woman. The opinions may not appear in the same order in the discussion. You will hear the discussion
only once.

15. 【单选题】 2分

1. Lending out exhibits is beneficial to the wider public.

A. Man

B. Woman

C. Both

得2分共2分 正确答案 C

16. 【单选题】 2分

2. The architecture of a museum affects how I view the collection.

A. Man

B. Woman

C. Both

得2分共2分 正确答案 A

17. 【单选题】 2分

3. The learning process, in general, can be enjoyable.

A. Man

B. Woman

C. Both

得2分共2分 正确答案 C

18. 【单选题】 2分

4. It’s a good idea to prepare children for a museum visit.

A. Man

B. Woman

C. Both

得0分共2分 正确答案 C

19. 【单选题】 2分

5. Public libraries perform a similar function to museums.

A. Man

B. Woman

C. Both

得2分共2分 正确答案 B

20. 【单选题】 2分

6. Entry to museums should be free so that everybody can take advantage of them.

A. Man

B. Woman

C. Both

得2分共2分 正确答案 B

21-25. 【复合题】 00:00

Part 4 (10*)

Listen to part of a lecture in an art history class. The professor has been talking about colossal statues. For questions 1-5, choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).

21. 【单选题】 2分

1. What does the professor mainly discuss?

A. The design and creation of the Statue of Liberty

B. The creators of two colossal statues in the United States

C. The purpose and symbolism of colossal statues

D. The cost of colossal statues in ancient versus modern times

得2分共2分 正确答案 C

22. 【单选题】 2分

2. What evidence does the professor give that supports the idea that modern-day colossal statues are valued social and political symbols?

A. They are very costly to build.

B. They are studied in classrooms around the world.

C. They are designed to last for thousands of years.

D. They are inspired by great poetry.

得2分共2分 正确答案 A

23. 【单选题】 2分

3. According to the professor, what was one result of the Great Depression of the 1930s?

A. International alliances eroded.

B. Immigration to the United States increased.

C. The public experienced a loss of confidence.

D. The government could no longer provide funds for the arts.

得0分共2分 正确答案 C

24. 【单选题】 2分

4. According to the professor, why did the state of South Dakota originally want to create a colossal monument?

A. To symbolize the unity of society

B. To commemorate the Great Depression

C. To honor United States presidents

D. To generate income from tourism

得2分共2分 正确答案 D

25. 【单选题】 2分

5. Why does the professor discuss the poem by Emma Lazarus?

A. To emphasize the close relationship between literature and sculpture

B. To illustrate how the meaning associated with a monument can change

C. To stress the importance of the friendship between France and the United States

D. To point out a difference between Mount Rushmore and the Statue of Liberty

得2分共2分 正确答案 B

满分:50分 交卷时间: 限时 45.0分钟

Writing 50* (3 Parts - 45 minutes) (共5题 共50分)

26-28. 【复合题】

Part 1 (15*)
You are a member of a travel club. You are talking to other members in a chat room. Talk to them using sentences. Answer all three questions.

Use 30-40 words per answer.

26. 【简答题】 5分

1. Sam: Hi, welcome to the club! Can you remember the first time you went on a journey by yourself? What was it like?



27. 【简答题】 5分

2. Jose: What are the most interesting places to visit in your country?



28. 【简答题】 5分

3. Fernanda: Is it important to have some time alone?



29. 【简答题】

Part 2 (15*)

You have just read the following letter in the Letter Page of an English-language magazine:

Dear Sir or Madam,

Why doesn’t the government ban cars from driving in the city center? It’s very noisy and polluted, and the number of cars on the road is growing every day. I believe that
we should keep the city center for people, not cars.

Yours faithfully,
J. Manners

Write a letter to the editor, discussing whether you agree or disagree with the writer of this letter. You should write between 120 and 150 words.


得 0 分 共 15 分

30. 【简答题】

Part 3 (20*)

You have been asked to contribute an article on a science magazine. You have done some relevant research, and the followings are your notes. Write an article based
on your notes. Write between 180 and 220 words.

