One Word

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One-word substitution

1. Hangar- a large building with an extensive floor area, typically for housing aircraft.
2. Incorrigible- incapable of being corrected
3. Illegible- incapable of being read
4. Honorary- holding office without remunaration
5. Matricide- the killing of one's mother
6. Patricide- the killing of one's father
7. Fratricide- the killing of one's brother or sister
8. Fragile- easily broken
9. Fatal- causing death
10. Edible- fit to be eaten
11. Emigrant- a person who leaves their own country in order to settle permanently in another
12. Encyclopedia- a book that contains about various subjects
13. Elegy- poem of lamentation
14. Mint- a place where coins are made
15. Misogynist- a hater of womankind
16. Namesake- a person having same name as another
17. Nostalgia- a strong desire to return to home
18. Optimist- one who looks at the brighter side of life
19. Pessimist- one who looks at the darker side of life
20. Philanthropist- a lover of mankind
21. Philatelist- collector of stamps
22. Panacea- remedy for all diseases
23. Stable- a place for horses
24. Utopia- an imaginary perfect social and political system
25. Cardiologist- doctor who specializes in the study or treatment of heart diseases
26. Chauffeur- a person employed to drive a private or hired car
27. Herbivorous- one, who lives on herbs
28. Carnivorous- one, who lives on flesh
29. Inaudible- a sound that cannot be heard
30. Atheist- one who does not believe in God
31. Anthropologist- one, who studies the evolution of mankind
32. Autocracy- government by one person
33. Amphibian- animals which live both on land and sea
34. Ambidexter- one, who can use either of the hand with ease
35. Amateur- a man who does a thing for pleasure and not as a profession
36. Bibliophile- a lover and collector of books
37. Curator- a person incharge of a museum
38. Crusade- a religious war
39. Calligraphist- a person, who writes beautiful handwriting
40. Veteran- one, who has a long experience of any occupation
41. Bouquet- a collection of flowers
42. Cannibal- one, who feeds on human flesh
43. Fauna- the animals of a certain region
44. Flora- the plants of a certain region
45. Monogamy- a practice of marrying one at a time
46. Somnambulist- a person who walks in sleep
47. Volunteer- one who offers one’s services
48. Martyr- one who dies for a noble cause
49. Linguist- one who is skilled in foreign languages
50. Orphanage- a home for orphans

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