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How to eat like a celebrity

]ust before an important film shoot (like an intimate scene or a song where the hero
lounges on the beach looking toned and buff) an actor's diet gets particularly
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We asked vrinda Nehta, nutritionist to celebrities like Abhishek and Amitabh Bachchan, Karan
]ohar and Kajol how we can get our bodies Bollywood ready in just 3 days and we've decided to
let you in on the secret.

ay 1
arly morning: 2 glasses of hot water + 1Sml aloe vera juice
Breakfast: An omelet of 3 egg whites
Nid Norning: 1 fruit (orange/slice of water melon/ papaya)+ 1 cup of green tea
Lunch: 3 multi grain chapattis + Palak chicken
Tea Time: 1 cup green tea
Late evening: 1 small bowl of a mixed sprouts salad
inner: Chicken Tikka (upto 4 medium pieces or 6 small) + &alad (Cucumber + Onions +
Tomato mixed in curd)
Bed Time: 1 cup skimmed milk

ay 2
arly morning: 2 glasses of hot water + 1Sml of aloevera juice
Breakfast: 1 bowl of muesli with skimmed milk
Nid Norning: 1 fruit (orange/slice of water melon/ papaya) + 1 cup of green tea
Lunch: 1 small bowl whole wheat or multi grain pasta in red sauce and chicken + salad + low
fat oghurt
Tea Time: 1 cup green tea
Late evening: 2 oatmeal cookies (sugar free)
inner: grilled chicken in herbs and pepper + 1 bowl of salad
Bed Time: 1 cup skimmed milk

ay 3
arly morning: 2 glasses of hot water + 1Sml Aloe vera
Breakfast: 2 idlis + 1 small bowl of sambhar
Nid Norning: 1 fruit (orange/slice of water melon/ papaya) + 1 cup of green tea
Lunch: 1 small bowl of brown rice + Rajma or dal + salad
Tea Time: 1 cup green tea
Late evening: Roasted chickpeas with masala (2 tbsp)
inner: 1 paneer bhurji sandwich in multi grain bread
Bed Time: 1 cup soy milk (unsweetened)

(For vegetarians chicken can be replaced with soya in the form of granules or chunks or can be
replaced by daals or low fat paneer or tofu)
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Ultimate Beauty Foods 17 hours ago
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II dieting has neve7 been you7 Io7te then continue 7eading, because when it comes to enviably
smooth, blemish-I7ee skin, what you put into you7 Iace is just as impo7tant as what you put on
to it. So in the eIIo7t to achieve Ioundation-I7ee holiday skin, the beach expe7ts ove7 at Beach
Tomato tu7ned to Wellness Expe7t, Ruben Taba7es, a nut7itionist who knows a sca7y amount
about healthy eating and all-7ound Iitness. So he7e is thei7 list oI the ultimate skin-I7iendly
supe7Ioods. So, keep you7 I7idge Iull oI these nut7itious wonde7s and eat you7selI beautiIul...
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.erola Cherries - These little supe7Ioods oI yumminess a7e Ii7stly high in vitamins A and
B both vital Io7 a healthy-looking, smooth, clea7 complexion. Don`t unde7 estimate thei7
size; they have 65 times mo7e vitamin C than an o7ange which plays an integ7al 7ole in
st7engthening and healing skin - a key ally against both acne and w7inkles.
Cantaloupe Melon - The supe7man oI antioxidant enzymes, Supe7oxide Dismutase is Iound
in Cantaloupe Melons and is Iamous Io7 Iighting oII the eIIects oI I7ee 7adicals p7otecting
you against p7ematu7e ageing (hu77ah).
;o.ado - Avocados a7e bu7sting Iull oI beauty beneIits, but a7e known best Io7 thei7 anti-
aging p7ope7ties, which they get I7om the antioxidant glutathione. They also contain lutein,
which has been p7oven to help hyd7ate the skin and help with its elasticity and although they
a7e noto7iously Iatty, it`s supe7-good Iat, so get munching.
'egetable 1ui.e - Okay so it's not exactly a Iood, but combining the most beneIicial skin
nut7ients, such as cele7y, cucumbe7, spinach, ca77ots and apple in one delicious juice, is one
oI the best things you can do Io7 you7 skin. Aside I7om the multitude oI vitamins you will be
consuming, it is also high in sulphu7 which is a vital constituent oI ke7atin and collagen, so
not only will you7 skin glow, but you7 hai7 and nails will be smoothe7 and st7onge7 I7om the
inside out.
Water - Okay anothe7 liquid within the list and an obvious one too, but an essential one at
that. AIte7 losing two lit7es oI wate7s at night th7ough loss oI moistu7e it is vital to 7eplenish
this with th7ee to Iou7 lit7es oI wate7 eve7y day. This wate7 will help you detoxiIy and ideally
should be sp7ing wate7 I7om a bottle, but tap will do the t7ick.
So Iill you7 t7olleys and pack you7 I7idges Iull oI these supe7Iood-goodies to get you on you7
way to beach body pe7Iection, both inside and out. And iI you`7e heading oII to catch some
winte7 sun, then check out Beach Tomato`s t7ied-and-tested th7ee-day detox to whip you into
Want to cheat that pe7Iect skin? Check out ou7 top 10 new Ioundations
Check out Beach Tomato's guide to inne7 health

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