Factors causing city noise

-manufacturing industries

-build sound proof walls
-move factories to countryside


得 0 分 共 20 分

满分:50分 交卷时间: 限时 60.0分钟

Reading 50* (25 Questions – 60 minutes) (共25题 共50分)

31-37. 【拖拽题】 小题计分

Part 1(14*)
You are going to read a text about the founding of a city. Some sentences are missing from the text. Choose from the list (A-H) the most appropriate sentence for
each gap (1-7) in the text.


The woodlands were alive with color when William Penn arrived for the first time, in 1682. It was late October, still the best time of the year in the Northeast. But he

wasn’t there to admire the countryside. (1) He had already given it a name, of course. It was the same name as that of one of the early Christian

cities in Asia Minor which, when translated, means “City of Brotherly Love”. (2) Penn borrowed the name from them because it suited perfectly the

ideal community he had in mind.

The spot he picked, on the banks of the Delaware River, had a small harbor and a beach. (3) What he wanted, he said, was a “green country town”.

In his travels he had seen the great cities of Europe and hadn’t always liked what he saw. (4) His new city would have a plan for growth and that, he

was convinced, would make it one of the great cities of the world.

For openers, he ordered that Philadelphia would have no crooked streets. (5) He told his surveyors that he also wanted the roads to lead out of the

city, so that it would be convenient to reach other cities yet unbuilt. (6) He specified that no houses could be built within 200 paces of the harbor. (7)

And he asked that home builders center their structures on building lots “ there may be ground on each side for gardens, orchards or field, that it

may be a green country town which will never be burnt and will always be wholesome.”

【题号】 考生答案 备选项

F 得2
1 F
分共 2 分

B 得2
2 B
分共 2 分 A.They would all be straight and wide, and they would all lead to the river.
B.It had been taken by a religious group in England, whose beliefs were similar to those of the Quakers, for an
E 得2 ideal community they had hoped to establish.
3 E
分共 2 分 C.He pointed out that new streets would eventually have to be added and ordered that space be left for them
before any land was sold for building.
D.Before arriving in America, Penn sent a letter to the Indians which he ended “I am your loving friend.”
G 得2
4 G E.The land around it was high enough to provide a perfect place for a city and William Penn had a perfect city in
分共 2 分 mind.
F.There was work to be done; not least finding the right spot for the city that would be the centerpiece of his
A 得2 new colony.
5 A
G.He was also well aware of the cities that had already been established in the New World and knew they were
分共 2 分
growing without a plan.
H.So there would be plenty of room for a future commercial center.
C 得2
6 C
分共 2 分

H 得2
7 H
分共 2 分

试题解析: ---

38-44. 【复合题】

Part 2(14*)
Read part of an employee handout regarding working with businesses in other countries. For questions 8-14, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.

Like most companies in an increasingly globalised world, our firm does business with other firms abroad. Company cultures vary worldwide, and it is important for
delegates from our company to recognise how company culture overseas might be different from our own. This document will give you a brief guide to company culture
in the countries we associate with.

A. Russia
Until recently, people and businesses were oppressed by the state and this has affected people’s attitudes. It is not uncommon for laws to be ignored and taxes to go
unpaid. In some cases, only contracts between close personal friends are acknowledged. Therefore, networking is vital for successful business. Presently, the legal
situation in Russia is in a state of flux, with laws constantly being rewritten. Those that exist are often unenforceable. Most agreements are therefore made on a trust
basis, so it is vital that personal relationships do not break down. The management style is centralised and directive. Too much debate can indicate a lack of
decisiveness. Subordinates take orders from the ‘big boss’. Many westerners see this as a lack of initiative on the part of middle managers, but in actual fact, middle
managers have little power. Most delays occur because the question has not been presented to actual decision-maker. However, things are changing in Russia. The old
regime is gradually being replaced by western business style, and younger managers will have a much more modern approach than their older counterparts.

