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52024,8:S1 AM ‘Oxfocd- Aim High $ Students Book Pages 150 - Flip PDF Dowload! FipHTMLS GRAMMAR REFERENCE 3 Conditionals without if + Thee ae sever expressions that havea sina meaning to ifin conditional sentences. + The expressions imegine (had, suppose and supposing (hat) ae used to talk about what might be the outcome ofa Ipotetel situation. + These expressions are used with and and 3 conditional sentences, and always tequie tao sentences. The fist ofthese contains the condition atthe begining ofthe Sentence. The second expresses the outcome eagine Ghat yo wn 1 iin Yui be ver eh land conditional “Suppose ht et yu atthe een You wd have bre te 10 get home, (3rd conditional) hat) yu de ae wa wa way do 8 i? land conditional + The expressions as /so long as, on condition that and ‘provided (hat) | providing are used 1 make acondtion. + These expressions are used in al types of conditional structures, and lnk wo causes in a single sentenc 1 cae wath yu 9 tl 36/0 Tong a8 te areas ‘ot [est conditional 14 do aging nlp provided hat oe lg {2nd condtionall {wou have | leat hin my new M73 player providing be det ‘onan my i ne Br Conditional + The expressions es / so long os, canton and provided (tha) providing are generally not followed by would. These ‘expressions occ fequenty in mixed conditional ‘he ha eed pre eon condition hal (compe fe ‘oe [mined conditional NOT she hae agra to porte meen codon (ha) weld epee he rac If only... + sFonlyisa stronger form of wish, and expresses a desire for 4 situation tobe ifferent. The tenses or structures that follow by whether we are refering tothe pas, ‘+ Ina sentence with more than one clause, Fonly usually appears fst as a Subordinate clause. The main cause uses a ‘verb inthe conltional form: either would «infinitive or would + have + past participle. * ‘only « past simple refers tothe present on we ad moe te, we vl tat ath the match, ( but we don'thave more time, so we won't stay to watch the match) 96 Grammar Reference Unit naps ph. comvouniipavasic When fonyisfotowed bythe past simple of be, tis ‘common to use were rather than was inthe fst and third perso singul 1 ony ofr weet sion woul ton ach betr (© but he stubborn, so we dont get along very well) ‘only + would + lintve refers othe future AC on Cle weld war rc ct, the wou el ere covet («but she won't wear nicer clothes, so she won't feel conidend ‘ont + past perfect ees tothe past {ony we to rose 3 mp ve woulda ve gt et (@ butwe did't bring a map, so we did get ist) ‘We can use might or could inthe main clase. {Cony tot et, could st the mastum indy on 2 bot 3p, might fe gi et ‘font can appear in a simple, one-lause sentence, without anexpressedouteome. {Cony ys seul ep mar (i general in future) {ony ned or, In genera) Aon yuh Inj tre (na specie past situation) Sometimes the outcome appears ina separate sentence. ony he wr wld se while tt eed so mach pal we cde on a dene ae ows 52024,8:S1 AM ‘Oxfocd- Aim High $ Students Book Pages 150 - Flip PDF Dowload! FipHTMLS GRAMMAR BUILDER 3 1 Choose the correct sentence in each pa 4A Imagine that you tived tobe 150, you'd have lots of memories! — B Imagine that you tved to be 150. You'd have lots of memories! — 2 A meet Lee. Provided that you come with me. — B Filmeet Lee provided that you come with me. — 3K My parents ony let us goto the theatre on condition that we gota taxi home. — 8 My parents only let us go to the theatre on condition that we would get a taxi home. — 4K Suppose you were asked tobe inthe schoo! play. Would you do it? — 1B Suppose that you were asked to be inthe school play. Would you do it? — 5A Welltellyou the secret providing that you don’t repeat itto anyone. — 8 Welltll you the secret providing you don’t repeat it to anyone. — 6 A Supposing that we hadn't found your jumper. thad been lost forever. — {8 Supposing that we hadn't found your jumper It would belost forever. — 2 Complete the sentences withthe words in the box. More than one answer is possible 1 —__that we ved ina cold country Lite would be so ‘much diferent. 2 You can watch the game so long interrupt. 3 "et him ide my bike ‘main oad. 4 He was oni allowed to have the key on condition he didn't lose it. 5 you were invisibie, What would you do fst? 6 ‘She can have some sweets ‘she doesnt eat too ‘many. 7 You can dive acar long as you have a licence 8 __what the world was like before electricity. ‘We'd have been accustomed to ving in much darker conditions, 3 Complete the sentences with had / hadn't, would / wouldn't cordoesn't/ didn’. 1 Imagine that you. won last week's competition. What you have done withthe prize money? 2 Supposing Dad met Mum. I wonder who they have martied instead? 3 She only agreed to spend the summer in France on ‘condition that her brother go too. 4 He could have come on the picnic providing he brought some food. 5 Imagine you Ihave to go to School Do you think you—__get bored? 6 Tilbe able to buy Sarah's present as long as it you don't that he did't go near a naps ph. comvouniipavasic cost too much, 7. Suppose our team bottom of the league. win on Saturday. We'll be '8 We told everyone thatthe barbecue goahead provided that train ‘Match the halves ofthe 4 we could have gone for a sentences. walkin the hil 1 ifonlyyou'd passed be might meet up more your test, often. 2 lWonly! hadn't forgotten € we could have spent more to bring my boos, time inthe park. 3 \fonly whoever took my would stop taking the bike would eturn i, train. 4 Honlywellved nearerto we could allget outside each other, and enjoy the countryside. 5 Ionlythis weather were {you would have been able abitwarmer, To take us down to Devon. 6 only therain had stopped earlier, ‘Complete the sentences withthe correct form ofthe verb In brackets, 1 tfontyyou. (help) your dad, You would both finish painting the living rom inno time. 2 only we (at ty) to cary that big vase, we ‘wouldn't have dropped it. 3 only your sister. (wort) as hard as ou. She'd ‘get better marks. 4 Tonly everyone in the world would try to get on it (be) a happier place to lve. 5 IFonly you looked after your golish mo (not have) to do it. 6 fon we. (not buy the wrong ingredients, ‘we'd have been able to make the cake, 7 only people ‘(put their rubbish inthe bins, the steets wouldn't be so diy, 88 Fonly your granddad hadn't read all his books by asa child, he (Gat have) such poor Rewrite the sentences using fonly, and making the necessary changes to the tenses, 1 We didn't phone her, so she didn't know we'd be lat. 2 Fmallergic to seafood, so can't eat mussels or lobsters. 3. My brother doesn’t tidy his oom, so Mum has todo it ‘4 Our team arent very g00d, so they don’t win alot of matches. 5 Jake and! had an argument, so we arent friends any 6 Lisa doesn'thave any hobbies, so she's often bored. 7 | bought lts of CDs atthe weekend, so I don’t have any money now. {8 Caroline doesnt study, so she will ot get good marks in her exams, Grammar Builder Unit) 99 a3

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