B. South Korea
South Korea is one of the world’s most successful economies, having seen five consecutive decades of high economic growth. When faced with adversity, South
Koreans change direction quickly and effectively. Despite the frantic economic growth, South Korean society is still very conservative and conformist due to the influence
of Confucian values. Companies are hierarchical and regimented and ‘face’ is very much valued. Consequently, change can sometimes be slow and painful. Managers
are paternalistic, authoritative figures who expect their instructions to be carried out obediently and respectfully. In return, they give their subordinates support and help,
not only in work issues but in home issues as well. Group harmony is important, so South Koreans avoid confrontation and blame, especially among people of equal
rank. Friendship is therefore vital to business success. The Korean saying 'make a friend first and a client second' sums this up exactly.

C. Australia
Australia has a relatively small population in relation to its vast size. Its geographic isolation and its small domestic market mean that international trade is essential to
guarantee future prosperity. Increasingly, this is done in countries in Asia rather than Commonwealth countries. Australian managers are not considered to have superior
status to other workers. Their jobs are just different. Authoritative management styles are not appreciated among Australian workers. Instead, managers adopt a more
consultative and inclusive style which encourages open debate. Challenging superiors is acceptable; indeed, it is a sign of commitment and professionalism. Outsiders
may consider such dialogues confrontational, but Australians regard them as effective ways to communicate ideas. Australian managers like to be seen as ‘one of the
boys’ and they are more likely to socialise with their team than segregate themselves and just mix with other managers.

In the last half century, Britain, like many industrialised countries, has moved away from heavy engineering towards service and high-tech industries. With this has come
a major shift in management style. Hierarchical systems have been swept aside and replaced by modern business models, heavily influenced by the US. The ‘job for life’
is rare. Neither managers nor junior workers expect to climb the corporate ladder within one company; rather, they manage their own career paths by progressing from
company to company. Such short-termism can be frustrating for outsiders. British managers tend to be generalists rather than specialists, and are not necessarily the
most technically competent person in the team. Instead, they are expected to have the necessary interpersonal skills to ensure the team works together effectively. They
cultivate a close and humorous relationship with subordinates, which may be considered too soft. Giving direct orders can be seen as impolite, so managers often make
indirect requests rather than explicit instructions, which is sometimes confusing for non-British people.
Which country is being referred to in the statements below?

38. 【单选题】 2分

8. “The people I deal with keep moving on to new jobs.”

A. Russia

B. South Korea

C. Australia


得2分共2分 正确答案 D

39. 【单选题】 2分

9. “Unless you’re friends, they may not honour your agreement.”

A. Russia

B. South Korea

C. Australia


得2分共2分 正确答案 A

40. 【单选题】 2分

10. “It’s frustrating because the official regulations keep changing.”

A. Russia

B. South Korea

C. Australia


得2分共2分 正确答案 A

41. 【单选题】 2分

11. “Disagreements between colleagues are frowned upon.”

A. Russia

B. South Korea

C. Australia


得2分共2分 正确答案 B

42. 【单选题】 2分

12. “The manager and another member of staff had a huge disagreement in the meeting, and no-one seemed to care.”

A. Russia

B. South Korea

C. Australia


得2分共2分 正确答案 C

43. 【单选题】 2分

13. “They weren’t terribly charming – they just wanted to get on with making the deal.”

A. Russia

B. South Korea

C. Australia


得2分共2分 正确答案 C

44. 【单选题】 2分

14. “I expected the manager to have more technical knowledge than he actually did.”

A. Russia

B. South Korea

C. Australia


得2分共2分 正确答案 D

45-50. 【拖拽题】 小题计分

Part 3(12*)
The reading passage has six sections 15-20. Choose the most suitable heading for each section from the list below.



Most of us have dreamed of what it would be like to suddenly find ourselves in possession of a large sum of money – for example, a lottery win, or an unexpected
inheritance from a long lost relative – and have imagined what we would do with the money. Many of us, depending on the size of the windfall and the advice of our
accountants, might set aside some money to help those less fortunate than ourselves or to give to a deserving cause. After that we would probably spend it on cars,
private jets and houses in countries around the world so that we can enjoy summer all year long.


But have you ever imagined things going the other way? Suddenly, you lose all that you have: job, house, car, savings, and any safety nets such as health and pension
schemes. You will have the equivalent of about $1.25 a day to live on, which is one level at which the poverty line is drawn. That’s what’s called “absolute poverty”. It is
estimated that at least 3 billion people live on less than the equivalent of $1.25 a day – that’s not far off half the total world population.


Then there’s “relative poverty”, which is slightly harder to define, especially if you live in a developed western democracy that has a functioning welfare system, as it is
largely based on comparisons within a given country. If relative poverty means not having an acceptable level of income compared with other people in the same
country, then this can lead to comparisons that would not make sense to a person living in poverty in an African village.


In an affluent society, this relative deprivation could mean that you lack, say, a fridge-freezer, your own means of transport, a computer or the resources to acquire them
– as one report claimed. What were once considered luxury items are now thought of as essential. It is when this sort of poverty is compared with that of the poorest
nations that such measurements seem strange. Making do without a fridge-freezer or a car is a long way from searching in a landfill, not just for items to clean up and
make use of or possibly sell on, but for something to eat.


But it’s not just lack of material possessions and cash that define poverty. It must be obvious that not having these resources cuts you off from so much else – from
opportunities to improve your situation, from full participation in society. It also has an effect on a person’s pride and dignity. It is the poor that suffer most from
malnutrition, lack of education and health problems.


The poor are always with us, as the saying goes. And they are becoming more visible – not just because we are more aware of the problem of world poverty than before.
It is also because the gap between rich and poor in affluent countries is getting wider. That means poverty is beginning to be felt by many people who thought that it was
a problem that existed only in far-away countries.

【题号】 考生答案 正确答案 备选项

1 B 得 2 分共 2 分 B

2 I 得 2 分共 2 分 I A.Not Where I Live

B.Dream On
C.An Everlasting Problem
3 D 得 0 分共 2 分 F D.There’s No Comparison
E.Having Fewer Chances In Life
4 F 得 0 分共 2 分 D F.Measuring Poverty
G.Necessary Luxuries
H.Not in your favor
5 E 得 2 分共 2 分 E I.Put Yourself In Their Place

6 C 得 2 分共 2 分 C

试题解析: ---

51-55. 【完形填空题】

Part 4(10*)
For question 21-25, read the text below and decide which answer best fit each gap.

The Golden Gate Bridge

The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco achieved worldwide fame almost immediately after its completion in 1937, not just because it was a technical masterpiece but

also as a result of its elegant design. The eye-catching orange-red colour of the bridge also 21. .

Construction of the road bridge started in 1933. At the time, many people doubted whether it was 22. to span the 1,600-metre-wide strait. But

despite this, the project went ahead. There is also a sidewalk for pedestrians on the bridge but it's 23. to walk across it. For a start, it is three

kilometres long and 67 metres above sea level. In extreme weather conditions, the bridge can sway almost eightmetres,which can 24. .

The Golden Gate Bridge is 25. in the morning when it is often shrouded by mist. At night, it's also spectacular because the lighting makes it seem as

if the towers are disappearing into the darkness. The bridge has long since its record of being the longest bridge but it is still one of the world's most famous landmarks.

【题号】 考生答案 正确答案 试题解析

A.boosted its popularity

1 B.intensified its function A ---

C.developed a new style

A.technically possible

2 B.probably right A ---

C.finacially worthwhile

A.extremely hazardous

3 B.quite a challenge B ---

C.a demanding task

A.generate more interest

4 B.make the crossing unpleasant B --- an immersive experience

A.much more pleasurable

5 its most enchanting B ---

C.a dramatic scenary

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